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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

We think this every season. IT IS NEVER FUN.

For you.  But maybe it's fun for others.

I neither want the season nor the show to be canceled, and I wish people would stop putting that out there into the universe.  This has already been a terrible year, and the fact that this show is on at all is a bright spot.  I would like to see this season through.  I would like to have something new and current to watch, and I would like to see if they have any Halloween-themed comps in October.  It's very easy to change a channel and not watch a show if it gets to be too much (like if Nicole and Dani get to be too much for me to tolerate!  lol), but it's next to impossible to get a show back when it's been canceled. 

Someone is watching this thing, and I'm one of them.  There have been a couple of seasons I didn't like and barely paid attention to after a certain point because I found the HGs so boring, or the same alliance kept winning, but other people were watching them.


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7 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kaysar is explaining Danielle Reyes to David. David wanted to know the whole 1 down 3 to go meaning.

What needs explaining there? I'm serious; what about Danielle counting down like that needs elaborating on. I can get being told all about the greatness that is Danielle Reyes because David doesn't even know what's going on during the season he's in, let alone BB3, but this... is pretty obvious. Like, come on, David.

6 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

In reading some comments online, it seems Nicole was irritated that Tyler commented on how Janelle went out with class.  (And Enzo commented on how Janelle looked great.)


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

We think this every season. IT IS NEVER FUN.

They always find the least fun and most annoying way possible for everything to pan out. It'd be amazing if it wasn't so wretchedly boring.

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I cancelled the feeds but I'll watch the show and read the thread here, which is WAY more interesting anyway. But I will have to check out if Dani or Nicole or Ian get anywhere near the F3. The amount of smug would just be too great to bear.

I am hoping for anything to mix it up this week. Unless BB is truly doing the bare minimum this season, there have to be more twists coming. I'm at the point where I don't expect to keep Kaysar, I just want something that might make the others squirm a little. Or a lot. Yeah, a lot would be great, yo.

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Nutbush, TN (Memphis) and Dani are up, but I lost track of Dani while getting caught up with comments here. Cams 1 and 2 - Nutbush sitting at the square table pondering the existence of the universe and was his vote for Janelle a mistake. Or he is contemplating the Lays potato chip bag right in front of him. Cams 3 and 4 - nice color view of Enzo sleeping in HOH. Kaysar now has joined Nutbush in the kitchen.

I hope we have the excitement of 9-panel feeds today!

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11 hours ago, vb68 said:

Really, what is the point of the feeds if they aren't going to let you follow a HOH comp that they made sure to start before the live show was over?

Watching HOH comps for (hopefully) hours on end is the second best reason to have the live feeds after reading/participating in this forum.  I "like to watch" and was all psyched to enjoy the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat  -- in this case the latter, since Enzo won.  

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I've said it before- unless ratings tank below the 5 million mark, they have no reason to change things up. (I think the ratings for this show have been consistently in the 5 to 7 million range.)

Even then, the network and/or producers still don't understand what's wrong with the show: the casting. They'd just think the formula or whatever is getting stale and try to add more twists. Reality shows have become a huge industry in the past two decades and everyone is super savvy to them now. They need to cast real, ordinary people rather than showbiz-wannabes and social media influencers. 

Imagine if the cast of Tough as Nails were on Big Brother instead. I'd watch the hell out of that.


But as Taran pointed out on his podcast, the fun will start when there are only five or six left and they start turning on each other. 

I'm barely holding on as it is. I can't imagine I'll give a damn once it's down to Cody, Tyler, Enzo, Dani, Nicole and Christmas. 

Edited by iMonrey
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18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Even then, the network and/or producers still don't understand what's wrong with the show: the casting. They'd just think the formula or whatever is getting stale and try to add more twists. Reality shows have become a huge industry in the past two decades and everyone is super savvy to them now. They need to cast real, ordinary people rather than showbiz-wannabes and social media influencers. 

Imagine if the cast of Tough as Nails were on Big Brother instead. I'd watch the hell out of that.

I'm barely holding on as it is. I can't imagine I'll give a damn once it's down to Cody, Tyler, Enzo, Dani, Nicole and Christmas. 

If it comes down to that group as the final 6, I would hope or think that Nicole should be the first one to go.  She's already won -- don't let her get past that point in the game.  Instead, what those knuckleheads will probably do is get rid of Christmas (if she's not in power that week) or maybe Enzo, and keep Nicole around because they assume no one will vote for her to win a second time if she makes it to F2.  But they can't be too sure of that, so they should get her out sooner rather than later.

Edited by TVFan17
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54 minutes ago, JediDVguy said:

Somebody started a rumor that there’s a graphic video of Victor cheating on Nicole. 

I love that person.

I legitimately think the show should be cancelled lol. It is fundamentally broken with no chance of being fixed so just put it out of it’s misery. I really hope it loses a shit ton of viewers now. It’s what it deserves.

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7 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

In reading some comments online, it seems Nicole was irritated that Tyler commented on how Janelle went out with class.  (And Enzo commented on how Janelle looked great.) 

Seriously, what is WRONG with her? This is not normal behavior. She’s gone, you won, she’s uninvited to your wedding, why would it possibly bother you that someone said something nice about her on the way out? Nicole is a troubled girl, you guys. 

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I don't think TPTB are ever going to let go of their casting formula, so hoping for people with interesting personalities is a lost cause.  At this point I kinda want to see what would happen if the entire cast was recruits that know nothing about BB and they weren't given any seasons to watch in sequester at all.  Maybe that would break the pattern that alliances and game play have fallen into lately.

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4 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

At this point I kinda want to see what would happen if the entire cast was recruits that know nothing about BB and they weren't given any seasons to watch in sequester at all. 

That’s basically what it is now though. I mean they give them a couple of (the worst) seasons to watch but honestly it doesn’t seem like many watch them anyway. This season is fucking All Stars and yet most of them have pretty much never watched the show. It’s hopeless lol.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Dani, Day, Tyler are all HNs because they were the only ones left who hadn’t been one yet.

The main problem is casting for sure. They just cast dude bros and weak women and then tailor all the comps to dude bros. Add in the fact that half the cast is racist and it’s like yep let’s cancel it lol.

It is annoying how every year, it's like, "A woman's alliance will never work," and it's true, but only because they cast women who won't play well with other women, while intentionally casting dude bros who are ALL about working with other dude bros. 

The most ridiculous recurring casting snafu they have, though, is that they keep trying to cast snarky Black and Asian women not comprehending that the rest of their HGs are invariably racist, and thus your snarky Black and Asian women get turned into villains right away each year!

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22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I legitimately think the show should be cancelled lol. It is fundamentally broken with no chance of being fixed so just put it out of it’s misery. I really hope it loses a shit ton of viewers now. It’s what it deserves.

I would like to see how it would do with a new producer totally unconnected to Groder. And yeah, a new casting director. But those changes don't seem likely.

The thing is I think it's pretty cheap to produce compared to other programming they would air in it's place. That's the main reason it's unlikely to be cancelled anytime soon.

I'm just an old guy (so I don't like any bashing of old school) who doesn't do instagram, and I miss the pre-social media days. On the whole, it hasn't helped this show. 

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Fantastic post, mooses. I agree strongly with both your points. Very astute. 

15 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

At this point I kinda want to see what would happen if the entire cast was recruits that know nothing about BB and they weren't given any seasons to watch in sequester at all.  Maybe that would break the pattern that alliances and game play have fallen into lately.

Yes, I agree. A whole season of Davids, starting from Square One. That would be so funny and refreshing to watch. 

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17 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm always curious why Survivor consistently casts interesting, intelligent women who become fan favorites, but Big Brother can';t do the same.

I agree with this. The casting (for women) doesn’t even compare to Survivor for the most part. I’m guessing Janelle basically played the dumb girl role to get cast originally. I would so love to see Janelle on Survivor. I wonder if she would ever do that. I can’t really picture it, lol. But that would be amazing. 

9 minutes ago, diana said:

I would so love to see Janelle on Survivor. I wonder if she would ever do that. I can’t really picture it, lol. But that would be amazing. 

She said she wouldn’t be able to do it because she’s too high maintenance.

Enzo is gonna put up Kaysar and Kevin. Wow shocking. This season is so exciting!

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Kaysar/Kevin on the block with Kaysar as the target this week.  Enzo and Cody have decided to keep David as a shield because everyone is pushing him so much. They want to break up the Memphis/Kaysar relationship, but Memphis is safe since Enzo was happy with his HOH. 

I think that Kevin is the one HG that could go up that Kaysar has absolutely no hope of staying against. There's too many sure votes to keep Kevin (Da'Vonne/Daniele/Nicole F./Cody, even without their alliance-members).  Tyler/Christmas will probably want to keep Kaysar, but there's no way they find the votes.

5 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm always curious why Survivor consistently casts interesting, intelligent women who become fan favorites, but Big Brother can';t do the same.

I believe there are three reasons why Survivor has an easier time with casting -- first, Survivor has a shorter shooting schedule, one month v. 3 months, making it more attractive to people who are being asked to give up a job or be away from their family.  Second, the shiny prize at the end is $1 million v. $500K.  Finally, I think Survivor has a better reputation than BB.  I was among those who did not understand BB before I made the mistake of watching and got hooked.  I've never heard anyone making fun of contestants who go on Survivor or RACE.  I'm guessing that some professionals who think that there is a certain cachet to going on Survivor and eating bugs don't realize that winning BB requires the ability to win competitions (mental and physical) and diplomatic skills.  

Edited by Thalia
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37 minutes ago, mooses said:

I do think there's two issues, though, that have become clearer in this "Old vs. New" Big Brother contrast. The first lies in casting - these aren't interesting, well-rounded personalities, just the artificial ones they've become used to presenting on social media. We generally get the same Instagram influencer types to fill the House. I'm not watching "people," I'm watching "brands"

Excellent post. The part I highlighted above summarizes what I was feeling last night when I was watching some old BB7 episodes instead of whatever boring bullshit was on the feeds. Aside from having vastly better personalities, the cast of that season was strikingly different in the way they approached the game. Up for nomination, Chicken George* gave an impassioned speech about how this was a one-a-lifetime experience and he was just happy to be there, enjoying the moment. Everyone was there to play a game, not as a way to enhance their careers. And they’re all so transparent about it now: I think I’ve heard more talk about followers and monetizing their appearance than anything else they do outside the house. It really, really sucks and it’s so hard to believe the producers don’t see how it’s killing the show. Makes me wish Julie were more hands-on, a la Jeff Probst. Say what you will about Peachy, he loves Survivor and has done everything in his power to keep it fresh. (It can be argued that some Survivor changes have not been for the better, but I appreciate the attempt, at least.) 

*Chicken George: a perfect example of the type of ordinary person with a genuine personality that we need, and will likely never see again. 

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Janelle's exit interview.

This part made me sad:


I’m probably not going to be friends with Dani after this show.

I don't blame Janelle at all but still sad that they were friends for so long. Dani's treatment of Janelle (not just being against her in the game, but relentlessly badmouthing her and treating her like crap) is one of the more inexplicable parts of BB22. Dani acts like Janelle personally poisoned Tennessee's almond milk or something.

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Am I the only one confused by the concept of “old school” versus “new school”? The show varies so drastically season by season (BB3/BB4, BB9/BB10, BB14/BB15, etc.) that I don’t think it can be divided into eras so simply.

There have always been seasons where people waited too long to make waves or cut throats (the failure to nominate BB3 Danielle/Jason, BB5 Diane/Drew, and BB7 Will/Mike comes to mind), and there have been recent seasons where the house didn’t hesitate to dispatch power players early in the game (BB15 Nick/Jeremy/Kaitlin, BB17 Clay/Shelli, BB18 Frank).

As far as the contestants being overly conscious of how’re they’re being portrayed, I think that can be attributed to the rise of social media. If YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram had existed in the early days of BB, I’m sure we would’ve seen the houseguests quickly become just as inhibited as they are now. I don’t think casting changes will fix that, except to make the show worse by showcasing flagrantly, shamelessly awful people like Dick, Aaryn, Paul, etc.

Edited by JediDVguy
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2 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Cody and Nicole talking about Ian. Cody wants Ian gone. Nicole does, too (or at least she says she does), but not this week. I guess Enzo will be Cody's HOH puppet this week. I hope not!

Yeah, it totally makes sense for Cody to want Kevin/Kaysar gone this week over Ian, even though Ian is going to be a problem. Kaysar has Cody on his radar. Ian is Nicole F.'s puppy who is also in a fake-alliance with Cody.

But that's why it makes so much sense for Enzo to target Ian instead of Kaysar, which isn't his plan. Enzo should press the issue, at least - if Cody acts like he doesn't care if Ian leaves, then Enzo doesn't have any reason not to nominate him. And if Cody goes to bat for Ian, then it makes even more sense to target Ian.

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Janelle's response to a question about her first impression of the house was peak Janelle. 

I was shocked there weren’t other big names, no offense. 


Thanks for posting the interview link, growsonwalls. Janelle was amazingly positive and nice about almost everyone except Nicole F and Dani. Wow, she REALLY dislikes Nicole F. now, and it looks like living with her voice is as grating as we all suspected. 

Is it just me, or has Nicole been fading in front of our eyes? She's so exhausted, pale and depressed looking. I didn't expect this. 

Edited by Melina22
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