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Even on WWHL, I got the impression that he is in waaaaay over his head at this point, and he thinks by being smarmy and sarcastic, we will believe that he went into this to play a "head game" on everyone. 

Similar to this, I think he thinks he's all that. After he said his "teachable lesson" about being nice and/or cruel, he looked proud of himself....like he'd get a thumbs up for his sage parenting. Instead, Andy looked horrified, the audience laughed, and Jim looked devastated.

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I hope Jim's kids take after their mothers and do not inherit his Short Man Syndrome.  Although from what we've been shown, one of his preteen sons already appears to be taller than him.


ETA: I just saw a photo from Amber and Tiny's appearance on WWHL last night.  Uh, did Teensy forget that he'd be on the show?  WTF is he wearing?  I think my mom wore those jeans in 1994.  He dresses better for his THs.

Edited by candy moocher
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I almost forgot the best part - Amy Phillips did a Jim MarCrazy impression! It was hysterical, as usual. Not as mean as she could have been, but she got a lot of it down. Including his sweater vest. Jim and Amber took it in stride, but afterwards I thought to myself - Amber's "dream" was to be a Housewife, and her husband is getting all the attention. Not for the right reasons, but still... I wonder if she's secretly upset.

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Last night it seemed like they were outright using The Cancer as an excuse for Jim to get a pass on his behavior in Florida. I posted about it in the episode thread, but it makes so mad I need to say it here, too. Their talk at the dinner about "real problems" an others focussing on drama, to me, was them saying everyone shouldn't hold a grudge against Jim. I think the dinner over all was just damage control for Jim; to try to say he's a good husband who stood by his wife during cancer, like any half way decent husband SHOULD do, so what he's an asshole who even embarrasses said wife.

I don't get why Amber isn't getting more blame than Teresa over the Rino/Santa rumor. It was who SHE told that said in to everyone. She has known those girls longer. Jim humiliated his supposed "best friend's" girlfriend. Having The Cancer excuses none of that.

Two things  Amber and Jim met the twins in March or April of last year.  They met the rest of the cast in November.  So we are not talking a long relationship-Amber lied when she said she had known them three years.   


We have already had a blow out between the twins and Amber.  After apologizing to each other all the Marcheses took away from it is Bobby needed to cop  to not warning Amber of the ambush at his house.


Amber is somehow given a pass because she supposedly try to stop her husband-hmmm good thing no one saw the footage from upstairs between Amber and Jim.  For the sake of the show-no one really cares about these new folks having two blow out arguments back to back.  I would say Amber received plenty of blame when she was kicked out of the Florida house.  The twins apparently hold her accountable as she wasn't invited to the tasting.


To me it is not about blaming one person more than another on the show (obviously Victoria Gotti should owe the chief amount of blame) it is the idea that Teresa, Amber, Dina and Jim all took a rumor and  either played it forward as in the case of Teresa, Amber and Jim or did not warn the twins or Rino of its existence - Teresa and Dina.  

Edited by zoeysmom
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Also on WWHL, Jim said that he teaches his kids that if people are nice to you, be nice back, and if people are cruel, be cruel back. Yes, he really said this.


Oh it was worse.  He said if people are cruel, then show them what cruelty really means.


I was really hoping that Wacha would bite him in the balls, but unfortunately, they sent him out with a chew toy.

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Oh it was worse.  He said if people are cruel, then show them what cruelty really means.


I was really hoping that Wacha would bite him in the balls, but unfortunately, they sent him out with a chew toy.

You're right! I couldn't remember the exact way he put it, but I knew the line I used was too mild. Andy's reaction was perfect - he was horrified!

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Jim's kids have zero chance of being normal people.  I wonder how many of them will eventually end up in jail?

They remind me of what an episode of Criminal Minds or L&O Criminal Intent would feature. Since Jim did that TH early on, noting that his kids having to say "yes, Daddy", it's all I could think of. Something in that family is going to blow at some point. 

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Seems Jim's ex had her own set of legal troubles:  http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2009/12/nj_real_estate_title_agencies.html


Jim getting his proverbial ass kicked on appeal from a previously unsuccessful change of custody motion.  Apparently he is a really bad lawyer and a liar.  http://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-division-unpublished/2013/a3933-11.html


What was shocking in reading the opinion-Jim's original divorce the trial was 22 days long-I bet Jim represented himself.

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Oh shit. I just covered my mouth and gasped. How can the action of any of these hoes still shock me???? But, seriously, she's telling Jim's kids' mother that they don't consider HER the mom and pray to be away from her???? That is just ugly, vile, reprehensible behavior. She really found the perfect match in Jim. What an evil pair. 

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Am I the only one that thinks that Jim wrote those tweets, and Amber took the fall to protect him? Read his Twitter page - same tenor, same tone. I'm not an Amber apologist, but she's not like that. Jim is. AND, he's vile and sneaky enough to manipulate Amber into claiming responsibility. Don't forget his vast "training" in the law - those tweets could have gotten him in trouble with his ex-wife, esp. since they were involved in a custody battle. Amber? Not so much.

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I wouldn't rule it out. But I also don't think Amber is as sweet and easy going as she is trying to come off. At the first responders party, when she found out Nicole was upset with her, she was all - "Outside! Let's go!" and swinging her finger wildly. I think that was a glimpse into the real  Amber under the surface. She can be just as nasty as the others, but I think she and Jim are trying to play good cop-bad cop. 

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I wouldn't rule it out. But I also don't think Amber is as sweet and easy going as she is trying to come off. At the first responders party, when she found out Nicole was upset with her, she was all - "Outside! Let's go!" and swinging her finger wildly. I think that was a glimpse into the real  Amber under the surface. She can be just as nasty as the others, but I think she and Jim are trying to play good cop-bad cop.

She's just as dramatic and stupid as the other HoWives, sure, but that doesn't speak to the tweets. She's never shown herself, both on the show nor on Twitter, to be like that. Could she be fooling us all? Sure, but that theory seems to be overlooking the obvious - those tweets sound EXACTLY like Jim.

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She's just as dramatic and stupid as the other HoWives, sure, but that doesn't speak to the tweets. She's never shown herself, both on the show nor on Twitter, to be like that. Could she be fooling us all? Sure, but that theory seems to be overlooking the obvious - those tweets sound EXACTLY like Jim.

Joint effort perhaps?  I am appalled that either one of them would do this while in the midst of a custody battle.  They do sound rather Jim-ish, maturity wise.  The body building insults and insults about physical traits are usually female generated-because most men (which might exclude Jim) usually don't go after an ex's looks. 

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Amber was on The Real, because of The Cancer (of course), and she kept spouting that nonsense that Jim said on WWHL, that outing the twins' mother was because the twins were harassing him and he gave it back to them, so they deserved it.  Looks like she and tiny Jim rehearsed all their answers...she even repeated, word for word, her "I took krav maya to prepare for the reunion" answer.  Eye roll.


And I do believe, like many of you that Amber was the one who wrote those tweets to the ex-wife.  However, I also believe that Jim whispering in her ear what to write on some of them.  

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I can picture the two of them sitting up, late at night, possibly a bit in the cups, coming up with all these "awesome" insults to Tweet at his ex. It appears to me, after watching their bedroom scene in FL, that they really get off on these kind of nasty, bullying antics.

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I was really hoping that Wacha would bite him in the balls, but unfortunately, they sent him out with a chew toy.

Andy probably did that because he also knows what a mean, nasty douche Jim is, and was afraid Jim would kick Wacha...

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Who is Amber trying to kid with her hair donation?  That was certainly not enough hair.  Most places only accept hair longer than 6-inches and, as someone in the episode thread pointed out, Locks of Love needs 10 inches.  She's a real piece of work.  She's definitely one of those who loves the attention she gets from having been sick.

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Okay, thank you - I said the same thing in the episode thread, and worried I was being unfair. But it really didn't look like she cut much at all. My bet is that they include the hair she DID cut in that crazy shrine they have going for her in the foyer. 

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Okay, thank you - I said the same thing in the episode thread, and worried I was being unfair. But it really didn't look like she cut much at all. My bet is that they include the hair she DID cut in that crazy shrine they have going for her in the foyer. 


I think Tiny Jim uses them to make pillows because he is that creepy.

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Okay, thank you - I said the same thing in the episode thread, and worried I was being unfair. But it really didn't look like she cut much at all. My bet is that they include the hair she DID cut in that crazy shrine they have going for her in the foyer. 


Amber knows she cannot afford to cut 10 inches of hair. Butterface needs all the help she can get to disguise that busted fache.


There's speculation out there that Amber will be replaced by Danielle Staub next season.


I'm all for it. They should forget this amateur and just bring back a real, certifiably crazy, shameless villain like Danielle.

Edited by Lakewood27
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Amber and Jim, combined, couldn't hope to match the absolute greatness and simultaneous terrifying insanity brought by Danielle.  She was reality TV gold (although I was always scared that she would kidnap Dina, place her in an empty well and lower her baskets of lotion).

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Amber and Jim, combined, couldn't hope to match the absolute greatness and simultaneous terrifying insanity brought by Danielle. She was reality TV gold (although I was always scared that she would kidnap Dina, place her in an empty well and lower her baskets of lotion).

Amber and Jim are kind of pathetic and sad, reminds me alot of Gretchen and Slade. They're evil, stupid and desperate but I don't think dangerous. Danielle was creepy and wanted to hurt someone. I won't watch that nut on my tv again.

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My memories of Danielle include:

1) her horrific, soul killing sex tape

2) the sad granny field trip to the strip club

3) her "muscle"; the Welcome Back, Kotter-reject

4) being chased through a counrty club by a silverback

5) getting her weave yanked by spawn of Jacqaloon

6) bringing a clump of red doll hair to the reunion, claiming it was her yanked out weave

I don't remember Danielle being dangerous. Just delusional and capital-C Crazy.

ETA- Okay, yeah. She probably wanted to skin and wear Dina....

Edited by Lakewood27
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Okay, thank you - I said the same thing in the episode thread, and worried I was being unfair. But it really didn't look like she cut much at all. My bet is that they include the hair she DID cut in that crazy shrine they have going for her in the foyer. 


That might be a better use of it than donating it to Locks of Love, according to this article:




But yeah, she didn't cut off anywhere near the amount needed for a donation, so I call foul on that.  Is there NOTHING genuine on this whole show?

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I cannot stand this man!!  What a douche!!  Even on WWHL, I got the impression that he is in waaaaay over his head at this point, and he thinks by being smarmy and sarcastic, we will believe that he went into this to play a "head game" on everyone.  I think he has done irreparable damage to his reputation with all his nastiness, between the stuff he's said on the show, to the endless rude and nasty twitter comments.  I don't know what these two were hoping to get out of doing the show, but it can't have been what has happened!!

He's beginning to grow on me because of his heinousness.  This guy is for real in his douchebaggery.  He is so gleeful in his smug, atrocious behavior, both on screen and on twitter.  He is both stupid and confident.  The others just can't deal with him, but they have to.  I kind of like that he just came right out and told the "lie" about Santa and Rino.  Better than having it whispered about all season. And for sure those twins knew it was coming out.  I think he is genuine. Probably the only genuine thing on this show. Most people have seen the real Jim.  It's a fascinating look.  How does this guy live?  He is filming with a bunch of moronic twits - felons, lowlifes or true idiots and he is creating havoc in their world.  Without Jim, this season would have been a snooze.  


Cruel than show them real cruelty?  Where does this guy come from?  It's laughable.  His posturing is unbelievable.

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Without Jim, this season would have been a snooze.


This season was one of the most boring and uneventful in RH history. And I watched RHoDC! Also, if the rumours are true, a potentially entertaining trip to Atlantic City had to be left on the cutting room floor, thanks to that Christmas elf. I'm giving no credit to Tiny Jim for this season, as he did nothing to improve upon the original formula.


That moment he had during Amber's photoshoot, where he wandered away to cry in his big boy coat, seemed way OTT and calculated. All I got from this angry inch all season was a lot of sarcasm and anger. I will say, his dumbassery and insecurity seemed totally genuine.


I may have to delete this post later, as it probably violates my contract with Tiny Jim.

Edited by Lakewood27
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This season was one of the most boring and uneventful in RH history. And I watched RHoDC! Also, if the rumours are true, a potentially entertaining trip to Atlantic City had to be left on the cutting room floor, thanks to that Christmas elf. I'm giving no credit to Tiny Jim for this season, as he did nothing to improve upon the original formula.


That moment he had during Amber's photoshoot, where he wandered away to cry in his big boy coat, seemed way OTT and calculated. All I got from this angry inch all season was a lot of sarcasm and anger. I will say, his dumbassery and insecurity seemed totally genuine.


I may have to delete this post later, as it probably violates my contract with Tiny Jim.

What are the rumors about the Atlantic City trip? What did Tiny Jim do that made Bravo edit it out entirely? LOL


OH MY, is this what you were referring to?   http://tamaratattles.com/2014/09/04/the-upcoming-rhonj-atlantic-city-trip-was-scandalous/  

Edited by WireWrap
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Yeah I'd hardly say Tiny Jim made this season, when even with him and his level of try-hard I've never quite seen before, it was still incredibly boring. He's just so contradictory even in the things he "reveals" that they hardly feel like reveals.

You all are making me want to watch Season 2 just to see how crazy Danielle really was!

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Most people have seen the real Jim. It's a fascinating look. How does this guy live? He is filming with a bunch of moronic twits - felons, lowlifes or true idiots and he is creating havoc in their world. Without Jim, this season would have been a snooze.

Those words describe Jim to a tee though as well as far as I'm concerned. He just beat the Feds to the punch before he became an official felon himself. I don't think Jim or his wife added anything to the season at all.

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What are the rumors about the Atlantic City trip? What did Tiny Jim do that made Bravo edit it out entirely? LOL


OH MY, is this what you were referring to?   http://tamaratattles.com/2014/09/04/the-upcoming-rhonj-atlantic-city-trip-was-scandalous/  


Yes, WireWrap! That's the rumour I'm referring to. The season would have been way more entertaining if the trip to AC had been left in. There would be Amber's reveal about the kinky antics going down at Casa Marchese, as well as the fallout when she returned home. Instead, we were treated to a morose Teresa, a crying sausaged-neck Jac, zzzzzzen Dina, and some yappy twins. The Reno/Santa thing went nowhere and didn't even involve actual cast-members.

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Yes, WireWrap! That's the rumour I'm referring to. The season would have been way more entertaining if the trip to AC had been left in. There would be Amber's reveal about the kinky antics going down at Casa Marchese, as well as the fallout when she returned home. Instead, we were treated to a morose Teresa, a crying sausaged-neck Jac, zzzzzzen Dina, and some yappy twins. The Reno/Santa thing went nowhere and didn't even involve actual cast-members.

LOL, Had they left it in, Jim and Teresa Giudice would have had something to talk about with each other! They could compare digits to strap ons!  LOL....Is there a corner in here I can place myself in now? LOL

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Okay, thank you - I said the same thing in the episode thread, and worried I was being unfair. But it really didn't look like she cut much at all. My bet is that they include the hair she DID cut in that crazy shrine they have going for her in the foyer. 

Aside from the hair cut I too thought it looked a little shrinish in her foyer, dollars to donuts none of those flowers were real.  Somewhere there is a Home Goods fresh out of silk flowers in vases with that fake water.

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