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"I'm Over Under The Dome"

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This topic is for anyone who's decided to stop watching altogether, stop watching every episode, or switched to hate-watching.

How many other viewers were able to say "Hi, Dad" as Barbie said it? I was. It is beyond cliche for one of the main characters to not only accidently escape, but accidently be related to someone who has a lot of clout, wealth, and secret knowledge. I actually thought of quitting right there, but have decided to hang on a little longer. I won't say "it can't possibly get worse", but i do believe it has a chance of getting better.

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I've hatewatched almost from the beginning. Like many, I had somewhat high hopes but after the Angie imprisonment thing and no real repercussions from that, amongst other things, I realized I couldn't take it seriously enough to give a real shit about the characters. This season is even worse. I can't follow it because nothing makes sense. The answer to every question is: dome. Why did such and such happen? Dome. Why did so and so do that? Dome. The shark jumped with Maxine's old abandoned cement factory fight club. Now it's on and I don't really watch it. Kind of check in every 10 minutes or so to see what fresh stupidity has transpired. Last night DH and I both laughed when Julia, intrepid town reporter, observed the leaves changing colour, and asked Rebecca, intrepid high school science teacher, what it meant, to which she replied, scientifically, that leaves change colour when it's autumn. I can't even... why does this show get the honour of recapping when Extant doesn't? Does Extant have to get on UTD's shit level first? Sorry, had to throw that pet peeve in there one more time.

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I can't even call watching this (or The Following) "hate watch." I call it "stupid watching." I stupidly watch to see just how stupid it's going to get! I am rarely disappointed, because it manages to get more "under the dumb" every time.

Same here! I had a great deal of fun watching last night's episode. It really brought the implausible to every moment onscreen.

Last night DH and I both laughed when Julia, intrepid town reporter, observed the leaves changing colour, and asked Rebecca, intrepid high school science teacher, what it meant, to which she replied, scientifically, that leaves change colour when it's autumn. I can't even... why does this show get the honour of recapping when Extant doesn't? Does Extant have to get on UTD's shit level first? Sorry, had to throw that pet peeve in there one more time.

I can't speak to how recapping decisions are made, but for me, this show is much more fun to snark on than Extant. It has given "over the top" new meaning. Extant is kind of dreary in comparison. Also, I get caught up in just looking at Goran Višnjić, so it's easier to focus on him and not the plot.

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My favorite character is now Hunter - but that's only because he hasn't had enough screen time yet to say or do anything incredibly stupid.  I liked Barbie in the beginning, esp. before he began his 'epic love affair' with Julia.  Given enough time under the Dome, I'm sure I'll dislike Hunter as much as I dislike some of the other characters.  

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I only watch for Pauline's artwork.

I might have to go back through season 1 and start a Tumblr with screenshots of the terrible, terrible art. I just started one for the masks of Drugs Inc.


I started watching this show because I like the TV movies and miniseries that have been done from Stephen King's books. Even when they're bad, they're so bad it's good. And although this book was pretty bad, I thought maybe as a summer show it could work because the bar is low for summer entertainment. But the bar is not this low. I was so excited when the hole appeared because maybe they could all jump down and the show would be over. But no, now it's filled up again. This show is like watching someone's description of an endless and frustrating dream.

Edited by Soobs
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I was going to simply denounce the idiocy of the show, but then I watched the thing for over a season and wasn't comfortable with the generalization. According to the definition/description of Dadism here (http://www.citrinitas.com/history_of_viscom/avantgarde.html; halfway down the page), I think our intrepid band of half-asses have stumbled into a respected school of Art.


"Dada strove to have no meaning — interpretation of Dada is dependent entirely on the viewer." Sounds like this show, right? Especially as it still draws over six million regular viewers, some who are loving the heck out of it.


"The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature (poetry, art manifestoes, art theory), theatre, and graphic design, which concentrated its anti war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works." (bold, mine) I think we have enough evidence that the show is anti-art, correct?


Not that I don't think the show is idiotic and there is no respect given the actors ( who have to act this dreck) or the audience (who they are banking on to watch it uncritically and without any expectations of logic and how people act.) This is a very cynical affair all around, imo. Which is why I'm not watching.

Edited by Actionmage
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I was at work, reading this forum, and trying hard to suppress my guffaws, when my office mate asked me if I was okay. It turns out that he is one of the viewers who have been watching it seriously.


I mentioned one or two of the major logic flaws and pointed him here and to AV Club. He came in the next day, saying: I don't know what I was thinking! This show is hilarious!


Another convert.

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"The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature (poetry, art manifestoes, art theory), theatre, and graphic design, which concentrated its anti war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works." (bold, mine) I think we have enough evidence that the show is anti-art, correct?


Perhaps, but I haven't seen any evidence that the show runners know what the prevailing standards are, so I can't conclude that they're  rebelling against standards when the standards are probably beyond their ken. 

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"...I haven't seen any evidence that the show runners know what the prevailing standards are, so I can't conclude that they're  rebelling against standards when the standards are probably beyond their ken."


Sadly, I have to agree with this, Kris117!  That's why I was asking; they didn't accidently fall on their ass into an actual artistic style? I  was hoping for a 'no'.

Edited by Actionmage

I wish the dome could talk.  I would hire someone outrageous to be its voice like Gilbert Gottfried.  I would crack up listening to Gottfried Dome rag on  Barbie and Jim and Drownsie and Pauline and the rest of them.  Like when Barbie crashed the ambulance last week, the screechy voice yells out, "Where did you learn to drive?  My 90 year old grandmother can drive better than you!  What a waste of a perfectly good ambulance!"

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I wish the dome could talk.  I would hire someone outrageous to be its voice like Gilbert Gottfried.  I would crack up listening to Gottfried Dome rag on  Barbie and Jim and Drownsie and Pauline and the rest of them.  Like when Barbie crashed the ambulance last week, the screechy voice yells out, "Where did you learn to drive?  My 90 year old grandmother can drive better than you!  What a waste of a perfectly good ambulance!"


Or even something like messages appearing on the Dome wall.


Anything would be an improvement compared to the current situation where basically it's along the lines of harried islanders trying to quiet a volcano -- and just making crap up like dumping things in the volcano or sacrificing virgins.  Because that's what the volcano wants.


How many times has the phrase "because that's what the Dome wants" been uttered by these clowns ? 

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Or, Rebecca: "The earthquake dislodged the organic waste from the sewage system and the freezing temperatures solidified the waste, but the contracting dome threw them up into the air where the electromagnetic waves plasticized the atoms in the air into diaper-like wrappings which enveloped the organic wastes and fell under the force of gravity.  Let's grab the Giant Windmill and blow the diapers towards the growing gap between the Dome and the ground so it can be filled, stopping the contraction of the Dome."

Edited by Camera One
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I recorded it and started to watch and then realized I must have stop watching last seaosn cause I did not remember most of what was going on.


I must be done.


Even the people that are still watching don't even know what's going on.



I completely forgot to watch the new episode this week.  Judging from the episode comments, I didn't miss much.


You didn't.  :D.

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UTD is this generation's Lost in Space.  It's even got its own Dr. Smith in Big Jim.  All it's missing is a beloved character like the Robot to make it a television classic people will cherish for years.


They have a beloved character in the making - the dog.  He just needs to appear a little more frequently.


If you ignore the love interests on UTD or the family relationships on Lost in Space -


Dr. Smith - Big Jim

Dr. Robinson - Barbie

Mrs. Robinson - Christine (although she is more like the Mrs. Robinson from the Graduate)

Don West - Junior or Sam

Judy Robinson - Julia

Penny Robinson - Norrie

Will Robinson - Joe

Robot - dog

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I quit last year when some of them got out and the plot immediately reversed to "We need to get back in there."


But I checked in with tonight's episode and. . . LMAO.  The Dome has been repopulated with dozens of new people!!!  Was there a stampede of outertown folk plunging through the red door or swirling up through the bottom of the lake or whatever?  Hahahaha, stupid show.


Re the Lost In Space debate, I think this show might have achieved that kind of iconic status if they'd stuck to the prototype--a finite set of established characters enduring a dire and unpredictable situation.

That was the structure of King's book and it would have made an interesting show.


I wonder if Stephen King is still claiming he's pleased?

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