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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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DAMMIT! Jeremy Stark was about to tear into Nick, Jack and even dear, sweet Danny Romalotti when the news broke in. I’ve never been so upset in my life.

Its 2023, people have phones, tablets and countless news channels. There is no reason to break into the soap operas like it’s the 1970s.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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6 hours ago, Bunnyto4 said:

That was awesome. And was it just me or was The Mustache giving Audra the eye? It's about time for him to get the 17 year itch, isn't it?

Oh my God, I am here for this. Here for it. First - it is so awful it would be like a traffic accident…you could not look away. Second (actually, the gold medal first place) would be Nicki’s reaction to the old goat feeling his oats of Viagra. Another plus… a Victor/Audra pairing could not even begin to touch the grossness and ick of Nick/Sally. It would be a waft of fresh air for those of us who endure the current terrible storylines and odd couplings. Writer Josh whatever … you can make this happen! Dooo it.

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I’ve never been so upset in my life.

I recorded today's episode and didn't get a chance to watch it until 3PM - imagine how Pd-off I was when the screen switched to SPECIAL REPORT! SPECIAL REPORT! SPECIAL REPORT! at the 30+ minute mark.

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Yes, I know soap operas are not meant to make sense but I just have to present the facts and nothing but the facts as Sgt. Joe Friday use to say. 

My son-in-law has a very good friend that is an EMT at one of our local fire department. I got a firsthand look at their ambulance.  The back doors are secured with a very secure latch that is designed to keep the doors from flying open by an impact.  The EMT’s and firefighters are trained on how to open the ambulance doors in case of accident because it’s highly unlikely that the rear doors would fly open. 

There is no description, as of now, except for an accident with a fire. We don’t know if the ambulance hit a tree or a parked car. Did it rollover or was it just front end damage?  If only front end damage the risk of fire is very low since the ambulance oxygen tanks are protected from damage due to an impact. 

With that said, I’m more than convinced that the accident was staged at the behest of Stark and Copperhead. The monkeys with a keyboard are going to feed us that Copperhead died in the fire as did the driver.  Both Copperhead and the driver are still alive and were replaced by people that were already dead.  

Because Copperhead was a good friend of Lauren and skeptical of why her friend married Stark without telling her, I would imagine that Lauren would have Michael look into the marriage and her “death”. 

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Yes!! Then he can go into Rock On. After all Phyllis is supposedly dead.

Well, that made me literally laugh out loud!  Thank you, Chatty Cake!

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If only Victor had been in that ambulance with Phyllis, she wouldn't have died.  He'd have tossed her out of it, just the way he did Diane all those years ago, before it ever collided or exploded.  

When Daniel went after Stark at the end of today's episode, I was afraid we'd have another explosion.  Can that much velour be in such close contact without causing a static electricity fire ball?  Neil's Jazz Lounge could have become the KaBOOM room in a flat second.

Victoria certainly was wasted on Tucker, wasn't she?  It was almost as if Tucker was talking to a hand puppet.  


"Give me McCall Unlimited, Mr. Tucker!"  I remain unbowed in my admiration for Victoria's busyness skills.

Show ended with Chance being uncharacteristically stupid.  Not a good look.  Especially when the REAL culprit is right in front of his nose.....


At least, the crime against fashion.

Edited by boes
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Watched today's episode at CBS.com.

Ding dong, the witch is...gone? "Gone" leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation. Nope, I'm gonna need the GC coroner to declare Phyllis not just merely dead, but really, most sincerely dead.

Hey Victoria, why don't you shut up and drop off the face of the earth? For starters. I truly don't know why Tucker was humoring her.

Abby, it's a bit late to be worried about Chance's feelings. Or your reputation.

Daniel, what you're experiencing is your subconscious realization that your psycho mommy is lying to you AGAIN. But this time will make all the others look like grade school fibs about the dog eating her homework.

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, Danny. We're all wondering what Chance is doing and why he's doing it at the GCAC instead of the police station.

Nick, Danny, Jack, and Jeremy. Those of you who've had sex with Phyllis take one step forward. Not so fast there, Jeremy. We need more proof than that marriage license you keep waving around. 🤠

Ugh, now we have to listen to a bunch of ad hoc eulogies of Phyllis? KMN.

I am loving how so many of the extras have looked like stand-ins or body doubles for various cast members. I think Chance watched his walk by when he was in the bar today.

Why was Sharon still hanging around the lounge? If she was too drunk to drive she could've called a cab, or booked a room upstairs and slept it off. Geez.

Whaaaat?! Devon actually reminded Abby she was squatting at the Chancellor Estate! Well, in so many kinder, gentler words, anyway. Hah, hah, hah!

GMAFB, Abby. Dominic probably won't even remember living in the mansion. And he's already getting shuffled around three different locations. If you move in with Devon it'll only be two. Less stress for Dom, not more.

Did my guy Tucker pull some mental jujitsu on Victoria or is she playing games with him? I can't believe she'd give up on buying his company so easily. Hmm.

Whee, Chance was all, "Y'all ain't gotta go home but you might as well get the hail up outta here." And boozy Sharon was gazing at him like he's what she wanted for breakfast.

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7 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

DAMMIT! Jeremy Stark was about to tear into Nick, Jack and even dear, sweet Danny Romalotti when the news broke in. I’ve never been so upset in my life.

Jeremy calling out Danny, Nick and Jack based on what Phyllis told him about them was laughable to me. 

Danny- the rock'n'roll guy who left her for the do-gooder lawyer. I guess Phyllis left out the part about how she blew up his marriage to Christine with her lies and then tried to kill her when realised Danny would never get over his ex.

Nick- the Newman heir who couldn't stay with one woman for long. Yes, we know Nick's a cheater, he's been doing it since Noah was a baby, but Phyllis willingly cheated with him while he was married to Sharon. Nick does not get a pass, but she knew they were greiving the loss of their child and had developed a friendship with his wife yet still chose to have an affair with him. The Phick "love story" was just a tawdry affair that simply went on way longer than it should have. 

Jack- the man who broke heart(or something to that effect)- Jack is/was not perfect, but Phyllis is/was a hot mess, but they were great together, until they weren't. Diane coming back to Genoa City with baby Kyle and trying to destroy her marriage to Jack was perhaps Phyllis' karma for what she did to Christine. Jack was a fool and might have been blind to Diane's manipulations, but he was also a fool for Phyllis as well. Also, he's forgiven her plently of times, most recently after her affair with his brother Billy.

None of Phyllis' exes were perfect (Danny was close), but neither was she.

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1 hour ago, ezzylin said:

None of Phyllis' exes were perfect (Danny was close), but neither was she.

But, Stark is the first one to wear velour.  I don't think we can underestimate how much similar bad taste could have drawn them together.....

I'm only grateful it wasn't corduroy.  Though, if I was a betting man, I would have said that pleather was the fabric Phyllis would die for.

Edited by boes
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I caught Tuesday episode on demand. 

Copperhead is “dead” and everyone in the room is remorseful but Stark.  Chance said the driver swerved to avoid a deer. Once again I have to ask, how many deer are there in GC?  

Stark is chewing out Chance for not getting enough information about the accident and Chance acts like a scared puppy.  Stark is demanding Chance investigates what happened causing Copperhead to collapse.  Stark is chewing out everyone in the room and is warning Jack that no matter what the Chance finds he’s not going to be satisfied and investigate Copperhead’s death himself.  

The EMT is questioned once again, by Chance, about taking the Copperhead’s blood and if it could survived the fire. Why am I not surprised it survived and was given to the hospital. It was in a metal container but of course the heat of the fire would not affect the blood sample.  Chance is going to get a court order to get the blood sample tested but is there a chain of evidence?  

Is Chance skeptical about what has happened because he told one of the police officers to keep the results on the down low?  

Daniel is now very skeptical of Stark. Daniel is blaming Stark for his mother’s death but the defiant Stark accuses Diane.  

What’s the over/under to we find out that Copperhead is alive and Copperhead and Stark were trying to frame Diane for murder. 


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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I truly don't know why Tucker was humoring her.

He just got shut out by Assley and Audra.  Maybe he was contemplating a consolation hook-up?  (Tucker's brain:  No!  Don't do it! Stop!)

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I am loving how so many of the extras have looked like stand-ins or body doubles for various cast members.

I'm distracted by the long, tall silver clad women who keep sharing their ipads.  I'm sure they are not watching Youtube videos.  And the staff guy in the velour coat-now we know how Jeremy snuck into the gala.

I think Chance should reconsider leaving law enforcement and just go ahead and enter the computer/gaming platform world.  He is a crappy investigator.  I almost expected him to accuse Sharon because the accident happened on Collins road and her maiden name is Collins.  Next he'll be interviewing the deer.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Next he'll be interviewing the deer.

This really has nothing to do with Chance or the deer of Genoa City, but this is just too cool not to share.


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I guess it’s like seeing Halley’s Comet on Y&R, but there was some Grade A acting from the Abbott household in today’s ep. The actress who plays Summer was really good. SW and PB were great. The Bouffant? Well, three out of four ain’t bad.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t even let the Dumpster Humper be dead for 5 days. Doesn’t MS have some vacation time coming up or something? Jeez.

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Really surprised they are showing the audience so quickly that Phyllis is not dead. Now I wonder if it is Stark at the door or a  co conspirator who is working with her to double.cross Stark. Could be interesting but I don't want her coming out on top.

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I can't help but feel that the whole "Phyllis is 'dead' and her death will be blamed on Diane, who will then go on trial for causing Phyllis' 'death,' be found guilty, and be sentenced to Life in prison" scenario is a huge miscalculation on the producers part.  How long is Phyllis going to play dead; will it be forever, will it be as long as Diane did, or will JS ship her "remains" to an ultra-secret laboratory high in the Chilean Andes, where they will be "revitalized" through an experimental procedure so that a "resurrected" Phyllis can show up three-years after Diane began serving a Life sentence after having been found guilty of poisoning her to death - and will the fact that Phyllis did "die"  as the result of being poisoned by Diane alter Diane's sentence, or will she still have to serve out her sentence being taunted by the fact that the woman she was supposed to have murdered is now living a "resurrected" life?

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Wouldn’t you think that someone would demand positive identification that it was Copperhead. Beside blood, why wouldn’t Chance have an autopsy done if he’s suspicious of foul play. Wouldn’t there also be an autopsy of the driver to make sure that he was not under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance?  

Ashley had a left handed comment about why Copperhead married Stark. Ashley said it was like spilling salt in the wound of people who really care. Ashley Ashley Ashley didn’t you do the same thing by going to the Gala with Tucker. 

Summer rants almost as good as her mother.  You don’t speak ill of the dead but did Summer have to elevate her mom to sainthood?  As I predicted, Summer hasn’t changed one bit. She’s still a snowflake. Her mother’s brainwashing has paid off and Summer blames Diane while holding her mom harmless.

Elena and Natey Nate Nate are congratulating themselves for working together over what they did for Copperhead. Basically they did nothing but determine she passed out. 

Awe!  Lily put Daniel to bed and sat in the chair to watch him sleep but ultimately laid down in bed with him. 

Oh my god!!!  Copperhead is alive!!  Who would have thunk it???  I have to believe it was Stark who Copperhead greeted as they came into the room at the Shady Acres Motel. I would be totally surprised if it was anyone else.


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35 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

The actress who plays Summer was really good.

I think that Allison Lanier's performance as a grieving Summer demonstrates how much her acting has improved, although, sadly, the perfection of her performance shows up MMs deficiencies in playing Kyle.

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3 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Awe!  Lily put Daniel to bed and sat in the chair to watch him sleep but ultimately laid down in bed with him. 

But on top of the covers, not under them

4 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

 I have to believe it was Stark who Copperhead greeted as they came into the room at the Shady Acres Motel. I would be totally surprised if it was anyone else.

But wouldn't that be a great twist if it was somebody else, like maybe Nikki, or Victor, or somebody completely out of left field?


6 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Summer hasn’t changed one bit. She’s still a snowflake.

I thought Allison Lanier die a great job at playing Summer's grief at her mother's sudden death, so I can't agree that she played the character as a "snowflake" - unfortunately, her performance served to expose the deficiencies in MMs high school drama club style of acting

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49 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

or a  co conspirator who is working with her to double.cross Stark.

JS does seem to be written, and played, as a temporary character, so I have to say that, for me, it would put a great improvement on what I think is a downer scenario if Phyllis' secret co-conspirator was Nikki, or Victor, or somebody completely out of left field in what would be a case of killing the Jeremy bird and the Diane bird with the same stone - here's a thought, could Phyllis'secret co-conspirator, if she actually has one, be Tucker McCall?

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Just to add, I'm going to be really disappointed if the whole "Phyllis is dead" ruse does not involve a surprise plot twist, but turns out to be nothing more than a case of the producers tweaking some dusty old script they dug out of the archives - a great soap depends on the creative imagination of its writers and producers, which does not involve resurrecting ancient scenarios in the hopes that its current viewership is too young to have viewed them when they were first shown.

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This latest plot twist with Phyllis is predictable, boring and insulting to the viewers. Any one of us could have predicted this coming a mile away. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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That sweater on Ashley was confusing as hell, knit criss-crossed with lace? The stylist forgot to get her a decent bra to wear with it, or some Spanx to slim down her belly. Just yuck. Then her comments to Jack and Diane regarding Phyllis' "unfortunate"  marriage were revolting IMO. The sole writer standing, JG seemingly lacks a flair for sustaining suspense. Only one day of freedom from Phyllis for the viewers? The kids of Phyllis and everyone else all developing some sort of collective amnesia about her atrocious behavior in the last few months? Spare me. Chance really needs to analyze what they all drank the night of the Bicentennial Gala that has reversed all of her longstanding sins into sudden sainthood. IMO she was the author of all of her supposed misfortune, and too many characters are now just misdirecting the anger and frustration Phyllis once weaponized, to abuse Jack and Diane for her by proxy.



Edited by Julyolo
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I didn’t watch when Lily and Daniel dated as teenagers, but its the same actors, correct? Did they EVER have any chemistry? Because all i get is 100% friend zone vibes. I know soap operas don’t ever keep couples together for long, but neither Lily nor Billy seem to be overly excited by their new dates.

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Spoiler about tomorrows show:


It is Stark bringing coffee to Phyllis. The plan is for her to leave the country that night. She has a new fake identity and can begin life anew. Stark is getting half her money. The EMT also comes to the motel room and tells them he followed the plan and Stark pays him off. It is revealed that they got 2 bodies from the morgue.

Also, Michael received a text from her from the night before that he didn't read until the morning. She tells him that Diane tried to kill her.

This is lame. Why would Phyllis be ok with him getting half her money? If she loves her kids so much she would want them to get money when she really dies.  How does this do anything positive for Phyllis unless she just thinks everyone hates her so much that she wants to start over?


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I was hoping we would have more time without SyPhyllis. I almost barfed listening to her kids rewriting her character as some sort of saint. My only hope is that once she is found alive everyone will rip into her worse than they did Diane. 

I love Jack and Diane and I hope they make it. Jack deserves some happiness and romance. 

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Billy going all verklempt over Phyllis' death. Boy, bye. Your affair with her almost destroyed you, your family, and Jabot.

Seriously, Elena? You don't owe Phyllis anything. Leave it to the GCPD to figure out what went wrong. And the medical examiner, assuming there was anything left of her to examine...🥳

"A promising kiss." What does that even mean, Billy? It's not as if you and Chelsea had never smooched before.

Nate, if you had foreseen the gala ending with the shocking demise of one its attendees, you would be advised to seek counseling. Moron.

No, Danny, Phyllis' kids blaming themselves for her untimely exit from life is exactly what she would've wanted. You know how she was.

Danny had Lily's number in his phone. Wonder why?

Diane, you need to stop talking! There's nothing you can say that isn't going to make things worse. Pretty much everyone besides Jack and Kyle think your return from the "dead" ultimately drove Phyllis insane.

Ehhh, Summer, your mommy and Diane never got along. That doesn't mean Diane literally wanted her dead. Besides, as you are well aware, Phyllis could give as good as she got.

Lily is a good friend to Daniel. I'm glad JG didn't cheapen the moment of her comforting him by turning it into grief sex.

OF COURSE THAT PSYCHO IS ALIVE! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Whatever, yeah, her ego won't let Phyllis keep up the fake death ruse for very long. I give it two weeks, tops.

Request: Can we not post spoilers in this thread? There already is one for spoilers, in addition to the Canadian day-ahead episodes thread. tyvm

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2 hours ago, Js Nana said:


I thought Allison Lanier die a great job at playing Summer's grief at her mother's sudden death, so I can't agree that she played the character as a "snowflake" - unfortunately, her performance served to expose the deficiencies in MMs high school drama club style of acting

Summer was very good in grieving her mother but I still believe she’s a snowflake because, Summer allowed her mother to poison her mind about Diane. It’s her mother’s animus, from years ago, that helped shape Summer’s feelings today about Diane.  Diane ran away from GC and her son which affects Kyle more than her.  Summer how many times have you ran away from your mother?  For that fact, didn’t Daniel “run away” from his mother. Summer doesn’t know everything that her mother has done to Diane to make her leave.  Summer only knows her mother’s side of the story.   

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1 hour ago, MsMalin said:

Spoiler about tomorrows show:

  Reveal spoiler

It is Stark bringing coffee to Phyllis. The plan is for her to leave the country that night. She has a new fake identity and can begin life anew. Stark is getting half her money. The EMT also comes to the motel room and tells them he followed the plan and Stark pays him off. It is revealed that they got 2 bodies from the morgue.

Also, Michael received a text from her from the night before that he didn't read until the morning. She tells him that Diane tried to kill her.

This is lame. Why would Phyllis be ok with him getting half her money? If she loves her kids so much she would want them to get money when she really dies.  How does this do anything positive for Phyllis unless she just thinks everyone hates her so much that she wants to start over?


As I said before, spoilers are sacrosanct and I will have a lot to say about that spoiler tomorrow. 

I don’t mind spoilers at all as long as they have the spoiler banner. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Billy going all verklempt over Phyllis' death. Boy, bye. Your affair with her almost destroyed you, your family, and Jabot.

Poor ButtBiscuit.  At least, he'll always have the memory of how he an Phyllis destroyed the Jabot elevators with all the bodily fluids they left behind on virtually every trip.  I still pity those poor Otis elevator repair people who had to ungum that on a daily basis.

Then, of course, there was the kitchen island sex, the balcony sex, the Disney Land Teacup ride sex, the Knots Berry Farm orgy, not to mention what they ran up the flagpole of the Merry Ship Jaboat on every three day weekend.  

Memories, ButtBiscuit, we all got 'em, thanks to YOU.


"A promising kiss." What does that even mean, Billy? It's not as if you and Chelsea had never smooched before.

Perhaps it was promising because, unlike what most of the women he's kissed have done, she didn't throw up in his mouth at the first touch of his icy cold fish lips?  Just a wild guess.


Nate, if you had foreseen the gala ending with the shocking demise of one its attendees, you would be advised to seek counseling. Moron.

Maybe Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate is the next Miss Cleo!  There's nothing he can't do, apparently, except not act like a horse's ass.


Lily is a good friend to Daniel. I'm glad JG didn't cheapen the moment of her comforting him by turning it into grief sex.

I so agree.  The scenes between Daniel and Lily were perfect IMO.  I haven't like Lily this much in a long time.  Well done.

The cries and general lamentation that Phyllis is apparently dead was so much nonsense.  Even before all this, the only people who even tried to pretend they liked her were whichever guy she was currently boinking, Summer, and Lauren on the rare occasions we saw the two of them together.  Oh, yeah, and Amanda.  I never bought that friendship no matter how hard Show tried to sell it, and neither MM or MS could breathe any life into it, either.

Katherine got Chancellor Park named after her, Cassie got a day dedicated to her, Neil got a Jazz Lounge to call his own, so I guess Phyllis will get something equally appropriate?  Perhaps rename Fairview Sanitarium the Phyllis Summers Cuckoo for CocoaPuffs Rest and Recycle Center?  Yep, Ol' Phyllis is going to become a Great Lakes Legend, like the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, except less lighthearted fun.

I know she didn't own the hotel anymore and there's not enough left of her to bury anyway, but I think it would be sweet if she could be remembered by an animatronic image of herself doing what she did best....


I'm verklempt already.

Summer, go to bed before you embarrass yourself any further.  Yes, your grief is real, yes you loved your mother - there's no accounting for taste.  You also love that hairdo you go to bed with every night and your father, the only guy who can fart out an exact rendition of "I Love a Piano" on command.  Get some sleep.  You're going to have a long day tomorrow, sorting through your mother's things, trying to see if there's anyone out there who wants her edible underwear or her collection of adult-themed Hummel figurines.  Thirsty work, my dear.

OHLOOK, she's alive.  Who would have thunk it?  Now the convoluted story begins, where we watch everyone on screen completely forget the rabid nutjob we've been watching and listening to for months and only remember all the fictitious good things we have previously never seen or heard about.

Diane better get herself one of those Groucho Marx masks with moustache if she intends to go out in public while the public mourns the Death of Mothra.

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Daniel: What about when your mom died?

Lily: You mean, when your mother pushed her off a cliff, cause she came to a photo shoot uninvited to fuck with Sharon?

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48 minutes ago, mjt626 said:

Daniel: What about when your mom died?

Lily: You mean, when your mother pushed her off a cliff, cause she came to a photo shoot uninvited to fuck with Sharon?

Yes! That’s what came to my mind too. Lol The Red Menace is the gift that keeps on giving. Much like Syphyllis. 

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12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Billy going all verklempt over Phyllis' death. Boy, bye. Your affair with her almost destroyed you, your family, and Jabot.

At least he was honest and said they brought out the worst in each other. All the others are making me sick with the way they are mourning her.

12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Lily is a good friend to Daniel. I'm glad JG didn't cheapen the moment of her comforting him by turning it into grief sex.

They are leaving that up to Nick and Sally

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12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Request: Can we not post spoilers in this thread? There already is one for spoilers, in addition to the Canadian day-ahead episodes thread. tyvm

Oh, sorry, ok. I thought it was ok since it was labeled and hidden. Will do in the future!

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14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Danny had Lily's number in his phone. Wonder why?

Maybe Danny used Daniel's phone to call Lily. I admit, I wasn't totally paying attention.

Edited by pvandal
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17 hours ago, Js Nana said:

But wouldn't that be a great twist if it was somebody else, like maybe Nikki, or Victor, or somebody completely out of left field?

Or Chance working with Victor's security team.  After all, no one at the gala saw the 'accident' scene.  All the info comes from Chance.  And Victor did suspiciously disappear during the fainting commotion.

I hope when Phylth finally reveals she's alive to her kids they disown her.  She's pulling the same dead/not dead  shenanigans that she's accusing Diane of doing.

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Ummm, Christian adored Phyllis???  If Nick is so concerned about him why doesn't he take him to the zoo instead of letting the nanny do it? Oh yeah, I forgot...he needs Sally to comfort screw  him.

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There are so many holes in the "Phyllis is Dead" plot, it's looking to me like a gopher infested golf course. 2 bodies are just "missing"  from a morgue? A vial of blood survives a wreck that rendered 2 bodies "unable to be autopsied?"  With her sudden marriage to Stark, wouldn't forensic accounting specialists be looking for strange activities in Phyllis' financial records? So what if Phyllis was mumbling, "Poison, poison?" Crazy as she was, she could have taken it herself. Insisting Diane will spend the rest of her life in jail when with no witness, there is no crime? But, IMO, the hugest hole here is the lack of calculation as to what a narcissist Phyllis truly is. There is an old saying that a narcissist has to be the star of every wedding and funeral they go to. Where and how will blood sucking, oxygen gulping, wing-flapping Phyllis go, to re-establish her narcissistic supply? How would she be able to stomp the life out of people as a complete stranger, somewhere where nobody knows her? If she was sincere about this, she would have already whacked off her hair with some manicure scissors, and dyed it black whilst waiting for the return of Stark, who she really didn't even have to meet up with post crash at all. Frankly, I look for her to show up at her own memorial service, or in LA on B&B.

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1 hour ago, Julyolo said:

There are so many holes in the "Phyllis is Dead" plot, it's looking to me like a gopher infested golf course. 2 bodies are just "missing"  from a morgue? A vial of blood survives a wreck that rendered 2 bodies "unable to be autopsied?"  With her sudden marriage to Stark, wouldn't forensic accounting specialists be looking for strange activities in Phyllis' financial records? So what if Phyllis was mumbling, "Poison, poison?" Crazy as she was, she could have taken it herself. Insisting Diane will spend the rest of her life in jail when with no witness, there is no crime? But, IMO, the hugest hole here is the lack of calculation as to what a narcissist Phyllis truly is. There is an old saying that a narcissist has to be the star of every wedding and funeral they go to. Where and how will blood sucking, oxygen gulping, wing-flapping Phyllis go, to re-establish her narcissistic supply? How would she be able to stomp the life out of people as a complete stranger, somewhere where nobody knows her? If she was sincere about this, she would have already whacked off her hair with some manicure scissors, and dyed it black whilst waiting for the return of Stark, who she really didn't even have to meet up with post crash at all. Frankly, I look for her to show up at her own memorial service, or in LA on B&B.

I was just telling my friend that Syphyllis has such a large ego, she’ll have to go to her own memorial to see and hear all the adoration and wailing. 

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Great. So The Bug is back? 🙄 Guess Lauralee Bell was bored or her kids went off to college or something as evidenced by her on the marquee of characters in the intro. Must be nice to have your dad's legacy to ride when your acting range encompasses 'exasperated' to 'angry.' 🙄

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Yesterday: Did anyone want to see Billy and Chelsea’s reaction  to Phyllis’s death? I fast forwarded thru most of their stupid session.

Shut up Summer! Phyllis is the one who reached out to Jeremy and really got the ball rolling. Diane should have slapped her across the face. Diane needs to marry Jack asap so she can kick Summer out of the Abbott house. No Kyle and certainly no Harrison who is not even your child. 

Today: Why are normal people acting upset over Phyllis death? Christine, you hate her. Sharon, shame on you. Nick, you have a new bed buddy. The ladies should be having a party to celebrate. And where did our dear sweet Danny Romalotti go? I hope he is still in town.

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