Irritable July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Oh that's right, I think stripes can really get jiggy on TV screens sometimes, which I have seen when newscasters wear finely striped ties. Caleb's Western shirt was plaid, but since they took away his other one maybe the pattern of the one he was allowed works better on camera. That makes perfect sense, thanks TimWil! Link to comment
forgetmenow July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Why would he even do that since he is always bashing her so hard to the guys, even to the point of saying he thinks she is bad looking when the others said they thought she was at least cute? Things like this are why I think Zach is a shithead and not just a harmless buffoon. I agree. To me, it looks like he not only takes pleasure in winning, but has to rub it in the loser's face. Brittany won't know the extent he messed with her until she's out of the house, but I get the feeling he's mostly looking forward to how stupid she'll feel. He does the same thing when he's "sarcastic" with Victoria, telling her how beautiful and smart she is. Cody called it right, IMO, when he said that wasn't sarcasm, that was Zach being an a**hole. Makes me think of kids who take pleasure in burning ants with magnifing glasses. 1 Link to comment
ally862 July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 It's possible Frankie's grandfather's health had been declining and he said good bye to him before he left. I know they have to leave pretty quickly though so maybe not. Link to comment
Turtle July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Also, I can't be sure, but it was my impression that he thinks Mothers' Day and Thanksgiving are always on his siblings' birthdays. I didn't catch this on the feeds, but this comment just made my whole day. My apologies if [Derrick] has some sort of forearm disorder that I'm not aware of... Hilarious. I hadn't noticed the forearm issue before, and now I know I won't be able to stop staring at them. 1 Link to comment
SiobhanJW July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I had no idea Frankie is wealthy. Did I miss that somehow on the show? How did he come to have so much money, I thought he was a dance teacher and YouTube personality, if that even actually counts as a job. I don't think he is that wealthy. His family has money his parents are apparently doctors. And his sister has money. But doesn't mean that he is rolling in the dough. I'm sure he makes some good money, esp with his you tube videos and what not. But I don't think he's this multi-millionaire. Link to comment
Pixel July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 She seems hell bent on trying to convince everyone that she is hot, but in a "everyone outside of this house thinks I'm really hot and sexy" way that is very desperate and pathetic. In her own context, she may be hot and sexy. If you surround yourself with people like yourself, it's possible that when you aren't surrounded by famewhores who are beautiful by general standards, you are the hottest bitch in your own circles. Link to comment
TimWil July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I must admit I was amused by "Frank" with dimwit Victoria last night-"Have some more wine, baby.". Has Frankie addressed her as "Rose" yet? 1 Link to comment
Nashville July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 In her own context, she may be hot and sexy. If you surround yourself with people like yourself, it's possible that when you aren't surrounded by famewhores who are beautiful by general standards, you are the hottest bitch in your own circles. I bet she's wowsers in Tucson. Or maybe Sells. 1 Link to comment
TexasChic July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I kept hearing the guys mention another alliance name, but I never quite caught what it was. It sounded like a Spanish phrase. I got the impression it superseded the 'Detonators'. Link to comment
Artsda July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I also thing that it's possible Frankie went in the house knowing about his grandfather's health. May be they had a goodbye before they went in? I don't think he is that wealthy. His family has money his parents are apparently doctors. And his sister has money. But doesn't mean that he is rolling in the dough. I guess that depends on how much the family gives him. He and Ariana did grow up as wealthy, private school prep kids. Link to comment
Nashville July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 (edited) I kept hearing the guys mention another alliance name, but I never quite caught what it was. It sounded like a Spanish phrase. I got the impression it superseded the 'Detonators'. Los Tres Amigos. Zach, Cody, and Either Frankie or Dreck - I think Frankie, but I can't keep up any more.... ETA: quote screwed up Edited July 23, 2014 by Nashville 1 Link to comment
TimWil July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I had an "Oh, yeah?" moment on BBAD last night when Brittany asked Derrick if his wife drank, he replied yes and she said "See, when you're a mom, like, you HAVE to drink, that's what keeps you sane." Heh. Funny. Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I heard that production looks through what the hamsters packed to bring with them into the house, and then they accept or reject based on logos, how it will film on camera, or other criteria. Then they take them to Target or Walmart for cheap clothes heavily focused on clingy with lots of exposure. Sometimes I wonder if that's why the hamsters leave their stuff laying around everywhere, sure, they're probably slobs, but because production bought clothes for them they didn't really want or choose for themselves, they don't really feel any particular "ownership" over the stuff, so they don't treat it as carefully as they might if it was their very own. Link to comment
Nashville July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Sometimes I wonder if that's why the hamsters leave their stuff laying around everywhere, sure, they're probably slobs, but because production bought clothes for them they didn't really want or choose for themselves, they don't really feel any particular "ownership" over the stuff, so they don't treat it as carefully as they might if it was their very own. That also may be why so many HGs seem to not think anything about unilaterally appropriating other guests clothes - but I strongly doubt the same reasoning applies to personal items. Caleb swiping Amber's baby blanket? WAY out of line and over boundaries. I shudder to think how he might "mark his territory" on that before she ever gets it back. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I'm sure Frankie will be informed about the death, about what his Grandpa said and he will make the decision. I would like this to happen, because Frankie should get the choice to decide whether he wants to leave the show to deal with this loss, or to keep going and deal with it after the finale. Honestly, I'm not fond of Frankie at times, he can be sometimes insufferable, but I do feel for his loss, and although he would absolutely get over not being told, I think he deserves the news anyway. He may not be able to do anything about it or say goodbye directly to his grandfather, but imagine how hard it'll be the moment he leaves the house. He's going to be BOMBARDED with the news, most likely not from his family but from stupid ass reporters and journalists who want 'the breaking news story'. That would personally be the worst way to be told and at least if production tells him, it'll be in a quieter manner and he won't feel as overwhelmed as he will once he leaves the house, either as a winner, runner up or just as a jury member. Also, I really dislike when people say that some 'deserve' or 'need' the money more than others. Frankie's familial connections shouldn't be a reason for him to not get the money. The only thing that should determine a winner is how well they play the game. So, if Frankie does decide to leave if the producers give him the news, then I'll support him; I'll even support him if he wants to stay, because that is what his grandfather stated that he wanted. But I'm on the side that he should be told in a respectful manner. He's an adult after all; let him make the choice of whether to stay or to go. Even if they do give him a few hours in the DR to mourn quietly off camera, then that could be enough to hold him together for two more months. 1 Link to comment
Callaphera July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Caleb wants to put a pickle inside a banana peel for Amber, and then tell her to peel it open, because you can't judge a book by its cover. He's right, you can't judge a book by its cover. Case in point: Caleb himself. He looked like just another attractive guy going into the house, and it turns out he's a potentially cray-cray almost stalker. This guy. 2 Link to comment
Zahdii July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 If I'm Frankie, I'm pissed when I find out. That should be his decision, imo. Had that happen. Hubby and I were going on our first real vacation with the kids, just a drive around areas of the state that were the places that were considered vacation spots and we hadn't been to before. We left, had a good time, and came back to hubby's parents acting strangely and another couple that were long time friends visiting unexpectedly who pretended to be thrilled that we'd finally had a vacation but also seemed passive aggressive. It was questions like "Well, did you enjoy yourselves? How was the coast? Did you know that our coastlines are disappearing more and more every year because tourists are walking off with the sand on the soles of their feet?" All of this was being delivered in the tones that I suspect were used in the Inquisitions. Hubby's dad rushed over, pulled us aside and said that the visiting couple were upset about family business and we should go home and he'd call us after they left. Turned out that the visiting couple was angry that we went on vacation even though we hadn't been told that hubby's father's cancer had returned. Hubby's dad wanted us to have one last good time before the bad times set in, but not everyone agreed with that decision and we spent the next couple of years explaining that we really didn't know what was going on and we really weren't being insensitive when we left for five days for a vacation. Link to comment
pennben July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I do hope they tell Frankie, if for no other reason that it is extemely uncomfortable listening to him talking about his grandparents now. I just read on an update site that he was talking about being excited that his grandparents and mother would get to see him host the POV in tonight's episode. It is a very sad, difficult situation no matter what he and his family have decided about how to handle matters like this. Link to comment
Vixenstud July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Whilst watching Frankie as 'Wolf-Wolf' on BBAD last night, I got all hot and tingly...Frankie, don't make me feel that way again dammit! Regarding Amber/Caleb - Didn't she tell everyone in the beginning that she exclusively dates black men? If so, why is Caleb still sweating her? I don't feel sorry for her one bit, why should the other HG's tell her to tell Caleb to back off? She is a grown assed woman and needs to do it herself, to me her wimpy reluctance has her leading him on. Plus, he's fucking up her game, it is time to tell him to back the hell up! Link to comment
slasherboy July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 (edited) Or that Thanksgiving is always on November 27th. Maybe he would have been bettersaying his siblings' birthdays fall around this Holidays. ETA: Mother's Day also doesn't fall on the same day every year. My uncle was born on Easter Sunday and even though that holiday falls on a different date every year, my Grandmother always considered Easter Sunday as his birthday and acknowledged it as such. However, my Grandmother DID know that my uncle's birthday wasn't really on Easter Sunday except on occasion. Caleb ..... indicated they are typical of what he would wear on a night out dancing two-step or, and maybe I misheard him...salsa? I believe he said swing. Oh Caleb, why can't you just shut up and stand still and look pretty? Just stand in a corner and strike a pose. Don't speak. Don't move. Your only good side is if you just stand there. Thanks. I've NEVER found Caleb attractive. Not in the least. Yuck. This really surprises me, but I very much enjoy Frankie when he is Frank. I can't defend myself, and I can't explain myself. Frank amuses me. I really enjoy "Frank" as well. Kinda sexy. I loved when he kissed Victoria. Also, I want to add my condolences to Frank and his family for his Grandfather's death. I'm in the camp who believes he should be told and let him make the decision if he wants to leave the game or not. ETA: This same Easter Sunday uncle used to travel the world a lot. He emphatically told everyone NOT to notify him if something tragic happened in the family while he was away. He said there was nothing he could do about it from wherever he might be and he didn't want his trip ruined. He was serious. Fortunately, we didn't have to take him up on this. That is all. Edited July 23, 2014 by slasherboy Link to comment
pennben July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 (edited) Plus, he's fucking up her game, it is time to tell him to back the hell up! That would also screw her game because he's gone into rage mode every time he thinks she rejects him. He then wants her evicted. She's in an impossible situation which she will not escape in the house because the other HGs egg him on to keep up the distraction (even though they all acknowledge that she has not led him on, pretty clearly has said no, and this is solely all in that whack job's head). She's going to be voted out soon, regardless of what she does, because she is terrible at this game. I do give her points for trying to be kind in turning him down so as to not humiliate him. His humiliation is at his own hands, not hers. Edited July 23, 2014 by pennben 12 Link to comment
Skycatcher July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 (edited) I think the "hate" that pops up so easily is a product of being isolated. Something happens to their minds that makes that house seem like their whole world, so someone they dislike becomes the worst person "in the world" to them. I wonder how much of that is stirred up by conversations in the DR. From what I've read the staff is pretty active in directing those conversations, and could easily fuel a mild dislike into a raging inferno just for the drama of it. Sadly, it all just sounds like lunchtime at the local middle school. Heh - if they had more than one table, the hamsters would very soon have a "cool kids" table with the girls all trying to sit with the quarterback. Everyone else, AKA "the nerds" would be sitting with Donny. I know it's on tonight, but I don't know if I'm going to bother with it. Edited July 23, 2014 by Skycatcher Link to comment
HurricaneVal July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Hoo boy, that baby blanket thing is...really going over the line. It is weird enough that he wears her clothing like a scarf, but appropriating a cherished token like that is really, really into bunny boiling territory. We made fun of Gina-Marie last year and her unrequited crush, but at least he was out of the house during the worst of it. And G-M was mainly kookily harmless. I don't get a "harmless" vibe of Caleb at all. Not at all. I really hope that production is keeping a close eye on the situation, because if Caleb is taking Amber's childhood loveys and kissing/touching her while she's asleep, that is some scary stalker stuff the likes of which are regularly featured on Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Minds. Plus, Caleb's insane obsession with her is affecting Amber's game. She can't play for herself, or make her own choices, or tell him to go fuck off. She has to carefully weigh what she says or does against the Caleb-is-crazy meter to see what affect it will have on her personally, her game, and the perceptions of the rest of the house. That must be exhausting. Amanda ruined MacRae's game in a similar fashion last year, except MacRae just threw in with her because he's lazy and it was easier. Plus it got him laid. 7 Link to comment
methodwriter85 July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Best case scenario is both Amber and Caleb are up for eviction, one goes home and the other stays and ends up on jury. Surely the HGs have a conscience and won't force Amber to spend time in jury with Caleb. Actually, no. They were thinking about having Amber be the first person on jury, so that way Caleb will self-evict so he'll have a week of Amber in the jury house all to himself. I thought it might be easing up, but man, I was wrong. Link to comment
Turtle July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Then they take them to Target or Walmart for cheap clothes That explains those terrible hats they all insist on wearing. Link to comment
SevenStars July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Whilst watching Frankie as 'Wolf-Wolf' on BBAD last night, I got all hot and tingly...Frankie, don't make me feel that way again dammit! Regarding Amber/Caleb - Didn't she tell everyone in the beginning that she exclusively dates black men? If so, why is Caleb still sweating her? I don't feel sorry for her one bit, why should the other HG's tell her to tell Caleb to back off? She is a grown assed woman and needs to do it herself, to me her wimpy reluctance has her leading him on. Plus, he's fucking up her game, it is time to tell him to back the hell up! Amber have told Caleb repeatedly that she wasn't going on a date with him after the show. She even straight out told him that she doesn't like him like that. But, unfortunately for her, everything she does or say to him, he twist it into her liking/wanting him or them being destiny for each other. Right now she is trying to be nice to him, so that she doesn't cause drama in the house or make things worst. But even if she was being a bitch to him, I have a feeling ,he would claim it's because she cares about him and want but she doesn't want his feelings for her to ruin his game. So no, Amber is NOT LEADING Caleb. Caleb is leading himself on. 12 Link to comment
methodwriter85 July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 (edited) Awhile back, there was a post about how Caleb was convincing himself that Amber just won't say her true feelings for him because they're in the house and she will after the game, and he reiterated that thought point during the "date." Edited July 23, 2014 by methodwriter85 Link to comment
duskyliterati July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 Just saw this on Jokers: Christine talking about Amber and says "one night we have to figure out a way to make the only open spot is with Cale NT Really, Christine and what do you want to happen? Amazes me her jealousy of Amber's relationship with Cody (even last night she brought up Jocasta and Brittany's relationship to Cody). Isn't this chick married? Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 23, 2014 Share July 23, 2014 I love how some people are/were trying to make a big deal about Brittany sleeping in the HOH this past morning. Jocasta going on about it "looking bad" and "what if the ex uses it against her?". Derrick trolling and then Cody going on about it; like he has or never had any interest in her as an attractive woman. (earlier in the morning, when Cody/Brit & Hayden were in the room, and Brit left, Cody went on to Hayden how she was so hot and is probably a great kisser) So, yeah, cause I'm totally sure Cody was absolutely horrified about 'having to' spend some alone time in the dark with her. Which wasn't even actual alone time, since Zach was in the bed with them the whole time. Rubbing her arm most the time and could have easily told her he didn't want her sleeping up there. And I mean, it must be so shocking to everyone in the house, since people have never fooled around or ever had sex in the BB house, before this season - either because both people genuinely liked each other, do it just to shake things up a little, or one of the people was trying to do just about anything to save themselves. *gasp* The absolute scandal of it all! How dare she!? I just hate the piling on; and I would say this about anyone it was happening to. She's going home in so many hours, why the need to make crap up about her to make her look like a despicable human being, when most the other people are being worse by doing what they've done to make sure she's leaving tomorrow night? Nothing like beating a dead horse. 4 Link to comment
peachmangosteen July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) They told Frankie about his grandfather. He was crying and I had to turn off the feed. It just seemed to raw for me to be honest. He got a letter from his family and they told him to stay, so he's staying. Edited July 24, 2014 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
pennben July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Yep, I shut it off as well, we see a lot of stuff on the feeds, this felt like something we shouldn't be allowed to see. Link to comment
TimWil July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 He's telling wonderful stories about his grandfather Frank, though. He said his grandfather was the one person in his family who never had any reservations about him being gay. The other members of his family would be worried about life being hard for him and Frank would say "Don't worry! He's perfect!" Frankie said that was awesome and it wasn't like his sexual orientation could be reversed. And who was sitting right next to him when he said this? Jocasta, who's claimed she HAS reversed her sexuality. Awkward! (In Dani Donato voice) 1 Link to comment
LGGirl July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Glad Frankie was told. Don't think it was right to keep him in the dark. And he's staying cuz he wants to stay. 1 Link to comment
Morbs July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) When did Jacosta say she used to be gay? Edited July 24, 2014 by Morbs Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 When did Jacosta say she used to be gay? She admitted to being bisexual, before she changed her life and 'found God', during her intro. Link to comment
Newbietunes July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I remember Jocasta saying in the first episode in her intro (and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember exactly how she worded it) that she had been with men and women in her sinning days. Link to comment
duskyliterati July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) When did Jacosta say she used to be gay? Jocasta discussed this with Frankie a few weeks ago. ETA: From Joker's (July 5th): Frankie told Christine Jocasta said to Frankie, "You do know Cody's gay." Christine asked if Frankie thinks he is. Frankie isn't going to do anything about it but thinks Cody might be. Frankie told Christine Jocasta used to be a lesbian. Christine didn't know that. Frankie said it's alright, she isn't ashamed of it, although he said it wasn't his place to tell Christine. Frankie said Jocasta had said a lot of things are broke but this ain't broke. Frankie figured she meant her gaydar. Frankie thought Cody might be because of the underwear model, the diet, the thin, and today Cody said something in the pool about not being able to get hard for a girl for a long time. Christine said something about age 16 with a girl and then not again for two years after that, but Frankie pointed out gay men's experiences were like that too. Frankie doesn't care because he's not in love with Cody, although he thinks Cody is a good person. Edited July 24, 2014 by duskyliterati 1 Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) From Jokers / 6:07 - Zach telling Derrick that he knows the money would be more beneficial to him. D: I don't want pity. I'm not gonna be Brittany Oh. So then there's another reason why you never miss an opportunity to bring up & talk about missing this time that your daughter is growing and getting bigger, and also the joint decision with your wife to have another kid & then get snipped. And the other night going on about the cost of raising a kid/daycare. Gotchya. Edited July 24, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 3 Link to comment
forgetmenow July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 From Jokers / 6:07 - Zach telling Derrick that he knows the money would be more beneficial to him. D: I don't want pity. I'm not gonna be Brittany Oh. So then there's another reason why you never miss an opportunity to bring up & talk about missing this time that your daughter is growing and getting bigger, and also the joint decision with your wife to have another kid & then get snipped. And the other night going on about the cost of raising a kid/daycare. Gotchya. Yeah, he accused Brittany (behind her back, of course) of "taking money out of his daughter's mouth." But he's not playing for sympathy or out of a sense of entitlement, nooooo. 2 Link to comment
TexasChic July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I'm noticing a trend with Zach. He told Frankie he doesn't think he can win, so he's working for him to win. Now he says pretty much the same to Derrick. I think this is his game play and they seem to be buying it. Pretty smart actually. 3 Link to comment
TimWil July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Caleb was actually rather good comforting Frankie just now. Frankie said that Caleb was his best friend in the house, he trusted him more than anyone and wanted to go to the end with him. OK, those are lies, right? Way to go switching into game mode, Franlkie. Link to comment
peachmangosteen July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) Of course then Caleb started talking about Amber. This guy! Edited July 24, 2014 by peachmangosteen 2 Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Of course then Caleb started talking about Amber. This guy! How can BB/CBS/whoever let this go on?! This isn't "cute" or "good TV". This is a flat out obsessed stalker thriller/horror-genre flick. Maybe this is staged, something nobody else is in on - a set up between Caleb/BB, maybe even Amber is part of it, too - to get people talking/interested about the show. But if it is; very poor taste, Show. Bad job, all around. 1 Link to comment
Morbs July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 I wonder if Derrick is going to have a problem with Christine and Cody's "date night" since wouldn't that be disrespectful to her husband as well? 2 Link to comment
forgetmenow July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Reading the Joker's timeline and trying to imagine what my reaction would be if someone gave me a pickle toothpasted into a banana skin. 4 Link to comment
kellog010 July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) Not going to lie, a part of me will miss these Cody, Frankie, Zach cuddle and gossip sessions in the HOH bed. It's the only fun thing about Cody being HOH. It's like a sitcom. ETA: Caleb's banana story has me in stitches. That is insanity. Edited July 24, 2014 by kellog010 4 Link to comment
pennben July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Reading the Joker's timeline and trying to imagine what my reaction would be if someone gave me a pickle toothpasted into a banana skin. Well, I bet that's a sentence you'd never thought you would say in your lifetime!:) 5 Link to comment
iRarelyWatchTV36 July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 (edited) Reading the Joker's timeline and trying to imagine what my reaction would be if someone gave me a pickle toothpasted into a banana skin. Those prison guards, man. Wacky pranksters! I think the saddest part about it all, is that he actually believes he's coming across as non-insane and she is just playing 'hard to get'. That isn't "wearing blinders", that's straight up mental deficiencies that he's suffering from. This isn't the first or last time this will be brought up, but he needs serious mental health help. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ETA: I don't think I've ever liked a group of people as least as I do right now. That group being Caleb/Christine/Cody/Derrick/Frankie/Nicole/& Zach, or at least their BB personalities. [little upset with myself that I mentioned Frankie, considering his grandfather passing; but it still doesn't change his BB personality] Hayden can be pretty bad too, when he gets going on a bash fest of people (I feel) aren't deserving of it. Edited July 24, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 Link to comment
TimWil July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 You like this group less than last year's group, iRarelyWatchTV36? Andy alone made me want to hurl stuff at the TV at regular intervals. And Zach is a thousand times more likeable than Jeremy was at his most tolerable. 4 Link to comment
forgetmenow July 24, 2014 Share July 24, 2014 Well, I bet that's a sentence you'd never thought you would say in your lifetime!:) Every damn time I picture it, I start giggling. I really, really hope for her sake he doesn't do it. But if he does, I really, really hope they get it on camera. And I hope he makes the speech he was rehearsing about "Banana's can be bruised, they can be battered, just like a person." 2 Link to comment
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