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S06.E01: Rebirth

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Turning Alex into the Blue Hood (sorry, Sentinel) still seems like a questionable move, but I have to admit it's been so long I can't even remember the in-universe justification for it.

And if you don't want people wondering why no one else is getting involved in such a world threatening event maybe don't show off your wall with the symbols and call buttons of the other Justice Leaguers.  Superman in particular should have been name dropped because you know Lex would have wanted to make him suffer even if Kara has temporarily taken his place as Lex's most hated person.

On the plus side, at least Lena was smart enough to wipe Lex's knowledge of Kara's secret identity.  J'onn, what's your excuse for not doing it the second he mentioned blabbing it to the world?

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It was a better "finale" than The Flash that's for sure. 

COIE didnt even happen that long ago and they are already trying to have COIE like events. Flash and SG are really going to milk COIE for everything it (isnt) worth, they throw the word around so much. 

You'd think after 6 years that I wouldnt get so annoyed at the lack of J'onn or M'Gann in Martian form but I just cant help but get annoyed that they are in their human forms so much even when wearing their superhero outfits. They Martian up when they are in a full CGI scene in space but then go back to human mode after that. Show you can tone down some of your other CGI scenes that arent needed to give to them.

Brainy and Nia definitely have been a shining beacon and that continued tonight.

I like how Alex's "superhero" mode involves coloring parts of her hair as well lol. Still one of the weirdest outfit decisions they've made.

The Arrowverse seems to be falling apart, from no Superman mention in this episode (you guys are in his fortress and he has encountered the phantom zone) to no Kara mentions in S&L...of course this episode was a holdover but I dont think these two shows want to really acknowledge each other and they are supposed to be in the same universe lol.

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Supergirl is back for the last season at last!

I wonder if some of the scenes here were actually shot before the shutdowns and saved for this one.  In particular, them "officially" taking out Gemma for good seemed like it was a holdover, because I don't seem them dragging Cara Buono back from whatever else she is doing for a few mere seconds.  And I wonder if the whole "Gemma in computer form" was something that would have lasted longer in their original plans.

Also looks like Lex won't be a season long villain (or at least not in front of the camera), as he's already lost his powers and immortality in typical Lex fashion: by underestimating his opponent(s) and spending too much time gloating and preening.  You never learn, do you, Lexy Boy!  But I wouldn't be surprised if he (and Lillian) rears his bald chromed head again at some point this season (finale, perhaps?)

Alex gets herself a code name finale in the form of Sentinel.  I guess that's cool?  Did like getting a lot of scenes of her and J'onn, because I always like their student/mentor-like relationship. 

Also liked the scene between Lena and Brainy, since those two together are always interesting together.  Although, while I'm glad Lena realizes how wrong she was and is working to redeem herself, I hope she doesn't bring it up all the time, because it was starting to feel like she was going to start every conversation with "Hey, remember the time I screwed y'all over last season?  Because that's what I did!  I betrayed y'all!  Remember?!"  More action, less talk, Lena!

Already wondering how they're going to continue to keep Andrea and William relevant.  Can't say I'm wild about the whole "Andrea sees the error of her ways and decides to actually now care about journalism!" thing, but maybe they'll surprise me?

I know there is so much more I should care about, but dammit, I'm still invested in Nia/Brainy the most.  All I want from this season is for those two crazy kids to work out and make it through in one piece!  Ball is mainly in your court now, Brainy!  She gave you another chance: please don't fuck it up!

Hope M'gann sticks around.

So, Kara gets sent to the Phantom Zone!  Yeah, that's usually never a good thing.  But if past shows and comics have taught me anything, there is a good chance she find an unlikely ally there somewhere.

Curious to see how this all plays out!

  • Love 4

Turning Alex into the Blue Hood (sorry, Sentinel) still seems like a questionable move, but I have to admit it's been so long I can't even remember the in-universe justification for it.

It was because Alex left the DEO and then it was destroyed. Now that the DEO is gone I'm more than okay with Alex being a superhero. She's earned it and she's at her best when she's part of the action.


Already wondering how they're going to continue to keep Andrea and William relevant.  

I hope they don't bother trying. They are the least important characters on the show.

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 2

This is how the episode should have started:

Melissa: Last season on Supergirl . . .

[two solid minutes of random characters screaming into the camera]

I've forgotten so much. What I got is that Lex is off the board, Kara is in the Phantom Zone, and Alex is now Sentinel. Given the black & blue color scheme, I would have went with Nightwing . . . especially given that the nickname's origins started with Superman. I associate "Sentinel" as the name Alan Scott used for years to distinguish himself from Green Lanterns. Very generic, but WTF, right? Also, does J'onn putting the symbol on the wall mean that Alex is now a Super Friend?

At least Jon Cryer went out having fun. As much as I can appreciate Morgan Edge over on Superman & Lois, I'd rather Lex go after his first nemesis some more.

What does it take to kill Otis? The idiot is nigh unkillable.

Has the Anti-Life Equation been mentioned in the past? Aside from Snyder Cut, which I will have to make time to watch soon.

  • Love 2

Sorry but does Alex have sme sort of image tech to transform, because that much smoky eyeliner and blue hair would take time,lol. Not to mention but that doesn’t hide who she is! I mean it’s worse than Kara disguise.

Will returns for 3 min and proves why he is not needed. Andrea is only a nudge better. Since she sabotage  her father company to look good , I predict a decent into villainy. 

One more thing. I 🤣 at Lex musical number while blowing things up at the fortress. 

Edited by rtms77
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

This is how the episode should have started:

Melissa: Last season on Supergirl . . .

[two solid minutes of random characters screaming into the camera]

I've forgotten so much. What I got is that Lex is off the board, Kara is in the Phantom Zone, and Alex is now Sentinel. Given the black & blue color scheme, I would have went with Nightwing . . . especially given that the nickname's origins started with Superman. I associate "Sentinel" as the name Alan Scott used for years to distinguish himself from Green Lanterns. Very generic, but WTF, right? Also, does J'onn putting the symbol on the wall mean that Alex is now a Super Friend?

At least Jon Cryer went out having fun. As much as I can appreciate Morgan Edge over on Superman & Lois, I'd rather Lex go after his first nemesis some more.

What does it take to kill Otis? The idiot is nigh unkillable.

Has the Anti-Life Equation been mentioned in the past? Aside from Snyder Cut, which I will have to make time to watch soon.

Nightwing is on Titans at the moment.Not doubling up their names is smart


Yeah Alex is now a Super Friend which is not suprising  as she has a relationship with everbody else on the board



The Otis thing was funny as he was on Greys' with her ,and they had Katie say  'she is your person' which would be strange if you didn't know she back on Grey's this week

Edited by Humbugged
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

The Arrowverse seems to be falling apart, from no Superman mention in this episode (you guys are in his fortress and he has encountered the phantom zone) to no Kara mentions in S&L...of course this episode was a holdover but I dont think these two shows want to really acknowledge each other and they are supposed to be in the same universe lol.

Honestly, I’m okay with it coming apart for awhile. Crisis basically highlighted the upper limits of what you could do in a crossover on a TV budget and was essentially the Arrowverse equivalent of the MCU’s Endgame in terms of a climax. Continuing to try and push the hype train down the tracks was never going to be viable, so best to give it a rest and do smaller, more organic, crossovers.

Similarly, I know it’s actually because of Melissa deciding not to renew her contract, but I’m also pretty much okay with this show ending soon precisely because of how much Crisis has changed things.

The Flash and Legends have always dealt with time travel changing histories so they can roll with it (and honestly, I don’t see either going longer than Arrow did so I’m guessing 2-3 more seasons at most). Arrow ended without having to really explore all the ramifications of the last episode happy ending changes it dropped. Batwoman had a complete reboot with a new main character (and has already been announced as ending next season). Black Lightning was also fairly separate, remains so and is also ending soon (though I understand it’ll have its own spinoff).

Basically, it feels like the whole Arrowverse actually needs something of a back-to-basics fresh start with series created post-Crisis like Stargirl and Superman & Lois where the audience never has to question what did and didn’t happen in prior seasons due to time shenanigans (with Flash and Legends getting a pass because time shenanigans are basically their hats).

So, at this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they announced that “Superman & Lois” actually takes place on either Earth-2 with Stargirl or is in its own separate Earth since that would make more sense with all the differences than pretending Supergirl exists in the same universe as Superman & Lois (would explain the different colored heat vision too).

As to this episode; I know this was actually going to be the finale of last season, but it was just jarring because I’d completely forgotten just about everything going on so it felt like I was walking in halfway through a movie and trying to figure out what was going on. It really would have benefited from having a replay of the prior episode before the premiere.

Kara lost in the Phantom Zone was probably intended to be something that would have run a bit longer to work around MB’s pregnancy if not for COVID delaying things to the point it became a non-issue.

12 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I like how Alex's "superhero" mode involves coloring parts of her hair as well lol. Still one of the weirdest outfit decisions they've made.

I'm just picturing everyone waiting around, checking their superwatches, while Alex carefully applies two inches of blue eyeshadow before they can head to the fight.


The Arrowverse seems to be falling apart, from no Superman mention in this episode (you guys are in his fortress and he has encountered the phantom zone) to no Kara mentions in S&L...of course this episode was a holdover but I dont think these two shows want to really acknowledge each other and they are supposed to be in the same universe lol.

I would be okay with this if COIE hadn't made this huge point about restoring everyone onto the same Earth. Like, just put them on two different Earths. Now it just seems dumb that the kids on S&L don't ask about their superpowered aunt, etc. I didn't like the huge crossover, but they had to the chance to reset everything to exactly how they wanted it to be.... just to ignore (or write the opposite of) the changes.


Anyway, I give this episode a bit of a pass since it was a cobbled-together version of what should have been last year's season finale. A lot of the dialogue was extra-clunky. I am a little sick of Kara constantly sacrificing herself and everyone else just letting her, so I was happy when Lena tried to rewrite the anti-Luthor code to be even more anti-Luthor. And that she sent a droid with the anti-kryptonite suit. Why didn't Kara have the anti-kryptonite suit on in the first place?!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Chris24601 said:

Batwoman had a complete reboot with a new main character

On the plus side, at least we found out (as many people have complained over in the other forum) why the Bat-team hasn't

bothered to contact Kara to help Ryan out with her Kryptonite poisoning. 


Edited by Twilight Man

Yes, this was very much about wrapping up last season's COVID induced loose ends, but I still liked it. I laughed when they took out Gamenae in first scene, and Lex had just about the shortest period of possessing godlike powers ever.

At the end of last season, I was totally worried that M'gann was going to get killed, so I'm breathing a lot easier now that she made it out of the big confrontation alive. I liked J'onn's anxiety over the intimacy of the mind-meld and being afraid of what she would think of him afterwards.

Lena with the clutch save on the anti-kryptonite suit! For real, though, why wasn't Kara wearing that from the start? For the most part, I think last season's finale and this episode did a decent job bringing Lena back into the fold. I hope that things will continue to be a little tense for the time being and not just all "let bygones be bygones," but now that Kara is in the Phantom Zone, they might be setting up for a full-on reconciliation/reset once she comes back. I'm sure Lena will have some contribution to make in recovering Kara, and after her time in the Phantom Zone, I bet Kara will be more focused than ever on her relationships and showing people how much she cares about them.

I loved Lillian's reaction to Lex's evil world/universal domination plan. She was totally like a parent trying to be encouraging about their kid's mediocre artwork. I lol'd when she just replied, "That's very... alliterative, dear," when she heard about the "I Love Lexy" protocol. Lex himself was a little mixed bag - some of it was too much, but I did get a thorough kick out of the "We Are the Champions" sequence. Reminded me of some of his great music-backed scenes from past seasons, like the "I Did It My Way" bit from season... I wanna say 3, but it might've been 4. But that's the kind of Magnificent Bastard Lex stuff I more.

This is our first actual confirmation that Kelly doesn't know Kara's identity, right? I seem to remember some discussion on the boards last season about whether or not she knew and nothing being concrete onscreen. Does she know that Nia is Dreamer?

But more than anything, my favorite scenes were all the tender one-on-ones. Supergirl does these moments so well. Alex reassuring J'onn over his worries about the Martian mind-meld. Brainy and Lena connecting over their past misguided betrayals of their friends. Kara and Alex having a cute sister moment as Kara is steeling herself to give herself up to Lex. Lena encouraging Alex to tell Kelly about Kara's identity. Every single thing between Nia and Brainy (those crazy kids are just adorable. Let them stay together, show!)

I'm here for this final ride, and it's annoying to know it's going to be put on pause when Superman & Lois is ready to air the rest of their season, but I'm so glad to have these characters back on my screen. No matter how goofy the plots can be at times, I love the characters and the relationships between them. All right, Superfriends - let's work together to bring our girl home!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Honestly, I’m okay with it coming apart for awhile. Crisis basically highlighted the upper limits of what you could do in a crossover on a TV budget and was essentially the Arrowverse equivalent of the MCU’s Endgame in terms of a climax. Continuing to try and push the hype train down the tracks was never going to be viable, so best to give it a rest and do smaller, more organic, crossovers.

Similarly, I know it’s actually because of Melissa deciding not to renew her contract, but I’m also pretty much okay with this show ending soon precisely because of how much Crisis has changed things.

The Flash and Legends have always dealt with time travel changing histories so they can roll with it (and honestly, I don’t see either going longer than Arrow did so I’m guessing 2-3 more seasons at most). Arrow ended without having to really explore all the ramifications of the last episode happy ending changes it dropped. Batwoman had a complete reboot with a new main character (and has already been announced as ending next season). Black Lightning was also fairly separate, remains so and is also ending soon (though I understand it’ll have its own spinoff).

Basically, it feels like the whole Arrowverse actually needs something of a back-to-basics fresh start with series created post-Crisis like Stargirl and Superman & Lois where the audience never has to question what did and didn’t happen in prior seasons due to time shenanigans (with Flash and Legends getting a pass because time shenanigans are basically their hats).

So, at this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they announced that “Superman & Lois” actually takes place on either Earth-2 with Stargirl or is in its own separate Earth since that would make more sense with all the differences than pretending Supergirl exists in the same universe as Superman & Lois (would explain the different colored heat vision too).

As to this episode; I know this was actually going to be the finale of last season, but it was just jarring because I’d completely forgotten just about everything going on so it felt like I was walking in halfway through a movie and trying to figure out what was going on. It really would have benefited from having a replay of the prior episode before the premiere.

Kara lost in the Phantom Zone was probably intended to be something that would have run a bit longer to work around MB’s pregnancy if not for COVID delaying things to the point it became a non-issue.

Batwoman is not ending next season & no announcement like that has been made.

  • Love 2

This was obviously cobbled together as both a finale for last season and a first episode of this season, the way a lot of shows have been doing after the shut downs, but all things considered it went pretty well. They wrapped up most of the many plots from last season while also setting up plots for this new season while also not feeling like too much was happening, most obviously the search for Kara in the Phantom Zone. It also conveniently lets Melissa have some maternity leave time, while everyone looks for Kara while Kara deals with...the bad guys from Dark City? Cenobites? The Gentlemen? 

Lex was really going full Lex in this one, so of course he gets brought down thanks to his own hubris in classic Lex fashion. He is just so convinced that he's the smartest guy out there that he always underestimates his enemies and overestimates his own plans. He is always too quick to take a victory lap (with musical accompaniment!) and that leaves him vulnerable to the heroes inevitable second wind. I loved Lillian's very mom like reactions to his plan, treating his "I will brainwash the masses to love me" plan as the equivalent of a kid drawing a stick figure that she has to pretend is a masterpiece, and her angrily insisting that he save Lena even if he's mad at her. You will go out there and save your sister from your plot for world domination or you are grounded young man! Really glad that Lena wiped their minds of Kara's identity, surprised that J'onn didn't do that right away. 

I guess Lena needed to do it so she can continue her redemption tour now that she has finally realized that brainwashing and betraying your friends might be bad ideas. I am glad that things were still a bit awkward with her but that she is really working at earning everyone's trust back while acknowledging her mistakes, and now that Kara is gone I am sure that she will be brought back into the fold completely. It will be all hands on deck without much time for grudge holding, even if it would probably be understandable to be mad for a bit longer. I am just glad that Lena is back on the side of good again, her turn towards supervillainy was just so sad. 

Speaking of walking back from bad life choices, I am really glad that Brainy is back to being truthful with everyone and admitted that he has made a lot of terrible mistakes and hurt the people he cares about, even if he had good intentions. No matter what his alternate counterparts say, Brainy is at his best when he's himself and not a Brainy who has shut out his feelings and connections to others. I am thrilled that he and Nia are going to try again and that they got some really sweet scenes, they are by far my favorite couple on the show. Let those crazy cute kids just make it show! 

I am fine if Andrea and William are put in the background now. William especially, who is clearly past his expiration date as a love interest. 

Alex gets a codename, and that's fine and all but I miss the DEO and the dynamic they had with Supergirl. Nice to see her get some action in at least, although her "costume" really needs an upgrade. I know that when we're watching superhero things we just have to roll with the fact that no one can tell who people in masks or glasses are even when they obviously should, but she literally just looks like herself with smoky eye and a streak of blue in her hair. "Is that Alex Danvers...oh wait that cant be her, she has eyeshadow and a blue streak in her hair! Alex Danvers would never wear that much smoky eye!" I had forgotten whether or not Kelly knew who Supergirl was, so glad to get some conformation. 

A lot of nice scenes between characters to give this season some closure, especially the sister scenes between Kara and Alex, Lena and Brainy's talk, and Alex getting a pep talk and code name from J'onn. I always like when Lena and Brainy work together, they really do have a lot in common. If Winn ever stops by for another visit, maybe its time to restart their "non evil member of evil families" support group?

I am sad that we are taking a break from Superman and Lois, which I have been really enjoying, but its nice to have this show back with a decently strong start to the end. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, shantown said:

I'm just picturing everyone waiting around, checking their superwatches, while Alex carefully applies two inches of blue eyeshadow before they can head to the fight.

It can't beat Curtis from Arrow putting his hair in cornrows every time he suited up. Though admittedly his overall disguise was much more effective.

I would've liked this more if I remembered last season better. But we got a Cat Grant mention! And I can believe they'd rope her in on the actual cover story, so I can imagine she's actually still talking to the team. 

Glad the world knows about Lex being evil. And that he doesn't remember Kara's Supergirl. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, crazymadness said:

While you are right about there being no announcement the ratings say otherwise.  I mean Black Lightning is doing better than Batwoman.  I'm honestly surprised they haven't reconsidered giving it another season.

The ratings say nothing. They mean little to nothing to CW who cares most about their app. Half the shows on CW get the same or worse ratings than Batwoman.

Regarding the premiere, it was hard for me getting back into Supergirl which is more silly & lighthearted after the last few weeks of Superman & Lois.

  • Love 3

That Previously on Supergirl montage at the start of the episode was atrocious. It essentially only featured Brainiac, so boy was I confused in the first few minutes of this episode.

If someone could explain to me what the Anti-Life Equation is, that would be great. Considering how Gammanea was built up as one of the main villains from last season, she was taken out very quickly. Also, maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't Gammanea say that there was someone above her in Leviathan? So I guess Leviathan isn't over?

I'm so glad Lex is in prison, I hope he stays there and we don't see him again. Love Lillian to bits though.

Poor Kara.

I hope we see more of M'gann this season.

29 minutes ago, shantown said:

I agree - hopefully we are finally moving on from Lex (especially since I hear he's on S&L now?). Lillian can stay, if only to be a mostly harmless, overly pesky, contrarian thorn in the Superfriends' side.

It's a different Lex from a parallel universe who thinks that our Superman is the same evil Superman who destroyed the Earth in that Lex's universe.

2 hours ago, Quark said:

That Previously on Supergirl montage at the start of the episode was atrocious. It essentially only featured Brainiac, so boy was I confused in the first few minutes of this episode.

If someone could explain to me what the Anti-Life Equation is, that would be great. Considering how Gammanea was built up as one of the main villains from last season, she was taken out very quickly. Also, maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't Gammanea say that there was someone above her in Leviathan? So I guess Leviathan isn't over?

I'm so glad Lex is in prison, I hope he stays there and we don't see him again. Love Lillian to bits though.

Poor Kara.

I hope we see more of M'gann this season.

Responded in the Supergirl comics thread.

On 4/3/2021 at 9:50 AM, diebartdie said:

Announced where? The announcement I saw was a renewal for season 3. nuBatwoman is amazing and the new actress can act circles around the old one.

Probably on the same websites that over the past couple of years had been announcing that the CW had canceled Supergirl. Now that Supergirl is actually ending they have to make up rumors about a new show.

This episode was a bit hectic but that’s understandable as it was a mix of last season’s finale and this season’s premiere. I know Lena did a lot of terrible stuff last season, but I’ve always wanted to see her fully brought into the fold and I’m glad that’s finally happening. Redemption can be a season long process. Also, note to the writers, if you’re not going to do Supercorp (and we know you’re not) stop making comparisons between Kelly and Alex’s relationship and Kara and Lena’s. Just saying.


On 3/31/2021 at 6:36 PM, Humbugged said:

It's gone completely .That why Alex is running around herself

The DEO building was destroyed. I don’t understand why that means the organization is gone too, which seems to be what they’re saying in the show.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

Probably on the same websites that over the past couple of years had been announcing that the CW had canceled Supergirl. Now that Supergirl is actually ending they have to make up rumors about a new show.

This episode was a bit hectic but that’s understandable as it was a mix of last season’s finale and this season’s premiere. I know Lena did a lot of terrible stuff last season, but I’ve always wanted to see her fully brought into the fold and I’m glad that’s finally happening. Redemption can be a season long process. Also, note to the writers, if you’re not going to do Supercorp (and we know you’re not) stop making comparisons between Kelly and Alex’s relationship and Kara and Lena’s. Just saying.


The DEO building was destroyed. I don’t understand why that means the organization is gone too, which seems to be what they’re saying in the show.

Alex had left beforehand before the building blew up

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