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The Chase (2021) - General Discussion

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Like others, I thought the amount the contestants were playing for in the first episode was way too high. Even $100,000 would have been too high, but $250,000 was ridiculous. Now it was unlikely they were going to win, but it still is a slap in the face to contestants who actually DO win money to take into the final, and may not even be playing for that much.

I also do not like that when the Chaser misses a question and the clock is stopped, that the players remaining are able to converse with each other to try to come up with the right answer. I think if one of them thinks they know the answer, they should have to ring in and take that chance for the team. 

Elliott was adorable. 

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3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

I'm surprised they're going through two episodes in one go, as "To Tell the Truth" did recently.  Maybe just a hole in the schedule to plug?

My teevee schedule said the second episode was the season finale. Grey's Anatomy and Million Little Things is scheduled for next Thursday, which means Thursday nights are open now for me.

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3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

I always cringe when adults, clearly having been asked for a "fun fact" that makes them seem smart, volunteer their SAT score or their National Merit Scholarship or anything else that happened in high school.  Haven't they done anything to speak of since then?

A Washington Post journalist I follow on Twitter will comment sometimes on movies and theater. This week he posted his first tweet ever about Jeopardy, a contestant saying in her interview she's fallen off a bus twice. That made me laugh. And I guess it's better than an SAT score. I don't even know what mine was so you'll never hear it from me if I get on The Chase! (I've also never fallen off a bus, so there's that too.)

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I think perhaps they could've brought back all three players who crapped out, to play for a sum to give to a charity of the chaser's choice.

5 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

My teevee schedule said the second episode was the season finale.

No kidding!  And there I was wondering, if the season was 10 episodes, how they'd decide which of the 3 chasers played an extra time.


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When I first saw this show, it reminded me of the game "Bamboozle" from Friends haha. 

The episode with Elliot and Kathryn really demonstrated the "team" concept -- Kathryn didn't carry her weight in dollar terms, but she contributed more than 1/3 in the Final Chase. 

I wish we saw more people go high/low in the offers. My preliminary thinking is that if someone had, say, $175k or more from the cash builder round, it would be strategic to go higher. Risky of course, but probably strategic given the likelihood they would do correspondingly well against the Chaser. $75k and lower they should go with the lower offer, given the lower likelihood they'll beat the Chaser and the comparatively high value of being a "freeloader" (Kathryn is the counterpoint to this term) relative to the amount they're giving up by going with the lower amount. 

I can see a confident player not wanting to risk a meaningful amount of money to them and playing it safer, so I do understand the reluctance to go higher. No one has gone higher yet, right? (ETA: Just saw the episode I missed - one did!) They're going to have to increase those offers to entice players more, otherwise this show will get boring. I think the high offer should be a minimum 3x the amount they got in the cash builder round -- that way, with that option, it guarantees them the amount of money they earned in the cash builder round at a minimum if they go through to and win the Final Chase. (That is, unless a player gets through with a negative amount, which I think I read is possible.)

More players should definitely go lower - I think people are letting pride get in the way of rational thinking.

The game last week was painful to watch, I felt so bad for that contestant. It really comes down to luck of the draw with your teammates - it really demonstrates how difficult it is to win with only one contestant in the Final Chase. It also comes down to the luck of the question difficulty and length (hopefully the question selection is random). I think the host also might read faster during the Chaser's round - that's a variable that is very difficult to make completely fair, and something the producers could manipulate to control the amount the show pays out (as long as they have the good sense not to put it in an email). 

Brad is by far my favorite Chaser, he is so enjoyable to watch.

Edited by Evangeline
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1 hour ago, Evangeline said:

When I first saw this show, it reminded me of the game "Bamboozle" from Friends haha

Watch Cherries Wild, the new game show hosted by fred savage. It is the closest game I've seen to Bamboozled. Soooooooo many rules and random wild cards that just change how the game is played. Top it all off, the game is completely rigged and predetermined. 

I was down on Kathryn but then she totally pulled her weight in the final chase. 


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6 hours ago, Evangeline said:

The episode with Elliot and Kathryn really demonstrated the "team" concept -- Kathryn didn't carry her weight in dollar terms, but she contributed more than 1/3 in the Final Chase. 

Yes! And this is why I disagree with the notion that it's unfair that the contestants split the money equally if they win. This is a team event from start to finish, and I don't think that quantifying each person's value based solely on the amount they accrued in the cash builder round is a good idea. There's so much more to it: the contestants advise each other about which offer to take (this footage is mostly edited out in this version), each one who gets to the final brings their own one point advantage, they participate on even footing in the final, and confer with each other on push backs. Aside from a few episodes I've seen where one player is completely dominant, in most cases when the contestants beat the chaser it truly takes a team effort so it makes sense to me that the players are equally rewarded.

Regarding the Chasers, I've watched these guys on various Jeopardy events for years, but it was fascinating to hear them talk through their reasoning when faced with questions they didn't know the answers to. Based on what I saw here, I'd say that Ken has the biggest overall body of knowledge, James is the best guesser (partly based on his strategy of studying trends on social media), and Brad is the most hit or miss. I like all of them, but Brad is still my favorite. I hope this comes back!

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The show allowed the defeated team to play a "consolation" game worth way, way too much money, so I was glad when Ken cleaned the guy's clock.

Brad's explanations as to how he derives his answers are pretty dull "I knew Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas because it's well-known that Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas."  Oof.  Ken's better and more interesting, but James is the best.

The show is lucky to have Sara hosting.  She still reads slower than Brooke, but she is a better host in every other way.  I've mentioned before she is charming and personable; also, her fillers and facial expressions are funny.  She's a gem.

I look forward to the show's return.

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16 hours ago, GenerationX said:

The show allowed the defeated team to play a "consolation" game worth way, way too much money, so I was glad when Ken cleaned the guy's clock.

Brad's explanations as to how he derives his answers are pretty dull "I knew Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas because it's well-known that Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas."  Oof.  Ken's better and more interesting, but James is the best.

The show is lucky to have Sara hosting.  She still reads slower than Brooke, but she is a better host in every other way.  I've mentioned before she is charming and personable; also, her fillers and facial expressions are funny.  She's a gem.

I look forward to the show's return.

Same.  I’ve also really enjoyed the show.  I just can’t watch the view because I never agree with them.  But I really enjoy Sara on this show.  Nice job.

i was wondering how they were going to fill time when everyone lost.  The consolation amount was way high.  I also like the idea it should have been played for  charity.

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Any other Jeopardy fans here? I wish Brad would guest host. His quick adlib is perfect.

He said, when Sara told him he had one second left (and a gazillion questions for him to catch the contestants)... Something like, "I got this."

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Nine writers are on strike as of this morning, because they claim the producer is not fulfilling some terms of their Writers Guild collective bargaining agreement.  These terms seem to address certain facets of benefits and pay, but it's not spelled out specifically here.  Also of interest, the show has not been officially picked up for a second season, but if they're paying (or not paying?) writers and have put out casting notices, they must think it is likely they will go ahead.

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3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Nine writers are on strike as of this morning, because they claim the producer is not fulfilling some terms of their Writers Guild collective bargaining agreement.  These terms seem to address certain facets of benefits and pay, but it's not spelled out specifically here.  Also of interest, the show has not been officially picked up for a second season, but if they're paying (or not paying?) writers and have put out casting notices, they must think it is likely they will go ahead.

I'm having a ton of trouble believing what sounds like a fairly standard benefits package for 9 people is going to "financially cripple" a show with this budget.  Wow. ITV sound like greedy bastards. 

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I guess I'll be the odd man out.  I don't like Labbett on the British show and didn't like him on the first American one, so I'm not thrilled to see him added here.

I didn't mind that the three chasers on the first season didn't really put their back into the trash talk, because that is the least appealing element of the format for me.  Including Labbett makes me think that aspect will be played up.

I also think, unless somehow more than one are involved per episode, four chasers is too many for a season of, what, nine episodes?  It's different on the British show which runs every weekday and therefore needs a little variety.

I'm excited it's back next week but could do without this change.

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The "Whoosh!" noise of the numbered panels closing during the final Team vs. Chaser completely obliterates the voice of the host as she's reading each question!

Awful production values there!

I've decided I don't like this game, even though I love quizzes and partake in a daily Trivia Game. I simply dislike how, with no skin in the game other than ego, the Chaser seeks to take the prize money from ordinary people.

Like Ken Jennings tonight succeeded in reducing the contestants to a goose egg, from $175,000. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

The "Whoosh!" noise of the numbered panels closing during the final Team vs. Chaser completely obliterates the voice of the host as she's reading each question!

Awful production values there!

I've decided I don't like this game, even though I love quizzes and partake in a daily Trivia Game. I simply dislike how, with no skin in the game other than ego, the Chaser seeks to take the prize money from ordinary people.

Like Ken Jennings tonight succeeded in reducing the contestants to a goose egg, from $175,000. 

For some reason I don’t mind if the chaser wins but watching the Wall I feel terrible when they go home with no cash.



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 I didn't remember the amount per question last year but if they reduced it it's because the host is reading the questions so much faster.   Plus I think they were a little easier.  

 It's fine for killing an hour in the summer but I'm not overly wild because the chasers almost always win and it's rarely close.   It's kind of like Beat Bobby Flay where he wins 95% of the time even if it's a dish he's not familiar with.  I mean you don't know what fictional character is on the national cathedral but you ass pull Darth Vader?


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On 6/2/2021 at 10:33 AM, 853fisher said:

I guess I'll be the odd man out.  I don't like Labbett on the British show and didn't like him on the first American one, so I'm not thrilled to see him added here.


I love the Beast. But anybody is better than Creepy Ken.

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The contestants know the risks but I don't like how they leave with nothing either. They need to rework it somehow.

If the contestants leave with nothing, maybe a percentage of the bank can go to charity at least. I don't know.

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I only caught the second half of this episode, but I'm glad that Sarah is reading the questions faster. The third contestant was very impressive.

13 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

The "Whoosh!" noise of the numbered panels closing during the final Team vs. Chaser completely obliterates the voice of the host as she's reading each question!

Yes! Between that and the audience oohing and aahing the whole time it was really difficult to hear some of those questions.

It looks like the Beast has lost some weight. The man is huge (6'7" I think), so I have no idea what is ideal weight would be, but he definitely looked slimmer to me.

I don't know who is doing the styling on this show, but please lay off the hair gel! All four chasers had really slicked down hairstyles and it looked weird. Too shiny.

Glad this show is back!

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27 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

I don't know who is doing the styling on this show, but please lay off the hair gel! All four chasers had really slicked down hairstyles and it looked weird.

And please do something about Ken's eyebrows! He looks like he has none!!!

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15 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

The "Whoosh!" noise of the numbered panels closing during the final Team vs. Chaser completely obliterates the voice of the host as she's reading each question!

I guess my antenna brings in the sound differently because I didn't even know there was a "whoosh" sound. Never heard it once.

Why does anyone feel badly about contestants going home with no money because they lost. It's the rule of the game. If you don't want to take the chance don't go on the show. Why should people be handed money for losing. If that's the case, give everyone who gambles away their life savings at the casino a few thousand as they walk out the door. "You pays your money, you takes your chances."

I thought the questions were shorter in the chase round. Otherwise, I couldn't see Ken getting through 20 questions.

I also think it's unfair to give THREE players a three-square head start. They are three against one and they get a bonus for that?

Bliss: Thanks for reminding us of the amounts given last season. I thought the money seemed different/smaller in the prelim rounds but had forgotten it used to be $25,000.

As for Ken's eyebrows, I have the same hair color and I have invisible eyebrows and eyelashes. So go ahead and hate on me too for how I was born because I don't color them and I don't care. Meanwhile, Ken joked about his invisible eyebrows in the WGN radio interview link I posted in the Jeopardy thread so he is well aware.

I liked that third player, he was very impressive. But at the end, I was rooting for Ken to catch them all and wipe out their cash. Because this is a teevee game show, not a help-the-homeless charity event.

The first player reminded me of Chi McBride, a good thing. Big Chi fan here.

Interesting Ken didn't know Harry Styles was on the Vogue cover. The player figured it out even though she didn't know either. That's how you "ass pull" the correct answer, to put it crudely.

I absolutely LOVED Sarah's hair and outfit. Kudos to her, or whomever is helping her look great.

Edited by saber5055
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I too noticed that Sarah got better and reading the questions more quickly. She must have heard the criticisms. That's a huge improvement. No team got up to 20 in the first season and that's largely why. I did think Ken's questions in the final chase were easier than the team's but I guess it's a crap shoot. It was a good game even if the team didn't win. Ryan (third contestant) was especially impressive and pretty much ran the final chase. He might have prematurely passed on a couple of questions the other two might have known but better to move on quickly than pause too long.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I guess my antenna brings in the sound differently because I didn't even know there was a "whoosh" sound. Never heard it once.

Why does anyone feel badly about contestants going home with no money because they lost. It's the rule of the game. If you don't want to take the chance don't go on the show. Why should people be handed money for losing. If that's the case, give everyone who gambles away their life savings at the casino a few thousand as they walk out the door. "You pays your money, you takes your chances."

I thought the questions were shorter in the chase round. Otherwise, I couldn't see Ken getting through 20 questions.

I also think it's unfair to give THREE players a three-square head start. They are three against one and they get a bonus for that?

Bliss: Thanks for reminding us of the amounts given last season. I thought the money seemed different/smaller in the prelim rounds but had forgotten it used to be $25,000.

As for Ken's eyebrows, I have the same hair color and I have invisible eyebrows and eyelashes. So go ahead and hate on me too for how I was born because I don't color them and I don't care. Meanwhile, Ken joked about his invisible eyebrows in the WGN radio interview link I posted in the Jeopardy thread so he is well aware.

I liked that third player, he was very impressive. But at the end, I was rooting for Ken to catch them all and wipe out their cash. Because this is a teevee game show, not a help-the-homeless charity event.

The first player reminded me of Chi McBride, a good thing. Big Chi fan here.

Interesting Ken didn't know Harry Styles was on the Vogue cover. The player figured it out even though she didn't know either. That's how you "ass pull" the correct answer, to put it crudely.

I absolutely LOVED Sarah's hair and outfit. Kudos to her, or whomever is helping her look great.

Once one has posited the (very sensible) argument that "It's the rule of the game....You pays your money, you takes your chances," one is thereafter precluded from arguing that any aspect is "unfair."

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I'm of two minds about adding The Beast to the Chase team. I like him well enough and one area he sometimes gets tripped up on is things that are uniquely American. I remember famously he had no idea that Baskin Robbins had 31 flavors. So that gives the contestants a slight edge sometimes. On the other hand we've already got three American Chasers that are former Jeopardy champions so I don't really feel like there's any need for The Beast. 

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I like the beast too and don't mind that he was added. His trash talk is better than the other three who are too nice, but he also gives credit where credit is due.

If he was the chaser, I can see him praising the 3rd guy after the final team round and not saying anything about the other two. Let the implication stand on it's own. 😆

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I would rather have Sarah read more questions faster for less money than the alternative, so I thought that was a good tweak.  Fundamentally, I watch for the questions.  Tens of thousands is as easy to get excited about as hundreds of thousands, at least for this home viewer.  She was, however, almost too fast for me.  I'm not convinced I would have been able to process all she was saying without the captioning, but with it, I was just fine.

It was a good episode to come back on, although I am surprised they didn't pick one with their new recruit chaser.  I sensed that the female contestant and the second guy didn't gel well, or at least she didn't with him: the camera caught a few choice looks from her when he missed a Cash Builder question and buzzed in to pass on a Final Chase question she seemed to know.  Otherwise they played well together and got pretty close.

The questions definitely were easier overall, right?  Maybe they just hit on some sweet spots for me, but I certainly thought so.  I was surprised Ken singled out "who wrote as Silence Dogood" as an especially difficult question at one point.  To me, that's fairly elementary.  The article @Miracle Maxie thoughtfully shared is telling.  They want to appeal broadly, not focus on quiz fan types.  Fair enough.


21 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

I've decided I don't like this game, even though I love quizzes and partake in a daily Trivia Game. I simply dislike how, with no skin in the game other than ego, the Chaser seeks to take the prize money from ordinary people.  Like Ken Jennings tonight succeeded in reducing the contestants to a goose egg, from $175,000. 

Ultimately they're a game mechanic, not unlike a spinning wheel or a cash wager or a random draw or whatever else.  They were invited to come there to serve this purpose.  It's not like they just couldn't stand to see people on TV winning money and demanded a chance to take it from them.  There would be no game and no prizes for anyone if they weren't there.  Maybe I'm reading you too literally.

6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I absolutely LOVED Sarah's hair and outfit. Kudos to her, or whomever is helping her look great.

I didn't care for her outfit so much this time, but as someone who has worn the same few garments in different colors for at least 10 years, I admire her willingness to try different styles of hair and clothing.  It's a little something extra to look forward to.

Edited by 853fisher
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2 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

Tens of thousands is as easy to get excited about as hundreds of thousands, at least for this home viewer.

So true! I liked how the one player, I think it was No. 3, Tim, when presented with a huge amount as the high total from Ken, he said it wasn't real money. Which is a good way to look at it. It isn't real until you put it in your pocket. And it doesn't hurt as badly to lose "just" $50,000 instead of losing $250,000 in hypothetical money.

I can see why Ken was chosen to lead off the season as chaser since most "normal" people who aren't trivia buffs or Jeopardy! watchers know who he is. I can see The Beast going last since he's a new commodity to American viewers, at least to this one. I only know his name from reading this thread, having never seen this show in any other iteration. Viewers will get to know him a little during the viewing-room chats.

Just like Jeopardy! has some clues/answers that are pretty easy, I'm guessing this show is the same so people can feel good at home, shouting answers from their couch, and not be so inclined to switch the channel.

I thought the Warby Parker answer that stumped Ken in the chase was a good one for the players to get. I have to admit, I get Warby Parker and Mack Weldon confused as to which is what. So I probably would have answered Mack Weldon for the eyeglasses answer. Ooops!

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The change from $25k to $10k was a good one. It's a better fit. There is a more obvious correlation to how many questions the person got right, and it feels less random - getting a couple easier questions than another contestant makes just a $20k difference rather than a $50k difference. But most importantly, it allows the high offer to be a higher multiple of the money, which was necessary because no one was taking the high offer last season (one contestant only I think). And makes the amount they're risking less life changing. 

It's not "unfair" per se that they leave with nothing if they lose, but it's less entertaining. Almost every other game show the contestants get something for playing. This is particularly hard to watch when there is so much skill involved in this show. So, it makes me like the show less and makes me less likely to watch - which is really the only objective of this show. 

If the host reads too fast, it's hard to understand the questions - I think they've struck a good balance. It seems she speeds up with the Chaser at the end, which isn't good. 

I don't like the 3 question head start either, though it's clear they need some advantage. It seems particularly off when a contestant only gets a 1 question head start. Not sure how I'd change that, though. 

Brad is the only chaser I enjoy in the role. 

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20 minutes ago, Evangeline said:

The change from $25k to $10k was a good one. It's a better fit. There is a more obvious correlation to how many questions the person got right, and it feels less random - getting a couple easier questions than another contestant makes just a $20k difference rather than a $50k difference. But most importantly, it allows the high offer to be a higher multiple of the money, which was necessary because no one was taking the high offer last season (one contestant only I think). And makes the amount they're risking less life changing. 

It's not "unfair" per se that they leave with nothing if they lose, but it's less entertaining. Almost every other game show the contestants get something for playing. This is particularly hard to watch when there is so much skill involved in this show. So, it makes me like the show less and makes me less likely to watch - which is really the only objective of this show. 

If the host reads too fast, it's hard to understand the questions - I think they've struck a good balance. It seems she speeds up with the Chaser at the end, which isn't good. 

I don't like the 3 question head start either, though it's clear they need some advantage. It seems particularly off when a contestant only gets a 1 question head start. Not sure how I'd change that, though. 

Brad is the only chaser I enjoy in the role. 

Have they ever thought about having the same questions for the contestants and the chaser in the final round ? (the chaser would have to wear headphones or be isolated)

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8 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

I only caught the second half of this episode, but I'm glad that Sarah is reading the questions faster. The third contestant was very impressive.

Yes! Between that and the audience oohing and aahing the whole time it was really difficult to hear some of those questions.

It looks like the Beast has lost some weight. The man is huge (6'7" I think), so I have no idea what is ideal weight would be, but he definitely looked slimmer to me.

I don't know who is doing the styling on this show, but please lay off the hair gel! All four chasers had really slicked down hairstyles and it looked weird. Too shiny.

Glad this show is back!

He did. I read a lot of news from GB and they did an article about it.  

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1 hour ago, Diana Berry said:

Have they ever thought about having the same questions for the contestants and the chaser in the final round ? (the chaser would have to wear headphones or be isolated)

On the GSN version they let the players pick which set of questions they got, A or B. That gave the appearance of being fair and I think they should bring it back.

3 players in the final chase is both a benefit and a hindrance. Unless you have someone willing to pass early they tend to get fewer questions asked overall vs just a single player going. So I understand the 3 space lead. 

I like that the host is reading faster but I will admit it was hard a few times to understand the question. Ken's seemed faster but I think it was just because he started answering before she finished and in turn she sped up. That final run was impressive. 

Ken had a really good joke but for the life of me I can't remember it.

I really don't like when people chicken out and take the low offer. She would have been safe in the middle and both guys had a shot at the high amounts. 

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3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

I was surprised Ken singled out "who wrote as Silence Dogood" as an especially difficult question at one point.  To me, that's fairly elementary.  

 Especially if saw National Treasure. 

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17 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I guess my antenna brings in the sound differently because I didn't even know there was a "whoosh" sound. Never heard it once.

Why does anyone feel badly about contestants going home with no money because they lost. It's the rule of the game. If you don't want to take the chance don't go on the show. Why should people be handed money for losing. If that's the case, give everyone who gambles away their life savings at the casino a few thousand as they walk out the door. "You pays your money, you takes your chances."

I thought the questions were shorter in the chase round. Otherwise, I couldn't see Ken getting through 20 questions.

I also think it's unfair to give THREE players a three-square head start. They are three against one and they get a bonus for that?

Bliss: Thanks for reminding us of the amounts given last season. I thought the money seemed different/smaller in the prelim rounds but had forgotten it used to be $25,000.

As for Ken's eyebrows, I have the same hair color and I have invisible eyebrows and eyelashes. So go ahead and hate on me too for how I was born because I don't color them and I don't care. Meanwhile, Ken joked about his invisible eyebrows in the WGN radio interview link I posted in the Jeopardy thread so he is well aware.

I liked that third player, he was very impressive. But at the end, I was rooting for Ken to catch them all and wipe out their cash. Because this is a teevee game show, not a help-the-homeless charity event.

The first player reminded me of Chi McBride, a good thing. Big Chi fan here.

Interesting Ken didn't know Harry Styles was on the Vogue cover. The player figured it out even though she didn't know either. That's how you "ass pull" the correct answer, to put it crudely.

I absolutely LOVED Sarah's hair and outfit. Kudos to her, or whomever is helping her look great.


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I have no idea how I quoted and posted above.

I wanted to clarify my point, re: contestants losing everything, with no "runner-up" award.

I dislike this aspect on whatever show, from "The Chase" to "America's Got Talent" to "Alone."

Full disclaimer: Once upon a time I lost on "Jeopardy!" when only the winner received any money. Now, clearly, that rule has changed. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I liked the three contestants, as they were a fairly solid team.  They had a three-step advantage and still lost in the final chase, so they clearly weren't solid enough.  Even though they get no prize money, I hope they at least get some sort of appearance fee.

The only knock against Sara in S1 was how slow she read the questions.  That has been fixed.  She's a great fit for this show ("I didn't know if Biggie was in your lane" to Ken), and while I liked Brooke as the host, Sara is better.

I'm glad to have the Beast back.  He's entertaining.  We now have the Sunday Mystery Movie of who the chaser is going to be.  Luckily, I appreciate all of them, though James is the Columbo of the set to me.

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13 hours ago, lynxfx said:

Ken had a really good joke but for the life of me I can't remember it.

Was it "He loves his wife a nice, medium amount" (which according to my DVR was also the episode title)?

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Like the (very impressive) 3rd contestant said, there's no real incentive to take the Chaser's offer of a bigger pot of money, since the money isn't real until after the final chase anyway. So it's kind of pointless. I was wondering if they could offer some additional incentive to make that choice more interesting, like an extra head start step in the Final Chase if you take the big pot and still bank it, and also taking away an advantage step in the Final if you only bank the lower pot. Just a thought.

I still enjoy the show. Glad that Sarah is reading the questions faster. I'm not familiar with the new Chaser; not sure what to think of him yet. He reminds me of Uncle Dursley.

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8 hours ago, Josh371982 said:

I really don't get why people complained about how fast or not fast she was reading the questions. That kinda stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest. 

Because too fast can make the reading difficult to understand for the home "player," let alone for closed-captioning. 

But bully for you.

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The change from $25k to $10k was a good one. It's a better fit. There is a more obvious correlation to how many questions the person got right, and it feels less random - getting a couple easier questions than another contestant makes just a $20k difference rather than a $50k difference. 

The cash builder questions may have gotten a bit easier - I didn't really notice but I'm OK with that. I don't think the questions in the individual chase rounds were easier though. So it balances out.


and while I liked Brooke as the host, Sara is better.

Brooke had really good rapport with The Beast. It remains to be seen whether Sara does. I do like her better now that she's reading faster though. Her voice is bothering me less so far. 


I really don't get why people complained about how fast or not fast she was reading the questions. 

Reading the questions faster gives the contestants more time to build cash. If she reads too slowly they're going to get fewer questions overall.

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