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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Derrick's at home, chalking this one up as a win in his column since everyone says Xavier is playing Derrick's game. The motherfucker is going to win. Again. For the third fourth (!!!) time.

I think X plays more like Maggie. 

Derrick always kept a strict hierarchy in the Bomb Squad. Maggie shuffled a motley crew of rather insecure characters under the "mission" of beating Evil Janelle. 

2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I think X plays more like Maggie. 

Derrick always kept a strict hierarchy in the Bomb Squad. Maggie shuffled a motley crew of rather insecure characters under the "mission" of beating Evil Janelle. 

Yeah, I think X is a BIT more like Maggie, but Maggie and Derrick are very similar. It's that traditional "control a large alliance and win in the end" deal. It's a hard trick to pull off, so if he wins, I gotta give him credit for that, but boy, he's being awfully jerky about it. 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I think X plays more like Maggie. 

I think Xavier is actually a mix of a couple different strategies, it's just that the shutdown boring game style is attributed to Derrick who also tried his best to squash any potential drama or wackiness and made BB16 just as much of a slog as BB23 has been at this point - only we don't have Frankie Grande "joking" about raping Victoria to spice things up. And also I just wanted to point out how much I hate Derrick and how often he wins when he isn't even playing.

I'm a petty bitch and I'm okay with it.

Edited by Callaphera
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I don't think X is as good of a player as either Derrick or Maggie. X almost let Hannah go home during Christian's HOH. No way would Derrick or Maggie make that big of a mistake. From what I remember Hannah basically had to save herself. 

I also think Tiffany and Kyland are much better players than X. It's kind of funny since Kyland wants to play some weird combo of Derrick/Cody's game from season 16. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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2 hours ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:

And I totally get how she's saying that she's ok with going out now and understands the mission of the CO. If she didn't she would be canceled so I totally don't blame her for taking it the way she is.

Or maybe she actually does support the mission of the CO and actually is ok with Tiff’s decision? Based on everything I’ve seen of Claire, that would make the most sense.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Azah's was probably the sharpest of the bunch. Alyssa's not being able to understand Zingbot through the voice filter that was played for laughs helped with hers but without that reaction and Xavier telling her to "Ouch" for the cameras, it would have just been "Hey, you're stupid" without context.

I enjoyed Azah’s zing only because I know it drove X crazy. He spent about 30 minutes grilling her later that night, along the lines of: “Why did Zingbot make that crack about you and me? Did you say something to Big D about liking me? I can’t have people thinking I’m in a showmance. I told myself when I came here I was not going to be in a showmance and I don’t want that to be getting out there, so please don’t be saying anything to Big D about liking me.” He’s really become insufferable.

As for Alyssa, aside from the easy joke afforded by the voice filter, I didn’t get the quip at all. I may not like her, but I don’t think she’s stupid. And you mean to tell me they couldn’t mine SOMETHING from the fertile field of giving up one’s game in pursuit of a hairflip romance?

Zingbot was cute for a few years, but that rusted can of slop is well past his best-by date.

1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

It's nuts that the person with the least devotion to the Cookout (X) is the person they protect the most. 

I don’t know, I think X is probably the one who is most committed to having a black winner. So long as that black winner is him.

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35 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I also think Tiffany and Kyland are much better players than X. It's kind of funny since Kyland wants to play some weird combo of Derrick/Cody's game from season 16. 

Well, I mean, Tiffany's probably going home next week, ya know? I think she has played an excellent game, but not if they get rid of her at Top 6. If she wins, though, yes, HELL of a game played by her.

17 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Well, I mean, Tiffany's probably going home next week, ya know? I think she has played an excellent game, but not if they get rid of her at Top 6. If she wins, though, yes, HELL of a game played by her.

Yeah maybe that is why it is hard for me to compare X to Derrick and Maggie since those two were by far the best players during their season. I have X third or fourth depending on how I feel about Hannah that day.

Tiffany is coaching Claire to call out X and Alyssa out in her speech. Getting Alyssa rattled before a double is ruthless due to her anxiety issues. 


Edited by choclatechip45
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2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:


11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Well, I mean, Tiffany's probably going home next week, ya know? I think she has played an excellent game, but not if they get rid of her at Top 6. If she wins, though, yes, HELL of a game played by her.

Yeah maybe that is why it is hard for me to compare X to Derrick and Maggie since those two were by far the best players during their season. I have X third or fourth depending on how I feel about Hannah that day.


And all of this points to the futility of defining “good” gameplay, IMO. It all depends so much on the season and the cast. In a different season, Derrick may have gone out early. In a different season, Claire might have won.

Victoria’s always gonna Victoria, though. Some games just can’t be helped.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

And all of this points to the futility of defining “good” gameplay, IMO. It all depends so much on the season and the cast. In a different season, Derrick may have gone out early. In a different season, Claire might have won.

Victoria’s always gonna Victoria, though. Some games just can’t be helped.

True I really don't have any interest seeing Claire play again. She will play the same role she did on this season or try to be a Tiffany there is really now in between. 

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This is Claire's practice speech that she was working on with Tiffany. (Not my transcribing, I'm shamelessly copy+pasting from Reddit.)


"houseguests blah blah blah you know there's not much bad i have to say about x. he's loyal, he's trustworthy, and i'm gonna vote for him to win the $750,000 no matter who he's sitting next to, even tiffany. for you all to be voting out me and not x at this point, he must be playing a hell of a game. i'm gonna make sure that all of jury knows that. each one of you, right now, is helping x win $750,000 unless you vote him out of this game."

10:58pm bbt

Of course, tomorrow night it'll be a variation of the usual "I had a great summer and I consider you all my friends and if you think it'll help your personal game, please consider keeping me, thank you" instead.

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

True I really don't have any interest seeing Claire play again. She will play the same role she did on this season or try to be a Tiffany there is really now in between. 

Tiffany and Derex are the two I'd be curious to see play again; they're both smart enough to learn from their mistakes and maybe play differently. Or not. But I'd give them another shot before any of the others. Hannah might be a third, depending on how her game goes from here.

The sole pre-jury person I can see as a possible returnee is Frenchie, and only for the pure chaos of it. #teamgoodfeeds

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OK y’all, help me out here; when did the rule about the HoH not being able to tell a HG they were going OTB prior to the nom ceremony go away? Because I seem to remember that being enforced as recently as (I think) BB16; wasn’t there one occasion that season where the HoH got pulled into the DR and told by Production they couldn’t nominate somebody specifically because the HoH had told his target they were getting nom’ed prior to the PoV ceremony?

13 hours ago, Nashville said:

OK y’all, help me out here; when did the rule about the HoH not being able to tell a HG they were going OTB prior to the nom ceremony go away? Because I seem to remember that being enforced as recently as (I think) BB16; wasn’t there one occasion that season where the HoH got pulled into the DR and told by Production they couldn’t nominate somebody specifically because the HoH had told his target they were getting nom’ed prior to the PoV ceremony?

As far as I can tell, it was enforced precisely once, back in BB12, to keep Britney off of the block. In BB16, the controversy was specifically the OPPOSITE, that Frankie told Zach he was going to be the replacement nominee and just nothing happened (his sister even theorized that Frankie was trying to intentionally violate the rule so that he would not have to put Zach up). So no, they don't enforce it anymore.

Honestly, I think it just comes from Grodner not specifically giving a shit anymore who wins the show. I mean, she'll still give certain people big advantages at the start (Paul in BB19), but once that passes, I don't think she cares anymore. The last OUTRIGHT rigging was in BB14 (Frank's eviction week being canceled and an extra POV being up for grabs when Dan was on the block) and the last DEBATABLE rigging was BB16 (Frankie suddenly getting a Battle of the Block where he could win singlehandedly). 

I don't count twists  that COULD change the game, as those seem to be just meant to mix things up and not specifically hurt any particular contestant (Like when Level 6 was saved by the Saboteur or Hacker or whatever it was called, FOUTTE had as much a chance as anyone that week and Tyler later DID get nominated by it, so I truly think that was just looking for general drama and not specific drama like the riggings of the past). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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he's really controlling them all. 

I don't agree with this at all. The mission is controlling them all. Except for X, he has no fears about how he will be perceived when he cuts Tiff via his plan to throw HoH/Veto to Alyssa. ZERO. And given the edit he is receiving he has no reason to be worried.

Tiffany on the other hand couldn't dare to defy the CO in any way (directly or subterfuge)  without being perceived as self interested traitor, and her edit as well has borne that out. There was a really good discussion the other day on RHAP about how women go through life with their options and choices almost always delimited by how they will be perceived and for men it's much much less and that's a huge factor in this CO strategy and how it's fucking the CO women's game up and more broadly how it fucks women's games up almost every year and every game. 

The only person I think X controls right now is Azah, who has admitted she has no game except The Six. Everybody else's personal game just happens to overlap with is own strategy. Hannah is happy to not make any big moves and float to the power in the CO, she feels good going to F2 with Tiff/Azah/DF and even Ky. I think she does know she can't beat X, but doesn't seem to be as concerned about him as she is with the coin flip of being there with Azah/Tiff. To me Hannah is playing a Jun game, not winning comps whispering in peoples ears at the right moments and waiting it out to F2.  Derek F's two top targets are Tiff/Alyssa with Hannah and Azah next so he's with X for the duration. Ky probably wants to take Azah/Derek F/Hannah with is worst case scenarios being Tiff/X in F2, so again he's with X for the duration. Basically I can't blame any of them for targeting Tiff except in that they are all going to help X do it before the Six so fuck every last one of them. 

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I watched a video where a very serious Claire is telling Alyssa that she is in a very weird position right now if she (Claire) leaves on Thursday. Alyssa is wondering why, and Claire can't tell her the truth, she is just repeating that Alyssa is in trouble and that Tiffany knew that Claire would be voted out when she nominated her. Alyssa is asking again and again "why would they choose to evict me, I have no jury votes" and Claire can't answer that directly but I think her very serious face and the hints she says should be enough for Alyssa to understand. Zingbot was not wrong to call her dumb as it seems. Not that anything will change, but I would like for Claire to know before she leaves that Alyssa knows the truth.


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7 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Tiffany and Derex are the two I'd be curious to see play again; they're both smart enough to learn from their mistakes and maybe play differently. Or not. But I'd give them another shot before any of the others. Hannah might be a third, depending on how her game goes from here.

The sole pre-jury person I can see as a possible returnee is Frenchie, and only for the pure chaos of it. #teamgoodfeeds

I'm interested in seeing Hannah in 5 years. I have no interest in seeing Derex he is a nice guy but a terrible Big Brother player and I'm tired of the recruit excuse since we've seen recruits catch on to the game a lot quicker. 

13 minutes ago, himela said:

I watched a video where a very serious Claire is telling Alyssa that she is in a very weird position right now if she (Claire) leaves on Thursday. Alyssa is wondering why, and Claire can't tell her the truth, she is just repeating that Alyssa is in trouble and that Tiffany knew that Claire would be voted out when she nominated her. Alyssa is asking again and again "why would they choose to evict me, I have no jury votes" and Claire can't answer that directly but I think her very serious face and the hints she says should be enough for Alyssa to understand. Zingbot was not wrong to call her dumb as it seems. Not that anything will change, but I would like for Claire to know before she leaves that Alyssa knows the truth.


Alyssa has no idea what she is doing. She thinks she is the mastermind of the house and is the reason Claire is on the block right now. 

X had the nerve to say to Azah that he can't win the double eviction veto because then he should be obligated to take Alyssa down! Wtf? Wasn't he the one who was calling Tiffany selfish in case she didn't nominate Claire and break the CO? And now he is like, oh yeah well, if I win veto I'll have to take Alyssa down and break the CO? Wtf X?

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9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

As far as I can tell, it was enforced precisely once, back in BB12, to keep Britney off of the block. In BB16, the controversy was specifically the OPPOSITE, that Frankie told Zach he was going to be the replacement nominee and just nothing happened (his sister even theorized that Frankie was trying to intentionally violate the rule so that he would not have to put Zach up). So no, they don't enforce it anymore.

Honestly, I think it just comes from Grodner not specifically giving a shit anymore who wins the show. I mean, she'll still give certain people big advantages at the start (Paul in BB19, the coaches in BB14), but once that passes, I don't think she cares anymore. The last OUTRIGHT rigging was in BB14 (Frank's eviction week being canceled and an extra POV being up for grabs when Dan was on the block) and the last DEBATABLE rigging was BB16 (Frankie suddenly getting a Battle of the Block where he could win singlehandedly). 

I don't count twists  that COULD change the game, as those seem to be just meant to mix things up and not specifically hurt any particular contestant (Like when Level 6 was saved by the Saboteur or Hacker or whatever it was called, FOUTTE had as much a chance as anyone that week and Tyler later DID get nominated by it, so I truly think that was just looking for general drama and not specific drama like the riggings of the past). 

Thanks for the clarification, @Brian Cronin; I remembered there was some discussion about the rule in the BB16 forum chats, and I even vaguely recalled FmfG was in the middle of it - just couldn’t remember the particulars.

Personally I just wish TPTB would keep viewers updated on what does/doesn’t pass for current game rules - but I guess actually publishing the rules and then expecting Production to actually, yaknow, follow their own rules would be tying their hands too much, huh?  🙄

Edited by Nashville
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Okay I really don't think I can watch the DE live tonight. I'll probably be angry I didn't when Alyssa wins either way, but I live for spoilers and I just can't handle it. Especially at this point in the game when I'm super vested in my fave and that fave is in dire fucking straights. I just think the karmic irony is too sweet Alyssa has been bitching about not winning comps and now watch her win three straight. 

ETA: Oh didn't see the post before. Fuck this man. 

Edited by blixie

The chances that X can throw HoH to Alyssa and Alyssa alone are pretty slim.  I don’t think X will be upset at all if Alyssa happens to win.  That’s why Tiffany wanted to win this last HoH so bad, she wanted Claire to have the opportunity to win this coming HoH and take out X or DF.

I thought Ky was throwing it, because he wanted the F6 HoH.  Azah I think wants this HoH, whether she could win it is another question.  DF I do think is throwing it (not that he could win it) because he doesn’t want to nominate Alyssa.  So the only ones truly gunning for it are Hannah and Alyssa and maybe Azah.  

Edited by Coco88

Yeah, X's plan is just for Ky and Tiffany to be on the block IF Alyssa wins. It's no different than Tiffany wanting Claire around for the same reason, where IF she won HOH, she wouldn't be targeting Tiffany. Same thing with X and Alyssa. It seems reasonable enough to me. 

Now, if he tries to protect Alyssa BEYOND that, then yeah, fuck that guy. 

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't see this in any way, shape, or form.

I don't see how you possibly COULD see that. I mean, as I said in response to a similar bit about how the White HGs were too scared to nominate the Black HGs, we actually get to see it all. You can't just read weird shit into stuff since we actually see them all doing everything and "The CO sees non-black people as a racial collective instead of individuals" simply isn't REMOTELY supported by what we have all plainly seen during this season. 

Hell, X in literally in the middle of perhaps saving Alyssa in DEFINANCE of the Cookout!

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20 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

I thought Ky was throwing it, because he wanted the F6 HoH.  Azah I think wants this HoH, whether she could win it is another question.  DF I do think is throwing it (not that he could win it) because he doesn’t want to nominate Alyssa.  So the only ones truly gunning for it are Hannah and Alyssa and maybe Azah.  

The last I saw, Tiffany wanted Ky to throw it so they would both have a shot at the next one, and he agreed. (I’m not sure what he really wants, he bounces back and forth between X and Tiff and I don’t know where his true allegiance lies, if he has one.) Ky said he would stay in until Alyssa dropped out, then throw it.

I have seen both Azah and Deref say they want it, but I have my doubts either one can pull it off. Although I did see Azah studying in her room last night with a diagram of dots and multicolored candies! Hannah wants it.

Of course anything can change by showtime. I’m disappointed I can’t see this one live; I’ll be catching it around midnight. Which means I’ll also miss the post-eviction CO celebration if there is one. Although there tends to be a gap between show ending and feeds starting, right? Which if true means nobody will see it.

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Azah said last night that she won't nominate Tiffany because she doesn't want a black women going home on her first HOH ( I thought it was funny how she said first because it's Azah). 

Thanks for clarifying I don't mind X throwing it even though Tiffany is my favorite. It's smart for his game. 

Hannah really wants it but she is going overboard with Alyssa saying she doesn't want Alyssa touching the block. This is a huge issue with Hannah's game she tends to go overboard to non-cookout members this could backfire if she makes it to the end. 


This is how I would pitch Big D too 


Edited by choclatechip45

It's no different 

Yes it is one is man doing it and one is woman and I stated up thread how Tiffany was perceived for her attempt to keep Claire in play for F7 is completely different than how X's attempt to keep Alyssa in play will be perceived and played out on the show. It already was this week! Tiff is "wrong" and X is "righteous". And Tiff never pretended her going for HoH was anything other than one last stab at having a personal game, X meanwhile has bitched and whined for four days about how selfish she is how he is all about the mission.  They are NOT the same and I refuse to judge them the same. 

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4 minutes ago, blixie said:

Yes it is one is man doing it and one is woman and I stated up thread how Tiffany was perceived for her attempt to keep Claire in play for F7 is completely different than how X's attempt to keep Alyssa in play will be perceived and played out on the show. It already was this week! Tiff is "wrong" and X is "righteous". And Tiff never pretended her going for HoH was anything other than one last stab at having a personal game, X meanwhile has bitched and whined for four days about how selfish she is how he is all about the mission.  They are NOT the same and I refuse to judge them the same. 

The moves are the same. X being a dick about Tiffany making a move he obviously wanted to make himself is bad, but the moves are the same. 

So of course, be sure to judge X for being a dick.

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6 minutes ago, blixie said:

And Tiff never pretended her going for HoH was anything other than one last stab at having a personal game

I dunno, I think Tiffany had a side goal of saving them all (and us!) from Kyland's three hour long HoH one-on-ones and I celebrate her efforts in preventing that.

I will only accept a third Kyland HoH reign if it's a quickie HoH during a double. Because then he has a hard time limit and we don't have to live through it again.

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno, I think Tiffany had a side goal of saving them all (and us!) from Kyland's three hour long HoH one-on-ones and I celebrate her efforts in preventing that.

I will only accept a third Kyland HoH reign if it's a quickie HoH during a double. Because then he has a hard time limit and we don't have to live through it again.

Tiffany did say at one point she couldn't do a Ky HOH meeting. 

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It's a thing. It's the new thing. I totally expect it for BB24. It's the new way of the future, along with the six-to-eight person majority alliance and kinder, gentler evictions. Only they'll be called "fan favourite HoH HR Meetings".

(I actually didn't think we would get a BB24 but if we're getting a CBBUS3, the chances of another regular season are slightly better. Depends on whether we get a new house or not.)

Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Big Brother 24 is a lock, I would imagine. Heck, so is 25, 26, etc. The show is so cheap to make and takes up three hours of Summer programming AND it ties into Paramount Plus with the feeds. It's not going anywhere.

The lot with the house is up for sale. There were questions about the future because of the possibility of building a new house.

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The lot with the house is up for sale. There were questions about the future because of the possibility of building a new house.

I mean, one new house in 24 seasons doesn't sound like a lot of money to spend, does it?

EDITED TO ADD: Actually, I forgot they got a new house back in BB6. So two new houses. :) 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

The lot with the house is up for sale. There were questions about the future because of the possibility of building a new house.

Some people said it’s entirely possible they’re looking to sell it but then like rent it out from the new owner. Apparently this is a thing that happens with studios.

I would be shocked if Hannah was actually trying to win this HOH. She would have to nom Alyssa and she has spent 2 weeks gassing Alyssa up and making her feel like she has her back 100%. However, earlier Alyssa was telling Hannah that she may need to put her up as a pawn next to Tiffany so I’m hoping that tidbit will make Hannah go for HOH.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Some people said it’s entirely possible they’re looking to sell it but then like rent it out from the new owner. Apparently this is a thing that happens with studios.

I would be shocked if Hannah was actually trying to win this HOH. She would have to nom Alyssa and she has spent 2 weeks gassing Alyssa up and making her feel like she has her back 100%. However, earlier Alyssa was telling Hannah that she made need to put her up as a pawn next to Tiffany so I’m hoping that tidbit will make Hannah go for HOH.

I assume the plan for whoever wins HOH is to backdoor Alyssa, no?

"Sorry, Alyssa, ___ won the POV, so I had to put you up."

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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