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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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25 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

If Day uses the veto, the result will be the same. Tyler stays and she really isn’t in a better position than she was before. 

True, but she'd at least have one more ally in the house. I know it's a stretch, but maybe her, Kevin or David could manage to win the next HOH and they'd be safe for one more week.

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I made all these posts in the Summary thread, so I'll transfer them here:

First post: 

Someone is up and in the kitchen but I can't tell who since the lights didn't turn on.

It was Christmas. She went back to bed.

Post #2:

David's up! and so is Dani in the HOH room.

Our friend Fiery Gizzard, TN (Memphis) is up in the backyard, slurping his coffee (full sound effects). By the way Fiery Gizzard is actually Fiery Gizzard Recreation Area, TN. 

Da'Vonne is up and in the bathroom. David is joining her there. Kevin is also there with a towel on his head.

Looks like Dani has a picture album of her daughter which she's looking at.

third post:

Fiery Gizzard went inside to grab a pile of blankets and now he's back out, but  - he forgot the milk! so he went back in to get it.

In the background you hear: "Wakey wakey house guests!"

Hurray - Christmas is up, wearing her sunglasses in the house.

Nicole and Enzo in the storage room.

Post #4:

Nicole and Dani are discussing Da'Vonne and her POV win. They don't want her to use because then Ian will go up. (Why would Ian have to go up and go home?) So I guess if Da'Vonne uses POV Dani will put up Ian. 

They are afraid Ian will freak out if he is on the block. Someone else is in HOH, too. I think Nicole is actually talking to Christmas, not Dani.

I'm trying to make some sense out of this conversation. Nicole is afraid of losing Da'Vonne's trust. Dani says Da'Vonne has no idea of what's going on. Nicole wants to say to Da'vonne, "I just found out Ian's going to be the replacement if you use the veto," except Da'Vonne would know that this would be a lie because she knows Da'Vonne knows she knew yesterday.  Maybe if Nicole says she promises not to vote for Kevin Da'Vonne won't use veto. She knows Ian will freak out if he is up. Is there any way Da'Vonne could not use veto?

The thing is, Da'Vonne could say, maybe someone else will go up. 

Well, Nicole is going to talk to Da'Vonne now. She'll say that Ian really likes Day and will be so sad if he's voted out. The problem is Da'Vonne thinks Ian won't be voted out if he goes up. Nicole is asking Dani's and Christmas's permission to say this to Da'Vonne.

Da'Vonne wants to take Kevin down because Kevin told her that if she doesn't use the veto she will lose Kevin's jury vote and lose him as a friend.

Dani says this doesn't make sense because jury votes don't matter if you don't make it to the end. Nicole says no one will take someone (to the end) that is loved by the jury. 


STARS to end this conversation. Too secret I suppose. Now we see Christmas and Fiery Gizzard talking about Nicole outside.

Post #5:

So the plan is to vote out Ian if Da'Vonne uses the veto. Dani and Nicole about this like it's graven in stone.

Nicole is going to tell Da'Vonne that she is stressed and doesn't want Ian to go home. 

I'd write more but I'm having trouble understanding the logic behind all this. Nicole is off to talk to Da'Vonne!

That's it for now except the conversation with Da'Vonne hasn't taken place yet. Nicole went down to the bathroom, had an awkward "good morning" with Da'Vonne, then silence, then Nicole and Enzo were called to the diary room.

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OK they're in the Love Room now. Nicole is so stressed because Ian won't take it well, doesn't know what David do, etc., is there anything she can do or say to keep Ian from going up. She loves him so much and doesnt want to see him stressed. It breaks her heart. Da'Vonne says David said he would never vote Tyler to stay in the house. If Kevin came down, it would be 4-4 and Dani would have to break the tie. She doesn't think Cody will vote out Ian. Nicole says Ian will get really nervous this week, best case scenario is 4-4 and Dani would break tie. Da'Vonne thinks Dani would break tie to oust Tyler and doesn't think that matters.

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12 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Da'Vonne wants to take Kevin down because Kevin told her that if she doesn't use the veto she will lose Kevin's jury vote and lose him as a friend.


*stomps off like a child*

4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Nicole is so stressed because Ian won't take it well, doesn't know what David do, etc., is there anything she can do or say to keep Ian from going up. She loves him so much and doesnt want to see him stressed. It breaks her heart.

Well then, I guess her heart is going to get pulverized when he gets upset at her laughing at his autism behind his back, huh?

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Nicole wants to protect Ian. Da'Vonne is talking common sense, but she thinks the plan is to get out Tyler. But I believe the plan is now to get Ian out and Nicole wants to protect him. She says she is worried David will flip and vote Ian out. Da'Vonne says David wouldn't do that. Kevin is also putting a lot of pressure on Da'Vonne to use veto - threatens to not be her friend and a jury vote.

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These morons were really plotting to interrupt the Veto Ceremony and ask the nominees to leave so they could pile on Day, in hopes to convince her that she doesn't need to use the veto.  That is the dumbest thing EVER.  That would convince her 100% to use it! Cannot wait until feeds return, but given the track record of TPTB this year, I wouldn't be surprised if we were blocked for a bit.

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2 hours ago, MitaJo said:

I was lucky enough to have the feeds or maybe it was Showtime After Dark, the night Chima flipped out and ended up being put out of the house. That was a great night, LOL. But other than that, they are boring for the most part. I did sign up for the 7-Day CBS All Access after Day won the Veto and now look! I think I'll just stick to the YouTube clips after this week. Unless some good stuff pops off after today's Veto meeting. Please let Day use it!


Me too! Season 11 was great because they saved all the fights for After Dark or the fall out from the fights. It's one of the reasons why I love season 11.

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1 minute ago, Slider said:

Cannot wait until feeds return, but given the track record of TPTB this year, I wouldn't be surprised if we were blocked for a bit.

I just realized Day wasn’t even close to being ready so then meeting won’t even start for another hour at least lol. The feeds are gonna be down forever. Ugh!

11 hours ago, Nashville said:

Are we honestly up to five hours of cut feeds because of a wall yeller?
Looks more to me like Production is simply taking any opportunity - or excuse - they can to block the feeds.
Which is kind of a bitch move, considering they’re charging people for the access.

100% a bitch move by CBS. 24/7 feeds, my ass. They are cutting them as often and for as long as they can for no good reason. It has become crystal clear that CBS' takeaway from the public outcry against the Season 21 cast was not to cast better people or to provide better diversity/sensitivity training or anything like that. No, CBS decided that they just need to do a better job of hiding such behaviors better. It's pathetic. 

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Poor Nicole has to pretend to Ian that he's staying and to Da'Vonne that Ian is staying. Why did Day use the veto? Oh no, she is not loyal to Nicole because she used the veto. 

Christmas said that if Da'Vonne knew Kevin had the votes and then she used the veto, then she's selfish.

Nicole was so mad Da'Vonne used it she cried.

David is making Christmas mad because he is walking around pissed off.

Da'Vonne knew how upset Nicole would be but she still used it and that pissed off Nicole. Nicole has to win the next HOH.


  • LOL 5

Gosh, y'all, why is Day DOING this to Nicole?  How dare her want to make a move in this game when it HURTS Nicole?  She knew Kevin had the votes (he doesn't and I'm pretty sure Nicole knows that) so WHY wouldn't Day just let things stay the same when that makes things BETTER for Nicole?  It's just so MEAN of her!  

And her wondering if people are mad that she cried - I give Christmas credit, I think every ounce of her wanted to say "Nicole everyone in this house is so fucking OVER you crying, they just pretend like it's not happening anymore".  Christmas did say when asked about Memphis that of course he doesn't give a fuck.  After all this season is over, that is what people will remember about him.  Memphis - he didn't give a fuck.

Edited by Katesus7
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8 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Christmas did say when asked about Memphis that of course he doesn't give a fuck.  After all this season is over, that is what people will remember about him.  Memphis - he didn't give a fuck.

I love that he doesn't give the hottest of hot fucks. It's refreshing in comparison to the dramatics of people like Fucking Franzel, at least for me.

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I think Nicole is just fake crying. She literally would not stop saying Ian's name last night. She could have suggested another name if Day used her Veto or done anything else to protect him but all she said was that she will be unhappy but ultimately she will vote for him. She also just told Labor Day that she knows Ian leaving is good for her game. I am not saying she won't be sad but she is really playing it up and setting Day as this big villain. 

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Ian is telling Kevin about when he was in second grade and made a little sailboat. They were in a competition where everybody takes a straw and blows in the water to move the sailboat across the water to the finish line. He made it to the semifinal race and he got the boat across the finish line, but the judge said he lost. Ian then threw a huge tantrum and had a fit and he flipped the trough over. His dad had to pick him up and carry him out, and told him he had to learn to be a better sport. The same thing happened when he was in camp. They were in a Twister competition and his butt brushed the ground and he was called out. He threw a huge tantrum and his parents had to come and pick up him and bring him home. So when something happened in his season he felt that same rage but I believe was better at hiding it (not sure - you guys who watched the season can set me straight). So Ian's goal for this season is to lose with grace (if he loses) and show he can be a good sport. Kevin said Da'Vonne wouldn't say what she was doing, so she was toying with him. (Even though she took him off the block).

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Honestly, this group think is disgusting.

Nicole expects loyalty from Day when she was just going to vote her out at her earliest convenience in the future. Her victim noises are insufferable. I honestly don't know how she ever lasted long enough to win the game without people getting annoyed enough to backdoor her or self-evict. Oh right, I remember now...a few guys and such.

I hereby we vote to change the alliance name...not by much, but just by a little. It would make it more fitting.

The Committee  ------------>  The KKKommittee


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13 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Ian is telling Kevin about when he was in second grade and made a little sailboat. They were in a competition where everybody takes a straw and blows in the water to move the sailboat across the water to the finish line. He made it to the semifinal race and he got the boat across the finish line, but the judge said he lost. Ian then threw a huge tantrum and had a fit and he flipped the trough over. His dad had to pick him up and carry him out, and told him he had to learn to be a better sport. The same thing happened when he was in camp. They were in a Twister competition and his butt brushed the ground and he was called out. He threw a huge tantrum and his parents had to come and pick up him and bring him home. So when something happened in his season he felt that same rage but I believe was better at hiding it (not sure - you guys who watched the season can set me straight). So Ian's goal for this season is to lose with grace (if he loses) and show he can be a good sport. Kevin said Da'Vonne wouldn't say what she was doing, so she was toying with him. (Even though she took him off the block).

When Brittany was put on the block he lost his shit with a giant carrot named Frank.

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15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Ian is telling Kevin about when he was in second grade and made a little sailboat. They were in a competition where everybody takes a straw and blows in the water to move the sailboat across the water to the finish line. He made it to the semifinal race and he got the boat across the finish line, but the judge said he lost. Ian then threw a huge tantrum and had a fit and he flipped the trough over. His dad had to pick him up and carry him out, and told him he had to learn to be a better sport. The same thing happened when he was in camp. They were in a Twister competition and his butt brushed the ground and he was called out. He threw a huge tantrum and his parents had to come and pick up him and bring him home. So when something happened in his season he felt that same rage but I believe was better at hiding it (not sure - you guys who watched the season can set me straight). So Ian's goal for this season is to lose with grace (if he loses) and show he can be a good sport. Kevin said Da'Vonne wouldn't say what she was doing, so she was toying with him. (Even though she took him off the block).

When Britney went up he had a drunken tantrum lol. 


Ian had a mini tantrum last night when Nicole told him Day might use the veto and he might go up. He said that wouldn't be in Day's best interest, he would quit jury, and he said he saw armed guards and hopes he hears gunshots soon.

Edited by choclatechip45
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Poor Nicole has to pretend to Ian that he's staying and to Da'Vonne that Ian is staying. Why did Day use the veto? Oh no, she is not loyal to Nicole because she used the veto. 

Christmas said that if Da'Vonne knew Kevin had the votes and then she used the veto, then she's selfish.

Nicole was so mad Da'Vonne used it she cried.

David is making Christmas mad because he is walking around pissed off.

Da'Vonne knew how upset Nicole would be but she still used it and that pissed off Nicole. Nicole has to win the next HOH.


Christmas can fuck off. What’s wrong with Da’Vonne being selfish? Big Brother isn’t a team sport, there’s only one winner!

  • Love 9

Dani's HOH is like Cody N's from season 19. Enzo says it's a mess. Da'Vonne asks who would vote to keep Tyler? Enzo says Fiery Gizzard, Christmas . . . Enzo says do we f*** them and get rid of Ian or f*** Dani and get rid of Tyler.  If we keep Tyler he's not coming after us but would definitely go after Dani. In the meantime Dani and Tyler are chatting amiably up on the HOH room. Enzo says Tyler is the target for Dani.

Now who is Christmas talking about? Someone who in their season was a stealth player. David wants to rock with Christmas because she can win comps. (Please be lying, David.) David says "they" want him to go after Christmas and Fiery GIzzard. Christmas says she was working for David when Fiery Gizzard put him up. Christmas asks does he think Ian is a bigger one or to the side? His emotional intelligence is off the charts.

This conversation is not scintillating. Enzo's going to up and talk to Dani now, "say his piece."

The bacon spit grease on Cody (hurrah for bacon!). 

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6 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Christmas can fuck off. What’s wrong with Da’Vonne being selfish? Big Brother isn’t a team sport, there’s only one winner!

It's the bully tactic which seems to be very popular in BB these days. It's Boogie and Frank and Evil Dick and Paul style play. Then there is the bully tactic that is heavily heavily veiled with great social game and schmooziness so that you don't even realize you're being bullied. That was Dan and it's how Tyler played too. But it's all bullying. The duds on each season don't tend to do that at all. Ie: David, Kevin, Nicole A and Keesha.

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I like Enzo's way of communicating with Dani: he lets her go on and on and on and at the end of the sentence, he repeats the last word she says. 

Dani: "So they proved that they can win HoH."
Enzo: "HoH, yo. That's right."
Dani: "And it would be so stupid to put Memphis up. He's broken and no one likes him."
Enzo: "No one, yo. No one. Yeeeah."

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I like Enzo's way of communicating with Dani: he lets her go on and on and on and at the end of the sentence, he repeats the last word she says. 

Dani: "So they proved that they can win HoH."
Enzo: "HoH, yo. That's right."
Dani: "And it would be so stupid to put Memphis up. He's broken and no one likes him."
Enzo: "No one, yo. No one. Yeeeah."

Deep Thoughts With Enzo

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