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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Frankie is seriously disturbed and really needs to seek help after this is over. I already feel bad about how much pain Zach will be in when he learns all this later. This isn't something that can just be excused away as simple game-playing.


Whether he's bi or straight, I think his feelings are quite genuine and he's already been wounded by that asshat in the last few weeks. No matter how secure you are in your sexuality, it's a big statement and risk to be so publicly open in front of a vast audience of judgmental viewers.That emotional breakdown in the DR wasn't a normal reaction to someone just having an edge in the game. I think he was now questioning if anything about their relationship had been true. I like Zach and he's in my top five for this season but I didn't have any emotional investment in him like I do with Donny. But that DR really made me sad and I wanted more than anything to give him a big hug.




From Jokers: Cody: Wow, it's amazing how Frankie knew that word euthanize. I don't know that word.


THAT'S all you were amazed about, Cody? How about the psychopathic context it was used in?

Edited by Scout Finch
  • Love 8

AndreaK1041, on 11 Aug 2014 - 2:07 PM, said:


Either way I hope zing bot gets in a good "Frankie... You're looking a little pale... Maybe it's all that time...in your sister's..,. Shadow. Ziiinnnggg!!!" I Love Zingbot :)

Quoting myself from a week ago to point out that CBS owes me some money.



Hold on...they seem to have used your quote exactly?  That is amazing, Andrea!  High five!!!!   This means they are reading what we are saying on these forums.  Which is pretty much the coolest thing ever and I am SO HAPPY to know that people in production are looking around for REAL opinions, not just things they would read in CBS-friendly places.  I might dislike most of the people left in the house, but based on things being revealed about production, I want to give them some kind of America's Ally Award.


Frankie is going to break Zach's heart if he goes through with the plan to back door him.  He might even send him all the way back to being straight again.   At least this will (hopefully) help turn Frankie into a villain on the regular broadcast, which is the last way that "Look at me!  Love ME!  I made a heart with my hands!" Frankie wants to be perceived.

  • Love 3

Donny also got a gameplay zing (he looks like Duck Dynasty but his game is more like Suck Dynasty)


{This is not directed at you, Brian, as I know you are just quoting it, but...}


Apologies right now for my outside voice and profuse swearing; but yo Zingbot, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!  


How can you say a guy has no gameplay when he's survived eviction attempts pretty much every single week an eviction was possible?!?!?!    Yeah, because its his fault the other HGs are douches who exclude him because of his age, termperament, and normal sleep schedule.   And last I checked, the game isn't all about the 'social game'.  How many BOBs and Veto's has Donny won?  Not to mention an HOH.  


I repeat myself;  Zingbot, GO. FUCK. YOURSELF!

  • Love 7

I think *almost*.  They actually said something like how do you stay so tan being in your sister's shadow.  I think I saw someone post a similar joke at Joker's a few days after I said it, so I don't know that CBS production reads this particular forum.  But in case they do... I HATE FRANKIE YOU ASSHOLES, PANDORA'S BOX HIM RIGHT THE HELL OUT OF THAT HOUSE.  Ahem. Thank you for your attention.

  • Love 13

Hayden said in his Jeff interview if he was allowed back in the game he would target Cody/Derrick.

And while I don't know if they are in hotel rooms or an actual jury house together (are there jury house videos this season?), there's no doubt the show was going to let him see Nicole, so what he knows, he'll tell her.

And...at 8:55 Frankie made a point to tell Cody and Derrick that he doesn't want to chop Zach's head off - he wants to euthanize him with a slow drip.


I am flabbergasted.  Why does Frankie hate Zach so much?  I don't get it.


He's been butt-hurt since Week 2 (or 3, whatever) when Zach 'called him out' at the Veto meeting, when Devin nom'd Zach in Brittany's place [the week Devin blew up the BS].  Frankie's never gotten over it.  He's hated Zach ever since, despite all appearances to the contrary.   (or at least, that's my take on it)

  • Love 1


This means they are reading what we are saying on these forums.


Just in case they are...


Caleb serves you up a cornucopia of crazy every day, and you have ZingBot tell him he's wearing makeup??  You should have been able to write a better zinger in your sleep (with Caleb's stalker eyes on you) and Amber's bunny slippers tied behind your back!  What a missed opportunity.



Can a robot (especially one of that shape) fuck himself?


Caleb claims he used to be ZingBot and he was able to, no problem.

Edited by LADreamr
  • Love 13

Can a robot (especially one of that shape) fuck himself?


But seriously, I think the Zingbot writers just needed a handle on how to zing Donny, and had to reach a bit.  They aren't know for accuracy, just comedy.


Sorry, but its one thing that Donny gets all the shit he does, as it is, but then to get called out for something that's not even close to true is just... ugh.


Donny deserves some kind of freakin Humanitarian Award for having the fortitude enough to have never DOR'd or just absolutely lost it and went verbally nuts on all of them, despite as bad as it has been for him in that house.

  • Love 2

The crazy thing is that Frankie has the votes to get Derrick out right now.


He takes down Caleb, puts up Derrick. 


Victoria votes out Cody.

Donny votes out Derrick

Christine votes out Derrick

Caleb votes out Cody

That leaves Zach, and if Frankie's pitch is "Vote out Derrick or I'll put you up," then Zach would vote out Derrick, right? 

Can anyone count on Zach doing anything expected?  There is no logic, no predicting what Zach seems to do.  I'd say it's "last one who speaks to him wins", except it's not even that predictable.  A shiny object can distract him and cause him to change his mind, or a casual mention of some past slight could make him angry.  He could respond to a threat by remembering that Frankie won't be able to be HoH next week, or by bending, or by boasting he could get himself off the block, or... hell, who knows.  


THAT'S all you were amazed about, Cody? How about the psychopathic context it was used in?

As far as I know, Frankie was the one who was saying he wanted to kill Zach.

And, yes, I'm more shocked at the lack of vocabulary than at any nasty horrible thing said in the BB house particularly after last season when they spent hours discussing raping and dismembering Elise and threw racist remarks around as if it were nothing.

Sorry, but its one thing that Donny gets all the shit he does, as it is, but then to get called out for something that's not even close to true is just... ugh.


Donny deserves some kind of freakin Humanitarian Award for having the fortitude enough to have never DOR'd or just absolutely lost it and went verbally nuts on all of them, despite as bad as it has been for him in that house.

Donny is an adult, not a child, and chose to go on a reality show he claims to be a superfan of.  If he didn't know and fully expect his nature to be exploited, then he'd be an idiot.  I think he can survive a few Zings, regardless of their accuracy.

  • Love 5

I think he just did extra work in the movie so he wouldn't have dialogue. He was most likely non union so he probably got $60 for the day (or night). I think quite a few HGs have done extra work. Wasn't Evel Dick in one of the Pirates movies?

I think Derrick is still grieving over his grandfather. At one point last night he was looking for his daughter's blanket-Frankie was sleeping on it and gave it to him. He draped it over his shoulder and picked up the framed photo of his wife and little girl. Why shouldn't he have cried a bit? He misses his family.


that looked like a guy who sort of looked like Zach IMO.  But on another note, that movie looks awful to me, and I like comedies.


Some insights on Christine from Joker’s:

Christine is such a complex person.  Did she think that her glasses would make her unique; weren't the tats enough?

Does she know what a MILF is?

  • Love 1

Donny is an adult, not a child, and chose to go on a reality show he claims to be a superfan of.  If he didn't know and fully expect his nature to be exploited, then he'd be an idiot.  I think he can survive a few Zings, regardless of their accuracy.


I know its a game, with $500K on the line, but some things just aren't funny - no matter how 'cute' or 'snappy' they sound, nor a person's age or their high level of superfan-ness its directed at.  Wanna make an appropriate and true-based Zing for Donny?  Zing on his sweeping the floor like a janitor thing.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on this certain topic.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

Just in case they are...


Caleb serves you up a cornucopia of crazy every day, and you have ZingBot tell him he's wearing makeup??  You should have been able to write a better zinger in your sleep (with Caleb's stalker eyes on you) and Amber's bunny slippers tied behind your back!  What a missed opportunity.

I can't even pretend to understand why CBS/Endemol has been so nice to Caleb (in terms of his portrayal).  As huge of a  fool as he's occasionally come off as on-screen, it seems like they barely scratched the surface. I mean he was acting like a stalker psycho towards Amber since Week 1, for example, and the show didn't acknowledge that for more than a month (and half implied it was somehow her fault for not being direct enough with him).


Beast Mode Asshole could have been roasted so crispy the corpse would be still smoking, so if they didn't do it?  Yeah, seems like someone in production really likes this basket case.

Yeah, Caleb wearing make-up is number 726 on the list of things that Zingbot could have made fun of about him, what a let down.  At the very least, there should have been some kind of jab about Beast Mode Cowboy.  Come on!


I agree that the Donny zing sucked and does not apply, but without that the best they could have probably done is say something like, "Donny, you are a really good person and it's a shame you're not on a season with people you can actually work with. Sigh. zing."  and then Zingbot would make a sad face.

  • Love 10


"Donny, you are a really good person and it's a shame you're not on a season with people you can actually work with. Sigh. zing."  and then Zingbot would make a sad face.


That would have been perfect!  It would let the other hamsters know how Donny is seen in the game, as well as getting another zinger in at all of them -- all with one shot!  Beast Mode Zingbot!

  • Love 2

I know its a game, with $500K on the line, but some things just aren't funny - no matter how 'cute' or 'snappy' they sound, nor a person's age or their high level of superfan-ness its directed at.  Wanna make an appropriate and true-based Zing for Donny?  Zing on his sweeping the floor like a janitor thing.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on this certain topic.

I guess we will.  I just don't like infantilizing grown, functional adults.  Donny seems like a very functional together person to me, with a backbone, so I don't want to send pity his way for what I feel he can stand up to just fine.  He knows he looks like a Duck Dynasty character (and a good part of that may be by deliberate choice, to milk it, since he hasn't always had that beard). He drops comments like "I don't know why they'd vote Nicole out, since she's so nice", but I'm half convinced that's just acting, since on his Team America missions he seems perfectly savvy about why people do things in the game apart from rewarding who's nicest.  He can squeeze out lots of little moments where he talks about "good people" and such, but in part he's been playing to the home audience (even if he's been totally sincere at the same time, that doesn't mean he isn't conscious of how it comes off).


It may have been ridiculous early in the season to elaborately speculate about Donny being a CIA assassin, or a Marine, or whatever else was in that grabbag, but being a Janitor hasn't limited his game all that much.  He made the huge mistake of not seeing the need to squeeze into a big formal alliance and thought that a series of one on one alliances with people was enough (and got distracted by Team America, thinking maybe that meant more loyalty than it does), but in the role of a floater he did pretty well.  While crediting that as admirable, IMO the flip side is that it also shows he's tough enough to handle himself as well, and I guess that's the point of departure for our views.

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FauxZingBot:  Donny, initially you sure fooled these idiots!  They thought they were playing with a super-spy and not a janitor!  Of course, you screwed that up by being too nice. You should have stabbed them in the back with your squeegee mop on the way out the door to collect your half a million bucks!  Ziiiiiiing!


FauxZingbot:  Donny, I actually buy the Duck Dynasty thing.  After all Ducks are all great Floaters!  Ziiiiiiiing!


FauxZingbot:  Donny, I am going to say this slowly so you understand it.  People in the Big Brother house are MEAN not NICE.  Did you actually intend to apply for a different show and get lost on the way to the casting session?  Ziiiiiiiiing!

  • Love 2

Ever since the HGs heard someone saying "we love you Zach" from the outside, I knew Frankie would use the first opportunity to get him out. He doesn't want to share the spotlight and even though Zankie gives him increased screen time, he probably hates that Zach is the more popular member of the duo.


Oh and this is how Christine is handling the zing about her relationship with Cody



  • Love 4

Can a robot (especially one of that shape) fuck himself?

But seriously, I think the Zingbot writers just needed a handle on how to zing Donny, and had to reach a bit. They aren't know for accuracy, just comedy.

I wouldn't want this because it would put an even bigger target on his back (if that's even possible) but how great world it have been if Zingbot just came out and said "Donny, you're the most likeable person to every live in the big brother house. I can't zing you. I love you Donny.". Their heads would have exploded!

Adding that I'm so disappointed Zach is going home. I'm such a sucker for him. I know he's an ass but he's entertaining and he's going to be so hurt.

Edited by ally862
  • Love 4

From Jokers:


11:07 PM Frankie telling Christine that he wants a house meeting to tell Zach he is going so he isn't blindsided and knows he has no hope. NT


11:27 PM Frankie regarding Zach: I want to put the baby to sleep & then stab it in the heart. NT


11:27 PM Frankie is telling Derrick in HOH room that he (Frankie) wants to be the one to do this to Zach. Derrick says "Oh, you're goingto do it". Frankie says he wants Zach to know there is no hope.





ETA: 11:47 PM Frankie wants to stab Zach in the heart, pull the dildo out of his ass and bathe in his blood. NT

Edited by LADreamr
  • Love 3

The interesting thing is that Zach likely was just waiting for the first opportunity to take Frankie out.  However, that is not the reason that Frankie is taking him out.  His reasoning is that this gets him back in good graces with everyone else.  That, too, is wrong.  Frankie's read on this house is awful.

  • Love 5

Yeah, this is just amazingly shitty gameplay from Frankie. And it kills me that I can't even root for him to ruin his game, which I would love to do, because ruining his game helps Derrick. Freakin' Derrick, the dude has gotten more out of nowhere breaks than any houseguest that I can recall (that wasn't a direct result of production rigging, that is). 


Derrick's closest ally might be going home this week? Oops, no, the other guys want to protect her, too, for NO REASON. Not just no reason, but no reason while somehow thinking that they're doing it for themselves and not to help Derrick!! It's maddening!


EDITED TO ADD: A house meeting at least theoretically gives Zach a chance to convince Frankie not to put him up.


By the way, is it Zack or Zach?

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 4

Normally I would feel sorry for someone who is in the position that Zach appears to be.  However, after watching him gleefully plan ways to hurt other people's feelings I can't help thinking of reaping and sowing.  If it was so much fun to torture other people (especially those on the way out), he should be fine with experiencing some emotional pain.


Also, I have seen several comments here saying that Donny is a janitor.  I thought he was a groundskeeper.  Is he both?

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Between Frankie and Christine, I don't know who is the worse player anymore. They seem to revel in fucking people over and are practically giddy about how no one on the jury is going to want to vote for either of them. Are they in a final 2 deal together or something? I think they only way those two have a chance is if they take each other or one manages to drag Victoria into the F2. A "big move" doesn't just mean screwing someone over royally; there's still quite a bit of finesse and calculation that goes into making those moves.


I wonder if Derrick made the F2 and took credit for getting Nicole and Zach on the block and then booted (which he has had a very heavy hand in doing), I think Christine and Frankie's egos would be so bruised that they'd vote for whomever was sitting next to Derrick instead out of spite.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
  • Love 1


How can Christine be a MILF is she's isn't even fuckable young?

Doesn't the 'M' in MILF stand for mother, which means you have to have children to qualify?


Also, it doesn't enter Christine and Cody's heads after the zingbot comment, the comments made by Caleb and Zach the other night about their cuddling?  Therefore, it's not just Zingbot but also the other houseguests noticing their relationship?


Sounds like the Zingbot missed some golden opportunities with the rest of the HGs.


By the way, is it Zack or Zach?

Zach from his Twitter account.

  • Love 1

It's sad because Frankie did start this week 2. He gunned for Zach to go out early in week 2, and he even convinced Devin to put up Zach. Zach didn't even want Frankie out until very recently, when he found out Frankie had been lying to him so really, I don't blame him for looking for an opportunity to get him out. The thing is, though, that I'm pretty sure Zach does still trust Frankie to an extent, but now it's going to be hard for Frankie to make up with Zach. This is the worst move possible by Frankie, who thinks Derrick and Cody won't get him out if he does this. Like, dude, you're the target no matter what. He continues to stab Zach in the back for no good reason. 


But between Christine, Frankie and now even Cody, I don't know which one is worse in terms of personal attacks. Cody's hated Zach for some reason and always bashes him, Christine bashes all the girls, and Frankie just shits on Zach constantly and acts like he's superior to all else. I like Derrick more than these clowns because, besides some unfortunate comments he's made, he doesn't actively trash talk and he's nicer, although manipulative, to people. It's dirty gameplay, but Derrick only sees it as game play and nothing more. The other three, though, take it to a personal level that I cannot agree with at all.


Zach is going to explode once he's told about the backdoor. Part of me wants him to come back on Thursday with a vengeance but I just want him in jury, away from these toxic people and away from their lies. His weak spot is that goddamn alliance, unfortunately, and I'm afraid he'll continue to trust Cody and Derrick when he really shouldn't. Also, I want Frankie to be evicted by Nicole/Hayden's hand and have to deal with the wrath of Zach in the jury house.

  • Love 4


He's been butt-hurt since Week 2 (or 3, whatever) when Zach 'called him out' at the Veto meeting, when Devin nom'd Zach in Brittany's place [the week Devin blew up the BS].  Frankie's never gotten over it.  He's hated Zach ever since, despite all appearances to the contrary.   (or at least, that's my take on it)

Oh yeah...I completely forgot how that whole Devin week went down.  I looked back on Morty's TV and it was on July 7 - 10.  

And Christine hates Zach because he made those comments when he nominated her.


I know Zach hasn't been an angel, but deep down he's got a good heart (at least I think he does).  That's why he keeps changing his mind - he starts feeling bad for the person (Nicole, Donny) and he tries to make things better.  


Anyway - I'm mad at Frankie and Derrick and Christine.  

  • Love 2

From Jokers:


11:07 PM Frankie telling Christine that he wants a house meeting to tell Zach he is going so he isn't blindsided and knows he has no hope. NT

That's such a pant-load. Did they bother to do that for anyone else they blindsided?

Normally I would feel sorry for someone who is in the position that Zach appears to be.  However, after watching him gleefully plan ways to hurt other people's feelings I can't help thinking of reaping and sowing.  If it was so much fun to torture other people (especially those on the way out), he should be fine with experiencing some emotional pain.


Also, I have seen several comments here saying that Donny is a janitor.  I thought he was a groundskeeper.  Is he both?

Donny himself has stated "I was Kelly Pickler's school janitor".


On the subject of Zach, I agree.  He may be fun viewing, but I have no pity for him.  

  • Love 1

I love Frankie and Christine's discussion about the move because they are so self-unaware that they don't understand what they're saying. Christine says that they don't need Zach for numbers because "Victoria is wrapped around Derrick's dick." Besides being a fucked up statement in general, how does she not get why, if Victoria is, indeed, in Derrick's pocket, that it would make sense to get RID of her? These people, these people...

  • Love 5



ETA: 11:47 PM Frankie wants to stab Zach in the heart, pull the dildo out of his ass and bathe in his blood. NT


That is a filthy, sick thing to say. Frankie would have fit right in with last seasons cast. I love that shit like this is starting to escape his brain and leave his mouth. The longer he's in the BB house, the less self-aware he's becoming, and his true visage is even fouler and uglier than I'd previously imagined. All the while, he's thinking America is loving him. Self-deluded asshole.

  • Love 15

Did anybody catch a complete quote of the Zing that got lobbed at Christine? Maybe I missed it, but all I've seen has been it was about her and Cody, and comments on her reaction.

Can a robot (especially one of that shape) fuck himself?


But seriously, I think the Zingbot writers just needed a handle on how to zing Donny, and had to reach a bit.  They aren't know for accuracy, just comedy.

Actually... in the game context, I have no problem with the zing on Donny, and I doubt Donny does as well. If this bunch of lemmings think (a) Zingbot reflects how each of them are being portrayed and (b) Donny is being portrayed as having little to no social game, that reduces the target on his back measurably.

Beast Mode Asshole could have been roasted so crispy the corpse would be still smoking, so if they didn't do it?  Yeah, seems like someone in production really likes this basket case.

That, or someone in production doesn't want to piss off the head case who's already displayed stalker tendencies.

  • Love 1

From Jokers:


11:07 PM Frankie telling Christine that he wants a house meeting to tell Zach he is going so he isn't blindsided and knows he has no hope. NT


11:27 PM Frankie regarding Zach: I want to put the baby to sleep & then stab it in the heart. NT


11:27 PM Frankie is telling Derrick in HOH room that he (Frankie) wants to be the one to do this to Zach. Derrick says "Oh, you're goingto do it". Frankie says he wants Zach to know there is no hope.





ETA: 11:47 PM Frankie wants to stab Zach in the heart, pull the dildo out of his ass and bathe in his blood. NT


Jesus H, Frankie.  I thought you were butt-hurt before.  After those comments?  There ain't no amount of medicine or pain-killers that can ease yours.


I think he needs to add "closet psycho" to his lists of just how awesome he is, how huge his celebrity image is, and of course, not to ever be forgotten; his being a social media mogul.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 4

From Joker's:

Sun 2:49 AM BBT Derrick goes to the BY and finds Christine upset. He tries to make her feel better. He says the zing was brutal, he won’t sugarcoat it.

Derrick tells her nothing she has done with Cody would offend him as a husband.

Just had a moment of clarity about how much this game plays to our cynical tendencies. First thing I thought when I read this: "Ok - is he truly concerned about her as a person, or does he see keeping her holding it together right now as beneficial to his game?"

Kinda disturbing, that.

I was very surprised to read this morning that Frankie is telling everyone he's putting Zach on the block. I was wondering if he was just covering until he announced at the veto meeting that Derrick was the actual nominee. But then I started thinking about the fact that Zach is after Frankie and Christine and despite all of Zach's attempts to suck up to Frankie, I guess Frankie still knows it to be true. Maybe he knows that although Derrick will come after him eventually, it's still too early. I also think that Frankie is really confident in his competition abilities and isn't that scared to go up against any of the others. Even if Derrick and Christine could match him in mental comps, I think Frankie beats them both in all physical ones. And Frankie definitely beats all the others in the mental comps. I dislike Frankie a lot but have to admit that so far he looks to be good at most comps.


Frankie's already said that Donny and Derrick would win if either is in F2 so we know he wants them out. He can count on others to get rid of Donny and I think once Derrick's gone, Victoria will run to Frankie for protection. And I guess I can see Frankie also going after Cody early to take out Christine and Derrick's #1 ally. My guess at this point is that Frankie wants to go to the end with Victoria and then either Christine or Caleb.  It could be fun hearing Victoria's and Caleb's final speeches if either makes it to F2.


When Donny asked Zach who was running things, Zach said it was Frankie. Do you think Zach really believes that? If yes, I have to continue to give credit to Derrick for remaining under everyone's radar.


In reading the reactions to the zings, I'm a little surprised at Derrick. Is it possible for him to have gone through life so far not knowing that people in general would rate his facial features as unattractive? And when his housemates reassured him by saying it was in comparison with others in the house, he made some comment like "yeah, but Donny's still in the house." So strange that he thinks Donny is worse looking than he is. It's a good thing to have confidence but people can be so cruel that I was surprised that he hadn't been told many times while growing up that he wasn't a good looking kid.

  • Love 3

Victoria is having headaches because of the weight of her extensions.  I've seen a screenshot of her without the extensions and she has a decent amount of hair, enough to put it into a ponytail. Down to her shoulders if she removed the band. Her vanity to have hair down to her waist is just ridiculous.


Here's the link to the screencap:



ETA:  From BB Leak:

Christine is alone in the backyard crying and reading her letter from her husband.

Christine now telling Derrick that it was distasteful of Zingbot to bring up her and Cody. Derrick says it was brutal.

Derrick tells Christine that her husband loves her regardless. Christine crying: "It's driving me crazy."

Christine: "Tim wrote 'don't forget about me' (in the HoH letter) and it's making me feel guilty."

Christine can't stop crying. Derrick suggests asking Big Brother not to air Zingbot's zing to her. 


Not only the zing but her behavior is being talked about by the Feedsters, Twitter, and her husband.  Too late to put the cat in the box.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 3

WHAT was with his passive aggressive muttering yesterday "I wanted to wear these glasses before but I know how shit disappears around here so I hide them." And then he repeated it when no one commented or reacted.


Wasn't one of America's Team challenges to make stuff go missing and create havoc that way?


Christine – Moron I’d Like to Forget


Like somebody upthread I thought that maybe production regretted the ripples caused by cheering for Donnie and decided to use Zingbot to support the dominant alliance’s belief that Donnie’s meaningless in the grand scheme of things.  In that case it HELPS Donnie’s game.

  • Love 7

When Christine was so upset last night, Victoria was reminding her about Tim's letter and how much he loves her and how much he's supporting her and how happy he is for her, and that seemed to make Christine feel better.  I couldn't help but wonder how different his second letter, the one she never received, was than the first one.  I get why BB held it back from her, not wanting what Tim sees on TV to affect gameplay, but doesn't Zingbot affect gameplay by telling them how they're being perceived outside the house?  


Frankie is a dummy.  I think that getting rid of Zach at this point destroys any chance of Frankie winning.  But I am totally okay with that. 

  • Love 1

Oh poor, pitiful Christine.  Cry me a river.


You and Cody have been all over each other for almost two months and now -- suddenly -- you're worried about your husband?


LOL!  She truly is a bitch and a snitch and deserves all the misery she has brought upon herself.


Frankie - stupid, power-mad lizard boy.  If he takes out Zach now, he's going to need a big competition run to stay in the house.  Not a great strategy.  Anybody who knows anything about this show should know a lot of these comps are just crap shoots.


I'm sure little sister's PR people are freaking with his psycho dildo chatter.

  • Love 2

Victoria is having headaches because of the weight of her extensions.  I've seen a screenshot of her without the extensions and she has a decent amount of hair, enough to put it into a ponytail. Down to her shoulders if she removed the band. Her vanity to have hair down to her waist is just ridiculous.

That's nuts.  She's probably more attractive in that photo WITHOUT them than she usually is.  Extensions are effing gross.

  • Love 4

I have never been able to hate someone who feels so much insecurity over something like hair and whatnot. Especially women. I just blame the sexist society we live in.


I'm fine with Zach getting backdoored. I want Victoria to stay, Zach being on the block should provide some entertainment (unless he sleeps the rest of the week, which is entirely possible), and I still think Zach is kind of an asshole.


I agree. I like Zach OK, but he really is a dick. And I prefer Victoria anyway, so I'm glad she's staying. Plus, Zach is gonna go full on nuts after this and I will enjoy the feeds for a minute at least. But, as I believe @Brian Cronin has mentioned, all this move really does is help Derrick some more and I am not about that at all.


Of course, there was the time in Week 1 or 2 when Zach offended Frankie and the school he went to.


Wow, you know what, I think this might be the reason why Frankie has been targeting Zach since week 2. He is still butthurt over Zach making fun of him on Night 1. LOL Frankie.


Honestly my main problem with Zach is that he actually likes Frankie. He thinks he's funny. Frankie is awful and the fact that Zach can like him him just tells me all I need to know about Zach. Maybe now he'll realize Frankie sucks.


Someone already mentioned this and I agree, at least this move will probably lose Frankie the few fans he has left. That delights me!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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