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S12.E13: Jax Sheets; The Pizza Cupcake; IceBeanie; Draft Top


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Jax Sheets, and the T shirt brand-Great idea, too early, but I really liked the seller.   No deal.   (By the way, it's not just bachelors that never change their sheets).  However, anyone who doesn't change the sheets until they are so dirty that they crawl off of the bed, and into the washer all by themselves, isn't going to spend money on expensive sheets.    After living in the dorms in college, I found out that there are a lot of people who change sheets a lot less than every three months, and they were all women in my dorm.     

Pizza Cupcake-They sound amazing, and everyone on the panel loved them.  I really liked the presenters.  They really need to get the price down, and then get them in stores like Target (Target has an amazing number of Shark Tank foods).  The woman was lucky that Lori's counter wasn't to withdraw her offer, Lori must have really wanted them as partners.   Lori will be a great partner for them.   I think they would be like a small, deep dish pizza, and I hope they sell them near me sometime, because I'm not ordering them for delivery. 

Ice Beanie-To help with stress headaches, migraines, and concussions.  I love Daymond fighting with Mark for it.   Mark will be a great partner for this.    I wonder if the beanie would be a good way to cool down too?    

Draft Top-I don't drink so I'm out.    Don't see the appeal, or why this is needed.     They actually make a deal with Daymond.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I tried to buy one of the ice beanies while the guy was closing his deal with Mark, and Amazon was already sold out. I was able to get one from their website directly. They had alerts on their website showing other sales they were getting and about five people bought while I was completing my order. I'm thinking they are going to do well.  I've had migraines my whole life and thought it was brilliant. I can't believe Kevin didn't think people would be willing to put an ice hat on.....I'm guessing the man has never had a migraine.

I thought it was funny that Robert was mad the Ice Beanie guy didn't listen to all offers. Like two weeks ago Robert told someone if they listened to other offers he was taking back his offer. You can't have it both ways.

The idea of pizza cupcakes sounded gross, but the Sharks seemed to love it. And the guy was a chef from Italy, so I'm guessing he knows what he is doing with pizza. I also loved the woman standing her ground with Lori. 

Edited by KaveDweller
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Aw, I want to hang out with the sheet guy too. He was fun. And did you notice...no sob story! He mentioned being from a village in Africa but nothing more, not even how or why he came to the States. Too bad he didn't get an offer but they invited him to come back.

I still don't get what the beer top thing was. It opened half the can top instead of using the tab keyhole? The sharks were also confused and I'm surprised there was a deal. "You push it down?"

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The guys who never change their sheets aren't going to be the customers paying $150 for sheets they never have to change.

I once dated a guy who bought $7 sheets at a discount store. They were translucent and looked like window sheers.

How is drinking from the side of an aluminum can different from drinking from the top of it, if you're so concerned about the taste of aluminum? Also, I am weirded out by grody can tops, so I clean them before opening. Warehouses and grocery receiving docks are dirty and dusty. I'm not pushing that into my drink. Plus, I'm not a beer drinker, so for those reasons, I'm out.

Edited by bilgistic
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Even beyond the thing not working, I don't understand the appeal of the can top remover.  And how do you not avoid sharp edges?  

I want to try those pizza cupcakes

Loved the first guy, so genuine as they stated, but too early.  

The icehat guy is missing his target audience.  Athletes, cool down.....that's where you want it.  It might help migraines, I doubt it.   And yes chemo patients, other medical uses.  

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I wonder if the Bantam Bagel folks will be pissed that Lori now has a savory version of THEIR product.  It seems almost like a conflict of interest.

There is currently a commercial running (for a drug, I believe) where it shows someone suffering from migraines dunking their head in a freezer full of frozen vegetables, so there does seem to be relief with ice plus an icehat.

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29 minutes ago, basiltherat said:

I wonder if the Bantam Bagel folks will be pissed that Lori now has a savory version of THEIR product.  It seems almost like a conflict of interest.

There is currently a commercial running (for a drug, I believe) where it shows someone suffering from migraines dunking their head in a freezer full of frozen vegetables, so there does seem to be relief with ice plus an icehat.

It's something people with migraines try today typically doesn't work or do much 

2 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

It's something people with migraines try today typically doesn't work or do much 

Mileage must vary, I find covering my head in ice is one of the few things (other than medication) that actually does anything for a migraine. The problem is how you keep that much ice in position and stay comfortable, which the hat should solve.

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Are copper infused sheets really that effective? I admit that I don't change the sheets as often as I probably should (less than 3 months, ha ha) so I would be interested if they were priced right.

Those pizza things - they looked good, I'd like to try but not at that price.  You can also make your own. They're even called Pillsbury Pizza Cupcakes.  

Ice hat - I think it's a product with a lot of applications.  That guy definitely needed a shark to help him, so I'm glad he got a deal.

Beer top - I don't see the point of this at all, but I'm not a canned beer drinker.  If it's that hard to use, I don't see how its investable at all.  IF there was some kind of patent on the technology, perhaps.  It was pretty funny watching them all fail to even get it to work.  

Thank goodness, no sob stories or precocious children.  

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With Bantam Bagels, the couple that owned it sold out to the same company that owns Sister Schuberts, and New York Bakery.  The founders will continue to operate it, and the flagship store in NYC, and Lori still has her 25% of equity.    All three will still get profits from it.     So the Pizza Cupcakes are a compliment to the stuffed bagels, but not a total conflict.  

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3 hours ago, mjc570 said:

Are copper infused sheets really that effective? I admit that I don't change the sheets as often as I probably should (less than 3 months, ha ha) so I would be interested if they were priced right.

So...his pitch was sort of misleading. Copper has been proven to have antimicrobial properties. If his argument were entirely germ-related, sure yeah that helps. But it doesn't do didly squat about dirt. Sheets that haven't been washed in a super long time, yeah sure, they're gonna be germy, but they'll also be dirty, oily, etc. So the copper may be able to kill/be an inhospitable environment for microorganisms on the sheets, but that's not the same thing as clean.

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I went to his website and the sheets are expensive, not out of line for a luxury item, but more than I see a college guy paying. Or more likely their parents. His bio is pretty interesting. Lots of possible sob-storyness and I commend him for not using any of it. The company is also selling socks and underwear besides the t-shirts and sheets. And currently masks that are supposed to combat the dreaded maskne.

You know the first guy, if you think about it, is really the kind that truly NEEDS one of them helping him.  He has some decent products and needs direction on how to steer the company because he is a business naive person.  

It's too bad that's not who the sharks look for typically in their investments.  They want someone who has a product and business and sales already. They buy in and make money with as little effort as possible.  From a monetary and risk standpoint sure that makes since.  But from a standpoint of businesses that need real expertise, it's almost the opposite how it should be. 

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On 2/13/2021 at 12:36 AM, bilgistic said:

The guys who never change their sheets aren't going to be the customers paying $150 for sheets they never have to change.

No one asked if they were machine washable. If you have to take them to the dry cleaners every time you do decide to change your sheets, then his target market is going to consider than a disposable item rather than put forth the effort to get them clean again.

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1 minute ago, eel21788 said:

No one asked if they were machine washable. If you have to take them to the dry cleaners every time you do decide to change your sheets, then his target market is going to consider than a disposable item rather than put forth the effort to get them clean again.

I thought all sheets were machine washable. 

On 2/12/2021 at 7:10 PM, KaveDweller said:

The idea of pizza cupcakes sounded gross, but the Sharks seemed to love it. And the guy was a chef from Italy, so I'm guessing he knows what he is doing with pizza. I also loved the woman standing her ground with Lori. 

We seem to be in the minority, but I thought they looked gross, too. Also, their pitch was that is was pizza that could be eaten on the go. How hard is it to eat a slice of pizza while you're moving? Again, they had a solution to something that isn't a problem. Lori is a bully, so I think the deal will fall apart when they decide to stand up to her. As for her lauding her brilliant success with Bantam Bagels, I have never seen them for sale in any grocery store or coffee shop. Maybe it is still restricted to the east coast, even though she is trying to claim they are available everywhere in the nation.

Edited by eel21788
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13 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I thought all sheets were machine washable. 

How to Wash Silk - Tide

tide.com › ... › How to Wash Different Fabrics and Colors

What happens if you put silk in the washing machine?

Before you put a silk item in the machine, check the tag to see if it can be machine washed. Some silk items may lose color or get damaged in the machine. Don't wash silk and delicate fabric with heavy pieces of clothing like jeans. Using a delicates wash bag will protect your silks from any abrasive damage.

15 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I'm in Charlotte, NC, and I've seen Bantam Bagels in Starbucks (the last time I was in a Starbucks, which was a loooong time ago) and in grocery store freezers, but I've never felt compelled to buy them.

Doesn't Starbucks sell bagels, too? Why would someone decide to pay more money for bagel pieces when they could buy the whole bagel in multiple flavors and apply their own cream cheese? 

Edited by eel21788
11 minutes ago, eel21788 said:

How to Wash Silk - Tide

tide.com › ... › How to Wash Different Fabrics and Colors

What happens if you put silk in the washing machine?

Before you put a silk item in the machine, check the tag to see if it can be machine washed. Some silk items may lose color or get damaged in the machine. Don't wash silk and delicate fabric with heavy pieces of clothing like jeans. Using a delicates wash bag will protect your silks from any abrasive damage.

I never buy silk sheets do that didn't cross my mind.  

Also in regard to other comments I find it hard and messy to eat pizza on the go.  Certainly a slice especially depending on the size is more messy than these would be.  

2 hours ago, eel21788 said:

We seem to be in the minority, but I thought they looked gross, too. Also, their pitch was that is was pizza that could be eaten on the go. How hard is it to eat a slice of pizza while you're moving? Again, they had a solution to something that isn't a problem. Lori is a bully, so I think the deal will fall apart when they decide to stand up to her. As for her lauding her brilliant success with Bantam Bagels, I have never seen them for sale in any grocery store or coffee shop. Maybe it is still restricted to the east coast, even though she is trying to claim they are available everywhere in the nation.

I'm on the east coast and I see Bantam Bagels in the grocery store all the time and wonder how they taste. Then I see the $5.99 price tag underneath the box and keep right on moving, lol.

For me, the name Pizza Cupcake is the problem. The image it conjures up isn't a pleasant combo, IMO, but after seeing the Shark's responses to it, I definitely want to try one. So a better, more evocative name would be my first suggestion.

I was also put off by their pitch about how tricky and non-portable pizza is because yeah, grabbing a slice of pizza on the go is hardly a challenge. But once they started talking about having their products at stadiums and such, it did seem like a good idea. Movie theaters, coffee shops, the grab and go sections of convenience stores, stadiums, it does seem like an ideal product for that kind of place.

But does it need to be heated up? That was the piece I wasn't sure about it, if it was a cold or hot product. If it does need to be heated, maybe it's a smidge less convenient. 

I don't think I'd even bother fighting for space in a grocery store or at least, I'd focus the least on that part and the most on putting it in places where it would stand out.


How is drinking from the side of an aluminum can different from drinking from the top of it, if you're so concerned about the taste of aluminum? Also, I am weirded out by grody can tops, so I clean them before opening. Warehouses and grocery receiving docks are dirty and dusty. I'm not pushing that into my drink. Plus, I'm not a beer drinker, so for those reasons, I'm out.

I also didn't understand what problem was being solved with this product. You need a cup-like container for your beverage so you make one out of the can...which already functions in exactly that capacity using the pop top opening that's already built into it.

I just don't see people carrying this thing around or fishing it out of a drawer just to drink out of a can that they can already drink out of without any extra effort. 

I was shocked they got a deal, their desperation and backpedaling wasn't inspiring a lot of confidence.

The sheets guy was awesome, I hope he figures it out and comes back at a later date, he was genuinely engaging. Or one of them should offer him some kind of sales job, he definitely has the personality to be a front man.

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I just didn't understand the appeal of the draft beer topper.  Like others, I don't want to push the potentially dirty can top into my drink, AND I would always be nervous wondering if the lid would come up while I was drinking and cut me.  Who wants to carry that around?  Anyway, obviously a lot of people wanted it if their sales numbers are to be believed.

Agree that the name "pizza cupcake" is confusing and unappealing.  It also looked like there was just one pepperoni on the pizza cupcake.  They might be good in group gatherings with other easily edible items.

Loved the sheets presenter.  There really is no excuse to not wash sheets for three, or more, months.  I wish he at least had gotten a mentorship.

I personally do not have a need for the ice beanie, but think it's a really good idea.  I have had to ice various parts of my body due to injuries and it is really had to keep the ice in place, so for those who want to ice their heads this is pretty brilliant.  I cringed when watching some of his footage-he obviously has no fear.

I think the beer idea was so that the drinker could smell the beer better due to the large opening. But, as others mentioned, pushing a lid inward is gross, the opener had a steep learning curve & it's stupid. 

I was surprised that Mark didn't go all woo woo-- health claims on ice hat guy WRT migraines. Usually Mark wants to see documentation. I love the idea of the hat for hot sports days. 100degrees of summer baseball is a killer!

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I have post concussion headaches....I was able to buy the Ice Beanie off Etsy during the show. Some people market similar products to prevent hair loss during chemotherapy but I question the efficacy on that. 

I really wanted the pizza cupcakes but they don’t ship to my state. Made me sad. I love the mascot’s costume. 

I like Robert but felt he was being childish and petulant, making the show awkward. 

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18 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

The sheets guy was awesome, I hope he figures it out and comes back at a later date, he was genuinely engaging. Or one of them should offer him some kind of sales job, he definitely has the personality to be a front man.

Great idea!     I bet Mark's organization could use him.  

22 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

I'm on the east coast and I see Bantam Bagels in the grocery store all the time and wonder how they taste. Then I see the $5.99 price tag underneath the box and keep right on moving, lol.

I bought Bantam Bagels at my grocery store once. They were okay, I guess, but I have never felt compelled to buy again. I think my issue is I prefer cream cheese spread evenly over a whole bagel. And when the cheese is stuffed, you aren't really getting an even mix with each bite.

13 hours ago, rhys said:

I think the beer idea was so that the drinker could smell the beer better due to the large opening. But, as others mentioned, pushing a lid inward is gross, the opener had a steep learning curve & it's stupid. 

I was surprised that Mark didn't go all woo woo-- health claims on ice hat guy WRT migraines. Usually Mark wants to see documentation. I love the idea of the hat for hot sports days. 100degrees of summer baseball is a killer!

I think because the ice hat guy wasn't claiming that he had any medical cure, he was just proposing a way to sell ice.  The idea of ice for pain is not really a new thing and everyone can decide for themselves if they think it helps him. It is the vitamin people who Mark really dislikes.

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On 2/14/2021 at 1:18 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:


Also in regard to other comments I find it hard and messy to eat pizza on the go.  Certainly a slice especially depending on the size is more messy than these would be.  

I use a napkin and have had no major mishaps. I really can't comprehend the difficulty of eating a slice a pizza unless you are one of those people who insist it must be eaten with a knife and fork.

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Cutting the top off your beer will negate a lot of the insulating qualities of the can and it will get warmer faster. No thank you! 

It's kind of BS when the sharks say a person is there "too early." There have been plenty of times someone has come in with just a product or a "pre-revenue" situation and made a deal. 

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12 hours ago, TVbitch said:

It's kind of BS when the sharks say a person is there "too early." There have been plenty of times someone has come in with just a product or a "pre-revenue" situation and made a deal. 

"Too early" is a euphemism for "it's a stupid idea" or "it's more work than I want to do for my ROI."

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7 hours ago, eel21788 said:

"Too early" is a euphemism for "it's a stupid idea" or "it's more work than I want to do for my ROI."

Exactly, it is a way to reject them without having to be mean. When the person is crazy or an asshole, they have no problem being mean, but sometimes they try and be nice.

Other options, "You're a product, not a business"........"It's not scalable"........"You have another job and I want someone 100% focused on this"......."You don't need me, you're doing great on your own!"

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On 2/14/2021 at 5:52 AM, DrSpaceman73 said:

You know the first guy, if you think about it, is really the kind that truly NEEDS one of them helping him.  He has some decent products and needs direction on how to steer the company because he is a business naive person.  

It's too bad that's not who the sharks look for typically in their investments.  They want someone who has a product and business and sales already. They buy in and make money with as little effort as possible.  From a monetary and risk standpoint sure that makes since.  But from a standpoint of businesses that need real expertise, it's almost the opposite how it should be. 

That's how it was when the show first started. It was more about the idea or invention not about having actual sales.  Remember Ava the Elephant?  That was a prototype that I don't think had any sales at all and went on to become a big deal.  Now a days when the presenters talk about their numbers I wonder why they need a Shark (other than publicity) and why they want to give away any percentage of their business when they seem to be doing just fine.  

and yes, Robert was petulant about listening to other offers it's usually Mark with his stupid shot clock that pulls that BS.

Funny that Lori mentioned bantam bagels because I thought the pizza looked more like pizza bagels then cupcakes.  I was really surprised that Lori didn't go out when she was the only offer they had and they kept pushing back.  I would have told them if 2.5% is that much of an issue for you I don't think you really want a Shark  - buh bye.  It seemed like it tasted good but I too don't see the need and there are so many pizzas already. 

I have no understanding of the beer can thing and why people are buying it, how it got a deal, etc. etc.  

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12 hours ago, I Want My MBTV said:

 I have no understanding of the beer can thing and why people are buying it, how it got a deal, etc. etc.  

Does anyone else remember back in the 1970s there was a gadget advertised incessantly on TV that would turn any bottle into a drinking glass by cutting the top off of it? I don't know why anyone would be so desperate for a drinking glass that he would need to make his own out of a discarded bottle. The rabid inflation and recession in the mid-'70s still wasn't enough to make people think they couldn't go out and buy a glass or two if they needed them. The beer can thing is really the same thing and will probably go the same way as the bottle cutter.

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I was curious about the Draft Top and what is is supposed to do to make canned beer better, so I went to their site this morning.  First thing that caught my eye was this line "New and improved since Shark Tank!". The multi-step(6 if you don't count #7 to "enjoy your beer) instructions say the top can be completely removed as well.  Too many steps still, and too fidgety. 

Edited by lh25
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4 hours ago, eel21788 said:

Does anyone else remember back in the 1970s there was a gadget advertised incessantly on TV that would turn any bottle into a drinking glass by cutting the top off of it?

I remember that. I don't remember that it was supposed to make drinking glasses, I thought it was more like "turn this old wine bottle into a vase" type of thing, but I definitely remember the ads/product.

ETA: After posting, I had to look. You can still get those things - of course, Amazon has everything...


Edited by Moose135
38 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

I remember that. I don't remember that it was supposed to make drinking glasses, I thought it was more like "turn this old wine bottle into a vase" type of thing, but I definitely remember the ads/product.

ETA: After posting, I had to look. You can still get those things - of course, Amazon has everything...


That's different than the one I remember. It didn't have the vice-like thing to hold the bottle or require applying heat to the cut to separate it. The one I'm thinking of looked more like a hand-held can opener. For what they are selling it for, I would think it would still be easier to go to the dollar store and buy 40 glasses instead of paying for their product and shipping. Again, I have no clue why someone would think they need to turn an old bottle into a drinking glass or a vase.

Edited by eel21788
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On 2/17/2021 at 11:16 AM, lh25 said:

I was curious about the Draft Top and what is is supposed to do to make canned beer better, so I went to their site this morning.  First thing that caught my eye was this line "New and improved since Shark Tank!". The multi-step(6 if you don't count #7 to "enjoy your beer) instructions say the top can be completely removed as well.  Too many steps still, and too fidgety. 

I would bring a travel mug.

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Just watched the episode, and ordered the Pizza Cupcakes, margherita flavor.  My favorite part of a pizza is the crust, and all the sharks seemed to like the crust.  I don't like a huge amount of sauce or cheese on pizza, so the ratio on the cupcake looked more to my liking.  Plus I only want 1-2 slices when I get pizza, so this is more convenient, and it will last for weeks.  Agree that the name is not good...I figured it would be something sweet that had a pizza flavoring, which sounds unappetizing.  It was pretty expensive...25.99 for one box of 12, and 12.99 shipping, but for some reason I really wanted to give it a try.  Oddly, the site called it "pre-ordering", which made it sound like it was back-ordered, but the site didn't say anything about that.  I rarely order from Shark Tank, especially food, but I did try Mr. Wonderful's cupcake in a jar, and it was just ok.

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On 3/6/2021 at 10:32 PM, LuvMyShows said:

Just watched the episode, and ordered the Pizza Cupcakes, margherita flavor.  My favorite part of a pizza is the crust, and all the sharks seemed to like the crust.  I don't like a huge amount of sauce or cheese on pizza, so the ratio on the cupcake looked more to my liking.  Plus I only want 1-2 slices when I get pizza, so this is more convenient, and it will last for weeks.  Agree that the name is not good...I figured it would be something sweet that had a pizza flavoring, which sounds unappetizing.  It was pretty expensive...25.99 for one box of 12, and 12.99 shipping, but for some reason I really wanted to give it a try.  Oddly, the site called it "pre-ordering", which made it sound like it was back-ordered, but the site didn't say anything about that.  I rarely order from Shark Tank, especially food, but I did try Mr. Wonderful's cupcake in a jar, and it was just ok.

So, replying to my own post, because the Pizza Cupcakes came this week and I just tried them!  The box was enormous because it had all the dry ice in it, and the product definitely was kept cold.  The taste was not disappointing, because I didn't really have any expectations.  The first bite wasn't great, but it tasted better as I ate more.  I had expected the center, with the cheese and sauce, to melt, but it stayed as sort of a glob.  The 'crust' had a bit of a biscuit feel to the outside.  It doesn't taste anything like a pizza, but the taste it does have is fine.  They are convenient, so if I was going to be in a time crunch to eat lunch/dinner, I could see myself heating two up to take in the car.  Don't think I will order another box, but I will definitely finish this box, unlike with the cupcake in a jar, which I didn't even finish.

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Just saw a Little Caesar's ad.  They have something similar to the Pizza Cupcake at least for a while, not the same brand but no shipping involved.    They're called Cheesy Puffs,  have pepperoni, and three cheese flavors.    I did see the original Pizza Cupcakes at the grocery store lately, so at least you can avoid the huge shipping costs.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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