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S03.E01: The Prisoner / S03.E02: The Cloak Of Duplication

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So good to be back!

The Prisoner

And it starts almost exactly where we left off: Guillermo killed so many vampires and the gang is afraid Gizmo will kill them. Of course they can't even imprison someone, as the cell has a broken panel that Guillermo leaves every morning to do his job. At least he's aware that he's codependent. I also love that they think Guillermo eats raw chicken and Yoo-hoo (when really he eats burgers with a knife and fork).

The vamps got a promotion to Vampiric Council of Eastern Seaboard thanks to Guillermo killing all those vampires. We got to see Viago again, even if it was via VHS (Vizar). I love that the only thing Laszlo remembers about the Judgment room was Wesley Snipes on the laptop.

Man, what is up with Colin Robinson these days? He DOES seem like the type to happily sift through crap, though. Loved him trying to prod Guillermo, and getting Guillermo to meow.

So yeah, loved all the little rituals the gang has. They're just making it all up as they go along, aren't they? They punctuate the Quadruple Hypnosis with "THE END!"

I am looking forward to the Vamps playing Game of Thrones for the Vampiric Council. I do like that Laszlo wanted no part of being on the throne. "I became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever." Amen.

The Cloak of Duplication

Man, that set is amazing. Love that Laszlo loved the archive because it has the largest and oldest collection of porn. This show had me at The Knobnomicon. This fucking show.

I like that we're gonna get some development on Colin! He's turning 100 and wants to know his origins. I loved him meeting the young energy vampire. He talks about weed, shoes, and camera drones. Yeah, THAT'S exactly how a Gen Z energy vampire works. Maybe sprinkle in a little Joe Rogan talk and you'd be able to feed for decades.

...Guillermo is totally gonna kill The Sire, isn't he? You don't introduce an ancient vampire behind a door you shouldn't open and assume that door will eventually be opened.

Loved Colin Robinson trying to "woo" Meg in Nandor's place. Trying to get Laszlo involved was a good choice, but he quote "couldn't get fucked." Colin would of course try negging. But holy crap, was that actually Kayvan speaking as all the others posing as himself and it wasn't dubbed over? That's incredible. Well, Nadja's voice was definitely dubbed over.

Edited by Galileo908
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The Knobnomicon. 🤣😂🤣Glad to see Doll Nadja is still around. I hope we find out how Colin Robinson became an energy vampire. I’m so glad the gang are back. I freaking love this show!

4 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So, if Viago spoke accurately, Lazlo's real name is Leslie, and Colin is Jewish?

Well, Lazlo is English. I bet Nadja gave him the name “Lazlo.”

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Good to have the show back. I didn't have any LOL moments, but that's probably on me. Good thing I use the DVR so I can rewatch.

I don't get why Guillermo still wants to become a vampire. Clearly, he went in for the romance . . .but he's been taking care of those three (not counting Colin Robinson) for years. Yeah, they're powerful and dangerous, but they're not really sharp. Or maybe this season unlocked Gizmo's ability to sneak in and out of places. I haven't decided whether it's sweet or sad that he sneaked out of his cage to clean up after them.

"Suck Blood, Fuck Forever." That should've been the tagline for The Lost Boys. Thanks, Leslie! Also, Lazlo's not seeking power means more of Nandor and Nadja trying to outsmart each other. Also, more of Colin Robinson (always have to use the full name; it's "A Pimp Named Slickback" situation) waiting for those two to kill each other so he can swoop in and take the throne.

Guillermo is mostly immune to vampire hypnosis. That's funny. He could probably take over leadership without the main three know it (sorry, Colin Robinson), but I think his soft spot is way too big. Or maybe it's a long-term Stockholm Syndrome thing.

Nandor looks good working out. Great that it's a 24-hour gym and no one notices the lack of reflection. Asking Lazlo to help him woo the counter lady? Not smart, and that's even if Lazlo didn't dump the Cloak on Colin Robinson.

47 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

But holy crap, was that actually Kayvan speaking as all the others posing as himself and it wasn't dubbed over? That's incredible. Well, Nadja's voice was definitely dubbed over.

I thought it was all dubbed.

25 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Colin Robinson must know how old he was when he first realized he could drain people. Were his parents perpetually exhausted around him?

I like the implication that energy vampires might . . . just happen. No origin stories. They just come into existence ready to bore people to death, and they have no idea about how they became energy vampires.

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Glad the show is finally back!

While he clearly still considers him inferior compared to actual vampires, I did like that Nandor was the one pushing back against the rest over just killing Guillermo, because I do think in his own weird way, Nandor really does care for him (even it's more on a property or even pet like level.)  Of course, it turns out that not only is the gang incapable of actually building a successful prison cage, but they don't even see that their hypnosis doesn't work on him (never did, actually!)  Lucky for them, Guillermo still seems to consider them family and continues to help out.  Even gets promoted to bodyguard, although as of now, it doesn't seem all that different...

Of course the gang somehow falls upward and gets promoted to Vampire Council now!  And it looks like Nandor and Nadja are duking it out to be top vamp (Laszlo wisely sits that one out.)  Right now, it definitely looks like Nadja's more ruthless approach is working better than Nandor's surprising attempts at diplomacy, but I wonder if they are setting it up for it to eventually get out of hand.

The duplication cloak was a fun bit.  I know the voices were dubbed over, but I enjoyed Kayvan Novak's interpretations of each character.  Colin Robinson would naturally attempt negging, ugh.

I could listen to Matt Berry read titles of ancient pornographic books for hours.

Viago appearance!  Always great seeing Taikia Waititi!

Can't wait to see how this season goes!

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So happy this show is back! Kayvan was definitely my MVP for the night for having to impersonate each of the other characters. That was hilarious! And I love his workout pants. Please show more of Nandor working out and intimidating the other gym goers. Laszlo was also cracking me up with his deep dive into the pornography collection (and finding Aristotle's lost Poetics II), and I think Matt Berry looks great with the slightly longer hair this season.

1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

I don't get why Guillermo still wants to become a vampire.

When he was disguised as Nandor and chatting with Meg at the coffee shop, she picked up on a vibe that "Nandor" has a crush on his "work friend," so maybe that will become a thing. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Guillermo felt some attraction to Nandor, even if it's in an unhealthy co-dependent way.

1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Glad to see Doll Nadja is still around.

Me too! I thought the witches' goat had killed her last season when it ransacked the house, but I'm glad to see her alive and well, and still having Nadja's back during house meetings.

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Colin "Rubenstein" Robinson is Jewish?

Nah, that was them not bothering to remember Guillermo's last name. Taika was a nice surprise. The lines of communication run; ravens, phone, personally delivered VCR tape. The assistant, clerk?, doesn't realize she could dump the billing problems on Guillermo. Although I would love to hear her having that conversation with ConEd.

I actually did LOL at "Say hello to my little friend." That was totally the perfect line in the perfect spot. I expect we'll see him again at some point. Will Nandor and Nadja have a knock down, drag-out fight over being the Supreme Leader? Hissing, flying, hair pulling and all I hope. Nadja will win because she's actually the biggest badass.

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Welcome back you fuck-ing guyz!

Putting the vampires on the Council is a such a clever way of getting them and Guillermo out from under the death sentence. And it gives them so many new possibilities for storylines. I’m really looking forward to Nandor v Nadja and their version of Game of Thrones. And Guillermo the Vampire Slayer has a new FU attitude. Wonder how long he’s going to keep taking shit from the vampires before he decides to remind them what he is capable of.  

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I laughed big time when Nandor, Nadja, and Lazslo tried to deflect blame for Guillermo.  First it was "our familiar", and then it was "Nandor's familiar".

I wondered how Guillermo survived if the vampires forgot when the last time he was fed and he had enough power to film himself!  It was hilarious that the vampires never figured out he was getting out of his cage.  Though it looked like Nandor had something jammed in the door to prevent it from opening.  Not sure how Guillermo left the room.

I laughed when Nadja just threw the food through the cage in fear of getting too close.  I laughed louder when Nandor tried to give Guillermo a "treat" of spoiled chicken.

In the second episode, I laughed when Lazslo just sat in the library while Guillermo fell into the room.  He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.  It would be interesting if it turns out that Guillermo is in love with Nandor.

Nadja was cold-blooded, just ripping out that Urban Planning vampire's heart.  Her wording is random and hilarious - "big wet pussy" was unexpected.

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Great having the show back, and it looks like this season is going to be just as good as the last two. The roommates taking over for the local chapter of the vampire counsel is a fun way to get the execution pardoned and move onto a new story with a lot of new potential set ups for comedy, like Nandor and Nadja fighting over who is going to be the head vampire. Of course, I am betting pretty hard on Nadja taking the throne, she doesn't mess around. I am also really psyched to get to see the first sire behind the door, and hoping we get to see Taikia Waititi again, he's always a treat.

I love how Guillermo has basically became a really badass version of Jim from The Office, sharing amused long suffering glances at the camera as he deals with his ridiculous co-workers, especially when the vampire's were trying to hypnotize him, unaware that he's been immune to hypnotism for ages. Guillermo might still not be a vampire, but at least he's been upgraded from familiar to body guard, which pretty much seems to be the same thing as a familiar, but its something at least. Its weirdly sweet that Nandor was sticking up for Guillermo and spent most of the first episode trying to convince the other roommates not to kill him, he does really care about Guillermo in his own weird way. 

I love that the main thing Laszlo remembers from their trail was that Wesley Snipes was on the computer, which really is a pretty memorable thing to see. And that he has zero desire to actually be on the vampire counsel or sit in the big chair, that seems very on brand. He just wants to fuck and drink blood forever, while also reading some quality ancient porn damn it. 

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So, if Viago spoke accurately, Lazlo's real name is Leslie, and Colin is Jewish?

I just took that to mean he didn't bother to remember their names. Like how they kept saying Guillermo's name was Greenberg and Guillermo kept looking at the camera and shaking his head every time.

I don't think I understand how they got to be the new Vamipiric Council though if Viago knows they (or Guillermo) killed all the other vampires. Even Kristen Schaal said she didn't get it so I guess that's the joke. (BTW, I just looked this up and her character has no name. It's "the Guide/the Floating Woman" and she didn't even float this episode.)


"I became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever."

 I think an earlier episode suggested that Nadja turned him against his will, though. Or that he didn't realize what she was doing at the time.

I just loved the whole setup with Guillermo being imprisoned but then having it turn out he was easily getting in and out of his cage every day and kept cleaning the house. They're all such idiots. 

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16 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I don't get why Guillermo still wants to become a vampire. Clearly, he went in for the romance . . .but he's been taking care of those three (not counting Colin Robinson) for years. Yeah, they're powerful and dangerous, but they're not really sharp. Or maybe this season unlocked Gizmo's ability to sneak in and out of places. I haven't decided whether it's sweet or sad that he sneaked out of his cage to clean up after them.

I figured it was summed up to his reaction to putting on the cloak. "I can fly now!" 

And also that he's wanted it for so long that he hasn't realized he doesn't want it anymore.

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Kayvan Novak was not dubbed during the Colin Robinson, Lazlo, Guillermo duplications, right?  That was his impression of those actors impersonating Nandor, right?  I think the brief moments when Nadja and the Guide wore the Cloak, those voices were dubbed.  

And if so, good god I could not love this show more.

Also, Nadja is proved she is the supreme leader with that Indiana Jones Temple of Doom move  

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It had not been clearly established before that ripping out a vampire's heart will kill them. Wooden stakes, sunlight, burning. A heart shouldn't matter, they're already dead, blood's not pumping, etc. Or maybe blood does still circulate because otherwise, no erections.


It would be interesting if it turns out that Guillermo is in love with Nandor.

I think they all but spelled out in the conversation between Guillermo-as-Nandor and the receptionist that he's got some kind of crush on Nandor. Whether that's a man crush, a romantic crush, or what has yet to be shown. He was Nandor's familiar for 10 years and came to save them all by slaughtering the Vampiric Council, that seems far and above the duties of just a familiar.

Hope we see Sam the Cat again this season.

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I hope I wasn’t the only one who hit the pause button to get a better look at the porn! 😏

We did and it was hilarious that there weren’t any actual sexual positions being shown they were just making weird poses. 😂 

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28 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:


On 9/2/2021 at 10:09 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

And Lazlo thinks Guillermo's last name is Greenberg. 

Greenberg de la Cruz.


Lazlo said Greenberg (because..? Why not) and Guillermo corrected with de la Cruz. So that became Guillermo Greenberg de la Cruz, which is absurdly perfect.

23 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Good to have the show back. I didn't have any LOL moments, but that's probably on me. Good thing I use the DVR so I can rewatch.

 Definitely rewatch, because all I did was LOL. I love this show so fucking much.

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23 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

We did and it was hilarious that there weren’t any actual sexual positions being shown they were just making weird poses. 😂 

The illustrations for The Knobnomicon (love that!) were funny. One looked like a walking penis with chicken feet.

I rewatched the Cloak of Duplication. Guillermo cracking up while getting Nandor to talk about making “number two” made me crack up.

On 9/3/2021 at 7:40 PM, Vermicious Knid said:

It had not been clearly established before that ripping out a vampire's heart will kill them. Wooden stakes, sunlight, burning. A heart shouldn't matter, they're already dead, blood's not pumping, etc. Or maybe blood does still circulate because otherwise, no erections.

I think they all but spelled out in the conversation between Guillermo-as-Nandor and the receptionist that he's got some kind of crush on Nandor. Whether that's a man crush, a romantic crush, or what has yet to be shown. He was Nandor's familiar for 10 years and came to save them all by slaughtering the Vampiric Council, that seems far and above the duties of just a familiar.

Hope we see Sam the Cat again this season.

I would think it would since driving a wooden stake through the heart kills them. BTW, Anne Rice vampires, the males anyway, couldn’t have erections because of no blood circulation. In any case, I loved it when Nadja ripped that twerp’s heart out.

Edited by LittleIggy
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So, if Viago spoke accurately, Lazlo's real name is Leslie, and Colin is Jewish?

I stand corrected. It does appear that Laszlo's real name is "Leslie" and Nadja is using a variant of that name. They captioned the names as he was reading them and "Laszlo" was in quote marks. 


 Definitely rewatch, because all I did was LOL. I love this show so fucking much.

I find I need to watch each episode twice. The characters are always talking over each other and you miss a lot of gems in the dialogue because of it. I also turn on closed captioning for the rewatch. During the scene when they are watching the video tape, the camera cuts to their reactions while Viago is talking to someone off camera so you miss a lot of what he's saying. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I stand corrected. It does appear that Laszlo's real name is "Leslie" and Nadja is using a variant of that name. They captioned the names as he was reading them and "Laszlo" was in quote marks. 


So did Colin for some reason change his name from Rubenstein? Will this figure into his origin story?

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Yeah, they're powerful and dangerous, but they're not really sharp.

I think the whole point of the show is that all of the vampires are dumbasses. I just love the fact that "Vampiric Council" is listed on the plaque next to the elevator with all the other businesses in that building. (The others are law firms and doctors offices.) The Baron from Season 1 was a dumbass too, and so were the original Vampiric Council vampires. Wesley Snipes couldn't get his WiFi to work right.


Kayvan Novak was not dubbed during the Colin Robinson, Lazlo, Guillermo duplications, right?

I thought so at first but I just re-watched it, and I think Kayvan Novak was indeed doing impressions of Matt Berry, Harvey Guillén and Mark Proksch. I sort of listened without watching and there was a difference between the actual actors and the way Nandor sounded. I definitely think he was doing a Matt Berry impression at least. That was the one that sounded the most different from Matt Berry's real voice. (Kayvan is British in real life too.)

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I watched The Cloak of Duplication again today and yes, that's Kayvan imitating Colin Robinson, Laszlo, and Guillermo's voice. It's unreal.

And hell, Guillermo actually got that date with Meg! And we didn't even get to see how.

I'm honestly surprised the Rogue vampires didn't have a familiar to answer their phones.

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I wonder if the Sire will make Guillermo a vampire? 

I thought "she's clearly not interested in men" was just the usual "if she doesn't want me, she must be a dyke" defense, so I loved it when we found out that Meg actually IS a lesbian. Also, who would have guessed Meg would be Nandor's type? 

I think the main difference between a familiar and a bodyguard is that the bodyguard gets to open carry [stakes].


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Harvey Guillen has the best reaction shots.  He brings so much heart to Guillermo.  Great attention to detail in that Guillermo's clothes are still slathered with the dried blood of vampires there at the beginning.

3 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I watched The Cloak of Duplication again today and yes, that's Kayvan imitating Colin Robinson, Laszlo, and Guillermo's voice. It's unreal.

Seriously?  I need to re-watch that.  If that wasn't dubbing that was amazing.

2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I think the main difference between a familiar and a bodyguard is that the bodyguard gets to open carry [stakes].

I loved the stake bandolier.  And earlier in the episode he was doing stabbing exercise practice.

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Guillermo is my favorite! I knew the show was coming back this month but I thought it was a few weeks away. It's still in my DVRs season passes so it was a lovely discovery to see it there and I had to immediately watch it. I've mentioned before that I've never gotten the whole vampire interest thing and don't like movies or TV shows about them--I didn't even find the movie this show is based all the engaging. So it's still surprising to me that this quickly became one of my favorite shows. I think it was the animal control episode from the first season that pushed it higher up the list of shows I look forward to.

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Echoing what everyone else said. I'm so glad this show is back! I pause and rewind quite frequently because the backgrounds, costumes, props, etc. are all so rich with comedy. This is such a great show.

I didn't notice the women walking around on their hands during the dress fitting scene until the second watch. Their costumes looked amazing and you can barely see them on the bottom half of the screen.

One thing I did notice is that Lazlo-as-Nandor is doing exactly the same hand gestures as actual Lazlo. They look quite at home on Lazlo, but ridiculous on Nandor, and it's hysterical!

It reminds me of this scene from The Birdcage.


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On 9/3/2021 at 12:30 AM, LittleIggy said:

I want a Nadja doll!


On 9/3/2021 at 12:21 PM, AuntTora said:

I don't want to acknowledge to myself how much I would pay for a Nadja doll.

The perfect Halloween/Nightmare Before Christmas gift for me! My husband would buy it for me/us, too. 

On 9/4/2021 at 6:24 PM, iMonrey said:

I think the whole point of the show is that all of the vampires are dumbasses. I just love the fact that "Vampiric Council" is listed on the plaque next to the elevator with all the other businesses in that building. (The others are law firms and doctors offices.) The Baron from Season 1 was a dumbass too, and so were the original Vampiric Council vampires. Wesley Snipes couldn't get his WiFi to work right.

I thought so at first but I just re-watched it, and I think Kayvan Novak was indeed doing impressions of Matt Berry, Harvey Guillén and Mark Proksch. I sort of listened without watching and there was a difference between the actual actors and the way Nandor sounded. I definitely think he was doing a Matt Berry impression at least. That was the one that sounded the most different from Matt Berry's real voice. (Kayvan is British in real life too.)

As they cut to commercial after one scene I said, "They're so STUPID!" and my husband and I almost fell off the couch laughing. The key to everything. (ETA: Nadja is not stupid. She is often wildly ignorant, but she is indeed a smart badass. She also knows that all the male vampires are stupid.)

Amazing impressions from Kayvan! Like most, I thought it was dubbed. Wow. And yeah, we want to see how Guillermo got the date! 

Edited by RedHawk
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