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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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4 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one here who doesn't mind Tyler, and is happy for him that he's so in love with Angela? I'm not a big fan or anything, but he seems like a nice person. He may or may not be a good BB player, but I sense he'd be very likeable and kind IRL.

 I'll show myself out. 😁

I don't dislike him as a person but I do find the fact that he's a walking talking infomercial for Angela's companies annoying.

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11 hours ago, Summerday said:

I really don't know what to think about Tyler. ... that he and Bay aren't enemies and that they've both moved on from what happened on their season. Maybe he saw himself villifying her and heading down that same path that made everything seem so mean and personal during their first season and he didn't want to go there again? So he thought that he could fix everything by asking to be evicted knowing that Season's Greetings would never go for it...

I think that's it right there. Tyler is not an idiot. He is well aware of the racism in past seasons and now Bay and Day are on the block. He wants to remove himself from that and the only way to do that is to save one of them and go. He is looking at the bigger picture but just not talking about his real motives. He was AFP and this move will keep him well liked by the viewers which may be more important than tying to win the money prize. 

I think he is doing the right thing. If he sees he cannot win and wants to evade the jury house and go home to Angela, NOW is the time to manipulate that into happening. He really looks miserable so I think his decision is great. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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5 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one here who doesn't mind Tyler, and is happy for him that he's so in love with Angela? I'm not a big fan or anything, but he seems like a nice person. He may or may not be a good BB player, but I sense he'd be very likeable and kind IRL.

 I'll show myself out. 😁

I just find him very bland --and his gameplay way overrated-- which is why his popularity to me is so mystifying. I think his superfans have veered me toward the hate column. You can't say one mildly critical word about him in other communities without being attacked. That's why you guys will always be my people 🙂


And @peachmangosteen 's disdain for him will never cease to be hilarious 😂

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38 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

You know what's really shitty? Tyler gives this grand speech about how Bayleigh and Da'Vonne's causes (BLM) are more important than his causes and Da'Vonne is a single mother and blah blah blah... and when Bayleigh and Da'Vonne get rightfully upset by this, guess who is going to get villainized by the fandom? Not Tyler. 

Yeah. And the thing is, if he was going to say that and act like he was sacrificing himself because of it, then he should have been committed to walking. Or, he could have tried to have a sincere talk about how he was feeling without the whole, "I'm going to sacrifice myself for you" deal. I don't think he started it as a strategic move, and I think his distress was sincere, but he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too. He really expected Production to be cool with him setting the precedent that this is how you could quit and still get paid? I know he's a Production darling, but seriously.

12 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one here who doesn't mind Tyler, and is happy for him that he's so in love with Angela? I'm not a big fan or anything, but he seems like a nice person. He may or may not be a good BB player, but I sense he'd be very likeable and kind IRL.

 I'll show myself out. 😁

I just wish he would have stayed being a nice, decent person in love with Angela at home if he really is so miserable about having to play the game. It would be nice to watch HGs actually want to play Big Brother, in an All-Stars season no less. Everyone has their "what am i doing here when I could be at home" moments this season, especially in the climate we're all in right now, but this is just beyond.

42 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

He didn't want to go in the first place, and they shouldn't have coerced him into coming. So I blame her.

Nobody forced him to do anything. He's an adult. There's rumors that he was wishy-washy about wanting to come, and Angela basically convinced him to do it (and, in some stories, went behind his back to accept the offer). But, he still had to sign the contract. Quarantine for weeks. He won HOH when he thought he was in trouble last time. He wanted these nominations, and for Bayleigh gone this week because she really would be a nightmare for him in Jury (even before all this nonsense). Now, he's just realizing his game isn't flawless and he might be stuck in Jury if he's booted in the next couple weeks by Daniele/Da'Vonne/Nicole? And maybe everyone wouldn't be a Tyler fan? 

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

As everyone knows I have always hated Tyler but my goodness what a despicable piece of shit he’s being right now. To play Bay and Day like this by using BLM is just nasty.

Yeah, this. He didn't have to bring BLM into it last night but he did and now he's really stepped in it. If he really wanted to quit, he could walk out. He just wants to have his cake and eat it, too. And then to string along Bayleigh and coach her on her speech because Christmas doesn't want him to say anything to Bayleigh and Da'Vonne about it? That takes it into real dick territory. This moved beyond a game strategy at this point. I can excuse certain moves - like, I never thought Matt Hoffman was evil for giving his wife an incurable terminal disease on his season. That didn't hurt anyone but him and it was hilarious to see him 'fess up to it in the jury house with each eviction. But this is playing on current events and something that really matters and even though I'm not sold on the idea that this was Tyler's diabolical plan from the beginning like some people are, he made it messy. And Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are going to get the heat for it. White guy slides. 

He was literally damned if he did, damned if he didn't but he could literally just DOR on his principles except they were never his principles to begin with. 

ETA: @mooses I didn't see your post before I made mine. I see we had the same cake idea.

Edited by Callaphera
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Also this? This is literally not a rule. Lawon asked to get voted out. Keshia Knight Pulliam asked to get voted out. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO ASK EVERYONE TO VOTE YOU OUT. What's next: you're not allowed to use the Veto on the other person on the block if you are also on the block unless your names are Rachel and/or BRENNAAAAN!?


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37 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one here who doesn't mind Tyler, and is happy for him that he's so in love with Angela? I'm not a big fan or anything, but he seems like a nice person. He may or may not be a good BB player, but I sense he'd be very likeable and kind IRL.

 I'll show myself out. 😁

I quit his season early on so at first my only reason for disliking him was his ugly hair on the first day. I'm an awfull for that. But then he made Xmas and Cody his allies so I feel totally justified.

Many of this cast are non-stop talking about their twew love who they met through BB, something CBS obviously wanted based on how they casted so I can't blame him for that.

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I liked Tyler. I didn't mind the puppy dog whipped by Angela version either. It was sad but whatever. And I was happy he was thinking about getting purposefully backdoored last night. I was a little worried about the "savior Tyler" angle that he might play up - with the media. Dangerous either way because --- do black women really want a white man savior... but Bay Day were okay with it so I was willing to go along. But this morning - it all changed for me. I loathe him. He was spouting principles and wanting to be loyal to Bayleigh and do something for the greater good last night.  He knows they are counting on it. He was coaching Bayleigh.... But now he's doing it while knowing that it's not going to happen. What happened to principle?  After Grodner and Christmas get to him -- he's a complete ass. A bigger ass than ever before. Leading Bay and Day on like that. Making up crap. Spinning this all around. Okay - yes it's big brother but this is LOW beyond LOW. And then going and "squashing it" with Dani - gag! What the hell. I am absolutely astounded by this. Has he considered how this back pedal will look? He just tanked Angela's cookbook in my opinion. Swaggy is tweeting that he wants Bayleigh to get out of that toxic house. I don't blame him.

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Bayleigh: "My heart is broken."

Bayleigh: "That was the dumbest thing in the world."
Da'Vonne: "I know. I don't get it. She says she doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire. The crossfire of what?"

And Christmas is trying to justify it.

Christmas: "Backdooring is not my style. Doing someone else's dirty work is not my style." 


Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Am I the only one here who doesn't mind Tyler, and is happy for him that he's so in love with Angela? I'm not a big fan or anything, but he seems like a nice person. He may or may not be a good BB player, but I sense he'd be very likeable and kind IRL.

 I'll show myself out. 😁

No, stay! 

I don’t mind Tyler either, as a person or a player. All I knew of him before All Stars is what I saw on the broadcast episodes in his season. Then, I thought he was smart, worked a good strategy, and seemed like a genuinely nice person. This time, I find him less focused, less strategically sharp, but still probably a good guy. And if Angela makes him happy, good for him. Let them live their lives. 

What I do mind about Tyler right now is the wishy-washy of it all. I get why it might be especially hard for some people to be away from their loved ones right now, and how they may have underestimated that struggle. But if you want to go, GO. Don’t let Christmas or Grodner talk you into doing what benefits them. Don’t worry about how it will look to your fans. Don’t string along some women who actually want to play. Don’t pretend to care about them.  Don’t whimper about how hard it is for you. Just grow some balls, stand by your words, and get the fuck out. 

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If I were Christmas, I'd be pretty pissed at Tyler, too. He put her in a terrible position. She could BD her #1 ally and keep two HGs who would be gunning for her (and look shady to the alliance they're both in together). Or, she could keep the nominations the same and look awful for not taking one of them down. All of this after Tyler agreeing at the beginning of the week that putting them up would be a good move. 

He basically wanted everyone else to do this for him so he could come out looking like a peach. It was scummy.

  • Love 14

Yes, Christmas, we know. You play a straight-forward and honorable game. *rolls eyes*

Honestly, her justification to Da'Vonne may be legitimate in the context of this game. Yes it put her in a terrible position. But when you are standing on a pile of shit and start throwing it around at everyone else, that is on you.

The way she was stringing them along yesterday acting as if it was almost a guarantee was cruel. Now I wonder if the walking back of this whole plan by Tyler this morning was due to Christmas putting her foot down and saying she simply wasn't going to do it. The worst part is, thanks to the feed-cutting powers that be, we will never know if this was due to Christmas, Tyler, or production.

Every time I think this crap cannot get any worse, it manages to out-2020 itself.

  • Love 18

So if Bayleigh and Da'Vonne were to skip through the house arm in arm, singing a song about how Tyler wanted to quit and told them that he wanted to leave to give them a chance to get further, Black Lives Matter, love for single mom's, blah blah blah... all the rest of the house would just assume that Bayleigh was lying and she's been unnecessarily aggressive, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. Good talk, guys. Good talk.

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1 minute ago, Growsonwalls said:


While I am fairly certain this is true, I am not sure intentions matter so much right now.

The only thing that actually happened, regardless of who is at fault or involved in all of the shenanigans, is that Bay and Day got their hopes lifted up only to be crushed. Tyler and Christmas may feel like victims of circumstance or potentially poor communication, but these two ladies have the right to be livid with how things played out. And for Tyler to burn Bay again feels even worse.

I think, at some point, we will find out what really happened. Probably after the season is over.

For now, I am thankful that Bay gets to avoid having to go to jury and I hope Day comes back and claps Christmas(in particular) quite hard. You just know that Day might forgive, but she definitely does not forget.

Tyler can make it up to me by torpedoing Nicole and Dani.

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7 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Oh cool, good to know that his son has contact... I don't watch Dick's show so I'm not up to date on their comings and goings.

That family always seems to be in a turmoil... I'm not crazy about Dick but Dani can be very unreasonable too so it's probably like goats butting heads. 🐐 

Dick wrote a  blog post after Dani and Dom were married and trashed her and aired out the dirty laundry. He also said he didn't care if they talked again. I thought the blog post was gross. 

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