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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Caleb and Zach are hilariously confronting Christine and Cody about inappropriate touching. Cody is just denying it. Everyone is laughing, but at least people said SOMETHING

Eta: hopefully this works from my phone


Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 11

Caleb and Zach are hilariously confronting Christine and Cody about inappropriate touching. Cody is just denying it. Everyone is laughing, but at least people said SOMETHING

Eta: hopefully this works from my phone


BeastMode Cuddler! Holy crap, I don't think I've kinda liked Caleb more!


And Frankie must be burning with jealousy.

  • Love 5

Has anyone even mentioned wanting to get Derrick out? I know that Donny has talked about realizing that Derrick is calling all the shots, but I'm not even sure that Derrick would be his top target if he got the chance. Does anyone have a real (in their minds) final two deal that doesn't include Derrick? Derrick is playing a hell of a game, but it's like no one else is even really trying. I can believe that Frankie has some kind of endgame strategy in his head, but everyone else seems to just be hoping to last to the end and have things somehow shake out so they'll win. I could see Cody and Caleb being dumb enough to think that they could beat Derrick in F2, but do Christine or Victoria really think they could beat him? I don't think Victoria has really thought about it and she's just grateful to Derrick for the guidance and emotional support and figures that she'll be happy with either first or second after he drags her to F2 (which actually makes sense for her), but what is Christine thinking? Does she have some secret plan to get Derrick out at some point or does she think she has the remotest chance to beat him as she continues to burn jury votes? Does she think she has a F2 with Cody? It's just weird/annoying/frustrating. Why aren't these people trying to win the game?

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Dragonboat practice ran late tonight, so I'm playing major catchup. :)

Last night Christine revealed she didn't own a credit card and Derrick then jokingly asked what her Social Security number was. I bet as a cop he could find out stuff like that by using that smooth charm of his on perps/witnesses.

That was Cody, not Christine. Christine had been bemoaning her financial woes - total lack of credit - and Cody chimed in. I don't have the feeds so I can't quote it exactly, but it went something like this:

Cody: I have great credit. I got a credit card around nine or ten -

Somebody (Derrick, I think): You had a credit card when you were TEN!?!?

Cody: No, ninth or tenth grade! My parents got it for me. I'd use it for little stuff and pay it right off every month, like putting gas in my car. By the time I got out of college, I had fantastic credit.

Derrick: ...and what's your Social Security number...?

It may not read like it, but it came off funnier'n hell. :)

Tonight has been my favorite night in the house ever.  From Frankie teaching Cody a dance to the BB theme which includes Cody doing body rolls with aplomb, to Donny opening up to Nicole with his feelings on everyone - his distaste about all the C & C cuddling, that he thinks Victoria might suffer from a medical condition that causes her to act like a 12 year old in her 20's (I think he was looking for the term  "arrested development"), that Derrick is just using Caleb for his muscles and stupidity, that if Nicole thinks these people are annoying (mentions how much he hates Christine's laugh) imagine how it feels for him being the old guy, and then Caleb and Zach do the fantastic reenactment of Cuddlegate and won't let Cody get away with saying he never snuggles Christine inappropriately...why couldn't they have been like this every night????


I thought it was very sweet that Victoria wanted to make Nicole a special dessert as a surprise - she didn't specifically say it, but I got the feeling it was meant to be like a goodbye gift now that Nicole knows for sure she is going home tomorrow.  So far, Nicole is taking the news well, but by voting time she might be bitter again.  Donny said if he goes, he wants to say something nice to someone on his way out the door to throw all the house focus on them , like say, "You've got my vote, Derrick, and I'll be working on everyone in the jury house for you!" so that everyone will finally start to realize Derrick has been behind everything.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 9

Nicole giving Zach a wedgie is the only great thing she achieved this season.


He was reinacting Cody snuggling Christine and at one point Zach started to move away and Caleb said "don't leave yet,baby". It was very non-homophobic and super funny. I agree that his initial impressions from online bigoted things have not come to fruition at all.


That was my absolute favorite Caleb moment of the season, beating out asking Frankie if he's really gay. It was gold! So glad they got called on their cuddling crap in a room full of people. I noticed how vehement Cody was about not crossing any lines, and Christine had next to nothing to say about any of it.


Tonight has been my favorite night in the house ever.  From Frankie teaching Cody a dance to the BB theme which includes Cody doing body rolls with aplomb, to Donny opening up to Nicole with his feelings on everyone - his distaste about all the C & C cuddling, that he thinks Victoria might suffer from a medical condition that causes her to act like a 12 year old in her 20's (I think he was looking for the term  "arrested development"), that Derrick is just using Caleb for his muscles and stupidity, that if Nicole thinks these people are annoying (mentions how much he hates Christine's laugh) imagine how it feels for him being the old guy, and then Caleb and Zach do the fantastic reenactment of Cuddlegate and won't let Cody get away with saying he never snuggles Christine inappropriately...why couldn't they have been like this every night????


ITA. It almost felt like I was watching a different cast. I wondered if they were drinking, but they didn't seem to be. I adore it when Donny throws subtle shade at other houseguests. He always somehow manages to keep it classy; Like when he said there was nothing wrong with Victoria's arrested development, it's just a curiosity.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
  • Love 6

That was my absolute favorite Caleb moment of the season, beating out asking Frankie if he's really gay. It was gold! So glad they got called on their cuddling crap in a room full of people. I noticed how vehement Cody was about not crossing any lines, and Christine had next to nothing to say about any of it.


If there was a way to listen to her thoughts, I'd bet we would have gotten some feedback from her.  My guess is she was mentally screaming at Cody, re: the not crossing of lines;  "Not for my lack of trying to get you do so, you lame ass!" 

  • Love 1

Donny said if he goes, he wants to say something nice to someone on his way out the door to throw all the house focus on them , like say, "You've got my vote, Derrick, and I'll be working on everyone in the jury house for you!" so that everyone will finally start to realize Derrick has been behind everything.

Can you imagine! That would make Donny going home worth it. Too bad these would probably just agree with him and say everyone should push for Derrick to win.

  • Love 3

For me, the best part of tonight had to be Christine walking in on Cody and Nicole hardcore snuggling on the bed in the dark. Awkward!


Christine: Are you gonna sleep with us tonight, Nicole?

Nicole: Yeah

Christine: (unenthusiastic) Yayyy...


I hope Nicole is doing it just to piss Christine off. Honestly, Cody creeps me out a bit . Can you imagine how fast the girls would shut down the touchy feely crap if he were Derrick or, God forbid, that "pervert" Donny? But Cody gets away with it cause he's good looking. Donny has done absolutely nothing inappropriate and he's labeled a pervert, Cody literally can't keep his hands off of any of the girls and he's charming.

  • Love 12

I like Nicole, but please stop worrying about what America thinks! She is currently complaining about being booed because she went against Ariana Grande's brother. Seriously last week she was worried about being banned at charity events like Amanda. Nicole you have not said anything racist or controversial you are playing a game. /end rant

In Nichole's defense...after Frankie's 'reveal', he did spend an inordinate amount of time 'reminding' everyone his sister's bratarmy and his 'following' would be very intrumental in anyone's downfall, and help propel anyone to 'America's Favorite' - since he will be top 2 and inelligible.  So he's been very deft at threatening people inside with social media presence and how it relates to anyone's popularity.  Oh, and anyone who dares go 'against him' will get the wrath of said fanbase outside the house.  Since Nichole is somewhat 'green' about social media, she's an easy target for Frankie's online 'wrath'.


I think that was what bothered Zach so much initially - Zach's social media presence is very important to him, and knowing he'd gone 'against' Frankie made him concerned he would fail to gain an outside house fanbase.

  • Love 2

For me, the best part of tonight had to be Christine walking in on Cody and Nicole hardcore snuggling on the bed in the dark. Awkward!


Christine: Are you gonna sleep with us tonight, Nicole?

Nicole: Yeah

Christine: (unenthusiastic) Yayyy...


I hope Nicole is doing it just to piss Christine off. Honestly, Cody creeps me out a bit . Can you imagine how fast the girls would shut down the touchy feely crap if he were Derrick or, God forbid, that "pervert" Donny? But Cody gets away with it cause he's good looking. Donny has done absolutely nothing inappropriate and he's labeled a pervert, Cody literally can't keep his hands off of any of the girls and he's charming.


You don't know just how right that is. 


I try not to pick on Christine for her looks (too much), because I would be a hypocrite to do so, as I am no real looker myself.  But what you said is absolutely true.  I encounter it all the time.  I'm not 'good looking', so when I flirt with girls, most the time I get the "creeper" label, whereas if I were 'good looking', I'd instead be "charming" and getting more ass than a toilet seat. 


Sucks, but its reality.

  • Love 11

In Nichole's defense...after Frankie's 'reveal', he did spend an inordinate amount of time 'reminding' everyone his sister's bratarmy and his 'following' would be very intrumental in anyone's downfall, and help propel anyone to 'America's Favorite' - since he will be top 2 and inelligible.  So he's been very deft at threatening people inside with social media presence and how it relates to anyone's popularity.  Oh, and anyone who dares go 'against him' will get the wrath of said fanbase outside the house.  Since Nichole is somewhat 'green' about social media, she's an easy target for Frankie's online 'wrath'.


I think that was what bothered Zach so much initially - Zach's social media presence is very important to him, and knowing he'd gone 'against' Frankie made him concerned he would fail to gain an outside house fanbase.

damn cell phone.  Kids that age used to be powerless because they couldn't drive a car, now they can accomplish everything on their iPhones and MacBooks :(

Frankie reminds me of the Heat Miser from that 1970s Christmas special.

He sort of reminds me of the grinch.

I agree that his initial impressions from online bigoted things have not come to fruition at all.


At this point, I think Caleb just parrots what his bar buddies say and doesn't even realize calling Obama a monkey (isn't that one of the things he said?) is completely racist and inappropriate. I'm starting to think the guy doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he's just really dumb and really likes pretty girls a lot.

  • Love 2

Cody said he literally has never literally spoon Christine ever. Caleb actually me laugh with the impression & willingness to get on the bed and have Zach sit on him. Cody was doing the exact thing last night with Christine when they were sitting around the pool talking about their lack of finances. Now, I'll be curious if he ever sits near or holds hands with Christine for the rest of the game?! And, I mean that litteraly.

  • Love 3
Cody said he literally has never literally spoon Christine ever. Caleb actually me laugh with the impression & willingness to get on the bed and have Zach sit on him. Cody was doing the exact thing last night with Christine when they were sitting around the pool talking about their lack of finances. Now, I'll be curious if he ever sits near or holds hands with Christine for the rest of the game?! And, I mean that litteraly.


Cody is literally the new Chris Traeger.  Maybe he needs a visit from Dr. Richard Nygard to get him through to the end of the game.

  • Love 2

 I think losing Brittany and Amber before jury was a major loss for Cody, those two would have been sure jury votes for him. Cody's social game has really tanked since then, it's all basically bitterness and flirting. 


Cody has just ruined his game systematically since deciding to become Derrick's main puppet during his HOH week. He's gotten rid of every single person who was a vote with/for him. He is so bitter now and I wonder if maybe he actually realizes how much he fucked himself over for Derrick.


Donny shading these idiots is the greatest thing this season has given us.


I heard about the ghosts and I just knew Donny would've slept through that and now be screwed for HOH. Although, I feel like the person who wins this particular HOH has actually been someone who paid no attention to that stuff, so maybe there's still hope. Although, I doubt Donny would even do much if he got HOH since he'd have it with a Detonator (or Victoria) so it'd be pointless.

  • Love 1

Here's the Christine/Cody cuddling talk. It's super hilarious!

ETA: @AndreaK1041 I like your theory. I think we're still a week away from a jury member returning though.
Did the skeletons have any info or anything? Like did they have stuff written on them? It seems like no from what I'm seeing. It might just mean that the questions will be about evicted HGs, which Donny might be good at since a lot of them were his friends LOL. Zach might be good too actually. Just last night he was naming the birthdays of Caleb, Cody, Victoria, and Nicole.

ETAA: Here's audio of Donny imitating Cody's baby voice!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

Anybody have media on BB instructing Caleb on the nuances of the word "No"? I saw mention of it in Joker's and I had BBAD DVR'ed, but TVGen apparently chose that particular moment for a commercial break. :(

Caleb/Zach imitating Cody/Christine was hysterical. I hate to admit it, but I am really starting to like Caleb. After Zach and Donny, he's my third favorite.

Last night I was pleasantly shocked. Caleb was coming off as sociable, easygoing, and even hysterical at times. Did someone slip him a bottle of hootch?

  • Love 1

@Nashville Here's a vid with BB's reprimand. It's SO awesome. Production hates these people as much as we do! Also, I like to think it's a bit of calling out Caleb for his behavior with Amber.

Awesome is definitely the word for it.

Now if they can come up with a way to slip it in again, with "NO" substituted for "STOP"... and flash up a picture of Amber on the vid screen while doing so.... ;>

ETA: ¡Gracias, senorita @peachmangosteen!

Edited by Nashville
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Please note that nicknames for HGs (not just Victoria) are now disallowed.

Will nicknames that players have called themselves like Beast Mode Cowboy also be outlawed? Will this become a sitewide rule or will I have to remember from show to show if nicknames are allowed in that particular forum?

I think Frankie's lizard looks are the result of his low body fat, the older some people get the more they need a bit of fat to fill out their faces. He seems to be sacrificing his face for that tight body.

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Last night I was pleasantly shocked. Caleb was coming off as sociable, easygoing, and even hysterical at times. Did someone slip him a bottle of hootch?

I was happy about Caleb calling out Cody, but what I saw was mostly the same old Caleb: Caleb bragging about hunting, Caleb talking about his Big Brother intro, Caleb talking about his body weight, Caleb lifting up his shirt to show his abs to Frankie. And I always notice how the houseguests just remain silent and Caleb somehow manages to just keep going.

Cody's logic about cuddling with Christine is funny. As long as his dick isn't pressed up against her anything goes. I just wish someone would have asked him, "Outside the house, do you always cuddle with married women?" Christine was practically getting high off everyone talking about how a cute guy gives her too much attention.

Christine was practically getting high off everyone talking about how a cute guy gives her too much attention.

I'm sure in Christine's mind, in some strange twisted way, the topic being discussed + the raised voices = "OMG, the guys are fighting over me!!!"

Relatively hot guys fighting over you? Whatever bobs your apples, dear. Go forward, and God bless.

"You can't always get what you want - but if you try, sometimes you might find you get what you need" - Rolling Stones

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I had also wondered at one point if Caleb had been drinking.  He was downright loopy!  Yes, he was still doing all the narcissistic things that make him so very, very Caleb, but when he laughed and made jokes he suddenly became really attractive to me, like a veil had been lifted and underneath was this good looking guy with a cute personality for a minute.  Someone had said that he and Cody should wrestle naked (possibly after Caleb had sat there going on and on to Cody about how he WILL BEAT HIM in the next endurance competition, and was trying to get Cody fired up with trash talk, but all Cody would do is smile and say OK), and Caleb said they can't wrestle naked because " inaudible would get a boner".  Everyone started laughing and said, "WHO would get a boner?" and Caleb said "Both of us!" and was laughing, too.  It was the weirdest moment because it was funny and somehow endearing in the most bizarre way.  Conversation turned to how wrestlers often can be seen in their singlets with boners after a match, and then someone explained that it was because of something like adrenaline or testosterone, or something other than the possibility that rolling around skin to skin with someone might turn them on.


But he's still definitely Beast Mode Cowboy underneath all the Fun Caleb.  He guarantees he will not only win the endurance competition, but he will most definitely sleep through it while holding on with one arm.  During his BB interview he was drunk (???) and making EVERYONE die laughing by doing animal calls.  He accidentally made a turkey whistle or something himself using a squeaky toy that is way better than any $80 call you can buy on the market.  And, this is probably the best of the best, you guys:


When Caleb was in high school, he had a girlfriend who said she didn't believe he would "stick up for her".  So to prove that he would, because apparently there were some kids who were saying mean things to her or something, that wasn't clear, he PUNCHED HIMSELF IN THE FACE over and over until he nearly knocked himself unconscious.  And then he was like, "See????  I DID THIS FOR YOU!"  Why in the world is this girl not still with him, after such a dramatically romantic gesture to prove that he will always stand up for her by punching himself in the face?  She made a huge mistake letting him get away, I'll tell you that.

  • Love 8

I had also wondered at one point if Caleb had been drinking.  He was downright loopy! 

"Loopy" is right (the term "giddy" had crossed my mind as well). Whatever was going on, though, for one of the first times I've seen in the game, he was _intentionally_ trying to be funny, and succeeding. And not in a forced way; for the most part the other HGs were laughing with him - rather than at him, which is the usual case.

First time - to me, anyway - he actually looked like someone who would be fun to hang out with.

Yay, I found a video of them getting scared. This is so hilarious. Derrick, Cody, and Caleb are cracking me up in this.


ETA: Going through recaps from last night and found this Derrick gem of a quote (paraphrased) "The reason the guys are still here is because girls are catty and run their mouths." Ah, good old Derrick running his mouth again!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6
Yay, I found a video of them getting scared. This is so hilarious. Derrick, Cody, and Caleb are cracking me up in this.


I was surprised that instead of panic groping Christine in the dark, Cody nearly strangled Frankie instead.  


How old are these people, because they are acting like preteens at this point ?  Then again, how much of that was instructed from the DR to play it up for the show.  Acting !!!

How old are these people, because they are acting like preteens at this point ?  Then again, how much of that was instructed from the DR to play it up for the show.  Acting !!!

Once again, my boy Donny shines true:

1. Him plugging his ears to block out the screams of the little children.

2. While pretty much everybody else is shrieking and cowering in the dark, Donny's getting up and leaning in for a closer look.

A country boy WILL survive.

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