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S35.E06: Love Will Tear Us Apart

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Jenna struggles to maintain her tumultuous relationship at home while competing for a life-changing amount of money. A prank gone wrong threatens Bear & Kailah’s budding romance. Players compete in a high-speed “Fast and Furious” inspired challenge.

Airs May 6, 2020.

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1) Aneesa is a whole mood this season. Loving it!

2) I'm just gonna put it out there. Nelson is never winning 1st place. He's terrible at the politics. He will never build an alliance that can take him to the end. Every season he's in, he's gonna get treated like a rookie. He's going into elimination every season he's on (specifically, the seasons where it isn't required to go into one).

3) I think Nany made a good TV move to put Jenna into the tribunal. Everyone was circling Jenna like scavengers. They have to fight each other over the scraps. Instead of going the predictable way of everyone voting for Jenna and then begging to go in against her, they have to scramble to find another easy target, who just might be Kailiah.

4) I really hate that the eliminations aren't at the end of the episodes. I don't like this format. I imagine that's going to continue for the rest of the season.


Edited by AntFTW
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I can't tell what was more excrutiating: Jay being nearly concussed and having to be pulled from the game for not knowing where he was, or Jenna dithering about whether to quit because her boyfriend threw a hissy fit over her two-year old DMs.

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Wasn't crazy about how the show handled Jay's departure.  He was clearly woozy from the hit so it's understandable why he had to leave.  But I didn't like how Rogan was automatically granted a red skull for literally/medically knocking out his competition rather than technically winning the elimination per their rules.  Wish there was some sort of middle ground like Rogan staying in the competition but not getting a red skull or perhaps allowing Jay to gift his red skulls to one or two other competitors.

51 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I can't tell what was more excrutiating: Jay being nearly concussed and having to be pulled from the game for not knowing where he was, or Jenna dithering about whether to quit because her boyfriend threw a hissy fit over her two-year old DMs.

I just don't get the Jenna/Zach relationship sometimes.  Didn't he cheat on her a long time ago?  Their argument kinda felt like a double standard.  Regardless, it looks like they are engaged now (per Instagram).  So I guess they worked everything out?

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Oh man, poor Jay. I really wanted to know what would happen if he won a third 3 skull. Would it have been a pass out any future eliminations? I hope Rogan gets eliminated soon. Dee too. She obviously only used Jay to get Rogan's attention back on her and that's just gross.

Jenna, Jenna, Jenna. I cannot believe she is legit going to marry that man and waste more years with him. I swear every time she does a challenge without they always end up with some big fight or he cheats on her. They never have these issues when he's on the challenge alone. I hope she stays though and I'm glad Nany put her in the tribunal so that the house couldn't vote her in as an easy out.

If Nelson keeps wondering why his name comes up for votes, just watch the playback. Dude. Aneesa's reaction to being paired up with Nelson was hilarious. I don't know why he threw a hissy fit on a girl's day anyway.

Kailah really threw away a 3 year live in relationship for a challenge up with Bear. Girl. She was so happy to see that little cozy room until the photos were up and then suddenly Bear and the guys were disrespectful to her relationship? Them? Not her??

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Jenna will never win. She’s just not checked out in this challenge, she’s just not fierce and does t seem to train like someone like Tori.

She wasted years with Jay, now wasting them with Zach and is really wasting time on the Challenges.

But for some reason the producers like showing her being a weepy doormat.

And they like to show Bananas and Wes’ antics, wasted so much of this episode on that dumb shit.  I’d rather see them show the elimination than that manufactured drama.

Bayleigh and Swaggy talk up a such a big game but they don’t perform  — he’s 6-4? Probably doesn’t bode well for Wes to have a secret alliance with them.


The previews show Jenna and Nany around so apparently they don’t go in.  They also show Dee in an elimination again, which is surprising since she’s a tough competitor.  

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This wasn't a fun episode. I should have checked out when Jay got up and asked Teege who he was and why Jeff Probst wasn't around. Rogan didn't even have to carry the flaming ball. And then things got worse.

Jenna, Jenna, Jenna. Why, Jenna? Why do you persist on staying in a relationship with a Neanderthal? Once again, Zach found a way to ruin things without being on the show. And even if Jenna did cheat on him, hasn't he constantly cheated on her? She should be allowed to balance the scales.

And Kailah. Oh, Kailah. You're kissing on a weird mix of personality defects and slime, barely wrapped up in a Union Jack. Bear's natural habitat is trying to start fights at lower division soccer games in England. Why would ANYBODY throw out a relationship -- in ANY shape -- to screw around with Puck's illegitimate son?

And then Johnny and Wes make a little love nest for Kailah and Bear. I am very disappointed in Wes. When it comes to mean-spirited stuff, he shouldn't be involved at all. Also: should I read into how Bear isn't being shamed for his involved? No, it's Kailah being a slut and/or her boyfriend being a cuckold. Nobody involved looks good.

Mission was interesting, Only three pairs managed to complete it. Aneesa didn't look to be going hard, but then Nelson made her look awesome by being a complete and total bitch to her. I don't consider myself an expert on Aneesa, but I'm certain she wasn't trying to throw the mission to get a date in Purgatory and a possible easy Skull against a broken Jenna. He kept going on and on and on and oh my GOD, shut the fuck up! SHUT IT!

Wes gave Josh too much credit. In order for someone to throw a mission, one would have to be aware that they WANT to screw up on purpose. Josh might be a humanoid black hole. He's so vacant and dull. He just dropped a puzzle piece without realizing it, then got all huffy when he was told he fucked up. He's just so dull. It's like he knew that other Big Brother people weren't going to be assholes like him, so he had to be extra "extra" to make up for Paulie's absence.

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10 hours ago, AntFTW said:

1) Aneesa is a whole mood this season. Loving it!


That's about all she's bringing, though.  She's nearly worthless, and the only resume item she has is a roomful of participation trophies.

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11 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

That's about all she's bringing, though.  She's nearly worthless, and the only resume item she has is a roomful of participation trophies.

I agree. She’s just been comic relief all season. For that reason only, I hope she sticks around.

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My blood was BOILING during that call between Jenna and Zak.  What a completely awful scumbag human being his is.  I felt so badly for her during that whole thing.  It's easy to say she should just move on, but I can't be clear enough that what we were witnessing was full on emotional abuse.  Not just an asshole boyfriend.  Abusive boyfriend.  They didn't even once, not even once, mention that this was all a result of him being a f'in snoop in the first place.  Why was he even reading her DMs from TWO YEARS AGO.  He has whole cloth made a problem out of nothing.  I 100% believe that she has never cheated on him, and it can be the most disorienting and hurtful thing to be accused of something you have never done, especially by someone you have forgiven for doing that exact thing!  He refused to take her calls or tell her what was going on. He also accused her of being a bad person.  He withdrew his affection and refused to say I love you.  He threatened the future of their relationship if she did not jump and coming rushing to defend herself against his completely baseless accusations...he was vague in his accusations, just enough to further confuse and scare her.  He wants her to burn bridges with her friends, alliances, and MTV to prove her love to him, which she should already be doing after "what she did." 

As far as I can tell, he's the only one who has done anything wrong, but he deftly has her jumping through hoops to prove what he thinks about her is wrong.  She thinks she can defend herself, prove herself innocent, and logic him back to reason.  There is nothing logical or reasonable about what he has done.  Essentially, his girlfriend went on a business trip, he snooped through her DMs and created a false situation where she is the bad guy and he is the victim, and now he is demanding she quit her job and come home.  It's fucking psycho.  It's a horrible abuse cycle, and I hope she gets out.

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14 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Wasn't crazy about how the show handled Jay's departure.  He was clearly woozy from the hit so it's understandable why he had to leave.  But I didn't like how Rogan was automatically granted a red skull for literally/medically knocking out his competition rather than technically winning the elimination per their rules.  Wish there was some sort of middle ground like Rogan staying in the competition but not getting a red skull or perhaps allowing Jay to gift his red skulls to one or two other competitors.

I agree with this. I guess technically since Jay couldn't defend the basket, Rogan could have simply walked up to the basket and put the balls in, but it feels like his win should have an asterisk or something. 

The fact that we didn't even get into the challenge until after 36 minutes had passed was ridiculous. I was very irritated with that. I like a little relationship drama, but that was too much. 

Nelson went from "I hope he wins" last week to "Ok he can go anytime now" for me. I liked his logic behind why he put Bear in due to the fire extinguisher situation. I think that was the right call. But his verbal abuse of Aneesa was too much. I don't even get the logic behind trying to throw the challenge. Is there a presumption the tribunal would throw in Jenna and then how would Aneesa get into the other position? Voted in? I'm sure if Jenna were in Purgatory, Aneesa isn't the only one who would want to go against her. It is much more logical to try to win the tribunal to ensure you could go in if you wanted to. 

I feel like Jenna is one of those girls who believe they've already invested so much time into the relationship it would be a waste to walk away now.  I knew one before who kept with her boyfriend for over 7 years even though he wasn't a really good guy and didn't seem marriage minded.  When asked about it her answer was similar to Jenna's, I've put so much time and effort into it... And he is emotionally abusive as hell. It was gross to watch. I also think that he's probably cheating right now while she's gone and is deflecting to her cheating so he can excuse it when he gets caught. I wish she would have said to him, "We were on a break!" 

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14 hours ago, zenithwit said:

Wasn't crazy about how the show handled Jay's departure.  He was clearly woozy from the hit so it's understandable why he had to leave.  But I didn't like how Rogan was automatically granted a red skull for literally/medically knocking out his competition rather than technically winning the elimination per their rules.

I agree. Rogan should not have been given a red skull because he didn't win by the rules of the game.

Edited by AntFTW
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I love Jenna, but I hate her relationship with Zach. He is awful to her. Is this because she went without him, so he has to start some drama? Jenna. Run! Don't marry him. There are good guys out there. 

Why are they focusing so much on Kailah and Bear? People cheat on this show ALL THE TIME.   It's nothing new. 

Jay, I'll miss you! 

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5 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

I feel like Jenna is one of those girls who believe they've already invested so much time into the relationship it would be a waste to walk away now.  I knew one before who kept with her boyfriend for over 7 years even though he wasn't a really good guy and didn't seem marriage minded.  When asked about it her answer was similar to Jenna's, I've put so much time and effort into it... And he is emotionally abusive as hell. It was gross to watch. I also think that he's probably cheating right now while she's gone and is deflecting to her cheating so he can excuse it when he gets caught. I wish she would have said to him, "We were on a break!" 

I almost wish it were that. I don’t think she’s caught up on the time and effort. For whatever reason, Jenna is and always has been borderline obsessed with Zach. She has never cared about his bad behavior as long as he’s still willing to be her boyfriend. She would have taken him back after the cheating incident on Rivals 3 without batting an eye; he just wouldn’t let her. She has jumped every time he has suggested he might be interested, whether or not he’s involved with someone else at the time. I have no idea what it is about him she finds so magnetic, but she absolutely refuses to detach herself. What’s more, and perhaps this speaks to the way she’s been treated by men in her life overall, she seems honestly bewildered and angered by the fact that people are trying to open her eyes to the fact that he is controlling and manipulates her. Her response seems to be “everyone has fights.” She truly doesn’t understand why people see anything other than a normal fight a couple would have. If her BFF Nany can’t get through to her, I doubt anyone can. She truly believes that this is a normal, loving way to function. 

Crazy to me that he’s accusing her of cheating when he’s the one who factually has and that he’s yelling at her about her private DMs on her phone from two years ago when he had bumble on his without her knowledge. And, of course, the return of the gaslighting by reacting with indignation that she would “give attitude” when she showed something resembling a spine and reacted with frustration to his baseless, possessive, controlling accusations. I feel like it would do both of them a world of good for her to walk away—her because she’d get away from him, and him because he might get some sort of message that you can’t treat people this way.

They’ve been working hard to use their relationship to up their influencer profiles. It would probably work better if Zach could stop being a public asshole to her for even one challenge season. Every time people start to forget and are lulled by their happy social media presence, the truth comes back out and reminds us all how sad their relationship truly is. 


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I'm gonna continue the trend...

One thing that gets me is that Kailah is frustrated with the situation and she's like "I don't wanna feEd into this" when Bear calls her over, yet she goes and she feeds right into it.


Edited by AntFTW
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Jenna. Jenna, Jenna, Jenna.  I promise you, you can leave him and you won’t die alone.  There are plenty of decent guys who would swoop in.  I think she’s both obsessed with Zach and afraid of being single, both of which are sad.  
Watching the their conversation made me think that he is cheating on her and is looking for a reason to justify it when she finds out.  A narcissistic way to take the heat off of himself.  If she confesses to something, anything, he’s off the hook and she will have to grovel to keep HIM, not the other way around. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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10 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Jenna. Jenna, Jenna, Jenna.  I promise you, you can leave him and you won’t die alone.  There are plenty of decent guys who would swoop in.  I think she’s both obsessed with Zach and afraid of being single, both of which are sad.  
Watching the their conversation made me think that he is cheating on her and is looking for a reason to justify it when she finds out.  A narcissistic way to take the heat off of himself.  If she confesses to something, anything, he’s off the hook and she will have to grovel to keep HIM, not the other way around. 

There might be negatives about her that we never get to see. Even then, I’ve seen Jenna in person, all dressed up. SMOKE SHOW. And I bet her “dumb” moments are played up. I reckon she and Chanel from Ridiculousness could start a club/support group for that.

She can do so much better than Zach. Sadly, she’s probably been told that countless times, and she’s still with him. I’d offer my resume to her, but 1. You could fit a college freshman between our birth dates, and 2. She’s already been with a putz named Jay. Why repeat that with an older model?

(I’m a “Jason”; occasionally, I’ll answer to “Jay,” though it bugs me if someone uses that off the bat. On the other hand, I’m not a serial cheater like lil’ Quitty McGee was to her)

ETA: Is Kailah being slut-shamed? I’m uncertain about the precise definition. All I know is that nobody really puts the judgement spurs to Bear, and he’s the biggest asshole in that ongoing plot.

Edited by Lantern7
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12 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I almost wish it were that. I don’t think she’s caught up on the time and effort. For whatever reason, Jenna is and always has been borderline obsessed with Zach. She has never cared about his bad behavior as long as he’s still willing to be her boyfriend. She would have taken him back after the cheating incident on Rivals 3 without batting an eye; he just wouldn’t let her. She has jumped every time he has suggested he might be interested, whether or not he’s involved with someone else at the time. I have no idea what it is about him she finds so magnetic, but she absolutely refuses to detach herself. What’s more, and perhaps this speaks to the way she’s been treated by men in her life overall, she seems honestly bewildered and angered by the fact that people are trying to open her eyes to the fact that he is controlling and manipulates her. Her response seems to be “everyone has fights.” She truly doesn’t understand why people see anything other than a normal fight a couple would have. If her BFF Nany can’t get through to her, I doubt anyone can. She truly believes that this is a normal, loving way to function. 

Crazy to me that he’s accusing her of cheating when he’s the one who factually has and that he’s yelling at her about her private DMs on her phone from two years ago when he had bumble on his without her knowledge. And, of course, the return of the gaslighting by reacting with indignation that she would “give attitude” when she showed something resembling a spine and reacted with frustration to his baseless, possessive, controlling accusations. I feel like it would do both of them a world of good for her to walk away—her because she’d get away from him, and him because he might get some sort of message that you can’t treat people this way.

They’ve been working hard to use their relationship to up their influencer profiles. It would probably work better if Zach could stop being a public asshole to her for even one challenge season. Every time people start to forget and are lulled by their happy social media presence, the truth comes back out and reminds us all how sad their relationship truly is. 


Probably the smartest thing Nany has ever said: "There is no reasoning with Jenna when it comes to Zach". I also liked that they picked her for the tribunal. You know it was Nany's idea and I'm glad Jordan went along with it.

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I borderline hate Jenna but fucking hell even I don't wish Zach on her! I find him to be maybe one of the lowest people involved in this franchise and that is really saying something. The way he behaved in this ep was a really great demonstration of an abuser. Super disturbing to watch.

I can't stand Kailah. "I don't wanna feed into this," as she continues to do nothing but feed into it. I hope they vote her in and she loses because I can't stand listening to her annoying ass voice anymore.

This episode was a reminder of how loathsome I find 99% of these people. I'll still keep watching though lol.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I borderline hate Jenna but fucking hell even I don't wish Zach on her! I find him to be maybe one of the lowest people involved in this franchise and that is really saying something. The way he behaved in this ep was a really great demonstration of an abuser. Super disturbing to watch.

Zach is a complete and utter baby and he's selfish. I think back to that season where Amanda brought up the Bumble app situation and I remember thinking "WOW! He literally just turned the whole thing around on Jenna and Jenna did nothing wrong". He made Jenna feel like it was her fault. If I recall correctly, Jenna was apologizing by the end of it and he's the one that fucked up.

To me, even though she's a little ditsy, Jenna seems like a sweetheart. She can do better but she doesn't seem to know that yet.


2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This episode was a reminder of how loathsome I find 99% of these people. I'll still keep watching though lol.

#ChallengeLogic lol

Edited by AntFTW
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adding my vote to those who think Rogan didn't deserve a skull. Giving it to him encourages people to be unnecessarily violent during a challenge. Not saying he loses but given the situation, it should be the end of the challenge and he has to get back in another time. It would be different if Jay tripped and injured himself. 

I could not follow at all why Nelson was yelling at Aneesa. I don't see what her incentive would be to throw the challenge. Being in the tribunal gives her power. Plus, how did it hurt him even if she did throw it?

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Nelson's ranting made no sense.  If Aneesa wanted to go in against Jenna, the best way to try and achieve that is to be in the tribunal.  But, we all know how much of a strategic mastermind he is, so...I suppose it made Nelson sense.

The whole scene with Jenna and Zach was horrible to watch.  I can't believe MTV aired it - we are literally watching an abusive relationship.  And even though I knew it was coming, I felt so bad for Jenna when she apologized for...Zach being mad I suppose?  I fear that until she figures all this out, she's not going to get out.

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Zach has always been a POS tho Jenna is just so obsessed with him. I follow them both on ig and he just put a dumb post about their relationship and this episode.

Zach did this before tho years ago I thought. He wouldn’t answer Jennas calls til finally Jenna found out he had been cheating on her. He probably was cheating on her this time too.

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52 minutes ago, Marley said:

Zach has always been a POS tho Jenna is just so obsessed with him. I follow them both on ig and he just put a dumb post about their relationship and this episode.

Zach did this before tho years ago I thought. He wouldn’t answer Jennas calls til finally Jenna found out he had been cheating on her. He probably was cheating on her this time too.

The last time, while he was technically cheating, he had basically dumped Jenna to be with this other girl and just didn’t bother to tell her. This time it seems like he was avoiding her calls to punish her, which is clearly an excellent way to handle a fight with someone who doesn’t know what you’re angry about and who is on another continent. Also, can we talk about why Nicole knew the reason for his anger? Was he calling Jenna’s friends while she was away to try to get information out of them about the perceived DM situation? He is unacceptable on so many levels. But she doesn’t get it, and I don’t think she ever will. I can’t figure out what has her so starry eyed over him. I do wonder if the constant negging (even in their Instagram stories he’s constantly making jokes at her expense about her intelligence, coordination, fitness, and “obsession” with him) is part of why she’s so desperate for him to validate her with his nominal love. 

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On 5/8/2020 at 5:26 PM, Marley said:

Zach did this before tho years ago I thought. He wouldn’t answer Jennas calls til finally Jenna found out he had been cheating on her. He probably was cheating on her this time too.

I wouldn't doubt it.  Zach has interesting strategy of cheating on Jenna and then finding a way to make it her fault.  


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I never touched on this so here goes.

So... I'm guessing Jordan is gonna try to get the house to vote in Tori.

I don't believe Nany and Jenna will want to go into elimination next week. I think Nany picked solely for safety and not so much giving Jenna the choice of whether she wants to go into elimination or not. The house picks Tori and the Tribunal picks some people to trade favors with plus someone that Tori wants. That's my guess.

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