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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Beside all that Lily, Jill is the one who brought you in so you are vulnerable also.  Lily you just fired Daniel and Heather for personal reasons but Devon is not allowed to get rid of Nostrils for personal reasons?  Yeah right. 

Being over dramatic as usual Nostrils?  You have to find someone to take over the gaming division or you will have to dissolve   it?  Dissolving a profitable devision that may be able to run itself is another example of how much Nostrils is a shit ass executive. At this point, the platform mainly depends upon the platform programmers. 

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this but Nostrils ABSOLUTELY HAS NO RIGHT TO PICK ON ADAM’S PARENTING SKILLS WHEN HE LEFT DIDI ALONE IN A RUNNING CAR. Nostrils you are the one that should be raining it in because Breathless Mahoney is not even close to being the best mother Connor can have. In fact a lot of Connor’s problems can be contributed to you. First insisting on being back in Johnny’s life and then the kids, in school, teasing him about his mom being a head case.  Two traits that Nostrils is known for?  The first two traits, among many, that I can think of off the top of my head are being a pompous blow hard and always sucking the oxygen out of the room. 

What’s with this pathetic Tucker.  It’s very off putting and obviously fake. 


Nikki singing in her head:

Hello, Vodka my old friend. 

I’ve come to drink with you once again.

Because of an Auntie Jordan softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping 

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sounds of my brain. 



Edited by Waldo13
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19 hours ago, crows works said:

I want my WTD story with Dummer assuming the kid is Kyle's as Abby anounced to all of GC that Chances fish don't swim.

Chance's fish may have just been temporarily stunned, like Paul's were after Phyllis nearly impaled him with a hood ornament. Chance probably thinks he's infertile and doesn't need condoms. 

Edited by Denize
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After today's show, I'm with Nikki.  Gimme a swig of that rotgut to wash out the taste of the B.S. shoveled our way today.

The width and breadth of ButtBiscuit's arrogance is stunning.  You can always tell he's angling to top off his bad behavior with something even worse when he speaks in that lowing cow tone, furrowing his brow while we can see him chewing his cud as if his apple doll cheeks are filled with sour cheese curds.  The man is sex on a stick, isn't he?  

I don't think ButtBiscuit should be fired as much as I think Devon should park on his head the way Noah did that memorable night when ButtBiscuit got beaten up and went into a coma.  That was, without a doubt, Jason Thompson's best performance as Billy Abbott.  Encore, please!

I generally love Jack, but I wish today that Traci found a new way to welcome him home, maybe by giving him a swift kick in a place he'd notice.  What a sloppy bonehead he was today, dismissing Traci so he could play handmaid to Nikki and her constant need.  Her behavior to Diane, and in her own home, was atrocious and it didn't bother Jack one little bit.  It's a sad day when the best male Abbott is Lil' Hausenpheffer and he's not even onscreen.

Oh dear oh dear, whatever will CW do without Daniel to run the gaming platform??  Whattodo, What.To.Do........ perhaps hire any middle schooler on up??  They'll have the technical skills and have better ideas than Big D Daniel on his best day.  But Show will probably decide to put Chelsea in charge because....reasons.....

I have to compliment Josh Griffith, though.  It takes a one of a kind non-talent to create a shitstorm like today's show.  He's like ButtBiscuit in human form.

The only thing that could have made it worse would have been Aunt Mamie, and we know she's not far behind.

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Nikkis also singing in her head:

They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no
Yes I've been black, but when I come back
You'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time
And if my daddy thinks I'm fine
They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I won't go, go, go

Edited by MsMalin
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I'd love to see the CW organizational chart.  It probably has a lot of squiggly lines and astrological symbols on it, and there might be a different one for each day of the week.

Lily is so full of crap.  Billy may not have been sleeping with Chelsea, but he had been having an emotional affair with her long before Lily found out about it.

29 minutes ago, boes said:

I don't think ButtBiscuit should be fired as much as I think Devon should park on his head the way Noah did that memorable night when ButtBiscuit got beaten up and went into a coma.  That was, without a doubt, Jason Thompson's best performance as Billy Abbott.  Encore, please!

But Noah didn't back over ButtBiscuit's noggin.  It was actually the Dirty Tan Sofa that entered the coma, and then he morphed into ButtBiscuit during a ghost tour of GC and exited the coma in all his dork glory.

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Where did Tucker buy that engagement ring, at the GCAC gift shop? Or did he Instacart it because we know he's not allowed to leave the GCAC building, lol.

Billy was talking to Chance like Chance barely knows who Chelsea is. Billy has a child with Chelsea, Johnny, who is Chance's cousin.

Devon, if people in GC refused to work with their exes most of them would be unemployed. Do you ever listen to the nonsense that comes out of your mouth?

Tucker, Audra is not interested in being the wife of a man on the rebound. Quit it with the weepy eyes and woeful behavior.

Wow, Billy was being awfully aggressive with Lily. Idiot. She's the one person who doesn't want to drop kick you out of C-W, William.

Don't hold back, Diane. You need to read Jack so hard he'll want to reverse time, climb back into Dina's womb, and never be born.

Gutsy of Nikki to bring that bottle of vodka back to the ranch. Victor will be hella pissed when he finds out.


I don't think ButtBiscuit should be fired as much as I think Devon should park on his head the way Noah did that memorable night when ButtBiscuit got beaten up and went into a coma. 

When Noah ran over Billy in the parking garage that was one of greatest moments in Y&R history. It was so unexpected! Abby and Summer are the Newmans who run over people, not Noah.

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4 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

But Noah didn't back over ButtBiscuit's noggin.  It was actually the Dirty Tan Sofa that entered the coma, and then he morphed into ButtBiscuit during a ghost tour of GC and exited the coma in all his dork glory.

Snaporaz, I forgot it was Dirty Tan Sofa who went under the wheel!  I do remember JT's grisly ghastly ghostly tour of GC.  You and I both knew that no good was going to come of it.

But, there's a first time for everything and if JT would re-enact his predecessor's finest hour, it could be his Emmy reel.

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Um, what the hell was up with that sappy shit Tuck was saying to Audra?  OK, first off, Tuck is supposed to be this tough-ass smirky SOB . . .  and he's saying all that crap about skywriting his love for her & how "sweet" she is (er, puke, Audra ain't sweet!!!!) & looking all sad-eyed when she doesn't say yes to his cringey proposal & cheap-looking ring?  Seriously, what the ever-lovin' fuck is going on with the inconsistent writing of characters here?

And sure, I can buy Audra's act of playing hard to get, but she's got nothin' goin' on for herself.  And he's offering her some security -- even if it is just sharing that shitty little room.  So we'll see if she plays hard to get for long.

And btw, the makeup peeps must've forgotten to smear under Tuck's eyes, the crap they slather on Jack, cuz he looked like shit today in closeups -- with sunken black eyes.  Either that or the lighting peeps hate Trevor.

Wow, Nikki, now you're not even hiding the booze anymore in the living room pillows?  Why not carry the vodka around in a paper bag?  Or better still, just get a tasteful little flask from the GCAC gift shop, put it on a chain & carry it around for all to see?  Yup, I'd say that's the way to go now, hun . . .

Anyone else think we'd see Jordie's mug poking thru the window when Nikki took her thirsty swig?  Maybe in her next oh-so-inconspicuous disguise -- as a GC milkman.  Even tho there haven't been milkmen around for 50 years, that Jordie is always so great at her disguises!


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15 hours ago, boes said:

whatever will CW do without Daniel to run the gaming platform??  Whattodo, What.To.Do.

Especially one that is dedicated to his own personal problems. (making it a way to bond with his daughter)  I feel as if he's a one trick pony.  And speaking of personal problems as a gaming platform, please, please, noooo! to Chelz being anywhere near CW and Billy.  Didn't Chance say he had some computer smarts?  Put him in charge.


13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Um, what the hell was up with that sappy shit Tuck was saying to Audra?

I can't believe a word he says because every time he says anything, he looks down or off to the side and then sheepishly looks back to see if the person bought it.  Judge Judy says that means LIAR.


2 hours ago, pvandal said:

Maybe Nikki swiped the bottle from the Abbott liquor cabinet when Jack had his back turned.

Or maybe she got the bodyguard (Larry?) to buy it for her.  And speaking of the Security Team-has anyone ever referred to them as the CrackerJack Security as Jack did?  I found it subtly funny if it meant the writing staff was reading this forum.

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6 hours ago, Denize said:

Next time she visits Jack she's going to bring a bigger purse to steal a full-size bottle or two.

Yeah, well Nikki's supposed to be GC's resident geriatric  "Uptown Girl," so JG should give wardrobe the $ to buy her the Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote to hide her bottles. Sadly, the only thing Nikki will ever be full of is herself. So let her load up on all the vodka she sneaks into her designer tote, and we can all laugh while Miss Uptown becomes Miss Upchuck. Sorry, but if JG isn't going to treat her alcoholism like a serious illness, I'm at least going to do my best to camp it up.

Edited by Julyolo
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6 hours ago, MollyB said:

Didn't Chance say he had some computer smarts?  Put him in charge.

Chance/smart?  oxymoron.

We didn't have the show today because we had an earthquake here on the east coast. Hubby  and I didn't feel a thing but Butchie went WILD.  My son called and said his dog did the same.  we've had a few aftershocks and poor Butchie doesn't know where to hide.

I'm pissed that I have to watch it streaming because I can't stand those freakin' commercials

56 minutes ago, Julyolo said:

and we can all laugh while Miss Uptown becomes Miss Upchuck.

OGM I just wet my pants.

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I love the person here who gives funny nicknames to the Y&R characters but I can't figure out what Bluefang means.

Does anyone think that Jack and Nikki will sleep together? Then we will see the real Diane if that happens. 

Do you all think Claire is up to no good? Or Cole. I don't get how Claire isn't scared about Jordan being out and about but I don't think she's up to no good or her supposed father but who knows.

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Wow, Nick was looking kind of sloppy. Hmm.

Oy, is Billy lowkey trying to get back with Lily? KMN.

I don't understand why Adam is so shattered by Connor's situation. His son is getting some of the best treatment available. And OCD is not the end of the world, especially since Connor is still young and not set in his ways yet.

Okay, AFAIC Billy has lost his whole entire mind. He thinks he should be co-CEO permanently? Chile please. William, Devon will stomp you into the ground and salt the earth afterwards. Jill, you better come get your son.

Don't listen to him, Lily! If you did manage to get rid of Devon, Billy's next move will probably be to move you out of the way and rename the company Chancellor-Abbott.

Billy: Lily, I have to comfort my girlfriend who thinks it's okay to interrupt me at my job after she's been blowing up my phone for the past two days. We'll pick this discussion up again later, okay?
Lily: probably not. I'm about to toss it into the trash bin on my way out. Non-recyclables.
Billy: <gulp>

Since when are Lily and Nick chummy enough for him to be asking her such nosy questions about Mattie? I've read some spumors regarding those two, both of whom happen to be single right now. Maybe the impromptu lunch date was a chem test. Ehhh. 😒

There was blonde woman sitting at the GCAC bar, seen over Nick's right shoulder. She could've been a body double for Sharon, I think. Interesting way to provoke the Shick fans while possibly propping, uh, "Lick"? "Nily"?

Sally putting in the hard work, trying to be the voice of reason and talk Adam down. Sigh, it might be time to call in Cher to deal with Adam.

There's likely nothing wrong with Connor that some better special effects couldn't cure, lol. Why do they even bother using such bad background CGI? It's laughable.

For some reason, watching the closeups on Sally today while she was in her scenes with Nick and Adam made me think of Pennywise, but with less makeup and longer hair. She might want to ease up on the fillers.😼

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I'm just annoyed that they feel that they have to send Connor to a facility away from his parents with his OCD when it can be treated at home with therapy.

Billy needs to get over himself. Go back to being COO or whatever. There's no way that Lilly would agree to taking Devon down from his CEO position for Billy and Billy is dumb to think that. 


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15 minutes ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

I love the person here who gives funny nicknames to the Y&R characters but I can't figure out what Bluefang means.

Does anyone think that Jack and Nikki will sleep together? Then we will see the real Diane if that happens. 

Do you all think Claire is up to no good? Or Cole. I don't get how Claire isn't scared about Jordan being out and about but I don't think she's up to no good or her supposed father but who knows.

BlueFang is a nickname regarding her neon blue teeth combined with her predatory behavior.

Nikki and Jack will be doing the nasty  soon and Diane will lose her shit, as I've been hoping she does for some time now  I aint buying her little Mary sunshine bit.

I've thought for a while Claire was just a little too much "Alice in Wonderland" acting and will detonate a bomb somewhere in the family; but be rehabbed by the "love" of Cole and Nikki.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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2 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

BlueFang is a nickname regarding her neon blue teeth combined with her predatory behavior.

Nikki and Jack will be doing the nasty  soon and Diane will lose her shit, as I've been hoping she does for some time now  I aint buying her little Mary sunshine bit.

I've thought for a while Claire was just a little too much "Alice in Wonderland" acting and will detonate a bomb somewhere in the family; but be rehabbed by the "love" of Cole and Nikki.

Thank you for clarifying One Tough Cookie. I think Diane had no reason to her old bad self but if Jack betrays her, watch out world! Time will tell for Claire but I hope she's not evil.


I don't know if Nick and Lilly will try to get together but I heard Sharon will be back this week. Was she on vacation?

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1 hour ago, realitytvfan1017 said:

I love the person here who gives funny nicknames to the Y&R characters but I can't figure out what Bluefang means.


Phylis’s teen appear to have a blue sheen to them so BlueFang🕷️ becomes appropriate name for Phylis because is a type of tarantula spider that bites when it’s provoked. 

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So Connor has OCD and that means the Apocalypse, the Rapture, Black Friday AND Senior Ross Dress for Less Discount Tuesday are ALL rapidly approaching??  All Ye Who Watch Thy Show, Abandon all Hope, apparently.  Or, at least according to overly dramatic Adam and please-take-that-delayed-flying-leap, Chelsea. 

Off to the roof with you, Chelsea, caw caw, and Sally, please roofie Adam for OUR own good.

I don't understand all the hand-wringing by Adam and Chelsea.  This isn't the end of Connor's world.  

Hell, his father has survived having self-pity with a stronger gravitational force than a black hole.  His mother's aardvark boyfriend, ButtBiscuit, has survived with a self-centered sense of entitlement so strong even Irish Spring dipped in radioative isotopes can't mask the smell and his uncle Nick has been striding around Genoa City with a barnacle encrusted backside since shortly after his Grampire Victor dismantled his rats-for-food habitat in the basement at the ranch.

Kids gonna be fine.

Nobody in town, absolutely nobody, would have convicted Lily if she'd stuffed ButtBiscuit's twin blowholes full of nerf balls, wound him up and set him on repeat after that self-serving rant about him and Lily taking over the company.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; ButtBiscuit's only positive use could be as a traffic bumper in the company garage.  Small vehicles only, though, or they'll lose a tire in those nose holes.

Poor Lily.  She gets through that nonsense with Der ButtBiscuit and then ends up having to have lunch with Nick.  Her whole day was nothing but one long "Pull My Finger" joke from beginning to end.

It could only get worse if she gets home and finds a cow's head in her bed because then she'll know Cane has returned.

Edited by boes
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^^^Lol, that bag is one of the reasons why every time I see a LV I'm like Elaine Benes:


It could only get worse if she gets home and finds a cow's head in her bed because then she'll know Cane has returned.

Out in other soap forum world recently there have been viewers calling for Cane's return. I wouldn't put it past JG, though if bts gossip is true, at least one key cast member would not be thrilled.


Nikki and Jack will be doing the nasty  soon

Say what now? Is this speculation or an actual spoiler?

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I found myself snickering today during the Woe IS Me AM I A Terrible Parent scenes between Manjaw/Nostrildamos (Chilly) and Adam/Lil Red (Sadam). If the medical team at the Demon Seed's facility is telling g you to go because the kid is saying his parents both literally made him sick, they sound like an excellent and highly astute team if you ask me! Two toxic AF parents are surprised they made their kid have issues?! Color me....not surprised! *yawn*

Edited by surfgirl
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Idk, me thinks Chelsea was quite happy & relieved to dump the kid off anywhere ASAP, so she can whine & cry her head off endlessly & totally sink herself into her self-absorbed bullshit.  And MCE must be thrilled to play this crap (that I can't stand watching), so she can do her shtick she honed for so long on AMC -- crying, crying, crying and more crying.  Feh.

And Adam?  OK, we know he's an asshole, but sheesh, do the writers really have to smack us with this every 2 seconds?  His cynicism & paranoia kinda makes sense for the character, but it was depressing to watch.  He sorta had a valid point that yeah, it is pretty severe for this place to cut the kid off from his parents for an undefined period of time.  But look at who his parents are!  The 2 biggest fucked up messes in GC -- and just a reminder, GC is chock full of parents who are fucked up messes.

Made me feel sorry for Connor that he has these 2 fucked up messes for parents.  Would make a good storyline for him to befriend either Tessa or Mariah & ask them raise him.  It's the only chance that kid's got for a sane upbringing, cuz the school is only a temporary solution.  And T&M seem rather sweet to me, like they'd make thoughtful, attentive & caring parents -- a rare thing indeed in GC!!

Billy is an idiot and a fool.  That's all I got on him.

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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

^^^Lol, that bag is one of the reasons why every time I see a LV I'm like Elaine Benes:

Out in other soap forum world recently there have been viewers calling for Cane's return. I wouldn't put it past JG, though if bts gossip is true, at least one key cast member would not be thrilled.

Say what now? Is this speculation or an actual spoiler?

It's my theory Nikki and Jack will do so.

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Yeah, I think Show is planning a Nick/Lily romance.  Isn't it bad enough that a Nick pairing ruined Sally?  Must it ruin Lily, too?   Ick.  And whoever upthread compared Sally to Pennywise (joim?) is not all that far off.  The heavy foundation plastered on, the harsh hair.  Oy.  Has anyone thought about a pairing of Lily with Chance? Or are they related in some way? I lose track.

I am so frustrated with Jack being Nicki's crutch (and failing badly); I wish Diane and Kyle would team up and outst him from the company; or at least give him a timeout. I have no idea why the Writer seems to hate his character. I would also love to see the Wrath of Diane rain down on Nicki.

On the "reels" part of Facebook there was a clip of Amelia H and Michelle S dancing to a song whose name escapes me.  They both had pretty decent dance moves and were dressed casually.  Amelia H was maybe wearing jeans/pants and a tshirt.  MS had on low-slung pants with a short top and was flaunting whole lot of stomach/abdomen.  Because....why wouldn't it she.

Edited by Kemper
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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Sally putting the hard work, trying to be the voice of reason

Here's an idea:  send Adam and Breathless off to residential treatment and let Conner live with Sally.


8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

He sorta had a valid point that yeah, it is pretty severe for this place to cut the kid off from his parents for an undefined period of time.

Especially since they only interacted with the parents for a day or so and relied soley on Connor's word.  You'd think they would want to see a little more interaction of the family before throwing out the blame.  Also, a nit pick:  the CGI background of the facility reminded me of old 40's movies with the creepy asylums, not the 'shiny and bright' facility Adam described.  I was expecting to see something out of Sci-Fi sets or maybe the Matrix.


3 hours ago, Kemper said:

I would also love to see the Wrath of Diane rain down on Nicki.

The way Drinnki has been acting lately, I understand why some people want to pour a gallon of Wodka down her gullet.

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3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Yeah, I think Show is planning a Nick/Lily romance.  Isn't it bad enough that a Nick pairing ruined Sally?  Must it ruin Lily, too?   Ick.  And whoever upthread compared Sally to Pennywise (joim?) is not all that far off.  The heavy foundation plastered on, the harsh hair.  Oy.  Has anyone thought about a pairing of Lily with Chance? Or are they related in some way? I lose track.

I am so frustrated with Jack being Nicki's crutch (and failing badly); I wish Diane and Kyle would team up and outst him from the company; or at least give him a timeout. I have no idea why the Writer seems to hate his character. I would also love to see the Wrath of Diane rain down on Nicki.

On the "reels" part of Facebook there was a clip of Amelia H and Michelle S dancing to a song whose name escapes me.  They both had pretty decent dance moves and were dressed casually.  Amelia H was maybe wearing jeans/pants and a tshirt.  MS had on low-slung pants with a short top and was flaunting whole lot of stomach/abdomen.  Because....why wouldn't it she.

I know that Amelia and Michelle are good friends because their daughters who are the same age are good friends. I wish they could get Victoria to act more like Amelia, who seems more lighthearted and easy going. But I think with the addition with Cole and Claire, she could show some of that. I am thinking her character is the way it is because she never got over the loss of Claire/Eve, but since that's not an issue , she can change.

3 hours ago, Kemper said:

Yeah, I think Show is planning a Nick/Lily romance.  Isn't it bad enough that a Nick pairing ruined Sally?  Must it ruin Lily, too?   Ick.  And whoever upthread compared Sally to Pennywise (joim?) is not all that far off.  The heavy foundation plastered on, the harsh hair.  Oy.  Has anyone thought about a pairing of Lily with Chance? Or are they related in some way? I lose track.

I am so frustrated with Jack being Nicki's crutch (and failing badly); I wish Diane and Kyle would team up and outst him from the company; or at least give him a timeout. I have no idea why the Writer seems to hate his character. I would also love to see the Wrath of Diane rain down on Nicki.

On the "reels" part of Facebook there was a clip of Amelia H and Michelle S dancing to a song whose name escapes me.  They both had pretty decent dance moves and were dressed casually.  Amelia H was maybe wearing jeans/pants and a tshirt.  MS had on low-slung pants with a short top and was flaunting whole lot of stomach/abdomen.  Because....why wouldn't it she.

I think Nick needs to go back with Sharon. Lily, I'm not sure. I did like her with Cane way back when.

59 minutes ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Is that where Nikki stores her vodka?

LOL, it must be.

15 minutes ago, MollyB said:

Here's an idea:  send Adam and Breathless off to residential treatment and let Conner live with Sally.


Especially since they only interacted with the parents for a day or so and relied soley on Connor's word.  You'd think they would want to see a little more interaction of the family before throwing out the blame.  Also, a nit pick:  the CGI background of the facility reminded me of old 40's movies with the creepy asylums, not the 'shiny and bright' facility Adam described.  I was expecting to see something out of Sci-Fi sets or maybe the Matrix.


The way Drinnki has been acting lately, I understand why some people want to pour a gallon of Wodka down her gullet.

I'm a firm believer that Connor should have gotten therapy near home so he could live with his parents. He didn't need to go to a facility unless he tried therapy and ended up being resistant.

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I don't understand the decision to use the fake background for Connor at school. The audience knows he is there. They could have put him at a generic table or bed like he was in a dorm room or dining hall. Stuck him somewhere really outside like he was outside on campus with a generic wall behind him. The production quality should be better than a zoom background! Shit like that really contributes to the half-ass reputation soaps get. Sets should be more sophisticated than community theater.  

Will Victor step in and take charge, throwing his weight around to save Connor so Connor will respect him more than his parents? @@

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14 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Will Victor step in and take charge, throwing his weight around to save Connor so Connor will respect him more than his parents? @@

Oh dear........If Show goes that route, having Victor become Connor's savior and role model, does that mean Victor will be having Connor fitted for his very own Black Tee-shirt of Virility?  Can a pint-sized punching bag be far behind?

Just think!  Connor can have his very own origin story about the time his parents dumped him at the Green Acres Home for Lil' OCDer's and tell it in tandem with Victor's tale of That Time My Parents Tossed Me Out of a Conestoga Wagon in Front of the Orphan's Home for Lil' Tykes with Unexplained Accents.

I hope hope hope they set it all to music.

Yougothatright and Haveanicedaynow.

Edited by boes
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4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Will Victor step in and take charge, throwing his weight around to save Connor so Connor will respect him more than his parents? @@

Yeah, I was seriously considering who the heck in GC could be a good parent to Connor -- and man, it gave me a headache.  Never for a moment did I consider Vic . . . er, cuz wouldn't that make Drinki his new step-mom?  Yikes, wouldn't that be transferring the kid from one shitty situation to another?

Did someone say above that Amelia is "light-hearted"?  Sheesh, you'd never know it from Victoria, who never even cracks a smile, let alone ever shows the slightest bit of a sense of humor.

So wait, Vic & Drinki are celebrating 40 years of whatever -- so that would mean Nick & Victoria are less than 40?  Pardon me while I contain my belly laughs now . . .

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33 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So wait, Vic & Drinki are celebrating 40 years of whatever -- so that would mean Nick & Victoria are less than 40?  Pardon me while I contain my belly laughs now . . .

I think of Grampire and Nikki's "40th" Anniversary as in the same universe as the upcoming Locust rebirth and devastation.

Both are fuzzy with numbers, and both have all the taste and discretion of an expired Bed, Bath and Beyond Anniversary coupon discount.

Also, tell me that locust on the far left doesn't look EXACTLY like Victor!

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Yeah, I was seriously considering who the heck in GC could be a good parent to Connor -- and man, it gave me a headache.  Never for a moment did I consider Vic . . . er, cuz wouldn't that make Drinki his new step-mom?  Yikes, wouldn't that be transferring the kid from one shitty situation to another?

Did someone say above that Amelia is "light-hearted"?  Sheesh, you'd never know it from Victoria, who never even cracks a smile, let alone ever shows the slightest bit of a sense of humor.

So wait, Vic & Drinki are celebrating 40 years of whatever -- so that would mean Nick & Victoria are less than 40?  Pardon me while I contain my belly laughs now . . .

Yeah, nothing says practical and emotional support for your actively relapsed alcoholic spouse, like having a 40th anniversary party, where everyone surrounding them will be knocking back the booze! Perhaps some champagne toasts at the beginning and end of this debacle? And the icing on the cake is its all in the service of catching the psycho that caused the relapse of the alcoholic spouse in the first place? Make it make sense, oh wait, it's JG scripting Y&R. My bad.

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Caught up over the weekend, and wow....Jill & John raised a fake little bitch didn't they? Billy essentially encourages Heather & Daniel to sue Lily/the company for wrongful termination(way to look out for CW you dickhead!) Then days later he's in Lily's face about taking over CW with her and ousting Devon? Guess he can add CW to the list if companies he's fucked over & ruined. 

Devon's treatment of Tucker would ring more true, if he never forgave Lily for killing Hillary & his kid. Not that I have a strong opinion on Tucker being worth it or not, but he literally can't be any worse of a family member than Lily. Who again, harassed Hillary for months, and then got her & the baby killed. So...if she can walk all that back, Devon might as well keep an open mind, and be cordial. Lest he looks more hypocritical than usual. 

Adam & Chelsea's handwringing over Connor is actually killing the show as much as the writing & shitty greenscreens are. This special "school" didn't find out anything that a therapist in Genoa City or in the whole state in general couldn't find out. No shit his parents are his triggers. Chelsea especially, cos honestly to my recollection of the last 2 1/2 years Adam has been present & stable for Connor. This is the first I'm hearing of Adam being the town/Newman whipping boy, hampering his ability to parent properly. Not saying he's perfect, but he's not Billy, or Nick, and he's certainly not Victor for that matter. 

Like if they want to have Connor be a troubled preteen/teen then fine, that tracks given his surroundings. Whether Adam is factored in or not, his mom(who tried to kill herself) is sleeping with the guy that tried to kill his father, and made it his business to make him miserable & expose him. Connor should have a POV about that. There's some textbook soapy drama right there.

Or if they have to make it all Adam's fault, at least make it relevant. Adam is back with the woman that curved him for his brother, and acted indignant about it the whole time. Why can't Connor have angst over that & have an outburst where he tells Sally off? Or he blows up & tells Adam how weak he is for still eating shit from the Newmans knowing he is always gonna have hoops to jump through.  

Then, seeing what poor example he sets for his son by throwing himself at the feet of a clan of douchebags for penace, Adam finally finds the strength to chuck the deuces and give his family his ass to kiss for good this time.

Ffs writers, this isn't hard, I swear it's not....

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22 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

hey now!

Whenever I hear that I think of "Hank" (Jeffrey Tambor) on the "Larry Sanders" (Garry Shandling) Show.

2 hours ago, Julyolo said:

Yeah, nothing says practical and emotional support for your actively relapsed alcoholic spouse, like having a 40th anniversary party, where everyone surrounding them will be knocking back the booze! Perhaps some champagne toasts at the beginning and end of this debacle? 

We are guaranteed to see Nikki repeatedly ducking behind furniture and walls to take swigs out of her flask or switch glasses with hard drinkers.

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On 8/21/2023 at 5:33 AM, Chatty Cake said:

Someone posted that Nicks hair looked better here and I thought of this group!


I just stumbled upon this post/image and laugggghhhhed and lauuuuuggghhhed and laaaaauggghed. Dick looks like a caveman. Sharon looks like a dashboard bobblehead doll. Drinkki looks like a Bratz doll. And PeePaw looks like a 1974 pron star trying to look upstanding. Oy.

On 9/7/2023 at 5:02 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Dear Buttbiscuit;

I’ve finally lost 110 pounds of dipshit weight, and everyone I know keeps finding it and dropping it on my doorstep like it’s a burning brown paper bag full of poodle noodles. I shitcanned my spouse so hard, but no one will accept that I’m enjoying my freedom. They constantly encourage me with cheerful advice, like “incest is best, put your sister to the test” and “why can’t you overlook lying and obstructing a murder case, bitch?” They think I’m hiding some deep, secret pain when I’m actually getting my booty rocked like never before. How can I make my friends and family fuck off?


Smilin’ and Profilin’

Dear Smilin’;

You fool. You poor, sweet fool. You’ve got the world eating out of your hand and showering you with sympathy! Lean in to the “poor me” routine. You honestly can’t lose. Both my girlfriend and I have, at various times, parlayed our emotional crises into job opportunities, sexual encounters and free donuts. Even if you’re feeling dandy fine, you don’t have to broadcast it to the world and pinch off the attention supply. If your loved ones grow weary of your sulking, you turn that ish right around on them and shove it up their downspout. I do it to my idiot brother all the time. Making people feel guilty for shit you pulled on them is the ultimate high. By the way, I’m an expert analyst of the written word and your letter tells me that your mom is a whore. Good luck!

Dear Buttbiscuit;

Today, I received an unwelcome visit from a particularly odious relative. Using the double barrel snotgun in the middle of his face, he inhales all joy from the room and exhales bitterness. We’ve recently healed a rift in our family, and this joker wants to stir more shit without licking the spoon. He’s fixated on his brother’s wife as some sort of corporate usurper, out to knock him off his perch. He is unmoved that this same woman saved his sister’s life, despite his sister being a complete ass to her. Nothing seems to penetrate his perimeter of self-regard. He expected me to join him in his wacky crusade to shiv my beloved uncle. I have always tried to play the role of peacemaker in my family, which he would know if he gave the first fuck about anything other than his own feelings. How can I tell him to fuck off and fly right?


The Jackwagon’s Niece

Dear Niece;

Well, the letters all seem to share a common theme today, and it’s not even Fuck Off Friday! Hold off on silencing your uncle with a stern word and consider the possibility that he’s 100% right. Perhaps the only thing he’s “obsessed” with is preserving his family legacy. Could it be that his brother is sadly slipping into his dotage, unable to muster the moxie to beat back all comers? How do you know that your “odious relative” hasn’t already spent years satisfying the old fool’s women with his potent and magnificent staff? Sounds like your much maligned uncle has earned the right to grace the corporate throne with his resplendent buttocks, which you would be wise to start kissing in earnest.

Dear Buttbiscuit;

Lately I have been having issues with something called a “human resources department” at my workplace. Isn’t that a kick? When I first heard the name, I figured it was the division that provided my husband with thralls. As it turns out, this department takes an interest in how employees are treated. Sounds a bit communist to me, but you seem to be an astute member of the moneyed class who can judge my behavior with the proper eye.

As the lady in charge, I must oversee every aspect of my employees’ lives. Who are they calling or texting? Who are they sleeping with? What brand of toothpaste do they use? Are they lascivious leg spreaders who diddle your granddaughter’s ex-husband? I simply can’t trust any employee who won’t lay their medical records bare for me to peruse. If Mr. Codswallop in Accounting has a rectal prolapse, I need to quickly work up a pretext to boot him off the company insurance rolls. We can’t leave our asses hanging out financially.

The worst part of this whole ordeal is that there have been complaints about how I speak to the lowlifes scuttling about the office. It’s terribly hurtful, as I pride myself on being able to fake empathy for the poors. Goodness, when did it become inappropriate to pelt your lessers with ramen noodles when they snicker at your jacket/pantsuit combo? Anyways, how can I tell HR to fuck off? It’s what Katherine and Neil would have wanted.


Picky Human

Dear Picky;

Pardon moi, but you sound like you’d be a nightmare as a mother-in-law. You’ve written to the right man, at any rate. After a deep dive into a post-nuptial agreement, I now am considered a legal expert. Reading a document is essentially the same as passing the Wisconsin bar exam. Now, you could fire your entire human resources department, but, honestly, you’ll just get another batch of officious sticklers in their place. Fire a staff enough times, mix in that nepotism you hinted at, and soon some government agency is looking through your books. Pro-tip: don’t compound your problems by buying a five million dollar fuckboat. Kiwi almond personal lubricant is not a legit tax deduction.

Here’s an intriguing thought. As my bro likes to tell me, silence is golden, fuckface. Let it pay. Keep the roasts and ripostes to yourself, let your disdain reach a boiling point and then explode in a cataclysm of self-destructive dumbfuckery. Eventually your family will get used to it and consider it part of your charm. 


I miss @NinjaPenguins Dear Buttbiscuit letters. That's all I wanted to say...

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So wait, Vic & Drinki are celebrating 40 years of whatever -- so that would mean Nick & Victoria are less than 40?

It is ridiculous because both of them have been SORASed more than once, between 10 and 20 years. Also, Victoria was born before Nikki and Victor got married so she's definitely over 40. (🙄) She attended the wedding as a wee tot.


Will Victor step in and take charge, throwing his weight around to save Connor so Connor will respect him more than his parents?

I'm not sure Victor cares about Connor that much. When the parents of his other grandchildren have tried to move away Victor has threatened to sue for custody. But he's let Chelsea take Connor to stay with her mommy Anita more than once.

And Victor was fine with Connor going away to the treatment center in MD, even though when Nate suggested something similar (when Victor was pretending to have diminished mental faculties) he got fired for expressing a valid medical opinion.

I think Victor is a walking bundle of contradictions, to put it mildly.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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That picture of Nick and Sharon makes me think of the "American Gothic" painting by Grant Wood.  It is kind of bleak and  shows the farm couple standing in front of their home; he is holding a pitchfork and neither are smiling.  That is Nick and Sharon here- but instead of smiling they both look like they are sayiing "duuuh" 😄😁

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