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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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1 hour ago, oftentimes said:

Didn't they used to say that Dan misted the hg's???  Was it Dan? 

I'm almost certain it was Dan. 

24 minutes ago, himela said:

Derex's game is lost anyway due to the cookout but he doesn't know it.

This is true, and it makes me sad for him and for Claire. Talk about misting... it's like there's a whole level of game going on that no one told them about. They have vague ideas that something's going on but by the time they have any proof they'll be out of the game. I feel like in any other year they would have gone far. 

Of course I'm assuming the CO holds. I still think it will, but I've been wrong before. 

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Tiffany was touched, especially when she realized that Claire couldn't even eat the cake she made for Tiffany (I think Claire eats gluten free).

Claire isn't gluten free, but she is vegan.

4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ky thinks Christian is also a good actor.  He believes Christian is much smarter than he lets on.

Oh Ky. If anything, Christian is dumber than he lets on.

I'm torn. I kinda want Brit to win veto so it's Christian vs. SB. Kyland trying to save SB vs. Tiffany/Xavier trying to save Christian. It could be really interesting and fun. The problem is, that would almost certainly end with SB going and I want Christian out. The best way to get Christian out is him vs. Brit but even then I'm not sure it'll happen and I'll be sad for Derex if his HOH ends in Brit evicted. SB would be marginally better.

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28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh Ky. If anything, Christian is dumber than he lets on.

I can't disagree. 😁

I can't figure out why so many people here are desperate for Christian to leave. He seems like a nice enough person, apart from his propensity for wearing his hair in little girl styles. What am I missing? 

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28 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I can't disagree. 😁

I can't figure out why so many people here are desperate for Christian to leave. He seems like a nice enough person, apart from his propensity for wearing his hair in little girl styles. What am I missing? 

He's mostly fine, better than Frenchie and Brent for sure, and better than most dudebros in previous seasons, but it's the showmance aspect and the fact that I like others more than him. The only two people I'd rather go first would be Britini and Derek F. Britini has a high chance of leaving, but DereF doesn't so....

At least SB changed D-Rex's mind (I saw the D-Rex nickname for Derek X a while back and thought it was so cute) on having her be the target...for now. That being said, SB needs to get off the block to ensure that she gets to jury, because it's still very up in the air on whether she makes it there. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

The only two people I'd rather go first would be Britini and Derek F. Britini has a high chance of leaving, but DereF doesn't so....

I don’t want either of them to leave yet, because they are our best hopes for irrational, mock-worthy drama going forward. And neither has a chance in hell of winning, so their presence seems otherwise harmless to me.

Christian, on the other hand, has a better chance of winning (or at least making F2) the longer he sticks around, and for a strategy-challenged dudebro to make it to the end in a season like this would be a travesty. 

If this is a double elimination week, like some of the HGs are speculating, my wish would be for Christian to leave and Alyssa to follow right after. Let them giggle and smooch and lament their unfair treatment in the jury house, where there are no cameras. 

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5 hours ago, oftentimes said:

Didn't they used to say that Dan misted the hg's???  Was it Dan?  I'm sure it was someone from many seasons ago - lol.

It was definitely Dan in BB14.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

He's boring, he's in a disgusting showmance, and if he stays he has a high chance of winning which would be really shitty.

He also showed he's kind of an entitled asshole with how he reacted to noms lol.

But how do you really feel??? 😄

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9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Deref flopped into his couch bed two hours ago and hasn't moved since.

No truer sentence has ever been written.  At least not for this season.


He's boring, he's in a disgusting showmance, and if he stays he has a high chance of winning which would be really shitty.

 This. Plus I just find him hard to look at, especially when his hair is at its most silly. He's a big personality and charisma drain on  whatever room he's in. He also has that prima donna thing where you can tell he's been handed everything on a silver platter. I guess he's vaguely nice in that highschool quarterback kinda way where he might give you a high five in the hall as you pass him by as he's waiting for his cheerleader girlfriend. 

But honestly, he's just Cody packaged a bit differently. Been there done that on this show. Repeatedly.

Edited by vb68
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Kyland and X are playing in the veto and I believe Alyssa is the third, although I’m not 100% sure. Derex speaking to the cameras saying he really wants Ky to win it.

Edited: now not sure about X. I thought Derex said his name to the cameras about plying but chat room is saying Claire. 

Edited by Katesus7
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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

If this is a double elimination week, like some of the HGs are speculating, my wish would be for Christian to leave and Alyssa to follow right after. Let them giggle and smooch and lament their unfair treatment in the jury house, where there are no cameras. 

It’s not a DE. We would’ve been told.

Claire, Kyland, and Alyssa were picked for veto.

Alyssa is telling SB she will take her down.

Claire and Tiffany want to save Christian so they want the veto not used. Claire said to the cams that she is going hard for it. Claire, please stop playing Tiff’s game!

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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Alyssa is telling SB she will take her down.

She says that now, until D-Rex tells her that he'll put Christian up in SB's place.

I'm hardcore rooting for a SB win, though. Just so it's not Ky who gets the credit for a Christian backdoor (I like Ky enough, but SB should be able to take HERSELF down), and so that it'll be an easy decision on who the final pre-juror is (I couldn't care less which of Britini and Christian leaves).

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

She says that now, until D-Rex tells her that he'll put Christian up in SB's place.

I'm hardcore rooting for a SB win, though. Just so it's not Ky who gets the credit for a Christian backdoor (I like Ky enough, but SB should be able to take HERSELF down), and so that it'll be an easy decision on who the final pre-juror is (I couldn't care less which of Britini and Christian leaves).

Well, if Derex is smart, he won't tell Alyssa who the replacement nom will be or he'll let her think the rest of the Kings are safe.  Not that I trust Tiff, Claire or Hannah to keep that information from her, so, ultimately, I'm rooting for SB to win POV and take herself off the block.  That way no one can prevent the Christian BD from happening.

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Was just about to comment that it would be so much fun if Alyssa was the one to free SB, thereby inadvertently backdooring Christian, and then:

16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany already outted the BD plan to Christian and he went promptly to Alyssa about it. Dammit, Tiff! I get that Christian reminds you of your son but you gotta stop!

Tiff is really testing my loyalty.

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15 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh Tiff. And this is why I think Christian needs to go this week. Although at this point, with Tiff and Claire (sigh) having his back, would Brit or SB have the votes? 

It would be really close if Brit came off the block rather than SB caming off the block, I think.

SB/Christian on the block:  SB eviction - Tiff, Claire, Hannah & Alyssa; Christian eviction - Deref, Azah, Brit & Ky.  X is the deciding vote there and my guess is he would lean toward SB just because he's part of that weird, nascent CAX throuple.

Brit/Christian on the block:  Brit eviction - Tiff, Claire, Hannah, Alyssa, SB & X (assuming that TCH blindside Derex); Christian eviction - Deref, Azah & Ky.  And I'm not sure that Ky wouldn't just wimp out and stick with the RF alliance and keep Christian around so that he doesn't get any "blood on his hands."  Now, if Derex wins the POV and decides to remove SB from the block, I could see her also voting out Christian, as a thank you to him for taking her off the block.  But, that still doesn't keep Brit from going home if the rest of Derex's alliance betray him.


Edited by HighQueenEB
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16 hours ago, Nashville said:

Don’t feel bad.  Now that I know the word ‘scrutable’ exists, the immature teenager in my head keeps trying to change it to ’scroteable’ - and that’s not even an actual word.  🙄

Since we are admitting what we read incorrectly, I read “perennial pawn” as “perineal pawn” and I thought wth does THAT mean?

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany already outted the BD plan to Christian and he went promptly to Alyssa about it. Dammit, Tiff! I get that Christian reminds you of your son but you gotta stop!

So did you see this? Because reading Jokers, it sounded like Tiff told Alyssa she didn’t know of any backdoor plot. And I’m watching her conversation with X right now, and while she alluded to Christian as a possible backdoor, she never said anything about Derex wanting to do it. 
Also, X is still VERY MUCH about the Kings. Which of course, he wants those jury votes. But I’m wondering if he’s triggering Vanessa-Tiff right now with being clear he wants the kings safe. 

Edited: Tiff just told X if Alyssa wins and wants to use the veto, he should tell her Christian is a possible replacement, even though (in her words) he doesn’t think that would happen, so Alyssa won’t use it and they can vote SB out. So X is on board with losing SB, he’s just clueless about Derex’s plan to backdoor Christian and can’t imagine why Derex would do that. 

Edited by Katesus7
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23 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

So did you see this?

I did. She didn’t come right out and tell Xtian that Derex plans to BD him but she hinted at it enough that Xtian understood. Tiff told Xtian not to tell Alyssa anything until after veto but he told her about 5 minutes later. Alyssa then went to Derex to ask if there was a plan to BD Xtian. He told her there was not. Alyssa went immediately to Tiff to tell her Derex said he wasn’t going to BD Xtian and that she believes him and Tiff was like ‘oh yea I’m not worried about that’ lol.

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31 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I did. She didn’t come right out and tell Xtian that Derex plans to BD him but she hinted at it enough that Xtian understood. Tiff told Xtian not to tell Alyssa anything until after veto but he told her about 5 minutes later. Alyssa then went to Derex to ask if there was a plan to BD Xtian. He told her there was not. Alyssa went immediately to Tiff to tell her Derex said he wasn’t going to BD Xtian and that she believes him and Tiff was like ‘oh yea I’m not worried about that’ lol.

Well, hopefully this will clue Derex into the fact that Tiff is playing both sides here.

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Tiffany and Xavier both want to keep Christian for jury, because they both think he would vote for them to win at the end. Ky wants SB in jury for the same reason. Azah / Deref want Britini, same reason.

I think this week is a good indication of what things will look like when the Cookout has to turn on themselves, as they are jockeying for position to make sure their "person" gets through this week and will be able to vote for them to win. With Tiffany being the main stirrer of the pot, now telling Deref and Azah that Ky would favour SB over any of the Cookout, so they should get rid of SB this week while they have the chance.

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16 hours ago, oftentimes said:

Didn't they used to say that Dan misted the hg's???  Was it Dan?  I'm sure it was someone from many seasons ago - lol.

“Dan’s Mist” was legendary; it fogged the brains of HGs until they could only see that which Dan (Gheesling) wanted them to see.  Dan could have made a mint if he’d come up with a way to bottle that shit.  Kind of on a par with Steve Jobs’ “reality distortion field”.

Edited by Nashville
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For anyone that wants to flashback and see the Tiffany/Claire conversation about Sarah Beth, the relevant stuff starts around 5:55 PM BBT, C1/2.

This is a screenshot from it (because I flashbacked to see what the deal was about). It has nothing to do with the conversation, I just want to know why someone is putting Q-Tips in groups of four on the ledge. It's odd. Do they have a daily allotment? Is it code? What the hell?

Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Feeds have been on animals for four hours now - I assume they're playing it now.

Ahhh!  Thanks.  I've been enjoying the last day of the Olympics and haven't turned on the feeds today.  Unexpected gold in women's cycling means that the US needs just one more gold medal to guarantee they surpass China on the medals table!

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24 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Ahhh!  Thanks.  I've been enjoying the last day of the Olympics and haven't turned on the feeds today.  Unexpected gold in women's cycling means that the US needs just one more gold medal to guarantee they surpass China on the medals table!

Substitute “Sharknado marathon” for “Olympics”, and I’m right there with ya.

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Sarah Beth was the shit talker?! Plot twist!

ETA: So apparently Derex was out after Sarah Beth. SB had the $5K prize and she whined about it being her birthday this week and she didn't want the punishment that Derex's "prize" was. So he took the punishment, she took the $5K, and now they're both whining and feeling bad about it.

Also SB called Britini "obnoxious" after she won.

And then Alyssa came to complain about her helmet again so WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.

ETA2: So obviously it was the Yankee Swap Prize/Punishment Veto.

Edited by Callaphera
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Tiffany is already hard at work, y'all. She comforted SB and told her that it was okay, it's a game and Derex had a chance to take the money from her, don't feel bad. And then immediately she goes into the storage room with Alyssa and Christian to complain about how SB took the prize money with a sob story while on the block. How arrogant! How rude! And now she has another two people on the Fuck SB bus.

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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sarah Beth was the shit talker?! Plot twist!

ETA: So apparently Derex was out after Sarah Beth. SB had the $5K prize and she whined about it being her birthday this week and she didn't want the punishment that Derex's "prize" was. So he took the punishment, she took the $5K, and now they're both whining and feeling bad about it.

Also SB called Britini "obnoxious" after she won.

And then Alyssa came to complain about her helmet again so WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.

ETA2: So obviously it was the Yankee Swap Prize/Punishment Veto.

SB doesn’t seem like the friendly girl I was led to believe she was. I thought she was going to be America’s sweetheart but she’s has a double personality going on. Where did she store SB from Night 1? Is there a storage closet I’m unaware of?!?

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I mean, RIP Derex's game. I hope America gives you the power. America is usually pretty stupid but once in awhile, they get it right. Okay, like, twice. But who's counting? (Me: the OVERWHELMING NO vote and BB21's Vote for the Most Hated chicken wire comp.)

Alyssa is now Team Tiffany because of the $5K and now she's working on Derex. The poor guy. He just wanted to make a big move!

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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