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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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Today was a "spa day" where they got massages and facials at ... Massage Envy!  

You know, the chain that has branches all over the country, including Knoxville.  

I just don't understand why everyone had to go to Florida since they could have done the same activities at home.

Carlin's stories confirmed that Michael is watching Layla while Evan is at work.  No idea who is watching Josie's girls.

ETA:  Big dinner plans!  Everyone is wearing black except Katie who will wear white.  Just like the wedding!  And they are going to The Cheesecake Factory!  (Which they have back in Knoxville).  

Again, why go to Florida?

Edited by 3 is enough
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5 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Today was a "spa day" where they got massages and facials at ... Massage Envy!  

You know, the chain that has branches all over the country, including Knoxville.  

I just don't understand why everyone had to go to Florida since they could have done the same activities at home.

Carlin's stories confirmed that Michael is watching Layla while Evan is at work.  No idea who is watching Josie's girls.

ETA:  Big dinner plans!  Everyone is wearing black except Katie who will wear white.  Just like the wedding!  And they are going to The Cheesecake Factory!  (Which they have back in Knoxville).  

Again, why go to Florida?

Maybe Zac and Callie are watching Josie’s girls along with his kids, lol. Where did they get the bridesmaids dresses? Wasn’t there a picture of Miss Renee from Duggar wedding dress fame altering Carlin’s dress? And didn’t Katie get her dress somewhere in Orlando? So confusing. Is Up filming all this nonsense?

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8 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Miz Renee met up with the bridesmaids at the boutique this past Sunday. Carlin (predictably) posted about it in her stories. That's where I came up with the sluttish thigh slit. 😀

Sometimes I can’t bear to keep the sound on in Carlin stories so I missed that they were at the boutique. 

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26 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I guess they are milking this trip for every bit of nonsense they can think of? I guess Whit and Josie aren’t breastfeeding anymore. What is Katie going to do once she moves to NJ?

That's quite the dilemma. Initially I figured Katie would do what Alyssa does, have a steady stream of siblings visit, but now I'm not so sure. South Jersey doesn't have the appeal of Florida. Katie doesn't have a cushy house and pool to dangle as bait. I'm not sure which airport she'll be close to, but unless it's one serviced by Allegiant or Spirit, frequent trips home may be off the table as well. One thing that struck me was how impatient and borderline snotty Travis was to her during that home tour. I don't think he's going to be a p-whipped Chad who bends over backwards to cater to his wife. I think Katie is going to be in for a rude awakening once the honeymoon phase is over. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Yes, I was talking about the wedding party. It seems Alyssa, Carlin and Josie are letting their color grow out and are only highlighting around their faces, after being blondes for quite some time. And Whitney seems to be growing her highlights out.

And while I think Erin's hair is a lighter shade of brown than her sisters, closer to Whitney's, I believe she dyes it to the color it is now.

57 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Carlin, Alyssa, and Whitney wore pants to the pottery studio.  Not sure about the "best friend" whose name I do not know.

I think the friend's name is Katelyn or Katherine. Speaking of which, I hope the sisters made her feel welcome. The Bateses have a tendency of icing people out when they're in party mode. I remember Alyssa's baby shower for Allie, when the siblings were playing games but not including anyone else. The non-family guests were just sitting there awkwardly, watching the circus. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Sounds like a broken record but I always come back to -- aren't these people BORED of each other!? So it was Monday thru Thursday of the most BORING bachelorette trip ever -- nail salon; facials/massages; pj party on the first night with cheesecake and a movie; a FANCY dinner on night 2 with GREAT food at Cheesecake Factory LOL; pottery class; outlet mall shopping with a GREAT lunch of outlet mall food court pizza and chinese; and no idea what they did today - besides pack and sit by the pool though they had all day. Like these are normal things that people do on a weekend, and certainly not what anyone considers a lifetime vacation!? And then on pottery day Alyssa was going on about how they were soooo tired bc they stayed up until 5 am the night before talking, as I'm thinking ABOUT WHAT!? Like how much can you possibly gush about husbands and babies and future babies!? I mean y'all don't seem like the type who can have hours of discussion regarding politics, science, art, current events etc.!?

Guess Michaela was on baby duty - at least during the day for Carlin's kid and I assume Josie's kids; Evan was at least taking Layla nightly after work and today had her from the afternoon onwards so likely he took the afternoon off - or he tends to get Fridays off anyway so maybe the weekend started a few hrs earlier. I assume Z has been with his own kids the whole time.

They're FINALLY headed back as Carlin posted at 8 pm that their flight was delayed so they got snacks at the airport. Cue the shot of them sitting in a PACKED gate, some of them on the floor, snarfing down cheez its. I know lots of people are done with the pandemic - and these people didn't believe in the pandemic to begin with - but literally every person shown in any seat near them was masked up and here they all sit unmasked INCLUDING the ones that weren't eating like Whit and Mama B. Hello!? If you want to be unmasked + unvaccinated that's your choice, but maybe move to less crowded gate so you can sit unmasked screaming and spewing your particles. 

Cue all the videos tomorrow re I missed my babies SOOOOO MUCH, it's SOOOOOO good to be with my HUSBAND OMG IDK how I survived without him. . . .

Edited by cereality
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Lol, I think Michaela got the better end of the deal. I'd rather hang out with Layla for a couple days than watch Team Bride make duck faces for the 'gram. 

This gets my vote for most boring bachelorette ever. I'm not saying every party needs jello shots and strippers, but like cereality said, they basically spent four days doing the shit they always do, just in a different zip code. Katie seemed happy and that's what matters, I guess.


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Carlin said she cried everyday because she missed Layla so much. I remember back in the day when I got a break from my kids. Sure I missed them, but I enjoyed every minute away from them too. And I never cried once, but I can assure you, if I had cried, they would have been tears of joy.

IMO, any parent who says they want to spend every minute of every day with their kids is lying.

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5 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Carlin said she cried everyday because she missed Layla so much. I remember back in the day when I got a break from my kids. Sure I missed them, but I enjoyed every minute away from them too. And I never cried once, but I can assure you, if I had cried, they would have been tears of joy.

IMO, any parent who says they want to spend every minute of every day with their kids is lying.

Carlin's dramatics over Layla are so extra. You know damn well if she had Whit's childcare options, that kid would be getting dumped in a New York minute. 

I think Josie admitting it was nice to get a full night's sleep is a much more realistic sentiment.

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On 11/5/2021 at 9:34 AM, BitterApple said:

Carlin's dramatics over Layla are so extra. You know damn well if she had Whit's childcare options, that kid would be getting dumped in a New York minute. 

I think Josie admitting it was nice to get a full night's sleep is a much more realistic sentiment.

Didn't Carlin used to dump Layla at Evan's parents a lot? 

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So I’m really wondering about Layla. I watched a YouTube video the two of them did taking Layla to the hospital for a blood draw.

One of the maybes she could have is a thyroid problem.

I was thinking is there any dwarfism in either family tree. Layla’s head seemed to be a tiny bit enlarged. Just got me thinking of possibilities. 

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3 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

So I’m really wondering about Layla. I watched a YouTube video the two of them did taking Layla to the hospital for a blood draw.

One of the maybes she could have is a thyroid problem.

I was thinking is there any dwarfism in either family tree. Layla’s head seemed to beib a tiny bit enlarged. Just got me thinking of possibilities. 

I saw the video as well. I've always had a tough time gauging Layla's size because there's not many pictures of her with her same-age cousins. However when Evan filmed her helping him with laundry, I was shocked at how small she is. I figured height was never going to be in the cards due to having short parents, but even factoring that in, she looks exceptionally tiny. Hopefully they get some answers.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

So I’m really wondering about Layla. I watched a YouTube video the two of them did taking Layla to the hospital for a blood draw.

One of the maybes she could have is a thyroid problem.

I was thinking is there any dwarfism in either family tree. Layla’s head seemed to be a tiny bit enlarged. Just got me thinking of possibilities. 

I think Layla is just the smallest of a small bunch. Neither the Bateses nor the Stewarts are even average height, with few exceptions. I don't think Evan is much more than 5'6", and Carlin says she's just under 5'4" (and she's one of the taller daughters). Alyssa and Katie are 5'1"/5'2" range. I just think Layla is going to be very petite. She seems to otherwise be developing normally.

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Being tiny isn't the reason they're going for tests for Layla. It was a change in her growth pattern. She likely stalled in between visits. Failure to thrive can have many causes, so I'm curious to why they keep mentioning thyroid. One of the causes is poor diet - "Poor eating habits, such as eating in front of the television and not having formal meal times".

I wonder what Carlin and Evan told the pediatrician about Layla's diet? It doesn't sound like they told the truth, because if they did, the pediatrician would have recommended changes.

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1 hour ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Yeah, Layla eats crap all the time. Last time Carlin posted something about Layla eating, it was CheezIts on the floor.

I don’t remember ever seeing Layla eating the kinds of snacks most toddlers eat, like carrots, grapes, apple slices. It’s either nuggets, cake pops or something like Cheezits. Seems like if that is what she is used to eating, she probably thinks she doesn’t like other things.

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Layla seems to be always eating, but like you all said, she eats empty calories. I remember a photo of Layla in her high chair a while back. It was piled with so much food, I felt it had to be staged, because, first, no mom of a toddler puts that much food on the tray to begin with because a lot of it tends to end up on the floor, and secondly, it was enough to feed a linebacker.

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Definitely 🙄 re OMG I miss Layla SOOOO much I've cried every night. Give me a break girlfriend. If you could dump your kid 24-7 like Whit, you would too. And let's not forget that they REGULARLY dump her on the inlaws 3 HOURS away. They haven't done it in the last 3+ months bc Katie's ongoing wedding planning extravaganza means constant events in Knox. But before that they would regularly go to Nashville 3 out of 4 weekends every month, arrive, dump her on MIL/sisters in law and take off for date night, nights out with Evan's friends etc.

And lest anyone forget, when E&C got covid they were lamenting that they already hadn't seen Layla for a week bc she was "away" and now they'd have to wait longer. Uh away -- your SEVEN month old with a HOLE IN HER HEART is away as a pandemic sweeps the nation, where exactly!? Oh she's been at the Stewart grandparents in Nashville!? Uh - morons what happens if people in that household catch covid, your baby will get exposed there and be away from you?! You realize the hole in her heart makes her high risk, do you really want anyone but her parents making medical decisions for her!? Evan's covid was apparently mild so he went to go visit Layla and they made a big production (and YT video) re how he had to live in his parents' driveway, couldn't go inside. And then the Stewart household got covid and Layla got to come home bc she'd already been exposed . . . .

But yeah tell me how attentive of a mother you are. You (and Evan - I don't just blame Carlin) couldn't even be bothered to get blood tests done for this kid for SIX weeks bc you weren't going to miss a single second of Katie's stupid wedding prep, the Stewart vacation, Nathan's wedding, or Katie's 11th shower!?

And I do wonder how immature they are in front of the drs? I do think they probably sugar coat and go with - oh no she eats a lots of good foods, chicken is her favorite etc. Which leads the dr to go - hmm so she's eating good nutritious foods and falling off the charts, ok we need testing. Are they mentioning that it's mostly nuggets and fries from McDs, constant cake pops, soda or chocolate milk in her bottle lately, and then the full complement of doritos, cheez its etc.!? Sometimes it's "easier" to be truthful w/ drs and look to them for instruction so they can say - ok for the next 2 months feed her oatmeal, eggs, chicken, cheese, veggies, beans etc. only, no fast food or chips and let's see how she does; though I suspect you don't do that bc you think drs. will judge. I mean she's obviously going to be a small kid bc her parents are small but w/ all little kids - they eat so little in one sitting, I thought the trick was to NOT give them any junk food and give them nutritious food for as long as you could - before the discover junk, which she obviously will w/ 1000 aunts/uncles who'll offer her cookies and candy. I realize they won't cook but really is a boiled or scrambled egg, grilled cheese, pasta w/ jarred sauce and a bit of frozen spinach, or melting cheese on a tortilla and throwing some pre cooked canned beans on top really COOKING? Like would it really take away from C's stupid IG videos or boutique!? 

Edited by cereality
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