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S22.E17: Head of Household #6, Nominations #6


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They can try to throw all the drama they want at it, but please. Who honestly did not know as soon as Dani won that the noms would be Kevin and David?

What is weird is how Ian is constantly out of all nomination discussions. Are they all keeping him around because they think no one would vote for a previously winner to win again?

So once only the committee members + Enzo are left, what will they use in their Sunday Episode After School Special Segment? 

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I enjoyed this episode. It was very Danicentric and for once she seemed nice. She's believable when she says she likes everybody. And I thought she looked so cute with her afghan top and long blond hair. (It's obviously not all hers but it's really cute.) 

Unpopular opinion... I like Tyler's hair. I think it would look good on me. 😁

I enjoyed the Kevin segment too. I know lots don't enjoy the serious moments, but I find them refreshing and sometimes really informative. 

I'm really looking forward to Tuesday to see how David's power plays out. 

Ian was mostly invisible. I barely recognize him as the player in past episodes. Like Nicole, he seems sort of bedraggled. 

Day surprised me tonight with her "acting". She's starting to be fun to watch. 

If I was in that brutal wall comp and someone was yelling instructions at me like all my worst gym teachers and aerobics instructors combined, I'd lose it. 😁

. ETA I just read the post above me. Clearly Dani's look isn't for everyone 😁

ETA Also the post below me!!! 

Edited by Melina22
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Fun fact: the scene where Dani jumps out of the pillow pile in the showmance room and scares the shit out of Cody happened about a half hour after Round Two of Christmas versus Bayleigh/Da'Vonne which is why Christmas is sitting at the dining room table with a puffy face and (blink and you miss it) her head spins around like the little girl in The Exorcist when Cody comes out yelling about the ultimate betrayal. I think because she hoped that a bigger fight would wipe out her fight but instead it was Da'Vonne and Dani and Cody joking and laughing. Insert sad trombone noise here.  

The editing made it look like Dani changes her clothes for every conversation but every other conversation must be conducted while wearing the granny square shirt. You'd think she would pick a better look than the afghan on the back of the Conner's couch but then again, she keeps wearing that mountie hat sooo...

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6 minutes ago, mojoween said:

“Alright guys!  Lock it in!”

Dani’s dumb hat, flower barrette and obnoxiously long hair make me viscerally angry.  I know that’s irrational, but here we are.

Guess this is one of those agree to disagree things. Dani looked damn cute in that hat and her hair is beautiful. Doesn't change her personality but the wrapping is easy on the eyes (sans nose ring)

Hey look at that...an entire episode of build up to take out a big target to end with shooting fish in a barrel.

That has to be the first time we've seen that on an episode of BIG BROTHER

Oh, wait....

This is exactly what Kaysar was talking about during his exit interview. He was bored with the game because its all about picking the low hanging fruit and nobody using the HOH to eliminate a true threat in the game. So they are all just going to let Cody and Nicole coast into the final two?

Not sure what was more annoying Enzo on the wall of Christmas as a sideline coach.

Kind of delicious on how Dani was completly oblivious to the HOH being thrown and handed to her. The only thing more delicious was knowing that David actually his made the SMARTEST game move of his career by keeping that Disrupter Power a total secret. Had he let on he would have likely been manipulated into using to save Day or Bay and now would be a sitting duck ready to be blown out of the water.

Kevin=professional pawn. So tired of his exaggerrted facial expressions. Maybe it is time for the pawn to go home.

So is "if you swing you better not miss" the new overused phrase replacing "blood on my hands"?

With the practical joke I knew that somewhere James is smiling (which is good because I imagine he might need some cheering up as I'm willing to guess his super hot girlfriend from the BB house probably ditched him long ago).


I'd be okay with the crochet top and the hat and even the long hair if it wasn't so obviously fake. Extensions are beautiful nowadays. Not sure why hers look way too synthetic and unnatural.  And sadly that's about all I have to say on this episode.

1 hour ago, Maya said:

Does Memphis talk game with anyone, ever? Does he even talk to anyone? Talk about coasting. 

Old grumpy Memphis can't talk game because his back hurts...except for when he's horizontal hanging onto a wall.

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6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I enjoyed the Kevin segment too. I know lots don't enjoy the serious moments, but I find them refreshing and sometimes really informative.

They can seen scripted to me.  But even if this wasn't I find this whole 'representation' thing annoying.  People represent themselves and that only, so to think more than that just sounds like excessive ego.  It also plays into tokenism casting, someone being cast to represent a group or to fill a particular niche, not because they would be the best pick for the actual game itself.


6 hours ago, SHD said:

Dani bragging about winning the HOH after basically everyone at the end threw it was hilarious.

If I completely believe that.  The heavier people were never winning that competition anyway, so after it they may just pretend they were throwing it.  Dani said she was throwing it yet she won it, so she obviously she wasn't throwing it.


6 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Not sure what was more annoying Enzo on the wall or Christmas as a sideline coach.

The only thing more delicious was knowing that David actually his made the SMARTEST game move of his career by keeping that Disrupter Power a total secret. Had he let on he would have likely been manipulated into using to save Day or Bay and now would be a sitting duck ready to be blown out of the water.

Enzo is clearly being built up to be a comedy part, the terrible monkey wrench DR script the other week showed that.  But I don't find him that funny.

There is sense in David keeping the power secret when he really doesn't need to use it.  But if he feels he is in danger and he is very likely to have to use it I suppose he could tell the HoH in advance that he would have to use it, just so he pisses less people off while still staying safe.

I'm sure they could have shown the power being used this episode too, most would have expected to see that at the nominations ceremony.  Taking up most of the show with the competition was annoying as usual.

Edited by amazingracefan
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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

They always go after the low hanging fruit simply because if they went after their own, the individual doing so would become an immediate target.  Tyler made himself a target by talking about Dani.

This season continues to be a dud of epic proportions.


And yet Tyler the Target wasn't nominated.   I don't believe Dani would backdoor him but I'd like to be wrong.  Not because I want to see Tyler leave but because she would be the first to actually play the game this season. 

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Okay, what was going on?  Dani is in the diary room talking at around the eight minute mark on CC it said, Anal I'm so.

I have no interest in that prank shit, it is obnoxious.  The only thing going on in the house is Dani playing game, at least she tries to shake things up. 

I do like her afghan top.

They always go after the low hanging fruit simply because if they went after their own, the individual doing so would become an immediate target.  Tyler made himself a target by talking about Dani.

This season continues to be a dud of epic proportions.

As a collector of vintage afghans, I spent all the time when Dani as on screen trying to figure out if that top was made in China recently or was from the line of the guy who was on Shark Tank and made clothing from old afghans.  I couldn't decide, but I liked it.   They're making a come back!  I may be sitting on a gold mine.  

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Does Da'Vonne have no idea that Christmas is working with Dani?

Nope. She's a clueless as Kevin. It's why I really didn't feel bad for her or Bayleigh getting put up. Even after Christmas refused to take Tyler up on his offer to be backdoored, they still couldn't figure out it was because she was working with him.


I find this whole 'representation' thing annoying.  People represent themselves and that only, so to think more than that just sounds like excessive ego.  It also plays into tokenism casting, someone being cast to represent a group or to fill a particular niche, not because they would be the best pick for the actual game itself.

First of all, Kevin should worry about how he's representing his community, because he's an embarrassment in this game. Probably the worst player next to David.

Second of all, I agree about the tokenism. Every year BB casts the token gay guy and Kevin is sort of the epitome of what the casting people think is a typical gay guy: all flouncy and cartoonish. 

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I think, when watching this season on tv, I might as well have just watched a couple of episodes of Friends again. It's the same thing, really. I know all the lines and what happens, just like this season of BB. We at, what , week 5 and so far, every eviction has been par for the course. Sure, you could shuffle the names, but there hasn't really been a surprise. At least if I watched Friends again, it wouldn't annoy me quite as much.  And I still find a lot to laugh at-- after BB, I need an anti-depressant.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:


Second of all, I agree about the tokenism. Every year BB casts the token gay guy and Kevin is sort of the epitome of what the casting people think is a typical gay guy: all flouncy and cartoonish. 

Yep, right on the money. If you believe the casting directors the entire segment of the gay community who go about their business but simply happen to be gay (the best example of such a man was Caleb's boyfriend on SURVIVOR who tragically was killed in an on the job train accident) don't exist. Instead they lazily  zero in on the stereotypes every season.

Edited by North of Eden

I actually get Kevin's point that beyond just "gay pride" in general, segments within the community should have pride in their own culture, that feminine gay men such as himself should not be shamed for not conforming to the straight-presenting idea of "manhood".

However, it's somewhat of an odd point to make on a show that's had literally one gay male HG in its history who was not so much Kevin's particular "type" (Steven Daigle, BB 10…perhaps BB9 early-withdrawal Neil Garcia, too, but we barely got to meet him).  From Bunky to Tommy, most of the gay male HGs have been, if not much of a muchness, at least more of a more-ness, IMO.  Meanwhile, you had Drew Daniel and (allegedly) Steve Moses staying closeted because they couldn't get cast if they had been "out', since they weren't BB's idea of "gay".  (Again, allegedly.)

And speaking of potential minefields…it's interesting it's a bit of an issue for Yule to nominate two women of color, but not so much when Dani noms two men of color.  (I've yet to form an opinion on this topic; I merely note the dichotomy.)

Back to the game itself, I'm currently hoping that David has the acuity (and the acting chops) to feign complete surprise when he's saved by "The Disruptor".  A chorus of "Nah, man, it wasn't me.  I can't win anything.  I don't know why they did it…maybe this is one of those powers you can't use on yourself?" would not only make for "good TV" but it would serve David's game in several ways:

• If people think he didn't win the power, he may be less of a target.

• Confusion about who used the power will complicate Dani's replacement nominee choices, both immediately and after a possible veto comes into play.

• With luck, some "clever" overplayer will claim they saved David, and try to use this "credit" to gain favor with David in the game.  Thus exposing themselves as duplicitous to David, and to anybody whom David choses to let in on the news.

We'll see, of course.

Edited by Halting Hex
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I wish David had had to use the Disruptor power at the nomination ceremony, that would have flustered and surprised Dani and she'd have to name a replacement with no deliberation. I'm sure now what's going to happen is an announcement will be made that a power was used anonymously and David is saved, and Dani will have to name a replacement before Veto players are picked, giving her time to strategize (and in all likelihood nominate Ian.) Boring. BB stop denying us what little drama can be wrangled out of this season!!

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:


Second of all, I agree about the tokenism. Every year BB casts the token gay guy and Kevin is sort of the epitome of what the casting people think is a typical gay guy: all flouncy and cartoonish. 

I can’t really agree Kevin is a token, unless everyone on the show are tokens.  Every year there is a girl next door, and all American boy, a dude bro, a quirky/tatoo’d or colored hair (usually) female, a nerdy, small framed guy, a long blond haired female....BB casts types every year.   A gay guy is no different.

Appreciated Kevin’s sharing on representation.  I like being entertained and educated or exposed to different points of view

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 A gay guy is no different.

Kevin is a specific type of gay guy, which he himself acknowledged. There is a much wider spectrum of personalities among homosexuals than, say, Frat Bros or Tech Nerds. But even there, a stereotype is a stereotype so I agree they are all tokens in their own way. That's kind of the point. The show always casts the exact same characters every year. It's just different people playing them.

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19 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I'm sure now what's going to happen is an announcement will be made that a power was used anonymously

I thought it would be public, I'm sure it was said that some of the powers are publicly announced at least.  I suppose the producers will make up the rules as they go along, according to how they want it to play out.

5 minutes ago, After7Only said:


I can’t really agree Kevin is a token, unless everyone on the show are tokens.  Every year there is a girl next door, and all American boy, a dude bro, a quirky/tatoo’d or colored hair (usually) female, a nerdy, small framed guy, a long blond haired female....BB casts types every year.   A gay guy is no different.

Appreciated Kevin’s sharing on representation.  I like being entertained and educated or exposed to different points of view

The subject of tokenism that I brought up implied the whole cast.

You won't get much education on Big Brother, it will be rather simplistic and narrow.  These parts can even sound largely scripted.  Reality tv is more interesting when it plays out without lecturing but letting the audience make up their own minds.  And that's not something they want Julie Chen presenting. 

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24 minutes ago, amazingracefan said:

You won't get much education on Big Brother, it will be rather simplistic and narrow.  These parts can even sound largely scripted

To me, none of the segments this season have sounded scripted at all. Watching the body language and faces of the speakers and listeners, it feels very real.

Now the DRs definitely ARE scripted a lot of the time, and make me cringe. 

37 minutes ago, After7Only said:

I like being entertained and educated or exposed to different points of view

ME too. It's just one person's experience each time, and often is fairly simply expressed, but that's okay. They're not sociologists. I still enjoy it. 

ETA. I'm not trying to be obnoxious. amazinggracefan your viewpoint is perfectly valid. I just see things differently. 

Edited by Melina22
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I emphasize what Kevin's going through with his identity and all, but I'm glad he's on the block. Hopefully he's the one out, cause all he does on this show is whine which doesn't make good TV. I think David should wait to play the Veto before he uses his power in the off chance he wins it, I know I'm just kidding myself there.

6 hours ago, yanksno1 said:

I emphasize what Kevin's going through with his identity and all, but I'm glad he's on the block. Hopefully he's the one out, cause all he does on this show is whine which doesn't make good TV. I think David should wait to play the Veto before he uses his power in the off chance he wins it, I know I'm just kidding myself there.

If I understand correctly he has to use it before the veto, they could have actually done it during the nominations ceremony than drag it to the next episode.  Taking himself off the block also means he also can't be put up again via backdoor after veto I believe.

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On 9/14/2020 at 4:03 AM, amazingracefan said:

 I find this whole 'representation' thing annoying.  People represent themselves and that only, so to think more than that just sounds like excessive ego.  It also plays into tokenism casting, someone being cast to represent a group or to fill a particular niche, not because they would be the best pick for the actual game itself.

I see your point, but if BB would cast more than ONE gay person at a time, perhaps the pressure to represent would not be felt so strongly.  There’s a reason nobody ever feels a need to represent douche bros— the house is full of them.

18 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

And speaking of potential minefields…it's interesting it's a bit of an issue for Yule to nominate two women of color, but not so much when Dani noms two men of color.  (I've yet to form an opinion on this topic; I merely note the dichotomy.)

I don’t know about that; I think it’s been noted plenty. Maybe it was just in the live feeds thread. I also recall a bit of side eye when Kaysar and Kevin went on the block together.

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On 9/14/2020 at 3:10 AM, mertensia said:

If Dani didn't want to be HoH, why didn't she drop?

Well, remember, Dani has the "Reload" power (or whatever it's called) that lets an outgoing HoH play in the next HoH comp.  And that power can only be used this week or next.  So it behooves Dani to go for HoH while she can use that power. 

It's something of an editing choice that the show didn't mention this at all during the episode; I'm almost certain Dani would have spoken about it in her DR.  I guess they're wanting it to be a surprise when Dani uses her power on Thursday?  A bit cheap with the "drama", IMO.

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