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S08.E07: You So Bad Boy

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45 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Regarding Tarzel- there may be plenty of lovely ladies in Virginia Beach, but I can’t believe it will be easy to find one that wants to throuple with those two. Also, is anyone else confused about this situation? It seems more like polyamory than bisexuality. Is this really Tarik’s idea? Hopefully they will get the sleeping arrangements figured out before long. (Tarik had two years to gently introduce his daughter to her own room, but...)

Agree -- so she's bisexual, that doesn't mean they need a woman in their life. I think she wants a polyamorous relationship like you said. It's an entire different type of relationship and if everyone doesn't agree to the ground rules it will never work. They've already had issues with Minty.

Not even this makes them interesting though.


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2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:


Julia, please do the math. Father Brandon is significantly older than Betty. When Father Brandon gets taken to the glue factory, who do you think will be taking care of Betty (hint—look in the mirror)?

wise words.  Betty seems like the type who will outlive her own children.

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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

It's so easy to call the fiances and let them know that you want to fill up the fridge before they land and ask if they need any special foods or foods that they enjoy. Natalie seems to eat fish so Mike could have bought some fresh fish at the market in Seattle or even the Sequim grocery store. Maybe organic pasta and sauce, fresh fruit and veggies, juice, yogurt, cheese, etc. Enough for a couple of days til grocery shopping time after Natalie gets past the jetlag and being exhausted. You can even buy a frozen vegetarian dinner.

Zied may ask for hummus and may have to put up with the bought one until he feels like making his own. Some brands or products may not be readily available but there are veggies and meat and fruit. Most grocery stores now sell Halal products. A small cake or box of pastries or cookies might be a nice gesture.

It's not hard to buy a few extra things to fill up the fridge and pantry and make the guest feel comfortable. 

Anytime I have a guest, be it from out of town or out of state, I always make sure to ask about food/drink preferences before they arrive. Rebecca’s total lack of consideration beyond an XBox?

No wonder Z is ready to book the next flight back to Tunisia. 

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

He actually did seem a little drunk to me.


Speaking of tattoos...and that gift he brought her: I thought the dainty bracelet on her sailor's arm wasn't a very good look.


Oh lord.   I hadn't even thought of that.  Poor Julia. 

So do you have any theories on what she sees in Brandon?  I find this to be a real stumbling block. 

I have no idea.

He. Creeps. Me. Out. 

But, they seem to have some sort of....spark. I really hate to speculate on things I don’t know about, but...she seems more than comfortable with her sex/sexuality; Brandon seems to be a n00b when it comes to both. Maybe sometimes having that opportunity/power to introduce someone to your* world of sex can push you beyond your normal attractions.

Edited by RubySoho
*changed “the” to “your”
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10 hours ago, brewgirl said:

Oh my gosh...this show sounds *amazing* and I can't wait to watch it! Just have to finnish 2 more episodes of Dexter, then I'm onto This Farming Life. Thanks!

I love farming life, but it ain't easy. You really have to LOVE it. It's abundantly clear that Brandon doesn't like it and Julia hates it. They need to GTFO and let the wackos run the farm. In between creepy discussions about sex.

I am a city girl to the bone, not really an animal lover, and lazy as fuck, but I love shows about farms, shows about animals, shows about work. Go figure. You will LOVE this show. All of the people are just wonderful and I would love to hang out with them. I especially love Stevie the buffalo farmer (yes, in Scotland!), and Mel and Martin, a young couple, and Kirsty and Aimee, the Shetland Island sisters. I love the Scottish accents and the good humor and the love they have for their way of life. 

I also love "The Yorkshire Vet", also on Prime, which follows two vets in James Herriot's Yorkshire practice. Its just great, and so wholesome. I've been very into wholesome shows lately. A response to the nuttiness of modern life, no doubt. 

9 hours ago, christmaslights said:

People use grocery carts in apartment complexes as...carts.  They keep them and take stuff up and down with them. The grocery stores often have to hire people to come to the complexes to get them back.  Most people don't keep them inside the apartment.

So everyone in Rebecca's building is cussing her out for hogging up the shopping cart. Hahahahaha. What a clueless bitch.

5 hours ago, christmaslights said:

wise words.  Betty seems like the type who will outlive her own children.

Betty will outlive everyone in her orbit for sheer spite. She'll have everyone snowed, too. All caregivers and neighbors will think she's a cute, feisty old lady, at first. Then the truth will slowly reveal itself, and it will be too late. She'll be texting and calling and demanding "just a little favor, dear. If you can. I know, you're so busy". A nightmare for all involved. Hopefully Julia will be long gone before then. 

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9 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I would have been up at 2am, packing, calling an Uber ang getting the hell out.  Seriously, I would have been gone.  Or. "Brandon, I want to try this Uber thing to go to store while you are at work."  Then packed and left with a note on the table, and made sure my flight was gone before they came back and kidnapped asked me to come back.


You mean when they took more luggage for one night than hubby and myself took for six days in Florida?

Maybe they went junk hunting.  Where could they possibly be going with all that luggage for one night?

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12 hours ago, magemaud said:

It’s almost like he’s wearing some kind of mouthguard or that putty they apply after gum surgery

And what’s with how Natalie talks thru her teeth with her mouth clenched practically shut?  Who talks like that?  Weird.

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42 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Body disposal.

I know somebody down south that are so cheap they don’t want to pay for garbage disposal.  They put their garbage in the garage and every week in the middle of the night, they take the garbage to the dump.  I’ll bet Ma & Pa Brandon do the same.  They also fill their house with junk they collect from people’s garbage.  Weirdos.

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14 hours ago, Dobian said:

I don't get how it was her plan, the whole thing was Andrew's idea.  He needed to be in Mexico City to meet her on arrival, then the two of them travel to the resort together.  Getting detained can be a scary thing.  You don't know what the authorities are going to do.  You have few if any rights.  People have been detained for months and years in countries, essentially prisoners, because of the regional bureaucracy.  I get that a lot of people on these shows are in it for the money and publicity, but I don't think anyone is going to deliberately get themselves locked up, unless they are completely stupid.

No, it was all her plan. He said something about being a master at finding loopholes or something, but the Mexico workaround was all Amira. She was to fly from Amsterdam to Mexico City and then on to Puerto Vallarta. Andrew went from California straight to PV. There was never a reason for him to go to Mexico City and they both said that they thought if she was denied she would just be returned on the next plane, which is what happened. They didn't expect it to take a day for the next plane, though.

Her telling her dad he gave her an ultimatum and then acting all victimized that she was detained for not meeting the entry requirements, which she also knew and ignored, is my issue with her, and since they are both acting in every scene, I wonder if it was intentional. Own your own shit, you are not a victim, even though she has a major victim complex.

Andrew is still an ass, though. There wasn't anything he could do to help her when Mexico refused her entry and we only saw the one call where he was hung up on, but a quick search or talk to the resort employee would tell him he had to wait and see. Her dad said he was waiting on the French Embassy to find out what happened. I'm not sympathetic to him just lounging around, eating his burger, and whining he didn't know what was going on, either. 

Some things can be blamed on editing and production shenanigans, and I never expect to get the truth from the show, but this couple just sucks in general. The best part of their story to me is how they are being shown as whiny babies who can't act. 

Screen cap from the episode


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No way would I put up with being treated the way they are treating Julia.  No specific man is worth it, and I'm not sure the green card would be either.  It's indentured servitude, other than the cup of tea delivered to her every morning.

Best case scenario:  Julia talks to Brandon's parents and says, "I am a city girl, and would never have come here if I knew your expectations that I would be a full-time farmhand ahead of time.  But I am here.  How about if I do inside work (cleaning, cooking) so none of you will have to do that?  I will even get up early to make coffee and breakfast.  You can spend the needed time outdoors to maintain the farm, and won't need to spend any time in the house doing inside stuff.  If that's not acceptable to you, and you intend to force me to work outside on the farm, I will go home."

As Dr. Phil often says, "The only thing worse than being miserable for a month is being miserable for a month and a day."

I think Mike was a little tipsy when he got home - or had at least been drinking - because he wouldn't kiss Natalie when he came in.  I envision he made the long drive from Seattle to Sequim and met Uncle/Cousin Beau at their favorite local bar before heading home.

One thing he said was interesting:  "I don't play games."  Then when she asked him if he had sold the ring (since she couldn't find it) he responded, "Gotta pay the bills somehow."  And I loved his putdown on a different topic:  "Can you figure that out with your 100 IQ?  

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

So everyone in Rebecca's building is cussing her out for hogging up the shopping cart. Hahahahaha. What a clueless bitch.

They think she’s back with another “foreign exchange student”

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The amount of rage that Betty and Whatever His Name Is is WAY over the top.  There's something else going on there.  Jealousy?  Control?  The old man scares the hell out of me, and I'm old enough to take care of myself.  I can't imagine little go-go girl Julia.  Brandon has absolutely no balls.  He needs to get his cute little fiance the hell outta there.

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So basically Natalie is taking out her frustrations of a shitty life she has built for herself on Mike.  He'll never be good enough for her.  He's not hot enough, thin enough, smart enough for her.   She's just biding her time before she finds the version of an American that has hot enough, thin enough, smart enough for her.  Then he'll dump her for a younger hotter version of her when she hits 40.


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Just now, Chloe Dog said:

The amount of rage that Betty and Whatever His Name Is is WAY over the top.  There's something else going on there.  Jealousy?  Control?  The old man scares the hell out of me, and I'm old enough to take care of myself.  I can't imagine little go-go girl Julia.  Brandon has absolutely no balls.  He needs to get his cute little fiance the hell outta there.

Maybe Brandon has not been the choir boy he looks like.  He's in his mid-20s.  Maybe they're just tired of bailing him out of situations, and this one is the biggest one yet.  Maybe leaving the farm and getting an apartment with Julia based on his own full-time salary isn't an option, as he is working off bail money or something.  

I can see their frustration if Julia is doing nothing, yet they need to sit down (AGAIN) and come up with something she CAN do that doesn't involve walking around in pig poop after being served tea by "room service."

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3 minutes ago, not you again said:

 Did the family really want to advertise their German shepherd puppy mill that bad?

I don’t know that they want to advertise the puppy breeding that’s going on. We only get glimpses of the unfortunate animals confined  in cages. But it’s probably financing the ‘hobby farm’.  

I agree many of these stories are manufactured drama for our entertainment.


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1 hour ago, Christina said:

No, it was all her plan. He said something about being a master at finding loopholes or something, but the Mexico workaround was all Amira. She was to fly from Amsterdam to Mexico City and then on to Puerto Vallarta. Andrew went from California straight to PV. There was never a reason for him to go to Mexico City and they both said that they thought if she was denied she would just be returned on the next plane, which is what happened. They didn't expect it to take a day for the next plane, though.

Well the only argument that it was her idea to come to Mexico was from Andrew after the fact, that I have seen anyway.  He also said he didn't believe she was really detained, but she posted her detention papers online to disprove him.  So Andrew doesn't have much credibility as a source.  He talks like someone well versed in spin doctoring.  We do know that he was the one pushing for her to come to Mexico since she wasn't allowed to go directly to the U.S., that was very apparent before the whole detention fiasco, and her dad confirmed it after.  Everything in the show footage indicates that this was all Andrew and that Amira was a very reluctant participant.  So I don't buy that the trip was her idea, she seemed really pressured into it by Andrew.  Plus he needed to be in Mexico City no matter whose idea it was.

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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The cloudy hot tub because of clothes being worn? What kind of clothes do people wear in a hot tub, a bathing suit sure but clothes? I remember years ago husband number one wanted a hot tub, it came with a VHS tape of directions for the chemicals, spa up, spa down, it was maddening but we did it, tested water, adjusted chemicals and never had cloudy water, we would drain it every so often and clean and wax the inside.  I do not miss that spa tub or husband number one.

We had a hot tub and I always wore a bathing suit in it. Hubby went au natural. We never had a real problem with cloudy water, but I was careful to check the PH daily and add the necessary chemicals. You can get quite sick sitting around in hot water that's not properly balanced. As I recall, when we bought the hot tub it came with a beginners supply of chemicals and one of them was a liquid to "repair" cloudy water. I used it a few times when we'd been out of town and the tub chemicals weren't adjusted daily and the water sparkled after dumping some of it in. We usually only emptied the tub when it needed it. It's obvious when it needs to be emptied and scrubbed, especially here in the south where we have pine trees and "pollen season"--even with a lid the yellow crud would get inside and leave a ring around the tub. I don't miss it, although I enjoyed it a lot in my younger days.

The idea that wearing clothing, other than a bathing suit, in a hot tub is just silly. However, lotions or just the natural oil in your skin can change the PH of the water, which is why checking it and maintaining the proper balance is so important.

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

And what’s with how Natalie talks thru her teeth with her mouth clenched practically shut?  Who talks like that?  Weird.

She has a side gig as a ventriloquist and, unfortunately, brings her work home with her. 

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42 minutes ago, Dobian said:

Well the only argument that it was her idea to come to Mexico was from Andrew after the fact, that I have seen anyway.  He also said he didn't believe she was really detained, but she posted her detention papers online to disprove him.  So Andrew doesn't have much credibility as a source.  He talks like someone well versed in spin doctoring.  We do know that he was the one pushing for her to come to Mexico since she wasn't allowed to go directly to the U.S., that was very apparent before the whole detention fiasco, and her dad confirmed it after.  Everything in the show footage indicates that this was all Andrew and that Amira was a very reluctant participant.  So I don't buy that the trip was her idea, she seemed really pressured into it by Andrew.  Plus he needed to be in Mexico City no matter whose idea it was.

I watch football and then catch the later airings that tend to have the bonus scenes and flow into the next episode, so I should stay out of episode threads, I think, since I never separate the episodes in my head. But Amira posted her immigration paperwork because people were calling the detention out as being production fakery, not Andrew. In fact,


Andrew didn't leak any of the screenshots showing it really was her plan to go through Mexico. She was the one who was on the Visa Journey site and learned about it, she was the one who approached him about it, she purchased the ticket and told him after, she was warned on VJ to have the return ticket and ignored it, saying she was going on a one-way ticket anyway. 

Also, it wasn't even a K-1 Visa, it was a Q-1 that had nothing to do with Andrew.

Let's say it was Andrew's plan and he pressured her somehow. She's a grown ass woman who could say she thought it was a bad idea. I think with only forty days left of her visa, it was a now or never situation and she decided to risk it. I think she should own that instead of crying to her dad that Andrew gave her an ultimatum and crying about being detained for not meeting entrance requirements. Being upset is understandable, blaming Andrew for her own actions and decisions, along with other reasons, is why I'm calling her a liar with a victim complex. Andrew's still an asshole and neither are victims or sympathetic. 

Since I'm second guessing what has been shown on the episodes, I added what I do not believe has been shown yet and likely will not be under the spoiler tab, but left some of the reasons for my opinion out. I just don't think she can blame Andrew and it drives me crazy how people like to rewrite history on this show. I'm fully expecting Andrew to try and come across as having tried to be a hero, which is why I posted the screenshot. We all saw him sitting them eating his hamburger and moping that he was alone.

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10 hours ago, Flip Flops said:

Wouldn’t Brandon make enough money doing full time pest control to afford a small apartment for the two them? Also, the dad frightens me

These people are working extra hard to make them selves hateful. If it’s all for show, I don’t understand what would possess these people to go on television and act like such horrible douche bags. To say that Julia should RUN is an understatement, but chances are they are already married and tied to the family glue factory. Brandon‘s dad is a scary asshole, but the mom has a certain spark of evil joy when she says that Julia can’t have her tea because it’s too late. I can only hope that this is acting, because if not, these people deserve Oscars for their evil portrayal of the Clampetts. I’m seething on her behalf.

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1 hour ago, Boo Boo said:

So basically Natalie is taking out her frustrations of a shitty life she has built for herself on Mike.  He'll never be good enough for her.  He's not hot enough, thin enough, smart enough for her.   She's just biding her time before she finds the version of an American that has hot enough, thin enough, smart enough for her.  Then he'll dump her for a younger hotter version of her when she hits 40.


Mike needs to send her lockjaw ass back to Ukraine. Where all the men are highly intelligent, physically fit and non drinkers.

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Mike needs to send her lockjaw ass back to Ukraine. Where all the men are highly intelligent, physically fit and non drinkers.

And high class.

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19 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Mike needs to send her lockjaw ass back to Ukraine. Where all the men are highly intelligent, physically fit and non drinkers.


There's a reason why she isn't procreating and living in the city with a Ukraine.  She needs to remind her of this.

I'm hoping the 90 day paycheck for Mike makes being around this joyless person a little more tolerable.

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

No way would I put up with being treated the way they are treating Julia.  No specific man is worth it, and I'm not sure the green card would be either.  It's indentured servitude, other than the cup of tea delivered to her every morning.

Best case scenario:  Julia talks to Brandon's parents and says, "I am a city girl, and would never have come here if I knew your expectations that I would be a full-time farmhand ahead of time.  But I am here.  How about if I do inside work (cleaning, cooking) so none of you will have to do that?  I will even get up early to make coffee and breakfast.  You can spend the needed time outdoors to maintain the farm, and won't need to spend any time in the house doing inside stuff.  If that's not acceptable to you, and you intend to force me to work outside on the farm, I will go home."

As Dr. Phil often says, "The only thing worse than being miserable for a month is being miserable for a month and a day."

I think Mike was a little tipsy when he got home - or had at least been drinking - because he wouldn't kiss Natalie when he came in.  I envision he made the long drive from Seattle to Sequim and met Uncle/Cousin Beau at their favorite local bar before heading home.

One thing he said was interesting:  "I don't play games."  Then when she asked him if he had sold the ring (since she couldn't find it) he responded, "Gotta pay the bills somehow."  And I loved his putdown on a different topic:  "Can you figure that out with your 100 IQ?  

And now he is forbidden to bring her tea so she is their servant.  If I was Mike, I'd stop on the way home for a few beers before I could face Natalie. 

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2 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:

The amount of rage that Betty and Whatever His Name Is is WAY over the top.  There's something else going on there.  Jealousy?  Control?  The old man scares the hell out of me, and I'm old enough to take care of myself.  I can't imagine little go-go girl Julia.  Brandon has absolutely no balls.  He needs to get his cute little fiance the hell outta there.

I think the are jealous of Julia as Mother Brandon had mentioned that they don't get to spend time with him anymore. 


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When Julia flashed her naked body to Brandon and the crew, I think she was subconsciously trying to upgrade to one of the crew members.  Brandon is a man child who won't mature until he's 70.

So Rebecca's confused as to why Zied doesn't seem like himself , hmm. He traveled for 18 hours, had to deal with her SIL and daughter's rudeness,  and walked in to discover an empty apartment with only a mattress and a shopping cart. He's probably reconsidering his life choices at the moment. 

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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

So everyone in Rebecca's building is cussing her out for hogging up the shopping cart. Hahahahaha. What a clueless bitch.


exactly.  it's been a long long time since I lived in an apartment, but I remember people would return them by mailboxes. kind of a like a luggage cart. 

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Amira was detained and deported  because she bought a one way ticket. A big no-no for all international travelers to Mexico.  Perhaps if she was coming straight to the US it would have been a different story.  I am surprised she was allowed to do that in France.  

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1 hour ago, OFDgal said:

And now he is forbidden to bring her tea so she is their servant.  If I was Mike, I'd stop on the way home for a few beers before I could face Natalie. 

What man would want to go to bed with Natalie after a tongue lashing every night?  And, who would want to be her friend in that town?

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2 hours ago, Christina said:

I watch football and then catch the later airings that tend to have the bonus scenes and flow into the next episode, so I should stay out of episode threads, I think, since I never separate the episodes in my head. But Amira posted her immigration paperwork because people were calling the detention out as being production fakery, not Andrew. In fact,

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Andrew didn't leak any of the screenshots showing it really was her plan to go through Mexico. She was the one who was on the Visa Journey site and learned about it, she was the one who approached him about it, she purchased the ticket and told him after, she was warned on VJ to have the return ticket and ignored it, saying she was going on a one-way ticket anyway. 

Also, it wasn't even a K-1 Visa, it was a Q-1 that had nothing to do with Andrew.

Let's say it was Andrew's plan and he pressured her somehow. She's a grown ass woman who could say she thought it was a bad idea. I think with only forty days left of her visa, it was a now or never situation and she decided to risk it. I think she should own that instead of crying to her dad that Andrew gave her an ultimatum and crying about being detained for not meeting entrance requirements. Being upset is understandable, blaming Andrew for her own actions and decisions, along with other reasons, is why I'm calling her a liar with a victim complex. Andrew's still an asshole and neither are victims or sympathetic.

I don't know anything about leaked screenshots.  I go with what I see on the show and occasionally look up an article or two for clarification on something.  I will say that the whole Mexico plan was a dumb idea born from desperation, and probably influenced by getting themselves on the new season of the show.  They could have kept things long distance while waiting for travel bans to be lifted and then she could come to the U.S.

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While I don't think Julia should be treated like a farm hand, she should be doing SOMETHING aside from sleeping in til noon and then whining whenever Brandon has to do his farm chores.  Brandon seemed to enjoy the farm work and getting things done until she showed up.

Outside work not her "cup of tea"?  Find some other way to help out.  Offer to do some laundry or clean something inside.  Offer to cook a meal.  Do something other than take up space and eat their food.  What are her plans after they get married?  Anything??

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20 minutes ago, Chellichik said:

What are her plans after they get married?  Anything??

If they get married and move off the farm, I assume Mom and Dad will have to hire someone else to help them.  Probably that blonde "friend" (or relative) that took care of the animals while they were picking Julia up at the airport.

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Just now, AZChristian said:

If they get married and move off the farm, I assume Mom and Dad will have to hire someone else to help them.  Probably that blonde "friend" (or relative) that took care of the animals while they were picking Julia up at the airport.

I meant what is Julia's plans for after they get married - sorry, should have been more specific.  Does she want to go to school?  Does she have a career?  I don't know how hot the market is for go-go dancers in rural Virginia.

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13 minutes ago, Chellichik said:

I meant what is Julia's plans for after they get married - sorry, should have been more specific.  Does she want to go to school?  Does she have a career?  I don't know how hot the market is for go-go dancers in rural Virginia.

Sorry I confused you.  I understood your question, and in my cluttered mind I just jumped to the further question of what Mom and Dad were going to do without them. 

Maybe Julia just wants to continue sleeping in and having tea delivered . . . but without having people whine about it before they force her into slogging through pig poop.

Edited by AZChristian
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5 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Maybe Julia just wants to continue sleeping in and having tea delivered . . . but without having people whine about it before they force her into slogging through pig poop.

And that will be fine when she and Brandon live alone and his parents aren't paying her living expenses.

She shouldn't have to get into the pen to feed pigs, if she doesn't feel comfortable.  Why not say that and then offer to do something else - throw some feed in for the goats, grab the eggs from the chicken coop.  It's not too hard.  I bet she has no issue eating the eggs the chickens provide.

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28 minutes ago, Chellichik said:

I meant what is Julia's plans for after they get married - sorry, should have been more specific.  Does she want to go to school?  Does she have a career?  I don't know how hot the market is for go-go dancers in rural Virginia.

There are atleast 8 strip clubs around Dinwiddie, VA...I looked it up.

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It doesn't matter what Julia's plans are after she and Brandon get married, though. Not one iota. That's between them. Who knows what they've discussed wrt their future? Though of course this show loves to paint the foreign fiancees as lazy wasters, but Julia seems like a perfectly nice, agreeable girl who wants to get along. I don't see her chagrin at being expected to work full time wrangling livestock as laziness, slovenliness, or diva behavior. It doesn't excuse her future in-laws' rudeness to Julia, who is their guest. She said in her talking heads that she does help out. If I have a houseguest I'm delighted if they pitch in, do dishes, cook a meal. I don't expect them to do my laundry and shoulder my household burdens. I don't expect them to get up at the same time as me and abide by my schedule. And I certainly don't begrudge them every bite of food they eat or every drop of hot water they use. Seems pretty harsh to judge Julia, who has borne mockery, rudeness, and humiliation on the part of Brandon and his family with aplomb and without losing her temper. I don't see the problem with Brandon bringing her a cup of tea in the morning, so they can spend a little time alone together. He works full time and his parents are full time cockblocks the rest of the time. 

I'll tell you one thing, though. Brandon has not uttered one syllable to his parents about what they plan to do after they marry. Because they will spend every waking moment undermining, doubting and laughing at their choices. 

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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

It doesn't matter what Julia's plans are after she and Brandon get married, though. Not one iota. That's between them. Who knows what they've discussed wrt their future? Though of course this show loves to paint the foreign fiancees as lazy wasters, but Julia seems like a perfectly nice, agreeable girl who wants to get along. I don't see her chagrin at being expected to work full time wrangling livestock as laziness, slovenliness, or diva behavior. It doesn't excuse her future in-laws' rudeness to Julia, who is their guest. She said in her talking heads that she does help out. If I have a houseguest I'm delighted if they pitch in, do dishes, cook a meal. I don't expect them to do my laundry and shoulder my household burdens. I don't expect them to get up at the same time as me and abide by my schedule. And I certainly don't begrudge them every bite of food they eat or every drop of hot water they use. Seems pretty harsh to judge Julia, who has borne mockery, rudeness, and humiliation on the part of Brandon and his family with aplomb and without losing her temper. I don't see the problem with Brandon bringing her a cup of tea in the morning, so they can spend a little time alone together. He works full time and his parents are full time cockblocks the rest of the time. 

I'll tell you one thing, though. Brandon has not uttered one syllable to his parents about what they plan to do after they marry. Because they will spend every waking moment undermining, doubting and laughing at their choices. 


How long is she considered a "guest"?  A week?  If they are still living there in 6 months, is she still a guest who is not expected to lift a finger to help out in any way whatsoever?  Bottom line is they are living in his parents' house.  If they want to live according to their own rules, GET YOUR OWN HOME.

If Julia was there visiting for a few weeks, I would agree with you 100%.  However, she is not there is a guest visitor.  She is there as part of the family and that means participating as a family member.  I think they should have given her at least a week or so to get acclimated to how they live and then start slowly pitching in here or there.

I don't dislike Julia.  I just think there are two sides to this and she could help to make the situation easier for everyone.

Edited by Chellichik
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