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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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3 hours ago, SMama said:

According to a Q&A some friends had seen Katie on IG and told Travis about her. He took one look at her picture, thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and contacted her. Katie replied, the parents met, they started dating.

Sounds so romantic. Lol

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Lol, so I just checked out Katie's stories and these morons are driving back to NJ today just to come back to TN this weekend for Trace's wedding. Why wouldn't you just stay the week? I'm assuming Trace's wedding is Saturday and the rehearsal dinner is Friday, so Katie is going to spend one or two days home max. It makes no sense.

She also mentioned how much she and Travis love spontaneous road trips. Of course they do 🙄. It's not like they have jobs or real responsibilities. I have the feeling Baby Clark is about to be the next Layla.

Speaking of which, Katie revealed the baby's initials are H.J.C. Any guesses? Hannah, Heather, Hope, Heaven, Helena, Hattie....? I can't think of anything else with an "H."

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Lol, so I just checked out Katie's stories and these morons are driving back to NJ today just to come back to TN this weekend for Trace's wedding. Why wouldn't you just stay the week? I'm assuming Trace's wedding is Saturday and the rehearsal dinner is Friday, so Katie is going to spend one or two days home max. It makes no sense.

She also mentioned how much she and Travis love spontaneous road trips. Of course they do 🙄. It's not like they have jobs or real responsibilities. I have the feeling Baby Clark is about to be the next Layla.

Speaking of which, Katie revealed the baby's initials are H.J.C. Any guesses? Hannah, Heather, Hope, Heaven, Helena, Hattie....? I can't think of anything else with an "H."

Helga Journey 

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

It's Hayley Jaymes.

eta Not sure of the spelling of Hayley, but Katie spelled Jaymes (James is Trav's middle name).

I don’t know if that’s how she’s spelling James. She said in the vid, she’s seen it spelled different ways like Jaymes. They didn’t spell it out on SM yet but maybe they will. 

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42 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Did they hashtag the YouTube post? I don't see anything on Instagram. 

Hailey James is actually quite normal.

Yes, YouTube. Sorry about that. I’ll edit my original post. 

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On 9/22/2022 at 9:44 PM, Misslindsey said:

Okay, am I the only one who thought of One Tree Hill with this name? Yeah, it probably is just me. I will exit in shame now.

No, I was devastated when Bethany Joy Lenz left Guiding Light for One Tree Hill. I gave it shot for her but didn't like it. 

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And confirming that the Clarks don't skimp on healthcare like the Bates have done for years - Katie just posted a pic from a pregnancy drs. appt. - at UPenn. They go straight to the ivy league health system in their area, while Kelly/Erin/Carlin etc. spent years futzing around with Dr. Vick until complications arose that finally sent the drs to non fundie drs.

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19 minutes ago, cereality said:

And confirming that the Clarks don't skimp on healthcare like the Bates have done for years - Katie just posted a pic from a pregnancy drs. appt. - at UPenn. They go straight to the ivy league health system in their area, while Kelly/Erin/Carlin etc. spent years futzing around with Dr. Vick until complications arose that finally sent the drs to non fundie drs.

Do you think the Clarks have real insurance or that scammy Christian plan?

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18 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Do you think the Clarks have real insurance or that scammy Christian plan?

My hunch is it’s real insurance simply bc IDK if UPenn is taking scammy Christian plans. I mean of course they could be on said plan and going to UPenn and paying a good amount out of pocket as out of network, but then I question why they’d go there. I mean the Bates think the strip mall ultrasound places are just fine bc hey all you need is the gender for the reveal. My sense is their scammy church/school makes enough $ so daddy pays Trav a high enough salary so that on top of all their life expenses, its not that big of a deal for Trav to pay $1000-1500/mo for Blue Cross Blue Shield for him and Katie.

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I would imagine the Clark family businesses employ enough people so they provide decent health insurance. While they have the awful views on many things just like the Bates, they don’t seem to skimp on things. 

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17 hours ago, cereality said:

My hunch is it’s real insurance simply bc IDK if UPenn is taking scammy Christian plans. I mean of course they could be on said plan and going to UPenn and paying a good amount out of pocket as out of network, but then I question why they’d go there. I mean the Bates think the strip mall ultrasound places are just fine bc hey all you need is the gender for the reveal. My sense is their scammy church/school makes enough $ so daddy pays Trav a high enough salary so that on top of all their life expenses, its not that big of a deal for Trav to pay $1000-1500/mo for Blue Cross Blue Shield for him and Katie.

Presuming U Penn is like every other large healthcare system; they probably check for insurance up front.  Scamaritan and other Christian plans are NOT insurance and they wouldn't accept membership in them as proof of anything.  Pregnancy is generally a global charge which means that virtually all doctor's visits, the delivery and postpartum care are paid after the delivery as a single charge.  People who are uninsured and don't qualify for Medicaid (whose guidelines are much looser for pregnancy), would be expected to make regular payments throughout the pregnancy to cover the global fee.

I expect that they've got regular health insurance.

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I saw part of the "misconceptions" video. They posted it "live," so I don't know how much I missed (and don't care enough to find out). 

What I did learn of interest:

They used birth control early in the marriage.

Their marriage was not arranged. 

He doesn't work for the church.

Other than that, it was pretty banal.

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They also said that Travis's parents do not pay for everything for them. Yes, someone said this to them.  Travis said that his parents did not pay for their house or cars. And they have considered moving to TN. Travis said that everytime Katie gets upset about living so far from her family he starts talking about moving. But Katie said that she wants to stay in NJ.

I thought all in all it was a pretty open discussion and they answered questions that to me are pretty personal Like do you use birth control? And they didn't come across like people desperate for attention like C&E. 

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Just now, Tdoc72 said:

I wonder if anyone asked them about his father being a weirdo (to put it mildly)?  

Well, someone did ask if they would be strict parents. I took that as a reference to what we've seen from Pa Clark. They never really answered that one. 

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10 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

$1500 for a crib and small dresser seems excessive. Gettin’ that influencer money I guess. 

Yes that does seem expensive, but they could reuse it for future kids.  Though if it has any pink in it, they will have to get something different if they have a boy next.  Because we all know seeing the color pink on something turns boys gay. Sarcasm in case anyone is in doubt.

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If they can afford a $1500 crib so what? I suppose a lot of first time parents would spend this on a crib that they like if fits their budget. And if they don't go the way of Erin, Tori and Kelly Jo by having a baby every year the crib can be used for future children when the first child outgrows it. 

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It seems Target and Walmart sell cribs under $200. Most other places are selling them for around the $300 range. 6 drawer dresses appear to be a little more pricey than cribs. On the low end they likely could have purchased a crib and dresser for around $400. The high end is almost infinite, but I'm guessing their purchase price is within the range of financially comfortable average family.

I'm going to guess they'll have at least 4 kids. If they do, and all the kids use it, they'll get their money's worth.

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I wouldn't expect an under $200 crib to last more than two children.  They're basic at best and not substantial.  They're also easier to escape.  She might have actually researched this or had advice from some of the relatives.  My daughter was concerned and researched the escape potential on various models. 

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9 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

Yes that does seem expensive, but they could reuse it for future kids.  Though if it has any pink in it, they will have to get something different if they have a boy next.  Because we all know seeing the color pink on something turns boys gay. Sarcasm in case anyone is in doubt.

Katie’s furniture is light wood and white. The walls are barely pink. Yea, they could reuse it although it didn’t seem that sturdy to me. The dog was in there with no probs and Remi is pretty big. 
Alyssa said that they might have to repaint Maci & Zoe’s name signs b/c of the boy. I think she should do a neutral wall and then order a boy’s sign. I’m not sure why she thinks it’s such a big deal, other than the gay thing of course. 

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7 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Alyssa said that they might have to repaint Maci & Zoe’s name signs b/c of the boy. I think she should do a neutral wall and then order a boy’s sign. I’m not sure why she thinks it’s such a big deal, other than the gay thing of course. 

Wait so if Maci, Zoe, and John Jr are sharing a room, obv John Jr’s name can’t be written in pink or surrounded by flowers or whatever bc his dick and balls may not work properly when he grows up, but he can’t even look at his sisters’ pink or floral or otherwise girly looking signs?!

Hate to break it to you but you’re birthing a boy after 4 girls so either you break your daughters’ hearts by throwing away all their dolls/pink/girl toys or you start praying for little man’s sexuality now. I assume Alyssa would have no problems denying the girls absolutely everything from now on in order to raise little man perfectly.

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In a recent Q&A Travis explained his spending philosophy. Specifically in regard to buying his car and Katie's engagement ring, he said he thinks, "five years from now am I going to wish I spent less money on this?" He also said he doesn't buy a lot of stuff in general. Mentioned that he hadn't bought new sneakers in the longest time. 

In other words, he is willing to spend for quality big ticket items but considers himself to be economical otherwise. 

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Only someone who is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income would compare purchasing a Tesla with buying sneakers. So it makes sense because, Travis is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Only someone who is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income would compare purchasing a Tesla with buying sneakers. So it makes sense because, Travis is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income.

Have you seen the price of the sneakers these kids wear nowadays? 🤑

He also said he is planning on putting out a new CD after Christmas. 

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23 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Only someone who is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income would compare purchasing a Tesla with buying sneakers. So it makes sense because, Travis is young, immature and has plenty of disposable income.

I grew up in a wealthy town and Travis could be a clone of every kid I went to school with. He's clueless and out of touch and genuinely believes he's economical and self-supporting. There was one girl in my class who's dad died when she was young and she received a monthly allowance from a trust. She used to constantly brag about "being independent." The logic just isn't there. 

I think Travis has never left his bubble so he doesn't see it as unusual that a 22 year-old kid has owned a Jeep Cherokee, BMW and Tesla all within the span of several years, not to mention the house fully paid for and renovated, the endless vacations, etc. 

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11 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

They could do something like this so at least one of his balls stays intact.


That is actually cute and colorful, so, no.

I grew up in a family with 5 daughters and 1 son; no, he wasn't the youngest.  My brother played house with us from the time he could walk.  He played our baby 'Sally' and we dressed him in our outgrown clothes.  I won't say it had no effect on him, but he definitely is not gay.  Not that I would've expected the floral hats and dresses to have done that anyway.

Edited by Notabug
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2 hours ago, Notabug said:

That is actually cute and colorful, so, no.

i know that's probably from a magazine but decorating like that would also indicate (to me) excessive concern with the children's sex. Like you said the other day, what's wrong with green and yellow?

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57 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

i know that's probably from a magazine but decorating like that would also indicate (to me) excessive concern with the children's sex. Like you said the other day, what's wrong with green and yellow?

Because they're the Bates. They have excessive concern with their children's sex.

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