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The MAFS Reddit group has more details from an inside source. However, it's written as a blind item, without the naming anyone involved. Many people on the sub seem to think the blind item is referring to Ryan and Jaclyn.


This entire situation sounds like a hot mess.

Edited by discoprincess
21 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Not sure if I can see Jon secretly recording her. I could, however, see Ryan recording Jaclyn.

Quoting myself as I may have to eat this one. If Jon recorded Molly in all her 'ugly realness', I will give him credit for not just shutting up & playing along.

He nailed her the only way he could.

(Might also explain why no Molly on Unfiltered yet).

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, qtpye said:

Molly was probably done the minute Jon said, "I don't have a job". She is a girl who needs her hair and makeup done constantly and she expects someone else to pay for it.

However, Molly is reality tv savvy. She knows what looks good on camera, plus she probably wants to collect her $2k weekly stipend. This also explains how the cat was in Jon and Molly's apartment when she is supposedly highly allergic...Molly is not living there.

I hope the show sues her for contract breach and she has to pay back the money they have given her because of not living up to her end of the deal.


I think she has no problem working and paying for her own stuff since she actually has a budget she sets for things. Which is probably a lot more then most do when it comes to getting hair/nails done. 

I wish money amounts wouldn't be tossed out as they do. We have no clue what they get, if anything really. Its probably not even close to what some thing if they do get something either. Otherwise there would be people actually applying to the show and they wouldn't have to take them from dating sites or SM. As for living with each other, I wonder how many ever really do. We all know it came out later that no one in Season 2 was. It probably has been that way for many of them that didn't get along. So its not like its something new. Yet we also have a so called "expert" that doesn't live with her husband either. 

Honestly what is there to sue for when this is something that goes on in all seasons. If anyone should have sued it should have been Jessica, Neil and Heather for the crap they got stuck with. And toss in Jaclyn from this season now with her shit choice. 


5 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Quoting myself as I may have to eat this one. If Jon recorded Molly in all her 'ugly realness', I will give him credit for not just shutting up & playing along.

He nailed her the only way he could.

(Might also explain why no Molly on Unfiltered yet).

I don't know if it would explain it but it might. It also might be another reason as well but either way let's say this is the case, it goes to show that MAFS is full of shit. I already think it is since we are never shown what really goes on in scenes and its edited the way producers want but the more crap that comes out over time with some of these couples the more it shows its hand (full of lies). 

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Call me crazy...but I'm not mad about this...can't wait for the yelling at Molls!

Molly is the new Heather but not as honorable.

Jon is the new Derek who used to sadly and forlornly walk his doggie, Jake...

Jon can now get Dawn back as a roomie....

Jon had the cat in the place already it was noticed behind Dr Trauma's head in a shot. And sorry but Heather had a damn right to walk out on Derek. Derek was an angry drug addict who still to this day wants pity over that crap. Heather had major reason to walk out on that shit she got tossed into. 

Considering we have no clue if its Molly or not yet I won't comment the way some are. For all we know it could be the other way around. We have no idea. Its easy to claim lots of things online and have it spread like wildfire even if its lies or half truths. So I will take it with the grain of salt it should be and hold judgement until something happens on the show because honestly I could see any of the couples in the "filming" situation mentioned before. 

I am going to say that the filming for this show is no different then past ones. The edits have ALWAYS been all over the place and out of order with many. Its not something new. Its what works in telling the so called "story" the producers decide to make up for each couple. Its up to viewers that watch to either buy what is being sold or see beyond the bs shown and realize the producers play games with what they get, kwim? Once in awhile they get he kinds like Ryan that there is no hiding their douche ways in life. They usually out themselves on SM as well with that crap. 

It will be interesting to see how this "secret filming" scene is played out though. 

  • Love 3

Maybe...just maaaaaaybe... Jon recorded Molly without makeup and with bedhead.  If he popped that cellphone video out in front of an (ahem) expert and they burst out laughing, that would have easily been the end.  

And also, I think if I hear Molly say one more time “so I just have to try harder..”, I’m going to throw something.  

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, discoprincess said:

The MAFS Reddit group has more details from an inside source. However, it's written as a blind item, without the naming anyone involved. Many people on the sub seem to think the blind item is referring to Ryan and Jaclyn.


What's making me think it's Molly and Jon is that the OP said the person filmed acted completely different on camera than off.  Ryan already acts like a somewhat nasty douche on camera so it wouldn't be that much of a surprise to see him act more so off camera.  But then if the person is supposedly completely different off camera, the the biggest shocker would be Jon since he has always seemed so consistent and says all the right things to the camera with only a couple of exceptions.  Another shocker would be if it were Jackie since she seems like the one being done wrong by Ryan and on camera is also very consistently decent, if hurt in her reactions to him.  What she does is always understandable.  

But it also depends on the POV of the OP.  First of all, they didn't say it would be the biggest shocker, or that the person would be the biggest villain, just that the person will be shown to be very different off camera.  I could believe that they may be referring to Molly if they're referring to her disingenuousness.  If you factor out the ability of the audience to see through her inconsistency on camera and see that she's full of shit when she gave her relationship with Jon a 7 and claimed that they have so much in common over and over again (mostly in voiceovers, which I find suspicious), it makes sense that it's her.  The OP could be hinting to the fact that she's being disingenuous on camera and/or that the show is giving a different impression of her using skillful editing with scenes and TH's shown out of order.  If her behavior and comments on camera are taken at her word at face value, and we buy that she's still all-in and giving it her best shot (when in reality that's not the case), then she is the one that will be shown to be completely different off camera.  Maybe the video will show her cursing at him about how she's completely checked out and telling him there is "no hope", and never was, so that we know she's been faking it to the camera.

If the person turns out to be either Jackie or Jon I'd be very surprised.  Even factoring in how this show attempts to make people look very different on camera I'd still be very surprised.  Either of them would have to be a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde in order to accomplish such phenomenal deception or the show's editors would deserve an award for making them look so amazingly different from the way they really are.  It's been pointed out that Jon has shown a mean streak in the way he spoke to Molly in a couple of scenes, so I'm not ruling out completely that the person could be him.  I admit that this is not completely out of the realm of possible, but just going on gut instinct, I don't think it's probable.  Most of the time he's been reacting to something she said that was probably insulting or ridiculous and he was just frustrated and calling her out.  Plus how could he react so genuinely to asshat Ryan if he were really that much of an asshat himself?  His gut reactions when in other situations don't ever make me wonder about where he's coming from.  They're very natural and consistent, and I think he would have to be a Ted Bundy psychopath in order to be that different off camera.  My money's on Molly just because her editing has been so obviously out of order given her hair color in talking heads and other factors discussed in the Reddit.  Plus she is the one person this season whose story I'm not buying and seems to be most inconsistent.  When she gave her relationship with Jon a 7 I did not believe her AT ALL.  Same when she went on about how much they have in common and how she's giving it her all.  Those things are too inconsistent with the fact that she hasn't even had sex with him, often has an attitude of disdain and distance when dealing with him, and still acts at times like she isn't sure what she's going to do on decision day.  Her behavior with the other women on the show doesn't convince me either.  I think this is a person that's attempting to look different to the public than they probably are when the cameras are turned off.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 4

When Jon scooped Molly into his arms after her trapeze performance she stiffened into a plank.

A producer must have coerced Molly into letting Jon touch her but she couldn't/wouldn't hide her discomfort.

Molly has shown no level of ease being on camera because she is faking and lying through those Crest strips brightened teeth... she goes into a defensive, overly self conscious stance every time Jon gets near her and/or the cameras are pointed her way.

Jackie and Shawniece are gracious, kind women so their playing along at the brides get togethers is to show loyalty to the whole cast and crew.

Surprised Ryan in a drunkened state hasn't blurted out that Jon and Molly live separately ...maybe he has spilled the Boston beans(see what I did there) and it was edited out...

Ryan would love to gloat on camera how his marriage crushed Jon's.

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Considering we have no clue if its Molly or not yet I won't comment the way some are. For all we know it could be the other way around. We have no idea. Its easy to claim lots of things online and have it spread like wildfire even if its lies or half truths. So I will take it with the grain of salt it should be and hold judgement until something happens on the show because honestly I could see any of the couples in the "filming" situation mentioned before. 

The speculation is the interesting part right now.

7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

My money's on Molly just because her editing has been so obviously out of order given her hair color in talking heads and other factors discussed in the Reddit.  Plus she is the one person this season whose story I'm not buying and seems to be most inconsistent.

It could be a few, but I feel like there's teeth to the Molly hypothesis. I'm leaning that way as well.

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Surprised Ryan in a drunkened state hasn't blurted out that Jon and Molly live separately ...maybe he has and it was edited out...

He's in a box with a keg during filming. They let him out now & then to babble some toxic, imbecilic crap, sleep it off, go to work, then back to the box.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 2

The talking over thing, isn't new either. Its happened in the past and I noticed it more over the last season and this one. I don't know who the show thinks they are fooling in doing that either because the sound is different and nothing in the scene has one talking most the time. I can see this get worse with another season of the show as well. Just like the editing seems to get worse each season and the THs are reused over and over to death to fit what producers want in their lame ass "stories".

Now what IF, this whole "secret filming" is another producer pushed thing? OR what IF the person acting differently is only doing so because producers are standing by saying you need to do this or that or else? This show has proved over and over again its willing to stoop low in what it does for drama and crap so I don't put anything past them in this and making it up or being behind certain things that happen for drama factor. This show has more hands in a lot of things we see then not. I think if it was so easy to get out of things like Heather had that we would have seen Sheila bail out right away once she found out Nate was cheating from the get go. So I tend to think something was added to the contracts to make it not so easy to walk away from things like one might want to. Even though we see things that make us wish they would. LOL 

Here is why I think it could be certain ones and why though: 

Jon-he has been all about her looks from the get go with the comments he has made. I also think he comes off as one of those that probably isn't used to a girl not just giving it to him right away when it comes to sex. Yet there is something about him that has been off to me from the get go. When his so called "gal pal" warned Molly at the wedding how he gets highly emotional, I took it as something not good. The 12 yr old comment made before was made for a reason that we didn't see all of. Toss in how he comes off to the cameras or is edited, shall say, and there could be more to it with him. What if he is pushing the sex topic with her when cameras are off? Getting a little more handsy about it even...not saying he is but a way that would be different from what we see on camera.

Molly-I can see it her as well but not for reasons some have said. It could be she is trying to do what the show wants to get by or even talk herself into thinking she could like him at some point but obviously something turned her off soon after the wedding. It either was the job deal or his behavior or even both. She has said in at least one scene though (there so called fight) why she isn't having sex with him (which seems to be forgotten by many). I thought what was said should have been good enough and there was probably much more missing from it as well. Yet she could be showing up for filming and nothing more. She could have walked out for whatever reason and been over it all then putting on the act for the camera that gets edited and twisted to make it look like she is trying when really she has cursed him out and walked out. LOL 

Shawniece-a lot of times I feel like she is putting an act on for the cameras or Jephte or both. What if her all in act is nothing more then that? Before the show even started she got a bit nasty towards some with comments. She was already coming off not great to me there. IMO most these people show their true selves at some point on SM in how they handle the negative comments. Either they put on a good show to hide that side of them in the not so good moments or they let it all hang out and show us the terrible side of them. She has come off to me as one that needs things her way or no way at all. Look at the meal and her complaining about him not liking stuff in it. IF she knew he didn't like tomatoes like that in his sauce then why would she do that. She could have put some aside with out for him and made the rest with it like she prefers. Instead she whines how it had to be picked out. Wonder how she would handle that with kids then too since they can go through phases on food....SMH Then toss in the way she puts on tears (good/bad), and how THs don't always match the behaviors or what is said in a scene.

Jephte-well he could be putting his own act on in way. Could be leading Shawniece on in many ways. He could be spouting shit out to her when cameras are gone. I'm not thinking this is the case but hell one never knows with things on this show so the chance is there he is being one way for the cameras. I still think he got the crap end of the deal though in their editing so far but that could chance if its him behaving another way behind the scenes. 

Jaclyn-well the only thing I can think of here is that she is crying over the past away boyfriend to much and still trying to deal with that OR she is losing her shit in a horrid way that could make her look bad but at the same time who wouldn't with a douche like Ryan?

Ryan-well there is nothing to say there as he has shown everyone who he truly is and showed that same crap on SM so there is no other side to this guy IMO. There is just the one and its King Douche. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

So I tend to think something was added to the contracts to make it not so easy to walk away from things like one might want to.

I'm convinced there have been 'incentives' regarding decisions, but, I'm getting the feeling it's not gonna go down that way this time.

We'll see what happens, but my guess is this season will end as another colossal fail - R&J, M&J done by DDay (if not sooner for one, even if behind the scenes) - S&J stay together initially but are probably not long haul material together.

If either R&J or M&J stay together DDay, they got an offer they couldn't refuse. I'll be awaiting the one year divorce announcement(s)... again.

Lots of 'J's this season.

Edited by gonecrackers
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I want to see Ryan motor mouth that he is committed to the marriage then watch Jackie say I refuse to stay married to that selfish, inconsiderate, lying MoFo.

So very weenie of the couples to agree to stay together(when they shouldn't) at the Decision show and then divorce once the the clock runs out on the show contract...looking at you, Danielle/Cody and Nate/Sheila....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm convinced there have been 'incentives' regarding decisions, but, I'm getting the feeling it's not gonna go down that way this time.

We'll see what happens, but my guess is this season will end as another colossal fail - R&J, M&J done by DDay (if not sooner for one, even if behind the scenes) - S&J stay together initially but are probably not long haul material together.

If either R&J or M&J stay together DDay, they got an offer they couldn't refuse. I'll be awaiting the one year divorce announcement(s)... again.

Lots of 'J's this season.

LOL on the J's. I am with you on this. None of them seem like a couple that could have a chance to make it at all IMO. To many issues on each side (ok one in the Ryan/Jaclyn one) that show they are not good matches for lasting marriages...let alone anything else. So I will be waiting with you to see how it goes down. 

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

I want to see Ryan motor mouth that he is committed to the marriage then watch Jackie say I refuse to stay married to that selfish, inconsiderate, lying MoFo.

So very weenie of the couples to agree to stay together(when they shouldn't) at the Decision show and then divorce once the the clock runs out on the show contract...looking at you, Danielle/Cody and Nate/Sheila....

I am hoping for a heck of a lot out of her mouth towards King Douche. Its up to the shitting editors and producers to let us see that though if she ever really told him off. *fingers crossed she did*

Agree it is "very weenie" LOL of the couples to stay together like that but it also says a TON about this show. It has to make people question what is going on behind the scenes in the contracts for this show. It screams fake when they do stuff like this and makes me question how much is even real anymore at all. 

  • Love 2
On 3/31/2018 at 3:34 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

Just for the record I think the most beautiful woman on MAFS was Sonia from season 4. Beautiful eyes, lovely complexion knock out smile and a warm friendly personality. I knew Nick was going to blow it with her but he will never do better.

Heather (of season 4) was another applicant who didn't understand married at first sight. One could argue she did Derek a favor if somehow she knew it had no chance of working...but then she didn't give it a chance either. It was like she got drunk and couldn't believe what she woke up next to in bed. If anyone deserves a second chance its Derek since he never got a first chance.  

On 3/31/2018 at 5:54 PM, Booger666 said:

I don’t know if this is true, but there were lots of rumors going around that Derek smoked pot and Heather was upset bc that is risky for her job as a Flight Attendant since she is subject to drug tests.  That’s why she was “done” with him on the honeymoon but they continued to film separately since neither really did anything wrong to each other.


On 3/31/2018 at 8:09 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

She brought up smoking but never heard what kind it was but I don't think it mattered. As I recall she woke up the first morning and was already looking disgusted and calling him a slob. I should look at their wedding episode again. I know I'm captivated by this stupid show....

I also heard that Derek was a pothead, and Heather, for whatever reason, couldn't abide by that. (Derek countered with allegations of Heather starting drinking too early in the morning.)

How much of a background check does the show do on these people? If they knew Derek smoked pot, and they matched him with Heather who wasn't cool with it for whatever reason, that isn't good. If it's true that Heather was worried that Derek's [alleged] pot smoking could jeopardize her job, then that match was even more problematic.


(Singing "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning"...The corn is as high as an elephant's eye...hold the note as you sing "eye")

Shawniece is miffed as Jephte leaves her to figure out the corn maze alone...

Producer driven, heavy handed metaphor for their future life together...you think?

  • Love 3


Pepper sighting!

Damn...was really hoping Ryan would say that he doesn't need to change...why would Jackie want him to change?...and just continue his douche bag ways so Jackie could flip him the double bird as she exits Stage Left on the Decision Show.....

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At dinner with the other couples,  Jon emotionally shares his despair from getting continually ejected time after time by his cold wife who is even colder when the cameras are off...

He exclaims he's stuck in his marriage, Molly says he's not......dramatic music to fade...

FINALLY...Molly gets a good camera angle, her left side...

  • Love 1


Molly's dad had a stomach ache...two weeks later he was dead of Stage 4 pancreatic cancer...damn

With the 7th year anniversary of his death looming, Molly tells Jon the traumatic event that still affects her today.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

At dinner with the other couples,  Jon emotionally shares his despair from getting continually ejected time after time by his cold wife who is even colder when the cameras are off...

I just watched that.  What was interesting was it was a VO, not a TH.  We just heard Jon's voice say that.  I don't know, it seemed strange.

  • Love 1
On 4/2/2018 at 9:34 AM, discoprincess said:

How much of a background check does the show do on these people? If they knew Derek smoked pot, and they matched him with Heather who wasn't cool with it for whatever reason, that isn't good. If it's true that Heather was worried that Derek's [alleged] pot smoking could jeopardize her job, then that match was even more problematic.

Its also illegal to do that in Florida so even more reason for her to not want to deal with that. He also had some anger issues as well. Even his ex they showed him talking to said it to him. Top it off the guy is still trying to gain pity from all this and hoping he will get on tv again. SMH As for the show and background checks, they should be making sure they drug test and STD test as well IMO. Yet really all they care about is they get drama from the people and nothing more. They don't care about the kind of situations they could be putting one in. Its a bit disturbing. 

  • Love 2
On 4/1/2018 at 5:31 PM, booboopbedoo said:

Or Seeking Sister Wife

He could have a couple of wives!

LMAO  guess at least this way the sister wives would have each other to talk to. 

On 4/2/2018 at 9:44 AM, discoprincess said:

Cast....LMAO that is exactly what they do by way of picking and finding ones of dating sites like OkCupid, Tinder or from SM. No mention of Dallas there and its been pushed for a bit when we have watched the show. Any word on if that was scrapped for Philly or if it got cast? I'm curious. I think this show is basically over its run on tv. Its showed its hand more and more in the way of being more on the scripted/bs side then the way of anything real. 

8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Pepper sighting!

Damn...was really hoping Ryan would say that he doesn't need to change...why would Jackie want him to change?...and just continue his douche bag ways so Jackie could flip him the double bird as she exits Stage Left on the Decision Show.....

I can see him playing it up to get to the end so he doesn't have to deal with the rest of the cast and "experts" on his douche bag ways. Or I can even see producers in his ear telling him to do this or that so they can give him the "oh look how he has changed his ways" edit so that in the end we will all be oh so ok *gag* with them staying together...when really its a contract keeping it going. LOL  No way he is going to drop them for good though. 

3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

What'sup with Jackie's hair?...Shawniece, help your friend, brush her hair....

Have you seen how Shawniece looks at times? Last person I would want fixing my hair and makeup. JMO but for someone in that business she looks more a mess then not and the wigs she has had on not so nice. Yet Jackie could do with some help in that pic for her hair for sure. Maybe someone needs to take away her Bump It. LOL

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I just watched that.  What was interesting was it was a VO, not a TH.  We just heard Jon's voice say that.  I don't know, it seemed strange.

I've noticed they have been doing VOs on scenes more and more with each season. Its so out of wack and different sounding so its hard not to hear that difference (or see it in many scenes). Bad editing and bs from producers on how to tell the "story". SMH

  • Love 1

There was a blog that one of the MAFS UK participants wrote after talking to Heather and Sonia. She mentioned that the show matched the women with men who had qualities that were dealbreakers to them. Reading between the lines, I got the feeling that she was talking about Heather having pot smoking as a dealbreaker and being matched with Derek who smokes pot, anyway. The MAFS production company does not seem ethical at all...

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, reallyjustjen said:

I reallllly hope they show Jon’s actual phone footage! 

Even if they do it will get a heavy edit to make him look like he is innocent and has done no wrong. To much missing in things, as usual to trash anyone IMO. I will leave with this said, production plays a BIGGER part in the show then viewers all thing but they will never let us know how much so. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Gobears said:

There was a blog that one of the MAFS UK participants wrote after talking to Heather and Sonia. She mentioned that the show matched the women with men who had qualities that were dealbreakers to them. Reading between the lines, I got the feeling that she was talking about Heather having pot smoking as a dealbreaker and being matched with Derek who smokes pot, anyway. The MAFS production company does not seem ethical at all...

No they don't. I love how the MAFS participants from the other countries have brought to light so many issues that are happening with the show and behind the scenes things that are not good at all. Its a shame our US participants aren't doing so as well. Many of them could have probably given stories that would have shocked most viewers and opened a few more eyes up to the way its run. 

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

This doesn't surprise me at all with him. I will leave it at that......even though I could say more. 

Ooh, please elaborate.


11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Wow, the previews for next week...OMG.

In light of the previously leaked spoilers, this is going to be good.

By the way, I wonder why that spoiler was leaked anyway, especially so close to the air date. I assume filming had concluded some time ago, so it wasn't as if this information is new.


10 hours ago, Evil Queen said:


Cast....LMAO that is exactly what they do by way of picking and finding ones of dating sites like OkCupid, Tinder or from SM. No mention of Dallas there and its been pushed for a bit when we have watched the show. Any word on if that was scrapped for Philly or if it got cast? I'm curious. I think this show is basically over its run on tv. Its showed its hand more and more in the way of being more on the scripted/bs side then the way of anything real. 


I would have liked to have seen a season in NYC, even though I figure production costs may have been outside their budget. The backdrop would have been cool, and the dating pool here is all over the place.


I'm interested to see what kind of pool they'll be working with in Philly too. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Gobears said:

There was a blog that one of the MAFS UK participants wrote after talking to Heather and Sonia. She mentioned that the show matched the women with men who had qualities that were dealbreakers to them. Reading between the lines, I got the feeling that she was talking about Heather having pot smoking as a dealbreaker and being matched with Derek who smokes pot, anyway. The MAFS production company does not seem ethical at all...

Sonia was afraid of dogs, right? Yet, Nick had a pooch.

That could explain how Molly ended up with Jon. However, if she is really that allergic to cats, that is a very irresponsible pairing (as well, as potentially dangerous). Molly may have not been portrayed as a sympathetic character this season, but this would earn her a little bit of sympathy if these shenanigans were true. 

Of course, pairing someone who is a(n alleged) pothead with someone who does not want someone who does ay drugs is also the epitome of being crappy. 

3 hours ago, discoprincess said:

In light of the previously leaked spoilers, this is going to be good.

By the way, I wonder why that spoiler was leaked anyway, especially so close to the air date. I assume filming had concluded some time ago, so it wasn't as if this information is new.


I would have liked to have seen a season in NYC, even though I figure production costs may have been outside their budget. The backdrop would have been cool, and the dating pool here is all over the place.


I'm interested to see what kind of pool they'll be working with in Philly too. 

I wonder if 'spoilers' are leaked intentionally to ramp up interest in the show.  Leaking it close to the 'reveal' show amps up interest, after everyone thinks they know what is going to happen. (MAYBE.  I don't know,  I'm just speculating.) 


The first two seasons were in NYC or close by.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

I wonder if 'spoilers' are leaked intentionally to ramp up interest in the show.  Leaking it close to the 'reveal' show amps up interest, after everyone thinks they know what is going to happen. (MAYBE.  I don't know,  I'm just speculating.) 


I think that's probably true, especially given how detailed the spoilers were. 


3 hours ago, discoprincess said:

I would have liked to have seen a season in NYC, even though I figure production costs may have been outside their budget. The backdrop would have been cool, and the dating pool here is all over the place.


The only problem was that the experts kept matching people who lived in New Jersey with people who lived in Manhattan/Long Island. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Even if they do it will get a heavy edit to make him look like he is innocent and has done no wrong. To much missing in things, as usual to trash anyone IMO. I will leave with this said, production plays a BIGGER part in the show then viewers all thing but they will never let us know how much so. 

Oh, I think we’re all quite well aware of the extremely heavy editing on this show (and on this sort of “reality” show generally), if for no other reason than because the editing is generally done so very, very badly.  Still, it’s hard to get the Bad Edit if you don’t give production the raw materials (if you will) to use against you.   That said, curious how you’re perceiving the above as “trashing” anyone?   It was literally just my opinion that I’d really like if they showed the footage.  ?‍♀️



19 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

Then elaborate. Don't tease!  :) 

This!  I don’t really get the whole “I could say more, but I won’t.  But I totally could!” thing. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, cardigirl said:

I wonder if 'spoilers' are leaked intentionally to ramp up interest in the show.  Leaking it close to the 'reveal' show amps up interest, after everyone thinks they know what is going to happen. (MAYBE.  I don't know,  I'm just speculating.) 


The first two seasons were in NYC or close by.

Awww...too bad. I only started watching from season 4.

2 hours ago, Gobears said:

I think that's probably true, especially given how detailed the spoilers were. 


The only problem was that the experts kept matching people who lived in New Jersey with people who lived in Manhattan/Long Island. 

Hahahaha - nope.


I will also post this under this seasons SM thread for those that might not revisit the old seasons threads but this says a lot IMO from this article on an Aussie one. 


“I should have seen the warning signs. They were looking for a specific person to fill my character’s role — they already knew what they wanted from my character before they even met me.”


This stuff is why I have been feeling the way I do about this show over the last few seasons. To many take it beyond serious and behave so horribly towards these people that they see little snippets of. Yes there are those that no matter what is done with edits their jerkish ways just can't be hidden but most the people on MAFS get so screwed with in the edits because they have the production has their plans laid out for what they want to go on in how the so called "stories" are told. Its also disturbing the lengths they will go to in order to get drama as well IMO. 

And another Aussie one that as well says a lot that on things. Some of which a few of us know they do but some may not really see they do. 




What actually happens is you go through this whole audition process with the producers and the casting managers until you get to the point where you meet with the executive producers,' she explained. 

'And they think "wow you’re a great character and we’ve got another great character that we’ve either approached or headhunted or may have applied and we’re going to put you guys together".

'Some of these couples were legitimately put together for love but some of it is just for drama. And I was unlucky enough to be the drama couple last year.'




Clare explained that her TV husband Jono never applied to go on the show. 

'In my situation Jono, who was my husband, or fake husband - he didn’t apply. He had a friend who worked at the network who knew that he had a very hot head and would blow up and make great TV. So he approached him,' she told the radio hosts.


Edited by Evil Queen

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