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S15.E01: Auditions 1

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Variety acts of all types and contestants of all ages audition for the chance to win the $1 million prize. New judge Sofia Vergara joins returning judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, and Howie Mandel. Terry Crews returns as the host.

Original airdate: 5/26/20

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Pork Chop Revue for the win.

My friend has a pig just like that little gray one that wouldn't stay on their stool before they started. The tail really is in constant motion. So dang cute!

Sofia Vergara wasn't nearly as annoying as I feared, but it's early.

So happy they cut down on the sob stories. /sarcasm

No matter how good they are, I will never, ever root for a singer/band/group/choir on this show.

Speaking of choirs, that one sucked. Yes, I said it!!

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6 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Speaking of choirs, that one sucked. Yes, I said it!!

Thank you. They were terrible. I'm sorry they're homeless. They weren't good. 

Prison guy was better, but also a fairly mediocre singer. 

Tomorrow I'm going to get hit by a bicycle to pay for the mean things I just wrote. 

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Well those cute piggies are just gonna have to win the whole thing, I guess!

Nobody really stood out for me that episode. I recognized the impressions guy from Vine, but couldn't actually recall any of his specific vines the whole time he was up there. He was ok...Eminem was definitely his best one.

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I didn't realize this was on...I was gonna say I'm glad I decided to scroll through the channels before turning off the TV but...it just started so I don't know if I'm glad, yet.

...time passes...

I liked the gray pig who just kinda decided to do his own thing while they judges were talking.

The BAD Salsa was pretty cool. (Still didn't catch what BAD stands for.)

I really liked the drummer. He looked like he was having a blast.

Moses from Spain I could not watch.

I'm sure there were other things. Oh, the rapper-impressionist was pretty funny. I really only recognized the first voice (whose name I could not come up with but I know the voice) and Pitbull (because he won't stay off my TV every year on New Year's Eve).

16 minutes ago, lb60 said:

Sofia Vergara wasn't nearly as annoying as I feared, but it's early.

Heh, I didn't want to yell STFU up the judges even once! That's probably a record. I'm sure it won't last.

Final verdict: Okay, I guess I'm glad enough. There are certainly worse things I could have been watching. It was a relatively pleasant way to kill a Tuesday evening while also scrolling the internet, I guess.

Edited by ams1001
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The BAD Salsa was pretty cool. (Still didn't catch what BAD stands for.)

It was B________ Academy of Dance.  Sorry, but I don't know what the B stood for.  Something in India I guess.  I've never understood how people like that, who come from other countries and are dirt poor, pay to get here, have amazing costumes, etc.  They were good, though.

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Glad to have "actual" AGT back.  I dread what the show is like without a full audience.

Loved the cops singing the theme to Deadliest Catch airing against a new showing of....Deadliest Catch!  The act did show the power of just a couple of passionate singers with acoustic guitars, no embellishment.  They have no shot on this show.

Speaking of the opposite...drum dude was basically a Gene Kelly/Fred Astaire routine with drums as props.  It was literally impossible to distinguish any licks from him from the tracking played behind him.  There were several times where there was no change to my ears in the percussion/syncopation when he obviously stopped "drumming" but the tracking continued.

I was gobsmacked that Archie did not get a GB.  I knew there had to be a sob-story choral group coming up.  Bingo.  Archie definitely has a special tonality.  Fine by me if he, and the cops, make it a very long way.

The voice impressionist was excellent and the magician (Irish?) has a cool patter.  

Porkchop Review was great fun, but it's a mistake to give them a future slot, imo.  I'm sowry.

Sofia is a definite upgrade from Gabrielle.


Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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The drumming was nothing special. Any decent drummer could do that. Pigs should not have gone through, there's nothing they can really do to elevate that act.

They at least have a higher caliber of sob stories than Idol or The Voice. Wrongly incarcerated for 36 years! A homeless choir! And Elton John tweeted Archie Williams brought him to tears. Maybe the Innocence Project will get some donations. It even inspired Simon enough to become an Innocence Project ambassador.

Sofia doesn't bother me. But I also didn't watch Modern Family and haven't been looking at her for ten years.

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Regarding the homeless choir, Voices from the City, if you look at them strictly on singing ability, no, they were not great. If, however, you view them as performance art, as a spotlight shining on people who are usually ignored and marginalized, it was brilliant. I loved seeing these people being acknowledged and heard. 

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I didn't realize AGT was starting up again.  It recorded so I watched it.

My very first thought was WTF... Heidi is back.  Why?  I thought she was just back for the summer shows.

I liked the pigs.  I'm glad they went through.  I hope it shows people how smart they really are.  On the flip side, I hope people don't start buying pigs because they think they would be be cool to have around the house.  Kind of like a cute dog they don't know how to handle. 

I also thought prison dude was going to be the golden buzzer.  So many sob stories, you never know which one it's going to be.  Except that it's generally the last act of the auditions.  Not always, but it's common. 

I didn't think the choir was particularly good.  I thought their leader had some talent.  I also think what they're doing is admirable.  The song was catchy.  I had it in my head for a while after the show was over.  I'm glad they got the Golden Buzzer.  They would have gone through anyway, but I'm glad they are spotlighting this issue.  I prefer it when they use the GB this way rather than for an act that was going to go to the finals anyway.

I really liked those twin sisters.  I thought the one sister was going to barf right before they went on.  

I skipped the stabby stabby man.  I can't watch those sorts of acts.  I think they are really gross.

The mentalist was okay.  Those acts kind of drag a little. 

I have no recall on the other acts from last night, so apparently they weren't good enough to make an impression.  

Although, writing "impression" reminded me of the impressionist.  I had no idea who he was trying to imitate.  Was he any good?  I don't know.  I don't listen to rap music.  

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I'm really starting to think this show has changed too much and it just isn't about talent anymore.  It is now fairly reminiscent of an old TV series called "Queen for a Day".....it's all about the sobbing now.   


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I thought last night's show was pretty good. None of the judges irritated me, even Simon did not, so I guess the time off was good for me. I wrote down the names of each of the acts, and now I don't know what some of them did. Not that it matters.

The pigs were entertaining and the little ones were cute. I kept being distracted by the umbilical hernia on the big sow though. Funny that Sofia seemed afraid to touch the pig. They have hair that is the texture of bristles on a brush. These regular bacon-and-ham producing pigs are cuter than the Vietnamese pot bellied ones that were all the rage as pets some years ago.

I liked the two Chicago singer guys, I'd go to a club, buy a drink and watch their show. It was nice to see two guys singing without all the fancy flashing lights and 20-piece orchestra behind them, although I suspect that's in their future on this show.

Malek the drum guy ... as another posted, I swear all his drum beat motions were not QUITE in synch with the drum beats we heard.

Ryan Trix/Tricks the magician ... I don't know how it's done, but I've seen that same act multiple times from multiple magic performers. He needs to Step It Up. (TM AGT)

I admit Archie Williams' singing made me cry. He has a nice voice and again, he wasn't drowned out by flashing lights, dancing girls and a huge orchestra. It was just his singing. Interesting Simon was the only one who mentioned that he has a good voice. I predict he will either 1. win this or 2. be one of the finalists. And I'd be fine with that.

I liked the Double Dragons two women, but couldn't help thinking what their act would be like if they were built like Sofia or Heidi. Sorry, I know, I just kept wondering. Would the act be better/worse/the same? I don't know ...

If I were a judge when Moses the Grossest came to perform right in front of me, I would have gotten up and walked away. Like I did at home. I knew he would go through though because this show loves nasty stuff like that.

Didn't Terry Golden Buzzer a choir of disadvantaged kids (from Detroit?) last season? Good on Voices for finding a way to combat homelessness. So I was okay with the GB. Because we all know backstories are 90 percent of AGT success.

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4 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

I forgot.  Due to an interruption from a bad weather alert, the show got cut off midway between BAD salsa and returned to see some tearing up cowboy.  Did I miss anything of interest?  

Bad Salsa was act 2, act 3 was the two Chicago dude singers, one was a homicide detective, he wore a ball cap, the other was either a cop or EMT or something. He sort of broke down after they got done singing so maybe that's your tearing up cowboy? Act 4 was Malek the drummer, act 5 was Ryan Trix/Tricks the magician, then came act 6, Archie Williams the guy who spent 36 years in prison.

As to whether you missed anything of interest ... I cannot comment on that!

3 hours ago, Swenson said:

I'm really starting to think this show has changed too much and it just isn't about talent anymore.  It is now fairly reminiscent of an old TV series called "Queen for a Day".....it's all about the sobbing now.   

You could post that same thing in every reality-show thread ... American Idol, The Voice, ANW and so on down the line. If you don't have a sob backstory, your odds of getting on the show are slim. Sob stories even work for contestants on The Bachelor.

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I don't know if any of these shows were ever about real talent.  If they were they would get real judges to critique them rather than celebrities.  

They seem to be more of a popularity contest rather than best act on the show.  

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I felt like I should have been rooting for the drummer because he's from DC, but he got on my nerves.  He was doing more banging than drumming.

The ex-prison guy's voice was just ok, but I was glad that he made it to the next round.  It'll be interesting to see how far he advances.

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9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

If I were a judge when Moses the Grossest came to perform right in front of me, I would have gotten up and walked away. Like I did at home. I knew

I can't stand acts like this and closed my eyes. And yes Terry did hit the golden buzzer for the Detroit choir.

I hate the rip jeans look and hate when the show sets up an act right before the performer walks out on stage, as in Simon and Howie bromance. Whatever!

I also didn't like the 2 twins acting all nervous backstage as act after act gets the buzzer why do we have to see that.

I'll be glad when they get to the shows without the audience, I hate the random open mic with audience members.

I don't have a favorite act of the night no one stood out to me. I did like BAD Salsa because they had a lot of energy and moves I haven't seen before.

I hate that we have a homeless problem in America with all the millionaires and billionaires we shouldn't. I have a son that was homeless so this really hits home with me especially since we have so many empty building. In my town we even have a Mall that has sat empty for 30+ years that could be used to house homeless it makes me sick that people and families are living on sidewalks and at the river bottoms. So I'm glad that the choir has given those people hope and even though I didn't think they were that good I think there story will get them far on AGT.     

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25 minutes ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

I'll be glad when they get to the shows without the audience, I hate the random open mic with audience members.

And what was up with repeatedly showing those two older women in the audience. First just regular showing them, then they set up the flag behind them so one could act like it was REALLY HURTING HER HEAD when it was flopping above her. Were they Simon's two aunties or something?

I'm so sorry about your son @foxfreakinmulder, I hope he is doing better now. And I totally agree one zillion percent about homeless vs. people with more money than they could ever spend in 20 lifetimes.

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9 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

I hate that we have a homeless problem in America with all the millionaires and billionaires we shouldn't. I have a son that was homeless so this really hits home with me especially since we have so many empty building. In my town we even have a Mall that has sat empty for 30+ years that could be used to house homeless it makes me sick that people and families are living on sidewalks and at the river bottoms.

There are probably so many empty spaces around the country they could repurpose. My town had a big rug mill that closed in the 60s (it's actually referenced in Bruce Springsteen's "My Hometown"), sat unused for decades, and was renovated and converted to ~200 affordable housing units about 20 years ago. 

And to keep this comment AGT-related...They made the carpet for Radio City Music Hall in 1932. (Does AGT still do shows there? I know they have in the past; I just googled and the one thing I clicked on mentioned Nick Cannon as host so that was old.)

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the magician..he never turned over those decks so all the cards must have been the same number and same suit....howie and simons hands going up and down at the same time.....that table cloth was there for a reason..I figured the magician was tapping howies foot so he would know when to raise and lower  his hand...

     the guy in jail for over 30 years wrongly convicted glad he is out  and had his big moment.....no way he was going to get the golden buzzer he was on way to early in the show.




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56 minutes ago, sue450 said:

the magician..he never turned over those decks so all the cards must have been the same number and same suit....    


When he took he cards out of their respective boxes, he flipped them face side up and had Howie and Simon verify they were ordinary cards.  I agree the trick was to sub out decks with nothing but, in this case, the Five of Clubs.

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1 hour ago, sue450 said:

     the guy in jail for over 30 years wrongly convicted glad he is out  and had his big moment.....no way he was going to get the golden buzzer he was on way to early in the show.  


I wonder why the producers decided to go with the homeless choir for the final spot and GB. The guy who served 37 years for a wrongful conviction was a way more compelling and unique story, and I also thought he was a good singer. The choir was musically mediocre, but as someone else pointed out, last year Terry gave his GB last year to an inner city choir from Detroit that almost made it to the finals. I think we might see the same thing with the homeless group. They will get a lot of support because of the important social issue they're highlighting. 

Funny, until that last act I was thinking this was one of the better AGT shows in recent memory because of what we didn't have - no kid acts, operatic singers, old people dancing, or choirs. 

I thought the brother-sister Indian dancers were great. This year's V-Unbeatable on a much smaller scale? The Peruvian twins were fun but I don't see them lasting past their second appearance. 

Since I'm not into rap every voice that the impressionist did sounded the same to me. I guess I'm not the only one, because they had Terry telling us who everyone was.

I've seen some amazing street drummers. That guy was not one of them, at least not from what we've seen so far. His act was all flash but with very little substance. 

I have a feeling that the pigs showed us everything they had, though they sure were cute. That giant pig has such an intelligent looking face. Made me not eat bacon for at least a whole day.


Edited by bluepiano
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Do you think they should've cut the part of Heidi and Sofia kissing that pig for "good luck" given that swapping germs with animals is kinda what helped get us into this mess?   Look what happened to Heidi later.....she got ill, thankfully not covid but still ......  at the very least Terry should've said "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!  And yes....I'm aware the tapings were done before all this.

Edited by Swenson
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1 hour ago, Swenson said:

Do you think they should've cut the part of Heidi and Sofia kissing that pig for "good luck" given that swapping germs with animals is kinda what helped get us into this mess?   Look what happened to Heidi later.....she got ill, thankfully not covid but still ......  at the very least Terry should've said "DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!

LOL at "Don't try this at home." Because everyone has a hog or two sitting on their living-room couch.

Heidi got less germs on her lips from barely touching them to a pig's face than she would get from man-handled snacks at the craft services table. What she did wasn't exactly "swapping germs." I'd be more inclined to blame her husband and/or four kids for making her sick than some pig she vaguely touched for a split second.

Edited by saber5055
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18 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And what was up with repeatedly showing those two older women in the audience.

I cannot cite the source, but a while back I read that some shows hire "audience reactors" to react in different ways.  According to the article, sometimes they are not even at the show, just taped reactions from random shows.

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9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

And to keep this comment AGT-related...They made the carpet for Radio City Music Hall in 1932. (Does AGT still do shows there? I know they have in the past; I just googled and the one thing I clicked on mentioned Nick Cannon as host so that was old.)

They only did the live shows at RCMH when Howard was a judge because he needed to be in New York for his radio program. Live rounds are now done at the Dolby Theatre in LA.

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1 hour ago, Babalooie said:

I cannot cite the source, but a while back I read that some shows hire "audience reactors" to react in different ways.  According to the article, sometimes they are not even at the show, just taped reactions from random shows.

This show seems to use them a lot. I can think of at least 4 times where they cut to audience members for their "natural" reaction. 

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1 hour ago, Babalooie said:

I cannot cite the source, but a while back I read that some shows hire "audience reactors" to react in different ways.  According to the article, sometimes they are not even at the show, just taped reactions from random shows.

There are more plants in the audience of AGT (and most probably other shows) than your local botanical gardens.

I found the two old aunties or grannies or whoever they were to be annoying and overact-y, as was the Peru flag display.  Two women from Peru and you have the fly the flag?  Where was the India flag for BAD Salsa?

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thanks for the correction I don't remember the magician showing the other side of those decks........Speaking american idol....they used to up up a paragraph in the corner...REALLY small print..basically saying it was entertainment and they could pick who they wanted to win...oh and once you sign on, however they want to present you and yoyr story..you have to go along with it

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Since the website Sidereel is down, I was not alerted to the fact that AGT was back.  I got to watch it complete with commercial breaks for free on NBC's Roku app.  Praise be to NBC for allowing their shows to be watched the next day, unlike CBS who makes you wait for eight whole days.

This season got off to a fine start because Pork Chop Revue and BAD Salsa and was entertaining until the spell was broken by the Whoopie Cushion Woman who I think was probably some Disneyland employee hired to play the part on AGT as part of the show's continuing phoniness.  At least they grouped the bad acts all together and finally got the real ball rolling again with the Peruvian Twins.  They weren't bad but won't go very far, IMO.  The Two Dudes Singing "Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi were really good; exactly what a talent show act should be.  I also liked "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" by Archie Williams in its beauty and simplicity and think he has a wonderful voice.  Now that's a sob story worth telling.  I'm glad we got to meet this fine gentleman and wish him many blessings in life.

I live in San Diego, where the Voices Of Our City Choir are from.  Never heard of them, of course, but we'll see what they bring on next.  I'm not a big choir fan on AGT but I wish these folks well.

I wouldn't mind if Pork Chop Revue wins this thing!


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Well, they could not have improved the shows make-up any better than swapping out the 2 one year wonder judges from last year for Heidi and Sofia. I’ll give Sofia some time to get comfortable; she looked a little stiff.

Yay for Simon to find a shirt with a collar.

Pigs- eh. India couple was fast and entertaining. 
Shocked the prison guy didn’t win a GB, despite his average voice. No kudos for the Innocence Project from me; I know 2 people heavily involved locally who are 2 of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met. I’m glad he got out if he was innocent, though.

Drummer was OK,but Simon saying they have never had anyone like that before after that incredible guitar player who interspersed his hand percussion throughout his  act was the same concept. And, he was far better than Moonwalk Drummer and was screewwwwed last year.
Loved the danger act guy. That move with his mouth over the blade and the hammer strike looked like a reinactment of the sidewalk/skull crushing scene in American History X.
The 2 cops were OK singers. Wish the best for 2 LEO guys.

I absolutely hated that social media rapper impersonator. Had no clue who he was imitating, hated his Wayne Newton game show personality and the way 2 of the judges and then Terry had to spoon feed the TV audience every one of who the people were that he was imitating. That means 1. He wasn’t very good and 2. He was going to be a big hit no matter how bad he was. Yuck.

The 2 chubby girls had good voices, which made me wonder what the point was for their crying histrionics while watching horrible horrible acts get buzzed in front of them. Seriously, what does a sock throwing up have to do with their act?  Maybe different costume choices, though.
Wow, I was disappointed to see another sob story generated choir go up there and waste time. Now I see why they won the GB... they get to succeed based on their sob story and we don’t have to listen to them sing any more.

None of the shows were really outstanding, none too awful.  I’ll get a sandwich next time Wayne Newton raps again. The show feels like they have discovered all the talent already, I guess.

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Haven't finished watching yet, just wanted to comment on the acts I've seen so far...

The pigs are cute, but they won't last long

Bad Salsa was pretty impressive

Whoopie Cushion Lady-WTH?!

Broken Roots-I liked it, but the bald guy was trying too hard, which took me out of it a little bit. I'm hoping he can settle down on future shows.


Edited by marykat71702
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I still hate when they tell every second act they will be stars.    There is only so much disposable income to go around and limited time.   No matter how good you are, you don’t just become successful based on talent.  After all, who would have anticipated that the biggest star (money wise) to come out of this show would be a ventriloquist?

I liked BAD but I felt kind of sorry for them when they talked about what they would do with the money if they win.  At least the judges haven’t been asking what contestants would do with a million dollars if they win,.... conveniently not mentioning it is paid over 40 years.  

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5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I still hate when they tell every second act they will be stars.    


14 hours ago, SG11 said:

I absolutely hated that social media rapper impersonator. Had no clue who he was imitating, hated his Wayne Newton game show personality and the way 2 of the judges and then Terry had to spoon feed the TV audience every one of who the people were that he was imitating. That means 1. He wasn’t very good and 2. He was going to be a big hit 

Simon's new line this year is "are you ready for two minutes that can change your life?" He said that before almost every act. How many people's lives are actually really changed by this show? A very tiny number.

BAD Salsa did say they wanted to be able to go home and support their families, but that's only going to happen if they go all the way. Though I'm wondering if they are already successful in India. My guess is that they would've started with India's Got Talent. Even if they had won that, or some other Got Talent show, AGT wouldn't tell us, as they want it to see like every act is an unknown. 

I think that AGT is likely going to push the social media impersonator to show that they can connect with a younger audience. It's not my generation, so the whole social media performer thing is weird to me. I can't imagine a performer not wanting to get in front of a live audience and get that personal response. It's weird that his first live performance ever was in front of a giant audience. Didn't he ever think of doing an open mic or performing at a local club?

Edited by bluepiano
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1 hour ago, bluepiano said:

I think that AGT is likely going to push the social media impersonator to show that they can connect with a younger audience.

The Masked Singer has been doing this as well.  It's kind of annoying.  

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Merging the two posts together with a line (what I thought was pretty funny) removed.

That intro with the "small violin" pandemic segment was annoying. Every company, brand, show, person, etc. has been putting on the softly spoken voice for a patronizing "pat on the back" commercial or whatever that doesn't accomplish anything. I'm sure anyone who is actually suffering would prefer some actual help instead of that b.s. Anyways...

Pork Chop Revue - I think the intent behind saying that pig was 700 pounds was supposed to make the crowd react, but as the obesity rates continue to climb, such numbers only become more unimpressive. These pet acts always suck, since it's usually the same amount of limited tricks only with a different animal. Most American husbands do similar tricks just so their wives will have sex with them, so I didn't find any of it to be endearing. Considering the travel logistics of "when pigs fly", I imagine they will be transported by truck to the next round.

Bad Salsa - When trying to find out where in India they're from, I narrowed down the search to areas with a population density less than a million people per square mile, which turned up zero results. I never understand how so many of these foreign acts mention starving throughout childhood, yet they are rarely below average height or build. Anyways, I don't think there's much to say about them, though if you thought the Indian dance group from last year celebrated a lot, imagine this one when they realize they don't have to split $1 million 50 ways.

Eileen Chase - Her act sounded like my monthly visit to the toilet. I'm so backed up, I don't even miss the old McDonald's Ribwich, since there's still undigested pieces of it lodged somewhere in my torso.

Broken Roots - These guys must be clinging onto some misplaced hope if they named their duo after thinking damaged follicles was the extent of their hair problem. The law enforcement field must be pretty frightening if so many members of it are bald. Does that one guy think wearing a hat is going to fool anyone into thinking there's anything under it? I don't outright hate them for now, but I don't expect that to hold. Most of the time I think people getting overly emotional when they're doing songs they didn't write is just embarrassing. Apparently someone's wife died too; good thing they remembered what show they're on so they have that to call on whenever their applause meter is running low.

Malik DOPE Drummer - His name is already trying to get sympathy by saying he'll sell drugs if you don't vote for him, how pathetic. I thought this was really overrated and a stupid way of finding work, since most drumming positions are for a band. I can't say I remember when Neil Peart would run away from his drum kit to do a dance solo while intermittently hitting a tambourine. Not to mention since I smack my head in a 4/4 time signature when trying to remember my own name when talking to a girl, I was aware of his sloppy technique. Yawn.

Ryan Tricks - I've always been confused with the people who are so "out there" that they will cover their skin in shitty doodles, yet can't be bothered to grow their hair out past a quarter inch - it looked like his head was painted brown instead of there being any hair there. Anyway, I loathe these magic acts since the extent of it is either Simon and Howie laughing "just like we rehearsed" or kicking each other's shins underneath the table or whatever. If he really knew what I was thinking, he'd have found a way to turn the TV off.

Archie Williams - Assuming his story is even real, him mentioning "a white woman" sounds like an intentional addition to stir the pot of racial internet arguments. Performance was boring as hell, but the story was all that was needed to send the pansy audience into a frenzy. How ironic his first performance after getting out of jail was a cell-out show. It's a good thing he didn't rap, since the compliment of him having "bars" likely would've been offensive.


I'll continue tomorrow. Damn Sofia's voice is annoying.

Dan Nowman Niswander - A joke performance, but more so because he was referencing space as if it were a non-fiction.

Old School Skaters - Garbage.

Michael Goldenberg - His last name doesn't live up to the hype, since his act is at best a log of shit painted yellow. The two Peruvian sisters who have been having fake as hell dialogue and making annoying faces through the past few segments are incredibly annoying.

Double Dragon - As far as how long this felt, I'd say "Double Drag On" is more like it. As thirsty as I am, I would never join the precipitation of Raining Men if it were towards them, since they're not attractive at all. I never understood the national pride when moving to another country - I suppose I can't use myself as an example, since Canada is so void of culture, there's nothing to be proud of at all, but it'd be like me moving to the US and only standing for the Canadian anthem at a hockey game. Song was boring, since it was one of those near public domain songs that play in random "go girl" commercials. Whenever singers refer to themselves as entertainers, they rarely display anything that would make you focus on something aside from singing. So, so lame.

Vincent Marcus - The impressions were good, but unless the nursery rhyme thing was his way of validating my adult baby fetish, it was a stupid choice. Why didn't he just say the lyrics that belonged to the beats or (something requiring actual talent) write something original to them? This act is going to get extremely stale, just like every other impression act from past seasons.

Muy Moi Show - It's rare that an act is actually entertaining; this was pretty good. The past few years have had danger acts ruined from the judges turning around and pressing the buzzer before they even get to do anything, because apparently watching a 30 second clip of someone juggling sharp objects can send a viewer into a PTSD episode. Nice stuff.

Voices of Our City Choir - Near every member got a chance to cry on camera like the Jimmy Fallon segments of parents pretending to eat their kids' Halloween candy. Not like there was ever any tolerance for it, but stop the damn crying - every episode for the past 10 years having to end in allergy season sniffling is irritating. There was the leader of the choir who sounded talented and then to me the actual choir sounded about as musical as when a college fraternity collectively yells what pizza toppings they want in unison. Of course they got the golden buzzer. Yawn.

Pretty lame episode all in all. It took me so long to get to, the next one is already almost here. Not looking forward to that.

Edited by InternetToughGuy
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Once again, AGT, there's a difference between having "some talent and a major backstory" and "having major talent."  Being wrongfully accused, or putting together a choir of people struggling with their housing situation is impressive enough to be on TV--but "impressive" is not the same as "talented."

Maybe I had a higher standard for the choir, because if you write your own song, it should really showcase your musical talent.

I wish them all well; I hope some of these acts get a Vegas or a Branson gig out of it--and it was entertaining enough, but I didn't see a clear winner in the bunch.

OK, maybe the pig act.

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On 5/28/2020 at 9:34 PM, kirklandia said:

Pork Chop Revue? I hate names like that. I guess those piggies know what's gonna happen if they don't work their squiggly little tails off.

Farmers' humor?

I want to see more of PCR, even if they don't Step It Up and Give Us More.  They are so danged cute and smart, I'd definitely watch another helping of the Pork Chops!  (As someone else here said, sowry!)

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On 5/28/2020 at 11:34 PM, kirklandia said:

Pork Chop Revue? I hate names like that. I guess those piggies know what's gonna happen if they don't work their squiggly little tails off.

I used to work with a guy who raised a steer to put in the freezer. Named him Sir Loin. Another friend raises a steer every year for the same purpose and there is no end of names ... T Bone, Rib Eye, Ham Burger and so forth. I currently don't know anyone who names their future ham-and-bacon dinner however.

Back OT, I've heard Eminem often (and saw his movie) and know Pit Bull's rap, but the imitator guy ... I was clueless. I couldn't believe the audience went into crazed histrionics as soon as they guy started. But thank you Terry for explaining each of the people he was imitating since they all sounded the same to my ears.

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Well, life happens, so I was just now able to finally watch the rest of the show.

The magician was cool, but is he just a one-trick pony?

A few WTH acts...How do they even make it to the live shows?

The Dragons were entertaining.  I hope the one gets her nerves under control.  The reactions of the older twins to the people screaming behind them, though, lol.

Archie. Man, what a horrible thing to go through knowing you are innocent. I'm glad the truth finally came out.  Liked his voice.

The impressionist was fun and did pretty good, I guess(I didn't know a few of the voices he was doing so can't really judge on that)

Moses-meh, not really my kind of thing so <shrug>

I can't help but feel like the choir got the pity Golden Buzzer, because I don't think they would have made it to the finals otherwise. YMMV


Edited by marykat71702
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