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S12.E10: Third Week's a Charm

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1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

I think she pulled back after he acted negative with her.  She was too confused to parse that out at the time.  But that's my opinion

A lot of people feel inadequate sexually, even bodybuilders.  I think Clara's Ryan does too, especially next to her.  I think it's arguable that some bodybuilders feel inadequate with the opposite sex and that's what leads them to becoming bodybuilders in the first place.  But the root problem isn't solved by the bodybuilding, unfortunately.

I didn't like the way my husband dressed when I first met him either, and he knew it.  And I told him I wasn't attracted to him either.  Thankfully he was a nice person and didn't make me pay for it every day until it drove me away.  He was patient with me and lo and behold, he made me laugh and suddenly I found him attractive.  Jake isn't letting that happen.  He is sabotaging himself and her before any of that had a chance in hell of happening.  These people only knew each other a few days when all of this happened.  I can understand that it might take someone like Haley longer to find her feelings for a guy.  She knows she has a tendency to be too quick to judge and I can tell she's trying her best not to let that happen again with him but he is making that pretty much impossible at this point. 

In addition to his acting rejected he is putting too much pressure on her.  He is acting like because she had sex with him she should be acting like she's into him, meanwhile the sex only left her more confused about her feelings about him.  Add his pressure and it's no wonder she's never going to suddenly find anything to find attractive about him.  I am wondering at this point whether it was his pressure that contributed to her have sex with him before she was really ready.  I kind of doubt that even if she didn't have sex with him yet that he wouldn't still be acting this way, only instead of it being about her "pulling away" it would have been him sulking and putting pressure on her because she wouldn't have 1st time sex with him.

Yeah, she probably had a few drinks also and said “what the hell.”  You’re right about laughter too.  It’s very important to a relationship.  Sometimes, you just have to let things go and just laugh about it.  She is extremely uptight and really didn’t belong on this show.  Too much pressure.  The cameras and all.  Plus, you have producers telling you what to say and do for drama.

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3 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Yeah, she probably had a few drinks also and said “what the hell.”  You’re right about laughter too.  It’s very important to a relationship.  Sometimes, you just have to let things go and just laugh about it.  She is extremely uptight and really didn’t belong on this show.  Too much pressure.  The cameras and all.  Plus, you have producers telling you what to say and do for drama.

I can't disagree with you there!  It's like they match these people on purpose to fail.

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3 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

 It makes me sad that the "experts" wouldn't be able to see through a narcissistic, lying piece of garbage Chris, or that someone like Paige needs someone super stable, like a Greg (of Greg & Deonna).  Paige is writing her own story here, staying after lie after lie, so that's on her.  But what she walked down the aisle to, well that's on the experts.  

You can't tell me there wasn't one other nice guy in the entire Atlanta area that was marriage-minded, very religious, stable, sweet, and cute?  Oh wait, there was, but they matched him with someone else:  Ryan (haircut notwithstanding, lol).  

Oooh! Good point--- Ryan & Paige do have a lot in common--- except didn't Ryan say that he doesn't really date Black women? Seems like that's about the only reason they matched him with Clara, who dates "every color of the rainbow."

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On 3/18/2021 at 5:01 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m old enough to remember when oral sex was sex.

I'm old enough to remember when oral sex was "advanced" sex, not the other way around.  For years, I had a bumper sticker on my car that bragged, "My daughter is technically a virgin."


On 3/18/2021 at 4:09 PM, humbleopinion said:

Battery Operated Boyfriend...

Buy online for privacy or your local Naughty Shop.

Buy online for privacy????? 


On 3/18/2021 at 7:16 PM, Kira53 said:

Virginia is a blackout drunk.  Why would you feel comfortable with her judgement about where and whom or when she would fall out.  She could be raped and she wouldn't even remember due to a blackout.  I'd be anxious too.  

We know she likes to drink, but has she said she blacks out? 


7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I didn't like the way my husband dressed when I first met him either, and he knew it. 

Mr. Outlier wore shorts with white socks and black shoes.  I talked him into brown shoes.  When we first started going out, my best (male) friend said, "Somebody needs to teach that guy how to dress."  No hurt feelings.


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On 3/17/2021 at 9:19 PM, Crashcourse said:

I hate it when people know you're coming to visit and they don't hold their dog back from jumping on you.

I am a crazy dog-loving lady, BUT I have to agree with you on this point.  🦴  It's really unfortunate that so many pet owners have never figured out that their furkids need 'rules!'  Most dogs are anxious to please, and given the 'rules,' they actually want to to make you proud!  Yes, it's natural for most dogs to instinctively run to the door to greet guests, BUT basic training is usually all that's needed to get your dog to "SIT!"  "WAIT."  (And, in that time, you can determine how receptive your guest is to your dog and 'control' that moment of greeting.)  Living in a large city, canine "good citizenship' really makes a difference in how our neighborhood pets are received -- both in and out of the home.  One thing I've learned, after years of dog ownership, is that working together with your pet on simple basic training strengthens your human-canine bond (most dogs LOVE to learn from you) and makes you a better neighbor.  😍

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It is flat out INSULTING & IMO BLASPHEMY Paige & Chris during that "Bible study." Sorry but anyone familiar with any sense of Christianity knows that these two & this show itself has ZERO to do with it.

Hey I'm over here snarking shows too so who am I to talk?  but just the same, these 2 are just LOW bringing God or Bible into any of it.

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11 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

It is flat out INSULTING & IMO BLASPHEMY Paige & Chris during that "Bible study." Sorry but anyone familiar with any sense of Christianity knows that these two & this show itself has ZERO to do with it.

Hey I'm over here snarking shows too so who am I to talk?  but just the same, these 2 are just LOW bringing God or Bible into any of it.

Chris can hide behind religion all he wants, we see him.

I do wish Paige would stop saying "G-d wants this for her," it has nothing to do with a higher power unless ratings are considered the higher power.


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On 3/17/2021 at 7:47 PM, Kira53 said:

That's the timeline presented.  "Picky???"

How do you know that Vincent hadn't apologized before this? Editing.  I think you know that if it happens off-camera often the producers will ask you just to do it again.  We just know what they want to show us.  Do you think when they wake up on camera they don't do it more than once if the cameraman doesn't get the shot the way they want it? These guys often film 8 to 10 hours and we see about 15 minutes of their weekly interaction.

I am sure that he knows it but he actually wants to have some kind of emotional connection and level of commitment and caring about Clara before boning her. Clara just wants sex which is her right and apparently her habit.  She said she was in a five-year relationship and they were having sex maybe twice a year so I can't see why she can't wait more than six weeks to have sex with Ryan. It's not like she was used to having sex weekly. I know she got married at first sight thinking she have sex real soon. Too bad she doesn't understand she's been missing out by not having real connection in her intimate relationships and only having sex.  She complains that that relationship didn't give her what she wanted so she should understand this is something different stop letting the producers have you talking about sex all the time.

I think you've answered your own question.  If my girlfriend only had sex with me 2 times year, I would be traumatized and super sensitive to my new wife not having sex once with me. If he is attracted to her, he should have sex with her.  What is worst that can happen.  Unless he is afraid that his package is not big enough because of what Clara's friends told him about that.  Clara's friends blabbing could be why she is not getting laid. What if his package is not big enough and she blabs about to the whole world. Ryan will have a hard time with the next girlfriend. 

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Just now, Gator Stud said:

I think you've answered your own question.  If my girlfriend only had sex with me 2 times year, I would be traumatized and super sensitive to my new wife not having sex once with me. If he is attracted to her, he should have sex with her.  What is worst that can happen.  Unless he is afraid that his package is not big enough because of what Clara's friends told him about that.  Clara's friends blabbing could be why she is not getting laid. What if his package is not big enough and she blabs about to the whole world. Ryan will have a hard time with the next girlfriend. 

Well, you answered your own question.  Clara would not keep her mouth shut about their encounter and, good or bad, he is a more private person that would not want that.

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On 3/17/2021 at 7:47 PM, Airy2021 said:

How much money does Chris make??? He’s buying his pregnant baby mama a brand new Mercedes Benz??? This is also something you do closer to the end of a pregnancy. My friend had a baby with an ex and she needed a car and the ex did buy her one because he felt responsible for her and his child having a way to get around but he bought a used car that didn’t close more then 10,000 dollars. You don’t buy a woman named Mercedes a Mercedes Benz (You know she wanted a Benz because of her name and he got her what she wanted cause he’s into her far more then he is Paige) just because she’s having your baby unless you are seriously loaded and have zero financial woes or concerns. 

I would say this is a lease and that MAFS is indirectly paying for it.

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11 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

It is flat out INSULTING & IMO BLASPHEMY Paige & Chris during that "Bible study." Sorry but anyone familiar with any sense of Christianity knows that these two & this show itself has ZERO to do with it.

Hey I'm over here snarking shows too so who am I to talk?  but just the same, these 2 are just LOW bringing God or Bible into any of it.

I was wondering where all the other posters were.  They all left.  Onto other threads, and I can see why.  Production picked wrong this time and it didn’t work.  What were they thinking?  I fast forwarded most of the time.

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On 3/17/2021 at 9:21 PM, Yeah No said:

I couldn't agree with you more.  Both women look like they're doing this under duress.  I think this week pretty much confirms the suspicion I voiced last week that the show is now forcing them to go through the remainder of the season as if they are really putting everything into it, when you can tell that both women are crying inside to be set free.  It is just abusive to force them to keep beating a dead horse in these go-nowhere relationships.  Haley admitted that she has tried but just can't connect with this guy.  He gives her smirky, dismissive one word answers to things that should be conversation starters.  She feels cut off at the pass at every turn with him.  Every time things seem to be going in the right direction he throws more pressure on her about her attraction to him.  Just STOP IT already, you're only sabotaging yourself.  He is acting like a 14 year old, not a guy pushing 40.  He has no clue how to handle a woman.  My husband just can't take his behavior anymore.  Haley admitted that if they were dating she would not be there.  I am sorry but it is just nasty to blame her at this point just because she tends to be "too picky".  A lot of women would have thrown in the towel by now if faced with the likes of Jake, including me, so it's not fair to blame what is happening on her pickiness or to force her to continue to deal with him as if there's any chance in hell it's going to change.  We all know what it looks like when people are clicking and they are just not clicking.  Period, the end.  Stop blaming her for it.  It just isn't there on both ends.

She is boring and annoying.  But he has to get it together.  His goal now should be to look good to future women that are watching this show.  If he played this right, his phone would be ringing off the hook after the show ends. Instead of constantly bringing this up to Haily when he knows he repulses her. He should have fun, take her our to have fun and show future women what fun dating him would be like.

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Yeah, enough of the blame game.  They all are not suited to one another.  Not Haley, not Clara, not Paige, not the Engineer, not the alcoholic.  All issues.  I’ll leave the aEngineer out of this.  Vincent feels he doesn’t make enough money for her and keeps whining about it, and she doesn’t need a whining baby like Vincent.  Plus, he’s moody.  She could do better.

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On 3/17/2021 at 5:09 PM, Straycat80 said:

Let’s see what Vinnie will get butt hurt about this week. And are they really not going to talk about the failed dance lesson? 
edited: never mind, they are addressing it. Good. This is the only couple I’m rooting for. 

Ya. Vincent gets in his feelings when he messes up & lashes out at his poor, innocent wife!! A MESS!! He needs to get that all the way together PRONTO!!

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On 3/17/2021 at 6:01 PM, Crashcourse said:

Jake has this constant smirk on his face.  Some people have said Haley needs to lighten up, but so does he, even if they are just roommates.

Nah. It must be infuriating & frustrating getting a spouse that won't participate in the experiment/building a marriage & is just a waste of time. I appreciate that he isn't faking it like she is. 😂😂 It sux, it's fair he acts like it does.

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On 3/17/2021 at 6:07 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

My opinion of Jake and Hayley is that Hayley knows if she and Jake have sex AGAIN he will be harder to get rid of than a stray cat you feed once.  In his head he has defeatest like conversations with Hayley of things that have not happen, sabotaging any situation then putting that on Hayley, Hayley knows this and knows when she breaks things off with him he will make her out to be the bad guy. 

Jake puts Hayley/other women on the defense at every turn, Jake carries the sting of failed relationships because he cannot let things unfold naturally, he has to control the narrative so he looks like the victim, the good guy that women screw over, leave, rinse and repeat.  

Jake is Eyeore to Hayley's Kanga.

WHY BOTHER wasting ANYTHING on Haley?? She already tricked him the 1st few days they were married. She deserves to be tortured since she's playing him til D Day! Her "doing everything" is making him drink with her & buying him shirts when he has good "regular" clothes? Guess that's all they caught on camera, but she said he's doing everything she asks. She doesn't even deserve that much. 😂 I think he's trying to make it as uncomfortable as possible so she finally leaves & stops wasting his time. Yes. He's got issues with women & she will be another one, but this one is different. His stranger WIFE wasn't attracted to him AND had sex with him. & WHY is she getting a pass for that???? If a guy did that, we'd all rip him to shreds! Yes. Women & men view sex differently, it doesn't change who was wrong for doing it when they weren't attracted. In this case, Haley definitely didn't view it as women typically do. She's kinda the female Chris. She said she was playing along with being married, kinda like Chris did to get in. Or is she Paige, who went along with it because they're married? NONE of them should've had sex! 😂

Edited by Lindz
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I couldn't make any sense out of the rest of the Ryan & Clara "session." Could anyone?? 😅😂 They're saying words, but not clearing anything up!! AH!!!! WHAT will it take for him to get there?? Sex is just sex to her... okay.... She doesn't have to emotional ties to it. She doesn't have to feel the same way he does about it. How does he feel about sex? We can't get a straight answer out of him for anything!! Ask how he got there before & if that's what he's doing now. That should clear that up.

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On 3/18/2021 at 6:19 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Jake has his mind made up, his internal dialogue will keep him from anything but his fatalistic, self fulfilling prophesy of all relationships end badly because the girl did not fall in love at first sight or on his time line.  I get it, everyone wants to be loved but he has not had success so he sabotages relationships before they can get off the ground, Hayley senses his neediness and runs the other way.  Confidence is a very attractive quality but Hayley can smell the desperation and the onions all over Jake.

WHAT is he supposed to do with someone who FAKED it the first few days of their MARRIAGE & is checked out?? WHY BOTHER? WHO WANTS A LIAR?? 😂😂 Should he act like that's okay & everything's fine & they're actually building a marriage? LOLOL!! NAH! Put her on the spot, make her be uncomfortably honest, & make her leave. They're both too big of cowards to request a divorce. They probably want the other to do it so they'll be viewed as the failure or quitter.

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On 3/18/2021 at 9:49 AM, JapMo said:

She said there's no fun in the relationship....that they never laugh or joke around.

WHY should there be?? She doesn't want him & is checked out. He doesn't want a faker & a liar cuz he's not. There's no reason to make it comfortable & fun for her, especially when she's lying. There is no relationship. It's just a piece of paper. 😂

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17 hours ago, Lindz said:

WHY BOTHER wasting ANYTHING on Haley?? She already tricked him the 1st few days they were married. She deserves to be tortured since she's playing him til D Day! Her "doing everything" is making him drink with her & buying him shirts when he has good "regular" clothes? Guess that's all they caught on camera, but she said he's doing everything she asks. She doesn't even deserve that much. 😂 I think he's trying to make it as uncomfortable as possible so she finally leaves & stops wasting his time. Yes. He's got issues with women & she will be another one, but this one is different. His stranger wife wasn't attracted to him AND had sex with him. & WHY is she getting a pass for that???? If a guy did that, we'd all rip him to shreds! Yes. Women & men view sex differently, it doesn't change who was wrong for doing it when they weren't attracted. In this case, Haley definitely didn't view it as women typically do. She's kinda the female Chris. She said she was playing along with being married, kinda like Chris did to get in. Or is she Paige, who went along with it because they're married? NONE of them should've had sex! 😂

I think these people are under tremendous pressure from production and the experts to jump into marriage and kind of "fake it 'till they make it" with the other person because they seem to think that equates with putting in the effort to make it work.  It's not about scamming the other person or taking advantage of them in most cases.  Pastor Cal often pressures the participants to do things they aren't ready for, and from what Haley says she realizes now that she was just going along with the flow thinking that having sex with him was what she was supposed to do as a married person to make things work.  The worst thing I can say about Haley is that she didn't follow her inner voice and jumped into sex before she was ready, but I see no reason to think she was playing anyone.  She's just a confused person being pushed and pulled from all sides, including by Jake, who I'm sure didn't consider either his or her readiness for sex when he jumped in the sack with her. 

In my opinion there is absolutely NO comparison between Haley and Chris.  He obviously came into this with false pretenses and the kind of baggage that would completely wreck any chances of a marriage working.  Chris is a dirtbag masquerading as a well intended confused person - not like Haley at all.  Besides, if Haley didn't have sex with Jake she would be accused of being stuck up, not giving him a chance, not putting enough into the relationship, etc.  I don't know why not being into a person makes someone bad in some people's eyes.  These two were just not a match.  She says nothing about him resonates for her.  She tries having conversations with him but feels like they go nowhere.  Period, the end.  Seeing how Jake is a rare flavor that most women wouldn't appreciate, least of all someone like her, I can't fault her for that.  The only people to blame for that are those that matched them.  Pairing a quirky hard to match guy with issues with an overly picky, confused and quirky-averse woman is the real problem here.

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On 3/22/2021 at 1:55 AM, Lindz said:

Nah. It must be infuriating & frustrating getting a spouse that won't participate in the experiment/building a marriage & is just a waste of time. I appreciate that he isn't faking it like she is. 😂😂 It sux, it's fair he acts like it does.

What do the “experts” think about Haley leaving him in the room at least five times to go for drinks with the girls?  Can anyone imagine HER leaving someone to go and have a few drinks?  Why didn’t he blow up about that?  They should just go out and about together and have some fun knowing the divorce is coming.  Why not?

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5 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

What do the “experts” think about Haley leaving him in the room at least five times to go for drinks with the girls?  Can anyone imagine HER leaving someone to go and have a few drinks?  Why didn’t he blow up about that?  They should just go out and about together and have some fun knowing the divorce is coming.  Why not?

At this point she is trying to fulfill her contractual obligation to the show and spend as little time with him as possible. It will be painful for the rest of us because this marriage is a dead man walking.

She is trying to live with him and not be like Molly or Zack, who never showed up in the first place.

I hate Chris but did anyone else think that Paige was trying to be a little seductive when she said with a breathy voice that she hoped "He would feed her with the word"? Is Bible study supposed to be erotic?

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6 hours ago, Lindz said:

She's playing along with her bs lies, so she deserves the discomfort. She could end the misery at ANY TIME. 😂😂

The Dr. doesnt do or say anything worthwhile.  She’s putting two people in bed together when one can’t stomach the other, with a goodnight kiss no less.  She is just eye candy with her makeup, earrings, dresses and shoes.  Useless.  Where’s Pepper by the way? Hiding?

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Sorry, all my quotes of posts to respond to got lost so I'm just going to randomly comment:

Whoever posted upthread about a not-sure-why 'yuck' factor when Jake was shirtless in bed, is spot on.  I couldn't figure out why I felt that way, and I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one!

Several posters were also spot-on about calling out Chris's failings in the Bible study and food blessings department.  As both he and Paige have been vocally portraying the importance of their faith, they are completely out of compliance with Ephesians 5:23-24...."For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."  Chris is also falling far short in his fixation on material things, by (supposedly) buying his baby mama a Mercedes and how he basically idolizes name brands of clothing. Hebrews 13:5...."Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have”

I can see validity in the maybe-Ryan-is-a-virgin thing, especially given his upbringing.  The deer-in-the-headlights look on his face when answering the question about his favorite position, wasn't the look of someone embarrassed about discussing the topic of sex, it was the look of someone who has no knowledge to draw on to answer the question.

And hell-to-the-yes about the double standard of how they are treating Ryan's reluctance to have sex.  If Clara had been the one expressing hesitation, they would never be pressuring her like they are Ryan.  

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5 minutes ago, qtpye said:

At this point she is trying to fulfill her contractual obligation to the show and spend as little time with him as possible. It will be painful for the rest of us because this marriage is a dead man walking.

She is trying to live with him and not be like Molly or Zack, who never showed up in the first place.

I hate Chris but did anyone else think that Paige was trying to be a little seductive when she said with a breathy voice that she hoped "He would feed her with the word"? Is Bible study supposed to be erotic?

I know nothing about Chris and Paige as I can’t stand both.  I fast forward.  Viewers have dumped this show because of them thrown in our faces.  They both should be ashamed to bring God into this fiasco.

Edited by Silver Bells
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2 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

The Dr. doesnt do or say anything worthwhile.  She’s putting two people in bed together when one can’t stomach the other, with a goodnight kiss no less.  She is just eye candy with her makeup, earrings, dresses and shoes.  Useless.  Where’s Pepper by the way? Hiding?

Yes, the formula for the experts are as follows:

  • Pastor Cal...the big brother/father figure many of the participants have never had
  • Dr. Pepper...the goofy wise little Oompa Loompa who looks through your underwear drawer
  • The third expert is always supposed to be a bit of a hottie. I think Viviana is the first non blonde one the show.
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26 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

Sorry, all my quotes of posts to respond to got lost so I'm just going to randomly comment:

Whoever posted upthread about a not-sure-why 'yuck' factor when Jake was shirtless in bed, is spot on.  I couldn't figure out why I felt that way, and I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one!

Several posters were also spot-on about calling out Chris's failings in the Bible study and food blessings department.  As both he and Paige have been vocally portraying the importance of their faith, they are completely out of compliance with Ephesians 5:23-24...."For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."  Chris is also falling far short in his fixation on material things, by (supposedly) buying his baby mama a Mercedes and how he basically idolizes name brands of clothing. Hebrews 13:5...."Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have”

I can see validity in the maybe-Ryan-is-a-virgin thing, especially given his upbringing.  The deer-in-the-headlights look on his face when answering the question about his favorite position, wasn't the look of someone embarrassed about discussing the topic of sex, it was the look of someone who has no knowledge to draw on to answer the question.

And hell-to-the-yes about the double standard of how they are treating Ryan's reluctance to have sex.  If Clara had been the one expressing hesitation, they would never be pressuring her like they are Ryan.  

I didn’t like the bare chest thing also.  Yuk.  A white t-shirt would have been better.  


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Well. Well. Well. Virginia isn't sure about kids cuz of her parents' divorce (there's more for her to explain). WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?? A simple, "Why?" would've added some insight! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!! 😂😂 These people leave things surface & just react to the confusion. Most people have that problem. All it takes is explanation or follow-up. It really is better to dig even a little bit deeper.

Edited by Lindz
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On 3/20/2021 at 5:47 PM, Kdawg82 said:

It is flat out INSULTING & IMO BLASPHEMY Paige & Chris during that "Bible study." Sorry but anyone familiar with any sense of Christianity knows that these two & this show itself has ZERO to do with it.

Hey I'm over here snarking shows too so who am I to talk?  but just the same, these 2 are just LOW bringing God or Bible into any of it.

On point, but this behavior -- especially documented behavior -- does not surprise me. I've observed that the loudest/proudest "Christians" consistently display behavior that is anything but, but those Christians not inclined to share their affiliation at every opportunity typically behave more congruently. 

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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Seeing how Jake is a rare flavor that most women wouldn't appreciate, least of all someone like her, I can't fault her for that.  The only people to blame for that are those that matched them.  Pairing a quirky hard to match guy with issues with an overly picky, confused and quirky-averse woman is the real problem here.

Agreed. And yet, in the face of these facts, I can't help but think back to the brunch the participants had with their spouses families, when Haley's family more or less told him that if Haley needs space, give it to her. Production pressure notwithstanding, had Jake taken a breath after he sensed Haley's pulling away after they did the deed, not pressured her, and gone about his own business with random brief spoken pleasantries, allowing her to observe him living his best life, she *may* have had the space to see him more fully. He's absolutely a rare flavor, and also someone who seems to offer stability and a true desire to be in a partnership. Haley's offputtedness, increased by Jake's constant reaching and desperation, gives her no opportunity to see anything of value, much less possibly grow any attraction that can sometimes come from seeing the other securely getting on with their life.

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18 hours ago, Lindz said:

I couldn't make any sense out of the rest of the Ryan & Clara "session." Could anyone?? 😅😂 They're saying words, but not clearing anything up!! AH!!!! WHAT will it take for him to get there?? Sex is just sex to her... okay.... She doesn't have to emotional ties to it. She doesn't have to feel the same way he does about it. How does he feel about sex? We can't get a straight answer out of him for anything!! Ask how he got there before & if that's what he's doing now. That should clear that up.

The other part of Clara's statements that makes no sense to me is if she has never felt any emotional connection with sex, then why would having it (with anyone, but in this case Ryan) be required for her to...what did she say?...be intimate with someone?...feel as though she's committed to someone? I can't remember exactly what she said. But it seems completely contradictory. I mean, if sex is just a biological function, no problem. But why, then, hold it out as a requirement for an emotional connection? I'm so confused. I'm not sure she isn't confused.

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1 hour ago, LuvMyShows said:

Whoever posted upthread about a not-sure-why 'yuck' factor when Jake was shirtless in bed, is spot on.  I couldn't figure out why I felt that way, and I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one!

I think Jake lying in bed shirtless on their wedding night was giving a clear signal to Haley that he was expecting sex.  I think that alone was a turnoff for her, even though they did have sex (too much alcohol?).  

  • Love 4

Jake envisioned himself as Mr. MAFS Beefcake...because that is how he attracted his past lady friends...who had revenge sex with muscled Jake to get at their bfs, husbands...

Unfortunately, he misjudged how his naked buffed chest to bed rebuffed his stranger wife and a notable percentage of posters here.

Did anyone else notice he wore a white (slogan less) t shirt to bed after Viv's visit?

This is an example of how Jake takes one step forward, the white t shirt to bed, good move...then 3 steps back...asking Haley for big/little spooning, etc.

The fist bump was cute....it's a start...baby steps...

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, thatsall said:

Agreed. And yet, in the face of these facts, I can't help but think back to the brunch the participants had with their spouses families, when Haley's family more or less told him that if Haley needs space, give it to her. Production pressure notwithstanding, had Jake taken a breath after he sensed Haley's pulling away after they did the deed, not pressured her, and gone about his own business with random brief spoken pleasantries, allowing her to observe him living his best life, she *may* have had the space to see him more fully. He's absolutely a rare flavor, and also someone who seems to offer stability and a true desire to be in a partnership. Haley's offputtedness, increased by Jake's constant reaching and desperation, gives her no opportunity to see anything of value, much less possibly grow any attraction that can sometimes come from seeing the other securely getting on with their life.

How nice of her family to say she needs space.  Haha.  We all need space.  She should not be married then .. at all.  Wait until the kiddies come.  You barely have space time to go the bathroom or linger in a bubble bath.  Stay single Haley.  From what I’ve seen you you are not marriage material.  Are you just going to pick yourself and meet your girlfriends in the bar?  Hahahahaha. Yeah right.

  • Love 2
On 3/20/2021 at 7:37 AM, Yeah No said:

During the first day or two of the honeymoon it did look like they were having fun.  Jake did a 180 and suddenly became sour on Haley after the sex.  Now this is just a theory, but he may be projecting his own feelings of sexual inadequacy on her and (like he always does) anticipates that she is rejecting him because of that "inadequacy" and so he reacts in a sullen way as a result. 

They were fine til she said she was having a girls' night & he saw husbands there, making her appear to be a liar. That was super upsetting & didn't get fixed, MAYBE because she couldn't reason why he wasn't invited. So. He's going with LOGIC: she doesn't want him around & her NOT explaining & repeating that is further solidifying that belief. How should he act?? 😂 I think if they could find a happy medium, it'd work. But, she's just withdrawing & doing whatever she wants with no consideration of him & that isn't compatible with marriage. It's disrespectful to take space & not tell her husband. It's horrible to switch behavior so quickly. SHE'S the one that changed!! He's calling it like he sees it & she's proving him right. I'd be uncomfortable around a liar who doesn't want to be with me. If he knew what was going on, maybe he'd act better. SHE'S the one running things & he's just going along, unhappily.

Edited by Lindz
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Lindz said:

Well. Well. Well. Virginia isn't sure about kids cuz of her parents' divorce (there's more for her to explain). WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?? A simple, "Why?" would've added some insight! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!! 😂😂 These people leave things surface & just react to the confusion. Most people have that problem. All it takes is explanation or follow-up. It really is better to dig even a little bit deeper.

Yes, dig in a little deeper why she has to have a constant flow of alcohol down her throat.  She can’t be pregnant and have alcohol everyday.  Can’t her husband see that, or is he blinded by love of a few weeks?  She’s a ditz and he’s a moron.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Lindz said:

They were fine til she said she was having a girls' night & he saw husbands there, making her appear to be a liar. That was super upsetting & didn't get fixed, MAYBE because she couldn't reason why he wasn't invited. So. He's going with LOGIC: she doesn't want him around & her NOT explaining & repeating that is further solidifying that belief. How should he act?? 😂 I think if they could find a happy medium, it'd work. But, she's just withdrawing & doing whatever she wants with no consideration of him & that isn't compatible with marriage. It's disrespectful to take space & not tell her husband. It's horrible to switch behavior so quickly. SHE'S the one that changed!! He's calling it like he sees it & she's proving him right. I'd be uncomfortable around a liar who doesn't want to be with me. If he knew what was going on, maybe he'd act better. SHE'S the one running things & he's just going along, unhappily.

On a HONEYMOON no less.  Who goes to drinks with girlfriends on a honeymoon?  They are not even girlfriends as they just met.  You wanted to get married sight unseen, now cop to it like a sensible person would do.  The buy didn’t have a chance and she’s making a dope out of him.  He’s got pride too.  Everything is about HER.  She should of went on Match.com. and saw the guy first,unless she’s an actress.  Who knows anymore.  I don’t trust any of them anymore.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Besides, if Haley didn't have sex with Jake she would be accused of being stuck up, not giving him a chance, not putting enough into the relationship, etc.  I don't know why not being into a person makes someone bad in some people's eyes.  These two were just not a match.  She says nothing about him resonates for her.  She tries having conversations with him but feels like they go nowhere.  Period, the end.  Seeing how Jake is a rare flavor that most women wouldn't appreciate, least of all someone like her, I can't fault her for that.  The only people to blame for that are those that matched them.  Pairing a quirky hard to match guy with issues with an overly picky, confused and quirky-averse woman is the real problem here.

I wouldn't care if Haley didn't have sex with Jake. I disagree with empty sex with a stranger, but eh. We don't spend much time in couples' bedrooms, we care more about their behavior towards their spouse. She's done, so SHE SHOULD BE AN ADULT & TELL HER HUSBAND & LEAVE!!! EVERY SEASON!! WITHOUT FAIL!! 😂This scenario ALWAYS happens & I never understand why people support the spouse continuing & acting like they are trying at the marriage, MISLEADING their spouse til D Day. Here, we FINALLY have a case where the spouse being strung along KNOWS & is angrily going along with it. I support him being REAL! 😂 He should leave too, but I think he's sticking it to her for LYING. Maybe, if she better explained her side & her approach, he'd try, but she's not, so he's not. Didn't he give her the option of being friends & riding it out til D Day?

Edited by Lindz
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

On a HONEYMOON no less.  Who goes to drinks with girlfriends on a honeymoon?  They are not even girlfriends as they just met.  You wanted to get married sight unseen, now cop to it like a sensible person would do.  The buy didn’t have a chance and she’s making a dope out of him.  He’s got pride too.  Everything is about HER.  She should of went on Match.com. and saw the guy first,unless she’s an actress.  Who knows anymore.  I don’t trust any of them anymore.

What I don't understand is that the other wives went with her and yet Haley is the only one getting shit for it.  Why?  Because the others are getting on with their husbands?  What's the difference?  As far as I recall, on unfiltered Haley said the other guys just showed up.  No one sent them engraved invitations and they didn't get snarky with their wives for going out to have drinks without them.  Why should Haley be expected to call Jake under those casual circumstances?  She probably was just sticking it out until she could go back to the room and didn't want to make a big occasion out of it.  Jake is just one of those insecure guys that takes everything the "wrong way" and you can't convince him otherwise.  I have known way too many men like that so I don't buy into his victim routine.

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, Lindz said:

I wouldn't care if Haley didn't have sex with Jake. I disagree with empty sex with a stranger, but eh. We don't spend much time in couples' bedrooms, we care more about their behavior towards their spouse. She's done, so SHE SHOULD BE AN ADULT & TELL HER HUSBAND & LEAVE!!! EVERY SEASON!! WITHOUT FAIL!! 😂This scenario ALWAYS happens & I never understand why people support the spouse continuing & acting like they are trying at the marriage, MISLEADING their spouse til D Day. Here, we FINALLY have a case where the spouse being strung along KNOWS & is angrily going along with it. I support him being REAL! 😂 He should leave too, but I think he's sticking it to her for LYING. Maybe, if she better explained her side & her approach, he'd try, but she's not, so he's not. Didn't he give her the option of being friends & riding it out til D Day?

I don't want to repeat myself too many times, but they stay because production and the experts strong arm them into it.  The contracts have probably been firmed up to penalize them even more now for leaving and they can't afford to forfeit that kind of money.  The experts pile on the guilt by telling them they signed on to stick it out and put an effort into the marriage whether they feel like it or not, so that's what they do.  They are probably told off camera that if they don't they risk being in breach of contract.  I don't blame any of the participants on this show for staying under those circumstances - I blame the show itself.  I don't think the participants fully realize what they're signing on for in the beginning but learn the hard way.  It's very unethical and even cruel given how they often seem to match people on purpose to fail.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

And hell-to-the-yes about the double standard of how they are treating Ryan's reluctance to have sex.  If Clara had been the one expressing hesitation, they would never be pressuring her like they are Ryan.  

How are they pressuring him? I thought they just asked him questions to understand why & where he's at & he didn't even clear that up with his "foundation" & "connection" vagueness. 😒😒 Yes. Clara is openly frustrated, but she didn't say she when it'd be a problem. Olivia was questioned. Karen was questioned also. Hell. They even gave the virgin wife the sex questions. Men & women are different. It's tricky. When one spouse isn't ready, it's reasonable to ask why.

I think that this show by default picks the most desperate, lonely and inadequate feeling people and pinpoints their insecurities and deal breakers through extensive interrogations/ "interviews" and then leverages that information into casting a complete mismatch for maximum drama and discomfort.  These experts feign concern with their shallow facial expressions, but they know what their casting department did.  I think that there is a ton of emotional manipulation, coercion and gaslighting behind the scenes to stick with contracts and to be filmed until a cast member breaks.  I watched a documentary the other day on Youtube called "Talked To Death" about the manipulation of talk show guests by producers to garner certain reactions without any regard for the guests' feelings or safety- if that is done to talk show guests, imagine the mind control done to Married at First Sight contestants.  This show should be canceled. 

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I don't want to repeat myself too many times, but they stay because production and the experts strong arm them into it.  The contracts have probably been firmed up to penalize them even more now for leaving and they can't afford to forfeit that kind of money.  The experts pile on the guilt by telling them they signed on to stick it out and put an effort into the marriage whether they feel like it or not, so that's what they do.  They are probably told off camera that if they don't they risk being in breach of contract.  I don't blame any of the participants on this show for staying under those circumstances - I blame the show itself.  I don't think the participants fully realize what they're signing on for in the beginning but learn the hard way.  It's very unethical and even cruel given how they often seem to match people on purpose to fail.

Strong arm? Oh. These poor, weak people! How big was the gun?? 😂😂 That's why that bs is supported?? LOL! Somehow, some wives actually left: Heather.... Mindy..... They can leave the marriage & still film. That. Simple. Pastor Cal supported Paige & Chris divorcing. Dopes CHOOSE to stay & people who don't like fakers HATE THAT CRAP. We especially hate it when they barely even tried! Marriage ain't for punks & this show ain't for punks! 😂

  • LOL 2

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