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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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For me Derex continues to be unreadable. He doesn't fit any particular stereotype, but he's not eccentric either. I can't believe he's as goodnatured, gullible and ingenuous as he appears but maybe he really is. I have a friend who's been like that her whole life. Smart and fun, but she cheerfully admits she's shallow.

I didn't realize he was a Recruit, I forgot that was part of the process now, but I think it's speaks to his weaknesses as a player despite being generally intelligent, and good natured.  He seems like a fairly typical BB hammie: he's super attractive, young, has a "business" and is generally on the cusp of making something of himself. This seemed like a fun thing to do and so he did it.  In his intro I think he did indicate something fairly stereotypical in that his immigrant parents have a lot of expectations of him, I think the only reason they were accepting of it was because he has a crack at 500K to help shore up his food delivery thingie. But man he REALLY better hope they didn't watch, especially didn't watch the feeds, and/or that their unfamiliarity with the game means they can't tell how badly he biffed some things.  I keep thinking of Margaret Cho's mom finding out she planned to be an actress: better that  you were dead. LOL. Anyway I think that plays significantly into how deep he goes with anybody, he'd rather be opaque not for the sake of game but for the sake of his family and his future endeavors. 

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Hannah asked whether X would feel bad if an ex started dating someone better looking than him. He wouldn’t care. Alyssa doesn’t know if she would because it’s never happened.

Um, no wonder the question doesn't bother X. It's hard to picture a world in which X's ex could even find anyone better looking than him to date. I don't think such a world exists. 

As for Alyssa, at the start of the game I thought she was quite attractive, but the longer it goes on, the less attractive I find her. Clearly in her mind she's a great beauty, and apparently all the men in her real life agree. Weird. 

5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

They are smart, but they’re not street smart like Ky and Alyssa, who can read people like a book because they’re the awesomest

I've known several people who are just like this, 100% certain they have a special power for reading people, only when they impart their knowledge to you, you realize they're 100% wrong in their takes on people. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to convince them of this. They'll think you're just jealous or not smart enough to appreciate their superior insight. 

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Also Tiff claiming DereX is her best friend in the house? Girl is trying to convince herself she wants to keep him because she likes him rather than because he's more useful than Claire, and she just might need him to take out one of the CO at F7. I do love Tiff as she reminds me of my #2 fave of all time Vanessa, but in this respect they are super different. Vanessa gave zero fucks for any of those people, even if she were in THIS game she'd still give zero fucks, she also would have figured out the CO was possible and devised a strategy around it in approximately the first 2 minutes. 

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53 minutes ago, blixie said:

In his intro I think he did indicate something fairly stereotypical in that his immigrant parents have a lot of expectations of him, I think the only reason they were accepting of it was because he has a crack at 500K to help shore up his food delivery thingie. But man he REALLY better hope they didn't watch, especially didn't watch the feeds, and/or that their unfamiliarity with the game means they can't tell how badly he biffed some things. 

Derex has actually said that he hopes his parents are watching so they can see what he's really like. Apparently, he hides his true self with his parents because of those expectations and so he thought going on here would be an easier way to let them see who is really is without having talk to them about it lol.

I keep going through scenarios on how maybe just maybe the CO won't steamroll to end without obstacles and/or the CO women will actually have a shot at winning but I know literally nothing will change lol.

Sad Britini GIF by Big Brother

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Tiffany just does everything too late. She has the right idea, but she lost a pulse on the game two weeks ago and hasn't gotten it back. She seems to still think that she's not going to be cast aside soon, and hasn't seen that she's now at the bottom of the pecking order of the CO.

It's disappointing. I thought she'd be like a Vanessa or Shelly Moore. Instead shes more like Britney -- a fun character but always a day late and a dollar short. And I love Britney Haynes.

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They’re cute. I’m sad lol. I bet they hook up post show tbh.

They're absolutely adorable together. What great chemistry - that's the most relaxed I've ever seen Derex. I can't wait to watch Clairex in jury. 

That said, I get great sibling vibes from them, not romantic ones. Just me? 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Tiffany just does everything too late. She has the right idea, but she lost a pulse on the game two weeks ago and hasn't gotten it back. She seems to still think that she's not going to be cast aside soon, and hasn't seen that she's now at the bottom of the pecking order of the CO.

It's disappointing. I thought she'd be like a Vanessa or Shelly Moore. Instead shes more like Britney -- a fun character but always a day late and a dollar short. And I love Britney Haynes.

See...I see Azah and Big D on the bottom since the CO went hard at them and wiped out their stooges first.

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I think Tiffany's mistake was changing from a proactive game to a reactive game in order to lessen both her and her plus-one's targets. It's a good strategy on paper. It just didn't pay off because it didn't play to her strengths (and because Claire was kind of a flop). But if she would have kept with the proactive game, she would have needed to back it up with comp wins at this point so either way, she would be in danger but a lot of that has to do with her being a woman in an alliance with three men who have questionable views on women (yes, including Xavier - he joined Kyland and Deref's He Man Woman Haters Club last night and it wasn't the first time).

Edited by Callaphera
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I don't think Tiffany has too many mistakes, sucking at comps isn't really a mistake and she's always known her main path to to not going far at F6 is to screw the CO over before F6. since she is choosing to advance her main goal of F6 for the CO over her own game, only for her that is factually true, unlike with Ky/X.  She is 80% responsible for the CO being in control, with X and Ky splitting the rest. I may hate Ky, but his inception of SB was hard won even if with dumb logic. You can't win BB if you can't win a comp. You can not win HoH, but you can't whiff every single one even ones thrown to you.

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51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Claire even said to Hannah that whichever one of them goes to jury house first will end up hooking up with Derex.

This makes me feel 150. Definitely not the cute outcome I was hoping for. I think in terms of couples and relationships rather than hookups. I hate it when the HGs don't conform to my pre-set agenda. 😁

Edited by Melina22
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:


LOVED the video....as much as I adore Derek, I could punch him in the nuts for not playing the last Roulette game!  Damn, he was asked THREE TIMES yet he still wanted to save!  ARGH!  I hope he gets AFP.

Him and Claire hanging out is really sweet (side eyeing that Judas Hannah)

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Tiffany just does everything too late. She has the right idea, but she lost a pulse on the game two weeks ago and hasn't gotten it back. She seems to still think that she's not going to be cast aside soon, and hasn't seen that she's now at the bottom of the pecking order of the CO.

Tiff knows where she stands. She and Azah were talking about this last night, and Tiff said she expects to be targeted first.

So far, Tiffany’s plans at 6 seem to revolve around a vague pact between her, Azah and Hannah that involve hoping for memory comps and taking out the guys. But this plan assumes a lot: 1) that Hannah would be loyal to her and not Ky, the person she spends the most time strategizing with; 2) that Azah would be loyal to her and not X, the person she spends the most time drooling over; and 3) that the guys would be bad at memory comps. I think X and Ky would be great at them.

So I think Tiff is toast either way, but IMO she’d have a better chance if she could convince X to make a final 2 and work with him to the end. She’d still lose, but at least she’d be the Cody and not the Christine.

While I have heard the women at least fake-strategizing about end game, I haven’t heard the guys doing the same. I’m sure they have plans, I just don’t know what they are, other than to haul Deref’s diva ass all the way to the finish line.

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13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

But this plan assumes a lot: 1) that Hannah would be loyal to her and not Ky, the person she spends the most time strategizing with …

I never see Ky and Hannah together. Now Hannah and X, yea for sure. X has Hannah and Azah fully imo.

13 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

While I have heard the women at least fake-strategizing about end game, I haven’t heard the guys doing the same. I’m sure they have plans, I just don’t know what they are, other than to haul Deref’s diva ass all the way to the finish line.

The men have had a F3 since very early on. X and Ky talk about using SB and Alyssa to take out the CO women.

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I never see Ky and Hannah together. Now Hannah and X, yea for sure. X has Hannah and Azah fully imo.

The men have had a F3 since very early on. X and Ky talk about using SB and Alyssa to take out the CO women.

We must watch feeds at opposite times, because I rarely see talks between X and Hannah, or X and Ky. I guess those happen on the daytime shift!

Ky and Hannah have had many late night sessions that often last an hour or more because, you know, Ky. I don’t listen to most of them because those two can go deep into rabbit holes of what-ifs and if nots, and also I can’t stand to listen to Ky blather on, but let’s just say they’ve given the chess board quite a workout.

Edited by 30 Helens
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On 8/23/2021 at 7:58 AM, Lamima said:

The show/production/casting is partly to blame for that in that they tended to cast a certain character for the couple POCs they cast each season. Like Chima and Swaggy C...etc. They do it for maximum drama and ratings. Even this current cast, the CO can't stand other members of the CO. Seems like Big D and Tiffany both are the typical cast BB liked to get in the past. X and Hannah are not the typical POCs BB usually cast.


So if the 2 POC cast (also blame the show for only casting 1 or 2 each season) are Swaggy C and Chima, then yes an alliance will form of all white folks who will be trying to get them (the dramatic characters) out. The same is also true for the gay cast. They cast a gay character for drama and they cause trouble and get voted out by an alliance. It's never a pre-planned 'hey, all us white straight people are an alliance and we need to get out the POC and gay cast...each of us team up with one to get info while we pick them off one by one'. It just seems that way because the dumb show casted 'characters' for the POC cast and the gay cast for maximum drama...imo.

This. A thousand times this. Thank you.

Has there been speculation on here that Thursday could be something of a BB Pause? I can’t be the only one who noticed that Julie didn’t specify there would be a live eviction at the conclusion of last Thursday’s episode. All she said was “and we’re back Wednesday and Thursday…” And what she said was also displayed on screen. I vaguely remember this has happened before.



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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

So Clairex fans can tune in each night on the feeds and not think about how their name-smush/ship name sounds like a cleaning product.

i was thinking more along the lines of acne medication.


2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nah, they’re totally gonna fuck at least once lol. Claire even said to Hannah that whichever one of them goes to jury house first will end up hooking up with Derex.

Damned if that isn’t going to put Hannah in a moral dilemma regarding her vote…

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

Has there been speculation on here that Thursday could be something of a BB Pause? I can’t be the only one who noticed that Julie didn’t specify there would be a live eviction at the conclusion of last Thursday’s episode. All she said was “and we’re back Wednesday and Thursday…” And what she said was also displayed on screen. I vaguely remember this has happened before.

I didn't notice that. That is interesting. I don't see them throwing in a twist on top of the High Rollers twist but anything is possible, I guess lol. 

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Hannah asked whether X would feel bad if an ex started dating someone better looking than him. He wouldn’t care. Alyssa doesn’t know if she would because it’s never happened.

Oh, that's right, I really don't care for Alyssa.

1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

How about a nerf gun?  Exactly how good is Julie’s aim do you suppose?

I'd be the least surprised person on earth if it turned out Chenbot was secretly a Terminator all along. "Ah'll be bahck. But first..."


Edited by PhoneCop
More a Cylon visor than Terminator shades but whatever.
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On 8/23/2021 at 4:34 PM, Brian Cronin said:

Few former HGs have worse takes on the show than Derrick. I sometimes wonder if some of his viewpoints are based solely on him getting irked whenever someone plays his type of game better than him (he was REALLY down on Vanessa back in BB17, for instance). 

I assume everything Derrick says about Big Brother, as though anyone asked, is due to his ego and however bruised it is as that time.

Yes, I realize this was mentioned a day and a half ago, but you all didn't expect me to just let the opportunity to talk about how Derrick sucks just go on by, did you?

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Maybe it’s her callousness toward ditching Derex. 

Is she though? Callous? I see her acting savage about it, but then reconsidering every time it gets close to being him that's going out the door. Unlike Tiff I think she really does like him and want him around both because she is into him and because he can help the women of CO keep their options open the longest. 

I read some updates that the CO is talking amongst themselves and funny enough the three women are like maybe we DON'T want Derex to go, maybe that's actually NOT great for us and the three dudes are all well for OUR game it's really the best decision. No shit. Tiffany really clearly outlined that keeping DereX is a way for Azah/Hannah/herself to get to F3, and it absolutely is a direct threat to the Six being the F6. Please doesn't tell me this woman is too late or doesn't understand exactly what she needs to do for herself and her fellow women CO's, she is understandably struggling with the trade off the men OTOH? No struggle whatsoever, because there is *no tradeoff*. It's so sad the women are only just now toying with F3 and feeling TORTURED about it,  when the dudes had committed to it by what the first week?

Anyway even if it's Azah/Tiff/Hannah I don't see them being able to pull Alyssa w/o going all in on screwing F6, giving up info, which none of them are ready to do. But damn ladies try absolutely everything else.  I guess they could also work on Derek F, but they seem to be trying to flip X which is never ever going to work. Give Alyssa/Derek all your energy.

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32 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Hannah is my BEC. I don’t know why. There is no one reason. ( But isn’t that what BEC is?). I just think that deep down she might be a mean girl. Maybe it’s her callousness toward ditching Derex. 

Based on her initial “I wanna be the ultimate BB Mean Girl” interviews, I went into this season fully prepared to despise Hannah. 

To tell the truth, though: although you still occasionally hear Hannah meangirl-signaling in the DR and some conversations, I haven’t really seen Hannah putting it into practice that much.  Hannah talks the Mean Girl talk sometimes, but she hasn’t really been walking the MG walk - at least, not yet.

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23 minutes ago, blixie said:

Maybe it’s her callousness toward ditching Derex. 

Is she though? Callous? I see her acting savage about it, but then reconsidering every time it gets close to being him that's going out the door. Unlike Tiff I think she really does like him

I don’t think Tiffany or Hannah are callous at all. I’ve seen every indication that they both really like Derex, and Claire, and are very conflicted about playing them. They are simply more committed to the mission of the CO, and are putting aside their personal feelings in order to achieve their goal.

I think X also cares about Alyssa, maybe not to the same extent. But Ky, on the other hand… he has talked about his willingness to dump SB in a way that comes off as very cold and detached. Maybe he’s just masking his feelings, or maybe he’s the real jackass.

Edited by 30 Helens
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I think X genuinely likes Alyssa, and Tiff and Hannah genuinely like both Claire and Derex. I also felt Azah was genuinely fond of Brit. If they can't proceed with them in the game it doesn't mean they don't genuinely like them. This isn;t a Boogie/Erika situation.

Ky on the other hand seems very smarmy in the way he manipulates SB and I don't like it at all.

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2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I assume everything Derrick says about Big Brother, as though anyone asked, is due to his ego and however bruised it is as that time.

Yes, I realize this was mentioned a day and a half ago, but you all didn't expect me to just let the opportunity to talk about how Derrick sucks just go on by, did you?

He really is awful about it. Like, fuck Evil Dick and all, but Dick at least SORT of owns his awfulness, while Derrick won't even do that. 

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Hammock time with Derex and Claire! They are already feeling nostalgic to the point where they suggested renting a cabin and inviting everyone. They might even have a HaveNot room.

Claire describes her sexuality as fluid— it’s about the person, not the gender. She has only come out to her family and a few close friends. Everyone else is finding out via the show. Derex is also using the show as a coming out of sorts, to his family. But his is not about sex, it’s about drinking and swearing. He spits out a few choice words for emphasis.

They can’t believe one of them is going to win $750k. But at least they’re getting $15k. Although Claire thinks she could have made more at work. Not Derek; he’s unemployed. (I thought he had his own company?) They talk about potential income streams as a result of being on the show, and wonder how many IG followers they have. Derex would be happy with 56,000. 5600 would be an insult.

Derex asks what past player he reminds her of. Hannah said Frankie. Claire can’t think of one. She did think he was a professional tennis player for the first couple weeks, though.

They still have no idea there’s a big alliance. They think there’s a small power alliance, and that’s it: Ky, SB, X and Alyssa. As a viewer, Claire thinks it’s the worst when there’s one big alliance running everything. But not this time. “You’re welcome, America,” she says.

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I think X genuinely likes Alyssa, and Tiff and Hannah genuinely like both Claire and Derex. I also felt Azah was genuinely fond of Brit. If they can't proceed with them in the game it doesn't mean they don't genuinely like them. This isn;t a Boogie/Erika situation.

Thank goodness! And you're right, they've made it crystal clear that these are genuine relationships, which is why most of us continue to like this cast. 

Sadly though, the CO women could end up in a horrible position. If they think of themselves and ditch the CO, they'll feel guilty and defensive about it forever. If they stay with the CO, failing an amazing and extremely unlikely series of comp wins, they're essentially sacrificing their game so the men can get to the end. 

For the women, this is a "be careful what you wish for" scenario. 

That said, being part of the Final 6 is going to be a huge reward on its own, and one I don't think they'll regret. (Final 6! Every time I say it I'm reminded of my all time favourite TV show, the reimagined Battlestar Galactica.) 


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43 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

That said, being part of the Final 6 is going to be a huge reward on its own, and one I don't think they'll regret.

Yeah, but you know Frenchie is going to take credit for the whole thing. I can see him watching the episodes with a circle of friends and nodding approvingly whenever the CO is mentioned. “See what I did?”


Edited by 30 Helens
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Derek convention! On the outdoor sofa, Big D humors listens to Little D campaign. But really, he uses the occasion to make Derex grovel about his decision to campaign for Britini over Deref.  Because they had a deal! In the hood, you get one chance and that’s it! It hurt especially because poor Deref is on his own island. The only one he trusts now is Azah. 

Derex tells him he won another $100 (but please don’t tell anyone!) and he’ll use all of his $200 to win comps and protect Deref. And with that, his already-sealed fate is gift wrapped and placed in a vault. Although I’m pretty sure it was already no secret.

After, Deref goes straight to the Kyfather, who chastises Deref for taking up valuable backyard space for that conversation and depriving others from enjoying it. They talk about how bad they feel for dumping Derex. X comes out. “You feel bad? Pfft.” He shakes his head and goes back inside. He’s all business.

Deref is concerned that he is less protected than Ky and X. He thinks he, Azah and Tiff are at the bottom. Ky insists they all feel that way. They have to make sure Alyssa doesn’t win next HoH because she is locked in on getting rid of Tiffany. 

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The Deref/ Ky talk enters the misogyny stage. Deref sighs about how the girls are not doing anything. “Can’t they just play damsels in distress or something? I can’t be the only one doing something.” Ky gives this a big nod.

Ky thanks Deref for letting Tiff blow up in the storage room incident. He feels she’s settled down a lot since then. Deref says she had been waiting to explode, and that just let it all out. So in that moment, he was just a punching bag for her. But he was fine taking one for the team.

Deref knows Tiff, Azah and Hannah want to keep Derex in order to further their games— which is selfish of them. Nobody else is being selfish. Ky notes that the three of them were in a room today, alone, for a whole hour

Ky has been working hard to make SB and Alyssa mistrust Tiffany by telling them she’s coming after them. Deref is telling them Tiff and Claire have a lot of BB bucks, so when T/C deny it they will look extra sketchy.  This way, if Deref wins the blind HoH, he can put up SB and Alyssa and they will think Tiffany did it. So Ky and Deref get to keep their hands clean. Not selfish at all.

Deref can’t wait until all the girls are gone. (This includes SB and Alyssa.) He is sure they will be bitter jurors. Ky agrees.

I know Deref is a charter member of the He-Man Woman Haters Club, but I can’t tell if Ky really agrees with him or is just nodding along to earn his loyalty. Either way, he’s fueling the fire, so they can both just go fuck themselves.


Edited by 30 Helens
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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

They still have no idea there’s a big alliance. They think there’s a small power alliance, and that’s it: Ky, SB, X and Alyssa. As a viewer, Claire thinks it’s the worst when there’s one big alliance running everything. But not this time. “You’re welcome, America,” she says.

When Derex went over his campaign with Hannah yesterday he told her how he wants an underdog to win this season and not just someone who was in the big alliance that ran the game the whole time like every other season. Her 'uh huh' was hilarious.

Ky, X, Alyssa, and SB are all immediate feeds killers for me now. I can't do it. I can only handle Deref if he's not on a misogyny tirade (which is not often lol). 

I can't wait until X goes in solitary. Ultimately, it won't matter and everyone will fall in line with his wishes and evict Derex, but imagining him worrying in there for a day that maybe things could change is fun to think about. 

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X comes out. “You feel bad? Pfft.” He shakes his head and goes back inside


Deref knows Tiff, Azah and Hannah want to keep Derex in order to further their games— which is selfish of them. Nobody else is being selfish. 



Ky has been working hard to make SB and Alyssa mistrust Tiffany by telling them she’s coming after them.

But sure ladies keep agonizing about screwing over these three jags for the cause. You ladies ARE the cause, more than them. If these dudes were capable of intersectionality maybe you stay strong with them, but they aren't so stop feeling bad and get busy.

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Today Xavier is preparing for exile by making a bunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He does not know what his bathroom arrangements will be. He's thinking he'll have a bucket. He special.ordered bread for his sandwiches but I have a feeling everyone will eat it up.

Yesterday, two interesting things. Xavier and Tiffani were having a conversation in which told Xavier in coded language that she's sacrificing her game for the cause but that the beneficiaries of the cause are Xavier and Kyland. And she's not that happy about it.

Later in the afternoon Claire, Azah, Xavier, Kyland and Sarah Beth were playing Horse in the swimming pool. One of the pool floating was the basket and a beach ball was the basketball. Azah made a basket lying down on the raft, so all the others had to try from lying on the raft. I enjoyed watching them have some fun.

Edited by Lamb18
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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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