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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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I just thought of something, after watching all the characters speak to each other so far apart you'd think Nick and Adam forgot to Febreze their underwear.  Does this social distancing filming mean we won't have to see the ritual elevator sex for the foreseeable future?  Which also means no tabletop defilements or couches constantly damp and dank and smelling of Nick or ButtBiscuit???

Finally, a glimmer of hope emerges.....

Edited by boes
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15 minutes ago, boes said:

I just thought of something, after watching all the characters speak to each other so far apart you'd think Nick and Adam forgot to Febreze their underwear.  Does this social distancing filming mean we won't have to see the ritual elevator sex for the foreseeable future?  Which also means no tabletop defilements or couches constantly damp and dank and smelling of Nick or ButtBiscuit???

Finally, a glimmer of hope emerges.....

I guess Devon and Elena (Brighton and his GF) are happy. Now they can get more screen time. And love scenes. 

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Thanks for all the well wishes!  It’s greatly appreciated. Things are almost back normal and I’m self sufficient once again. 

I don’t know what they did to Chelsea but she looked exceptionally good today. But the outfit has to go.  Other than that, it was a snooze fest with couples that are mostly boring. 

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6 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

If you noticed all episodes, regardless of year,  had the same Y&R logo and The Woman in Black walking toward the camera in the opening/half way mark.  Obviously this wasn't the case when many first aired.  My guess is the graphics department spend their time during the hiatus merging older original opening/half way credits with the current one, producing a standard one we saw daily. 

I am not sure what you mean by this, but the really old eps I watched (I am in Canada) all had the original opening credits.  Which I loved seeing. I didn't pay enough attention but they may have had the sashaying woman mid-episode.

I really loved seeing the opening credits from over the years, seeing the actors in their youth and also who was being showcased as the star of the show at that time.

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I am not sure what you mean by this, but the really old eps I watched (I am in Canada) all had the original opening credits.  Which I loved seeing. I didn't pay enough attention but they may have had the sashaying woman mid-episode.

Yes, I think the headless sashaying woman didn't show up in the opening credits until the early 00s. I did a deep google dive on it and various old conversations on other soap boards claim that she appeared in the 90s but was only used as a mid-episode transition. Some say it showed up shortly before MS started playing Phyllis. (MS has said in an interview that the woman is her.) I'm curious enough that I'd go back and watch some of the episodes around that time but on CBS.com the open access to them has been shut off again.

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8 hours ago, bannana said:

I am not sure what you mean by this, but the really old eps I watched (I am in Canada) all had the original opening credits.  Which I loved seeing. I didn't pay enough attention but they may have had the sashaying woman mid-episode.

I could have sworn each episode, no matter the year, opened with the sashaying woman during the hiatus.  Maybe it was the pandemic wine and margaritas. 

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I hereby nominate MissAlmond to be our Commenter Emeritus. (No voting. Another Prevert should make a motion to elect by acclamation. kthxbye.)

22 hours ago, peacheslatour said:




MissAlmond has a substantial bar tab and bar stool, with her name on it, at the Preverts Algonquin Round Table Piano Bar on the Lido Deck -- You can't get more official than that!


^Toilet paper available.

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So there's going to be a lot of texting now. Okay.

Hey, Kevin's finally looking his age with that dusty gray hair. Wonder if Michael will reappear with his platinum gray?

I was surprised to see Sharon wearing a form-fitting white top. And was that a bra? Seems like that would not feel good right now.

Speaking of whether to wear a bra: Adam's moobs. Oy. But how naive is he not to think Victor would have long since gotten to George? Now he'll just spin out even further if he feels like all avenues to the "truth" have been blocked.

Doesn't Esther get a quarter of a million $$ a year from Kay's estate? With free lodging she's not exactly hurting financially. Calm down, Kevin. Let grandma do her thing.

I liked Victoria's top. Chelsea's not so much.

Ugh, AFAIC Victor will never deserve the graciousness Jack extends to him in spite of stuff like Marco and Colleen's heart.

Should I be ashamed that I'm intrigued by those Love Island commercials? So much pretty. Very young pretty but still. 🙄

Pssht, Faith probably hears her classmates say worse things than the "f" word. Calm down, Sharon. Let your little girl grow up.

Wonder if Victoria and her kids are still living in the tack house?

Bixley. Sure hope it's not yet another sibling Jack, Ashley, and Traci don't know about. Or that Dina's actually saying, "Big sleep." 😐

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On 8/12/2020 at 11:09 AM, lightninggirl said:

I'm thinking those scenes were filmed pre-COVID, unless they're being tested about twice per day or all quarantined together on set or something.

That's what I think as well, they were shot pre-COVID.  Still, there are some scenes like Natey Nate Nate and GTFO my screen HoLarryCurly, and they're definitely NOT at least 6' apart. I kept thinking when they were talking at the lobby bar counter yesterday, 'I'd like to see the droplets that Nate's letting fly directly at her face..." I tried watching but it was like watching paint dry and I had to stop.

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Beside Nostrils it looks like TIIC restyled Kevin’s, Adam’s, Jack’s hair.  In addition, they all look a bit lighter.  


What I said before about Faith’s age is that I Know she’s 13 but she looks older than my 14 year old granddaughter and most of her friends. 


What I don’t understand is how TIIC is portraying Sharon’s surgery. Sharon had a lumpectomy but the Surgeon would allowed out of the hospital until there was a preliminary pathology report.  Sharon said it would be a while to get a full pathology report and in a few weeks she would be going back for chemo and radiation but once cancer is exposed to the air, it has a tendency to spread more rapidly so it wouldn’t be taken so casually.  I guess TIIC just wanted to draw out the drama.  One other thing. Sharon would be wearing something more loose fitting let alone a bra. Those things would be irritating her incision. I can tell you from experience, it’s been months since my operation, and my incision are still very sensitive to the touch. 


I’m wondering if Adam is more upset about killing someone or finding out how much Victor really loves him.  


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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Speaking of whether to wear a bra: Adam's moobs. Oy.

Now this is an interesting point. I'm sticking on this level, 'cause I may have blown out a few too many neurons, courtesy of the Australian wine industry and the plague. As most of us know, I do not find MG particularly attractive. Male model boys are not my thing. At all.

And often--videlicet [hey boes, I used a fancy word] Greasy Theo in his current mode--there is always the danger of cheekbones submerging when a few pounds come to roost. Theo has this problem.

That said, the other day when Adam was ratcheting around the apartment with Chelsea, in, I presume, a post-plague bit of footage...wait for it! I actually thought he was kind of cute. Something about the softened cheekbones and perhaps lack of cheek-sucking-in maybe. Now, I should probably step into the confessional. Let me check to see if the "occupied" light is on.

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Something about the softened cheekbones and perhaps lack of cheek-sucking-in maybe.

Yeah, I get it. I made a similar observation about Lily earlier this week. She seems to have put on a few pounds and it's filled her face out noticeably. I thought it was a better look for her. Adam used to look a bit skeletal in the face too and now he doesn't so much. Problem is, he also seems to have developed a C-cup. Maybe the show should stay away from showing him in profile until he can start hitting the gym again. 😼

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35 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Lol, Nick is doing that crossed arm thing that guys do, pushing his biceps out to make them look bigger.

Related to the ever-girlish tightening of the upper arms to the rib cage to centre the boobs, create the twin illusions of more and of cleavage?

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5 minutes ago, pearlite said:

Related to the ever-girlish tightening of the upper arms to the rib cage to centre the boobs, create the twin illusions of more and of cleavage?

Yes. And of course the wearing of high heels to lift the butt and elongate the legs.

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1 hour ago, pearlite said:

Related to the ever-girlish tightening of the upper arms to the rib cage to centre the boobs, create the twin illusions of more and of cleavage?


54 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Yes. And of course the wearing of high heels to lift the butt and elongate the legs.

Are we still talking about Nick?

Or have we moved on to ButtBiscuit?

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6 hours ago, pearlite said:

That said, the other day when Adam was ratcheting around the apartment with Chelsea, in, I presume, a post-plague bit of footage...wait for it! I actually thought he was kind of cute. Something about the softened cheekbones and perhaps lack of cheek-sucking-in maybe. Now, I should probably step into the confessional. Let me check to see if the "occupied" light is on.

Right? He def looked more manly and more attractive. I thought he was good looking before, but much too gaunt.

But that white get-up on Chelsea? All the choices made her look more manly than ever. But not in an attractive way.


Are the actors doing  their own hair and make-up?

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Now that Victor has told Nick the latest Big Family Secret pretty much the whole town will know within a week. Because Nick will tell Phyllis. Not smart, Victor, unless you want Adam to be punished by the gossipmongers. Oh, and Christine. She'd never let the small matter of jurisdiction stand in the way of her trying to prosecute Adam for a murder which occurred in another state. Just ask Sharon. 😉

What's the deal with Nikki's hair? It looks like she sleeps on it while it's still wet.

So do Nate and Elena not have any other staff at the clinic? You think they'd have a medical aide who could double as a receptionist. Or is that not done?

I get that Y&R is ignoring the pandemic in their storylines but having Tessa go to a music festival? And Mariah rattling off the names of all those famous singers? Meh, I don't like that. Don't rub our noses in it, CBS.

GMTA. Ashley wondered if this "Bixley" was another kid Dina had out there somewhere. Heh, instead of Dina Mergeron they should change her name to Dina Retcon. 🤔

Bleh, I hope we're not going to have to watch Sharon do her dime store shrink shtick on Adam to help him get his memories back. As a wealthy man he can afford to pay for the best professional help money can buy. Which would not be a suburban dilettante whose master's degree in psychology still smells like printer ink.

Tessa doing a duet with Lizzo? It is to laugh. On her best day I think Tessa sings like a whiny porpoise. She couldn't keep up with Lizzo.

Wait, what? Is Elena catching feelings for Nate? What was that wistful face she pulled after they joked about the patient with the eye injury?

The previews made it look like Victoria and Jack are conspiring. Oh dear. 😞

I liked Amanda's top. Am waiting for Worn on TV to post it so I can see how much it costs. It was quite a thrill (🙄) to learn that Victoria's lacy top yesterday goes for $300.

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56 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

Right? He def looked more manly and more attractive. I thought he was good looking before, but much too gaunt.

The actors left to their own devices for too long has proven just how stringently the GymTanLaundry regimen was followed pre-coronavirus (Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino™). Atonal Adam needs a haircut, colon cleanse and steeple chasing to get back to his cheek-sucking worst.

MG has never been appealing to me; it never helped that the Adam Newman character was a actively sociopathic version of Victor that lost every nefarious scheme conjured in his fevered brain pan, but MG is too fond of sneering and slouching in distain, while adopting Justin Hartley's stutterbarking manner to fill in for the acting talent gap.


But that white get-up on Chelsea? All the choices made her look more manly than ever. But not in an attractive way.

The very broad shoulders of the white outfit and severe, dark hair style didn't do much for her -- Another one that needs a cut and color.

I chuckled while Chelsea was shouting her concern for Atonal's murderous realizations across the room. The Corona Effect isn't going to help Y&R much, though the scenes on Show are moving along at a brisk pace.

Atonal will remember his youthful murder through Sharon's sexual therapy sessions (Why is Spider ... er, Atonal Adam in denial about his memory lapses?) -- It'll be so much fun to watch Atonal blow up his relationship with Chelsea for the second time and with the same woman; Boo Hoo Connor. Team Sharon will be fractured and disillusioned. Faith will be involved with teenage angsty acting out and Rey Rey will be sullen and snarly, in love with another woman that's cheated on him.  

TIIC will use SC/MGs real life relationship to make the sexxxy times on the screen

One other point: Sharon was wearing a bra, crewneck sweater post-surgery and reaching for the phone with her left hand (the side she had the lumpectomy)? And still hasn't heard from pathology?


Are the actors doing  their own hair and make-up?

In the dark?


Show is in serious need of professional hair and makeup personnel.

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Wait, what? Is Elena catching feelings for Nate? What was that wistful face she pulled after they joked about the patient with the eye injury?

40 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

You can bet she's after more than just his "pity pie."


I was expecting Nate and Elena to find Hillary 2.0 and Darvon looking cozy at Society. The two of them assume the worse of Hillz 2.0/Darvon's intentions and weird out.

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I chuckled while Chelsea was shouting her concern for Atonal's murderous realizations across the room. 

He kept saying "I murdered someone" like he was horrified by that. Hasn't he killed like five people including several attempts on Victor and the shit he did to Ashley. Why is he so freaked out by one measly murder?


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4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

He kept saying "I murdered someone" like he was horrified by that. Hasn't he killed like five people including several attempts on Victor and the shit he did to Ashley. Why is he so freaked out by one measly murder?

Exactly.  Was he mad because he didn't put in for his boy scout homicide merit badge?  You'd think that finding out he started murdering as a tween would be small potatoes, considering he just recently killed a guy in Vegas on behalf of NotaChance, that he sorta pushed Dr. Taylor into oncoming traffic and was responsible for Richard Hightower's death.  Delia doesn't count since he wasn't even putting in the effort for that one.  

As for Daddy Dearest, who is now being lauded by Nikki and Nick as, gosh darn it, just loving Adam too much, this paragon of virtue stood by and watched Skye become a volcanic Hawaiian Luau BBQ Kettle chip, did more heinous crap than is worth remembering, but THIS, THIS he had to hide from Adam?  He framed Adam and sent him to prison and he didn't think THAT was at least as bad as this?  What a great Dad.  

The two of them absolutely deserve each other.  

What nobody deserves is the disaster that is Nikki's hair.  Talk about a criminal offense.

It was only a matter of time before Sharon took a big dump on "Team Sharon".  Who knew, though, it would come in the form of Adam?  That's what comes of eating too much deep dish pizza and sushimi at the same time.

So it's Bixby, not Bixley.  I'm sorry it turned out to be a camera, though.  I was hoping she was remembering she'd had an affair with Bill Bixby.  I know he's no longer with us, but how cool would it have been if the NEXT previously unknown Abbott sibling turned to be the Incredible Hulk?  Take THAT, Victor Newman!  Oh, the mincemeat he could make of ButtBiscuit......I can dream, can't I?.......

I certainly hope Devon and whatshernamewholookslikeHillary asked the wait staff for some towels.  They shouldn't expect the staff to clean up after the tongue bath they gave themselves at Society.  

Elena!  Eyes up HERE, please.  Remember, you can't touch Nate Natey Nate Nate Nate with a 10 foot pole.  OK, 6 feet, but to be on the safe side.....


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Nice going Banana Breath, insulting Victor’s ex-wife, Hope, by calling her a bitch. Classy, very classy. 


Banana Breath and Nostrils are competing for who can be the bigger prick. Neither of them have the right to cast the first stone for they are not without sin. 


Banana Breath didn’t know that Adam was there but he barges into her house without knocking.  Banana Breath is the real son of bitch. At first he left out the main part of the story to Sharon that Adam was protecting his mother because he didn’t believe that’s what happened.  Yes, Nikki was bitching about Adam because she’s jealous of Adam but Victor was a little more graceful in accepting Det Deadwood as Nikki’s son. 


Jack and Ashley got it wrong. Dina wrote bixley but she actually meant Zaxbys. Dina wanted some buffalo chicken wings, fries, and  a coke.  😉



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On 8/13/2020 at 10:46 AM, Cupid Stunt said:

MissAlmond has a substantial bar tab and bar stool, with her name on it, at the Preverts Algonquin Round Table Piano Bar on the Lido Deck -- You can't get more official than that!

A bar tab?  How can I turn that down.  I accept!

I'm not watching the show but still reading posts.  It's not the plots I'm interested in.   I'm fascinated by your descriptions of the "look" of the show and the obvious impact COVID-19 has had on filming.  Hair and makeup looking bad.  Apparently the only two real life couples will be able to get frisky.  Marks set to allow the camera crew to make it appear actors are closer than they really are.  BTW: remember these tricks of the camera when planning a hotel stay and pictures claim it's close to the beach.   Anyway, I wonder during the hiatus how many storylines TPTB decided to change, disregard, rush, or delay due to restrictions.  Also, if you Preverts had a direct voice to the them, what pre-COVID-19 storyline do you feel with clever writing and imagination actually has the potential to use the restrictions to become much better than what was probably planned originally.

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Welp, after not watching the classic episodes, I just sat down and watched this week’s shows. 
You would think that it would feel good to have it back, but in fact I think I now realize I really don’t care about these characters and haven’t missed them. 
Bummer. I think I’m out?

I will check in here now and then because this board is far more I retesting than the show.

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your description of enjoying camp is exactly how I feel about the Bold and the Beautiful. It’s so awful I can just laugh at it. And because it’s only half an hour I don’t mind the wasted time.

I think I am tougher  on the two shows that I watched as a child, GH and Y&R, because they once really meant a lot to me.  They disappoint me now. I stopped watching GH decades ago. 
I went into a career in health care probably because that show made it seem so interesting and important. It kills me that it’s a glorified mobster show now.

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On 8/14/2020 at 9:30 PM, boes said:

that he sorta pushed Dr. Taylor into oncoming traffic

@boes, thank you for this! I recently posted that I thought Phyllis did this.  So it was Adam!

I Get It Yes GIF by Physics Girl


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On 8/14/2020 at 9:30 PM, boes said:

As for Daddy Dearest, who is now being lauded by Nikki and Nick as, gosh darn it, just loving Adam too much, this paragon of virtue stood by and watched Skye become a volcanic Hawaiian Luau BBQ Kettle chip, did more heinous crap than is worth remembering, but THIS, THIS he had to hide from Adam?  He framed Adam and sent him to prison and he didn't think THAT was at least as bad as this?  What a great Dad.  

Yes, this, tragically this. I will never forget Skye.

Pricktor also tortured Jack, caused Stitch's sister's death (cannot remember her name) not to mention all the people on the ship that died when Jack and Marissa escaped.

It's completely incongruous for Pricktor to now be really and truly sad about poor Adam killing a bad guy when he was 11.

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On 8/14/2020 at 9:30 PM, boes said:

So it's Bixby, not Bixley.  I'm sorry it turned out to be a camera, though.  I was hoping she was remembering she'd had an affair with Bill Bixby.  I know he's no longer with us, but how cool would it have been if the NEXT previously unknown Abbott sibling turned to be the Incredible Hulk?  Take THAT, Victor Newman!  Oh, the mincemeat he could make of ButtBiscuit......I can dream, can't I?.......

And Bill Bixby was married to Brenda Benet who played Lee Dumonde on Days of our Lives. Their young son died and I think a year later she took her own life. I will never forget that.

I loved Bill Bixby! Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Magician, The Incredible Hulk.  He also had a sort of tragic end.

Whoa, sorry to bring mood down, but you sent me on a Bill Bixby memory tour, @boes

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7 hours ago, bannana said:

And Bill Bixby was married to Brenda Benet who played Lee Dumonde on Days of our Lives. Their young son died and I think a year later she took her own life. I will never forget that.

I loved Bill Bixby! Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Magician, The Incredible Hulk.  He also had a sort of tragic end.

Whoa, sorry to bring mood down, but you sent me on a Bill Bixby memory tour, @boes

I loved him.  The Courtship of Eddie's Father was such a good show!  I'd forgotten about how tragic it was for both him and his wife when their child died.

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9 hours ago, bannana said:

It's completely incongruous for Pricktor to now be really and truly sad about poor Adam killing a bad guy when he was 11.

Senility does that to a guy.

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8 hours ago, bannana said:

And Bill Bixby was married to Brenda Benet who played Lee Dumonde on Days of our Lives. Their young son died and I think a year later she took her own life. I will never forget that.

I loved Bill Bixby! Courtship of Eddie's Father, The Magician, The Incredible Hulk.  He also had a sort of tragic end.

Whoa, sorry to bring mood down, but you sent me on a Bill Bixby memory tour, @boes

And who can forget My Favorite Martian and The Incredible Hulk? Good lord, he died at fifty nine? 

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I know I'm one of the lone Shadam fans here, but I am so, so glad to see them finally interacting after all these months.

I thought it was absolutely ridiculous that Adam just found out that Sharon has cancer. I wanted to knock Nick into next Tuesday (or next year, really) for practically pissing on Sharon's leg when Adam dared to talk to Sharon.

Last time I checked, Sharon is a grown-ass woman, perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Andplusalso, Nick is back with Sphyllis once again so mother of three of his children or not, he has zero say.

Also, I find it very intriguing that JG indicated that the Shadam scenes we're seeing now  were shot before the pandemic shutdown. So a Shadam reunion was already in the works and it's not just that SC and MG are a RL couple that has them involved in scenes again.

Even Rey can read the room.


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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

And who can forget My Favorite Martian and The Incredible Hulk? Good lord, he died at fifty nine? 

Public Service Announcement:

Prostate cancer is a killer. Late stage treatment in the early 90s was Draconian, and not particularly successful.  One in 9 U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. Early cancer screening and treatment saves lives. 

National Cancer Institute

American Cancer Society -- Prostate Cancer Outline

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Chelsea was kind of dressed up just to be going to pick up Connor at the ranch. That dress had sequins and/or beading. Who was she trying to impress?

Adam was wearing two layers of clothing and Sharon was wearing what appeared to be a cashmere sweater. Surely it's not yet cool enough in WI for that. It's still the dog days of summer. I got hot just looking at them, and not in a good way. 😓

Heh, Nick talked about Adam like his brother is a virus or something similar. Just when you think it's gone it pops up again. Maybe the Newmans need to pay some top scientists in Switzerland to develop an Adam vaccine. 💉💊

Whee, looked like the writers were effing with MCE again today. Rooned. She cannot pronounce "ruined" to save her life. 😑

Oh please, plenty of people grow up without a father and don't do the kind of heinous stuff Adam has. Victor now feeling regretful about it is some b.s. IMO.

A while back we were talking here about how the writers were considering a pairing back in the day between Victoria and Jack. Allegedly EB used his influence to put the kibosh on it. Wonder if Josh G. is planning to revisit the possibility? I wouldn't hate it. Them as a couple sure would drive Victor batty.

Well for one thing, Sharon cannot be objective about Adam given their long, messy history. Her serving as his therapist would seem massively unethical to me. Plus, she should not be investing that kind of energy into anything but her own recovery right now. Ugh.

Phyllis has no clue what women want. Yep, that sounds about right since she's apparently some kind of alien life form masquerading as a woman. I'm still thinking she should turn that place into a swingers club. Install a dumpster in every room and let the fun begin!

Dear Chance, ease up with the manspreading, cowboy. Who you trying to impress?

Nick an expert on what women want? Okay, guess that means Phyllis will set up the rooms to be the size of a small pantry, full of mops, cleaning supplies, and dusty floors. With no where to lay down but on a lumpy, dirty mattress. That's the ticket!

What big plan could Victoria possibly have revealed to Jack that had him so impressed? Is she going to parachute off the Newman tower onto the top of the Jabot building?  🤔🙄

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Why did Chelsea's toga have all of those radiation symbols that are on the signs outside of fallout shelters on it?  And why is she even gaspier than usual?  Ooofah, this show is dull.  They had three months to think of some cool stories to tell.  Phyllis brainstorming for ideas to become relevant is not one of those stories.   Chance really is Dylan McAvoy without all of the charisma.  Why is nobody challenging the authenticity of these fossils?  (I mean the ones found on the hotel site, not Phyllis and Chance.)  

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Could Chelsea be wearing an uglier dress?  You would think she designed it herself 😉.  


Could someone please tell Sharon not to cross her arms?  Not only it would be painful but would be detrimental for the incision to heal.  


Adam, there was a man dead in LV because of your actions so why are you  more concerned about what happened to you as an 11 year old.  You were defending your mother and in LV you were defending Chance. 


Banana Breath’s idea for the perfect women’s experience would be a hot bath, massage, and a happy ending. 


What Olive Oyl is planning with Jack sounds that the CEO would have to go to the board of directors for approval. 

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Lola? Weren't there rumors that the actress had been let go? Hmm. Maybe things got worked out.

Whoa, MS may have gone a tad overboard with the fillers in her face. Her swollen cheeks and chin almost looked painful to me.

Adam, Sharon already knowing so much about you is exactly the problem! She can't be objective and it's unethical. But that may be the point for you, huh? Meanwhile, Chelsea just can't get past her jealousy of Sharon. Yawn.

Speaking of jelly, I see you, Kyle. The last person you want to see Lola with is Theo. Can I get a price check on a jumbo jar Skippy Extra Crunchy?

The show knows Sharon treating Adam is nonsense. The hypersonic spin of explanations and assurances coming from both of them could almost alter the earth's rotation, IMO.

Oh please, Phyllis' great new idea is basically Goop in a hotel. Hey, maybe Y&R can get Gwyneth to do a cameo to give her pretend seal of approval! 🙄

Meh, I'm not sure Kyle and Theo were ever really friends. Good on Kyle for reaching out to Theo, I guess. They're still cousins and may run into each other at the Abbott home.

Rey delivered some real talk to Sharon today. AFAIC, he's a great boyfriend.Too bad Sharon doesn't truly seem to respect him. Right now he just fills a few convenient slots in her life. One of which Adam will likely drop back into soon enough. Ugh.

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Who the fuck Banana Breath and Senior Wences to speak for Sharon. Sharon is not ventriloquist’s dummy nor a mindless idiot.  Mostly everyone finds some relief for going through a dramatic illness to keep their minds busy instead of having morbid thoughts. For my wife it was work and her horse. For Sharon, it’s the thought of helping Adam or anyone else. 


Chelsea, jealous much! Green is not you color beside that hideous hair do is very unbecoming. 


What is the difference between Phyllis’ woman’s club and the hotel spa that already exists unless Phyllis would have private mud baths, saunas, or hot tubs. 


Kyle and Mariah are so natural together. I’m sure that Mariah is the one that leads these scene to make it feel that way. Unlike LaLa and Theo, their scenes feel very awkward. There is no softness in Theo. He always seems he’s on edge. 


I like Mariah as a strawberry blond. Of all her changing hair colors, this color suits her the best. 


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On 8/17/2020 at 2:09 PM, Cupid Stunt said:

Prostate cancer is a killer. Late stage treatment in the early 90s was Draconian, and not particularly successful.  

Frank Zappa died of prostate cancer a few days after Bill Bixby, and he was not quite 53.

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What a treat, huh?  I mean all those wonderful, sexy, funny, original and endearing scenes of Phyllis and Nick together, him drawing her a bath - which I assume he did in pencil since never having taken one, I doubt if he would actually know how to turn on the water.


Jump in, Phyllis, wash the stink of the dumpster off.

Then, all those wonderful scents, Eue de Roadill Raccoon, a hard-to-get Stinkberry candle and video games, all in anticipation of a guaranteed 3 minute special neither will ever forget.

Lola!  Nice to see you!  One plus with the social distancing, though, we don't have to watch any of those schmoopy eat-your-face kissing scenes with her and Kyle or Theo or anyone else.  Though I expect any really romantic scenes with Theo wouldn't involve another person.

Theo's mannerisms completely distract me.  He can't seem to keep from fiddling with his buttons, squaring his shoulders and doing a half-knee as if he's ready to lead the cast in a rendition of "76 Trombones".  As hard as I think he tries not to, he  probably can't get away from thinking he's in another high-kicking production of A Chorus Line.  We don't need Every Little Step, Theo, not every single time.

I generally like, or liked, Kyle, but today he was so smug I was waiting for his face to turn inside out.  Still, his scenes with Mariah were the best part of the show for me.

Ray, you're wasting your time.  If you want to be with Sharon longer than it takes to fold her laundry, you need to suck the life out of her, make it all about you all the time, and give an ultimatum to always put YOU first, before her kids or herself or anyone else.  

Martyrdom is foreplay for Sharon.  And she likes lots and lots of foreplay.

If there was time today, I hope Nick spent some time drawing a bath for Adam, too.  He needs one in the worst way.

So, thinking ahead, will Connor try to kill Sharon by messing with her chemo, running her down with his tonka truck, or pitching a fit that doesn't end till her head explodes from the noise?  Anyone who messes with Connor's mummy and daady fixation is not long for this world.

Edited by boes
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I'm confused by Phyllis' big idea.  Get-aways tailor-made to each guest?  Is there a menu of options, or is it absolutely anything you want?  Say a guest wants the bathtub painted black and filled with lime Jell-o, and twelve groundhogs in the room with a trapeze over the bed, Phyllis can make that happen?  Is it like Fantasy Island?  Is she hiring a little person?  Whatever, can we please never see her and Nick play video games ever again?  So stupid.  I wonder how many times somebody has walked into a room where Nick has been and wondered what that smell is?

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12 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Who the fuck Banana Breath and Senior Wences to speak for Sharon. Sharon is not ventriloquist’s dummy nor a mindless idiot.  Mostly everyone finds some relief for going through a dramatic illness to keep their minds busy instead of having morbid thoughts. For my wife it was work and her horse. For Sharon, it’s the thought of helping Adam or anyone else. 

As members of the Team Sharon Cancer Squadron, and knowing Atonal Adam is a bottomless pit of selfish, destructive and murderous behavior, they have every reason to speak up when Sharon wants to operate unethically (because it's easier for Atonal Adam) and sleep with a monster.  


Chelsea, jealous much! Green is not you color beside that hideous hair do is very unbecoming. 

Jealousy, not so much. Chelsea knows Sharon is Atonal Adam's kryptonite. Once Atonal enters Sharon's personal perimeter of sexual attainability, he'll charge at her Golden Cooter™ and it'll be all over.

I do wish Chelsea would stop hyperventilating. It doesn't help her argument. And Atonal isn't listening to her. 

Atonal shrugs off how much damage he creates, and doesn't care that Sharon is in the middle of cancer treatments. Atonal knows how to hook Sharon's professional ego and play on her neurotic need to sleep with the most fucked up men in Genoa City, believing her sexual powers will heal them -- Fat chance. Sharon has no ability to say No and has never taken any responsibility for being unfaithful. Why should she? Sharon is a terminal ingenue, a font of over-ripe sexuality; this time compounded by her insecurity post-lumpectomy/cancer treatment. A quadrangle of doom for Sexxxy Times scenes. 

There's also the problem that Atonal has deliberately avoided telling Chelsea his reasons and plans having a former lover (that has regularly interfered in their relationship) counsel him for his proclivity to lose his memory. So what ... You don't remember killing a man threatening your mother? You have a trail of dead bodies in your wake, and they don't cause you a moments grief, unless someone mentions the dead, because they hate you for killing their loved one.

Why did Hope go along with keeping the murder a secret? She knew the lengths you would go and chose not to revisit your violent, homicidal behavior. It still bothers you that Victor kept this secret; not willing to admit his love is just as fierce and unbalanced as your own?


What is the difference between Phyllis’ woman’s club and the hotel spa that already exists unless Phyllis would have private mud baths, saunas, or hot tubs. 

Whatever extra curriculars Phyllis decides to plague the female customers of The Phoenix, it won't make any difference while she and her long-term tenants use the lobby as their business office -- Ridiculously unprofessional.

Is there some reason Nick hasn't told Abby her hotel work site was salted with dinosaur bones by Phyllis to stop construction? Nick demands loyalty, but shows no loyalty to others.


Kyle and Mariah are so natural together. I’m sure that Mariah is the one that leads these scene to make it feel that way. Unlike LaLa and Theo, their scenes feel very awkward. There is no softness in Theo. He always seems he’s on edge. 

Camryn Grimes is such a strong, yet subtle actor; she always carries her scenes because she's working with lesser talents and neophytes. TIIC are going with her strengths. Unfortunately, the acquiescence of Kyle to give Theo the benefit of the doubt, hail and well met, apologizing for his unprofessional behavior, while brushing off months of Theo's dirty tricks, undermining Kyle's authority at Jabot and manipulating the Abbott's and Lola. That's crap.

So what if Theo lost his job at Jabot in a failed hand of Liar's Poker. It's still Theo, playing fast and loose with the truth, treating everyone like marks, disarming people with unexpected sincerity ... It's just another ruse to maneuver everyone back to being doormats.  

Not a surprise Lola's Miami plans for a Cuban restaurant in a Cuban enclave was a bust. You can't swing a dead cat in Miami and not hit a Cuban café or food truck. Buy a clue, Lola. It seems she's still got feelz for Kyle, and visa versa. Show's other romantic quadrangle of doom shuffles players once again.


I like Mariah as a strawberry blond. Of all her changing hair colors, this color suits her the best. 

It has a lovely golden undertone that flatters her complexion. The scene lighting at Society has improved; not as harsh with the monotone set design.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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