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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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From Jokers:


Frankie talking about trying to make it in L.A. TV/movies but couldn't even get a manager even with all his connections & the fact that "I am super-talented."


Oh jeez, thanks to the big "reveal, we now have TWO morons boring us with how special they are.  Move over, Caleb!


Yeah, he's as "super-talented" as those Toddlers and Tiaras contestants.  And likely destined for the same career trajectory.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 8

From Joker's:

5:16 PM Donny is crying. With 2 million followers no way can we- and cam cuts away NT

It seems like Donny has pretty much resigned himself to being evicted this week. This is just really disheartening. I also read that he was telling Zach that he probably won't even watch the season when he gets out. I really really hope he wins America's favorite. He deserves it and they should give him a special bonus for having to put up with these delusional, famewhoring, asshats for this long.


I know that he is a SuperFan and this was a dream of his and he quit his job to be here. It's unfortunate that he got stuck with this particular group. Hopefully once this is over and he sees how well he was received by America and that he was the only one that really didn't get too many negative comments he'll feel better and be able to move on with his family and his girlfriend and just enjoy life after this miserable experience.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 14

This is superficial, but then we're talking BB so... for someone as vain and looks conscious as Frankie, these weeks in the house with poor sleep, exercise and food options are really aging him.  I was looking at him earlier today and his skin looked terrible.  Add that to the way his roots are growing out and the stay in the house isn't doing him any favors. 

  • Love 5

She sure didn't seem to, which means the theory about her "don't want to get someone fired" DR cry fest had nothing to do with it. We'll probably never find out what that was about, but I wish we would find out. I hate having an unsolved mystery.


Well, actually, today, when Derrick was blowing smoke up Frankie's ass while Frankie talked about being famous/Ariana, she started to say something like, "When I talked about her, they were like who's that ..." and then they cut to fish, so maybe the Victoria/DR mystery is Ariana related.

  • Love 1

Zach and Donny seem utterly defeated and both are pretty much ready to leave at this point. Honestly, I don't even blame them; Donny's treated like the bottom of the barrel and Zach is realizing how low he truly is on the totem pole. It also doesn't help that Derrick/Cody have been saying to each other if Zach's against Victoria, he'll probably go home. Great allies you have there, Zach! I just wish he knew what they were saying about him, although he does seem to realize this. 


Nicole/Vic are also realizing how outside they are too, but they still trust Derrick for some reason. I just feel bad for these four regardless because the other houseguests suck and these four (Nicole flip flops) are the only ones I can stand watching. I'd rather watch feeds of them being upset than Derrick/Cody's kitchen convos, or Frankie's bragging. I agree with Vic that he's changed since yesterday and he's so much worse than he had been before. Now all he talks about is himself, his followers, his sister and Youtube celebs that he knows. Like, shut up, nobody cares. 


Ultimately, I do want Donny to win, pull himself off, have it Vic/Zach and have Zach leave, just so it's confirmed how shitty his alliance is. I think he'd be happier in the jury house, even if it's just with Hayden and Jocasta. Actually, Donny too. Part of me wishes both of them could leave and be put out of their misery, but then we're stuck watching the rest of the houseguests and that'll be insufferable enough.

  • Love 5

Well, actually, today, when Derrick was blowing smoke up Frankie's ass while Frankie talked about being famous/Ariana, she started to say something like, "When I talked about her, they were like who's that ..." and then they cut to fish, so maybe the Victoria/DR mystery is Ariana related.


Last night during Frankie's Big Reveal, she was saying in her pre-interview prior to entering the house, she had mentioned Ariana's music and they told her, "Well, you might get to meet her one day." She was all, "Now it makes sense!" I could be wrong, I was listening with half an ear because I was getting so fed up with Frankie's ego trip.

From Joker's:

It seems like Donny has pretty much resigned himself to being evicted this week. This is just really disheartening. I also read that he was telling Zach that he probably won't even watch the season when he gets out. I really really hope he wins America's favorite. He deserves it and they should give him a special bonus for having to put up with these delusional, famewhoring, asshats for this long.


I know that he is a SuperFan and this was a dream of his and he quit his job to be here. It's unfortunate that he got stuck with this particular group. Hopefully once this is over and he sees how well he was received by America and that he was the only one that really didn't get too many negative comments he'll feel better and be able to move on with his family and his girlfriend and just enjoy life after this miserable experience.

That makes me so sad. I for one will be voting for him as America's favorite the maximum number of times allowed every day. I'm optimistic because he has consistently been rated as #1 houseguest on all the polls I have seen. Unfortunately, Zach is a close second. Donny has come off so well this season, I have no doubt that he will be able to find work when he goes back home, and I bet it will even be an upgrade!

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 9
It seems like Donny has pretty much resigned himself to being evicted this week. This is just really disheartening. I also read that he was telling Zach that he probably won't even watch the season when he gets out. I really really hope he wins America's favorite. He deserves it and they should give him a special bonus for having to put up with these delusional, famewhoring, asshats for this long.

I know that he is a SuperFan and this was a dream of his and he quit his job to be here. It's unfortunate that he got stuck with this particular group. Hopefully once this is over and he sees how well he was received by America and that he was the only one that really didn't get too many negative comments he'll feel better and be able to move on with his family and his girlfriend and just enjoy life after this miserable experience.



Oh, Donny, this show was never made for one as beautiful as you.  That makes me sad.  But most seasons have been primarily made up of delusional, famewhoring asshats.  Donny, as a fan, should know that.  Not that I'm saying he shouldn't have gone on the show, but that he should let this stuff roll off his back.


But I have to say, I even felt sad for Zach (who I like considerably less than Donny) last night when he talked about how Frankie would win fan fave and probably the whole game and why even bother continuing.  I didn't think the Frankie secret would affect the game so much, and in fact I didn't expect him to even reveal it until finale night.

Edited by Newbietunes
  • Love 7

Last night during Frankie's Big Reveal, she was saying in her pre-interview prior to entering the house, she had mentioned Ariana's music and they told her, "Well, you might get to meet her one day." She was all, "Now it makes sense!" I could be wrong, I was listening with half an ear because I was getting so fed up with Frankie's ego trip.

I heard the same thing, but I thought she was talking about something that happened in the DR. She told them how much loves Ariana Grande and they were like "Who's that?" and she freaked out and they said "Just kidding, we've heard of her." Then they said "Well you never know, after this you may get to meet her" and she was like "Yeah, right."  I'm paraphrasing of course, but that's how I remember it.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 5

Really wish I didn't like Donnie so much.  It could make watching Frankie's 'reveal' and the repercussions more entertaining.  But Donnie is far too normal and good a person, and he realizes that, among famewhores...he has no shot.  It's like he thought it was a legitimate game going in, and realized that, since he's not Grodner's TCO, nothing he does matters.  Watching a nice, normal person realize that he's just window dressing amongst a 'ringer' is just really, really sad. 


I'm gonna powervote for him for America's Favorite...but Grodner is probably gonna rig that in Frankie's favor, too.


If Donnie doesn't win, I wanna find a kickstarter campaign for Donnie or something - for showing us nice, normal people can be just an entertaining.

Edited by BeatrixK
  • Love 10

Oh, Donny, this show was never made for one as beautiful as you.  That makes me sad.  But most seasons have been primarily made up of delusional, famewhoring asshats.  Donny, as a fan, should know that.  Not that I'm saying he shouldn't have gone on the show, but that he should let this stuff roll off his back.


Donny is a show only fan though. They have no idea what really happens/what the HGs are really like. I can see how he might not realize that most of the casts are full of sexist douchebag morons and that the biggest sexist douchebag moron will be Production's fave.


ETA: Veto is starting now. This better be a very short comp because I need to know who wins and I don't wanna stay up past like 12!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

I heard the same thing, but I thought she was talking about something that happened in the DR. She told them how much loves Ariana Grande and they were like "Who's that?" and she freaked out and they said "Just kidding, we've heard of her." Then they said "Well you never know, after this you may get to meet her" and she was like "Yeah, right."  I'm paraphrasing of course, but that's how I remember it.

Well at least I was close! I was trying to follow quad cam with headphones on, and honestly, Zach's pout-fest was more entertaining than the rerun of The Frankie Grande Story. That makes me think she didn't know, because I'm not convinced that she's that good of an actress/secret-keeper. I really hope someone asks her about it after BB16 is over, but I doubt it. The Victoria mystery has stuck with me since it happened.

I hope to hell that Donny wins Veto today, but that bum ankle will slow him down if it's physical. Nicole admitted to Victoria that she wouldn't use the Veto if she won it. You think she would to save Donny and make sure both of them are safe and Zach is still up there, but I guess there's the off-chance that she told Victoria that since Victoria would be the replacement nominee. Probably not. I don't think Nicole is thinking that far ahead, and I think she still trusts Christine. I wish Donny, Zach, Nicole, and Victoria would band together, but it's too little, too late now.

  • Love 3

Wouldn't that be hilarious if the football game they were going to Sunday was a Seattle Seahawks game and Caleb met the REAL Beast Mode, Marshawn Lynch, who then proceeded to call him out for using his trademarked name. I checked and he's not playing in the preseason, but that would be awesome. Caleb would be speechless and his pipe dream of selling Beast Mode Cowboy T-shirts would be shattered. I still think CBS might find a way for him to make an appearance.

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 2

My absolutely unsubstantiated guess is that they are going to next Sunday's Niners game. There aren't any games until next Thursday, and Thurs-Sat they do show filming.  Sunday is an off day, and San Francisco is close.  Also, the Niners have a brand new stadium.  Maybe I'll go with an "America hates Frankie" banner.


(no I will not. I'm not crazy.)

  • Love 2

My absolutely unsubstantiated guess is that they are going to next Sunday's Niners game. There aren't any games until next Thursday, and Thurs-Sat they do show filming.  Sunday is an off day, and San Francisco is close.  Also, the Niners have a brand new stadium.  Maybe I'll go with an "America hates Frankie" banner.


(no I will not. I'm not crazy.)

Ahh, you're right it is next Sunday. I support you going with that banner! LOL.

  • Love 1

Donny is a show only fan though. They have no idea what really happens/what the HGs are really like. I can see how he might not realize that most of the casts are full of sexist douchebag morons and that the biggest sexist douchebag moron will be Production's fave.


Personally, I think the biggest sexist douchebag moron is the one running the show, AG herself.

  • Love 15

I've been looking for this charity Frankie is talking(lying) about. Broadway dancers supporting Africa? I found this http://www.broadwaydancecenter.com/studioinfo/special_events/bdc_gives/index.shtml

But the Broadway Dance center has events that are dedicated to lots of charities. One was Giving Africa. That sounds most like what Frankie was describing. You can find it by scrolling down. Maybe there's something else that I couldn't find.

How anyone could live with Frankie and believe that he would give all his winnings to charity must be a poor judge of character. Frankie has never discussed anything other than completely superficial matters.

Also I note that Derrick is still scheming to take Victoria far in the game.

Edited by Stinamaia

My absolutely unsubstantiated guess is that they are going to next Sunday's Niners game. There aren't any games until next Thursday, and Thurs-Sat they do show filming.  Sunday is an off day, and San Francisco is close.  Also, the Niners have a brand new stadium.  Maybe I'll go with an "America hates Frankie" banner.


(no I will not. I'm not crazy.)

Oh I hope they do go, I am actually going to that game. I'll keep an eye out!

  • Love 3

How anyone could live with Frankie and believe that he would give all his winnings to charity must be a poor judge of character. Frankie has never discussed anything other than completely superficial matters.

I agree that a lot of his talk about giving to charity feels like another one of Frankie's characters and therefore has an insincere air about it. I remember reading somewhere (it may have been earlier in this thread though I can't remember for sure) that he did manage to get at least one school in Africa built (which he named after himself) not too long ago, however.


Despite the fact that he may have been able to do this once, Frankie is kind of doing himself a disservice by appearing on BB as people are going to have a hard time taking him seriously when it comes to his charitable endeavors given the constant superficial, self-centered, trivial garbage that comes out of his mouth all day every day. Not to mention the fact that he pretty much never has a nice word to say about anyone else (other than his family) and is always quick to point out everyone's flaws and actually enjoys doing so. He also would much rather talk about Frankie and how talented he is and how many followers he has than discuss his charitable aspirations. When he does discuss them, it's always framed as "see how great I AM? I'M doing things to help others!" Therefore I think it's much easier to believe that "Benevolent Frankie" is just another persona that he's created because he has some sense that its something he should do to make himself appear to be a good person but that he's having a hard time really getting into it. 


Ugh - Is the Veto over yet??? Please let Donny continue to be a Veto beast and pull this one off!

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 4
Also I note that Derrick is still scheming to take Victoria far in the game.



Oh, he absolutely is, there's no doubt. He practically confirmed it once he gave off the idea of Zach/Victoria and he said "Well, if they are up on the block together, we're going to have an interesting talk to see if Victoria is better for our numbers". So that basically says it all because if it's Zach/Vic, Zach is 100% going home, there's no doubt in my mind. So basically Donny/Zach's gone this week regardless. I really wanted Victoria to play and win POV, so we might actually have some drama and Christine's cards would be forced to be shown.

I know things change so quickly in the house but today after seeing how defeated Zach and Donny were. I can't believe how quickly it went from, Derrick/Cody/Zach against Frankie to after the reveal now Zach is on the outs while Derrick spent all afternoon peppering Frankie about his sister and his life. I know that many here probably feel like Zach has been acting like a baby, totally turning on Frankie and not letting him explain why he lied. But I really feel bad for the kid. He clearly had feelings for Frankie, platonic or not. And Frankie ruined that and didn.t even give Zach and chance to recoup. He just went on his merry way, clinging to the people who cared about his sister and her/his many followers.

  • Love 2

Man I don't know how any longtime fan can dislike Derrick. He was born to "play" this "game". We haven't had many of them but it's a treat to watch a guy like Dan or Will. I'm rooting for him.


He has no competition, though. I think I might like him more if there was someone with equal or close to power in opposition to him, but his only real game competition in the house would have been Frankie if they hadn't banded together in the beginning. He's good, but watching one person steamroll through the game to the end is unexciting and drawn out. I appreciate a good player, but I want a good game overall. To me that means a little back and forth between sides of the house, a little drama, and something I can't see coming when the next person wins HOH. Derrick's had it way too easy so far that it makes it hard for me to root for him. He got lucky to get a house full of people that were content to play to jury and now that some of them want to make big moves, like Nicole, they can't. 

I think the BotB made it that easy, although casting had a part in it, too. It's as exciting as watching The Brigade again, and The Brigade made watching paint dry seem exciting towards the end. Derrick's game has gone much of the same way, and if/when (heavily weighted to when) he's Final 2, his name might as well be inked on the cheque before the vote. I wouldn't be against bringing Derrick back for an All Star round, however, just to see how he could measure up to some of the better players. So yeah, I appreciate his game, but I don't like the stranglehold he has on how the game is being played.

  • Love 12

My issue with Zach being a baby was more about him complaining about the Fan Favorite Vote. I was annoyed last season too when Gina Marie/Judd/Andy/Spencer complained about how unfair it was they had no shot too. I still like Zach, but I really would hate for him to be evicted this way. I am curious about how many Ariana fans actually watch Big Brother. I asked my sister if any of her friends watched Big Brother because they all have been Ariana Grande fans for awhile and she said no. Plus Ariana didn't even tweet or instagram that she was in the live audience. I've noticed her tweets about Big Brother have been less and less since the season went on My friends who watch the show and not the feeds all love Frankie, because they expected to hate him.


Donny is a show only fan though. They have no idea what really happens/what the HGs are really like.


I said the same thing to a friend recently.  Every season they cast some people who are big fans of the show, but have no experience with the feeds.  These people don't really know what they are getting into.   Not only are they unaware of what the other contestants can be like, but they have no real sense of the downtime that they will experience.  I always feel a little sorry for them because I believe they go in with the attitude that they know what it will be like.  


Derrick  has experience with the feeds in addition to everything else that has made him successful in this game.  Every winner has to have some luck, but from a pure "game" perspective he has been fantastic.  Donny is the only person that I have heard who really seems to know how powerful Derrick is.  Almost every group that could have tried to go against the "Derrick machine" had at least one person who trusted him.  Also, any group that could have gone against the machine had trouble putting together members to get the numbers.  Joey was "ratted out" by Amber and showed her cards too easily; Christine thought Donny was creepy; Christine, Nicole, and Victoria thought Amber was "fake"; Paola, Jocasta, and Victoria were too "weak" to work with; Donny can't be trusted because he is lying about who he is since a groundskeeper can't be that smart, etc.  And again, someone always likes Derrick enough to tell him what is going on.

Edited by networker
  • Love 3

I can think that he is a very good player (and I do).  I don't have to like him to think that (and I don't).




Derrick's game is boring for me as a viewer, because his game is very contingent on the game being boring and predictable. Also in the grand scheme of things, he is not that good. He slips up often. He's just got a lot of idiots around him and a few twists that make it nearly impossible to go against him even for the people who wanted to.


I mean just today he told Cody he wanted the F4 to be himself, Cody, Caleb, and Victoria and Cody didn't even blink an eye. Wake up, Cody! He actually also slipped up a few days ago and said something about the Detonators to Caleb and Caleb didn't even look curious at all. Sigh.


@choclatechip45 I've only heard Christine talk about reading Dan's book, but it wouldn't surprise me if Derrick has as well. He has definitely seen at least some feeds and is definitely a Joker's lurker at least. He was even talking about Big Brother Canada a lot today, so he's seen that as well. I really wish he wasn't a sexist creep with a boring game because I'd probably love him otherwise.

  • Love 4


I've only heard Christine talk about reading Dan's book, but it wouldn't surprise me if Derrick has as well. He has definitely seen at least some feeds and is definitely a Joker's lurker at least. He was even talking about Big Brother Canada a lot today, so he's seen that as well. I really wish he wasn't a sexist creep with a boring game because I'd probably love him otherwise.

Thanks! I know he became a fan because he was channel surfing one night and stumbled onto Big Brother After Dark and was hooked after he did more research. I pretty much agree I feel like I should like Derrick he is a great player and the fact he's not the typical famewhore they usually cast, but he rubs me wrong the way. I think a huge reason he gets away with things is because he has a wife and daughter Victoria kept mentioning last night how someone like Derrick who has a family because they know how he will spend the money should win over Frankie. Even the whole this person deserves the money drives me crazy her reasoning does make sense  It reminds me a bit of Big Brother 11 with Jordan how even though Natalie played a better game  I could completley understand why a juror would choose Jordan who everyone knew how she was going to spend the money vs. Natalie who never showered, changed her clothes and was completely vile to live with.



  • Love 1

I agree that a lot of his talk about giving to charity feels like another one of Frankie's characters and therefore has an insincere air about it. I remember reading somewhere (it may have been earlier in this thread though I can't remember for sure) that he did manage to get at least one school in Africa built (which he named after himself) not too long ago, however.

Thanks for the clue. That helped. This is what he must be talking about. https://act.buildon.org/events/frankie-grande-school/e33062. The other organization he references here Broadway in South Africa has nothing to do with building schools so that threw me.

He did get this global impact award. "for his commitment to the work of buildOn across the U.S. and around the world. Using the power of social media, Frankie has raised awareness of buildOn’s mission both in the U.S. and developing countries." Not exactly how he phrased it.

Edited by Stinamaia

Thanks! I know he became a fan because he was channel surfing one night and stumbled onto Big Brother After Dark and was hooked after he did more research. I pretty much agree

I feel like I should like Derrick he is a great

player and the fact he's not the typical

famewhore they usually cast, but he rubs me

wrong the way. I think a huge reason he gets

away with things is because he has a wife and

daughter Victoria kept mentioning last night how

someone like Derrick who has a family because

they know how he will spend the money should

win over Frankie. Even the whole this person

deserves the money drives me crazy her

reasoning does make sense It reminds me a bit

of Big Brother 11 with Jordan how even though

Natalie played a better game I could

understand why a juror would choose Jordan

who everyone knew how she was going to

spend the money vs. Natalie who never

showered, changed her clothes and was

completely vile to live with.

Jordan definitely didn't play the best game, but I honestly thought it was better than Natalie's.

So, Zach won Veto. I guess it's bye bye Donny.

Okay, so my little fan fiction, for at least this one week's vote: Zach holds his nose and reteams with Frankie, they along with Nicole and Christine (each also holding their noses), could get Derrick up on the block and out.  Donny would be back in the game with a chance.  Then we would have a shootout.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 2

I hadn't heard that Donny quit his job either. I hope he just took leave, and is exaggerating a bit for some game sympathy. But he's personally conducted himself quite well, so it's unlikely his time on the show would cause an employer to be embarrassed about hiring him. I was already going to actually vote for him for fan favorite, and I'll do it even more now, partly because I want Donny to win and partly because I want to see Frankie's stupid face when he doesn't win.

I feel like Donny is one of those people who could potentially become "Big Brother Famous" and roll onto other shows or find some sort of fame after the show, and as someone else pointed out he hasn't really done anything to embarrass himself to the point where an employer would have doubts about hiring him.  Zach on the other hand, may have a difficult time changing his job status if he can't find his way to some sort of "reality fame" position.  Maybe he and Frankie can marry and then they can be on Celebrity Marriage Boot Camp.

  • Love 2

I hope Zach isn't falling for Frankie's shit right now. I don't know if he is, seeing as he has been calling out Frankie but then Frankie is continuing to blame him for their fallout which is annoying. Like, you say you're taking responsibility but then you keep saying "But it's your fault. You've been pitting us all against one another." Like, no. Frankie was even talking about evicting Zach not even 24 hours ago. I need Zach to be playing him hardcore right now, but I think he's fallen right back into Frankie's trap.

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