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As much as I hated last week's episode, at least it advanced the story incrementally.  This did nothing.  Daryl and Carol are still in the same space they were when the episode started.  I love both of these actors and characters, but this has to be one of the worst episodes. 

I've given them the benefit of the doubt with the COVID filming, but they are wearing on my patience...

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I feel sort of bad that I can find so little to praise about TWD these days.  I want to say something that is positive but I can't think of anything.  I like Daryl and Carol as characters, I always have, but I've decided that they aren't all that interesting as a duo anymore, not like they were in the past, which I know is probably because of the writing.   They were much more interesting when they were wandering around Atlanta trying to find Maggie's sister Beth, for example, than they are now sauntering down the conveniently clear path in the woods  for what seems like no particular purpose.  Looking for food I guess?  I don't know.  I don't really care.

But at least we get to see Carol macgyver a rat trap and then go all medieval on some drywall.  And Daryl foolishly crawl under a car that's perched on the edge of a ravine.   

And I'm left to wonder things like would batteries for a flashlight still be available?  And lightbulbs for a lamp?  And how are they keeping Dog fed? 

Edited by Dodginblue
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Well, at first I thought, "that episode was pointless!" and then I realized no, somebody needed a paycheck. It was still pointless....there were 2 things I really enjoyed about this pointless, slow, dumb episode. #1 I really liked Carol's meltdown. I know many people here do not like her and I know they will soon enough be on this thread braying their hatred for Carol to the moon as usual but I still like her and I still identify with her and I still "get" her (except when the writing makes her an idiot dipped in moron sauce which was most of this season). Inside, I have many times wanted to destroy a wall like that so when she did that, yeah I got it. But that one scene did not justify this entire pointless, slow, dumb episode so that brings me to the second thing I enjoyed about this ep...

SNUGGLY DOG IS SNUGGLY! Aw that was so sweet seeing that big ol' dog be all cuddly and sweet to Carol, what a good boy! Was THAT enough to make this episode worth my time?


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I've been really patient with this extra set of episodes, but this one.... the one redeeming feature was Jerry.  Jerry is the best.  We don't deserve Jerry.

Every time I say something nice about Jerry I know it just takes him one step closer to an undeserved death.

I only wish Carol was trying to trap the rat in order to put it in the soup.  


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19 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I am glad the rat survived.

Me too! I had a number of pet rats and just loved them. Fearing for the safety of this rat made me edgy while watching, because we well know that in TWD world, "All Animals Must Die" and usually in horrific ways. Dog is the only survivor of that rule, so far. Dog is very lovable and has the best life of any character on this show. Good for him.

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I hate to beat a dead horse, but I really don't understand the point of these "bonus" episodes. They are the very definition of pointless filler. It's like AMC went to the producers and demanded six extra hours of content, and the show wasn't prepared to do any more story, so they gave them this useless crap. 

Did Carol actually fix one of the solar panels? Was that the only one they have in Alexandria? Because if she's capable of fixing solar panels, that seems like a far more important job than making soup for Jerry.

Again . . . have we established how Daryl still has gas (and oil) for his bike? 

When Daryl's bike broke down, he seemed to know exactly where to go to find the tool he needed. How? Had he passed by that walker earlier and noticed his tool belt? Did I miss something?

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2 hours ago, GustavMahler said:

You would think most Walkers would have withered eyes and be blind by now. 

Not forgetting the amazing strength they seem to be able to muster when required, Daryl’s struggle with a mobile skeleton was a particularly nerve wracking and tense situation, it takes me back to the terror I felt as a child............



Edited by OoohMaggie
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1 hour ago, OoohMaggie said:

Not forgetting the amazing strength they seem to be able to muster when required, Daryl’s struggle with a mobile skeleton was a particularly nerve wracking and tense situation, it takes me back to the terror I felt as a child............



My immediate association when the skeletons sound their charge:




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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

She could have gotten off of her ass and gone fishing.  There is no way they can convince me that fish aren't available.  I call bullshit on a food shortage.  Does Oceanside still exist?  Even if it doesn't there is plenty of water there to fish.

I am glad the rat survived.

Carol did have fish; the one she caught with Daryl.  It was in the pot before the whole pot got knocked over.

At least the episode informed us, through Jerry, that the Alexandrians are actually working to clean up and repair the place and maybe not just huddled around waiting for Gabriel and Aaron to bring back 10 year old canned food. 

However they've established there's fresh fish in a stream out there. There are varmints out there. There are edible plants. Folks need to be out there gathering.

I guess the solar panel building was cute, but why haven't they built outdoor barbecue pits and indoor grills that can be used in those garages? They are so focused on batteries, solar panels and that LOUD motorcycle that the importance of fire is overlooked.

Anyone else catch Carol saying his house smelled like him? Ohh the shade. It's always jarring when the gang returns to the quaint lovely living quarters of theirs.

Edited by Iguessnot
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This is by far one of the weirdest episodes of Property Brothers ever...

There were a few things to like here. I liked Carol finally having something of a breakdown after everything that happened. I am always happy to see Jerry. Dog is a very good fluffy snuggle boy and I can never fully dislike an episode where he is around a lot. 

That all being said, I really want to get back to Maggie and the fall out from her seeing Negan again, plus everyone trying to deal with post Whispers rebuilding. I am trying to cut them some slack because of COVID restrictions, but this is starting to get ridiculous. Nothing is happening. This week, Carol chased a rat, and Daryl fixed a bike. That isnt a plot its a rhyme in a children's book. I like Carol and Daryl but oh my God my kingdom for some plot movement. At least last week the plot inched forward. At least the week before that had some decent character stuff. Some of Carol's issues worked, but this is just so slow going. Someone do something! I can only keep myself entertained by cute dogs for so long before I demand a plot.

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, KeithJ said:

We get one or two main characters a week doing absolutely nothing.

All during "Carol & Daryl Have a Bad Day" I kept thinking that something had to happen, what with all the suspenseful dum-dum-dum music, but nothing did, well other than Carol destroying her sheetrock.

Did anyone watch the aftershow for an explanation concerning some deep symbolism that we all missed?

Is there really going to be a spin-off "The Adventures of Carol & Daryl"? What will happen? Carol has an Ant Problem? Daryl Polishes his Bow? Carol PolyFillas A Hole in the Wall? Daryl Takes a Shower... oh, definitely not that one.


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“Did anyone watch the aftershow for an explanation concerning some deep symbolism that we all missed?”

I never watch the after show, but maybe this might help,


Melissa McBride, who plays Carol Peletier on The Walking Dead, talks about working with a dog, jokes about working with two rats in this episode and why the hug with Jerry was so important.

Q: How is Dog as a scene partner? 

A: Dog is a great scene partner! Dog is loyal, compassionate, fierce when he needs to be and very smart. Similar to his real-life counterpart, Seven. Seven is always excited to be on set, enjoys the attention, affection and treats. He works hard! He's very results-oriented yet with a very fun attitude. He comes prepared and is always ready to make any necessary adjustments while we work the scenes out in rehearsal. He also enjoys improvising from time to time just to keep things fresh and slightly unpredictable. I adore them both!

Q: Was that a real rat running on the set? 

A: Yes, that was a real rat running around on the set — two real rats, actually. That scene was super-fun to shoot, and my first time working with rats. I think they must've been friends prior to filming that day. The first rat let me chase it around for a bit, then it stared faking a migraine, so we brought in the second rat to finish the scene. So, they both ended up getting screen time. Rats look out for each other like that. When it was over and they were together again, they gave each [other] a high-five. Sneaky rats.

Q: Carol has real attitude when she kills those walkers while out foraging. What accounts for this? 

A: Carol's pent up — amongst other things, because of an extreme communication breakdown with Daryl. Here and throughout the episode we witness her talking to the walkers, to herself, to a dog, to a rat... apologizing to a scarf. Of all the things taking place in this episode, I found that aspect most interesting. Maybe she needs to hear the sound of her own voice for a minute. She feels rhetorical. Or, maybe she doesn’t want to hear the answers to her own questions. Or, maybe she feels out of control and can project "control" by doing this.

Is she projecting Daryl into these things? Herself? It’s so interesting to me to see her subconscious level play out like this. Some of my favorite scenes to watch in any genre are the solitary scenes, the private moments of a character alone; it’s not something we as viewers are privy to often, but I think it lends to some wonderfully entertaining moments and reveals some very curious insight.

Q: That was a touching scene with Jerry, where you realize all along that he knew what was up with Carol. Was that as heartwarming for you as it was for the audience? 

A: That scene with Jerry/Cooper [Andrews] was very heartwarming to me. Just as Carol was comforted by Jerry's hug, I was also comforted! That was definitely 50-50 Carol/Melissa standing there in that hug. There really is little else better than human touch to bring a sense of calm and containment — a kind of grounding again. It's one of many beautiful and simple gestures that affirms "you are here, we are here." Carol needed that.

And a Cooper hug... well, that was like being enveloped in a cloud of pure soul. Turns out, I needed that, too. I remember just resting in it. We were shooting these episodes during the pandemic — and still, with Season 11 underway now. The safety protocols had already been in place for a while by then, including the relative degrees of isolation we've all experienced, the uncertainty, heavy hearts, worry, frustration, thoughts all over the place trying to sort it all and keep yourself together. I really do hope that viewers feel that hug in their heart. A Jerry group-hug!

Q: What do you make of the last scene, with Daryl? 

A: Hopeful. He came back, and right now that’s everything. Dog was there, so how could he not have come back?! Where they go from here and how they might resolve things — even I don’t know, and it’s driving me craaaaaazy!



Edited by OoohMaggie
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5 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

All during "Carol & Daryl Have a Bad Day" I kept thinking that something had to happen, what with all the suspenseful dum-dum-dum music, but nothing did, well other than Carol destroying her sheetrock.

Did anyone watch the aftershow for an explanation concerning some deep symbolism that we all missed?

Is there really going to be a spin-off "The Adventures of Carol & Daryl"? What will happen? Carol has an Ant Problem? Daryl Polishes his Bow? Carol PolyFillas A Hole in the Wall? Daryl Takes a Shower... oh, definitely not that one.


I watched it. Of course I always cringe watching Chris fawn over these episodes. He almost broke character in hopelessness, but he soldiered on. Chris applauded the actor who plays Jerry for having great insights into Carol. He even invited him to stay on the show (in desperation). I don't remember much of what he said because he didn't complete his sentences, but it really wasn't that deep.

Strangely the episode didn't bother me that much, but it truly was about nothing. Both their storylines were mundane. TD did tell us that the pocket knife was given to Daryll by Leah. I guess letting Carol keep an item of sentimental value was supposed to signify the apology Carol kind of wanted. However Daryll acquired those military grade tools from the soldiers, so there's that. 

All I can do is blame Covid for them having to produce an episode this dry.

Edited by Iguessnot
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54 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

I guess letting Carol keep an item of sentimental value was supposed to signify the apology Carol kind of wanted.

From the way he was searching his pockets, I assumed that Carol retaining the knife was completely accidental, yet as we all known in ‘Walking Dead’ land, if something is needed badly enough, whether it be a Multi-tool,or a box of Walkie Talkie batteries, conveniently labelled ‘Batteries’, they will lo and behold appear before you, ring any bells? 🤔



Edited by OoohMaggie
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58 minutes ago, Iguessnot said:

All I can do is blame Covid for them having to produce an episode this dry.

The limitations are certainly understandable, but couldn't something have happened? I'm sure we've all seen one-man/one-woman shows (I'm thinking of the movie "Moon") that managed to somehow be engaging, intriguing, highly watchable, and surprising.  I guess all TPTB on our show just don't know how to do that. It seems if they can't show a bunch of people running, fighting, monolguing, and shooting, they throw their hands up say "I've got nothing."

So the aftershow had nothing to say other than talking about a dog and rat? Okay. The rat's adventures from his POV may have been more interesting.

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40 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

From the way he was searching his pockets, I assumed that Carol retaining the knife was completely accidental, yet as we all known in ‘Walking Dead’ land, if something is needed badly enough, whether it be a Multi-tool,or a box of Walkie Talkie batteries, conveniently labelled ‘Batteries’, they will lo and behold appear before you, ring any bells? 🤔



Nah, I'm talking about at the end when she was returning it, and he told her to keep it. That was the peacemaking.

25 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

The limitations are certainly understandable, but couldn't something have happened? I'm sure we've all seen one-man/one-woman shows (I'm thinking of the movie "Moon") that managed to somehow be engaging, intriguing, highly watchable, and surprising.  I guess all TPTB on our show just don't know how to do that. It seems if they can't show a bunch of people running, fighting, monolguing, and shooting, they throw their hands up say "I've got nothing."

So the aftershow had nothing to say other than talking about a dog and rat? Okay. The rat's adventures from his POV may have been more interesting.

There were some cute stories about rats, stand in rats, and the Property Brothers guy saying his twin brother was like the stand in rat who was always preferred.

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On 3/28/2021 at 4:04 PM, nodorothyparker said:

At the lowest point in their friendship, Daryl and Carol come to a fork in the road and head their separate ways.

Lowest point in their friendship?  More like lowest point in the show.  I'm trying to figure out which episode was worse, this one or last week's.  

This was basically Carol Makes Lunch.  I can appreciate a good slice of life episode where nothing much happens, and is about characterization.  But this didn't feel like that, it just felt like more forced social distancing, with more of that next week.  All with that undercurrent of smug TWD pretentiousness.

And when Carol and Daryl both said "See you later, asshole" to the rat and the walker, I guess that was supposed to demonstrate some sort of parallel.  But it just felt like lazy writing.

I did like Carol's "Smells like Daryl" comment, that was a more horrifying moment than any walker scene this season.


On 3/29/2021 at 8:40 AM, icemiser69 said:

There is nothing more to tell about Daryl and Carol.  Nothing.  And they expect to build a series around those two?  Good luck with that.  They are the most played out characters in the series.

I hate to admit it, but I think you're right.  To be honest, the whole premise is played out.  But they keep wanting to expand it.  Thankfully, I at least broke away from watching Fear the Walking Dead.  Robert Kirkman at least had the good sense to bring the comic to an end before it went downhill, I'm appreciating more and more how good his insight was.

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All I can do is blame Covid for them having to produce an episode this dry.

Why? Is the entirety of Season 11 going to be like this too? Because we won't be past the effects of the pandemic by then. Keep in mind, what we're watching now are "bonus" episodes still considered part of Season 10. Why did they bother making them in the first place if nothing was going to happen in them? Again - it just seems like pointless filler. They could have waited until they were ready to do a proper final season instead of tossing off these "bonus" episodes where nothing happens. 

Maybe AMC was afraid the already diminished audience would forget about the show if they didn't have some new content stuck in between seasons.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Why did they bother making them in the first place if nothing was going to happen in them?

I think I might $en$e a very good rea$on for making endle$$ $eason$. They don't care what kind of shit they serve up as long as someone is watching it along with the endless commercials.

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Again - it just seems like pointless filler.

There's been more pointless filler than anything else for quite some time.

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On 3/30/2021 at 8:52 AM, KeithJ said:

ll of these additional episodes have been so bad.  Here's my recap for this one:

Carol comes home
Carol cooks
Daryl fixes motorcycle
Carol hunts a rat
Daryl comes home

We get one or two main characters a week doing absolutely nothing.

I actually enjoyed this episode.  Just character-centric with no drama, no fighting, no running, no bowing or caving to bad guys, no having to come up with a plan, etc.  Between Negan and the Whisperers, these people need some reprieve.  I like exploring what the characters are going through emotionally as they re-build their world rather than having to constantly be on guard and sleep with one eye open from the Baddie-Of-The-Moment.  

What I picked up was the juxtaposition between Carol & Daryl and the similarity of what they were going through, though separately.  The frustration of Carol not being able to catch the rat vs. Daryl looking for a part for his bike.  Carol's "Later A$$hole" comment to the rat and Daryl's similar comment to the walker he killed (who was either ex-military or a prepper considering the MREs, clips and such he had on him), the use of their knives - things like that gave me a little smile.  And of course - Dog.  A dog instantly makes any show better!

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On 3/31/2021 at 3:52 PM, iMonrey said:

Maybe AMC was afraid the already diminished audience would forget about the show if they didn't have some new content stuck in between seasons.

I think you're close to the reason here. They knew S11 was coming later than usual so they filmed a few vignettes to keep the audience going. I appreciate the effort, regardless of the results.

In my opinion, those waiting for some plot movement aren't getting the point of these episodes. I admit I started out with that expectation too, but I've modified my expectations now. It's similar to my reaction to the "Lost" finale, where I was initially disappointed (though I never outright hated it), but then came to appreciate it for what it was.

The plot will move forward in the new season. For now, we're getting those character moments that many of us have said all along that we want more of.

Well here they are. And I like them.

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There were a couple of things I like about this episode.  First and foremost: dog!  Okay, I also laughed when Carol came back from foraging with the blood on her face and neck and seemingly like just a trip to the grocery store.  This really took me back to the early Alexandria episodes when she was making casseroles and baking cookies all the while stockpiling weapons and scarring the pants off of Sam.  I love it when she goes all ninja Betty Crocker.  It gave me a brief moment of hope for her character.  But, her kind of screaming when the rat came out of the trap?  Just no, that's not Carol.

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