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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t see Carlin being that much help. Case in point: that photo of her taking a nap on their couch. Hopefully she won’t have one of her “episodes” when she’s holding the baby and had to take to her bed for a few days. She needs to be the center of attention, doncha know!

I predict an "episode" right after they get home from New Jersey, whenever that will be. It won't be while they're traveling or at Katie's house. 

1 hour ago, AstridM said:

Isn’t every day a bad hair day for him? 🤣

He has goofy hair days, every day! 

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So the Stewarts rushed in the dark of the night to NJ and Katie hasn't even had a labor pain yet?

I guess they don't believe the saying, house guests are like fish, begin to smell after three days. 🐟😩🤣

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Once again W&Z must be thrilled to be at the helm of their joint business. C&E made such a big deal about working 4 hours every Monday, now they can’t be bothered to show up. Taking this to W&Z’s thread.

Hailey please hurry up for your mama’s sake. Because she’s about to have a rude awakening about the lack of help her sister and her mother will be. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the Clarks are discussing the Bates visitors. 

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55 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I still don't think Katie is ready to be a mother. This was a rushed thing because she was bored and lonely in NJ.

Yes, the number of visitors to NJ had definitely decreased. I’m guessing Katie remembers when her younger siblings were born and it was utter chaos at the Bateses house. Who am I kidding, that was the norm. Katie is #11 or 12 IIRC so chaos is all she knew up to her wedding.

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The Bates and the Duggars do like to play, pass the hours old baby around, so Katie should thank her lucky stars she doesn't live close by. Even though RSV, the flu and covid are trending down from the winter peak, they're still out there. 👶🏽🤧😷

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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

The Bates and the Duggars do like to play, pass the hours old baby around, so Katie should thank her lucky stars she doesn't live close by. Even though RSV, the flu and covid are trending down from the winter peak, they're still out there. 👶🏽🤧😷

You think Katie acknowledges that covid, RSV, and the flu are real? 

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2 minutes ago, Heathen said:

You think Katie acknowledges that covid, RSV, and the flu are real? 

THIS. Anyone who thought covid, RSV, and flu were real and an actual threat to a newborn would not have a freaking 3 yr old and 1 yr old camping at their house for 2 wks when they bring their baby home?? I realize that 3 and 1 yr old don't have the exposures of regular kids bc no preschool or daycare, but they basically go store to store and nail salon to nail salon all freaking day. And their parents take zero precautions. We've seen plenty of urgent care appointments where Carlin/Evan treat it as an outing and bring the whole maskless family - rather than you know only taking the one kid whose appt it is.

And Katie/Trav are in NJ and we've NEVER seen them mask even at the height of covid. NJ isn't Tenn. I'm from one town over from where they lived and people masked for a LONG time and even still in any grocery/big box store you'll see 10-20% of people masked. Katie/Trav couldn't even be "shamed" into masking when 75%+ of ppl were masking. They filmed plenty of IGs of themselves at Target etc. smiling away while everyone else in the background was masked. So yeah they're in the - it isn't real + God will protect camp.

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8 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

They mask when they go to her doctor appointments. But most medical facilities require masks. 

They probably only mask because they will not be seen if they don't.  The hospital system where I am employed still requires masking for everyone, regardless of vaccination status.  There are signs on the front doors of the building, in the lobby, in all elevator and at the kiosks where patients check in for their appointments.  There is always a box of masks at the kiosks where the patients check in and they are reminded of the mask rule on the sign in screen.

Still about 10% of people don't put on a mask and act absolutely stunned and inconvenienced when handed a mask and told they won't be seen if they're not wearing it.  I would imagine Carlin and Evan are those people, too.

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21 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

They mask when they go to her doctor appointments. But most medical facilities require masks. 

Katie/Trav - yeah bc they go to UPenn for her care which is still requiring masking and from what I’ve seen at appts there, they will absolutely call out someone who isn’t masked.

Carlin/Evan - we’ve seen dozens of unmasked neuro, cardio, eye dr followed by wandering the optical shop appts. But hey it’s all NBD so whatever.


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That's so weird. I live in the Atlanta area and every medical facility from physician's offices to urgent cares to hospitals require masks.  And yeah people will waltz in without masks but they are handed one and told that they are required. 

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Katie posted a reel making fun at all the attention she’s getting with the any day now comment. Katie, memorize that reel because that’s the hardest Kelly Jo, Carlin, and Evan will ever work. 

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5 hours ago, SMama said:

Katie posted a reel making fun at all the attention she’s getting with the any day now comment. Katie, memorize that reel because that’s the hardest Kelly Jo, Carlin, and Evan will ever work. 

It'll be the last time she gets it. 

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17 hours ago, So unbelievable said:

Katie couldn't spell RSV much less know what it actually is.  

Does anyone know if they are all completely antivax?  Or do all these kids get the proper vaccinations?

They are careful not to discuss any of their more controversial behaviors.  However, back in the day when the show was still on the air, Gil bragged about how they didn't need regular doctors as they could just go to the local ER and get care for free as needed.  ER's don't do vaccinations.  If they weren't seeing a pediatrician regularly, I think it is quite possible the the Bates' spawn were not routinely vaccinated as kids.

Carlin and Evan, who film every moment for the web, don't seem to take their kids for regular pediatric care, instead dropping by the ER or Urgent Care on the way to Starbucks if one of the kids is sick.  There seems to be quite a bit of indirect evidence that, if they vaccinate their kids, it is not according to the usual schedules.

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Katie just posted her nursery reveal video. Wasn't much of a reveal, they only showed snippets of the room. Lots of Pottery Barn accessories and fixtures. I would've gone a hair darker on the pink wall color. What they have isn't bad, but it's so pale it looks basically white.

Anyhoo, Travis reveals Mrs. Clark bought Katie a Snoo Bassinet for Christmas. I looked it up and it retails for $1700.00!!!! Yowza. The Clarks may be shady people but it's clear they're sparing no expense on this grandchild. Travis said the bassinet was something Katie really wanted, but was hesitant to spend the money on. His parents also helped finish the nursery. They're a far cry from Kelly, who just shows up and plops down on the sofa. 

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39 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Probably went home after the labor scare was over. 🙄

With most mothers this would never be an option, but this is Kelly Jo we are talking about. 

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6 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Katie just posted her nursery reveal video. Wasn't much of a reveal, they only showed snippets of the room. Lots of Pottery Barn accessories and fixtures. I would've gone a hair darker on the pink wall color. What they have isn't bad, but it's so pale it looks basically white.

Anyhoo, Travis reveals Mrs. Clark bought Katie a Snoo Bassinet for Christmas. I looked it up and it retails for $1700.00!!!! Yowza. The Clarks may be shady people but it's clear they're sparing no expense on this grandchild. Travis said the bassinet was something Katie really wanted, but was hesitant to spend the money on. His parents also helped finish the nursery. They're a far cry from Kelly, who just shows up and plops down on the sofa. 

Yowza is right!  The baby won’t even be in there for Iong. It also looks like one Carlin had for Zade so Katie should’ve just borrowed that one. 

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12 hours ago, Notabug said:

ER's don't do vaccinations.  If they weren't seeing a pediatrician regularly, I think it is quite possible the the Bates' spawn were not routinely vaccinated as kids.

Don't know about Tennessee but the Public Health Department in Georgia gives every vaccine that one would need from childhood vccines, to adolescents, adults and travel vaccines. And they keep records of what vaccines were given and when they were given. The vaccines are free for uninsured children.   They have a wealth of information for parents on needed vaccines and schedules. 

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

Don't know about Tennessee but the Public Health Department in Georgia gives every vaccine that one would need from childhood vccines, to adolescents, adults and travel vaccines. And they keep records of what vaccines were given and when they were given. The vaccines are free for uninsured children.   They have a wealth of information for parents on needed vaccines and schedules. 

But parents can’t bring their kids to the ER for vaccines. They can access them in other clinics. 

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2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Don't know about Tennessee but the Public Health Department in Georgia gives every vaccine that one would need from childhood vccines, to adolescents, adults and travel vaccines. And they keep records of what vaccines were given and when they were given. The vaccines are free for uninsured children.   They have a wealth of information for parents on needed vaccines and schedules. 

That is great and I'm sure many parents take advantage. The part where records are kept might scare these people away. 

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Don't know about Tennessee but the Public Health Department in Georgia gives every vaccine that one would need from childhood vccines, to adolescents, adults and travel vaccines. And they keep records of what vaccines were given and when they were given. The vaccines are free for uninsured children.   They have a wealth of information for parents on needed vaccines and schedules. 

There is a federal vaccination program for all kids, even ones with insurance.  It is usually administered by the state or local health department.  My sister, a middle class mom with health insurance, was actually advised by her pediatrician to take her kids to the local health department on vaccination days to get their immunizations since his office couldn't afford to do it for free.

ER's, however, are not meant to provide preventive care, only emergency care, hence, the name.  They are not set up to do vaccinations.  The most the ER might do is to remind a parent to take the child to their pediatrician or health department for vaccinations.

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11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Didn't Evan to office work, or something, in a hospital? The hospitals in my area require proof of immunization prior to employment. So at Least Evan is likely vaxxed.

If he worked for a hospital system, he may have been required to show proof of vaccination against things like rubella (German measles) and maybe Hepatitis B, if he worked around needles or sharp instruments.  However, even hospital employees can opt out of vaccination for religious reasons, so it is not a guarantee that Evan was vaccinated.

If he worked in the office of doctor(s) in private practice, they all set their own rules.  When I ran my own practice for 20 years, I never required vaccination, never asked for proof, although I am strongly pro-vaccination.

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Kelly managed to get off the sofa to attend an appointment with Katie and Travis. What are the Stew Crew going to do for maybe two hours without their playmates? Who will care for Layla and Zade? Who will pull Zade’s shirt over his awesome baby belly? Who will bribe Layla to use the big girl potty? Adulting is hard y’all. 

Edited by SMama
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So Katie sees the doc last week and calls in the troops ASAP before the baby quick drops out of her uterus, then goes to the doc this week, gives no update and heads off to NYC for pizza?

If she keeps it up only her inlaws will be around for the birth. Who am I kidding C&E will stick around and Layla may even get potty trained. Hmmm, Valentine's baby? Or I'll guess 2/22/23, 7lbs 6oz, 19" at 2:23 am.

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7 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

No way that baby is anywhere near 7#. The Bates girls grow 'em tiny. 

Most babies gain more than 2lbs in the last month, so if Katie goes full term I think the baby will be around 7lbs. Most of the Bates sisters' babies were preterm. 

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1 hour ago, riverblue22 said:

Just watched a video of Katie's husband (Travis?) singing...he is way, way better a singer than Lawson...miles better and he could probably have a country music career if he went in that direction.

I had the exact same thought when I saw the video. Travis has a really good voice. 

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29 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I had the exact same thought when I saw the video. Travis has a really good voice. 

And he has managed not to delude himself in thinking he is the next Justin Bieber. If only Lawson could do the same. 

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Katie has an appointment today and  she’s shilling diapers. How did I manage to raise two kids with whatever was printed on the backside of their Huggies I’ll never know. The ones being shilled change the themes monthly. Talk about something completely frivolous, but more power to K&T if it pays the bills. 

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


So, she's lying in bed with a full face of makeup, hair nicely styled and a big smile on her face.  Somebody is having her labor induced.  

13 minutes ago, AstridM said:

Wandering around CVS or Ulta?

I'm sure Carlin, Evan, the two kids and Kelly are hanging around the labor and delivery unit causing commotion and have plans to stay right there as long as it takes until the baby comes.   That's their new family motto:  Annoying medical professionals in as many states as possible.

Presuming she is being induced; that should be anywhere from 12-36 hours. By the time Katie delivers, the labor and delivery staff will have taken up a collection to ship Carlin and her bunch back to Tennessee airmail.

The hospital where I work still has restrictions on kids visiting due to RSV, flu and COVID.  No kids under 5, not even siblings.  No exceptions.  We got a message this week that, due to people attempting to bring their preschoolers into labor and delivery and the postpartum unit anyway and then having hissy fits when asked to leave; we are going to be receiving signage for all of our offices to be placed in all the exam rooms and restrooms to remind people of the policy. I hope Katie's hospital has a similar policy and Evan can stay at home with the kids.

Edited by Notabug
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4 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Is it terribly mean of me to hope that her makeup sweats off and her hair gets irredeemably matted so that she isn't "perfect" in the first baby photos? 

My bet is on an epidural. She'll be fresh as a daisy, like every other Bates birth.🙄

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"As of Friday, Feb. 17, Hailey hasn’t made her debut. Fans are still impatiently waiting to hear this big news from the couple. On Thursday, Katie and Travis released a new YouTube video and said it’s their final baby update. They learned at a doctor’s appointment that Katie had three infections. The infections were causing signs of pre-term labor, but those signs disappeared once she started medication to treat the infections.

Also in the video, the couple did a test drive to the hospital. They practiced loading up the car and getting to the correct door at the hospital. Fortunately, it was pretty simple and only took about 15 minutes. So, they are much more confident they can make it to the hospital when it’s time."


Not that I didn't already think they were dumb as rocks, but this pretty much spells it out. Yes, good thing it was a "pretty simple" task.  Practicing getting to the right door, really? Worried that their first-birth kid will pop out onto the floor all because they showed up at an inconvenient entrance? 🙄 Almost surprised Carlin didn't give the hospital an old test run first. Plus how much crap are Katie and Travis taking to the hospital that they needed to practice "loading up the car" as if it's some cross-country road trip?

Edited by Peanut6711
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6 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

Not that I didn't already think they were dumb as rocks, but this pretty much spells it out. Yes, good thing it was a "pretty simple" task.  Practicing getting to the right door, really? Worried that their first-birth kid will pop out onto the floor all because they showed up at an inconvenient entrance? 🙄 Almost surprised Carlin didn't give the hospital an old test run first. Plus how much crap are Katie and Travis taking to the hospital that they needed to practice "loading up the car" as if it's some cross-country road trip?

They saw the episode of I Love Lucy in which Ricky, Fred and Ethel run around in confusion, grab the bag and sprint out the door leaving laboring Lucy in the apartment. "Waah!"

Edited by Dehumidifier
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