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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Discussing Eboni's work at Fox News is okay; although this would best take place in her character thread.  Debating whether Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, . . . are biased or not is not show discussion.  You can debate this civilly in the Small Talk thread. 

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Discussing the "I'm going to leave my own home rather than talk anything related to politics" scene is okay.  Please do not refer to politicians not mentioned on the show or discuss your personal political beliefs, voting record or party alignment.

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On 6/30/2021 at 11:51 PM, Bluesky said:

A good speaker could have made this interesting and if she could have shared stories about some good times she had in Harlem she wouldn’t have lost her audience. 

She lost her audience of me because my satellite went out during this segment because of a storm.  Sounds like somebody up there likes me.

On 7/1/2021 at 12:43 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Restaurateur, not restauranteur, Shed Media chyron department.

Wow!  I had no idea.  I'm amazed at how much actual knowledge I get from reading these forums.

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On 6/30/2021 at 9:04 AM, OFDgal said:

I have watched this show since the very first episode.  I stopped watching a couple of episodes in this time around.  I could not stand the Eboni lecturing and the Leah shit show.  I'm still reading this thread as I wanted to see how others react.  Most of the posts today are about Eboni.  I'm curious if Luann or Sonya were even on this episode as they aren't mentioned by anyone in this thread.  

It’s a shame, but their parts were minimal.  You can tell LuAnn isn’t into this, and Sonja was trying to be funny and actually was on Ebony and Leah’s side.  To me, that’s how it looked.  It was the Ebony and Leah Show.  Very disappointing.  It changed big time.  I watched BH and it was funny and refreshing.  The ratings went way down for N.Y.  I wasn’t surprised.

Edited by Hangin Out
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18 hours ago, Mar said:

Where do you find the ratings? I have googled in an attempt to find them but have been unsuccessful

Here are two links that have good ratings info.

I take a look every now and again. You can pick up on patterns for sure.  I believe RHATL is usually 1.2 million followed by RHBH at around 1.1. RHONY has always been low and is now around 800k. WWHL has had dismal ratings since the pandemic at around 300-400k.

All these numbers are give and take and all are down from prior to the pandemic.  

The Below Deck franchise performs the best. Top Chef does well, too.

I think the pandemic REALLY hurt Bravo. Too much of a good thing, so to speak. In addition I think RH's that filmed during the pandemic really suffered including OC, ATL, and NYC.

WWHL really nose-dived. The remote shows really tank compared to filming live, althought ratings have yet to improve much despite returning to a live audience.

I think most Bravo shows need time to recover.



Edited by Jextella
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10 hours ago, Jextella said:


Here are two links that have good ratings info.

I take a look every now and again. You can pick up on patterns for sure.  I believe RHATL is usually 1.2 million followed by RHBH at around 1.1. RHONY has always been low and is now around 800k. WWHL has had dismal ratings since the pandemic at around 300-400k.

All these numbers are give and take and all are down from prior to the pandemic.  

The Below Deck franchise performs the best. Top Chef does well, too.

I think the pandemic REALLY hurt Bravo. Too much of a good thing, so to speak. In addition I think RH's that filmed during the pandemic really suffered including OC, ATL, and NYC. WWHL really nose-dived. The remote shows really tank compared to filiming live, althought ratings have yet to improve much despite returning to a live audience.

I think most Bravo shows need time to recover.



No trips, no stores to browse in, no men, no Cabaret.  Zero.  Just Ebony preaching.  No wonder.  Jersey and BH seemed to do well.

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On 6/30/2021 at 8:25 AM, Chatty Cake said:

LuAnn did a segment with her daughter discussing her sobriety which is getting boring too. It’s good she recognizes how she looks when she’s drunk, but it’s been a topic too often. 
Her and Sonja were at the Harlem dinner but didn’t have a lot to say. Eboni lectured the group until Ramona pulled the vertigo card which was probably the only good part of the last nights show.

I have vertigo, Ramona was lying.  It doesn’t come on just because you close your eyes.  Vertigo involves small crystals in your inner ear becoming detached and floating around, which affects balance.  Mine is very mild, luckily, but it doesn’t involve swaying.  I get some dizziness and the impression that, for example, when I am standing up I think I’m leaning forward.  

i get she wanted out of the room, and don’t blame her for that.  But claim a headache girl!

Edited by Mrs peel
Typos, always typos
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On 6/30/2021 at 2:52 PM, Maximona said:

Most interesting part of this episode for me was Eboni's snide confessional dismissal–"Oh, she's one of those 'All Lives Matters'"—after Bershan made her statement that people are people.  Critical race theory debate in a nutshell, I thought.  I suppose Eboni could have been more condescending and derisive.  She's incredibly tiresome and one-note, and obviously does not celebrate diversity if it means another Black woman has an opinion different from her own.

And Leah going from Black Allly (in the true Robin DiAngelo sense of the word) to White Priviege Mama with the—snort—high school consultant was pret-ty funny.


Actually none of that conversation was "critical race theory in a nutshell" because critical race theory is a legal theory related to how systemic racism has replicated itself throughout our legal system and puts Black people at a disadvantage... not just, you know, every time a Black person talk about issues related to race, despite what Fox News tells it viewers.  Had Eboni been talking about the legal system and its underpinnings based on the Dred Scott decision or Plessy vs. Ferguson, then it would have been "critical race theory in a nutshell." As it was, it was just two Black women presenting slightly different versions of how they view American society.

Anyway, much as I hate to say it, I think Leah had a good point re Eboni - these women would learn more from her if she got to know them - and they got to know her - as people. I think she could have designed the history lesson in more of a fun way - maybe as a trivia game or something - and especially if she hadn't held off dinner while talking about Harlem's history and some of the more famous residents who influenced our culture as a whole. So far, the only face she has shown is one as "educator" and at some point, I think that the other women understandably want to know the other parts of her. 

That being said, I agreed with Eboni that Ramona's inability to even acknowledge the idea that a female VP could be a groundbreaking moment was frustrating. I would feel frustrated by that, too. 

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I also have vertigo via Meniere's disease. If Ramona was having a true vertigo attack, she would have been draped over a table or flat on the floor.

The scene with her and Eboni was interesting in that Ramona knew she was being set up to look like a conservative jerk. Eboni really tried but Ramona avoided it. Ramona doesn't want to lose her fans.

Eboni is so clearly using this show as a springboard to something better, like Garcelle has done. It's transparent and therefore obnoxious. Critical messages are best delivered carefully, in a way that helps your audience be receptive, and instead she's a sledgehammer. Cheap showboating tactics.

Bravo could have handled the message much more effectively.

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It was so funny seeing Ebony get beyond triggered during the visit, when she was calling Ramona triggered. Ramona was dealing with a really rude weirdo while being filmed in her own home and her fix to the situation of crawling into her arms/lap like a little pussycat is something no-one else but Ramona would ever think of doing. It´s definitely one of the sweetest/weirdest scenes I´ve seen. Just truly epic.

I wouldn´t have minded a dinnerparty with a "history lesson" theme, lol , I really enjoyed that scene (with the added bonus of Ramona´s vertigo). But Ebony lost me again when she started policing the thoughts and feelings of other black women. Why does she think she has a right to judge like that? Her attitude towards the white women is also really superficial and arrogant. She is kind of a bigot imo.

Edited by halkatla
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They didn’t show us (and by us, I mean me and maybe two other individuals who watch these) in last week’s episode:

Eboni has had very large breasts since she was in middle school. The HWs discussed them, and there were no lectures or arguments about racism.

Bershan asked the HWs what they learned/how they grew during COVID. Lu said that she learned that her ego was not her amigo. Leah mentioned again finally that Judaism began appealing to her after she stopped drinking alcohol.

Leah wishes that someone had guided her more when she was her daughter’s age. She had to learn how to figure skate as an adult. She claims that she probably could have skated professionally, if someone had realized she had this talent. Her daughter tells her that she’s making it about her again. Ha!

I did laugh when Eboni said to Ramona, “You said you were leaving. I was, like, ‘I don’t even know how to lock up.’”

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I wish the dinner party lesson had included Belle Green the personal librarian of JP Morgan. She was incredibly important to the Morgan legacy and would have been perfect for Sonja (I didn´t see who Sonja got so maybe she did get her... I can only hope). She was black but both her parents could "pass" and her mom ended up leaving her dad (his story is very interesting too, being that he was the first black graduate of Harvard) so that their children could live in the "white" world. I just read a book about famous book collectors and I had to learn more about this Miss Green who was a book buyer for Sonja´s (great?)grandfather in law, and it was such a fascinating story.

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2 hours ago, halkatla said:

I wish the dinner party lesson had included Belle Green the personal librarian of JP Morgan. She was incredibly important to the Morgan legacy and would have been perfect for Sonja (I didn´t see who Sonja got so maybe she did get her... I can only hope). She was black but both her parents could "pass" and her mom ended up leaving her dad (his story is very interesting too, being that he was the first black graduate of Harvard) so that their children could live in the "white" world. I just read a book about famous book collectors and I had to learn more about this Miss Green who was a book buyer for Sonja´s (great?)grandfather in law, and it was such a fascinating story.

I wonder if Sonja knows that bit of history about "her family." She was so freaked out about one of the women touching the Morgan Letters and how Eboni went to a bank other than a Morgan bank for some personal loan...now she can obsess over where all the books went.

It really is a fascinating part of the Morgan history, that would be more palatable for a lesson from Eboni instead of her brow beating the HW's and calling them the racists.

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This is a growing problem.  If we want to watch politics, we will turn to CNN, Fox, whatever.  These Housewives shows are for our silly pleasure, so why shove more politics into our faces.  They put Ebony on for a platform and it didn’t work, and they lost mor than half their viewers.  You would think Bravo would be smarter than that to shove this mess into our faces.  Some things are not worth tampering with.  They lost many viewers and sponsors.  Why they got involved in politics is beyond me.  We’ve had enough.  It is not what we as viewers want.

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I don’t think Leah is too swift.  She’s complaining in the morning that she has a headache already from talking with Ramona on the phone.  She’s also knocking everyone behind their backs with Ebony.  Did she forget how she behaved the season prior? Like a drunken ignorant lunatic?  The girl is nasty and stupid.  Bravo should fire her too.

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I just got a chance to watch. Eboni is such a beautiful woman, her skin absolutely glows. Her girls needed to be pulled up a bit at the Harlem dinner but she is just stunning. 

You know Ramona just can’t win with these bitches. She tries to act interested in the restaurant, complimenting the owner, asking questions, and all the ladies just say she’s being fake. Well, maybe she is but at least she’s TRYING. Same with the whole Eboni conversation at the end, she complimented Eboni and said she had been googling things based on what Eboni had told her. Hell we even got a little scene of Ramona and Luanne talking about it on their own.  Fake or not, it’s more than any of the other ladies seem to do. They’ve always done this with Ramona. What season was it that they did some sort of beauty day for underprivileged women and Leah freaked out about Ramona being fake because she was daring to interact with the women?  And then bitch just left altogether. It’s so ridiculous. 

I will say I actually agreed with Leah’s advice to Eboni though-just be a friend and get to know these ladies on a real level. Eboni doesn’t need to be in teacher mode all the time.

And I just have to comment on Ramona saying she was going to leave her own home and Eboni saying she didn’t know how to lock up. Hee! That ending is why I just can’t quit this show (yet). 

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Wow. I followed this forum when I didn't have cable and couldn't watch this season of RHONY in real time. I was skeptical that it could be as unwatchable as people said it was; however, now that it's on Peacock, I get it. I binged it until this episode when Eboni's hypocrisy and Leah's utter lack of even one appealing quality became even too much for someone who's hung with the Housewives since the beginning.

First, Eboni has some nerve assuming that these women know nothing about Harlem or African American culture simply because they're white. How condescending. I guess among the woke folk, gross generalizations and stereotyping are bad unless those gross generalizations and stereotyping are about white people. And, um Eboni--you live in TRIBECA, an ersatz "neighborhood" that was created by developers/real estate agents and colonized by trust fund babies trying to pretend they were interesting. It is culturally about as far from Harlem as you can get. So stop preaching. 

And Leah. Just shut up. Please shut up. Pretty much everyone on this board has nailed it already, but please just shut the fuck up and take your juvenile need to create chaos and drama to get attention from your mommy and go away.

Edited by ProfessorofTV
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I guess among the woke folk, gross generalizations and stereotyping are bad unless those gross generalizations and stereotyping are about white people.

That isn't true for "woke folk", that is a generalization and stereotype people have about white folk.

Granted, I wouldn't expect Luanne, Ramona, and Sonja to really know about those areas to begin with.

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On 7/7/2021 at 12:45 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

I did laugh when Eboni said to Ramona, “You said you were leaving. I was, like, ‘I don’t even know how to lock up.’”

lol! I thought that was so funny too. Eboni has the potential to be an awesome Houesewife if we'd get more of that. She is wicked smart and beautiful. You want to root for her. The franchise could use a younger Lisa Vanderpump type. 

There is a woman I'm friends with, and she's like the opposite of Eboni in that she's an older, conservative white woman, but the pushiness is the exact same. She rubs a lot of people the wrong way. (I remain friends with her because she is kindhearted.) It's very difficult to have an interaction or even a phone conversation without her getting political. I feel like I have to be briefed on the day's news before I speak with her. I don't care what your political views are. It's annoying and uncomfortable when politics is pushed. (I think Carole was a little annoying about it too.) I do think truly good friends should be comfortable discussing where they stand, but I don't think it's necessary to discuss it a lot. You can discuss what's going on in your life, love, joke around, so much more stuff to talk about. Another thing is Ramona may be uncomfortable because this isn't simply a conversation with a new friend. Cameras are rolling. 

One of my favorite celebrities is Dolly Parton. She is sweet. She is kind. She is generous. She supports black lives matter. She supports LGBT. BUT, she refuses to talk politics. I respect it, and I think she's a wonderful lady and role model no matter how she votes. 

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On 9/1/2023 at 11:59 PM, RealHousewife said:

politics is pushed. (I think Carole was a little annoying about it too.) I do think truly good friends should be comfortable discussing where they stand, but I don't think it's necessary to discuss it a lot. You can discuss what's going on in your life, love, joke around, so much more stuff to talk about.

Yes, I have problems with friends (both right and left ) that go on political rants just assuming that you just agree with their “morally right stance.” I really avoid trying to get together with them as they are insufferable- I am so happy when I get together with a friend and we can’t discuss things now and agree to disagree - but have mutual respect.

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Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Discussing Eboni's work at Fox News is okay; although this would best take place in her character thread.  Debating whether Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, . . . are biased or not is not show discussion.  You can debate this civilly in the Small Talk thread. 

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Discussing the "I'm going to leave my own home rather than talk anything related to politics" scene is okay.  Please do not refer to politicians not mentioned on the show or discuss your personal political beliefs, voting record or party alignment.

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