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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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Just some things that randomly jump out at me for no apparent reason...



Vollmoeller is ... President and CEO of Future Force Talent Connection

Publicity   ?


Sersen similarly is inspired by her parents’ 30-year marriage and wants to find a man like her father. At 35, she’s ready to settle down and start a family.

(bio clock is ticking) Baby fever   ?


Now financially stable and emotionally ready, Guess is ready to no longer be the only single guy left in his group of friends.

 Will watch for walls full of framed pictures of buds.


An independent woman, McGriff is ambitious but aspires to find the kind of love her parents have.

Possible conflict with coupling up depending on what he's expecting...


Sisk’s parents divorced last year. Still healing, she is pessimistic about love but remains hopeful that she’ll find the right person for her.

Oh for crap's sake...  no potential issues there.


Killingsworth’s parents have been married for more than 35 years and stayed strong despite their ups and downs. A real estate agent, she hopes to find the “gold standard” like her parents.

Those are some high expectations.

Warming up for a new season of snark.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Good thing this is the spoiler thread because...

On 11/30/2018 at 4:13 PM, qtpye said:

I know you are joking but it really is not a bad idea. I wonder if one couple said no at the altar? I heard that happened in Atlanta and that Neil and Sam were actually the last minute back up couple.

Jepthe should have done that!
Edited by discoprincessthe2
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I had heard about back up couples before and wondered if one of these couples is a backup. The first article awhile ago I read only had 3 pictures of couples. AJ the CEO of the talent company and his wife were not pictured. While I much rather see a backup couple then have another Mia that you know will not work out, I hope this couple is not staged to be a success story. 

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4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

I'd say maybe it's better for her to wait a bit for the reveal - at least until there's an actual 'bump' showing. But that would cut back on a lot of attention & be quite counter productive for her SM business.

She did wait longer than last time. She posted a super faint positive test right after A&A announced they were pregnant. Then posted another test later which had no line. 

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9 hours ago, JAndy said:

She did wait longer than last time. She posted a super faint positive test right after A&A announced they were pregnant. Then posted another test later which had no line. 

Can't let anyone else grab the spotlight for 0.02 seconds.

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Lordy...will we have to hear about her condition in the upcoming season of Unfiltereds......

What color of round tablecloth will JamieO wear this season?

Maybe white with black splotches so she looks like a Holstein...

Edited by humbleopinion
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I noticed that Pastor Cal said that the experiment was "seven weeks" in the intro. Wasn't it always eight weeks? This makes me wonder if one couple drops out at the wedding or during the honeymoon, then couple #4 was phased in, stuff was re-shot, etc, thereby shortening the experiment.

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Um, have y’all seen this trailer?

This and the above hints make me suspect that Kate and Luke drop out early and the whole drawn out “argument” the experts had about having four couples was after the fact drama to explain how they end up with three anyway. 

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4 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

Um, have y’all seen this trailer?

This and the above hints make me suspect that Kate and Luke drop out early and the whole drawn out “argument” the experts had about having four couples was after the fact drama to explain how they end up with three anyway. 

That is the first thing I said when I saw the experts argue, was this taped later. I saved a still of the experts during the argument on my DVR to compare the hair styles to the end of the season. Dr Pepper had some unwashed looking messy hair so that might give us a clue if this taped early on or after the season. I can;t imagine she would have that hair color and style for all 7 weeks. 

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I’m wondering if Luke knows Katie from his speed dating sideline because he did recognize one of the guests on the bride’s side and said that she came with a few friends to the speed dating session.  Otherwise it’s an editors trick and they’re repeating that he said he knew her when he was really referring to the guest.

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12 hours ago, Soup333 said:

Um, have y’all seen this trailer?

This and the above hints make me suspect that Kate and Luke drop out early and the whole drawn out “argument” the experts had about having four couples was after the fact drama to explain how they end up with three anyway. 

From the trailer and article above: “Luke said he felt dead and repulsed inside after we kissed,” Kate said at one point in the trailer. Later, she breaks down crying and runs in to the bathroom.


What the heck?  

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Luke...repulsed is such a loaded word...one that you will never walk back from...dude, you don't have to be so harsh....

If you felt dead inside just kissing Kate... then do the gentlemanly thing and pull the plug...don't make Kate suffer because you wanted to be on a basic cable TV show..

Edited by humbleopinion
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As soon as they went into all of Luke's sidelines to make more money, I kind of wondered if that was his motivation for doing this show (as they do get paid something).  If so, I would expect the "experts" to have been able to figure that out.  Oh, wait...

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The audience better see Dr. Jessica ripping Luke a new one...

He just shows himself to be another shitty choice that "the experts" ignored all the red flags.

Kate, dry your tears, Luke is a total d-bag and is worse than Ryan from Boston....

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1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

[From this season's MAFS trailer: “Luke said he felt dead and repulsed inside after we kissed,” Kate said at one point... Later, she breaks down crying and runs in to the bathroom.]

[Kiss My Mutt's response:]

I saw that! How appalling. I mean, where do you go from that? What a complete asshole to verbalize that. I think Luke was dead inside way before he met Kate. 

No one deserves to be spoken to that way. 

Absolutely. Luke is so obviously a social media attention whore, there's no way any real expert would have picked him for a groom in the first place.  The only person Luke is capable of caring about, is himself.

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Luke...repulsed is such a loaded word...one that you will never walk back from...dude, you don't have to be so harsh....

If you felt dead inside just kissing Kate... then do the gentlemanly thing and pull the plug...don't make Kate suffer because you wanted to be on a basic cable TV show..

As you said, there is no way to walk this back. Even though later he said he cared about her. Maybe there are some extenuating circumstances like he’s heard some gossip about her (slut-shaming) or he knows someone she used to date (insecurity). Or hell, maybe he’s not over an ex of his. I don’t know but I do know she’ll never feel safe in that relationship after this. Anyone who can say something that fucked up could easily do it again. And probably will.

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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Luke...repulsed is such a loaded word...one that you will never walk back from...dude, you don't have to be so harsh...

I wonder if it's the same sense of repulsion he felt towards the strippers. This guy, man. I wanted to like him bc I enjoy his grooming style and all, but he seems like a real douche. His poor mom...she seemed nice.

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I’m tired of all the “weak chin” guys on this show. I wondering if it correlates with being annoying and immature. First Ryan, now AJ. Any others?

You know as they age they’re going to develop jowls and a nice wattle. 

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Please don't let Kate drop out early.  She cries so sincerely.  I'm actually rooting for this chick.  If she's gotta go, I hope she flies into a rage and does something crazy - even breaks her wedding china like Connie Corleone.

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On 1/2/2019 at 2:52 AM, Soup333 said:

Um, have y’all seen this trailer?

This and the above hints make me suspect that Kate and Luke drop out early and the whole drawn out “argument” the experts had about having four couples was after the fact drama to explain how they end up with three anyway. 

I just read this thread for the first time.  I figured that the 4th couple was insurance in case one couple backed out early but I didn't consider that the "argument" was done after the fact and retro-fitted into the show.  Brilliant deduction, I believe that.  What I'm not so sure about is which couple it is.  Kate and Luke seem like the likely choice right now because of his hurtful comment, but I'm still not willing to forget about how insufferable AJ is and how fed up with him Stephanie is going to get very soon.  So I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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Upon watching the "argument" in episode 0 over again, I suspect that Stephanie and AJ were the 4th couple added later because they seemed to be under the most contention.  Pastor Cal was unwilling to let go of Will and Jasmine, but they were already chosen and probably in their first week or so of marriage when that was filmed.  Maybe they wanted him to look right for a change since he's so often wrong, so I'm wondering if Will/Jasmine end up being an OK match, at least at the time the "argument" was filmed.

Pepper liked Christine and Keith and no one wanted to let them go.  Maybe at the time of filming that discussion their relationship seemed positive.  Jessica wanted to fight for Luke and Kate, but then said that "at least on paper" they lined up, making me think she wanted to clarify that they might not mesh in person.  Did she already know something about how poorly they meshed in person when she said that?  Cal defended Kate but then said, "If Luke can find her attractive" they had a chance.  Maybe at that point he already knew he didn't find her attractive?  Jessica argued against Will and Jasmine and for Stephanie and AJ and Pastor Cal did the opposite, arguing for Will and Jasmine as opposed to Stephanie and AJ.  Pepper said both those couples were "worthy" of being on the show.  Both Cal and Jessica said they weren't budging on their choices.  Jessica's arguments seemed phony to me like she didn't really want to argue and the whole thing was staged to make it look like she was fighting for one couple and Cal was fighting for another.  Meanwhile none of those couples were going anywhere. 

After watching this again I think perhaps Luke and Kate were indeed the couple that backed out and Stephanie and AJ were the "backup" couple added maybe a week or so afterward.  I think the "real" decision that had to be made at that point was between back-ups Stephanie/AJ and Mama's boy Dorian and his "match" to fill in the hole left by Kate/Luke.

I'm wondering why they didn't just scrap the first episodes of the couple that backed out and just add the backup couple as if it happened that way from the getgo.  Maybe TPTB thought this "four couples" thing was better TV.  Like there's more drama with a couple backing out, and based on past experience they know it keeps viewers' interest.

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MAFS production was forced to keep Felonious Ameea/Huddled under my Blankie Tristan last season to keep a full line up and didn't want to be caught in that situation for Season 8.

  Am guessing they had an alternate couple on retainer as a break the glass in case of emergency and when the Dumpster named Kate and Luke caught fire... they went ahead, busted the glass and pulled the fire alarm and filmed the 4th couple...

Basic cable shows do not throw the baby out with the bath water, the most unfortunate situations are TV  gold and what we expect from reality TV.

Mia and Tristan were annoying but her arrest at DFW for her stalking, credit card fraud kept the snark focused on something in addition to you know who's hair and you know who's brows....

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I think they just went with a 4th couple from the beginning as insurance. Too many chances of another Mia/Tristan situation. 

They filmed the 4 brides and 4 grooms together for their bachelor/bachelorette parties. 

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11 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

Ashley got fat? 

This is one of her most recent Instagram posts. I think she looks cute pregnant and didn’t notice that her face got puffy  🤷🏼‍♀️ 


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Just now, JAndy said:

This is one of her most recent Instagram posts. I think she looks cute pregnant and didn’t notice that her face got puffy  🤷🏼‍♀️ 


Good for them.  She's in her 30s, bout time she got started having kids.

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On 1/6/2019 at 9:00 PM, roguery said:



"For anyone interested in participating on Married at First Sight, be prepared to go through a very thorough application process. The producers of the show don’t take the matchups lightly and do all that they can to eliminate anyone that could be potentially harmful to others. After filling out the application, each applicant then goes through  a thorough background check and complete details of your criminal records will be scoured.

In addition, credit checks are run to get an estimate of any outstanding debts you might owe as producers do not want to create a pairing that will have to face heavy debts right from the start." 

No way. If that's true, then why did so many people with criminal records sneak through??!  And as for debts --anyone who watched last season knows that Danielle entered their marriage at least $15,000 in debt! Do they not consider that a "heavy debt"?!


I also found this remark about payments made to MAFS participants interesting:

..."later reports seem to contradict this statement with claims of payments up to $15,000 for appearances on the initial season. By season three, payments were up to $25,000."

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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13 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:



"For anyone interested in participating on Married at First Sight, be prepared to go through a very thorough application process. The producers of the show don’t take the matchups lightly and do all that they can to eliminate anyone that could be potentially harmful to others. After filling out the application, each applicant then goes through  a thorough background check and complete details of your criminal records will be scoured.

In addition, credit checks are run to get an estimate of any outstanding debts you might owe as producers do not want to create a pairing that will have to face heavy debts right from the start." 


Then why did so many people with criminal records sneak through??


Exactly! Did the producers know about Mia's arrest for stalking or not?

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1 hour ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

Exactly! Did the producers know about Mia's arrest for stalking or not?

I don't really know who to believe but the MAFS people have always claimed that the Order of Protection was filed after they did the background screening.  It could be a cya thing, which I tend to believe, or they could be telling the truth, which I do not believe.  Pick your poison I guess, lol.  

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If Season 8 got married Sept 7+8

then the 7 weeks decision was the last week of October.

The remaining contestants are in their 4th month of marriage as of early Jan 2019...

 Decision Day will be aired approximately in the middle of March.

Just getting my ducks in a row....

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