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S05.E11: Iunne Ennui

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So that last shot in the promo shows some of the major characters who have died.  I don't see Mayfair there, disappointing, would have been great to have had one final appearance of Marianne Jean-Baptiste.  There's also no Reade or Weitz.

Roman is there too...  although I will continue to hope that twin brother Namor shows up to save Jane.

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Saw a big "100" and for a moment thought I was on the CW.

Unsatisfying ending! Bye Jane! They just left you in a body bag in Times Square to go get drinks.

Good job Weller for conveniently leaving out of your report to the new director Grigoryan: he and Tasha had Ivy knocked out, in their grasps a few weeks ago and didn't eliminate her. 

So deep down in Jane's zipped mind: she thought of Tasha and Paterson getting together/married and had her "doubts" that Reade is the father (she gave the baby a light complexion)? Also in her Zip mind, she can't give Roman a scar less face.

 Zip also made Jane so narcissistic. Jane through Reade is telling herself she is a "great agent".

WTF! The man with the burning arm was thrown into the pillar by Jane and he magically disappeared. 

Did Patterson bother tell anyone else she had a cure for Zip? If she had died a few weeks ago in the bunker fire, the cure would have gone down with her. Selfish!

Ivy (as we were told many times is the top mercenary) is easily seen, knocked the f*ck out and captured. The woman was a joke the entire season!

Times Square was cleared out in less that 6 minutes. Impressive!

The show went all out bringing these people back. Nice they remembered Jane's daughter. But the bunny made the best appearance out of all.

Didn't Grigoryan say she had her top people looking for Ivy ( I guess they started their search in New Jersey)? We see only the team go looking for the bomb in Times Squares and (of course) the bomb squad was no where to be found.  

Weller: "Am I the only one not getting this?". This is the same man that claimed he was one of the top agents earlier.

Didn't Kathy escape? How did she get lumped in with he dead people? Only loose end that wasn't wrapped up.

Did Afreen make an appearance? Couldn't get an invite to the Zip house party?

Rich mentioning a Patterson/Rich spinoff? We can only hope!

Edited by mxc90
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I really, really enjoyed this finale. I loved the concept and thought it was very well executed and well thought out. I especially liked how they worked in all the significant characters who have died off in a way that made sense. Usually in finales of other series important past characters are shoe-horned in in a distracting and annoying way. 

And that last scene... man, what a gut punch!  It hurt to have the 'happily ever after' ending ripped away from us like that, but I thought it was totally appropriate. I also loved how the closing scene of the finale mirrored the opening scene of the premiere, with being set in Times Square and Jane being zipped into / out of a body bag. Very powerful and unexpected, but very appropriate ending to the series. 

So long, Blindspot!  As a series, you started off strong, had some ridiculous moments at times, but finished strong as well IMO. I'll miss you!

Edited by me5671
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Loved all the cameos. That was something to pull off, especially getting all those actors in Times Square for what I assume was a single night shoot.

The ending? I dunno,  who knows what's real. I'll go with she's alive, I see no need to take away from the happy ending for a gotcha to the audience.



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That was a pretty good finale, and I am really glad they showed that Jane had her memories right at the beginning. I guess we are supposed to think that Jane really died and the last scene was her in heaven, but I am going to ignore that and say it was real and her vision of dying is just a side effect of Zip. Because, how would she know about Patterson and Rich's plan to hunt for the lead to gold machine? I really liked everyone else's ending in that scene.

Having her zipped into the body bag was a pretty cool image to use at the end though.

If Patterson had a cure for Zip, why didn't they just give it to everyone in the vicinity of the bomb? And how did she make the cure, isn't she a computer person and not a Chemist? 

The most unrealistic thing in this episode was completely clearing Times Square in about 5 minutes.  Ha, yeah right. 

I don't get the motivation for why Ivy would want to wipe the memories of everyone in NYC, especially since it seemed like she would have lost her own memory. I got Madeline's motivation for wanting to use Zip to control her enemies, but Ivy was just a mercenary. 

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Good finale! I was worried the action would only be in Jane's head. FWIW I don't think she died at the end because the authorities wouldn't just zip her into a body bag and leave her on the sidewalk. This whole episode was about how Jane can hallucinate vividly and it was also established that Patterson's cure, while effective, was also kinda flaky. So I'm going to go with that being Jane's consequence. She's not dying but Zip has left her able to play out her worst fears vividly, waking nightmares triggered by people who should know better (that means you, Weller!) saying "gosh, you sure could've died there!"

Somebody is a fan of Gary Oldman's performance in Leon:

It was cool to see all those actors come back. There were so many I couldn't even remember all of them, especially in Times Square when Jane passes a bunch of minor villains.

It was a little silly that a threat in Times Square is investigated by a half-dozen deputized cops. Times Square probably has many layers of defense against this exact kind of thing although I guess they did throw a bone to it by saying one bad guy had the ability to pose as a municipal worker. But there still should have been a lot of uniformed NYPD officers helping. Maybe they went to casting for this and casting said no, you've got everyone already. There are literally no actors left.

Jane got her leather jacket back! She didn't have it the whole time the team was in Europe so I'm guessing it must have been in her locker at the FBI building. I'm surprised Madeline didn't destroy it out of spite or spray-paint her initials on the back of it or something.

Did anyone else get the sense at the end that Patterson, Rich and Boston were a throuple?

Tasha's baby was a little lacking in the melanin department. Is that the real twist of the episode? The baby is actually Keaton's and she just let the team think it was Reade's because she knows the team hates Keaton?

Did anyone actually get shot in this episode? Jane beat some dudes up, Ivy was tackled... I think it was all team-non-lethal for this one.

The new Director had a team ready to replace everyone a day later. They don't need any kind of familiarization or training or anything, they're just ready to chase bad guys from the moment they step into the office. I guess they couldn't help with the search for Ivy because they were stuck in traffic?



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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The most unrealistic thing in this episode was completely clearing Times Square in about 5 minutes.  Ha, yeah right. 

I don't get the motivation for why Ivy would want to wipe the memories of everyone in NYC, especially since it seemed like she would have lost her own memory. I got Madeline's motivation for wanting to use Zip to control her enemies, but Ivy was just a mercenary. 

Yeah that Times Square thing was really outrageous.

As dumb as this might sound, I did not even think about Ivy wiping her own memory if she set the bomb off.  You are absolutely right, that is an odd motivation.

I enjoyed the show overall, for some odd reason I always got Blindspot and Blacklist confused despite the fact that they are totally different.

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Mass evacuations with lots of notice - e.g. Deep Impact - never work...inevitably everyone abandons their car and runs away. Times Square should have been full of empty cars. 

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These are Times Square garbage cans. Specifically designed to stop terrorist bombs.



And you can evacuate Times Square in 6 minutes by announcing they are giving away free Cronuts on 9th Ave. (NY joke)

Edited by edhopper
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Jane was so lethargic and out of it, it was almost like she was a different person when she was fighting all those bad guys. Is it possible to throw someone out of a Stained Glass Window? I would have thought the high concentration of metal (lead) used throughout would make them impossible to fly through.

Edited by AnimeMania
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I really enjoyed this episode.  It was so great seeing everyone, even those that I had forgotten the name of or exactly what they did on the show.  The guy with the bushy beard that was with the other villains, for one.  And all those minor people that were directing Jane in Times Square.  Unfortunately I think one of the only people we did NOT see was Bethany Mayfair.  Too bad, I would have liked to have seen her again.  Per the credits we even saw Weller's sister.  I cannot for the life of me remember what happened to her.

As for the ending, I think it's left up to interpretation, in a "Sopranos" kind of way.  Are they in Colorado at Thanksgiving with all of their friends and family?  Or did Jane actually die?  Personally I would like to believe they got the happily ever after ending.

Good to see Luke Mitchell again, even if something about him looked and sounded off.  I don't know if he put on weight in the face, or if he is out of practice with his American accent, but he just didn't seem the same.

I would totally watch a spinoff of William and Gord hunting for treasure.

It's been a great run.  I will miss this series.  100 episodes is a great achievement, considering the show was almost cancelled several seasons ago.

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

Good to see Luke Mitchell again, even if something about him looked and sounded off.  I don't know if he put on weight in the face, or if he is out of practice with his American accent, but he just didn't seem the same.

Well, I cut him some slack being that he's dead and all.

Did I see Gil from Prodigal Son in one of the Times Square groups?

Jane's eyes kept changing from green to brown and back again.

I figured out why Jane's hair is always hanging down in skank layers, so a double can do her fight scenes since that weird hair turns her into Sia, completely covering her face. I actually thought her fight double was a dude, I kept staring at his/her ass during the prolonged fight scene. It wasn't very feminine if you know what I mean.

Okay, so I don't always look where I am suppose to.

I, too, noticed the complexion of that baby and was all eh, maybe not a good choice given what's going on now.

Seems like Mayfair got her photo in for a split second at the end, even if Mayfair herself got no cameo.

The end caused me to squeeze a few tears out, but not before yelling WTF! when Jane and Weller decide to kiss with four seconds left on the bomb clock before they cut the wires. That was the most bogus part of the episode. Maybe the bomb did go off and even we viewers got zipped.

Oh, and Rich was sorely trying on my patience with his "patter" (son!) throughout. Just STFU for once, dude.

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3 minutes ago, alvajon said:

And, one of my favs, Lou Diamond Phillips!

Was he in an episode? He was wearing prison orange in Times Square, so maybe he was on this show before Prodigal? I pay little attention to any of the villains, but should have remembered the handsome Lou Diamond.

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15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

If Patterson had a cure for Zip, why didn't they just give it to everyone in the vicinity of the bomb? And how did she make the cure, isn't she a computer person and not a Chemist? 

Patterson worked in a lab. Of course she can do anything scientific. How else could she have gotten through the interview process?


1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I actually thought her fight double was a dude, I kept staring at his/her ass during the prolonged fight scene. It wasn't very feminine if you know what I mean.

Same here. This was one of the only fight scenes where there was no cut to a close-up of the actor's face. 


1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

The end caused me to squeeze a few tears out, but not before yelling WTF! when Jane and Weller decide to kiss with four seconds left on the bomb clock before they cut the wires. That was the most bogus part of the episode. Maybe the bomb did go off and even we viewers got zipped.

Yeah, I don't understand why shows do that. It's so ridiculous. 

On the whole, I enjoyed the episode and all the cameos. At least Mayfair got her photo on screen. I guess they weren't able to get the MJ-B back.

Maybe it's the pandemic talking, but the final scenes have me saying R.I.P. Jane/Remy/every other name she used. 

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20 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The most unrealistic thing in this episode was completely clearing Times Square in about 5 minutes.  Ha, yeah right. 

"Hey everybody!  Free drinks over at Central Park all night long!"


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12 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

 Is it possible to throw someone out of a Stained Glass Window? I would have thought the high concentration of metal (lead) used throughout would make them impossible to fly through.

lead is soft and is only used to form the perimeter of each glass piece, it's not like it's a set of iron bars in the window

As for the ending, I think the intent of the writers is yes Jane died. The ending of her in a bag in times square mirrored the opening, but like others I agree there is no way in reality that they would zip her up in a body bag and just walk away. The ending is ambiguous enough that if someone wanted to claim that she is still alive i wouldn't put up a fight.


Edited by MrWhyt
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17 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Did anyone else get the sense at the end that Patterson, Rich and Boston were a throuple?

I totally got that sense.  There was this weird lingering shot of them with their hands tied together. I would have commented on it, but then I got distracted by the whole fake out and death thing.

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7 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I figured out why Jane's hair is always hanging down in skank layers, so a double can do her fight scenes since that weird hair turns her into Sia, completely covering her face. I actually thought her fight double was a dude, I kept staring at his/her ass during the prolonged fight scene. It wasn't very feminine if you know what I mean.

I was laughing so hard at that fight scene. It was so clearly not Jaimie Alexander. I also laughed at the scene when Jane is at her car and you see a guy standing on his stoop in the background, watching the filming.

I'll miss this show, even though I found Jane and Weller the least interesting people in it.


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1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

I totally got that sense.  There was this weird lingering shot of them with their hands tied together. I would have commented on it, but then I got distracted by the whole fake out and death thing.

If that dinner never happened, then there is no reliable evidence of such a relationship...just Jane running another fantasy permutation of Patterson marrying somebody... 

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5 hours ago, paigow said:

Jane is still dreaming in the warehouse where Ivy ZIPPED her. Everything that happened is INCEPTION without the folded buildings...

I guess we'll find out in ... SEASON SIX!

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21 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The end caused me to squeeze a few tears out, but not before yelling WTF! when Jane and Weller decide to kiss with four seconds left on the bomb clock before they cut the wires. That was the most bogus part of the episode. Maybe the bomb did go off and even we viewers got zipped.

When they did that, I actually growled, "just do it already!!!" I became Weller. It scared me (and my dog). 😄

On 7/24/2020 at 12:19 AM, dwmarch said:

Did anyone else get the sense at the end that Patterson, Rich and Boston were a throuple?

It could just be that Patterson became friendly enough with Rich through their adventuring to be close to Boston now as well but yeah, throuple vibes. And I wouldn't be that mad about it, as I was starting to get into Patterson/Rich.


I enjoyed seeing so many past characters. The ambiguous ending... I wasn't expecting that at all! I figured we'd get a flash forward, nothing more. But I guess I liked the twist. It was a depressing bookend to how the show started but it lets us get involved in deciding the end for ourselves. My initial reaction was, "she dies? Oh, so you tricked me?" It did seem a little too perfect but I'm leaning toward her surviving, since there were some details she couldn't have known about (Patterson and Rich's adventure). Unless in the afterlife, you could know those things. So maybe all those hallucinations were meant to be her processing and repenting for her actions, and having done that before she died, she got her happy dinner in heaven? But... I don't know that a few hours without the antidote would kill her that quickly. Yes, she's been flooded with ZIP a million times but really, it would kill her in what, 36 hours? How quickly was the ZIP killing her the first time she had the hallucinations? She had gotten a little more of the antidote, too, so that should have bought her some more time, plus the initial dose, no?

Ah crap, I have no clue. LOL. And reading the creator's thoughts on it in the media thread doesn't help. Apparently there are clues but I'm not picking them out.

This show was goofy but entertaining from start to finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed coming here to talk with you all about it. 🙂

Edited by omgsowicked
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I don't care how stupid or ridiculous it was or got, I loved this show and loved it more than I even realized judging by my teary bleary eyes at the end. I'm leaning towards Jane died but part of me thinks or wants to think that the dinner was real and she was just thinking about how close she came to dying and how lucky she was. I know they really couldn't have done much more with it but I still wasn't ready for it to end and I would so 💯 be up for a Patterson/Rich spinoff. Great finale all in all, ambiguous ending s rarely leave me this satisfied.... Oh, and the church fight scene, that was totally a dude stunt double, lol.

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One of the many things that irked about this show is the gratuitous fight scenes.  Yes, the team were ostensibly FBI agents, and are supposed to be the good guys, but they always burst into a room with the bad guys, who are intent on some terrorist act, and whoever is there (Jane, in this case), shouts out "You're all under arrest"  And promptly loses her weapon.  They're terrorists, on the edge of killing multitudes of people.  Just. Shoot. Them.  Is that any different than throwing the bad guy out through a window?

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On 7/23/2020 at 8:31 PM, KaveDweller said:


If Patterson had a cure for Zip, why didn't they just give it to everyone in the vicinity of the bomb? And how did she make the cure, isn't she a computer person and not a chemist? 

I have a good friend who has a PhD in biochem, and he has worked at companies developing computer models /software for all kinds of things from computer prediction of efficacy of pharmaceuticals, and pandemic projections. He's a scientist by education, microbiologist/coder by profession. He's a scientist who advises coders, I will but patterson as a coder who advises scientists. Actually, if you gave Patterson my friend's software for predicting the efficacy of new pharmaceuticals, she could could come up with the antidote theory & then set a computer up to collect data then analyze... 

14 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

 They're terrorists, on the edge of killing multitudes of people.  Just. Shoot. Them.  Is that any different than throwing the bad guy out through a window?

Not even Special Agent Jane Doe gets to walk into a room and just shooting people who are not in that instance threatening her life. If they'd been coming at her, sure but you don't get to accused murderers or terrorists just because they're standing there, in full possession of their rights to due process.. 1 second later when they rushed her, yeah. 

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A lot of you are saying you wished you had seen Mayfair. I thought I saw her in one of the scenes(maybe the car one?), but people flashed by so fast in this episode that I'm not sure.

I would be all in for a Patterson/Rich spin-off, they were my favorite part and the main reason I kept watching.  That being said, as a whole I'm glad this show is over. It got way too convoluted and the whole Madeline/Ivy/ZIP thing never made sense to me.

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On 8/2/2020 at 7:45 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

Color me confused. Why did they show Jane at the dinner AFTER the body bag scene. I get before but after? This tells me she is alive. 
Spinoff for the throuple please!

To keep it as ambiguous as possible?

I agree, that suggests she is really alive. And I agree about a spinoff for Patterson, Rich, and Boston.

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I can only reiterate how much better this show is than the Blacklist. Ridiculous at times, but mostly self aware, fun and funny. I can't believe that out of those two shows with a very similar premise Blindspot only got four and a half seasons while the Blacklist has 10+ and a spinoff. I guess I'm glad that Ashley Johnson got freed up to be on Critical Role full time, but I'm also sad that I can't see Patterson and Rich banter anymore. The Blacklist really should have ended after season one, if only to free up James Spader for better things. But I guess the money is too good.

So I guess the writers remembered that Jane has a daughter afterall. Until the final scene I was sure they had forgotten about her, just like they did with Kurt's sister (who also showed up unexpectedly). It was nice seeing all those faces again in general.

I appreciate that the writers never forced Rich and Patterson together. Everybody becoming romantic couples in fiction is a pet peeve of mine. Recently ruined the ending of "his dark materials" for me (well other stuff, too). So this was really nice, that they remained just great friends.

The ending was kept very ambiguous. Both scene were a bit surreal. The times square scene, where the body bad was left alone and the family dinner scene, with everybody there and bathed in golden light. I choose to believe in the body bag scene, even if I'd love a happy ending for all these characters. Frist, I really like the symmetry with the black bag in times square. It's were Jane was born and it's where Jane died. She was born there to kill a lot of people and she died there to save a lot of people. Second, I'm not super invested in Jane and Weller. As long as the other characters are okay I'm not very bothered if they don't get a happy ending. If the death-ending is the real one, Jane did that to herself. There was no reason for her to go to Times Square with the team, after she remembered the location. They could have just sent a few more agents and undercover police to find the bomb. Also her remembering an exact location makes absolutely no sense. There is no way she overheard that. Jane should have gotten the cure immediately after remembering times square.

Goodbye show. You were not very serious or grounded, but you were fun.

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On 7/24/2020 at 5:31 AM, KaveDweller said:

If Patterson had a cure for Zip, why didn't they just give it to everyone in the vicinity of the bomb? And how did she make the cure, isn't she a computer person and not a Chemist? 

They said the bomb would effect millions. Seems a bit far fetched, but oh well.

It really shouldn't be in Pattersons skillset to make the cure, but on the other hand, this show has established time and again that she is magic. So this is nothing new. Just the same ridiculousness.

On 7/24/2020 at 5:31 AM, KaveDweller said:

I don't get the motivation for why Ivy would want to wipe the memories of everyone in NYC, especially since it seemed like she would have lost her own memory. I got Madeline's motivation for wanting to use Zip to control her enemies, but Ivy was just a mercenary. 

Me neither. Other than terrorist gonna terrorise. But there has to be some easier to come by biological or chemical weapon than zip.

On 7/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, dwmarch said:

But there still should have been a lot of uniformed NYPD officers helping.

I give them the benefit of the doubt on that one. They probably didn't want uniformed cops there to not spook Ivy into detonating the bomb manually. Then again, how long does it take to change into your civilian clothes?

On 7/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, dwmarch said:

Jane got her leather jacket back! She didn't have it the whole time the team was in Europe so I'm guessing it must have been in her locker at the FBI building.

That is some surprisingly good continuity from this show. In general, I can't think of anything where that wasn't on point. Kudos to whoever was in charge of that.

On 7/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, dwmarch said:

Did anyone else get the sense at the end that Patterson, Rich and Boston were a throuple?

I chose to believe that's not the case, but if they were, at least it would be something fresh.

On 7/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, dwmarch said:

Tasha's baby was a little lacking in the melanin department.

Mixed babies often come out white and get browner with time. This baby was still pretty young. I wouldn't want to speculate on paternity on the basis of that babies colour.

On 7/24/2020 at 6:19 AM, dwmarch said:

The new Director had a team ready to replace everyone a day later.

A team of look-alikes no less. Where did she get those so quickly?

On 7/24/2020 at 4:47 PM, AnimeMania said:

Jane was so lethargic and out of it, it was almost like she was a different person when she was fighting all those bad guys.

Almost like a stunt double, with a bad wig in front of their face, took her place.

On 7/24/2020 at 5:38 PM, blackwing said:

Per the credits we even saw Weller's sister.  I cannot for the life of me remember what happened to her.

She spoke with Jane's daughter at the dinner. Which is fitting, since the writers forgot all about both of them when they got accidental ZIP-poisoning and only remembered them when they got Pattersons new cure this episode.

On 7/25/2020 at 5:07 AM, omgsowicked said:

How quickly was the ZIP killing her the first time she had the hallucinations? She had gotten a little more of the antidote, too, so that should have bought her some more time, plus the initial dose, no?

When she got first flooded, it took her months (or years?) to exhibit symptoms and then more months to start dying. Then all the zip was removed out of her system, so she should have been back to square one. I don't see how the gasing should have been worse for her.

But then again, none of this ZIP-nonsense ever made any kind of sense. Just pretend it's magic, like the hacking and puzzle solving on this show and it's much easier to digest.

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