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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Cody is a very fine looking man. I need a Cody cam at all times so I don't have to listen to the rest of them.

Unfortunately, he's also cold all of the time. He spent all of last night bundled up like he was on the tundra. 


The current big alliance is Frankie, Zach, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Caleb, Christine and Amber. It was originally just the guys. There are several sub-alliances within the group as well. These hamsters are alliance fiends. 

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Unfortunately, he's also cold all of the time. He spent all of last night bundled up like he was on the tundra. 


How unfortunate for us all that he is a have not right now. He needs to be naked ASAP!


I'm coming around to enjoying some of these people now. I just need Frankie gone. He's like Andy but better at the game and I just can't with him. Although all these straight boys latching on to him hardcore is pretty fun to watch.


ETA: Oh, apparently Caleb is going to tell Amber he loves her tonight or something. LOL! It better happen soon because I don't wanna stay up all night waiting for that riveting scene.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I found a chart of the current alliance situation. LOL! Hopefully someone like Brittany will win the next HOH so the Bomb Squad can start turning on each other fast. Although she'll probably just end up doing what one of them tells her to do anyway. And by one of them I mean Frankie.


ETA: I just remembered there's 2 HOHs. This twist sucks!

Edited by peachmangosteen


Although all these straight boys latching on to him hardcore is pretty fun to watch.

Latching is an understatement. He's still sleeping with reputed homophobe Caleb in the HOH room (Caleb asked him to stay after he was removed as HOH because he doesn't want to sleep alone), and and Zach manhandles him regularly, including throwing himself on top of him earlier today in a most suggestive way. He seem's more likely to end up in a showmance this season than anyone. 



So Hayden the streaker isn't in with the other guys.  Is that because they see him as too goofy or an airhead?

Haydn seems to be more interested in playing class clown than playing the game. He also spends most of his time with the girls, none of whom seem to be playing all that hard yet. Christine is the only one that games at all - and even she has spent most of her time huddled with the BFF Nichole.

This is where the Team America might actually influence the game. Say Frankie is the next person chosen for team America (not a stretch). He seems to have a lot of influence in the house, and now has a solid reason to keep Joey, where before he would have been fine with her going. I HATE outside influences shaping these people's votes, and not just because I was over Joey about 20 minutes into watching the feeds last night, and also want Team America to crash and burn.

As for the question about why so much has already been done this week, I think it's two reasons. First the actual HOH competitions happened days ago; these people have been in the house for over a week, so for them the first week schedule is really slow. Second, I think TPTB like to have as much time as possible the first week for the house to go back and forth over the final vote. Sometimes it's a slam dunk, but the first week is always the most volatile, and is most ripe for the vote changing about 20 times.

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Paola has said that her motto is 'Believe in your selfie' -- yet another reason why she has got to go.  Since she apparently can't spell simple words (based on the outcome of the PoV) and uses her fingers to count, she appears to be dumber than a bag of rocks.


Caleb is turning into Ginamarie 2.0 with his Amber obsession -- Amber will need to get a restraining order before the first live eviction at this pace.


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Latching is an understatement.


LOL! You're right though. It's very intriguing to me actually. Frankie has Zach and Caleb, two people I would never have expected this from, completely wrapped around his finger.


This is where the Team America might actually influence the game. Say Frankie is the next person chosen for team America (not a stretch). He seems to have a lot of influence in the house, and now has a solid reason to keep Joey, where before he would have been fine with her going.


I didn't think about that. Joey could definitely end up not going The second Team America vote ends on Tuesday at 3 am, so that would give TPTB plenty of time to tell Frankie he's in it and for him to change the vote.


Devin is such a mess. He has been up all night. Joey scared him a bit earlier and he was like really messed up over it for like 5 minutes. LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
I don't know how she spelled it, but apparently Paola was trying to spell calculator.  I saw Amber laughing in her face that at least she got the "cal" part right.


So Paola is apparently successful at her chosen profession (DJing) despite being functionally illiterate (since she can't spell words with more than one syllable) and innumerate (since she apparently relies on her fingers to count), but she's pretty (a former Maxim Magazine girl according to her bio) -- or as I like to call it, the Full Kardashian.

  • Love 3

I've been reading an update forum and you all are right about Caleb-- I swear every other line is about him professing his love for Amber, wondering why she doesn't just admit that she likes him, swearing she is perfect for him, and saying that he doesn't lust after her and would try his best not to have sex with her until they're married. The post above stating that he plans to profess his love for her tonight makes me very happy. Hope Amber knows that she better not turn him down flat. I don't get the feeling that would turn out well for her.


Also read that Christine thinks there is something wrong with Devin and she thinks it might be because of steroids. She said she's scared of him.


Fingers crossed that the other America's players chosen are people that don't really have much influence over the others.



She's there, and is quite an entertaining storyteller but she's not really playing the game yet. To be fair, other than Christine none of the women really are.


I think Amber, Christine, and Brittany are playing the game. But, compare that with the males, who are just overplaying so early, it might look like nothing on the girls side. The guys already think they can trample over the ladies and get to the final 2. 


Out of all the girls, I think Amber and Christine have the potential to be the gamers of the season.  But, Amber even said that its way to early to ruffle feathers. There is a time and place for it.

Man, first impressions are worthless, aren't they? I really thought Amber would be a vapid, soulless bitch, but she's making me like her more and more and she's actually playing a cleverly understated game right now. I'm also liking Donny and Brittany more than I thought, and Joey way less.


No amount of Frankie-loving will change my opinion of Caleb, though. His GM-like obsession isn't helping.


This is the first year I'm watching the feed from the beginning. Is it always this boring? ZzzzzzZZzzz

The first week is sometimes a snooze. Although other than Caleb being a budding rabbit boiler, there is little conflict between these folks. A few minor dislikes here and there, but there has been an awful lot of Kumbaya going on. These folks aren't even guzzling the booze - they got beer last night and there was still some left today. 

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I have PTSD from TWOP so I'm slightly afraid to ask this, but can someone tell me a good website with minute by minute live feed action? I know about Jokers and Morty's but is there a better one?


Back on topic... I'm fascinated by Calob's obsession with Amber and hope she handles it strategically. So far, I'm encouraged but if past seasons are any basis, she'll screw it up. If she doesn't like him, which is apparently the case, she should tell him that he has a chance after the show. If not, one or the other will likely go. I need the crazy to stay because, after all, my favorite part of this show is the psychological drama. 


I found this twitter this morning that has a few people taking turns watching the feed. @BB16FeedUpdates


I'm so over Jacosta's bow tie.   I can kinda see that she uses it as a minister's collar, but take it off when you are in the pool please.


Are there any smokers in the house?  I haven't seen any so far.   It bugged me so much in BB15, especially when people would flip out if they ran out of nicotine patches during lockdowns.

Edited by njbarmaid

Joey just asked everyone if Caleb has talked to them about who his renom is. Frankie said yes (which I found interesting) and then Joey said that Caleb said that he is going to do what the house wants so she wants everyone to make sure their voice is heard and that the house gets the right person nommed. It was super hilarious. She totally knows she's going up and she wants everyone to know she knows they're all in on it. LOL!


ETA: Nevermind, she thinks that the house doesn't want her up. LOL! This is so hilarious and embarrassing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

Yeah, Joey is pretty much handling being the replacement nom in the exact opposite way someone should handle being the replacement nom. She had a conversation with Devin before her big announcement (so sad I missed that), and she was being so obnoxious talking about how she had already calculated in her head all of the scenarios which made it impossible for floaters to stay, and she was proud about figuring it all out, and that's why she tried to form the all girl's alliance, and Devin was just like "uh.....what?.....", and she is so toast.

Also, so the all girl's alliance didn't work out? What??? That seems so weird, because the type of women BB always want to put in this house are so awesome at working with other women!

  • Love 1

Also, so the all girl's alliance didn't work out? What??? That seems so weird, because the type of women BB always want to put in this house are so awesome at working with other women!


LOL! And yet every year I'm like, "I hope there's a girls alliance." Sigh, I'll never learn.


I think I've decided at this point I only dislike/hate Caleb, Devin, and Christine. But I do get a kick out of Caleb most of the time and Devin sometimes.

Not Surprised Donny won a spelling contest. He has a major IQ and none of them know it. and I'm also not surprised that TPTB tailored the POV competition to favor someone with a high IQ. I can't tell you how pleased I am that Donny will go off the block.


I assume we'll only be shown the POV and ceremony on Wednesday?



Not Surprised Donny won a spelling contest. He has a major IQ and none of them know it. and I'm also not surprised that TPTB tailored the POV competition to favor someone with a high IQ. I can't tell you how pleased I am that Donny will go off the block.

He was going to go home, because everyone in the house thinks he's smarter than he's letting on and are convinced he's lying about his job. I'm not sure he's that smart though. Nine days and he can't remember anyone's name - plus he's social in an odd sort of way, but has done nothing in the way of game play since the alliance he made with Devin on day 1. I doubt he knows about the 2 or three other deals Devin has made since. 

Edited by SteveAC10

Listening to Joey talk to other HGs in the backyard about making a play for Devin to go up instead of her, and them encouraging and discouraging her, and listening to her actually TELL Devin this, I really hope she lasts another week and they keep threatening to put her up so the entertainment continues. I know she won't, she might as well rehearse an exit speech, but damn. She has no idea how to play this game.

Also, who ends a conversation about "Sorry, I'm going to tell them I want you gone" with "I have to poop"?

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I was bored earlier, but at least Joey thinking she's made a good move with her public service announcement is making me laugh. I really hope this is the start of something entertaining.


Now Joey just pulled Devin into the beehive room and told him that she's going to try to get him voted out. Some members of the Bomb Squad are secretly hoping for this. Say what you will about her, but at least Joey's poor game play is making this otherwise dull night rather interesting. Derrick and Zach are saying secretly that Joey getting Devin evicted would take the blood off their hands.


I've been reading an update forum and you all are right about Caleb-- I swear every other line is about him professing his love for Amber, wondering why she doesn't just admit that she likes him, swearing she is perfect for him, and saying that he doesn't lust after her and would try his best not to have sex with her until they're married.


    Why do I get the feeling though that because Caleb is a good-looking alpha male type, we won't see any of the bunny boiler stuff, and they'll try to edit things into Amber being a cockteasing bitch who thinks she's too good for him?

  • Love 5

I don't know what to think about Joey right now. Either she honestly believes Caleb and his assertion that the replacement nominee will be based on "who the house wants", which has been a standard HOH copout since the first time there was ever an HOH. If that's the case, then she's a dumbass and needs to leave. Or, she knows it's bullshit, and is trying to call his bluff, and make him 'call out' the majority of the house who said her and not Devin (her target, and who apparently is kind of an ass who plays WAY too hard, and several people are not liking him for it). But that just makes people not want to be on her side, because the fact remains it's not a vote, it's Caleb alone who decides. And Joey is giving him about 15 reasons to put her on the block right now.

But I don't care, because finally the feeds are interesting!

Edited by Katesus7

Devin is telling Amber how much *he* wants to keep Donny until Jury. It's like Devin has HOH-itis without even being HOH. Ugh. I wouldn't mind seeing home go this week. (Not gonna happen though... sigh).

Unless production pulls some shenanigans to save America's Team only current player, I think Joey is all but certain to go this week.  Even if they save her I don't think there's any way Caleb will put Devin up.  But for various reasons enough people have expressed a desire to see Devin gone that I don't think he'll last beyond the next few weeks.  Cody, Britney, and Zack have all expressed a desire to see him go.  Maybe if Devin wins HOH next week he could turn it around, but it doesn't look good for him right now.


He told Amber he wanted to keep Donny for jury because he was talking to her as a member of their alliance.  He was basically saying he wanted Donny to be the last player besides their eight alliance members still in the game.  I doubt very seriously that alliance will last that long and he's naive for assuming it will.


On the other hand, I think Derrick is playing one of the best games so far.  He's low profile, everybody seems to like him, nobody wants him gone.  There might be something to that undercover training.  It's still early and things can change quickly, so we'll see.


I like Frankie, but he's to high profile.  I think he'll get eliminated before the end unless he proves to be a better player than I think he is or he gets lucky a few times.


I also like Amber and Victoria and think they could go far.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation

I'm impressed with a few of the players so far. Jocasta is playing an excellent floating game. Just an excellent job by her.


Amber is good, Derrick is good, Zach is even surprisingly pretty good - he has latched on to Frankie, which is probably smart, and when it comes time to split Frankie and Zach up, I think it might be Frankie to go and not Zach. 


Caleb is one of those players who think that being really strong will somehow take them to the end. It really, really, really, really doesn't work that way. 


Christine is playing too hard. Brittany is playing too hard. Devin is playing way too hard. Joey is playing WAY too hard. Donny was forced into playing early, so he is kind of screwed, but he did what he had to do. 

Donny won the PoV!!   Take that you group of eight.  The bad news is that Joey is next in line for eviction.  There goes America's first player.

So it's a backdooring already?  And the annoying as shit Pow Pow gets to stay?  That's a lose-lose.

I love the fact that the twist is going to implode once again, and Joey will be voted out before she can be Team America...

Although she wound up being more likable than I'd assumed from her pre-show material, I admit I DO like to see The Grodner's plans fall apart.  Although as I imply above, seeing a backdooring in Week 1 is SUCH nonsense overplaying.

So even if Blue Hair goes and Pow In The Kisser stays, I'll still maybe give a nice "Fuck Yeah!" just to the idea of the show's twist getting messed up.

Listening to Joey talk to other HGs in the backyard about making a play for Devin to go up instead of her, and them encouraging and discouraging her, and listening to her actually TELL Devin this, I really hope she lasts another week and they keep threatening to put her up so the entertainment continues. I know she won't, she might as well rehearse an exit speech, but damn. She has no idea how to play this game.

Yeah, I'm just catching up on reading how incompetent she is.  That said, she'd have to be super-annoying on top of that to be worse than Kung-Pao-Pao.

I found a chart of the current alliance situation. LOL! Hopefully someone like Brittany will win the next HOH so the Bomb Squad can start turning on each other fast. Although she'll probably just end up doing what one of them tells her to do anyway. And by one of them I mean Frankie.


ETA: I just remembered there's 2 HOHs. This twist sucks!

Catching up now and don't know most of that info, but seeing that chart gives me some laughs in ways I didn't expect.  For example, it's nice to see proof on a nice chart that other than a nudity obsession, Nicole and Christine DO appear to be the same person, like I suspected.  And that all that nonsense from the first show took like... 5 minutes to go away.  Also, "Zrankie"?  Did THEY actually call it that, because if so I hope Ariana is sitting on her tour bus, hearing that on her Complimentary Free Live Feed, and shaking her head in disgust.

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Well, I've watched a bit of the live feeds already and I'm laughing at how this Team America is already falling apart. It probably doesn't help that the girl who knows nothing about Big Brother is the one who's the first on the team AND probably going home, unless things change. I mean, there's still a few days left and there's been quicker changes in the game, but seeing as Joey's playing a pretty awful game, I don't see how she's going to be staying.


I also like how people want Devin to go but seeing as he is seemingly close with Caleb and Amber, he probably isn't going to be put up this week. 


When I was watching the live feeds, I was listening to Zach and Cody talking (apparently, their alliance name to the live feed viewers is the Suite Life) and I laugh at how they say Derrick is 100% trustworthy and he's so honest. He's lying about his occupation and it's working in his favour. I actually really like Derrick and think he's playing a good game so far. But again, it's still early so things could blow up as early as today. 


It's weird because I disliked Zach before I was watching the live feeds and now I kind of don't mind if he stays a bit longer. I want people like Joey, Devin and Creepy Caleb (Gina Marie 2.0) to go home.

Oh, and I also really, really like Cody. I admire how he's genuinely a good guy. He's refrained from saying the r-word, he's said he won't sleep with Brittany because her kids are watching and he's not that kind of a guy and I think last night, he was talking to Christine about how he was a loser in high school and to not be afraid to talk to him. More and more I hear of him and see him, I like him. Sure, he's also said some other things about girls like Paola being dumb, but I think he tries to not say anything really mean. He has a line that he doesn't cross and I love that. Now hopefully he stays this way and he doesn't get influenced by others to cross that line, because I really appreciate a guy who has morals.

I thought Devin would be a favorite, but yeah, he's playing way too hard, and being kind of a jerk. I will laugh and laugh if Joey's spazzy incompetence at this game somehow gets him up and out.But I also want to laugh and laugh that Grodner's latest lame twist explodes in her face. And I also want to laugh and laugh that Paola's giant and completely unwarranted ego gets the boot first. What to do, what to do?


If Grodner's smart she won't interfere on Joey's behalf, and just let her go if it works out that way. She's completely stupid at this game, and consequently would never be able to accomplish any of her "missions," and no one is going to want to work with her. no matter what America says.

If Grodner's smart she won't interfere on Joey's behalf, and just let her go if it works out that way. She's completely stupid at this game, and consequently would never be able to accomplish any of her "missions," and no one is going to want to work with her. no matter what America says.

Joey may be totally and completely annoying and seems to be irritating people at an alarming rate (though no big shocker for this show), but getting $5k per successful mission is a pretty powerful motivator. I suspect most of these people would work with anyone or do just about anything to keep racking up the cash.


I suspect most of these people would work with anyone or do just about anything to keep racking up the cash.


Yes, but only Joey (well and the rest of the team) get $5000.  I'd assume part of the missions is convincing the other house guests to do something.  And I don't see anyone doing what Joey suggests.

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