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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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It's creepy, but if Amber doesn't feel threatened why should anyone else?


I think part of the reason that people in the forums are more worked up than Amber is awareness.  The feed watchers and forum readers are aware of the nearly endless talk about her, the resentment when she doesn't appreciate him as he feels she should (even for doing things that she specifically asked him not to do), the desire to make sure that she knows her place and to whom she owes her game survival, etc.  Amber probably isn't aware of a third of the things he has said while forum readers and feed watchers labor under the cumulative effect of his creepiness.

  • Love 15

Yeah, but this same stuff happens all the time on this show.  They cast creepy people who have nothing to do all day but obsess over what everyone else is doing.  It seems par for the course to me and not especially controversial.

The backdoor Amber plan is getting especially ugly right now.  I'm more concerned about the emotional abuse the Detonators are about to inflict upon Amber in order to fulfill this stupid Team America task.

It's not Caleb's plan, though.  The Detonators are putting up Amber via Zach and using Caleb in the scenario in order to fulfill the TA initiative.  Zach is gleefully doing their bidding so that he can make good television.  In the meantime, Christine and Nicole are bashing Amber on the couch.  They're all horrible people.  I'm on Team Donny now.  Well, I'm still on Team Amber, but she'll probably DOR after the Veto meeting.

It's not Caleb's plan, though.  The Detonators are putting up Amber via Zach and using Caleb in the scenario in order to fulfill the TA initiative.  Zach is gleefully doing their bidding so that he can make good television.  In the meantime, Christine and Nicole are bashing Amber on the couch.  They're all horrible people.  I'm on Team Donny now.  Well, I'm still on Team Amber, but she'll probably DOR after the Veto meeting.


It's Caleb's plan in that he's feeding Zach the ridiculous, chest pounding, Caleb-glorifying lines to say at the meeting.


I feel so bad for this poor woman.  It's just going to be a disgusting pile-on.  CBS better not have the nerve to post any anti-bullying PSAs while this is happening on their doorstep.


Actually, it was Caleb's plan.  He was very excited about it.  Zach, Derrick, and Frankie took advantage of it.  They wanted to evict Amber anyway.  Caleb, Fruit Loop Dingus Fooligan that he is, thinks Amber will be saved and then know who butters her bread (him, in other words).


ETA:  I'm referring to Forgetmenow's post about the plan to "put Amber in danger".  The plan to start a fight at POV ceremony between Zach and Amber, I don't know whose plot that was.  Frankie and Derrick, I presume.

Edited by Newbietunes
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Also, I think if the roles were reversed and Amber was all psycho about Caleb and Caleb irritated everyone, they would still try to get out Amber cause she doesn't have a penis and the other girls are still jealous of her.

Ding ding ding. We have a winner. The girls being jealous of her just makes it easier to single her out. They are just handing over the girls for the guys to pick them off with their pettiness. Too busy bitching about each other to see the big picture.

The guys, OTOH, are threatened by her. She is pretty and not fawning over them (Cody being the only exception). They don't like the potential power she could have on Caleb and are offended she is not falling at Caleb's feet.

Often wonder how Derdick would feel if someone was treating his wife the way he and the rest are treating Amber?

  • Love 8

I've lost all hope. Donny told Frankie he would never nom him or Derrick, he laughed about their plan to have Zach berate Amber (though he doesn't know everything), he said "Amber baits Caleb," and he said Caleb was a nice guy.

At least now I can just fully hate watch without caring about anyone!

Edited by peachmangosteen


It's 20 seconds, and they won't get credit if Amber doesn't argue back.  Their target didn't argue back at nominations and they didn't get credit.

Oops.  To correct myself, Donny said he asked production and they said it can be one sided.  So I'm wrong.


Frankie was going to tell Donny what Zach is going to say, but Donny said he wants to be surprised.  



I really don't get why Christine thinks Donny is creepy?

Yeah, it's strange.  Maybe it's game play.  Who could feel threatened by Donny?


Christine also said she heard Derrick talking in his sleep and he scared her.  I believe she's also the one who started the girls are scared of Devin thing, so I don't know.





I've lost all hope. Donny told Frankie he would never nom him or Derrick, he laughed about their plan to have Zach berate Amber (though he doesn't know everything), he said "Amber baits Caleb," and he said Caleb was a nice guy.

Pretty sure most of this is just gameplay.  He's called Caleb "dumbo" repeatedly, wanted Cody to target Caleb last week, and said he wants Frankie and Derrick out as they are the "brains".  At this point it would be stupid not to latch on to TA and say he would never nominate them.  He has no power and no influence, he has to wait until he wins HoH before he can really do anything.  Hopefully. 


Also, in defense of calling Caleb nice, Donny knows almost nothing about Caleb's fixation on Amber.  Caleb doesn't talk to Donny about Amber, Amber doesn't talk to Donny about Caleb, and he doesn't know about the sleeping kiss.  Of all the house guests he is the most in the dark there.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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I know all the HGs are waiting for the game to get to the standard single-HOH to really start 'making some big moves', but as a witness to events, this constant reserved stance of refusing to play for oneself is both so frustrating and boring.  We're constantly hearing how "'doing this' is bad for my game, but the house (or alliance) wants it that way, so I have no choice but to go along with it". 


No.  You DO have a choice; you just refuse to do what's best for yourself.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Oops.  To correct myself, Donny said he asked production and they said it can be one sided.  So I'm wrong..

Which is such bullshit. I'm watching the show and they just showed the TA(FY!) envelope reveal in the diary room. Donny read it outloud, saying it had to be a "heated exchange". Exchange meaning back and forth. So I guess production just changed their minds and want to hand them another $5k. Why can't they ever just stick to what they say? (I've watched since Season 1, I realize it's a pointless question.)

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I really don't get why Christine thinks Donny is creepy?

I do, because in a lot of ways I find him a little creepy as well - in a Forrest Gumpish sort of way. To naive and kind hearted to be for real. Like that sweet but odd neighbor down the street that shocks everyone on town with a deep freeze full of exes. 


We also just discovered why Jocasta is there. She just led a memorial service for the 2 departed grandfathers. You could tell from some of the cross talk BB had advised them it needed to stay non-denominational. It was actually quite nice, and Jocasta looked very Jocasta in her purple vestments, metallic pumps and rhinestone accessories. A spangly bowtie goes without saying. 

Edited by SteveAC10
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It seems to me this speech Zach is doing is going to fall flat just like his nominations, for a simple reason: too rehearsed. It just sounds ridiculous. It's not good TV either... I'd say it's the same as the scripted DRs - could be funny but it's so obvious it's fake/rehearsed that it's not.  The only entertaining part is Derek giving him pointers to make sure he is w/in the TA challenge rules, and then Caleb participating earnestly as if this is a good idea.


Why is Cody not protesting to this, though? Even in private bitch sessions about Zach he's not saying anything about it.  Seems odd.

What exactly is Zach's reasoning behind this big speech? This has got to be the most sexist season of Big Brother yet. I'm not particularly fond of Amber, but she has made it clear in a lot of ways that she is not interested in Creepy Caleb. I just feel like she's being unfairly penalized for being the object of a crazy person's affections. To her credit she is the only girl (besides Joey) that has somewhat attempted to make a move against these guys. Why is everyone letting them run the house? It's insane!

  • Love 2

So this disgusting speech that Zach is practicing is supposed to count as the TA mission? According to the CBS website the mission states "Play the role of puppet master and get two Houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting." Giving a speech does not constitute an argument in my book…or anyone's book. Even if Zach decided to make it sound more argumentative, it still isn't an argument. I picture Amber either saying nothing or saying something like, "what? whatever I have no idea what you're talking about." 


Also, I'm having a hard time watching this whole speech rehearsal right now. It is seriously sickening me. How dare Amber not be grateful that Caleb did all this shit for her? Well he clearly isn't doing it for her if he expects something in return. Its like saying, I love you so much I cut my arm off. How dare you not appreciate the fact that I cut my arm off for you to show my love for you stranger!!! Do you know how bad that hurt? And I did it for you!!!! 


So so gross to me how they are all encouraging this. I know Frankie and Derrick are doing it for their stupid mission but if it wasn't for the mission I still think they would encourage it because its "funny" or something. Honestly, not to get all political or something but this is exactly what people are talking about when they refer to us living in rape culture. It is the woman's fault that the man wants her. Regardless of what she does or does not do, it is HER fault and she must be punished for it or she was "asking for it". Derrick should be ashamed of him self, Mr. Father of the year. And everyone else in there should be just as ashamed. 

  • Love 8

This plan to berate Amber is disgusting and all the guys going along with it, especially the ones who aren't getting paid for it, are absolute trash.


I'm so disappointed in Donny. If only he knew Amber was the only one that stood up for him when he was being called a creepy pervert. Actually, it probably wouldn't matter, because there's nothing Amber could do that would win these people over.


I can't wait until Frankie and Cody stab Zach in the back. It's coming!


What would be awesome, and way better for Team America, is if Zach flipped the script at the last minute and went off on Caleb.  Even if Amber still went on the block, they would be much more likely to get the fight they needed.  Sure, Zach would have Caleb after him, but I'm not convinced he would care enough to let that stop him.


Oh, and I might hate all of these guys (minus Caleb) a little less.

Edited by forgetmenow
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 Honestly, not to get all political or something but this is exactly what people are talking about when they refer to us living in rape culture. It is the woman's fault that the man wants her. Regardless of what she does or does not do, it is HER fault and she must be punished for it or she was "asking for it". Derrick should be ashamed of him self, Mr. Father of the year. And everyone else in there should be just as ashamed. 


And doesn't he have a little girl?

Yes, Derdick has a daughter, which makes it all the more sickening.

Haha, Derdick, I love it! I really liked him at the beginning of the game, but this whole mess with Amber and his particular role in it disgusts me. He was egging Caleb on by saying "She's disrespecting you, bro!" Are you kidding me?  Also, I think I read in the Joker updates that he slapped Amber on the butt when she was cooking and said "Good food" or something. I'd like to know what his wife thinks of that. He needs to gain some perspective and imagine what he would think if his daughter were in Amber's position (I know she is very young, but you get it), having a group of guys planning to publicly humiliate her and egging on some creep who is essentially stalking her (as much as one can while living in the same house.) It's sick.

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Derrick actually had the gall to say that he thinks Caleb's Family must hate Amber.  I swear I wanted to slap him.


And I don't buy for a second that this is just him gaming.   I think his real attitudes are shining through.  He also said he doesn't have a problem with Amber.  She cooks and cleans for him.   I hope his wife is proud.

Edited by vb68
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I know Dreck and Frankie are egging Zach on for the TAFY challenge, but I think they're going to lose out this week.


Why?  Because in their excitement to pick up the next $5K, they're not appreciating the vein in which Zach is approaching this speech - as a pure outlandish over-the-top piece of unmitigated bullshit.  Zach knows his speech is bullshit, and it shows - the sarcasm isn't just dripping, it's flowing in rivers - and it's not directed at Amber, it's aimed foursquare at Caleb.  With the exception of BMBB (of course) everybody in the House will know it's bullshit as well, and odds are they will react accordingly.  Amber will stare at Zach with expression of equal parts amusement/amazement/wtf, most of the rest will probably be laughing out loud (Hayden, I'm counting on you bud), and I have my doubts Zach will even make it through the whole thing without cracking up at some point.  Heck, look at the bunch in the HoH room when he's rehearsing!  You think they're cheering him on because it's a great speech?  With the exception of BMBB (of course)  no way!  They're laughing their asses off because Zach is so totally Fonzie jumping the shark tank.  Dreck and Frankie are


I hate Donny missing the payday this week, but I think he's going to love the floor show.

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Ah, who am I kidding?  These cowards would rather see Amber get detonated just for shits and giggles instead of thinking of their own long-term games.


That's the sad truth right there.


Watching all of those guys egging Zach on and laughing and demeaning Amber for basically just being a woman  really got to me.  I think it's as bad as some of the stuff from last season, just from a different angle.  I'm a guy, and if I was in there I would put them all "on blast".


I think Derrick bothers me the worst because he is older, is supposedly a family man, and has a real and very grown up job.  In other words, he knows it's not acceptable.

  • Love 5

I know all the HGs are waiting for the game to get to the standard single-HOH to really start 'making some big moves', but as a witness to events, this constant reserved stance of refusing to play for oneself is both so frustrating and boring. We're constantly hearing how "'doing this' is bad for my game, but the house (or alliance) wants it that way, so I have no choice but to go along with it".

No. You DO have a choice; you just refuse to do what's best for yourself.

Exactly! This season really has been hurt by these weak twists. I don't feel having 2 HOHs, BotB, or TA making BB exciting. I also prefer it when there are people who aren't afraid to make moves, instead of latching onto a gigantic alliance, and do nothing. That's not having game, because they're following the lead of others. At this point, Jody and Devin were two HGs who probably could've added some interest to this game if they hadn't gotten booted so early. Donny seems like he's a smart player, but they don't really interact with him much. Everyone else just seemed to float along with the house. Cody and Zach talk tough in the DR, but they're afraid to go against Derrick and Frankie. Caleb is too infatuated by a woman who isn't interested in him to even play the game, Its really gotten sad. I feel for Amber this week since she's a target, Not because she's a threat for her game, but b/c she's not liked. I say we're coming along the middle of the game, its time to start trying to switch up the game and go for some of the power players. Its really become predictable watching the women being kicked off one by one. Edited by Divagalore
  • Love 3

I thought once Team America picked Zach and Christine to have the argument that those two were locked in? Zach arguing with Amber qualifies?


If this bullshit duel HOH doesn't end this week, I'll go mental. I need for Donny to win, and I need an asshole removed from the house. The list is long, but Derdick (perfect nickname) is on top.


ETA: Creep Mode Cowboy's epic plan to backdoor Amber is on another level of disturbing. 

Edited by Jeebus Cripes

I thought once Team America picked Zach and Christine to have the argument that those two were locked in? Zach arguing with Amber qualifies?


The challenge specified they have two opportunities to pull this one off - the nom ceremony and the POV ceremony. Don't think the challenge specified same HGs had to be targeted both times. It did specify _both_ parties had to engage for minimum 20 seconds to count as a win, however, so I don't see how a 20+ second rant by one person (Zach) without response by an opposing HG could conceivably count as meeting the terms.

ETA: Creep Mode Cowboy's epic plan to backdoor Amber is on another level of disturbing.

From Joker earlier today:

Sun 6:45 PM BBT Caleb to Zach: "She'll probably start crying. It'll make her feel so small if you say her game is in my hands!" NT - AdamAndEvel

Mmmmm... nope, sounds like a perfectly healthy relationship to me. No control issues here, nosirreebob. :P

As disgusting as what they are doing to Amber is, I can see why she needs to go before Caleb. They have stated over and over that Amber is the brains and can control Caleb. Amber is already waffling over to creating an outside alliance and she could easily sway Caleb too if she put her mind to it. Also, they acknowledge that Amber is a very strong competitor. She can even beat some of the guys flat out. Caleb on the other hand is all talk and completely controllable. He's a puppet and a vote for them for now as he still believes in the Bomb Squad. I'm starting to be glad Amber will get out before jury so she's not stuck in a house with that guy any longer. 

Truthfully if I was in the house I would probably be amused at Zach's plan of attack out of sheer boredom. Since the people in the house do not get to see everything like we do there is no telling if they understand the true creepy nature of Caleb so I won't hold it against them.

I like Amber so I wish Zach would go after someone else but I have a feeling if I was in the house I would start shit just to have something to do.

  • Love 1
With the exception of BMBB



I know this isn't what it stands for, but I read that as Beast Mode Bitch Boy and it makes it so much better in my head.


What hurts about this speech is that Zach has stated in DR, and elsewhere, how he disapproves of Caleb's obsession toward Amber and I think he absolutely knows that Caleb is in the wrong, yet is still willing to go through with the speech, sarcasm or not, to hurt Amber's game, all for TV time and drama. I like Zach, I really do, but I am going to be cringing throughout his whole speech. It's the worst idea for him to do, although I genuinely think it won't really work at all the way TA wants it to. Nobody takes Zach too seriously in the house, especially not when he makes speeches like this. They won't confront him at the veto meeting so that means the mission will fail, and Amber will probably get mad, especially if he mentions her family (which I hope he leaves out) but she'll bitch about it privately. Also, TA is stupid if they think Zach's going to rile anyone up besides Beast Mode Cowboy. I'm happy to watch them fail; I'm disappointed that this could hurt Zach's game, as it'll make him look even worse and he'll possibly be evicted next week. 


And honestly? Zach's clearly not the best speaker, especially when he has to practice constantly before he gives one, and it definitely shows. It sounds rehearsed and the speeches are funny, at best. I just really hope Zach leaves Amber's family out of his speech, because to me, that is digging a new low. It disgusts me that everyone in that room was encouraging his speech, for the most part. Although I think Caleb tried to shoot down the family part of the speech? I'm not sure, I was logging off at that point.


The sad thing is that Caleb has already told Zach what to say to Amber in his speech so Caleb is fully aware this is happening. Caleb is also the one who suggested they back door Amber first so at this point in time, no one is getting their hands dirty with this. Zach has already told Christine and Nicole he's doing a speech at veto, the other guys all know the speech is coming so the only people not aware are Amber, Victoria and Jacosta.


ETA: When Zach was speaking to Frankie last night he said he'd leave her family out of it. Hopefully he sticks to it.

Edited by kellog010

Will Caleb be smart enough to realize this was all planned out ahead of time and Amber was always the target? IMO the only good thing about Amber leaving is Caleb potentially having an epic meltdown and flipping the fuck out on everybody. Either that or he'll quit which will allow Amber to stay instead.

  • Love 1

I was reading Caleb’s Twitter and, unsurprisingly, several girls/women said they think he is a good looking southern gentleman and would gladly go out with him.  It’s understandable, because he doesn’t talk shit about the women in the house and seems respectful of them; however, there is a side to him that he has shown but, for some reason, they have failed to notice. 

Caleb hasn’t had a girlfriend for four years, and here’s why I think that is (just my take on it).  He meets a girl, she finds him attractive and respectful, so she agrees to go out with him.  He makes all these romantic gestures (which she likes), but after a few dates, he starts getting possessive.  He thinks of himself as her knight in shining armor, who will protect and save her from all the bad things in life.  He proceeds to make decisions for her (like not “allowing” her to wear heels if she’s tall), distancing and isolating her from male friends or other women he feels might influence her, and trying to convince her that’s he’s the only one who cares about her and will take care of her because she is now his property.  At this point, the girl/woman starts feeling suffocated and runs for the hills.

THIS, in my opinion, is why he hasn’t had a girlfriend in four years.  He runs them off with his obsessive, controlling behavior.  No, he doesn’t mistreat them or show them disrespect, but he is overbearing and delusional, which aren’t traits that attract women.  And the guy is too dumb to get the message.

  • Love 5


Does anyone think Caleb has some psy-ops training from the army and this all may some calculated plan of his and he is playing the whole house?


Are you saying that he could be the Phillip Sheppard of "Big Brother"?  That I could believe.

From Jokers 7:27 AM


Vic moves to lounge chair so she can lay mirror down & use both hands to pop pimples, wipes them on the cushion!!

Edited by dolphincorn
  • Love 3

I know this isn't what it stands for, but I read that as Beast Mode Bitch Boy and it makes it so much better in my head.

When I type it I'm generally thinking Beast Mode Bunny Boiler - but under the current circumstances, both could apply equally well. :)

At least, Amber doesn't have to be in jury with these nuckleheads. Also, she'll be able to talk more freely in her exit interviews & get to heat the whole Caleb stalker story, too. It's probably best for her in the long run.

That, and Amber gets a good head start on the name change and relocation. Reckon they'd let her do a virtual video appearance for the finale...? ;)

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