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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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That is because Frankie is a famewhore user. Pure and simple. I have family like him, I know the type very well. He will be riding on his sisters coattails and using her fame to his advantage as long as he can and then jump to someone's else.


That's the part of it that I find disgusting. Last night he was like a creepier version of Johnny Drama.  You can just tell that he'll  sponge off her forever while  never quite making it himself. And I think Mr. Mogul  seems about as deluded about himself as Drama was as well.  

Edited by vb68
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This was posted in another thread, but I thought it best to respond here in the spoiler thread:

WARNING: This article contains major spoilers about the past couple of days but I had to share it because Frankie totally looks like Michael Douglas as Liberace. Yeesh! Who'da thunk I'd prefer the pink mess he has going on top of his head inside the house?

Best line in the article (and maybe of the season)

Around 10 pm PT is when Frankie decided it was time to tell everyone about his sister being super famous. He calls himself a "media mogul," which is ... not accurate. Les Moonves is a media mogul. Frankie has a YouTube channel. But whatever.

I think I just pulled an ab muscle laughing.

  • Love 6

LOL Frankie looks so hilariously awful in the pic in that article. Honestly, I don't even believe he's 31. Pushing 40 maybe.


Donny woke up for a bit and then went back to sleep. I can't believe it! He really is just not into this shit anymore.


Christine wants the F4 to be her, Nicole, Cody, and Derrick. I give up. These people are nimrods.


ETA: LOL at Frankie's ~reveal~ making everyone hate him more! The DR should've advised him against doing that if they wanna protect him so much.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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What was so telling about the reveal is when they went to tell the girls (and Christine picked up on the fact the boys had already been told as a group), Frankie insisted they move to the living room for better camera coverage.


While Nicole and Caleb (and initially Victoria) seemed the most starstruck, I have no doubt that Derrick will corral the troops to get Frankie out in the coming weeks.  He's already mentioned the game being rigged for Frankie (the BotB challenge and Team America), so knowing this info will help his manipulations.


And yea, Caleb asking if Frankie was lying about being gay was comedy gold.

  • Love 2


Around 10 pm PT is when Frankie decided it was time to tell everyone about his sister being super famous. He calls himself a "media mogul," which is ... not accurate. Les Moonves is a media mogul. Frankie has a YouTube channel. But whatever.


Best thing I've read in a long time. Or ever.  Cause I totally laughed when I heard him say the word "mogul". I'm sure he's picturing himself when he gets out, hanging with someone like Les and bending his ear on things they can accomplish together.

While Nicole and Caleb (and initially Victoria) seemed the most starstruck ...


Nicole and Victoria are already over it. Frankie's still a huge target, so if AG wants to save him she's gonna have to do blatant rigging every week, which is entirely possible.


I am more annoyed than ever by him now and I didn't think I could possibly hate him more than I already did.

  • Love 3

I agree; Caleb's comment was hilarious, but it had to be asked, since he was lying about a lot of things. Plus with the way he flirts with all the guys, it's even more of a legitimate question. 


Oh, I just want to go up to Zach, shake him and tell him that nobody's going to actually vote for him to win. People are very petty and a lot of people will vote for purposes of money and now everyone has the thought planted in their head that Frankie's only there for fame and he doesn't need the money, so nobody's going to give him the money. Also, his game play hasn't been as great as he thinks so he now has maybe a 5% chance of winning at the end. I know Zach's upset that Frankie will win America's Favourite Player but honestly, I doubt that he will (unless Grodner rigs it). I think it'll be between Donny and Zach, since they seem to be the most popular, but I'm sure Frankie will be the third one, just because of his sister's fame. Frankie's unfortunately caught in an impossible-to-win situation and he should have prepared himself for all of this going in.

Nicole was telling Christine that Frankie said something like being in the house took him back to 3 years ago, when he still hung around normal people and that it was fun while it lasted.

You all already know my thoughts. Little fucker.


Best thing I've read in a long time. Or ever.  Cause I totally laughed when I heard him say the word "mogul". I'm sure he's picturing himself when he gets out, hanging with someone like Les and bending his ear on things they can accomplish together.

He is going to be on TV calling himself a mogul.  Hahahahaha.  Jackass.


I found it very obnoxious that he said in the reveal that he could say her name, "but they couldn't".  What the hell kind of contract did their family sign?  Does this mean the reveal edit will have to be spun positively?  I'm trying to think of the things that will make the show.  Cody's shocked face (it was pretty good). Zach's initial "are we really going to believe this bullshit?". Caleb asking if Frankie was really gay. Victoria's scream and squeal.  


But what about the rest?  They could very easily follow that up with Cody saying "he's not famous, his sister is famous". With Caleb saying he doesn't know who she is. With a solid 5 minutes of arrogant delusional nonsense from Frankie edited in with good snark from DR sessions.  Will they do that?  Probably not.  What I do hope they show is Frankie and Zach screaming at each other after the BoB, because Frankie was being a smug arrogant ass, and you can't edit that out.  And the end of the day, it is what it is.


The edit is going to be infuriating, isn't it.  Like a "Dan's Funeral" great gameplay type of edit, right?  Fuck that noise.


ETA: In the eloquent words of twitter user @StonerNotLow_69 (omg, that name.) And this whole "I lost it after my grandfather passed" is bullshit. U gremlin bitch, u talked shit about Zach weeks before that hoe. #BB16    Ha. Twitter is so interesting.  I bet there is someone at CBS whose job it is to just to twitter searches on the game, the house, the people, etc.  I could do that job.  Hell, I *do* do that job, just without pay.  "Big Brother Rigged" was also trending this morning.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Well TPTB are most likely going to try and save Zach and Frankie, since the new converts keeping this awful season's ratings steady are Zankie followers, watching BB for the first time. The Zankie ship is serious and their current rift, has people on YT, Tumblr etc. in a tizzy.


http:// youtu.be/pazh8yi6iS8

Edited by medra

Donny talking to Nicole, confirming he knows that it's pretty hopeless, that he doesn't know if he could spend another week in the house listening to everyone talk about themselves, and that he's known since week 2 that a core group has been calling all the shots but could never do anything about it. He said "I quit my job to be here, how sad is that." I hadn't heard that before and I felt so bad for him -- bad enough so that if there's a vote for fan favorite, I think I'll actually vote and just hope that Frankie's sister doesn't ask for fan support for her brother.

  • Love 10

I found it very obnoxious that he said in the reveal that he could say her name, "but they couldn't".  What the hell kind of contract did their family sign?  Does this mean the reveal edit will have to be spun positively?  I'm trying to think of the things that will make the show.  Cody's shocked face (it was pretty good). Zach's initial "are we really going to believe this bullshit?". Caleb asking if Frankie was really gay. Victoria's scream and squeal.  


But what about the rest?  They could very easily follow that up with Cody saying "he's not famous, his sister is famous". With Caleb saying he doesn't know who she is. With a solid 5 minutes of arrogant delusional nonsense from Frankie edited in with good snark from DR sessions.  Will they do that?  Probably not.  What I do hope they show is Frankie and Zach screaming at each other after the BoB, because Frankie was being a smug arrogant ass, and you can't edit that out.  And the end of the day, it is what it is.


The edit is going to be infuriating, isn't it.  Like a "Dan's Funeral" great gameplay type of edit, right?  Fuck that noise.


They can say her name, she's a public figure. It just probably won't air on the broadcast show if that part is true. The edit will have to be good, if you go by Frankie's slip last night while talking to the women in the living room about how they can't air anything bad said about his sister. So it'll probably be Frankie being his usual obnoxious self, and every sentence will be punctuated by an unspoken "And I'm better than you". That's how his big reveal came off to me last night. You could hear that "And I'm better/more important/more famous/more special than you" with every smug nod he gave at the end of every sentence.

Wow. I wasn't a Frankie fan before, but now I really can't stand him.


We'll probably get to see a bit of the "Who cares?", probably Zach's rant to Derrick about how his game is fucked, and who is going to vote for him when Frankie is saying he's there for charity to build schools. It was probably my favourite moment of last night.

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I hadn't heard that Donny quit his job either. I hope he just took leave, and is exaggerating a bit for some game sympathy. But he's personally conducted himself quite well, so it's unlikely his time on the show would cause an employer to be embarrassed about hiring him. I was already going to actually vote for him for fan favorite, and I'll do it even more now, partly because I want Donny to win and partly because I want to see Frankie's stupid face when he doesn't win.

  • Love 6

Donny keeps impressing me more and more.


Jokers 08/09/14 01:09 PM (12:56pm)

Donny to Nic in LR "Here's the one person I don't want to win, there's one person who has played everybody - Derrick.
Frankie hasn't promised me nothin'. Christine hasn't promised me nothin'. He has. He has manipulated everybody."

Nicole "That's true"

Donny "Cody hasn't. He's just rode the train. Got in when the gettin's good and rode the train. If I'd said this a long time ago it'd have gotten back to them a long time ago and I'd be gone, so what could I have done?"

  • Love 11

Thank goodness Donny not only sees through Derrick but is communicating it to Nicole, who needed to hear it. I don't know what she's going to do with this information, but Donny's hit the nail on the head: he's royally screwed at the moment and there's no longer a point to keeping his own suspicions about Derrick/Cody to himself. At least least now we do have a little potential if Donny or Hayden return to the game to give Derrick/Cody a tiny challenge. 


*sigh* Maybe Nicole can stumble into fracturing the house a little bit more if she takes Donny seriously.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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Donny keeps impressing me more and more.

Jokers 08/09/14 01:09 PM (12:56pm)

Donny to Nic in LR "Here's the one person I don't want to win, there's one person who has played everybody - Derrick.

Frankie hasn't promised me nothin'. Christine hasn't promised me nothin'. He has. He has manipulated everybody."

Nicole "That's true"

Donny "Cody hasn't. He's just rode the train. Got in when the gettin's good and rode the train. If I'd said this a long time ago it'd have gotten back to them a long time ago and I'd be gone, so what could I have done?"

This is what I hate about big brother, no one ever wants to admit they got played by a better player so they vote for the floaters. Blah, admire that you got outplayed and don't take it personal or don't quit your job to be there.

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It does creep me out a little that Frankie seems obsessed with his own sister. She is 21, the dude is 31 and is still acting like a teenager and basing his self worth on his sister. It's weird and creepy.

Yeah, this creeps me out too especially when I keep remembering that he mentioned to someone in the house how he had so much in common with 12 year old girls and could talk to a 12 year old girl for hours. He's trying way too hard to behave like a tween and since he is looking way past his actual 31 years it's disturbing to actually see him make these comments. Take away the glitter and the pink skunk stripe in his hair and he just looks like someone trying way to hard to live vicariously through his sister and could come across to some as a perverted old man whose only real talent is capitalizing on his sister's success.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Derrick continues very good gameplay.  He has adjusted his Frankie strategy to the Caleb/Victoria strategy which is simple: ego stroking.  It's very impressive how he does it.  I could never successfully complete that what with my uncontrollable urge to eyeroll.  


Donny is 100% on to Derrick, but it would take a major shift to get it to matter.  People trust Derrick so much, and as soon as Donny says anything, he will be out.  It could be awesome if  Donny wins veto, and then starts talking to people. The only move they have is to swing Christine away from the boys, and they need to aggressively get on that.  Caleb would have to be persuaded by pointing out how he was not included in the Detonators... something that has been said in front of him but he doesn't seem to have digested whatsoever.  To me, Victoria seems lost to Derrick.  Maybe Zach could swing her? No one else pays attention to her.


Worst case scenario for the next 2 weeks is Frankie goes next week and immediately enters an endurance/skill competition to get back in the house. He would beat Jocasta, Zach or Donny for sure, and likely Hayden. 


There are still 6.5 weeks of this show?  My goodness.

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I think Donny's more irritated that NO ONE else sees through Derrick besides him.


I imagine he's downright annoyed and mad, because I think he knows that its either the rest of them are unaware of Derrick's controlling the whole house, or they are being willfully ignorant; and having to make a decision of which is worse.  And since its one of the two, he's literally "one against 'the world'" in that house right now, and he knows that he's going real soon, so might as well blow it open to make the win just a bit harder to wrap up for Derrick.


Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Donny mentioned he could just say out loud to Derrick as he's walking out "Derrick, you have my vote" to get people thinking about jury and how well Derrick is liked. I think that would be great!


I know it's dumb for Nicole to try to work with Derrick and Cody and I think she kind of knows it but doesn't see any better options. Donny has done well in BotB and veto but can't win HOHs and despises Christine. Christine hasn't been trustworthy and she knows Frankie is after her and Caleb would never even pretend to work with her. Even when there were more women in the house, if they couldn't win any HOHs, there weren't really any moves for any of them to make. Sad thing is, it looks like both Nicole and Christine are pretty good at comps. I wish they would just see the light and try to go for broke. They're not going to last too much longer and might as go trying to get out a big player.


I read somewhere that Zack has lost 14 comps so far. That is really pitiful.


At what point do they usually have the comp to bring back a jury member? How many HGs are left in the house at that point? If Hayden makes it back in, I hope there's someone left that he can actually try to play with.

  • Love 1

At what point do they usually have the comp to bring back a jury member? How many HGs are left in the house at that point?

They've only brought a jury member back once, last year, and it was when the 4th jury member was evicted. It'll probably be the same this season. So, there'd be 7 HGs left.

At what point do they usually have the comp to bring back a jury member? How many HGs are left in the house at that point? If Hayden makes it back in, I hope there's someone left that he can actually try to play with.


As an uninformed game watcher, I believe there were 4 in the JH last year, when the comp was held that allowed Judd back in the main house.

I like how, no matter what the conversation is around him, no matter who is talking, Caleb brings it back to himself and how hard slop is, or his "singing" career, or whatever Caleb wants to say about himself. The HGs out and out ignored him at one point when he was whining about slop and kept talking. Next break in the conversation? "No one understands how hard it is..." Derrick points out that Victoria has been a "beast" on slop right after Caleb complains again. Oh, just eat something and get yourself a penalty nomination, you big wimp.

  • Love 2
Derrick continues very good gameplay.  He has adjusted his Frankie strategy to the Caleb/Victoria strategy which is simple: ego stroking.  It's very impressive how he does it.

When he worked undercover he probably had to use those skills a lot. In fact, he probably has a lot of training in reading and manipulating people. It almost seems like an unfair advantage but I guess it wouldn't be if he didn't have the right personality to go with the skills.

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TA hasn't been exposed yet but I have to wonder if Donny might do it if he gets evicted on Thursday night. He might do it to expose Derrick.

In an odd way Donny being the only one to be on to Derrick reminds me of Elissa being the only one to be on to Andy. Derrick is now enraged at knowing Donny sees right through him in sort of the same way Andy was enraged at Elissa seeing right through him.

Rewatched the bit last night where Derrick actually included a thinly veiled reference to TA. Nicole whined "I was waiting for an America's Player!" and Derrick said because of Frankie's sister/moguldom (my word for it-heh) that they decided not to do it. However maybe they're having America vote for "other incentives." He slipped that in so smoothly that nobody followed up on it.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 3
The edit is going to be infuriating, isn't it.  Like a "Dan's Funeral" great gameplay type of edit, right?  Fuck that noise.​


I wasn't watching feeds at the time, but was Dan's Funeral just a good edit?  I always had the impress that it really was just a great move on his part.  Unlike this whole "Frankie's Funeral" BS, which doesn't even make sense and is just Frankie stroking his own ego.  So annoyed.  

  • Love 2

I don't have the feeds so I heavily rely on you all for information.

RE: Ariana Grande reveal....did Victoria already know? I thought that was the consensus. Or was she legitimately surprised by the reveal?

Not unless she's a much better actress than we've been given any reason to believe. Edited by Nashville

I admit my theory about Victoria knowing early on about Ariana Grande being Frankie's sister was incorrect. I think she was genuinely shocked and feels stupid for not being able to put 1 + 1 together with her ample knowledge of the performer. I didn't realize that if she did know she'd react in a lingering way like she did last night. She feels that Frankie has a fundamentally unfair advantage and her chance of winning the money has been substantially curtailed.

Edited by TimWil
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I think the remaining houseguest knows Derdick is controlling the game. It's easier to let him think for them than do it themselves. I bet they all think that someone will eventually pick him off at some point. But before they know it, it will be too late.

I hate to say it, but the only one left that would be conniving enough to put him up might be Frankie. That would be the only reason I'd want Frankie to stay. Just to mess with Derdick.

Maybe Donny would put Derdick up if the dual HOH was not in play.

Nicole and Victoria are already over it. Frankie's still a huge target, so if AG wants to save him she's gonna have to do blatant rigging every week, which is entirely possible.


Well that's exactly what Grodner did this week, if the other HGs' hints are to be believed. A number of them already mentioned how Frankie was able to "play alone," and I imagine that production held the comp off for several hours so that they could prepare for Caleb telling everyone that he was going to throw the comp to spite Frankie.

  • Love 1

From Joker's:

3:13 PM Derrick thanks Ariana's fans. Frankie interrupts- "And my fans!" Derrick says he forgets he has a million followers. NT

3:14 PM Frankie about Ariana- I wish I had her success, but maybe I will when I get out of here. NT

3:14 PM Frankie: Of course I COULD be like her road manager, but I want to have my own career. I want to do my own thing. NT

Can Frankie's 15 seconds of fame in the BB House end already? I can't even watch the feeds since I feel like they're all stuck on "The Frankie Grande Saga: I’m a Delusional, Narcissistic, Famewhoring, Talentless Piece of Shit Who Will Win BB16."


I am so sick of hearing how great and fabulous and talented he is and how he should be in movies and is so popular at the convention that all the D-List YouTubers attend. I really hope that once this is over he gets a major reality check. I hope it hits him harder than it did Andy and he comes off just as douchy or worse than Andy did by attacking everyone that didn't like him or his "game." Of course Frankie is so delusional that he won't believe any of the negative reactions and just think everyone is a bunch of "haters" and then continue on with his head up his ass. The biggest blow to him would be for him not to win America's Favorite, as others have mentioned, so I really hope that that at least happens.


Derrick needs to quit focusing on getting Donny out and start making plans to give Frankie the boot. He was even talking to Frankie about how they didn't need to worry about TA if they wanted to get Donny out now because Frankie has so many followers already that he won't be unpopular with America for voting out a TA member.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I don't have the feeds so I heavily rely on you all for information.

RE: Ariana Grande reveal....did Victoria already know? I thought that was the consensus. Or was she legitimately surprised by the reveal?

She sure didn't seem to, which means the theory about her "don't want to get someone fired" DR cry fest had nothing to do with it. We'll probably never find out what that was about, but I wish we would find out. I hate having an unsolved mystery.

ETA: No, Caleb, tell me more about how much slop sucks, I don't think we heard you the 3463649 times before.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 2

I wasn't watching feeds at the time, but was Dan's Funeral just a good edit?  I always had the impress that it really was just a great move on his part.  

Sorry, my sentence was convoluted.  I meant that Frankie would get an edit as if it were a great move, a la Dan, when it reality it was nothing like that.  I did not mean Dan got any sort of favorable edit.  I think Dan's castmates were just really, really stupid.


I admit my theory about Victoria knowing early on about Ariana Grande being Frankie's sister was incorrect. 

It was a great theory!  I wonder what all that was about with the DR then.


I am so sick of hearing how great and fabulous and talented he is and how he should be in movies and is so popular at the convention that all the D-List YouTubers attend. 

I had to Google "vid-con" after he said he is like Bieber when he goes there, getting mobbed by fans and that it is "bigger than Comic-con".  He must be talking about vidcon 2013 b/c vidcon 2014 happened while he was in the house.  I looked at the agenda and he was not a panelist, not even mentioned in the special guests, not one of the people on the list of people doing meet and greets or autographs.  He is NOT Tyler Oakley.  He is not even that guy who has been on the Amazing Race a couple of times (I had to google again... Joey is his name and he has 2.5 times the number of followers and does not have famous relatives). He's nobody.

  • Love 4

I had to Google "vid-con" after he said he is like Bieber when he goes there, getting mobbed by fans and that it is "bigger than Comic-con".  He must be talking about vidcon 2013 b/c vidcon 2014 happened while he was in the house.  I looked at the agenda and he was not a panelist, not even mentioned in the special guests, not one of the people on the list of people doing meet and greets or autographs.  He is NOT Tyler Oakley.  He is not even that guy who has been on the Amazing Race a couple of times (I had to google again... Joey is his name and he has 2.5 times the number of followers and does not have famous relatives). He's nobody.

I'm absolutely shocked that they didn't hold off on Vidcon 2014 until he was out of the house. I mean, how could they have it without such a major media mogul like Frankie present??

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