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S02.E05: Chapter Thirteen - The Jedi

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On 11/27/2020 at 3:03 AM, paigow said:

"The Jedi"

If Thrawn is alive, Ezra must be dead

Johnny Ringo met somebody faster...again

Not necessarily.  At this point Ezra and Thrawn could be working together.  It comes out more in the Timothy Zahn books, but Thrawn's motivations are considerably different from those of the usual ambitious Imperial asshat.  In an Empire filled with Space Nazis, Thrawn is basically Erwin Rommel.


In terms of Luke's PR, it's very likely that Luke might not be all that famous and that he shunned fame.  The only survivor of the final confrontation between him, Vader and the Emperor was him.  If everyone thinks the other two died when Death Star II blew up, he's probably fine with that.

Meanwhile, even if Ahsoka did know about Luke, she has very good reasons to avoid somebody with the last name, Skywalker.

Edited by johntfs
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On 11/27/2020 at 9:33 AM, paigow said:

Thrawn is the main Imperial villain from Rebels ... last we saw, Ezra was holding him prisoner on a ship that hyper-jumped away from Ahsoka & Sabine.

Thrawn is actually from Timothy Zahn's book "Heir to the Empire." It came out in 1992. It was the first novel licensed by LFL before Disney bought it. He was the main villain of Zahn's trilogy. We saw him in other books as well but no one wrote him like Zahn.

Thrawn was so popular that even after Disney bought LFL, he was the one decanonized character that Disney brought back into the fold. Zahn wrote new books for him, and, yes, he is in Rebels.

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I enjoyed this episode a lot!  Though I will agree that "Grogu" will take some getting used to.  I would love to have been in on that conversation between him and Ahsoka.  

Very Marie Antoinette of Elspeth, there, living in luxury while all around her appear to be starving.

I am glad that Grogu and Mando stayed together, but it might have been nice if Ahsoka could have come along.  I guess she needs to stay and protect the village?

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22 minutes ago, paigow said:

Thrawn and his minion are doing the "Spartacus-crucified-Appian-Way" on a smaller scale. No way Ezra would partner up with Crassus.

Not to mention Thrawn essentially took out Ezra’s mentor, so I just can’t see that pairing either. I could see a begrudging partnership to survive but nothing beyond that. If Grand Admiral Thrawn is back, I wonder if Gideon works for him. Which makes me wonder what is up with Ezra just because they’re chasing The Child for it’s blood-is Thrawn protecting him from the experiments? Or does Thrawn not know/is not attached to this story really at all and this was a backdoor pilot.

I’m really curious on a timeline right now between this show and the epilogue of Rebels. I was hoping to see Sabine with Ahsoka, even if it was at the end of the show with her popping out to say “What did you find out?” But now, now I wonder if this took place before the epilogue. 

Is anyone wondering if Din is Force sensitive too? Like he’ll hear the call at the Jedi temple? He has remarkable reflexes. I always thought he was a child of Jedha because of all the red everyone wore in the scenes when he’s rescued as a child. Filoni loves all things vintage Lucas, and the Whills and Guardians are something that haven’t made it into mainstream yet(beyond what we saw in Rogue One). Especially since the Darksabre is in play, and its origins just makes me wonder if next episode, he also hears something in the Jedi Temple. 


Edited by SnoGirl
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Grogu talking to Ashoka:

And there as this giant spider -- but daddy went outside and it was dead.

And this big monster ate me, then some people that look like daddy but different saved me.

Daddy doesn't feed me enough but this nice lady always gives me a cup of bone broth when we visit her.

Ooooh I did a bad thing once, I tried to force choke one of daddy's friends, but I'm really really sorry I did it.   Daddy wasn't too mad at me.  But he still won't let me play with all the shiny buttons on the ship.  

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31 minutes ago, magdalene said:

With only three episodes left the baby is bound to be captured by Moff Giddy any moment now.

I'm expecting to end the season this way, with the child captured.

The episode was fun but felt like a back door pilot for an Ahsoka show, with all the names being thrown around that people who only watch this show wouldn't know. 

Not surprisingly, my favorite parts were - Din pacing anxiously when Ahsoka and the child were communing silently;  the child's apparent happiness when Din said "Grogu"; Din's excitement when Grogu nabbed his prized toy; Din's reluctance to give the child up for good at the end of the episode (which of course he ended up not doing).   

I think Din has not wanted so much to simply unload the child as he is trying to fulfill his mission and do what is best for him.  Din's thinking is that he will always be a bounty hunter and that's not a life for a child.  Trouble is, what our Mandalorian thinks is best and what the little green guy thinks is best may not be the same.  

I thought the production values, especially in the beginning with Ahsoka fading in and out with the fog, were excellent and the puppetry in this one was really good as well.  Interesting that Ahsoka sensed fear in Grogu - it makes sense that he's afraid, but we haven't seen much fear IMO, except when being separated from Din way back in S1's "The Sin".  

I didn't recognize Michael Biehn at all.

Seems like a Beskar spear will come in handy when going up against someone with a light or dark saber.

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4 hours ago, johntfs said:

Not necessarily.  At this point Ezra and Thrawn could be working together. 

I still think this either predates Sabine/Ahsoka going in search of Ezra at the end of Rebels or this takes place during the search. Maybe Sabine/Ahsoka got word of Thrawn's return which prompted their search? Or they went in search and, while following different threads to find where the space whales took Ezra/Thrawn they got word that Thrawn had returned or made contact? So now they're searching for Thrown as a way to find Ezra.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Yoda once mentioned that he trained Jedi for 900 years, so obviously his species lives a very long time.  This leads to a 50-year-old "child" who's still a toddler, yet who trained in The Force for "years" (that's the word Ahsoka used).  I'm reminded of the saying that wisdom is knowledge plus time.  You can have all the smarts in the world, but if you haven't lived the years, you're still just a punk.

Grogu is like the opposite of that.  He's still a child, but has lived 50 years and seen things and done things, and had The Force with him most of those years.  I think that's a big part of what makes his species so strong with The Force.  Simply by living so long, they have like 10 times our life experience, 10 times as much time to get better and better with The Force.

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Something I think I missed initially Baby Yoda (I don't like his name) is 50 years old and was trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

So, did Anakin miss him when he killed all the younglings in the Jedi Temple? Also she mentioned that things went dark for awhile. So was he captured? Killed/cloned? Trapped in carbonite?

He also understands and was trained to some extent. Which brings me back to Baby Yoda is a little Sith Lord in Waiting 🙂

Edited by Morrigan2575
Stupid autocorrect keeps changing Yoda to today
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5 minutes ago, coppersin said:

I'm expecting the same. There's something very 2020 about ending our year with an icon of sweetness and love being stolen by the dark side.

This can play out a few ways:

  • Moff Gus gets Grogu but loses the Darksaber. Bo takes it back to Mandalore but leaves some troopers to help Mando recover Grogu
  • Mando finally kills Gus after an epic 1 v 1, but Thrawn suddenly arrives to steal Grogu AND the Darksaber
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13 minutes ago, paigow said:

This can play out a few ways:

  • Moff Gus gets Grogu but loses the Darksaber. Bo takes it back to Mandalore but leaves some troopers to help Mando recover Grogu
  • Mando finally kills Gus after an epic 1 v 1, but Thrawn suddenly arrives to steal Grogu AND the Darksaber

A couple episodes ago, I thought this season would end with Din and Bo taking back the Darksabre and next season having Din help with taking back Mandalore. Now I’m not sure if both these episodes (with Bo Katan and Ahsoka) are backdoor pilots or really do have to do with Din and Grogu’s journey.

If Thrawn does appear out of nowhere and gets Grogu, hope it ends with him being put in a cell which happens to have Ezra in it-and he exclaims “Baby Yoda?” as the scene ends 😂

I do love the Star Wars theme of ‘Found Family’ but I was also hoping by this point the Clan of Two would have expanded by now. I know not a lot can live on the Razor Crest together, but I’m surprised its still just Din and Grogu.

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I really enjoyed the episode. I thought the scene setting was fantastic.  I loved how we managed to have a western-style confrontation in the town and a samurai-style confrontation in the compound at the same time.  I loved getting background on BY (yeah, Grogu will take a little a time 😄) and seeing some more development between him and Mando (who was really a totally excited Dad when his "kid" pulled the gear shift handle to him).  I love that Din ended up with the beskar spear: while beskar armor provides a defense even against lightsabers (or laser swords!), it does leave areas around the joints open to permit flexibility; the spear would enable Din to fight, say, the dark saber from enough of a distance to prevent sustaining an injury in the unprotected areas.

I like the two-saber fighting style, though two things occurred to me:  one was that, especially in darkness or in foggy conditions, they sure do give your position away.  "OK, sniper.  When you see the two beams of light, aim right between them!"  The other is that:  "Yeah, we all really wish we could have real lightsabers but the truth is, by 5 minutes after we got them, we would have cut off both of our feet!" 😆

I definitely liked that BY stayed with Din.  That story line is the heart of the show.  I also--and this is pure speculation--don't think that we will see Ahsoka again, or at least, not for a long time.  I suspect that Disney is thinking of an Ahsoka live action spin-off after seeing what the reaction to the character will be, and all those characters from the animated series belong there, because they are already part of her story.  They have no actual connections to Din or BY.  Yet there seemed to be a lot of SW fans on YouTube who just wanted the characters from the other shows--and the same Republic-Empire, Jedi-Sith story lines--to move to this show, and Mando can just wander off and they don't care.  So...go off an watch those shows and stop trying to mess up the one I prefer to watch.

I also don't think that BY will be making his choice any time soon.  I see arriving at the ancient Jedi temple as more of the endgame because of the massive effect on the show that either choice would make.

And now for an unpopular opinion:  I have no interest in seeing Luke Skywalker.  In my opinion, he's a great Jedi only in fan fiction.  Many fans complain about Rey not having any training (and I'm not disagreeing) but neither did Luke.  He had a half-day with Obi-Wan and--what? A week?  A month?--however long it took Han to get from Hoth to Bespin, with Yoda.  And most of the time he didn't really listen.  When he left and then screwed up, did he pull a Dr.  Strange and pound on Yoda's door for 5 hours and beg to be taught?  No, he went off on his own for 3 years before returning, and taught himself.  You can't teach yourself what you don't know (maybe he attended the Handy Dandy Jedi Correspondence School that he found on a matchbook cover).  And he showed he hadn't learned much:  Do we really think that Obi-Wan or Yoda would not have been able to control the Rancor?  Or that DV would be able to read their minds like an open book, as he read Luke's on the Death Star?

And Luke has accomplished nothing.  He started a school for Jedi (to teach them all the stuff he didn't know, I guess) and then what?  Did he have only one student, you know, the one who totally went darkside?  If he had others, what happened to them?  Did he manage to lose his entire class to the dark side of the force?

For that matter, where are even the few Jedi that Ahsoka says are left?  They aren't doing anything to prevent the rise of the First Order, are they?  This is why I'm bored to death by now with the Jedi and the Sith.  There are only 2 Sith apparently at any given time--there are hundreds of thousands of troops.  They could just turn on them and take them.

And the Jedi seem to be basically useless. 

Sorry--getting off the soapbox now.

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49 minutes ago, Lemuria said:

And Luke has accomplished nothing.  He started a school for Jedi (to teach them all the stuff he didn't know, I guess) and then what?  Did he have only one student, you know, the one who totally went darkside?  If he had others, what happened to them?  Did he manage to lose his entire class to the dark side of the force?

Ben / Kylo killed the entire student population

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I liked this episode but I am not sure I care for Ashoka. I mean it is what 30 years since the republic fell and she is still going on with that stupid shit about how a Jedi must not have any personal connections and no fear. Does she not realize that if the Jedi had actually freed Anakin's mom from slavery she might have been someone who actually cared for him, or at least knocked some sense into him he might not have turned evil. Or if he had been able to be public with his relationship with Padme then maybe the emperor might not have been able to use that to mess with his head.

Also the fight at the end had probably my biggest Star Wars pet peeve: when someone who can use the force conveniently forgets they can use it. Instead of Ashoka having a big light sabre vs staff fight, why not use the force to push her in the water or shoot a bunch of rocks at her, or use the Jedi mind trick on her?

As for the end, it probably won't happen but I hope that Mando goes back to the Armourer and turns that staff into armour for Baby Yoda.

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1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

And Luke has accomplished nothing.  He started a school for Jedi (to teach them all the stuff he didn't know, I guess) and then what?  Did he have only one student, you know, the one who totally went darkside?  If he had others, what happened to them?  Did he manage to lose his entire class to the dark side of the force?

This is where Disney tossing out the extended universe screwed up Luke's character big time. Hell, I watch The Mandalorian and, ignore the sequels, I just pretend The Mandalorian is the connector better ROTJ and The Heir to the Empire both take place in 9 ABY.

On a side note I highly recommend the Timothy Zahn (Thrawn Trilogy) that is IMO, the Star Wars Sequels we deserved.

26 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

mean it is what 30 years since the republic fell and she is still going on with that stupid shit about how a Jedi must not have any personal connections and no fear.

I don't think that's what she was saying at all. She was saying that Baby Yoda had a lot of fear and anger and she's seen how that lead the best of them, her brother and mentor Anakin to turn to the dark side. As for the he's attached to Din part I don't think she discouraged the attachment at all. I thought it was her way of saying I can't take him from you to train him, he'll just end up like Anakin.

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8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

This is where Disney tossing out the extended universe screwed up Luke's character big time. Hell, I watch The Mandalorian and, ignore the sequels, I just pretend The Mandalorian is the connector better ROTJ and The Heir to the Empire both take place in 9 ABY.

On a side note I highly recommend the Timothy Zahn (Thrawn Trilogy) that is IMO, the Star Wars Sequels we deserved.

I don't think that's what she was saying at all. She was saying that Baby Yoda had a lot of fear and anger and she's seen how that lead the best of them, her brother and mentor Anakin to turn to the dark side. As for the he's attached to Din part I don't think she discouraged the attachment at all. I thought it was her way of saying I can't take him from you to train him, he'll just end up like Anakin.

That’s how I took it too. Ahsoka knows first hand what happens when people are taken from their loved ones to become a Jedi. She has even seen a positive relationship with a reluctant Jedi Knight teaching within a family unit. I took her refusal to take Grogu as a moment of reflection and learning from past Jedi mistakes. But I’m just surprised she didn’t give Din more information about the Jedi. Or offer to go with him to the Jedi Temple to fill in him in on more things he should know.

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5 minutes ago, SnoGirl said:

But I’m just surprised she didn’t give Din more information about the Jedi. Or offer to go with him to the Jedi Temple to fill in him in on more things he should know.

Yeah but, at the same time I didn't really want Ahsoka to intrude or take over Mando/Baby Yoda's story.

Going back to @Sakura12 comment, I also wish Ahsoka had mentioned that she's not a Jedi (she left the order). The movies/shows play fast and loose with Force = Jedi (or Sith) which isn't the case. 


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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Ben / Kylo killed the entire student population

I apologize but this doesn't quite scream great teacher to me: one went darkside and the others were incompetent.


Yeah but, at the same time I didn't really want Ahsoka to intrude or take over Mando/Baby Yoda's story.

My feelings exactly.  I liked her in this episode but I won't be sorry if this is the last we see of her in this series.

Edited by Lemuria
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10 hours ago, driver18 said:

Thrawn is actually from Timothy Zahn's book "Heir to the Empire." It came out in 1992. It was the first novel licensed by LFL before Disney bought it. He was the main villain of Zahn's trilogy. We saw him in other books as well but no one wrote him like Zahn.

Thrawn was so popular that even after Disney bought LFL, he was the one decanonized character that Disney brought back into the fold. Zahn wrote new books for him, and, yes, he is in Rebels.

Timothey Zahn's books are my favorites!  He did an amazing job of capturing the essence of Star Wars.

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2 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

I liked this episode but I am not sure I care for Ashoka. I mean it is what 30 years since the republic fell and she is still going on with that stupid shit about how a Jedi must not have any personal connections and no fear. Does she not realize that if the Jedi had actually freed Anakin's mom from slavery she might have been someone who actually cared for him, or at least knocked some sense into him he might not have turned evil. Or if he had been able to be public with his relationship with Padme then maybe the emperor might not have been able to use that to mess with his head.

Yes.  I feel the inflexible Jedi rules had a lot to do with why Anakin ended up the way he did. Unless one is born with the brain chemistry of a serial killer people who are allowed loving connections with family and other people usually don't end up going "evil".

And having fear isn't automatically a bad thing unless it becomes crippling.

I guess I don't want the baby to become an old school Jedi Knight but I don't want him to give up or lose his force powers either.  And I don't want him having to wear a Bescar helmet 24 hours a day without ever showing his face to a living being either.

What I want for the baby is to have his Force powers, do good with them, have love in his life, be a Mandalorian like his daddy - but without that cultish helmet rule.  I also want a pony.

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9 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Does she not realize that if the Jedi had actually freed Anakin's mom from slavery she might have been someone who actually cared for him, or at least knocked some sense into him he might not have turned evil. Or if he had been able to be public with his relationship with Padme then maybe the emperor might not have been able to use that to mess with his head.

I agree with the other who said that Ahsoka wasn’t saying to eliminate connections but she also doesn’t know any of these details. She was too young to know anything about Anakin’s mother and she doesn’t know the details of what happened with Padme. She rejected the Jedi order before Anakin turned. 

8 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Going back to @Sakura12 comment, I also wish Ahsoka had mentioned that she's not a Jedi (she left the order). The movies/shows play fast and loose with Force = Jedi (or Sith) which isn't the case.

I agree. I still wonder if it will be addressed at some point because they were careful to never have her identity as a Jedi but didn’t have her correct anyone.
I have a theory they are building to something with the episode titles all being misleading in some way. Ahsoka’s not a Jedi, last week wasn’t a siege, Bo Katan doesn’t fit the normal image of a heiress and a Frog Lady was more than a passenger. 


6 hours ago, magdalene said:

Yes.  I feel the inflexible Jedi rules had a lot to do with why Anakin ended up the way he did. Unless one is born with the brain chemistry of a serial killer people who are allowed loving connections with family and other people usually don't end up going "evil".

And having fear isn't automatically a bad thing unless it becomes crippling.

I guess I don't want the baby to become an old school Jedi Knight but I don't want him to give up or lose his force powers either.  And I don't want him having to wear a Bescar helmet 24 hours a day without ever showing his face to a living being either.

What I want for the baby is to have his Force powers, do good with them, have love in his life, be a Mandalorian like his daddy - but without that cultish helmet rule.  I also want a pony.

I think you’d like Filoni’s vision of the Jedi which moved away from the inflexible Jedi rules through Clone Wars and Rebels. 

Edited by Guest
On 11/27/2020 at 8:33 AM, paigow said:

Technically, Kylo Ren was never a Sith...so the Force outliers are balanced...

Thrawn is the main Imperial villain from Rebels ... last we saw, Ezra was holding him prisoner on a ship that hyper-jumped away from Ahsoka & Sabine.

He is also the only (that I am aware of) Star Wars character that was not part of the original canon, coming from the Timothy Zahn novels from the 1990's (the Expanded Universe as the pre-Disney era novelizations are referred to).

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3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

As for the he's attached to Din part I don't think she discouraged the attachment at all. I thought it was her way of saying I can't take him from you to train him, he'll just end up like Anakin.

But why does the old Jedi way of training have to be the only option? Why can't there be a school or summer camp kind of option where he can still be trained but still maintain his connection to Mando. Because the old way of Jedi training is kind of what made Anakin scared and angry.

On the flip side Like kept his connections to his friends and tried to build one with his dad and it helped save the galaxy.

5 hours ago, Lemuria said:

Iikethe two-saber fighting style, though two things occurred to me:  one was that, especially in darkness or in foggy conditions, they sure do give your position away.  "OK, sniper.  When you see the two beams of light, aim right between them!"  The other is that:  "Yeah, we all really wish we could have real lightsabers but the truth is, by 5 minutes after we got them, we would have cut off both of our feet!" .

 also--and this is pure speculation--don't think that we will see Ahsoka again, or at least, not for a long time.  I suspect that Disney is thinking of an Ahsoka live action spin-off after seeing what the reaction to the character will be, and all those characters from the animated series belong there, because they are already part of her story.  They have no actual connections to Din or BY.  Yet there seemed to be a lot of SW fans on YouTube who just wanted the characters from the other shows--and the same Republic-Empire, Jedi-Sith story lines--to move to this show, and Mando can just wander off and they don't care.  So...go off an watch those shows and stop trying to mess up the one I prefer to watch.


As far as light sabers not being great keep in mind that blasters in Star wars also kind of suck. I mean shots move significantly slower than bullets from an actual gun and like what you said with the light sabers, shooting a blaster also gives away the shooters position.

As for Ashoka and the other characters from the show I would be totally ok with spinning then off into their own show that could be a sequel to the cartoons that I probably wouldn't watch. I would much rather this show find its own story and continue to a good job ripping off old westerns. I mean this episode was good but I only watched maybe a handful of the CG clone wars series so I really don't know Ashoka's story. So it just left me with a bunch of questions about her that I am not sure I want to bother digging to answer.

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On 11/27/2020 at 10:06 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

Oh man...  I don't care about Ahsoka Tano. I don't know who she is and I have no idea who she was talking about...

She was a very important part of The Clone Wars animated series (I guess she would have been considered one of the co-leads?), Anakin's Padawan before he succumbed to the dark side and became Darth Vader. That's who she was referring to. The loss of Anakin was pretty devastating to her.

She was also in a few episodes of Star Wars Rebels. I was excited to see her, I always loved her character.

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1 hour ago, Dani said:

She rejected the Jedi order before Anakin turned. 

Old Jedi Order - strict rules about no connections.   Taking children very young to train so they don't have any family but the Jedi.

Our Mando's Mandalorian Sect -- Strict Rules about wearing the armor and never showing your face.   Cutting one's self off from humanity.

The build is going to be a slow rejection of strict Rules that got people KILLED into a more flexible humanitarian approach.   

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2 hours ago, magdalene said:

Yes.  I feel the inflexible Jedi rules had a lot to do with why Anakin ended up the way he did. Unless one is born with the brain chemistry of a serial killer people who are allowed loving connections with family and other people usually don't end up going "evil".

And having fear isn't automatically a bad thing unless it becomes crippling.

I guess I don't want the baby to become an old school Jedi Knight but I don't want him to give up or lose his force powers either.  And I don't want him having to wear a Bescar helmet 24 hours a day without ever showing his face to a living being either.

What I want for the baby is to have his Force powers, do good with them, have love in his life, be a Mandalorian like his daddy - but without that cultish helmet rule.  I also want a pony.

I agree completely. It's one of the things I dislike about the Star Wars universe, the Jedi portion of it. The whole concept that if you have any kind of emotion, it's detrimental. I'm also not so particularly fond of how Luke was so forgiving, but that's a complaint for another time.

I hope we see more of Groku (Baby Yoda!) using his Force powers and not just as way to steal cookies from someone else, LOL.

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

But why does the old Jedi way of training have to be the only option? Why can't there be a school or summer camp kind of option where he can still be trained but still maintain his connection to Mando. Because the old way of Jedi training is kind of what made Anakin scared and angry.

Who said that it was the only option? I know many people here are unfamiliar with Clone Wars and Rebels but it many ways they were a rejection and condemnation of the old Jedi way. The Jedi’s in Rebels were all about attachment and family. 

1 minute ago, Dani said:

Who said that it was the only option? I know many people here are unfamiliar with Clone Wars and Rebels but it many ways they were a rejection and condemnation of the old Jedi way. The Jedi’s in Rebels were all about attachment and family. 

She says that BY's attachment to Mando is why she can't train him because it makes him vulnerable.  So why she can't train him and embrace that attachment unless the only option for training is separating them like Jedis did in the prequels?

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

She says that BY's attachment to Mando is why she can't train him because it makes him vulnerable.  So why she can't train him and embrace that attachment unless the only option for training is separating them like Jedis did in the prequels?

She didn’t say that. Mando is the one determined to pass Grogu off to the a Jedi. She didn’t say anything about attachment making him vulnerable. Is there really a viable scenario where Grogu trains with Ashoka (or any Jedi) and lives with Mando? 

Hope dropping the light saber in water didn’t void the warranty! 
Grogu? Couldn’t they have thought of a cuter name. I started crying when it looked as if Mando was going to leave him with Ashokan Farewell or whatever her name is. 
That episode was way too murky visually. I watch on my iPad and couldn’t see much of what was going on.

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1 minute ago, Dani said:

She didn’t say that. Mando is the one determined to pass Grogu off to the a Jedi. She didn’t say anything about attachment making him vulnerable. Is there really a viable scenario where Grogu trains with Ashoka (or any Jedi) and lives with Mando? 

You should check again. Right after the scene with the ball she says that BY is very attached to him. Then she says that she can't train him, and it is because the attachment makes him vulnerable to his fears.

And why isn't that a viable scenario. I send my kids to school 5 days a week and I don't have a space ship that can travel faster than the speed of light. Lots of other parents do the joint custody thing, others send their kids to boarding school. Why would force training have to be any different?

  • Love 2
47 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

You should check again. Right after the scene with the ball she says that BY is very attached to him. Then she says that she can't train him, and it is because the attachment makes him vulnerable to his fears.

You’re right but I saw that more as her saying I can’t take him from you. That Grogu’s attachment to Mando combined with his fear over the dark period scared her. Mando wanted her to take Grogu and she realized that would be a recipe for disaster because it would be doing exactly what destroyed Anakin. 

47 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

And why isn't that a viable scenario. I send my kids to school 5 days a week and I don't have a space ship that can travel faster than the speed of light. Lots of other parents do the joint custody thing, others send their kids to boarding school. Why would force training have to be any different?

Because she has her own mission to follow. She’s not going to just hang around on a planet training him during the week for Mando to pick him up on the weekends. I also really doubt Mando would love that scenario. The characters were approaching from the perspective of Grogu staying with Mando or leaving Mando. 

Edited by Guest

Hey, all - this is a series that's based on some other stuff. You are not required to watch the 'other stuff' but if it's already happened in 'that universe', it's fine to discuss here. If you want more discussion or explanation about previous events that are 'beyond' the episode, here is the topic to discuss it in. Thank you!

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Ahsoka: “I’ve only known one other being like this.”

Poor Yaddle. 🙁

Then again, Anakin was her master. “Name the previous Jedi Council members” was probably never on one of his pop quizzes.


I want to know how Din is going to carry that spear around without looking ridiculous, especially when he has his jet pack on too.

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3 hours ago, Meushell said:

I want to know how Din is going to carry that spear around without looking ridiculous, especially when he has his jet pack on too.

Maybe it's collapsible like those batons they were so fond of in SPN? 

I'm still not quite sure what Ahsoka meant. 

a) She can't train Grogu  because her memories of what happened to Anakin will taint her training?

b) She can't train Grogu because his attachment to Mando and the fear in his heart will always be a problem?

If it's b) I don't see how another Jedi could overcome these hurdles so for the time being I'm going with a).

From a Doylist perspective a) makes also more sense - you don't want such a massive character taking over the franchise. Ahsoka remaining with Mando and Grogu was never really an option.

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