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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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59 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

She does? Since when? When I see her talking to the camera, her strategy seems to be based on her alliance with Tiff, which it seems she would know conflicts with the CO. If she knows about the CO, then her game is worse than I thought!

She has a very good idea, she also knows that she can't do anything about it, so she's just sticking with Tiffany for now (in other words, she knows she is kind of screwed). 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Derex has been contemplating getting Christian out for like 2 weeks though. It isn't Tiff influence, especially since Tiff wants Christian to stay. He talks about how he could potentially use Christian as a shield but he worries that Christian will get to him first since he sees Christian as his biggest (and honestly only) comp threat. He believes that with Christian gone he has a strong chance of winning most of the comps.

But also yea, he's riding with Tiff and Ky, for better or worse. 

I wish Claire was closer to Derex because she obviously knows the CO exists while Derex has no idea so I'd like to see them get close enough to discuss it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to act like he was coming to this conclusion just now. I know he's been wanting Christian out for awhile now, but the whole time he has seemed like he's been doing it for "his team," as his reasoning for wanting Christian out for HIS game don't really make sense. 

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

That's the second time I've seen "she clocked it" today. Can someone please tell me what that expression means? 

"Clocked it" means that they noticed it.

It's a reference to the concept of describing your surroundings in terms of a clock face. You know, like, "there's someone on my 6 o'clock and there's someone at my 9 o'clock," etc. 

So that concept has evolved into saying "clocked it" to explain when you've become aware of your surroundings/noticed something. 

Claire is very aware of her surroundings, she just doesn't know what to do with that info. 

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm sorry, but I can not stand Ky. 

It seems to me like Derex is gonna do SB/Brit. I think the only way he goes through with the BD Christian plan is if Ky wins veto and takes SB off. Otherwise, I don't think he'll go through with it.

Does it (only) have to be any to be Ky? Wouldn’t anyone else do it?

3 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Does it (only) have to be any to be Ky? Wouldn’t anyone else do it?

I don't think it needs to be Ky at all, but I think I get Derex's logic. Ky/SB are known to be close in the house, so when Christian is backdoored and Alyssa gets pissed, Derex probably thinks that Ky taking down SB will soften the blow, to not make it seem like there was a backdoor plan this entire time.

Unfortunately for Derex, there's a lot of flaws in that plan and I think, if Christian isn't picked for veto and he's the main target, that he should just follow through with the backdoor plan. I think he's way overthinking it. 

That, and several houseguests want SB out anyway so if Derex really would rather Christian goes this week, he better push hard for the veto to be used on SB, no matter who wins it.

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I think everyone in the house other than the Kings wants a King out this week.  It would probably be better for Derex in the short term, and less blood on his hands if SB goes.  But getting out Christian, despite all these talks of "shields" I think might actually be better for his long term game.  Christian has relationships with the "other side" who I believe would be happy to latch onto him later in the game as someone who can win comps, once the Kings don't have a numbers advantage.  SB leaving doesn't change really any of the dynamics, I think Christian leaving would.  

Although, as always when it comes to me and this show, I only really care about what I want.  And I want Christian to leave.  I don't care about anyone else, certainly not anyone in the house!

Edited by Katesus7
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Yeah, he is (SHOCKINGLY, I know), way overthinking things. 

This is pretty much THE ideal time to get Christian out if you want him out, as the odds are as good as they're going to get that he won't be picked and you have most of the house willing to take down one of the two nominees if they won POV.

34 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think it needs to be Ky at all, but I think I get Derex's logic. Ky/SB are known to be close in the house, so when Christian is backdoored and Alyssa gets pissed, Derex probably thinks that Ky taking down SB will soften the blow, to not make it seem like there was a backdoor plan this entire time.

Unfortunately for Derex, there's a lot of flaws in that plan and I think, if Christian isn't picked for veto and he's the main target, that he should just follow through with the backdoor plan. I think he's way overthinking it. 

That, and several houseguests want SB out anyway so if Derex really would rather Christian goes this week, he better push hard for the veto to be used on SB, no matter who wins it.


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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm sorry, but I can not stand Ky. 

It seems to me like Derex is gonna do SB/Brit. I think the only way he goes through with the BD Christian plan is if Ky wins veto and takes SB off. Otherwise, I don't think he'll go through with it.

So, are they not considering the possibility that SB, who one her WC comp, could win the POV?  I mean, SB coming down means Derex is going to have to nominate someone as the replacement.  

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6 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I had read that Tiff/Derex had settled on SB & Brit noms, just because if Christian DID win Veto, they could still get a King (SB) out.  He wouldn't use it if there was a chance Alyssa could go up.  But that could've changed about 8 times since.  

Are we still there? Because yeah, last night after everyone left, Tiffany was up in the HoH (until around 3 or 3:30 am BBT, I had it on in the background while waiting for the women's soccer final) and managed to swing Derex over to the SB/Brit side of things after fifteen different variations on the same plan, a lot of chess piece banging, and Derex answering every questions with "CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH" because I love Flamin' Hot Cheetos as much as the next person but they need to be banned from the house.

Derex also pointed out to Tiffany last night that he knows he's not long for this game - he's pretty much a target no matter what he does (though the SB/Brit thing does make him the safest). Although interestingly, the question came up of Alyssa instead of Sarah Beth on the block but Derex said that Christian would gun for Derex the next week and also Christian could win Veto and ruin that idea but he never said Alyssa would come for him if he took out Christian, he framed it as the house. Because I think Derex has seen what I've seen and knows that Alyssa would happily look the other way if someone wanted to take out Christian and she would just step over his lifeless body with a "Meh". (I may have fallen asleep to the Investigation Discovery channel in the background.)

It was super frustrating but fascinating to watch Tiffany change Derex's point of view from "CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH Mhmm." to "CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH You're right." At the same time, if Tiffany ever wins HoH, her basket better have a green beanie, lunch meat, a bag of Skittles, a bottle of port, and a form to officially change her last name to Rousso. I can't wait until her villain era ends and everyone can appreciate the gameplay like they did with Vanessa.

If you ever see Tiffany with a chess board on the feeds, run. Because no one's getting any sleep that night but by the end of the night, Tiffany is gonna get what she wants.

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My favorite time happening right now.  Post noms, when a strong alliance who thought they would just roll through the house get SO butthurt that one of them were actually nommed, because how DARE HIM going against the Alliance that none of them really gave a shit about, other than to keep themselves safe.

X clearly doesn't care, but Alyssa/Christian especially being so very mad and HOW DARE HE?  I live for these moments.

And yeah, Derex crying and poor Brit actually comforting him?  He's not made for this game.

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So I might actually have to swing by Sacred Heart after all, huh? That should go well.

PRIEST: My son, you only need to light one candle for your prayers. But may I ask what's troubling your soul so greatly? Is someone you know affected by the pandemic? Or suffering financial hardship because of it?

ME: Well, uh, no, actually. I just really want this one player on Big Brother to be evicted before jury.

PRIEST: Get the fuck out.

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OMG, y'all, I forgot it's SB's birthday sometime this week.  ON HER BIRTHDAY, PEOPLE!!!! The horror! I'm a terrible person to be laughing my ass off through this Kings meeting.  I think they really thought (except for X, who is totally acting) everyone would be totes cool with them all getting to the jury, and getting out the Jokers (the JOKERS?) should clearly have been everyone's priority.  

I am living for this bitchfest.

Edited by Katesus7
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Is it wrong that I want Britini to win Veto and take herself off the block, prolonging the Kings suffering?

I can't wait to see how Alyssa and Christian spin this in their next "I don't care, I just want our love to be freeeeeee!" discussion. Because I'm sure they totally don't care even though they were forced - forced like James forced that piece of pizza down Audrey's throat when she was a HN - to be a duo.

Edited by Callaphera
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1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

So, are they not considering the possibility that SB, who one her WC comp, could win the POV?  I mean, SB coming down means Derex is going to have to nominate someone as the replacement.  

Sorry yes, if SB/Brit won then he would BD Christian. He would have to. It's just that if he wins or someone that isn't nommed/Ky wins I don't think he'll go through with it.

32 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Is it wrong that I want Britini to win Veto and take herself off the block, prolonging the Kings suffering?

Oh, this is ideal

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15 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Another question. Has there been any indication on the feeds that Derex likes Hannah as much as she likes him? I can't read him on the episodes. 

A couple of days ago Xavier was asking him if there is a "budding romance between him and Hannah." DX said he can't run away fast enough (from her?) and there's only 13 rooms he can hide in. He said his and Hannah's personalities dont mesh.

I'm not mad at this revelation. I've always thought their personalities were different. He's sweet, she's ....not(?). She would break his heart.

ETA: Derex was very nice in this conversation. Not snarky or mean in any way. Said he and H were friends only.

Edited by Blissfool
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I've never understood this math.  Christian/Alyssa/X being passive agressive with Derex right now, saying they're "fine" with what is happening, they have the votes, but there shouldn't be an issue of having a pawn because they have the majority, and can therefore show their cards.  It's the hubris I see year after year - an alliance has the majority in the house, so they feel they can just roll through the house.  Unfortunately, many years this is true.  But all it takes is for someone NOT in the alliance to win HOH, KNOW they are not in the "majority, roll through the house alliance" and guess what - nominate two of them, replace anyone taken off with another of them.  There is no "We can show our cards because it doesn't matter" situation.

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HAHAHA!! OK, I hate repeat posting, but I have to post this goodness.  Alyssa gloating in the bathroom to Ky (who is humoring her) and SB about how DereF is so clueless.  First about how he thought there were no alliances in the house after the first week, and how funny is that?  HAHAHA!  And then about he was saying something about when one of your team members goes home, you have to be prepared for it. To apparently her?  And she's laughing at how ridiculous he is, and he has NO CLUE that Brit is actually the target, and it's all so funny to her.  I need two Kings on those chairs come Monday.  Need. It. 

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8 hours ago, Pixiebomb said:

See and I read it quickly so my mind read it as screwable.  Not in the way Christian looks at Alyssa, like he thinks she’s totally screwable. But in the Britini context that she is so screwable as in - she’s gonna get totally screwed by all the alliances and end up as the perennial pawn. 

Don’t feel bad.  Now that I know the word ‘scrutable’ exists, the immature teenager in my head keeps trying to change it to ’scroteable’ - and that’s not even an actual word.  🙄

Edited by Nashville
Fighting damn autocorrect here....
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On the one feed: Christian practically begging Britini to choose him if she pulls the HGs Choice chip. Because it's the only way to protect his ass from a backdoor and he knows it.

On the other feed: Alyssa floating the idea to Xavier that maybe they should convince SB to choose Xavier instead of Christian (her current choice) if SB pulls the HGs Choice chip. Because Alyssa thinks if Christian gets picked again, it'll make his target grow. Heh.

This house feels like it's five minutes away from a blowup. There's a totally weird tense vibe on the feeds.

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Tiffany, Deref, Derex, Kyland, Azah, Claire, Alyssa, and Hannah were all at the gratitude table while most of them ate dinner. And it was all fun and laughs, talking about the wall comp and talking about how silly they all were and talking about previous wall comps... but under everything, there's this tension. And occasionally you would see Tiffany and Alyssa just dying laughing together on one camera. And then one of their smiles would disappear and you could see what they were really feeling. Deref can barely contain his eyerolls. Tiff is seething about her plan not going exactly how she wants it to. Alyssa's wheels are turning. Derex is tired. But they're hanging out and having fun! Yay!

Azah is basically the only one having the time of her life at that table. Maybe Hannah. I'm not sure Claire even has a detectable pulse at this point, they could prop her up in a chair all Weekend at Bernie's style and I'm not sure we would be able to tell the difference.


This feels like one of those "Moments Before Disaster" pictures.

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Christian: makes kissy faces with Alyssa
Alyssa: *giggle*
Christian: pulls the pillow over their heads so they can tongue wrestle in private
Alyssa: ...
Christian: cockblocked again and Britini didn't even knock on the door!

and after Xavier leaves the room,

Christian: makes kissy faces with Alyssa
Christian: ...
Christian: continues to make kissy faces with Alyssa

I've never liked Alyssa and Christian as much as right now, when one half is trying to cockblock the other half. Who talks about your slop constipation when you're making out? (Cool Girls, that's who.)

Edited by Callaphera
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Christian to Alyssa: "I can't believe we haven't been caught yet!"

Now Alyssa is joking about how, if her and Christian are F2, the finale will have a package of them pulling one over on the rest of the house and being surprised by their epic undercover showmance. LOLOLOLOL

They think if the house identifies any showmance, it would be Xavier/Whitney (which never happened) over Alyssa/Christian (who are draped all over each other all day, every day). Okay.

Edited by Callaphera
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Tiff can’t understand why X is trying to save 3 Kings who aren’t even part of the CO. If this is true, my guess is because they would be 3 jury votes for him in a F2. He just needs them all to survive another week.

Now Tiff and Hannah are questioning X’s allegiance to the CO. They think maybe only the two of them, Azah and Deref are the only true dedicated Cooks. Tiff thinks Ky may also be sketchy because he doesn’t run his moves past her.

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Alyssa tells Derex that she hopes Ky wins veto and takes SB off the block. Because that would be the first time one half of a duo saved the other— which would shine a light on them and take it off of Alyssa/Christian and Derex/Hannah. 

Who does Alyssa think will go up if SB comes down? Has she not even considered that it could be Christian? (Or her?)

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I think this is where we stand:

Derex wants Christian gone in a back door situation. The Queens + Hannah know this. They all disagree but they're playing along for the time being.

Alyssa, Christian, and Xavier (and Sarah Beth?) think that there was a miscommunication that led to Derex thinking that a King was coming for him but they're cool now because Sarah Beth is going to come down and be replaced with Deref who will go home.

Tiffany, Claire, and Hannah are all in agreement that it would be best if Veto isn't used and noms stay the same so they can get rid of Sarah Beth like they want. Tiffany would like to convince Christian to not use the Veto if he wins it. But they all agree that they can't go through with their SB plan if Derex isn't on board.

The Jokers are the only ones who would use the Veto on Britini and also no one gives a shit what they think (in and out of the house). Derex joked earlier that he's sure to pull Christian's chip out of the bag because that's how these things work. Britini will not be choosing Christian as her HGs Choice because Azah is really angry and she wants it more. Hannah would like to host the comp if her name isn't pulled. Deref flopped into his couch bed two hours ago and hasn't moved since.

I'm sure this will all change at 2:30 am when Tiffany gets paranoid about something again. Earlier today, she was paranoid about Claire being all secretive and being distant. Because Claire was actually trying to bake Tiffany's birthday cake without her knowing. Yes, we have celebrated Tiffany's 22nd birthday for 48 hours, just like Rockstar's daughter's birthday. I think she just secured herself a jury spot because of that cake, not even kidding. Tiffany was touched, especially when she realized that Claire couldn't even eat the cake she made for Tiffany (I think Claire eats gluten free).

ETA: I forgot that Claire already has a jury spot. So I guess she just bought more time on Tiffany's good side. Maybe they'll just be nice and not villainize her during her last week and a half.

ETA2: Derex just said that if noms stay the same, they should vote out Britini. Which means SB's talk with Derex... worked? As much as it's a backup plan if Christian can't fill a vacancy, I guess.

Edited by Callaphera
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53 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Deref flopped into his couch bed two hours ago and hasn't moved since.

The more things change….

54 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Derex just said that if noms stay the same, they should vote out Britini. Which means SB's talk with Derex... worked?

Just before that, Derex said if Britini goes his HoH would be a waste. And Azah says Alyssa is a champion mister? (According to Azah, “misting” is the act of manipulating someone’s thoughts and beliefs without them realizing you’ve done that. I have never heard this term before.)

Azah says every time she talks to Alyssa, she ends up feeling confused and unsure what just happened. Claire feels the same.

Hannah wants everyone to remember that SB is a voice actor, emphasis on the actor.

Ky thinks Christian is also a good actor.  He believes Christian is much smarter than he lets on.

Azah is distressed because her hurt knee has created a scar that looks like a butt. She has a butt on her knee! How will she wear her dresses??

And that’s all I’m going to get from tonight, because everyone is now asleep.

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:


The more things change….

Just before that, Derex said if Britini goes his HoH would be a waste. And Azah says Alyssa is a champion mister? (According to Azah, “misting” is the act of manipulating someone’s thoughts and beliefs without them realizing you’ve done that. I have never heard this term before.)

Didn't they used to say that Dan misted the hg's???  Was it Dan?  I'm sure it was someone from many seasons ago - lol.

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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