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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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It makes sense but I like to wait till facts come in.

I am hoping this spoiler is wrong. I don't want to believe someone would do something this mean & crazy to another person and still act pious on Twitter.

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I really hope that David exposes her at the reunion. She  cannot get away with this that easily. 

What they need to do is ask her if she's 'seeing anyone', and NOT ask if she's 'seeing anyone new' - because IF she HAS gotten back with her ex, she could truthfully say she is NOT seeing 'anyone new'.  But...I doubt that will happen.


She and David will never admit any of this, because if they were in on it together (staying together just for the money from the show), I think they'd be in trouble (contract-wise). JMO, though. 

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I am hoping this spoiler is wrong. I don't want to believe someone would do something this mean & crazy to another person and still act pious on Twitter.

That's the meaning of the phrase, "The lady doth protest too much." If you're guilty and you know it, you'll defend yourself in the extreme. it sure sounds like Ashley painted herself into a corner with this show and reacted by trying to blame David ("I'm not attracted to him and that's why I'm so cold to him") when the truth was she used the show AND David to get her boyfriend to come back.


Go, experts!

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I was asked if I had any questions for the insider. I wanted to know what Ashley was really like. The insider said she is nice but very cold..

If you were to ask the insider one question, what would it be?

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Well, that would make sense if her "make him jealous by going on MAFS" plan worked by the time of the honeymoon, because she really shut down after that!

Seriously, I think both Ashley and Jamie ought to be slapped with breach of contract for going on this show when they were NOT ready for a new relationship with ANYONE. And the "experts" ought to be sued for malpractice for not being able to tell when a person is still hung up on an ex and is doing the show on the rebound and/or trying to make the ex jealous.


I couldn't agree more. If this comes out at some point where it can show it was true then I believe that she should be sued for breaking contract. The experts are such jokes that David should sue them and those behind the show for not following through on what they promised him in contracts. 


If he stays with her, that dude is in for a horrible life.

Id laugh if Ashley went through this, gets exposed as a liar, is publically vilified - all so she can be with her dream man - who uses her for sex for a few months before dumping her again.


Sadly there are many men and women that would do this. There are to many selfish asses in this world nowadays. 


Amazingly how this selfish bitch can toy with somebody's emotions like this. These experts need to go.


Yes they do. Honestly each season should have brought in new experts. Especially after seeing how Season 2 had gone. That should have been it for those 4 and a new set brought in. They are the biggest jokes IMO. 


I am hoping this spoiler is wrong. I don't want to believe someone would do something this mean & crazy to another person and still act pious on Twitter.


Again sadly that is the way so many will act on SM nowadays. I honestly hate what SM has done. Its rarely a good thing from what I have seen but more a negative since people think they can act how they want on it since its not to a persons face. With something like this they will use it to try to save face in whatever way they can...even if they don't realize it makes them look worse. 


That's the meaning of the phrase, "The lady doth protest too much." If you're guilty and you know it, you'll defend yourself in the extreme. it sure sounds like Ashley painted herself into a corner with this show and reacted by trying to blame David ("I'm not attracted to him and that's why I'm so cold to him") when the truth was she used the show AND David to get her boyfriend to come back.


Go, experts!


BINGO!!! I think if she had kept her mouth shut and others she knows had as well on SM and then if she hadn't been so pathetic about the text we might see it as she was trying to hook up with the ex still or make him jealous. Yet it does come down to the point of wonder where she was when she was so late, why she was pushing so much on the text and getting so upset when she has done nothing but make sure everyone knows she doesn't like David and so on. The way she guards her purse is crazy but if she was hiding something then sure she would do so. I don't know if this rumor is true or not as well but hell if it is those experts should be fired and things need to be changed on how they find people. Such as if you are fresh out of a relationship...you shouldn't be picked. Especially if it had been a long 9 yr type. I would think there was a way to see if whoever was showing signs of being hung up on an ex or someone at all so they could cross those people off the list for the show. Honesty these people should have to give some sort of dating background from either high school until that time they filled the application out or from at least adulthood until the time of application. Just to get some idea of how it is with the person's dating past and how soon it was the last one they had or if it was just playing the field. I know there will be those that always lie on stuff so it wouldn't be 100% guarantee that they get legit people still but something needs to change with this show if they really want it to go on. 

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ctbabe just to clarify the 9 year relationship is not the guy she is back together with? From social media the guy posted above has been in a 4 year relationship and they posted about valentines together.

Do you know who the 9yrs guy is? You could msg me the info

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It's interesting to me that when anything negative is posted about David it's considered speculation and must be coming from someone in Ashley's camp in order to tarnish his reputation unecessarily, but the minute that anything is posted about Ashley it must be the God's honest truth and there is no hesitation in calling her a bitch, liar, etc. Talk about supporting a narrative... There's 3 sides to every story and I guarantee that as viewers of a highly edited reality tv show that we aren't seeing any of them.

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It's interesting to me that when anything negative is posted about David it's considered speculation and must be coming from someone in Ashley's camp in order to tarnish his reputation unecessarily, but the minute that anything is posted about Ashley it must be the God's honest truth and there is no hesitation in calling her a bitch, liar, etc. Talk about supporting a narrative... There's 3 sides to every story and I guarantee that as viewers of a highly edited reality tv show that we aren't seeing any of them.

No one has said it's the god's honest truth -- only that it seems to make sense.

And viewers are basing their conclusions on what they can see, which is Ashley acting aloof and cold at best, and David acting naively optimistic.

Edited by Nffftshewasgone
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It's interesting to me that when anything negative is posted about David it's considered speculation and must be coming from someone in Ashley's camp in order to tarnish his reputation unecessarily, but the minute that anything is posted about Ashley it must be the God's honest truth and there is no hesitation in calling her a bitch, liar, etc. Talk about supporting a narrative... There's 3 sides to every story and I guarantee that as viewers of a highly edited reality tv show that we aren't seeing any of them.

Hopefully, no one considers anything they read on the internet as the Gospel truth, but I think some people feel like these 'stories'  - IF TRUE - would explain some things they've seen on the show. Just my two cents worth. 

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Hopefully, no one considers anything they read on the internet as the Gospel truth, but I think some people feel like these 'stories' - IF TRUE - would explain some things they've seen on the show. Just my two cents worth.

Fair enough, I hope that's the case. I was refering to "Amazingly how this selfish bitch can toy with somebody's emotions like this" and the like.

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Obviously there's editing going on and no, we're not going to see everything. Therefore, we can only judge by what we do see. For me, it's a moot point whether or not Ashley did this to get back at an ex. Honestly, I couldn't care either which way. Yes, I expect producer manipulation on a reality show. I expect deception. Has David probably exaggerated his feelings for Ashley to play it up for the camera? Yeah, it's possible. But at least he feels something. I wasn't even bothered by most of SM mud slinging until last episode when Ashley's mother became the preacher about them evil evil cheaters. Not that I condone cheating at all. I'm married and I would never be okay with it, but Ashley just never appeared to be into it. At all. So, yeah. True or not, it's nagl on her to let others throw David under the bus on her behalf. I don't know what their arrangement is/was, but for what it's worth, David has been very careful in his interviews with his words. If he despises her, he's not letting it show.

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I wasn't even bothered by most of SM mud slinging until last episode when Ashley's mother became the preacher about them evil evil cheaters. Not that I condone cheating at all. I'm married and I would never be okay with it, but Ashley just never appeared to be into it. At all. So, yeah. True or not, it's nagl on her to let others throw David under the bus on her behalf.


If this rumor is true, Ashley better hire a bodyguard. After her mom preached what a cheater David is then to find out Ashley did the show just to get her ex jealous...wow, can't get any more hypocritical than that. I don't care for Ashley but I'm hoping this isn't true. If it is, I would seriously be afraid for her because of the anger it would cause. Some looney crazy person might really go after her. Edited by Paddywagon
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I think Ashley's mom claimed she had gotten death threats a while back, which is ridiculous and extreme obviously. It's not that serious that she should be threatened like that, or that anyone should. She should, however, be called out for going on a reality show about marriage and then pretty much half-assing it. Hopefully that comes with the reunion show. 


Ex or no ex, David was at level 10 commitment to this experiment while Ashley was at level 1. Maybe 2 sometimes. Which, whatever. Does it make her the most awful person in the world? No, but it kind of makes it difficult to have any leg to stand on in regards to criticizing David's behavior. 

Edited by JaggedLilPill
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I think Ashley's mom claimed she had gotten death threats a while back, which is ridiculous and extreme obviously. It's not that serious that she should be threatened like that, or that anyone should. She should, however, be called out for going on a reality show about marriage and then pretty much half-assing it. Hopefully that comes with the reunion show.

Claiming death threats is a great way to reestablish victim status. I don't believe her for a second.

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Fair enough, I hope that's the case. I was refering to "Amazingly how this selfish bitch can toy with somebody's emotions like this" and the like.

Yes that's me you are calling out. I still think she is a selfish bitch,even if it's not true that she screwed David over to make her ex jealous . There 2 reasons for the disparity:

1) Allegations of holding a knife to someone's throat is a serious crime. It can completely destroy somebody's life even if not true. On the other hand using a show and toying with a guys emotions, while slimy and despicable, is not illegal.

2) David pretty much has acted as a stand-up guy tolerating Ashley's bullshit and abusive behavior. Most guys would have either walked away, or gone coke-Ryan on her. David has not been perfect, but not much to complain about. The worst thing you can say about David's that he is needy and slightly delusional.

Ashley, on the other hand, has been a nasty rude bitch the whole time. Some people have given her the benefit of the doubt, but by episide 4 most have abandoned her. Her SM campaign is making her look even worse.

Edited by Gator Stud
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Maybe I'm missing something. What's with all the comparisons of Jamie to Ashley? Jamie is still married to Doug



If you read her thread in the MAFS:First Year, you will find out some interesting things about Jaimie.  Jamie has been in love with this guy (not Doug) for quite a few years.  She went on the Bachelor to make him jealous. The guy is in his forties, but looks much younger.  If you saw them together you would not realize the age difference.  The guy is a musician and wrote the song Jamie and Doug danced to at their reception.


Most people think that Jamie is still in love with her ex.  She often seems like she barely tolerates Doug.


On the show, she talks about how she can not stand not having this guy in her life.  She wants Doug to met him, so they can all be friends.  Doug is understandably reluctant to do so.


This could be one of the reasons she is so sympathetic with Ashley.

Edited by qtpye
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So Ashley can evidently Crack a smile and at one time dated a guy who challenged himself by cycling across the country...I don't even know what to make of that. She went all that way to see him and spend time with him and before she left said she wanted to date other people? ?? ?? ?? Does she just enjoy breaking hearts? I'm more confused than ever.

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Bike riding blogger seems like a self absorbed frat boy. Quits his job to cycle across the country.  And Ashley is now a bitch because she doesn't want to 'go steady' with her absentee boyfriend anymore?  They should see other people if they aren't going to be seeing each other.


It was too soon whether it was 6 months or a year after the break-up of a long term relationship. I can believe that Ashley did the show for money and to make an ex jealous.  I don't think anything that Atlanta Insider said isn't anything that any one of us could have supposed on our own.

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 Ashley wants a guy who is exciting like the biker boy, has a ton of money and absolutely no needs of his own aside from pleasing Ashley.

Well, if David is everything he claims to be, you just described him and she doesn't want him either.

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"Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it".


But there is something David doesn't have - The right hair color!

I cannot wait for the reunion. Ashley will accuse David of acting inappropriately and stalkerish.

"He kept on trying to talk to me and asking me inappropriate question like, what is my favorite color. He kept asking about my family and what I like to do for fun. Total weirdo."

"Then he total crossed the line and did something super creepy. He tried to hold my hand and sexually assaulted me by kissing me on the cheek. He almost raped me when he threw me on the bed, but luckily I was able to escape. How is it that the show put me in these dangerous situations?"

"Then to make things even worse, he cheated on me with my friend, and I saw the text. He might have held a knife to her throat "

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Everyday something interesting comes out about Ashley. This is not even about the past but about the present.

Ashley is so vindictive... 2 weeks back, I advsed her on instagram to stop the likes and winks when someone writes mean stuff abt David. She responded that the truth would come out. She was definitely waiting for the text so the momentum would shift. When it didn't work, the next steps Ashley took made her look vindictive and bitter.. Hate can NEVER be stopped with hate.

I would hold on to my NEW spoiler and see what else Camp Ash comes up with.

Edited by ctbabe
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The more things I hear about the marriage, the angrier I get.. I HOPE everything come out.. I hope when it comes out, we judge as humans and not support someone because she is a woman.


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Biker dude's blog is his viewpoint - doesn't make it fact.  So what that he said that Ashley said that they should see other people.  They were 9 years into a relationship and he takes 6 months off from his regular life including his job and her.  And she should sit at home dutifully waiting for him to return to her?  Was he hooking up with other people?  Was that a pattern with him?  Who knows.  I guess it's more 'fun' to dump on Ashley and cast her as a villain in every circumstance.




This makes me laugh.  Did she run up his credit cards?  Have him donate a kidney?  Or just 'use' him as a way to get back at an ex?  Neither one of this couple is a flawless gem or without an ulterior motive.



I hope when it comes out, we judge as humans and not support someone because she is a woman.

Doubt it.  Though I haven't seen much support of women from other women on these boards (or others).  Usually, people jump on the man's side.  Especially in the housewives shows, it's the 'poor picked upon husband' when in reality, they are just as imperfect as the wife.  It's be nice if people were viewed more objectively but that ain't gonna happen either. #jmo

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Biker dude's blog is his viewpoint - doesn't make it fact. I guess it's more 'fun' to dump on Ashley and cast her as a villain in every circumstance.


This makes me laugh.  Did she run up his credit cards?  Have him donate a kidney?  Or just 'use' him as a way to get back at an ex?  Neither one of this couple is a flawless gem or without an ulterior motive.

1) Certain people have taken it as a,fact that David stabbed a woman in the throat with a knife. But now people are concerned that the blog may be accurate?

2) Ashley is the villain. But she has dumped on herself. She doesn't need us to dump on her when she is acting crazy every week on my TV.

3) You said that David has faults too. Can you be specific? What are David's faults? That he is needy and keeps trying to talk to Ashley?

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I know lots of folks are still on the "Ashley and David" train this morning, but here is an interesting article from the Knot about Sam/Neil. However, you'd think that as a professional website, they would proof their articles a bit more. Typos everywhere!  I hope we get to see some of the things Sam mentions in the interview (like Neil standing up to her in their garage!).



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Everyone has faults. 


David can't read the room romantically-speaking, Ashley isn't forthcoming about her feelings, I take two when the sign says "Please Take One," and some of you folks swipe at each other instead of at the show despite several reminders to do just that. 



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Also - I read somewhere (perhaps here) that Tres and Vanesa may no longer be together, due to their lack of SM interaction. I searched Twitter last night and the PP is correct - they are NOT communicating with each other on Twitter, and Vanessa posts things that make it seem like she's heartbroken (like last night, after Adele performed the break up song "All I Ask" on the Grammys, she posted "My boo!!! Adele ... Sigh. Sing my life girl."   


I hope they are still together. It would suck is Sam and Neil were the only success this season. 

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It doesn't surprise me that Ashley is a little heartbreaker. No social anxiety. The woman just thinks she is too good for David and she can't be bothered to try. It was written all over her face from the wedding day. She's an ass.


Agree!! I never saw any social anxiety or social issues with her. Just a girl that didn't want to be with this guy because he wasn't her type at all. Nothing more! She could have handled it way better but instead of trying to just act friendly she went the cold bitch route. 

  I wonder who paid for her flight to see the ex in the blog above? I can't see spending your own money to go see the guy and then at the end of the week break up. Plus who does that? To me that comes off in bad light to go waste a week of time with someone and act all lovey dovey then break up. SMH Sorry but normal people don't want to spend that much time with a person they plan to break up with. BTW, there are plenty of people in this world that run off from jobs and such to travel cross country or backpack across Europe. Most do it before kids. Which IMO would be better to do then later in life when they have a family (IF they ever have one). If he had come from a family with some money and started dumpster diving, MAYBE at that point his family had cut off funds or he was sparingly spending his money he had saved from the job before to do this or running low at that point because he didn't manage money well...the list could go on and on for why he did that. A little odd for most to do though. 

  This is why the so called experts should really be asking about relationship histories and digging into them from the how long to the how did it end. Not just the last one they had or the longest one but each one they had. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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Biker dude's blog is his viewpoint - doesn't make it fact. So what that he said that Ashley said that they should see other people. They were 9 years into a relationship and he takes 6 months off from his regular life including his job and her. And she should sit at home dutifully waiting for him to return to her? Was he hooking up with other people? Was that a pattern with him? Who knows. I guess it's more 'fun' to dump on Ashley and cast her as a villain in every circumstance.

This makes me laugh. Did she run up his credit cards? Have him donate a kidney? Or just 'use' him as a way to get back at an ex? Neither one of this couple is a flawless gem or without an ulterior motive.

Doubt it. Though I haven't seen much support of women from other women on these boards (or others). Usually, people jump on the man's side. Especially in the housewives shows, it's the 'poor picked upon husband' when in reality, they are just as imperfect as the wife. It's be nice if people were viewed more objectively but that ain't gonna happen either. #jmo

Why not hear my spoiler first before concluding? Is it because your mind is already made up?

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The title of the article: Neil is very sexy. I laughed. Sam needs to stop.


As for Vanessa and Tres: I still trust my guy. he was never ready for marriage and when the cameras stopped rolling, he dropped his doting husband act. 

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Why not hear my spoiler first before concluding? Is it because your mind is already made up?

It is possible that she is only drawing conclusions from the info that's already out there and not spoilers that have yet to be revealed.

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“During the honeymoon, Neil told me he didn’t find me attractive either,” Role admits to The Knot


Neil was polite enough to not mention it on camera. I always knew he didn't find Sam attractive. His boys asked him about it several times and he never gave a straight answer. 


Role recently asked Bowlus to be a “noodle” in bed, and she rubbed his face in a joking manner. We asked her if she considered her actions flirting. “I was definitely flirting with Neil in both situations!” she admits. “Did you see him in those glasses? So freaking cute!”


Everyone here caught that moment when she lifted her shirt while in bed. Sam was ready for action but Neil didn't want to go there. understandably. 


“I also remember saying I was ‘indifferent’ when Dr. Pepper had asked us early on if we were committed to the marriage,” she goes on. “It was a rough few weeks for us at that point, and I was extremely upset with Neil in that moment. Looking back, I knew I was still committed, but my selfish actions wouldn’t allow me to say it out loud. That’s another thing that I changed about myself. No matter how upset I may be, I say how I feel in a kind and respectful way, because being mean isn’t fair or appropriate to the other person no matter what the circumstances.”


SM says otherwise Sam. You're constantly attacking people on twitter and don't know how how to put your point across politely. 


We asked Role if she and Bowlus have went on double dates with other Married at First Sight newlyweds. “No double dates just yet,” she admits, “but hopefully soon!”



Viewers have been less-than-friendly with Role on social media. We asked if the comments have shifted since her change of heart and what she thinks of the fan reactions. “Less than friendly is an understatement!” Role laughs, “but yes, it has shifted dramatically. So much so that some fans of Married at First Sight are starting to apologize to me for being so mean.”

“It’s kind of shocking honestly,” she admits, “but I knew what was coming in reference to me and Neil’s relationship. I just had to take it in stride. Luckily, Neil, my best friend Sammie, and the experts were always there supporting me, ensuring that I remember that there was a light at the end of the tunnel that soon the fans would see.”

“When it comes to the positive comments and fans who have been kind since day one, I appreciate them and all the support that they’ve always given me more than words could express,” Role tells The Knot. “I’m not sure that, as a viewer, I would’ve been as kind or loyal.”

“As far as the negative comments, I understand,” she says openly. “People become emotionally invested into this show, and it’s almost like they’re living it with us. I can’t judge them or their comments. If I did, then I would only be doing the same thing that they are doing to me on social media. Not to mention, some of the negative comments are right. Watching the show at times made me feel the same way about myself as they did.”


Sam barely hides her thirst for fame. My fans this, my fans that.

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Why not hear my spoiler first before concluding? Is it because your mind is already made up?



The only thing that my mind is made up about is that this is a show.  As I have said before, no-one is flawless or perfect. And none of this impacts my life directly so perhaps it's easier for me to be objective?  Dunno.

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Well, if David is everything he claims to be, you just described him and she doesn't want him either.

David isn't extremely exciting, nor is he only concerned about Ashley's feelings - that's been a giant problem for her. His inability to just sit there, pay for things, entertain her and not expect her to give anything to the marriage is the reason he's a bad match.

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How about I start small?

Ashley never wore her ring when off camera. When she was confronted with this, sw told the 'expert' her classmate didn't know she was married.

Her parents came visiting when the show was filming. She didn't tell David or the producers. she secretly went to dinner with them without telling anyone. She only allowed Ashley houser and her roommate to stop by the house for a short period. She didn't want her people to communicate with David.

She was on her phone so much that David had to tell an expert about that. The expert intervened and told her to stop.

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“During the honeymoon, Neil told me he didn’t find me attractive either,” Role admits to The Knot


Neil was polite enough to not mention it on camera. I always knew he didn't find Sam attractive. His boys asked him about it several times and he never gave a straight answer. 


Role recently asked Bowlus to be a “noodle” in bed, and she rubbed his face in a joking manner. We asked her if she considered her actions flirting. “I was definitely flirting with Neil in both situations!” she admits. “Did you see him in those glasses? So freaking cute!”


Everyone here caught that moment when she lifted her shirt while in bed. Sam was ready for action but Neil didn't want to go there. understandably. 


“I also remember saying I was ‘indifferent’ when Dr. Pepper had asked us early on if we were committed to the marriage,” she goes on. “It was a rough few weeks for us at that point, and I was extremely upset with Neil in that moment. Looking back, I knew I was still committed, but my selfish actions wouldn’t allow me to say it out loud. That’s another thing that I changed about myself. No matter how upset I may be, I say how I feel in a kind and respectful way, because being mean isn’t fair or appropriate to the other person no matter what the circumstances.”


SM says otherwise Sam. You're constantly attacking people on twitter and don't know how how to put your point across politely. 


We asked Role if she and Bowlus have went on double dates with other Married at First Sight newlyweds. “No double dates just yet,” she admits, “but hopefully soon!”



Viewers have been less-than-friendly with Role on social media. We asked if the comments have shifted since her change of heart and what she thinks of the fan reactions. “Less than friendly is an understatement!” Role laughs, “but yes, it has shifted dramatically. So much so that some fans of Married at First Sight are starting to apologize to me for being so mean.”

“It’s kind of shocking honestly,” she admits, “but I knew what was coming in reference to me and Neil’s relationship. I just had to take it in stride. Luckily, Neil, my best friend Sammie, and the experts were always there supporting me, ensuring that I remember that there was a light at the end of the tunnel that soon the fans would see.”

“When it comes to the positive comments and fans who have been kind since day one, I appreciate them and all the support that they’ve always given me more than words could express,” Role tells The Knot. “I’m not sure that, as a viewer, I would’ve been as kind or loyal.”

“As far as the negative comments, I understand,” she says openly. “People become emotionally invested into this show, and it’s almost like they’re living it with us. I can’t judge them or their comments. If I did, then I would only be doing the same thing that they are doing to me on social media. Not to mention, some of the negative comments are right. Watching the show at times made me feel the same way about myself as they did.”


Sam barely hides her thirst for fame. My fans this, my fans that.


Sorry but not buying anything said by her. And agree she has shown she is the same nasty mean person on SM when things are said she doesn't like. She will never change because of the kind of person she is. If Neil stays then he is never going to be happy. I don't buy the whole putting hands on his face after he said he didn't like that as flirting. That was being a rude bitch. Otherwise she would have said sorry for doing it and she wouldn't do it again now that she knew he wasn't ok with it but no she rather be the one that grabs his face and roughly rubs it with dirty hands. I am one of many that would never apologize for my comments on her because she has shown how much of a narcissistic bully she is from the show to SM over the months the show has been on. I bet that the story on Neil standing up to her in the garage was either BS or she had a tantrum and just won't own up to that part of it. This may be something that if it did happen wasn't caught on camera either. If it had been it could be another producer driven look at her and has she has turned around to this person now BS. I wish the person doing the interviewing would have called her out on her BS about her behavior. I know its not that kind of site for that and its just them trying to play up the lies with the show but boy it would be good if someone called her out for her crap.

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I know some folks were wondering if there had been a reunion show filmed for this season.  Tres posted this a few hours ago.


"Tres Russell Verified account 
Tres Russell Retweeted Hailey Boggus

Last regular episode tonight. Decision day next week. Reunion show the following week #MarriedAtFirstSight"

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I know some folks were wondering if there had been a reunion show filmed for this season.  Tres posted this a few hours ago.


"Tres Russell Verified account 


Tres Russell Retweeted Hailey Boggus

Last regular episode tonight. Decision day next week. Reunion show the following week #MarriedAtFirstSight"

My understanding was the six month reunion was filmed around Jan 24-25 or so, and Jamie met with the participants for the "Unfiltered" interviews on Jan 26 and 27.   What concerns me is the TV Guide for my cable system lists next week's episode as "Final Decision Part 1". Nothing listed for a Part 2.  


Here is a link to Jamie's Twitter post about it: 



I'm REALLY hoping they don't drag this out for another week.

Edited by BonnieLass
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