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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Janelle just tried to feel out Ian. It was extremely awkward, and he didn't bite on any deal. Maybe later. Keyword is maybe.  The barrier is his friendship/alliance with Bad Nicole, but honestly if you didn't know, you would never guess Janelle and Ian played together before on another season. No chemistry or personal connection.

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4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Janelle just tried to feel out Ian. It was extremely awkward, and he didn't bite on any deal. Maybe later. Keyword is maybe.  The barrier is his friendship/alliance with Bad Nicole, but honestly if you didn't know, you would never guess Janelle and Ian played together before on another season. No chemistry or personal connection.

I keep on forgetting.  I don't know if I tried to block some of that season out of my mind or what.  But I often find myself saying, "Hey wait a minute, Ian and Janelle were on a season together as well."

9 minutes ago, vb68 said:

but honestly if you didn't know, you would never guess Janelle and Ian played together before on another season. No chemistry or personal connection.

2 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Ian's mentioned he doesn't talk to anyone from his season. 

Two things that Ian and Franzel have in common: they both are accused of not earning their wins and Janelle outright said so about both of them in interview/retrospectives/"blog posts" whatever. So they're both upset over that. 

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

I thought he maintained some relationship with Britney?

I was just thinking that should be the bridge between him and Janelle.

The only bridge they seemed to have is their absolute disdain for Danielle M. I'm pretty sure they could go on for hours with she's-a-psycho stories.

But she was nice to Nicole F. once.

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought he maintained some relationship with Britney?

I was just thinking that should be the bridge between him and Janelle.

I don't think so. He said the first night that he wished he had a life long friendship like you see with other people have in other seasons right in front of Janelle. He also said right in front of Janelle the first night that everyone in the Dan's Funeral article needs therapy and Britney is obviously in that. 

Kaysar "I am tired of being on the outside of alliances."

Janelle "We were in a 4 person alliance in All-stars and won the first four HOH's. We went after floaters and blew it."

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1 minute ago, mooses said:

David decided now was the time to tell Nicole A. thay he has the votes to stay?

I know he meant well and was trying to take some of the anxiety and pressure off of her, but...maybe wait until she gets some sleep after a rough evening at least.

This is going to be hilarious if some major something happens and the vote flips at the last second. I kinda hope it does now.

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Damn, Day was giving David some tough love. Way to kick a guy while he’s down.

It’s frustrating that J/K are trying so hard to save someone who thinks they’re the devil incarnate. They need to try and bond with David. I would think Kaysar might be able to make some inroads there, based on a shared experience of being outsiders.

Interesting to hear that Enzo and Tyler might be willing to work with J/K, but aren’t doing anything about it because neither J or K are talking to them. So maybe if Janelle had approached Enzo instead of Ian...

All demonstrating that J/K maybe do have a chance, but they’re trying to work with the wrong people.

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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Interesting to hear that Enzo and Tyler might be willing to work with J/K, but aren’t doing anything about it because neither J or K are talking to them.

Well that is a two way street.

I can not listen to either Dani or Kevin, but especially not together. 

Edited by vb68
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Didn't Janelle and Daniele have a talk recently about "pretending" they hate each other still? Daniele's doing a great job "acting." 

I don't really care about everyone trash talking everyone else because everyone does it (including us!), but I find it so interesting that they supposedly came in here as decent friends.

Enzo's pretty much the only lock for Jury in my mind. He's involved in about as much as most of them in those big messes, but everyone loves him. I can't imagine him going home next to most people.

Edited by mooses
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Earlier, NicoleA talked about having a breakdown after returning home from her season. At the time, she was about to take a shower and thinks she was triggered by the realization that she could do that with no cameras watching.

For about 10 minutes, the cameras have been locked on a shot of NicoleA showering. So... irony or trolling? Your choice.

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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I take it that David has never owned a cat. Okay then. Maybe get a dog if you want unconditional love. Cat? Eh, it's probably plotting your demise as you sleep because dinner was five minutes later than they demanded it. 


Sez you. My cat would never try to knock me off because then who would be her devoted lackey? Food, clean litter and ear squishes don't magically appear by themselves.

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8 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

I actually think Bay is playing a pretty good game right now also.

What I don't understand is why these early HOHs aren't targeting some of the obvious pairings/connections of players who were on the same season.  Nicola and David makes sense to put on the block together since they were on the same season. And I would 100% be putting up Tyler/Bay together, Jaysar, Cody/Bad Nicole, just for the obvious reasons, etc.

I would agree but I just watched her in the challenge and she didn’t handle things well there either. She also quit the final once she realized Kaycee would sleep inside and she would be outside - she did hurt her knee earlier but we were past the halfway mark by then.


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Janelle and Kaysar continue to entertain. There are operating on so many incorrect assumptions. They are clueless that nobody really wants to work with them. They are the common enemy that unites the rest of the house. They are two week shields to the rest of the house. No one really wants to work with them, and yet they plot. While including Memphis is their ally. Making plans with Xmas.
They have become the keystone alliance, and I love them! I love Janelle in this game. And her time will come when everyone sees how wrong they were about her. Nicole A specifically, Dani. Nicole F was correct tho!

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

Janelle and Kaysar continue to entertain. There are operating on so many incorrect assumptions. They are clueless that nobody really wants to work with them. They are the common enemy that unites the rest of the house. They are two week shields to the rest of the house. No one really wants to work with them, and yet they plot. While including Memphis is their ally. Making plans with Xmas.
They have become the keystone alliance, and I love them! I love Janelle in this game. And her time will come when everyone sees how wrong they were about her. Nicole A specifically, Dani. Nicole F was correct tho!



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Am I the only one who has already gotten bored with seeing Ian constantly having to recite his dialogue and act it out in the space saga?  I have to keep switching to another feed when he starts in with it.  It was funny the first time, but now I'm over it.  

Big Brother knows how to run a joke into the ground (another example of that is the terrible HOH competition last week, with the very unfunny Zoom clips of the wacky family that went on way, way, way too long), and yet they often don't show us a lot of the other stuff we want to see due to rampant feed-cutting and camera switching.   

Back in the BBOTT season a few years ago, Danielle had a punishment that she had to perform -- every time she heard the word "FORE" she had to go down to the pool and retrieve golf balls.  She had to get in the pool to do it most of the time, as opposed to just fishing them out without getting in.   Sometimes she could avoid going completely under water to retrieve them, but she was always soaking wet when she got out.  So if she heard FORE when she was asleep at 3 AM, she still had to get in the pool and fish out the golf ball.  For some reason I found that wildly entertaining in its simplicity.  No crazy costumes.  No lines of dialogue.  No time consuming pie-baking, step by step, 4 times a day.   Just a girl being inconvenienced by having to get in the pool at random times of the day and night.  Once she changed out of her regular clothes and into a bikini to get in the pool, the actual task of getting the golf balls went by very quickly because she was usually cold and wanted to get out of the water fast.   Whereas Ian's task, on the other hand, not only has to keep being repeated whenever BB wants him to do it, but each 'session' of acting out and reading the lines lasts too long (for my taste).

Edited by TVFan17
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The fart and Howie the Duck conversation between Enzo and Cody...this is what I get for my little bit of time on the feeds today. I *pay* CBS for this, lol?

Xmas asks Kaysar how he's feeling...back to talking about herself. Sigh. She really says every thought in her head, doesn't she?

Edited by CrazyDog
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Bayleigh's tweet from inside the house:


I guess that lets us know where she officially sits with Da'Vonne as of... whenever she wrote this before it was approved.  

Also Paulie and Christopher are going at it on Twitter so the outside drama is still great. 

Edited by Callaphera
17 hours ago, Maverick said:

 So if Memphis' nomination speech wasn't edited, these babies need grow the fuck up.  It was a dickish thing to say, but not worth everyone getting their knickers in this much of a wad over.  And let's be real, it's true.  David is not an All Star, he hasn't even really played (including this season).   He needs to show up.  I agree he was deserved to be a returned, just don't on All Stars. 

So Ian's experience was ruined too?   Maybe they should do a season with people who were tormented.  Anyone on an Evil Dick season could fill out the whole cast. 

I think -- like almost everything -- it comes down to tone and presentation. If Day/Bay had said it, it would've been OK. If anyone had said it jokingly & light-hearted, it MIGHT have been OK. But Memphis saying it, in a condescending tone, and in his IDGAF way, is probably what really turned everyone so off by it.


17 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't think Keesha has reappeared yet, all her social media posts seem to be written by someone who is not her but has the same super snarky voice as the person posting when she was in the house, and when asked in an interview about a first four buyback, Julie played coy (but of course, she would). Against that theory is the fact that apparently media outlets didn't have to submit questions to be pre-approved for Keesha's exit interviews. 

I honestly think that they're hedging their bets and keeping them in sequester/quarantine just in case Janelle goes out in the first four weeks, so they have an excuse to bring her back in a Minnesota Real Estate Pricing comp. Also Helen was pushed. 

I did read a Q&A by Entertainment Weekly for Keesha, where she pretty much answers all, so I am *doubting* a buyback. But I guess if someone read it and made sure that it was OK, the same way they do for the Tweets that the houstguests are doing while IN the house, it could still be possible.

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13 hours ago, mooses said:

I was so confused about Janelle's plan with pairs that includes  Kaysar/Janelle, Bayleigh/Da'Vonne...and Christmas and Ian? Do they even speak?

Well... considering Take Your Daughter To Work Day extended her Safety Suite +1 protection to Ian, I don’t think assuming some form of relationship exists between the two is stepping too far out of line....

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2 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

Am I the only one who has already gotten bored with seeing Ian constantly having to recite his dialogue and act it out in the space saga?  I have to keep switching to another feed when he starts in with it.  It was funny the first time, but now I'm over it.  


I was over it the minute it began. And let's not forget Alex's camping punishment. At least it didn't take up any feed audio. 

Didn't Hayliegh have to recite shakespear too? ughhhh

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I actually feel like the "are you wearing a wig?" moment is getting blown out of proportion a little bit because the day before, Da'Vonne was quizzing a whole room full of people - including Cody - about what was a wig, what was a weave, what are clip-ins versus tape-ons, etc. It went on for awhile, eventually morphed into something else, but there was a good twenty minutes of Da'Vonne joking with them about hair and different nail styles and whatnot. So I understand the optics of asking a black woman if she's wearing a wig currently but when taken in context of their quiz game the day before, it sounds more like Cody was remembering that and trying to put her current hair into perspective. It's not great but there is context to it. It was definitely random timing, though.

Edited by Callaphera
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On 8/16/2020 at 4:06 PM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

If the house does not understand that ousting Nicole F. now is a fantastic opportunity and end up voting accordingly, they are idiots.  

If Memphis' position is that shaky, what was he doing genuinely trying to win POV?  

Ousting Cody is smarter but they be idiots. I dont get why this Douchebag is protected by bascially everyone. The fact that he is never brought up as a target should be a red flag that he's very dangerous and needs to go 

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Aw David tells Kaysar he looks up to them. 

Just now, Josh371982 said:

Ousting Cody is smarter but they be idiots. I dont get why this Douchebag is protected by bascially everyone. The fact that he is never brought up as a target should be a red flag that he's very dangerous and needs to go 

The only people who want to target Cody is Janelle and Kaysar. They want to backdoor him. 

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

So NicoleA is already saying she wants to be evicted. She says she wants to go home to her family.


Girlfriend was not made for this show or any other reality show. She was strong at the end of her first season but then she reverted back to her shell this season. I’m kind of disappointed in her. I still think she’s nice and cute but she really needs to toughen up a bit and get some backbone. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

Girlfriend was not made for this show or any other reality show. She was strong at the end of her first season but then she reverted back to her shell this season. I’m kind of disappointed in her. I still think she’s nice and cute but she really needs to toughen up a bit and get some backbone. 

Kind of a strange dichotomy there; a lot of the qualities which tend to put a person into play for AFHG consideration, pretty much work against them actually winning the game....

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7 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Girlfriend was not made for this show or any other reality show. She was strong at the end of her first season but then she reverted back to her shell this season. I’m kind of disappointed in her. I still think she’s nice and cute but she really needs to toughen up a bit and get some backbone grow up

FTFY, bolding my change.

Eeyore Nicole thinks she's "quirky" as a brand but considering the constant baby voice, the "Otay!" instead of "Okay!", and the childish attachment to unicorns (nothing wrong with adults loving unicorns but there's a difference between loving them and creating your persona around them), it's like she's stuck in a perpetual state of being seven years old. She's 25. You can be cute and quirky and nice and still an adult. Personally I have trouble taking her seriously because of all of it. I also don't think it's genuine but because she's done it for so long, she believes it's genuine. 

Edited by Callaphera
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19 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

HG's on a shit-talking binge about the infamous Danielle Murphree. DR had to give her meds because she was threatening to physically harm Ian. Ian said she ruined his BB experience. So week 2 JoJo said Danielle was fat. Janelle said that was effed up and somehow by the time Danielle was done with the story it was Janelle who had called her fat.

And Danielle Murphree has responded on twitter:


She can STFU! She was a nasty insecure irrational loon who targeted Janelle for the dumbest reasons 

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