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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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1 minute ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I would love it if my husband took me on an axe throwing date honestly. It sounds fun and a great way to get anger out!

It was freaking scary the first few times I threw. I saw one come bouncing back at a girl and it scared the bejesus out of me.

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Just now, Angry Moldovan said:
3 minutes ago, peaceknit said:

Boys? Never did I expect to only have boys. Now I feel that I understand men better than women, lol. The teen years with my last one about did me in.

2 boys

I wanted a prissy little girl who sat in a chair and read books. I got a tom boy who is high energy and would rather be climbing trees and running around outside. 🙂 

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15 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She could work as an administrative assistant or receptionist. She could sell tickets at a movie theater. She acts like she's bed bound. She can walk with her boot. Jesus, a friend of mine at work tore her Achilles tendon and got one of those scooters. Tania is full of shit. 

Absolutely full of shit! I schlepped all over NYC for my job with a broken ankle. Lazy bitch. 

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1 minute ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I appreciate hearing from all of you who have successfully raised boys, as a new mom of a 6 month old baby boy. I always thought I'd have a girl and feel like I know nothing about boys 

Single mom of a boy and it’s been the best. Love him even as he’s screaming at his friends over Xbox....

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1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

I wanted a prissy little girl who sat in a chair and read books. I got a tom boy who is high energy and would rather be climbing trees and running around outside. 🙂 

mom, is that you???

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1 minute ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I appreciate hearing from all of you who have successfully raised boys, as a new mom of a 6 month old baby boy. I always thought I'd have a girl and feel like I know nothing about boys 

Boys are great. They don’t criticize how you look.

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Why are these Americans always so surprised when their spouse’s poor families ask for money? This is what immigrants have done for generations. One makes it and sends money home until others can come and do the same. Melanie and Devar made this a part of their storyline too.

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2 minutes ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I appreciate hearing from all of you who have successfully raised boys, as a new mom of a 6 month old baby boy. I always thought I'd have a girl and feel like I know nothing about boys 

There’s a sweetness to my boys that totally surprised me

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Just now, kacesq said:

Is that really an alternative pronunciation of Pierre? I’ve only ever hear it on this show...

It's the Larissa way of pronouncing Pierre.

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2 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

😂 We would have been mom pals, 100%. 

Sib from another crib!

2 minutes ago, Vandy10 said:

Oh, get over yourself Kalani. Asuelu just went to the place the producers told him to go to (i.e. the place they could clear for filming and get comped).

Exactly. Because who didn't know that they would not go to a nice restaurant with tablecloths and candles? 

Just now, KelseyNikki614 said:

I appreciate hearing from all of you who have successfully raised boys, as a new mom of a 6 month old baby boy. I always thought I'd have a girl and feel like I know nothing about boys 

My son is the greatest joy of my life. Seriously, its not hard to learn at all. You'll catch on quick! Soon you'll have a slew of boys over for sleepovers and finding nerf darts everywhere and yelling things like "no swimming on the stairs!". You'll be fine. 

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3 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

Maybe not the most romantic date, but it looks like fun to me. But anything looks like fun after three months of staying at home!

There is trail not far from my house that has archery targets, I am excited to try it.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Soon you'll have a slew of boys over for sleepovers and finding nerf darts everywhere and yelling things like "no swimming on the stairs!". You'll be fine. 

Don’t forget the LEGOS strewn all over the floors. Feet killers!

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3 minutes ago, KelseyNikki614 said:

I appreciate hearing from all of you who have successfully raised boys, as a new mom of a 6 month old baby boy. I always thought I'd have a girl and feel like I know nothing about boys 

Helloooo! Another mom of two boys here.  I always thought I'd have a girl, but no.  But it's been awesome!  I wouldn't have it any other way.  We have a lot of fun and I think they're two of the coolest people ever.  My advice would be to just let your boy figure out what he's interested in and watch the magic.  Oh and also, crying/emotions are acceptable.

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Boys are great. They don’t criticize how you look.

All sons think their mothers are beautiful. And all boys think their moms are badass.

2 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

There’s a sweetness to my boys that totally surprised me

Agreed. Love is a little boy. They are adorable and so sweet and nice. I remember once when my son was sick at day care, he was about 4. I rushed there from work to get him, and his best friend was sitting right by his side, keeping him company till I got there. Boys ROCK

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Just now, sainte-chapelle said:

Damn Karine looks rough compared to how she looked when she first met Paul. He sucked the hot out of her.

Yeah, she doesn't look like she's the cleanest of persons. The way that she and Pole live really shocks me. It's like Hoarders.

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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

My 2 boys are 25 and 27 and there is still a sweetness to them ,at least with me

Mine is 38 and calls me every day. I hear from my daughter when she needs money lol

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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

My 2 boys are 25 and 27 and there is still a sweetness to them ,at least with me

Yes, my son is 26 and is one of the kindest, gentlest people I ever knew. He is utterly beloved by his friends and its so gratifying to see. 

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