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S02.E07: Concept Stores

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I hated NY Andrea's yellow, but the judges seemed to love it.

I thought Gary's black dress was really pretty ON Andrea-- I loved how it tied in the back -- he should have shown it on a mannequin (painted or not).

Columbian Andrea really had the concept idea down, but lordy I can't deal with her stuff. Where did she get all those accessories? Were those hers (already created)?

I love Gary, but his concept clearly didn't come across that well. I do like the idea of having a story behind the pieces-- giving me a reason to buy them. I'm so glad they kept him even given his rather lackluster store. 

But speaking of the store-- I for one would be happy if I never had to walk into another retail store to buy clothes in my entire life. I'd much prefer to peruse a Gary website with interesting stories (and yes, Heidi, I DO read stuff). I think they were having a bit of a struggle trying to sell me on why stores are still necessary. Sure for some folks, but not for all. 

Edited by dleighg
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Although I really like Andrea, I don't want to shop in a replica subway train-too gimmicky for me.  

Was I surprised that Heidi doesn't want to read anything (i.e. Gary's shop)?  No.  However, just because there is a written commentary doesn't mean one has to read it.

Andrea S. seemed to have the most complete concept, but way too one note (shiny! sequins!).

And, again, Heidi and Winnie judge based on what they want to wear rather than what has the universal appeal.

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You could see that they were going to keep all of them coming a mile away.  They were really only pretending to debate it. 

Sparkle Andrea is REALLY one note.  If that is what you are looking for, great, but I can see many people simply walking past and never coming in because it would never occur to them that this store carries anything but sparkle.   And yes, technically you can wear sparkle anywhere, but I really only see her clothes as "going out" clothes - not something that would really fit in at the office.

While the other Andrea's main color (and print) didn't really appeal to me personally (I'm trying to be more than "I would wear that" here😄) I thought it was great that she had a concept, a wide variety of clothes and was really trying for inclusiveness.  If I were routinely walking past her store, I might be pulled in, just to see what else she's done.  Even if I didn't like anything in the current collection, I would have her in the back of my mind for future reference.

Gary is the hardest for me because I personally love his style so it's hard to be objective.  He really shines with prints.  I think the fact that he took some of his prints and put them on a basic t-shirt shows that he really does want his clothes to be for everybody.  Even if you don't like an "Amish dress" (which really did look very flattering on Andrea) you probably own several t-shirts and would appreciate how great his print looked on such a basic piece.  Maybe my interpretation is wrong and Winnie really wasn't telling him that a 26 year old will probably not find something in his store to wear clubbing (and yes, she's right, they probably won't) but I think many of his things would appeal to younger wearers for everyday.  I also loved the (I think unintended) diss to Sparkle Andrea in that he didn't just want to open another luxury fashion store - which is exactly what she wants to do.

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Kind of a boring episode - last season I think we saw more of the work that went into the stores and the designers interacting with customers.  I understand they couldn't do that because of COVID but it didn't make for compelling TV.

Gary needed to have his clothes on mannequins.  They seemed hidden to me in the store; not really obvious.  Both Andreas had their clothes out front and center.  Sparkly Andrea did have the best presentation with all of the accessories.  I don't like her clothes but I'm not the client type she's aiming for - neither am I the client for Brooklyn Andrea.  I really liked her enthusiasm and I actually like the yellow, though it would look horrible on me.  Hey, I can be a judge on this show too, lol.  I liked that she was willing to help Gary with the black dress too.

I loved that Jeremy really understood Gary.  I love Gary though so take it for what it's worth - I also think he's unique in a good way among the three.   I don't think Gary's clothes are old at all.  The vintage feel is actually very popular with that age demo they blab about - I've been in consignment stores and women in their late teens/early 20s are buying up that stuff, trust me. 

6 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Heidi reads three words of Gary's paragraph and declares it a snooze-fest.

I did laugh when Amazon Rep said "it is cerebral".  Heidi doesn't do cerebral, hee. 

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I thought Gary blew it at the last minute, but then thought "of course!" when all three were going to the finale.

13 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Heidi reads three words of Gary's paragraph and declares it a snooze-fest. Meanwhile Sparkle Andrea has pieces that are all copper and black and Heidi loves it!

Have you ever seen how Heidi dresses on the red carpet?

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On 8/6/2021 at 8:07 AM, dleighg said:


But speaking of the store-- I for one would be happy if I never had to walk into another retail store to buy clothes in my entire life. I'd much prefer to peruse a Gary website with interesting stories (and yes, Heidi, I DO read stuff). I think they were having a bit of a struggle trying to sell me on why stores are still necessary. Sure for some folks, but not for all. 

Right? Hasn't Heidi ever heard of J. Peterman? I love those catalogs and look forward to reading the descriptions! 

And seriously, this whole "he's not modern enough, will a girl go to his shop to get clothes to wear to the club?" Have none of them heard of Ralph Lauren? Sheesh. Not everyone lives for short, tight and shiny, HEIDI.

21 hours ago, raven said:

I loved that Jeremy really understood Gary.  I love Gary though so take it for what it's worth - I also think he's unique in a good way among the three.   I don't think Gary's clothes are old at all.  The vintage feel is actually very popular with that age demo they blab about - I've been in consignment stores and women in their late teens/early 20s are buying up that stuff, trust me.  

And women in their 20's have always loved shopping vintage! I'm a senior citizen now but in my 20's vintage shops were everywhere! I used to squander my paychecks at a vintage/consignment shop on Newbury St. in Boston called The Closet. Vintage upstairs, (where I bought a blue cashmere coat for $100), contemporary consignment down. I lived for Ralph Lauren cowgirl drag in the 80's and found plenty of it there! 

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That was a good episode. I'm glad that all three made it to the final, that was the right decision. Andrea S. has always had a distinctive style, but her store was a revelation. It really did look like a real store. I love that she included shoes and accessories. The new styles that she made were also very good. It was a great decision to include the mirror, as well as show different ways that the items could be worn.

I liked Andrea P's designs, and the concept, but it really didn't look like a store. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but it just didn't come off as comfortable and inviting as Andrea S's store.

I liked Gary's concept too, but once again it was not comfortable or inviting. As he noticed, it took the judges a while to take in his clothes. I think that this is how I would feel in his store. I would be overwhelmed by everything else. The clothes just didn't stand out like they did in Andrea S's store.

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19 hours ago, dbell1 said:

Gary is exhausting. And his store looked dusty and dated. Andrea Columbia was my winner, concept was thought out and really surprising. NYC Andrea went yellow, which she’s never done before? So, what’s her concept?

I'd say the opposite of exhausting.  As in, even though I like him, I find his lack of energy and engagement quite enervating. 

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I'm sorry, but I don't see creativity and new ideas when I look at Sparkly Andrea's designs.  She is not coming up with new concepts, just making regular clothing with sparkly fabric.  Her tendency to embellish everything with stones, studs and jewels seems kind of tacky or pasé.  I love a glittery piece as much as anyone, but when all her pieces are screaming for attention, the design gets lost.  I think she is all flash and no substance.  But, the judges seem to love her fashion...

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I was really upset with Heidi this episode.  Literally rolling her eyes at having to 'read' anything at Gary's, then gushing over Miami Andrea for having shoes displayed.  With Andrea, maybe you would buy one of those pieces for an evening out, but you can't build a wardrobe around it. Who would look like that just to go to lunch with friends?  

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This episode pointed out to me a crucial question: is this a show celebrating the best designer? or the one most likely to sell? It's two very different things. Myself, I could not possibly care less about a designer's ability to market their work. Some of the work that is most memorable for me all these years later is stuff that would not be a big seller except for a very select audience. Daniel Vosovic's orchid dress comes to mind. PR was, for me, a learning experience in realizing that clothes can be art. I find that fascinating. If this show is focused so narrowly on the whole self-promotion and marketing success angle, I will probably stop watching. I just don't really care.

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3 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

This episode pointed out to me a crucial question: is this a show celebrating the best designer? or the one most likely to sell?

With challenges centering around making video sales pitches and marketing yourself and yes, this where they had to do a pop up store, I think this show decided it's about selling clothes, not creating fashion. I think the "runway" look is meant to satisfy our craving for fashion while they are really being judged on the cheaper, sellable look that will appear on Amazon in an even cheaper (made, not priced) version. 

I wish Gary had done a different show that was more about fashion and less about marketing. Unlike the other two, the man has actual vision and isn't just making stuff I've already seen in stores. 

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