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"The View": Week of 2/15/2021

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Monday, Feb. 15 – “The View” honors Presidents’ Day; former QAnon believer Ashley Vanderbilt; Josh Groban (Album “Harmony Deluxe”); Sherri Shepherd (ABC’s “Call Your Mother”; podcast, “Two Funny Mamas”)

Tuesday, Feb. 16 – House Impeachment Manager Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-US Virgin Islands); Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Author, “The Black Church”)

Wednesday, Feb. 17 – Dondré Whitfield (Author, “Male Vs. Man”)

Thursday, Feb. 18 – Laverne Cox (Podcast, “The Laverne Cox Show”)

Friday, Feb. 19 – Day of Hot Topics

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I knew it wouldn't be long before they booked Plaskett on the show - she has made such an impression on the public in the past 48 hours. 

Monday is jam-packed (which means they won't have their sh!t together), Wednesday and Thursday are skipable, and a day of Hot Topics means it will be an 'Out of Control Meganutz' day.

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12 hours ago, Axie said:

Definitely too many people Monday.  But, maybe Megs will skip because of Sherri.

Oooh, I wonder if Sherri is going to be a guest cohost.  The description doesn't say so but with so many other guests maybe the plan is to talk about her projects during hot topics.

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Prerecorded.  No hot topics which is how they’ll fit everyone in  

What a lovely tribute to Joe. So nice to shine a light on his kindness and empathy. 

Edited by Haleth
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I loved the Biden clip from a few years ago, when Biden took a seat next to Meghan (her first Christmas without her dad and she was crying). Meghan said, through a flood of tears, "It's not about me..."

Meganutz, who are you fooling ? It's ALWAYS about you. ALWAYS.


They then go into Black History Month on President's Day. Wouldn't it make the most sense to honor the FIRST black president in history today - President Barack Obama ????? They could've saved Willa Beatrice Brown for the other days this month. President's Day in Black History Month should belong to President Obama.

Edited by LetsStartTalking
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4 minutes ago, Haleth said:


What a lovely tribute to Joe. So nice to shine a light on his kindness and empathy. 

If you didn’t watch the video on him and Jill on the North Lawn with the dogs on Friday, you need to. The media seemed relieved talking to someone who seems...not like trump.  As much as Meghan is not for me, that clip of him comforting her humanize her for a brief moment. 

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There is a woman who's FB page I check in on and she is so much like this former Q Anon believer only she still believes.  She too was convinced something major was going to happen on inauguration day.  But unlike this woman who finally saw the light she is now convinced what we are seeing isn't real. The crazy runs deep with these people.

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4 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

The crazy runs deep with these people.

My sister has some friends from her high school days who now live in the US and they both have taken on board a lot of the crazy.  It's bad enough that she has had to unfriend them.  You won't change their minds and it's just too frustrating dealing with them.  Not sure what has to happen for most of them to see the light but now they seem to be expecting some big event for March 4 which will change everything.  

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14 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

My sister has some friends from her high school days who now live in the US and they both have taken on board a lot of the crazy.  It's bad enough that she has had to unfriend them.  You won't change their minds and it's just too frustrating dealing with them.  Not sure what has to happen for most of them to see the light but now they seem to be expecting some big event for March 4 which will change everything.  

This happened with two of my girlfriends. 

I used to be incredibly close to them, but ultimately had to cut them loose for my own mental sanity. The batshit crazy stuff they were spouting became too much for me.

One of these ex-friends talks about Trump in a biblical way, as if he’s the second coming of Jesus Christ or something and the other one became an over-the-top conspiracy theorist pertaining to everything from the election, to voting machines, to certain politicians and famous people being pedophiles, etc. 

It’s unfortunate, but I value facts, reality, and my mental health far too much to deal with that mess. 

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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I never thought I'd say this, but, Sherri brought an energy to the show that it's now missing.  And, say what you may about her but the woman's got hustle.

Edited by Axie
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Just now, Axie said:

I never thought I'd say this, but, Sherri brought an energy to the show that it's now missing.  And, say what you may about her but the woman's got hustle.

Exactly!  Megan's fake smile had me rolling....

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Digesting today's show:

Why did every guest have horrible audio with their microphones ? They all kept cutting in and out. It's been a year - the producers still can't figure this out ?

McCain was awfully kind and sympathetic to the QAnon lady. Why didn't she gnash her teeth and attack her like a pit bull as she does those guests and journalists who identify as liberal ? Oh, that's right - the woman identified as a hard-boiled republican since she was born. And it was great to see her announce, "I said I wouldn't cry..." - long, pregnant pause as she dramatically wipes the corners of her eyes - and then she continued. I guess she was auditioning for her local community theater ?

The Josh Groban interview was a complete snooze.

Sherri Shepard (who looked more like Star Jones with her weight loss and ratched wig) reminded us all how far 'The View' has come along since she left. Every joke she attempted fell flat. Her remarks about dating a 58 year old man (keep in mind, Sherri is in her 50s) was cringe-worthy and borderline sexist. Can you imagine if an actor / comedian her age was on the show with four male hosts, and making the same 'jokes' about a 58 year old women he went out on a date with ?   It was rather uncomfortable to hear her talk about her fifteen year old son, but not the child she and her former husband had through surrogacy. I guess we can all be thankful that she didn't keep reverting back to her 'big breasts' jokes like she did her first five years hosting the show.


Never have I wished Greta Monahan would come in and save the day with a Garage sale - but today was one of them.

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41 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

This happened with two of my girlfriends. 

I used to be incredibly close to them, but ultimately had to cut them loose for my own mental sanity. The batshit crazy stuff they were spouting became too much for me.

One of these ex-friends talks about Trump in a biblical way, as if he’s the second coming of Jesus Christ or something and the other one became an over-the-top conspiracy theorist pertaining to everything from the election, to voting machines, to certain politicians and famous people being pedophiles, etc. 

It’s unfortunate, but I value facts, reality, and my mental health far too much to deal with that mess. 

I think you and I have the same friends.

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5 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I know I should have more sympathy for people like the former QAnon lady, and it’s good that she finally saw the light...but during that whole interview, all I could think is “What the hell took you so long?”

She was in a cult and it is very hard to get out of that type of mind control.  I think her mother who was level-headed and grounded in reality helped work through this.  Most of the time when you are in a cult you are cut off from your family and friends to ensure that you will remain locked into the cult mindset.  

Edited by Pearson80
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5 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

She was in a cult and it is very hard to get out of that type of mind control. 

She reminded me of my niece who got involved with a sketchy evangelist religon for a few years in her late teens/early twenties.  No one in the family was supportive of this but in hindsight we probably walked way too much on eggshells rather than risk being confrontational.  No idea though what the best way to deal with people like this is.   Just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best sometimes works - and it did for us - but sometimes people just get sucked in deeper.

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2 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

She reminded me of my niece who got involved with a sketchy evangelist religon for a few years in her late teens/early twenties.  No one in the family was supportive of this but in hindsight we probably walked way too much on eggshells rather than risk being confrontational.  No idea though what the best way to deal with people like this is.   Just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best sometimes works - and it did for us - but sometimes people just get sucked in deeper.

Notice how religion is often at the heart of dangerous cults and it is scary how people who are reasonable intelligent can be seduced by dangerous ideologies that are espoused by a charismatic leader.

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36 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I know I should have more sympathy for people like the former QAnon lady, and it’s good that she finally saw the light...but during that whole interview, all I could think is “What the hell took you so long?”

Scary thing is that she wasn't in it that long.  I thought she said started believing this stuff around election day.  Some of these people have been it for years.

17 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Notice how religion is often at the heart of dangerous cults and it is scary how people who are reasonable intelligent can be seduced by dangerous ideologies that are espoused by a charismatic leader.

It's not just religious people.  It's also people who don't have a strong stable relationship. Lonely people who are looking for something or someone to validate them. The woman on today's show has a daughter but didn't mention a husband or boyfriend.   I don't even think she mentioned a job. 

Edited by ifionlyknew
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2 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Exactly!  Megan's fake smile had me rolling....

She even did that thing where she turns her head and drops her lower jaw with mouth agape and looks back at the camera/phone while Sherri was talking, as if she was focusing on how she looked in the monitor rather than doing her job - to listen.  Pathetic. 

Edited by deirdra
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Meghan Meghun had the same hair style as the day Van Jones was there, friday-Feb 5. I wonder if they filmed this episode that day or if they just redid this style another day.

Edited by falltime
Meghun not Meghan
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1 hour ago, ifionlyknew said:

It's not just religious people.  It's also people who don't have a strong stable relationship. Lonely people who are looking for something or someone to validate them. The woman on today's show has a daughter but didn't mention a husband or boyfriend.   I don't even think she mentioned a job. 

I read on CNN that she had lost her job because of the pandemic. In the article they an image of her holding hands with a man but I don't think the article mentioned if he was the child's father.


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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

It's also people who don't have a strong stable relationship.


2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Lonely people who are looking for something or someone to validate them.

Those are two different things, right?

I've known a few singletons without a strong stable relationship, including myself, who has still have the ability to discern between fact and fantasy.  I don't think Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor.

The very few QAnoner's I've seen on TV have one thing in common:  extreme gullibility.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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6 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

My sister has some friends from her high school days who now live in the US and they both have taken on board a lot of the crazy.  It's bad enough that she has had to unfriend them.  You won't change their minds and it's just too frustrating dealing with them.  Not sure what has to happen for most of them to see the light but now they seem to be expecting some big event for March 4 which will change everything.  

Hopefully this isn’t too off topic.  I wish she’d said more about the mar. 4 thing as it’s even nuttier...that trump will be sworn in as the 17th or 19th president because of some obscure law they say was passed in the 1800s that made the US a corporation.  So no presidents since then are legit?  And Mar. 4 as that used to be Inauguration Day.  I was impressed that she got out of it as I think that’s rare.  Groban was snoozy though I like his voice. And to me it’s creepy to highlight Foster who I think is a creepy guy, but whatever.  I was split on sherry..I agree with some that she was at least kind of bright and cheerful which the rest really aren’t (I think joy used to be) and that added some lightness, but she’s not always really funny.  Not sure about Sunnys hair today, or maybe it was her makeup?  

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

The very few QAnoner's I've seen on TV have one thing in common:  extreme gullibility.

They also seem to be unaware that after they click on one QAnon link from SM, Google etc. direct more and more similar content their way until they believe the majority of friends & news are pro-QAnon.

Edited by deirdra
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When Joy was talking about the "good old days" with Sherri and how much she enjoyed Sherri's son, who I guess was at the studio a lot with Sherri, I was wondering if she was sending a subtle message to one of her cohosts that it used to be a more enjoyable place to work.

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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

They also seem to be unaware that after they click on one QAnon link from SM, Google etc. direct more and more similar content their way until they believe the majority of friends & news are pro-QAnon.

Yep.  They end up in an echo chamber.  Any social media I look at belonging to someone who is Q Anon only has links to sites I have never heard of.  They are never credible sources. And anyone who comments questioning them is either ignored or told they are a sheep.

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What an awful show today. None of the guests got any time (not that I had time for QAnon lady), and "hot topics" was a clipshow of Biden's appearances on the show. What a waste of time all this was. At least I got to see a little of Groban, and Joy and Whoopi got to visit with Sherri.

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Sherri Shepherd comes across as "sweetness & light" when she has no qualms about using her son's behavior as the butt of her jokes, e.g. - four-hour showers.  Also, I'll never forgive her for walking away from a child she "contracted" to have (by surrogate) before she divorced her husband.  He now has full custody of the boy & she whines about having to pay support at every opportunity.  Sherri purports to be religious, but she's the poorest example of a christian I've ever seen.  Just sayin'!!!

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12 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Also, I'll never forgive her for walking away from a child she "contracted" to have (by surrogate) before she divorced her husband.  He now has full custody of the boy & she whines about having to pay support at every opportunity.

I think there is a little more to the story than that.  Sounds like Sherri really know how to pick 'em where husbands are concerned.

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12 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Sherri Shepherd comes across as "sweetness & light" when she has no qualms about using her son's behavior as the butt of her jokes, e.g. - four-hour showers.  Also, I'll never forgive her for walking away from a child she "contracted" to have (by surrogate) before she divorced her husband.  He now has full custody of the boy & she whines about having to pay support at every opportunity.  Sherri purports to be religious, but she's the poorest example of a christian I've ever seen.  Just sayin'!!!

Agree. If it was a male celebrity who did all this (and walked away from his second son) I don't think Whoopi, Sunny and Joy would be laughing along with him. For once I was happy with Meghanutz's reaction to a guest she didn't like on the show.

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The rest of the ladies answers take this long:


Meghan's answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Did Whoopi just say Stacey Plassi? 

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1 minute ago, Cementhead said:

The rest of the ladies answers take this long:


Meghan's answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is true. She consistently does this.  I'm sure one of our posters here can time her to see how much more she talks than the other cohosts.

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Intrepid values?  On the one hand she says you can’t call all Reps Qanon crazies,etc, on the other she again cites polls saying trump has 77% approval. You can’t have it both ways. And you can’t equate ignoring the incitement of mobs with being pro choice. 

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3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Intrepid values?  On the one hand she says you can’t call all Reps Qanon crazies,etc, on the other she again cites polls saying trump has 77% approval. You can’t have it both ways. And you can’t equate ignoring the incitement of mobs with being pro choice. 

READING THE TEA LEAVES, Meganutz should clarify that Republicans make up only 25% of American voters today, so 77% of 25% of the total population of voters is not that much. She tries to make it sound 'impressive', but it's not.

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