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S06.E21: Reunion Part 1

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Oh, I have no doubt that after she says "I want it shut down", she will get her way. No doubt whatsoever. Sadly. Because even if the situation is really sad, even if no one should have to go through that sort of storm privately or publicly, it's Ramona. I didn't hope for that to happen to her but now that it has, I want her to have her nose put into her shit really, really, really badly. Not rub the scandal in her face, she suffered enough about that but to point out her hypocrisy.


I hope someone* stoops to the level of crap she displayed through the years with her castmates for her to feel every ounce of humilation she imposed on the other women. I want it to sting. I want her to choke on the halo she puts on her head when she's throwing shade at the other women's marriages, evoking without any remorse, events happening behind the scenes. Even if every bit of the things she said was true, I want Ramona to feel how it is to be exposed to somebody like her pointing everything you do wrong. We will see if she thinks being an unfiltered so-called-truth teller is such a quality in life after all. 


*too bad it won't be Aviva because Ramona being her only ally. She's the kind to stoop to any level and I couldn't think less about her if she does. Part of me hopes that the other women are too classy to do that. But the part of me wanting they'll do it speaks loudly at this time.

This. It's pretty much dead on how I feel about her. Ramona has ALWAYS mocked other housewives for their marriages, not giving a crap that many had kids as well to think about. But suddenly Avery might hear that her father is a cheating scumbag and NOW Ramona calls for silence? Screw her. I wouldn't ever wish marital woes on anyone- including Ramona. But you cannot do and say the things you do over the course of years, establish a pattern of horrible behavior, and then demand your own misfortunes be ignored and not discussed. It's hypocritical and laughable to say the least. You reap what you sow, bitch.

Bullies like Ramona don't learn anything unless they are smacked back with similar behavior. And I, for one, cannot wait to see that hateful, horrible hag squirm.


  • Love 7

No, it wasn't. She withdrew her divorce petition, and they're still together.

Piling on might teach her a lesson on how hurtful it is to kick someone when they're down. Some people only learn from personal experience.


I've read two blinds on various Real Housewives, and both were about Ramona.  One before Mario's infidelity came to light, one after.  The one before was correct, it was about Mario's cheating and I think the pregnancy.  It's been a while, can't remember exactly. The one after stated that not only is the marriage over and she's staying with him for the money (same reason he's staying with her), but she's also seeing a guy who's a bit younger than she is.  Who knows if any of that is real. It would not surprise me if she and Mario decided to live separate lives but stay together so that they could continue to live the lifestyles they are used to.  I also wouldn't be surprised if her daughter was well aware of the situation, has been aware of the cheating for a long time, and just goes with the flow.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
  • Love 2

The thing is, how can Moaner still go on bragging bout Mario in the same way?  I mean she can, but now nobody is gonna believe her or envy her in the least (suppressing giggles on that thought), so she's really gonna look like a total fool.  There's nothin' bout Mario anyone would want, Moaner.  Give up the ghost, hun.  Only the skank wants him -- and dat's just for his money.  Her babble on Mario makes her look truly pathetic now.  I'd say Heather is the one lookin' pretty lucky.  She's the ONLY one there who's actually got a nice guy.  Good for her that she's not joining Lu in stomping all over Ramona.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

If one is going to extrapolate from the racial undertones of this program, honestly, the entire franchise is premised on an odd dynamic in that most of the cities are typified by a lack of diversity and effective segregation. In terms of original casts, respective minorities and/or cultural archetypes get their "own" installments- Atlanta: blacks; Miami: Cubans/Latinas; New Jersey: Italians. One can endlessly parse the sociological implications of this set-up, and I have no doubt many of the ladies who appear on NYC likely approach questions of ethnicity from a place of privilege and microaggression, much like the women on Beverly Hills did last season when they consistently chided the one girl of color in their midst for reacting negatively to Brandi Glanville's repeated expressions of bigotry.


However, I don't see in this instance how Aviva's diction reflects an attempt to "other" African-Americans. One can tally up the numerous assaults that have transpired since the OC debuted eight years ago, but the most recent season of Atlanta was, in my opinion, one of the most explosively violent in terms of what was caught on film and in terms of how that footage was marketed in a constant rotation of condensed advertisement spots. Shoe-throwing, broken ribs, husbands shoving wives, men both grabbing women and advancing into their physical spaces, the Wives themselves informing their female cast mate that she was "lucky" she "didn't get her ass beat" by those men. Phaedra, NeNe, Kandi, and Cynthia all participated in the culture of violence from what I watched by minimizing Apollo's actions and proclaiming at every opportunity in the media that Kenya and the "queen in the red pyjamas" were essentially asking for the assaults to which they were subjected.


Add in the publicity that accompanied Porsha's attack of Kenya, as well as Miss Cohen's pearl-clutching over it (which I did think perpetuated pejorative stereotypes about blacks considering Ramona's glass-chucking came only a few weeks later), and I would forgive any casual viewer for concluding that Atlanta was, in fact, defined by hand-to-hand combat much more than, say, New York.


Andy is the manager of this "anthropological experiment" (thanks, Carole!). He is responsible for the selectivity with which he shapes the narratives in each city. However, I don't expect the women themselves to be familiar with each and every nuance of what transpired in every season with every cast. Season 6 of Atlanta was peddled, probably intentionally, by the network as particularly volatile. It makes sense that this would crop up in references since it is one of the most recent examples.


The "Aviva is a bigot" predicate is flimsy to me. She's often vilified for behavior for which other women get a pass, in my opinion. For instance, moving her neck with more animation than usual while using the term "ghetto" is perhaps arguably based on cultural stereotypes, but Heather rolls her head way more often and "holla" is definitely associated with urban vernacular slang. The distinction is that Heather is earnest in her appropriation/code-switching.


I'm more than happy to call a racist a racist (hi Brandi, Carlton, and Yolanda!), but I haven't seen anything to convince me that Aviva fits the bill so far, even in an institutional context. I've just seen evidence that she's eccentric, supercilious, unpleasant, and mean-spirited.  

  • Love 9

How funny that Ramona would suggest that LuAnn, an attractive woman who actually has her shit together and finances in order, who could easily attract another man without throwing herself at them and without sexual innuendo, would be jealous of a broken down gold digger who doesn't have hot water in her only pot to piss in.  Jealous of the Ramona's friendship with broken down gold digger?  Hard to believe that too.



The thing is, how can Moaner still go on bragging bout Mario in the same way?  I mean she can, but now nobody is gonna believe her or envy her in the least (suppressing giggles on that thought), so she's really gonna look like a total fool.  There's nothin' bout Mario anyone would want, Moaner.  Give up the ghost, hun.  Only the skank wants him -- and dat's just for his money.  Her babble on Mario makes her look truly pathetic now.  I'd say Heather is the one lookin' pretty lucky.  She's the ONLY one there who's actually got a nice guy.  Good for her that she's not joining Lu in stomping all over Ramona.

I think Ramona's days of bragging about her marriage are over.  I think many women are attracted to Mario, he is good looking, good father, athletic, intelligent and wealthy.  I have always wondered what he saw in Ramona-maybe blind loyalty, devotion to their daughter?  Because most of the time I see Ramona as an embarrassment to herself. it still has to hurt that the rumors are out there and Ramona has to deal with it. 


In some ways Ramona may be smarter than the average bear-by calling it out as "allegedly" she shows respect for her husband's word and the burden is shifted to the other women to insult Ramona or Mario or prove up the infidelity rumors.  Unless LuAnn is personally banging Mario she has backed her way into a corner.  LuAnn denies rumors of infidelity and banging the pirate is Mario not entitled to do the same?


I am sure if Mario were a widow some of Ramona's friends would be quite interested in taming him and landing him.

I think Ramona's days of bragging about her marriage are over. I think many women are attracted to Mario, he is good looking, good father, athletic, intelligent and wealthy. I have always wondered what he saw in Ramona-maybe blind loyalty, devotion to their daughter? Because most of the time I see Ramona as an embarrassment to herself. it still has to hurt that the rumors are out there and Ramona has to deal with it.


I've always been of the opinion that Ramona and Mario are really into each other and that Mario has cheated on her for years. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I think Mario has kind of trashy taste in women and Ramona straddles the line of society woman and trailer park stripper in a way that sings to Mario's heart. I don't think Mario wants to leave Ramona, he's just a pig that likes banging cheap hoes on the side. I don't think Ramona wants to leave Mario, she's just a basket case attracted to slimy people. Ramona and Mario are made for each other.

  • Love 7
I think many women are attracted to Mario, he is good looking, good father, athletic, intelligent and wealthy.


Yeah, looking at the news of Cheryl Hines marrying RFK, Jr., I agree with you, and clearly there are some women who are OK with being with someone who's a well known cheater.  But saying Mario is such a great catch or he gets a lot of attention may be topics Moaner might wanna stay away from in the future, unless she's lookin' to humiliate herself (further).

  • Love 1

The "Aviva is a bigot" predicate is flimsy to me. She's often vilified for behavior for which other women get a pass, in my opinion. For instance, moving her neck with more animation than usual while using the term "ghetto" is perhaps arguably based on cultural stereotypes, but Heather rolls her head way more often and "holla" is definitely associated with urban vernacular slang. The distinction is that Heather is earnest in her appropriation/code-switching.

For me that's a big distinction. Aviva is mocking whereas I don't find Heather to be mocking.

As far as Aviva saying that the women reacted to her leg throw tantrum as though they had seen a Real Housewife of Atlanta, I found mention of that cast suspect only because Aviva had no farther to look than the woman sharing the same reunion couch with her. Acts of aggression have happened on RHOA--no doubt--but let's not pretend that Ramona Singer isn't one of the most aggressive women either. Or that her aggression can't give Nene's aggression a run for its money.

Ramona has never hesitated to get alllll up in someone's face when arguing with that person. This season alone saw her toss wine twice, toss a "wine-shaped glass" that gave another cast member a cut lip, and then make an attempt to throw a canoe oar at someone. If Aviva's point was that the women at the table reacted to her leg throw as though someone aggressive was in their midst then she could have easily written that the women reacted as though they'd seen Ramona with a wine glass or a canoe oar. The point would have remained the same.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 10

In some ways Ramona may be smarter than the average bear-by calling it out as "allegedly" she shows respect for her husband's word and the burden is shifted to the other women to insult Ramona or Mario or prove up the infidelity rumors.  Unless LuAnn is personally banging Mario she has backed her way into a corner. 

Ramona saying Mario "allegedly" cheated is analogous to Sonja talking about her plethora of businesses and P. Diddy summering on her yacht. Both are delusional cover- ups, and everyone knows it.

  • Love 5

Ramona saying Mario "allegedly" cheated is analogous to Sonja talking about her plethora of businesses and P. Diddy summering on her yacht. Both are delusional cover- ups, and everyone knows it.

Well I don't KNOW that Mario had an affair.  I know there were reports of it and I KNOW Ramona filed for divorce.  Nobody really knows unless there is a third person witness or photos of them in the act or a child.  At this point I find the behavior of the alleged "other woman" suspect as to the reliability of the continuance of the affair.


Sonja didn't say P. Diddy summered on her yacht-she said he had been on her yacht.  Did anyone have proof that P. Diddy had never been on Sonja's or more correctly her ex-husband's yacht?  It is not as if the yacht didn't exist it is that Sonja referred to the ownership of the yacht in the present tense (in her blog she clears up the ownership as her ex-husband) that makes her sound goofy.

^^ Especially the police officer who went to their Hamptons home when the white wine biznatch called to try and get Mario thrown out.  Oh, and the scads of people that saw Mario taking Kasey out alllll last summer, all over the Hamptons.  But somehow exact same confirmation - no, MORE confirmation - is damning for LuAnn, but Ramona is smart in saying alleged.  Nope.  I hope she enjoys trying to smell other women on him through those surgically yanked nostrils for the rest of her life. 



Ramona has never hesitated to get alllll up in someone's face when arguing with that person. This season alone saw her toss wine twice, toss a "wine-shaped glass" that gave another cast member a cut lip, and then make an attempt to throw a canoe oar at someone. If Aviva's point was that the women at the table reacted to her leg throw as though someone aggressive was in their midst then she could have easily written that the women reacted as through they'd seen Ramona with a wine glass or a canoe oar. The point would have remained the same.


It's just much more eccentric when this desperate laser-plumped bitch acts out violently, didn't you know?  Just Ramona being Ramona!  Let's all sit back and enjoy Aviva's dipping into urban patois next episode to make her 'point.'  (Did you know Heather's diction is strictly used in the 'ghetto'?  I did not!  Should be teddibly educational!)


^^^ The tense is the entire damned point with Sonja.  It makes it a lie.  It's why the 'buy me a cocktail, get some anal, tell me I'm better than all other women!!' Afghan Hound looked surprised and miffed when the couch of less crazy pointed it out.  She realizes they don't want to play her reindeer games anymore. 

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 8

The part that bothers me with Ramona is that she is trying to dictate what can be discussed and what can't. That not how these reunions work honey.

I don't know exactly what the question is but I think Ramona did a poor job of handling it and there is a part of me that thinks Ramona knows exactly what she is doing and is playing it for maximum drama.  Otherwise I am at a loss what they have that will take three episodes for this Reunion. After Bookgate, George and glass throwing there is very little left.

Gang, can we try and stay on topic here please? Talk about part 1 of the reunion here. It's fine to reference back to older episodes but if it's a major discussion about something that happened off screen or is currently happening to a specific housewife maybe take it to that topic? Also if it's from Part 2 of the reunion then it goes in First Looks or Part 2 if you're reading this after that topic has been opened. 

Carole had accomplished a good bit as a tv journalist and correspondent.  And her memoir Whatever Remains is a significant piece or work. For Aviva to have tried to take that away from her for any reason just shows us what a desperate and stupid creature Aviva is. 


The Widow's Guide I would guess is a fun beach read. If it were ghost written no one needs to lose any sleep over it  Saying that What Remains was is just straight up nastiness. 


Nadine Gordimer died a few weeks ago -- That's a real writer of fiction on a scale that trumps Bravo BS.  One of the real problems for Carole as a writer looking to be taken seriously is that she traded her name in for this reality show.  And she was never ever in a million years on that level to begin with.


That doesn't take away from her initial memoir and it may not take away from whatever she may decide to do from here on out should she decide to keep on writing but Widow's Guide has been tarnished forever.  Not only because of the stupid and exploitive title but because the book is tied to this show.  And because having read it one can say it's just no good.  Doesn't mean Carole is without talent but literature is never going to be her bag.  Aviva being the see you next Tues that she is knew that and opted to just keep slinging it.  And Andy Cohen, because he's his own special version of bitch opted to keep it coming.  Cohen has zero respect for women and certainly no regard for American letters or culture.  Straight up whore.


Yes- all of this!


I was truly and utterly shocked when I heard Carole was going to be on this show. I had nothing but respect and reverence for her as a writer. I read What Remains when it first came out, and it moved me tremendously. Like Carole, I lost a handful of people very close to me in a very short period of time; I felt that her book captured the grief and the uncertainty that those of us "left behind" feel when you are in a situation like that, as well as the beauty and the fragility of life itself.  I don't think doing the show takes away from her literary accomplishments in the "memoirs" genre.


Now, does that mean I went out and bought a copy of Widow's Guide?  Hell no!  I know just from the description that it's not my kind of book. And I do think, unfortunately, that any non-fiction books she writes from here on out will have the "Housewives" stigma attached to them. 

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 3

For me that's a big distinction. Aviva is mocking whereas I don't find Heather to be mocking.

As far as Aviva saying that the women reacted to her leg throw tantrum as though they had seen a Real Housewife of Atlanta, I found mention of that cast suspect only because Aviva had no farther to look than the woman sharing the same reunion couch with her. Acts of aggression have happened on RHOA--no doubt--but let's not pretend that Ramona Singer isn't one of the most aggressive women either. Or that her aggression can't give Nene's aggression a run for its money.

Ramona has never hesitated to get alllll up in someone's face when arguing with that person. This season alone saw her toss wine twice, toss a "wine-shaped glass" that gave another cast member a cut lip, and then make an attempt to throw a canoe oar at someone. If Aviva's point was that the women at the table reacted to her leg throw as though someone aggressive was in their midst then she could have easily written that the women reacted as though they'd seen Ramona with a wine glass or a canoe oar. The point would have remained the same.

Except Aviva is mocking Heather's code-switching and use of urban patois, not urban culture itself. One can write a book about all of the attendant implications and themes contained within Heather's selective deployment of slang and vernacular verbal flourishes (color privilege, "access to whiteness," whether or not it's offensive for a person who enjoys privilege to adopt the cultural expressions of those who do not enjoy the same privilege, whether criticism of that phenomenon is problematic because it situates culture as subject to ownership, etc.). It's the same set of questions that cropped up with the "Dear White Gay Men: Stop Stealing Black Female Culture" article that went viral and the befuddlement that arose among Native Americans when it was discovered that Elizabeth Warren identified herself as such on federal diversity forms despite having no tribal affiliation or demonstrable relationship with tribal culture.


Aviva's point revives a debate that's been part of racial discourse for a while. One could criticize her for advancing the notion that there are such things as "talking white" or "talking black" if one wants to read into her mockery of Heather. But Heather's own actions are just as troubling and contingent upon motivation- if she's intentionally mimicking urban vernacular speech because she thinks it's cool or has heard it in a rap song, that's kind of fetishistic. If she's doing it to sound more menacing, that's negative stereotyping.


I think Heather's fluidity of diction is a conscious choice, because my own experience is all I have by which to judge. I might greet my friends "hey, mama," a salutation I obviously would not utilize for my boss. I obviously am more incline to use profanity when I'm heated. But I don't suddenly drop "g's" off of words or use "nothing" in place of "anything" just because I'm angry. Thus, it seems like an inorganic posturing to me.


That being said, I don't have any clue as to why Heather does her "holla" schtick, so, personally, I find the argument that either her comportment or Aviva's have revealed any racism to be thin and unconvincing.

  • Love 2

Aviva's point revives a debate that's been part of racial discourse for a while. One could criticize her for advancing the notion that there are such things as "talking white" or "talking black" if one wants to read into her mockery of Heather. But Heather's own actions are just as troubling and contingent upon motivation- if she's intentionally mimicking urban vernacular speech because she thinks it's cool or has heard it in a rap song, that's kind of fetishistic. If she's doing it to sound more menacing, that's negative stereotyping.


I think Heather's fluidity of diction is a conscious choice, because my own experience is all I have by which to judge. I might greet my friends "hey, mama," a salutation I obviously would not utilize for my boss. I obviously am more incline to use profanity when I'm heated. But I don't suddenly drop "g's" off of words or use "nothing" in place of "anything" just because I'm angry. Thus, it seems like an inorganic posturing to me.


That being said, I don't have any clue as to why Heather does her "holla" schtick, so, personally, I find the argument that either her comportment or Aviva's have revealed any racism to be thin and unconvincing.

That's exactly what I think and how it sounds in my brain.  

But I can't express it like you do.  Do you use a ghostwriter?

  • Love 8

I did not like LuAnn's or Sonja's dresses.


None of the women ever physically fought on ATL before Porsha assaulted Kenya ( which wasn't even during the course of filming the show) which is why some of us wondered why Aviva had to mention ATL.  Does that put things in a different light for you?  Slapping and throwing wine are much more dramatic than nothing...

Off the top of my head?  Sheree yanked on Kim's wig, trying to rip it off in front of Michael Lohan.  Lisa Wu jumped up and went over a couch to get at Kim (she was restrained).  Sheree had to be restrained when she physically went after the party planner in Who Gonna Check Me Boo-gate. Sheree threw a water bottle at her ex. Nene lunged at Kim on the bus and put her hands around Kim's neck.  Both Sheree and Nene repeatedly got in people's faces and acted in threatening manners to each other, to Kim, to Kandee, to Dwight.  Marlo and Sheree got into a screaming match in Africa where it looked like they might come to blows (not unexpected since Marlo has served time for assault).  At the PJ party where the men got physically, the women were thisclose to getting involved. Porsha takes down Kenya at the reunion. 


Yes, NJ is much more physical among the women and men.  OC is worse than NY but not as bad as ATL in my opinion.  Why did Aviva single out ATL?  Maybe for the same reason that Brandi said the only housewives she feared were on ATL.


Here is the deal with Sonja-her flights of fantasy do not hurt anyone.  The one entity she did hurt is being compensated legally and painfully by Sonja.  No one cares if her ex-husband yacht was named best charter because it affects almost no one.


If you read the link on Sonja's page, you'll see that the company that successfully sued Sonja and won wasn't the only company Sonja defrauded.  According to them, after Sonja partially funded one film, she signed a bunch of deals with many others but backed out when she couldn't get access to the funds.  It didn't affect only John Travolta, it affected everyone who put in money to these projects and started spending money to start production.   Sonja lied on the paperwork and said her husband was part of the deal.  He wasn't.  It's not harmless.  Anyone who went into business with Sonja and had to deal with her whims was harmed. 

  • Love 3

Except Aviva is mocking Heather's code-switching and use of urban patois, not urban culture itself. One can write a book about all of the attendant implications and themes contained within Heather's selective deployment of slang and vernacular verbal flourishes (color privilege, "access to whiteness," whether or not it's offensive for a person who enjoys privilege to adopt the cultural expressions of those who do not enjoy the same privilege, whether criticism of that phenomenon is problematic because it situates culture as subject to ownership, etc.). It's the same set of questions that cropped up with the "Dear White Gay Men: Stop Stealing Black Female Culture" article that went viral and the befuddlement that arose among Native Americans when it was discovered that Elizabeth Warren identified herself as such on federal diversity forms despite having no tribal affiliation or demonstrable relationship with tribal culture.


Aviva's point revives a debate that's been part of racial discourse for a while. One could criticize her for advancing the notion that there are such things as "talking white" or "talking black" if one wants to read into her mockery of Heather. But Heather's own actions are just as troubling and contingent upon motivation- if she's intentionally mimicking urban vernacular speech because she thinks it's cool or has heard it in a rap song, that's kind of fetishistic. If she's doing it to sound more menacing, that's negative stereotyping.


I think Heather's fluidity of diction is a conscious choice, because my own experience is all I have by which to judge. I might greet my friends "hey, mama," a salutation I obviously would not utilize for my boss. I obviously am more incline to use profanity when I'm heated. But I don't suddenly drop "g's" off of words or use "nothing" in place of "anything" just because I'm angry. Thus, it seems like an inorganic posturing to me.


That being said, I don't have any clue as to why Heather does her "holla" schtick, so, personally, I find the argument that either her comportment or Aviva's have revealed any racism to be thin and unconvincing.

Since Heather has been on the show, I've seen the most black people I've ever seen on NY.  She appears to have genuine friendships and associations with black people and has picked up some of the slang over the years.  I think it's that simple.  It's natural to pick up some of the phrases of the people one is around.  I find myself saying things some of my friends say and I've heard some of my phrases being said by my friends.  We're not intentionally adopting what each other is saying.  I find Aviva offensive because at most she is being racially provocative and at least, she's ignorant.  Saying "holla" is not limited to people in the "ghetto".  I resent the notion that black = ghetto and ghetto = black as well.  A lot of blacks code switch when in professional environments or around people who are unfamiliar.  I remember Kathy Griffin (who I don't think is suspect) making jokes about Tyra and Oprah speaking "normal" and sometimes going "sista girl" or "ghetto" which is pure ignorance.  A person can be intelligent, and articulate and speak slang.  It has nothing to do with the ghetto; it is the unique African American flair.  When Heather cursed out Aviva and that girl, Aviva brought up Heather speaking like she had been in prison, yet Aviva has cursed throughout the season.  She somehow views her cursing as different than Heather's because Heather added a bit of slang to hers.  A lot of Aviva's comments are adding up and she makes a lot of implications.  

  • Love 12

the far more irritating issue to me is why anyone is extending themselves to find excuses for Aviva's - since we don't like the term racism - i'll replace it with the more pc *racial insensitivity* - what the hell are all the comparisons about? this isn't the warren commission, the girl's a dick who always seems to have something *racially insensitive* to say at the READY. Like what else do we need, are we looking for confederacy throw pillows or something? shit.

  • Love 7

I think Mario has kind of trashy taste in women and Ramona straddles the line of society woman and trailer park stripper in a way that sings to Mario's heart. I don't think Mario wants to leave Ramona, he's just a pig that likes banging cheap hoes on the side. I don't think Ramona wants to leave Mario, she's just a basket case attracted to slimy people. Ramona and Mario are made for each other.

OMG. I think you may be right. Hilarious theory. Both hilarious and probable.

So I wonder why Ramona filed for divorce this time?

The part that bothers me with Ramona is that she is trying to dictate what can be discussed and what can't. That not how these reunions work, honey.

She really does believe that she is very special. The rules do not apply to her.

OMG. I think you may be right. Hilarious theory. Both hilarious and probable.

So I wonder why Ramona filed for divorce this time?

She really does believe that she is very special. The rules do not apply to her.

Does anyone remember the very first reunion? The one where Ramona got up and walked off the stage when Andy started asking Alex questions about her topless photos? Andy asked her where she was going and she said she refused to be a part of any discussion about a woman posing topless. She was just so offended by the very notion of such a thing.  She asked Andy to change the subject and he said he was going to finish it.  She was the very same person back then. 

  • Love 1

OMG. I think you may be right. Hilarious theory. Both hilarious and probable.

So I wonder why Ramona filed for divorce this time?

She really does believe that she is very special. The rules do not apply to her.

My guess has always been because it got so public and Ramona got embarrassed. Filing for divorce was a warning shot. A way of saying "Too many people know and you're not sending her to the stripper farm where she can run and play with your other hookers quick enough. I'm serious this time. Cut her loose and come home. But don't forget to stop by Tiffany's and pick me up a sparkly for my Inspired By Mario's Skanks collection."

  • Love 2

the far more irritating issue to me is why anyone is extending themselves to find excuses for Aviva's - since we don't like the term racism - i'll replace it with the more pc *racial insensitivity* - what the hell are all the comparisons about? this isn't the warren commission, the girl's a dick who always seems to have something *racially insensitive* to say at the READY. Like what else do we need, are we looking for confederacy throw pillows or something? shit.

Don't know if Aviva is a racist but we do know she was raised by that flaccid dick who was very much consumed with his gold-digger's race when Ramona's concerns had nothing to do with her race and everything to do with his disgusting-ass self.

Edited by comatoast

Don't know if Aviva is a racist but we do know she was raised by that flaccid dick who was very much consumed with his gold-digger's race when Ramona's concerns had nothing to do with her race and everything to do with his disgusting-ass self.


I'll go back to being nice in a sec, but in the meantime I'm going to say that I think this is because it's being quantified in degrees/levels.  I gave her the same benefit of the doubt I give everybody.  Then she opened her mouth.  She doesn't need to pull a hood out of her Birkin to prove it to me. 

  • Love 5

God, what a bitch.  The very fact that Ramona believes that she and Sonja have "carried the show" is hysterical.  Nice of her to wait until after the reunion filmed to hammer away at her co-stars like this. 

  • Love 3
It's natural to pick up some of the phrases of the people one is around.  I find myself saying things some of my friends say and I've heard some of my phrases being said by my friends.


Exactly. I went to college in a different state and slowly picked up regional phrases and slang. I'm embarrassed to admit that while I was watching Jersey Shore, I used the words "creeping" or "smush" a few times. I don't think Heather is wishing that she was "born in the ghetto" (credit: Aviva Drescher) any more than I wish I was an Italian-American from Staten Island. ("Not that there's anything wrong with that.")

Edited by archer1267
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the far more irritating issue to me is why anyone is extending themselves to find excuses for Aviva's - since we don't like the term racism - i'll replace it with the more pc *racial insensitivity* - what the hell are all the comparisons about? this isn't the warren commission, the girl's a dick who always seems to have something *racially insensitive* to say at the READY. Like what else do we need, are we looking for confederacy throw pillows or something? shit.


THANK YOU!!!!!  Exactly, and well said.  

Edited by OhGromit
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God, what a bitch.  The very fact that Ramona believes that she and Sonja have "carried the show" is hysterical.  Nice of her to wait until after the reunion filmed to hammer away at her co-stars like this.

So how much do we think all of Ramona's nasty behavior will affect Avery? Will it bias people against Avery because they have seen how obnoxious her mother is?
God, what a bitch.  The very fact that Ramona believes that she and Sonja have "carried the show" is hysterical.


I'll bite. I think she's got a point. Sure, Aviva got quite a bit of attention with the leg toss, but other than that, has been largely absent during the season. Her father was an extremely unwelcome part of her storyline and the less said about him, the better. Ramona is highly entertaining just being her abrasive self, and a lot of the drama focused on her with the wine glass, the air conditioner, "Who are you to get me wet??" Sonja was entertaining too, but in a cringeworthy way. Take Ramonja out of the equation and we're left with


  • uneasy domestic squabbles (Kristen and Josh)
  • Heather celebrating her anniversary and getting into everyone's business (I thought there would be more of a storyline with her son and his ear problems, but that didn't go anywhere, and maybe just as well - some things are better left private)
  • Bookgate (ugh)
  • Carole's apartment re-do; Carole goes on an awkward date
  • LuAnn shows up for the occasional quip in her "Friend of" capacity


Pretty bleh, huh?


I've been watching the first season of RHOC. The first season of any reality show is usually the best, but it was sobering to see how the current RH shows are a cipher of the original premise. I really did feel like I was watching real people, going about their usual business, whether it be working, spending time with their families, looking for work, trying to make relationships work. I agree with everyone who's said in different threads that it'd be interesting to actually see what these women do during the day. Maybe Simon and Alex soured Bravo on showcasing the spouse and kids too much, but that's where we see who these people are and what motivates them. Not putting them in an exotic location with endless amounts of liquor and watching the fur fly.


I'd argue that outside of Ramonja, these women are interesting in their individual ways, and it's Bravo's fault for not finding the right way to make that the hook.

Edited by archer1267
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I'll bite. I think she's got a point. Sure, Aviva got quite a bit of attention with the leg toss, but other than that, has been largely absent during the season. Her father was an extremely unwelcome part of her storyline and the less said about him, the better. Ramona is highly entertaining just being her abrasive self, and a lot of the drama focused on her with the wine glass, the air conditioner, "Who are you to get me wet??" Sonja was entertaining too, but in a cringeworthy way. Take Ramonja out of the equation and we're left with


  • uneasy domestic squabbles (Kristen and Josh)
  • Heather celebrating her anniversary and getting into everyone's business (I thought there would be more of a storyline with her son and his ear problems, but that didn't go anywhere, and maybe just as well - some things are better left private)
  • Bookgate (ugh)
  • Carole's apartment re-do; Carole goes on an awkward date
  • LuAnn shows up for the occasional quip in her "Friend of" capacity


Pretty bleh, huh?.

No question Ramona is a bitch, but she does bring a lot to the show. When I think of memorable scenes through the years that had me laughing and snarking and on my high-horse, Ramona was responsible for many of them.  She's also been quite the giver of gifts that keep on giving, in my opinion. Just in the very first episode of the show she gave us chronicle, as in her "chronicle age." Lol

Her lack of self-awareness even had Andy and the saner couch chuckling in the first part of the reunion. She mentioned that she broke up with her ex-fiancé because he was too self-consumed. (There's no way I was the only poster here who was dying when she said that!)  Somehow her explanation of what "Turtle Time" was required her to mention that wine has been around since the Bible. Uh, ok. Then she talked about how it's not a big deal that she threw wine at Kristin because she was IN liquid. hehe Sure, Ramona. She’s a bitch who is fun to laugh at. Hell, she even chimes in on the writing process. Explaining it to Carol. Too funny!

  • Love 1

Just stumbled upon this from September 2013. Aviva includes New Jersey here in her description of RHONY this season:


"A lot of the alliances change. Every single thing that happens is a huge surprise. And there's a lot of craziness. New York is usually more civilized and this season I feel like there are characters who seemed very subdued before who go absolutely nuts. I feel like this season is really over-the-top dramatic. I think we’re gonna give The Real Housewives of Atlanta and The Real Housewives of New Jersey maybe a little run for their money."




Edited by comatoast

I judge table flipping, etc. on RHONJ as showboating (all talk and no action) not like Apollo's "physicality" Peter jumping in -- Candi totally furious--almost losing it. Those people were not play acting-- as in Kenya's friend ?Brandon's broken ribs.

Sorry, I don't know how to "re-quote" the first part.

The most intriguing part to me was Ms. Aviva of Vassar's use of grammar. Instead of saying, like they just saw "one of the RHoA" she said "A RHoA". All them are different, not all of them have violent tendencies, hardly. Their one obvious commonality is that they are all POC. I don't know, between the lines and in them, It's all suspect to me. And I believe she would be cryptic and use obfuscation on purpose.

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