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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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15 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

Geez Alina, you're not too invested yet.  Just go home. You'll have your picks of thousands, millions of men and many who won't mind if you drink coffee or wine.

Again, wine is not a biggie with me but tell ME  I can't drink coffee??  Actually, just because wine, to me, is not an issue, just because you just said I can't?  Wine in a box tonight, friends!!!!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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3 minutes ago, charmed1 said:


7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Another one traumatized by a minor car accident like Asuelu 


7 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Looks as bad as Ansuelu’ scar accident 

Don’t forget Tania the non-seatbelt wearer!


I did think of her, but she actually got injured

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2 hours ago, greekmom said:

Bitch please.

You've been in India for like what? A few years now.

Learn some Hindi.

A few years in "show timeline" LOL. Seriously though, Hindi is fucking difficult. I left there after 6 months knowing maybe 10 short phrases I could pull off somewhat intelligibly. And Google Translate is really bad with some languages, esp. the ones of non-European origin.

Edited by Trackdawg
चिकन लेडी
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Just now, Trackdawg said:

A few years in "show timeline" LOL. Seriously though, Hindi is fucking difficult. I left there after 6 months knowing maybe 10 short phrases I could pull off somewhat intelligibly. And Google Translate is really bad with some languages, esp. the one of non-European origin.

But my friend you learned 10 short phrases in 6 months. That's an accomplishment.

Bitch has been down there since before covid. That's at least 3 years. She should have some basics down.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Steven is such an asshole. He reminds me of a young Ed. Plays cute and quirky but in reality is a gaslighting prick.

He’s the opposite of quirky. He’s such a cliche that there is nothing original or interesting about him.


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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

But my friend you learned 10 short phrases in 6 months. That's an accomplishment.

Bitch has been down there since before covid. That's at least 3 years. She should have some basics down.

And she intends to live the rest of her life there.

To her credit, she did almost learn the Hare Krishna chant after 120 times.

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2 minutes ago, greekmom said:

But my friend you learned 10 short phrases in 6 months. That's an accomplishment.

Bitch has been down there since before covid. That's at least 3 years. She should have some basics down.


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"Come on, baby. Are you serious? You know I love you!" is on page 1 of the Manipulative Asshole Manual. Unless Alina wants a lifetime of gaslighting like, "Her wanting me to delete my social media is more about her insecurities than about strengthening our relationship," she'll pack her stuff and head home to Russia. 

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13 minutes ago, LEILANI2 said:

If he deletes it, he can easily add it again, wash rinse repeat.  Alina is dumb.

I'm getting triggered (not by your words @LEILANI2). SteVen is way too much like the gaslighting, emotionally-abusive, cybersex addicted slime bucket that I married. I may have to bail early folks....it's humiliating to watch someone else jump through the same hopeless hoops that I did 10 years ago. 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Gunsmith? Are you married to Tim? 

Ha ha ha....no.  My hubs has been involved in gunsmithing for over 45 years, has a side hustle.  Our lower level of our house is his shop.  He looked at Tim's store and.....was not impressed.

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6 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Is Amy getting smaller or is Tammy getting larger?

From the season preview clip I saw, I bet Tammy is 750-800 lbs, and Amy looks pregnant again to me.   Amy lost a lot of weigh, and then immediately got pregnant.   Dr. Proctor (her surgeon) wasn't happy.  I can only imagine how hard it was to find a local weight loss doctor for the two women, and an OB for a super high risk pregnancy like Amy's.  

The sisters are going to keep ignoring medical advice until there's "A Very Special Episode" involving one or two hearses, and a procession. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Hi, everyone! I actually made it! Hope all are well!

Sumit's mother is acting like a shrew. Mocking her while she attempts to cook in a language she does not understand. Then outright lying, saying she had no interest in learning how to cook. Expecting her to already know rules you haven't attempted to teach her yet. "You need to learn this that and the other," as if with time she won't catch on. Well, you have to be willing to teach and not act as if she is hopeless.

I'm not a big fan of Jenny, but I think this is cruel. And I don't care about "tradition" or "this is custom here." It's just plain wrong. I really hate when people who have been put through traumatic traditional customs take the attitude "I had to endure it and now so do you."

Steven, refusing to take responsibility for chatting with Masha. No surprise. Then has the audacity to shift the blame to Alina. "I'm really offended you set me up." Bug off, bub.

Edited by renatae
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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Is it a coincidence that the new seasons of “1000 Pound Sisters” and “My 600 Lb. Life” are both back right before Thanksgiving? 

My 600 Pound Life is back? Oh joy! I miss the Wednesday night live chats. I have no life. 

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