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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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On February 20, 2018 at 9:25 PM, Evil Queen said:

I am going to say this as someone with 3 kids, gave a lot of time in the class volunteering and worked a noon duty job at one point as well at the school. THIS IS NOT WHY EDUCATION HAS GONE DOWNHILL!!! If one doesn't have kids in school or have any idea what is going on in schools how can this be why one assumes such a thing. The facts are to many parents do NOT parent their kids. As Neurochick said there are those that think their kids are angles and do no wrong. I can tell you those are the parents that kiss up to a principal, teacher and are usually running the PTO/A. This has been my experience over the many years of my kids in school. You have parents "friending" with the teachers on SM as their kids are in the teacher's class and will have other kids at some point in those classes. They hang out with them as well outside of school. Now this isn't the case with all but I saw it with the lazy teachers and a couple others. Thankfully there weren't many of those kind. Yet those kids are the ones that got away with being bullies in the school. Treating noon duty like crap as well and doing what they pleased. Rules are in place but yet one word to tell one of these "angels" to pick up their trash or they are missing some recess and you have Mommy calling her buddy principal to say how their kid never did a thing or make something up to try to get you in trouble. Trust me I dealt with this bs and so did some others. Teachers make plenty of comments that are FAR worse then what he said there. You also have not only kids that are bullies but teachers and principals that can be as well just as bad if not worse. Been there and done that before. I have seen some HORRIBLE classes over the years as well. I give him the benefit of the doubt on it because unless you have EVER stepped foot in a class that is full of some of the most misbehaved brats you have no idea how trying that can be on all. He didn't name names either which would have been an issue then. Yet there was one teacher who told me she wished they allowed the paddle in her Kinder class. She had nothing but out of control kids and we all saw it. That was when I worked the one job. I know there has been worse posted by some teachers on SM as well. So getting butt hurt on just those comments and judging for it is crazy IMO. The lady that was digging around like that has some issues IMO to go looking for things on people on a low rent "reality show". 

Oh btw, if only you all could see the kind of crap said by our oh so wonderful school district school board members online. We have at least 2 VERY insane people on that board that need to be kicked off it and not allowed near kids. The stuff they do and say is just unreal for people in that position. *steps off soapbox and goes back to the shadows*

I have worked in the school system for many years.  From what I have seen, the kids run the parents, the parents run the principal, and the principals run the district.  Kids have the power ultimately, and it's not good anymore.  There is less and less respect than years ago.

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2 hours ago, Gobears said:

I hope the following Twitter exchange means that Jaclyn broke up with Ryan because no way would he move to Scottsdale, AZ. 

Hmmmmm, not Butler?  Or Butthead, whatever she changed her name to. Anyway, BE HAPPY Jaclyn!  

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7 hours ago, Booger666 said:

Ryan’s up for travel with his buddies - just not his wife.  I can’t believe this loser.


It’s paintball so that makes it all different. Ryan is still in his Ryan bubble. 

I didn’t like him from the very beginning. A loud mouth attention hound.  Even his family knows he doesn’t listen.

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1 hour ago, Waterlilly said:

Sooooo, I am guessing that Ryan was in Hawaii with his bros and Jaclyn was in Arizona being a Gypsy. My crystal ball says “looks promising”.

On Twitter, Jaclyn said that her hometown is Scottsdale so maybe she was in Arizona visiting family. 

From my snooping on SM, most of the cast is not from Boston, originally. Molly lists Fort Collins, Colorado as her hometown on Facebook. Jonathan is from Jacksonville, Florida. Jephte is from Middletown, New York. Shawniece is from Providence, Rhode Island and we know that Ryan is a Boston native (a Masshole, if there ever was one). 

Edited by Gobears
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Ryan, just STFU! You are NOT making yourself look better. Sounds like Jackie has wised up to him. I couldn't stand him early on because of his loudmouth ways, but he also has shown he has no heart. Running out on Jackie when she was sick was a dick move. I hope every woman he meets runs far and fast. He is such a selfish pig.

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Yeah I would be surprised how if they are together after that exchange publicly. Who knows if they are together at decision day but I highly doubt they are together now. Good for Jacklyn. Yes, the editing plays a part in this show huge. I think they did Jephte kind of bad in the beginning. Not that he wasn't cold but there was obviously something there more then showed to lead to the "transformation" we saw. However, Ryan is just a jerk. I felt that when he was with her when she was unloading the boxes at her home. It was all show.  And ever since its just gone downhill. Jacklyn deserves better and from these tweets it seems like she figured that out.  It would be nice if she decided that on decision day.

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14 hours ago, Gobears said:

Ryan needs to learn how to spell. "Over ambelished"? Jackie needs to kick his butt to the curb if she hasn't already. 

I feel like Ryan is one of those people who love to use words he does not quite understand to make himself sound superior.


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I actually think Jackie has shown herself to have a lot of class considering what she had to deal with with this douche.  I don't know that I could have kept as composed as she was in that exchange.

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On 3/24/2018 at 6:23 PM, Megansnakebite said:

This takes the cake. If they are still together, I can only hope Dr. Pepper came out of the cave she has been hidden in to do intense marriage therapy with them.


First pepper is pathetic. Look her up and you will see she left a marriage to go slut it up with strange men around the world. Now is married again BUT they won't live together because she lives with her assistant and they didn't want to have to resettle in one or the other's places or buy something new. So she obviously doesn't get what compromise is and blending things in together with a spouse either. Why she needs to have an assistant I have no clue and let alone live with one. Yet she is the last person I think needs to EVER give advice on marriage. 

Ryan has shown he is a MAJOR douche! Look at what he claims in his tweet to try to make himself not look like a bad guy. Then what she says. If anyone buys his BS there they aren't to bright IMO. He says what he needs to twist things to make it like he isn't a terrible guy ( buddy with cancer, night out to support him) while she is home puking from being sick and he goes from drinking with cal and the guys from the show to drinking MORE with his "buddies" for a bday. IMO he wants a doormat and to just have anyone as a wife as long as she is ok with him living like he was when single. *rollseyes* Maybe he should have gone on a different show for that. 

27 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

She's not allowed to lose it on him because he'll probably 'punish' her somehow, like staying out later & longer. He's a toxic POS.

Agree. He is the kind of guy that will turn it around on you to make you look like a bitch and try to guilt you for telling him like it is. I am hoping from the sounds of it that she did dump his sorry toxic ass. 

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On 3/23/2018 at 2:03 PM, Booger666 said:

Ryan’s up for travel with his buddies - just not his wife.  I can’t believe this loser.



This reminds me of Danielle's tweet about #EatPrayLove from Bali. I don't recall the timing of the tweet in relation to decision day, but man, was that a big spoiler.


LOL at Ryan's "#probutnotreally" hashtag.


Re: "It's hard to be on a short leash" - Hey, Ryan, (with apologies to Judge Judy), "You picked [the show]!" (What would Ryan do once his life partner of choice is suffering from morning sickness while carrying his child? I can't help but think of Kate Middleton, who suffered from hyper emesis gravidarum with each of her pregnancies. We didn't see Prince William acting like a punk!)


Edited to add that Pastor Calvin Roberson jumped in (but without naming names):

Edited by discoprincess
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I read a tip from the MAFS Reddit group that the comments on Twitter last night were awesome!

This tweet dropped a whole gallon of Lipton:

So, this confirms that Jac essentially got a lemon of a husband? Poor Jaclyn!
Edited by discoprincess
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13 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I'd like to know what he thought he was missing - regular sex? being on TV?  a free trip?  

I guess this is what he was missing:



They were roasting Ryan on Twitter last night!

Edited by discoprincess
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On 3/24/2018 at 9:23 PM, Megansnakebite said:

This takes the cake. If they are still together, I can only hope Dr. Pepper came out of the cave she has been hidden in to do intense marriage therapy with them.


Last night on Unfiltered, Ryan essentially doubled-down on what he had said in this tweet (although without referencing it). As someone recapped on Reddit:



OceanCarlisle: Ryan pretty much said Jaclyn wasn’t that sick so he went out. Jephte told him to shut up as he kept digging his own grave.


I can't believe he did that! Then again, he seems to have no filter!

Edited by discoprincess
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31 minutes ago, Waterlilly said:

Ryan said a couple of times, This is Unfiltered right?  Jamie just egged him on.  Jephte was right about the grave digging.

Ne really is delusuonal about how he comes off,

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Was Shawniece’s tearful “doing MAFS was the best idea I’ve ever had in my life” (paraphrased) in this episode or in a preview of a new episode? Same for Jephte’s “I was happy but you had to ruin it. Maybe we don’t need to be together.” in the car with Shawniece. I don’t remember that ever happening.

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I don't know how accurate this spoiler is, but over on Reddit, someone has spilled the beans that one couple has been secretly living apart and one person has been acting differently off-camera toward their spouse. Any guesses? My guess is Molly & Jon, with Jon acting differently off-camera.

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Could be either Jon or Ryan - or should we even be assuming it's one of the men, though?? 

Doesn't "Dr. Trauma" yell at someone about having lied to her, during a session? We have yet to see that, IF we actually will.


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7 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Could be either Jon or Ryan - or should we even be assuming it's one of the men, though?? 

Doesn't "Dr. Trauma" yell at someone about having lied to her, during a session? We have yet to see that, IF we actually will.


You're right, it might be one of the women. I remember seeing that clip of Dr. Trauma at the beginning of the season and it seemed to be of her yelling at Jaclyn. And Ryan was in the clip saying something like "your best isn't good enough for me." I hope it's not Jaclyn though. She seems so sweet and it would truly be shocking if Ryan came out of this looking "like a shining star". 

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8 minutes ago, Gobears said:

I hope it's not Jaclyn though. She seems so sweet and it would truly be shocking if Ryan came out of this looking "like a shining star". 

Yeah I'm a bit nervous now though...  in the Unfiltered's she looks a bit sad & he looks rather smug. 

Crap... we'll see.

ETA:  Who would've thought this season could actually get interesting.

Edited by gonecrackers
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5 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Yeah I'm a bit nervous now though...  in the Unfiltered's she looks a bit sad & he looks rather smug. 

Crap... we'll see.

Maybe off-camera, Jaclyn's been crying about her late boyfriend and Ryan goes out with his friends to avoid it. Who knows? 

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15 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

My first thought that it was Molly not Jon who is even more different off camera.

That's possible. There are clips of Molly saying that attraction can grow between her and Jon, but maybe off camera, she is telling him that there is no chance of that at all. 

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6 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Not sure if I can see Jon secretly recording her. I could, however, see Ryan recording Jaclyn.

Ryan has shown a poor respect of boundaries: walking into the bathroom while Jaclyn was using it, telling Jon to walk in nude while Molly is showering, so recording Jaclyn without her knowledge wouldn't be a stretch. 

On the other hand, Jon is unemployed and ex-military, so he has the time and maybe the knowledge to set up secret recording devices. 

On the Reddit board, someone also pointed out that Jaclyn and Ryan are no longer following each other on Twitter whereas Jon and Molly still follow each other. 

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My first impression was Dr. Jessica yelling at Jackie with the cut aways heavily edited.

Even if Jackie comes out as the bad guy... she tolerated Ryan for 5 weeks.

Ryan prefers the company of work and paintball friends.

Don't know how to polish a turd ...but if Ryan comes out of the show all shiny and sparkly then God's gift to (wo)man is back on the Boston Market(apologies to the chicken place).

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I did peak at some Twits recently & Jon & Molly seem friendly online. Apparently the two at odds are not speaking, so not friendly with each other, which Ryan & Jaclyn are not on SM. They're not going at it either; just not friendly.

Just now, humbleopinion said:

Don't know how to polish a turd ...but if Ryan comes out of the show all shiny and sparkly then God's gift to (wo)man is back on the Boston Market(apologies to the chicken place).

Even if it is Jaclyn getting yelled at & she is the 'bad guy' so to speak, I can't see anything ever making Ryan a 'shining star', except in his own eyes.

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8 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Even if it is Jaclyn getting yelled at & she is the 'bad guy' so to speak, I can't see anything ever making Ryan a 'shining star', except in his own eyes.

Maybe Ryan is the source. He seems to be delusional enough to believe that he'll be a shining star and Boston's most eligible single. LOL.

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39 minutes ago, Gobears said:

so he has the time and maybe the knowledge to set up secret recording devices. 

It said the person uses the camera on their phone, my 6 year old neice has secretly recorded her older brother with her iPad so I imagine even Ryan would be able to figure it out.

Edited by biakbiak
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9 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:


If you want to know more about Jon, apologies if the article has been referenced before... 

Read it and then scroll down the comments...the last person to give a comment will make you smile....

Whoa, maybe Jaclyn and Jonathan are meant to be...both love travel, want to live abroad, have master's degrees. 

As for the commenters who said that Jonathan wouldn't be attracted to Jaclyn, here's what he said he wanted in a wife:

"I had three non-negotiables: not lazy, doesn't smoke, and loves the water. As much as I love redheads, any specific qualities seemed a bit off, given that a person isn't just what they look like." 


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Going by the clues, I keep thinking it's Jephte. (sp)  He's the only one who had a hissy fit about the phones and he really makes me feel uncomfortable for Shawniece when he talks about how certain things could make him angry.   

I dislike Ryan so intensely right now that I hope it's him, but doubt he'd end up being anyone's shining star bachelor, let alone Boston's.  

He's such a dick on camera, I can't imagine him being all that much different in private.   Jackie wouldn't need to film him in order to prove to anyone what a mean, selfish, little prick he really is.  Glad he's going away soon, one way or another.  Just a few more weeks of his insufferable attitude.   It would be lovely to see Jackie kick him to the curb a few weeks early, though.  :D 

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The only reason that I might think it is Jon and Molly is that I can not imagine Molly sleeping next to Jon all night if she can barely stand to hug him.

However, Ryan not giving up his apartment and I also found Ryan very phony at the beginning when he was talking about his declarations of love.


Edited by qtpye
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On 3/26/2018 at 10:09 AM, Evil Queen said:

First pepper is pathetic. Look her up and you will see she left a marriage to go slut it up with strange men around the world. Now is married again BUT they won't live together because she lives with her assistant and they didn't want to have to resettle in one or the other's places or buy something new. So she obviously doesn't get what compromise is and blending things in together with a spouse either. Why she needs to have an assistant I have no clue and let alone live with one. Yet she is the last person I think needs to EVER give advice on marriage. 

Ryan has shown he is a MAJOR douche! Look at what he claims in his tweet to try to make himself not look like a bad guy. Then what she says. If anyone buys his BS there they aren't to bright IMO. He says what he needs to twist things to make it like he isn't a terrible guy ( buddy with cancer, night out to support him) while she is home puking from being sick and he goes from drinking with cal and the guys from the show to drinking MORE with his "buddies" for a bday. IMO he wants a doormat and to just have anyone as a wife as long as she is ok with him living like he was when single. *rollseyes* Maybe he should have gone on a different show for that. 

Agree. He is the kind of guy that will turn it around on you to make you look like a bitch and try to guilt you for telling him like it is. I am hoping from the sounds of it that she did dump his sorry toxic ass. 

I’m married to a “Ryan” and have been for many years. Maybe if I could’ve seen us on television, I would have seen exactly what he was doing to me just like we can all see the manipulation and gaslighting Ryan is doing. Would’ve saved me years of heartache. 

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