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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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So Hayden was talking to Nicole earlier about forming an "Outsiders" group to pick off the Bomb Squad starting next week. He thinks they can pull it off since he knows who the Bomb Squad wants to get rid of being that he is in the inside.


ETA: Damn Donny is beast. So now will Donny play his hand and take Jo off the block to pit Devin and Caleb against each other? Damn BB couldn't have asked for better stuff to go down so early on in the game.


ETA2: The boys are doing a mock modeling contest for the house guests. It's cute.

Edited by kellog010
  • Love 1

Not quite sure what is going on.  The young men, with the exception of Devin, are stripped down for some kind of "best body" competition.  Zach is the emcee.  Ladies are the judges.  Bound to make it on the network show.  It is kind of hard to believe that alcohol isn't involved. 


Poor Jocasta looks rough.  Donny and Brittany had to help her walk to the bathroom.  


Devin is NOT competing? Whoa. I mean, guy's power-insane and weird, but he is also freakishly ripped and (imo) handsome in the face. Minus the creepy perma-smile.


GO DONNIE! Sometimes I get a little weary of his hokey-doke, cornpone, Christian Mingling self, but that is so utterly perfect. I do hope he takes Jocasta off (and the DR gets her some fluids stat). Even if Derrick goes full bro-down and noms another instead of Devin, with Caleb still on the block, his expulsion is quite viable.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
  • Love 1

Devin vs Caleb.  This week is going to be the shit for us LFers (I think).  Sweet.


It will be funny if Caleb doesn't campaign much at all - assuming that Devin is an easy choice to go on Thursday evening - but it ends up coming back to bite him in the ass when people work others to get the "beast mode cowboy" out because he will always be a threat in physical comps, thus the possible opportunity at lots of HOHs and POVs.  I don't like the thought of Devin sticking around any longer than necessary, but this is a golden chance to get Caleb out.   If the HGs - outside of the people who Caleb's presence best helps - were smart, they'd get him out while they can.  Devin is left as an easy target for next week (assuming he survives Eviction & doesn't pull an HOH out of his butt on Thur. night).


Either way, whoever gets the boot; its a clear Win-Win.

I think if Devin goes it will get boring in the house.  (at least for the feed watchers)  He seemed to bring the crazy out.  He's like a declawed tomcat now :(   I'm not condoning anything he did, but in my opinion he made it more interesting.


Or .......or ........ Devin may just be the cork in the bottle of crazy. And once he's gone the rest of the crazy will be released.  We've already seen Derrick with his case of HOHitis -- who's next ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

Meh.  I'm all for the douchebags getting their comeuppance right quick, or ASAP (it was why I was so happy with the early eviction of Jeremy last season), so I'm cool with Devin going.  Caleb's also needed some comeuppance, though, so I'm okay with him going, as well.


I don't give two shits if they're "entertaining" (which I don't find either guy to be in the slightest).  If they're douches, especially unstable ones, I want them out NOW, not later.  No matter how boring things would become.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 7

At this point I wouldn't mind seeing Derrick get some comeuppance as well, for being such a condescending jackhole to and about Donny, and acting like it's some monstrous chore to drag him through the game. Donny's seen every episode, when he chimes in is usually right, and has proven that he can win competitions. STFU, Derrick.

  • Love 12

I want Caleb to stick around a *little* longer - for the sole purpose of him being tortured on-camera by paranoid delusions of Amber indulging in secret showmances with every other male (and possibly a female or two) in the House. I don't think his entertainment potential has NEARLY been tapped.

<evil chuckle ensues...>


Hayden was doing dishes with Frankie in high heels. Cody is working his butt off flirting with the girls. So far everyone is selling the get rid of Devin ticket. Let's see how long that lasts. Zach is trying to sleep so of course most of the house hold decided his bedroom would the best place to hang out and be loud.

Edited by kellog010

Ha! Devin got picked, and since half my wish has been granted by that, I hope the other half gets granted to: Devin to win Veto, and survive the week. Even better if he wins HOH next week. He's not my favourite, I'm not really rooting for anyone but the feed watchers at this point, and he made the feeds wildly entertaining the week he was HOH. Well, once you got used to the never-ending talking. Derrick's power trip has been less entertaining. Caleb's got interesting towards the end. I just want a good show to watch right now, I'll figure out which one is the lesser of all evils in a few weeks.

Jocasta might end up being the pity eviction this week because of her current health. Devin was supposedly so certain that he was going home, Zach relayed to other HGs that Devin had apparently requested to have his daughter and family at the live show to greet him when he left the house. He also requested to host the POV comp, if he wasn't chosen, so he could at least host one before he left. Maybe getting pulled to play Veto will light a new, crazy fire in him. If he doesn't win it, I hope he goes out in a blaze of hilarious glory, via Clown Shoe or something similar.


Ugh, I don't know if thats Devin's gameplay or whatever, but now I feel a little sorry for him.  Damn it!  Maybe he has really learned something from being so universally hated in the house and can get better.  


Not quite sure what is going on.  The young men, with the exception of Devin, are stripped down for some kind of "best body" competition.  Zach is the emcee.  Ladies are the judges.  Bound to make it on the network show.  It is kind of hard to believe that alcohol isn't involved. 


Poor Jocasta looks rough.  Donny and Brittany had to help her walk to the bathroom.  


You know, if she is being walked to the bathroom maybe it is time for her to go.  I hate the idea of losing a woman, especially one that I've so little from, because she might turn out to be someone who eventually makes big moves, but I don't think anyone's health is worth it.  Maybe she can come back next season, once they understand whats wrong with her or how she can better manage her health in the BB situation.


How the hell is Devin not in a "best body" competition?  If he has any saving grace, his body is at least 70% of it.

  • Love 1

Devin seems to me to have some self esteem issues when it comes to his body. He was freaking out about wanting to eat a bowl of cereal but not wanting the calories, was very upset when Joey said he was on a "see food diet. he sees food and eats it," talked to Cody about how jealous he was of his abs, etc. I can see him not wanting to lose a best body competition so he didn't even play along.

I'd like Caleb to stay too. I want to see just how crazy and annoying he can get.

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 2

Devin seems to me to have some self esteem issues when it comes to his body. He was freaking out about wanting to eat a bowl of cereal but not wanting the calories, was very upset when Joey said he was on a "see food diet. he sees food and eats it," talked to Cody about how jealous he was of his abs, etc. I can see him not wanting to lose a best body competition so he didn't even play along.

I'd like Caleb to stay too. I want to see just how crazy and annoying he can get.


I actually think Devin has a lot of self esteem issues.  I think thats why he inherently wants to boss people around, if you're the boss, people have to like you, or at least fear you enough to make you think they like you.  He took Brittany off the block almost entirely based on her just coming to him and being nice.  I think thats why any talk of backdooring him cut him to the bone, because he thinks that all of these people really like him, and are really his friends.  The idea that they might like him if he just dropped his bullying and was real has probably never occurred to him.  I think thats why he talks about his daughter ad naseum, I mean a person can care about their child and not discuss it as much as Devin, but I think he does that because he wants people to feel connected with him, and be his friend.  I think the man is starved for friends.

Jacosta is up and sitting in the backyard. She has to drink at least 6 bottles of waters in 5 hours. She was able to eat something and is slowly coming back to life. She said she is drinking the water because she refused to get an IV.

Oh good.  And not just for the game, but for her as a human being.  I may think her bowties and single alliance is a little ridiculous, but she seems to have a good heart, and I would hate to see someone get seriously ill.

  • Love 1

This should be entertaining -- Amber, Devin, Caleb and Hayden are Have Nots, especially since neither Devin nor Caleb have been Have Nots yet.  


ETA: We'll see how Devin enjoys slop.


Quick question -- reading the live feed updates, Derrick is saying that the Have Nots can sleep in the HoH room on Wed.  But I thought that the Have Nots HAVE to sleep in the Have Not Room/Freezer.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

It seems a little unfair when it comes to picking Have Nots this season. The HGs have pretty much exempted Christine, because she's gluten intolerant and can't eat the slop, and Frankie, because of a circulatory problem. I know at one point in the beginning of the feeds, Christine said she would still be a HN, despite not being able to eat slop, and I have no doubt that BB would make some exceptions and give her something else to eat. Haven't they done it for other people who suddenly have issues with slop? Frankie tried to nap in the HN room, and ended up with some seriously frozen fingers. The HN room was most likely chosen long before, but it seems a bit unfair that two of them get a pass. I think at one point, Christine said she even told BB during pre-interviews that she would be fine with slop if she got in the house, but of course, she also knew she couldn't eat it. And Jocasta is probably getting a pass because of her current issues.

It's stuff like this that makes me wish they would just do away with the HNs and hold some other type of food challenge, limiting what they can have or can't have, rather than force slop on them. Instead of the HN room, institute a curfew for them (actually, that would kinda suck for the feeds). Keep the cold showers, but the slop is useless. As much fun as it was to see Zach turn into the biggest, whiniest baby less than 24 hours into being a HN, all you ever hear is the HNs bitching about the lack of food choices, the crappy beds, the cold showers. 

For those wondering, it sounds like Caleb, Amber, Devin, and Donny will be the HNs this week. Caleb and Amber volunteered, and then Caleb tried to get out of it, saying he didn't want them to have to stay in the HN room with Devin. Dude, you should've thought about that before you threw your name in the hat, bro.


I agree with getting rid of the Have Nots Challenge.  Or if they keep it maybe punish them in different ways so that it does not screw with their sleep. 


I think they should just stop with the slop.  Make them eat bread and water like they did in the first couple of seasons.

  • Love 1

I think its the room thats the hardest for me to fathom.  No other HN room has seemed worse.  When they had the airplane seat room, that didn't even seem that awful because I know when I've been on a commercial flight and had the entire row to myself I was easily able to sleep when I was tired.  The padded room didn't seem that bad, even though the lights were always on and the beds were hard, if you got really tired I think you could put a towel over your eyes and fall asleep.  But I can't envision a situation where I could fall asleep in a room where the beds are basically blocks of ice.

Grodner needs to give America's Player a rest for a while. If the hamsters are figuring it out, then it's expected, and thus, boring. Let them go a season or two trying to blame every weird thing on a nonexistent America's Player. That should be entertaining.


Actually, TPTB need to give Groder a rest for a while. Like 50 or so years.


Get rid of the HN room and slop. Make them eat other stuff that is edible and nutritious but unappetizing (maybe make each hammie list their "least liked" foods and go from there), they can keep the cold showers, and make the HNs be the ones who have to clean the pigsty daily. That'll make them suffer.

  • Love 8
Get rid of the HN room and slop. Make them eat other stuff that is edible and nutritious but unappetizing (maybe make each hammie list their "least liked" foods and go from there)


They could always give them Nutraloaf -- now that would be a punishment.



  • Love 3

It does make me wonder whether TPTB conduct viewer surveys to see what people think about the HNs.  It is hard to believe that there is a huge demographic that goes, "HELL TO THE YEAH I wanna see em eat slop and sleep on ice cubes!"  


But maybe people who only watch the network shows and don't keep up with much else have no idea how disgusting it is.  Apart from the poll questions asking viewers to vote on HN food options, I can't recall much of an emphasis on the HN aspect on CBS once they unveil the room.  

Edited by Thalia

I'm sure Grodner is spitting nails that she has all of the hot (supposedly) 20 something's and there aren't/weren't any romance, showmance's or all out out sex. Luckily, on their own they are bringing the crazy to the show itself. When I was watching the feeds (BBAD) I couldn't tell if Devin & Cody were getting annoyed/suspicious of Frankie, Christine & Nicole in the hammock laughing and teasing them while they were playing pool. Do they care that Frankie is way too close with them?

I think Derrick is right in that Devin is a tougher competitor than Caleb and the house would be better off evicting Devin while they have the chance. For my personal entertainment, I'm torn. Devin is such an ass and so condescending that I'd like to see him stay a little longer and start more disagreements and craziness. However, Caleb's obsession and Amber's recent decision to openly flirt with Cody could get pretty entertaining as well. Cody seems to be aware of Amber's agenda but it still looks like he's enjoying the attention. And I think it's funny that some of the guys keep purposely playing along with Caleb's bragging, unbelievable stories, and Amber obsession. 


I noticed that Frankie seems to be pushing the Caleb eviction idea and again, I'm not sure if I understand why. Devin keeps winning or coming close in comps and I would be worried about keeping him. And it seems like Frankie is in good with both Caleb and Devin and neither Caleb nor Devin has any real, loyal alliance backing him up. Maybe he thinks he's closer to Devin than anyone else? Or maybe pushing the Caleb eviction helps him look less like a part of the BS?


I'll be curious to see if Donny can remain in the house for a long time since he doesn't seem to be a very good liar. And I hope Hayden can keep his friendships up and not stand out too much because he might have a good shot at this. He seems to know about the various groups and has a good grasp on who needs to be broken up. And he seems to be one of few people in the house who doesn't have Frankie in his ear.


I would love to hear why producers thought Victoria would be a good cast member. I find her almost unbearable to listen to -- she doesn't talk a lot but when she does it's seems like it's either whiny or sheepish and usually boring.


Victoria was glad to take a shower & be clean. WTF? She is so boring. What did casting see? Are we missing something? She's hardly on the live feeds or the show itself. She'll make a great goat. She will also be shocked that she wasn't even shown. She could be Kathy Najimy's stand in/doppelgänger though. Maybe, that's the next rumor that boys can start. Either that, or just evict her already.


I definitely like the cleaning idea. The filth alone would deter me from applying. I got germ stuck one of the very first nights televised; I waswatching Christine at the stove, holding a bag of shredded cheese to sprinkle on something in the pan. She began to sneeze or cough, I don't remember which, and to avoid sneezing into the hand that was going into the cheese, quickly switched hands and cough/sneezed directly into her hand. Then she used that hand to grab the pan handle, then the bag of cheese. Just rubbing it everywhere. I can't do germs like that. I can do messy. I cannot do filthy.

Last season would have been the death of me with the blood stained sheets and wart chewing and bodies gone unwashed for days. That was a miserable house.

So the original reason for my post was actually just to comment on the general geniality that we have seen so far in this group. Yeah, there are asshole moments, that's what people do. But there is actual laughter, social clique-ry is not nearly like last year. Of course, there's plenty of time to go. As far as the broadcast side of things, this is really in tune with the current social issues of homosexuality and inclusion. There doesn't seem to be the awkward jokes with the gay guy in attempt to communicate that are often seen. A lot of this may be Frankie, but these guys just treat him like one of the guys, just cuddlier. I think it's good to see this in our culture, as an indicator of where we are and help encourage progress. There is also a good amount of men sharing emotions and being open and close with one another. They're misogynists, but Devin is always down to cuddle with Caleb if he needs it.

Wrt Frankie maybe wanting Devin in...a good person to link up with as an unknowing final 2? He's only going to be more of an asshole if he stays. Forget it if he gets some power again. Who better? Get a strong competitor's loyalty and use his asshole tendencies as a shield and weapon. Who will want to vote for the power mad intimidator who talked about himself the entire time?

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 3

I agree that taking the game away, this group seems very sociable - I'm not sure if it's down to Frankie who floats from group to group making people laugh, telling stores and getting the guys to do silly things. Everyone hugs and cuddles each other and tell each other how much they love each other (even after driving the bus or sometimes during). They could all be in a full on meltdown in that house as we've seen and hugely paranoid but they still chose to spend time together.

  • Love 1

Let them go a season or two trying to blame every weird thing on a nonexistent America's Player. That should be entertaining.


That has happened in pretty much every season since America's Player was introduced and it really is always entertaining. I feel like it happened a lot last season. Amanda was always thinking someone was America's Player, I think.


Victoria was glad to take a shower & be clean. WTF? She is so boring. What did casting see? Are we missing something?


I mean I personally love Victoria so I don't know. It's just a matter of taste. I mean I would rather stick pins in my ears than ever hear Frankie speak again, but some people love him.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Peach, you are exactly right. Everyone has a favorite. I will say Victoria seems nice enough and it is a nice change to see that's isn't a biotch on wheels and tormenting everyone. She also could be downplaying her real personality while the bigger characters are blowing their games sky high. Who knows? She could go really far. Thanks for talking me off the ledge. LOL!!!


I will say Victoria seems nice enough and it is a nice change to see that's isn't a biotch on wheels and tormenting everyone.


It's the little things! I would love Victoria to be laying low and come out as a real gamer later, but that I doubt will happen. I like her a lot, but a gamer she is not!


A little rehash of the lovely guy's talk from last night: 

Cody: Victoria is not attractive at all.

Cody: Nicole got a lot of acne. She is frumpy.

Cody: Brittany bothers me. I would take Amber over her and I wouldn't even second guess it.

Derrick: Brittany also doesn't look all that good without her makeup on.

Cody: Christine is mine.

Zach: Nicole is with me.

Derrick: Victoria is mine.

Zach: I'm forcing the feeling with Nicole. I don't like her like that. But I am going to kiss her.


I mean wow. Like let's forget about the disgusting sexism for a minute and talk about how damn delusional these guys are. I mean Derrick talking about someone not be good looking, oh honey. Zach thinking Nicole would want to kiss him has got to be the funniest thing I've ever head. The whole thing would be funny if it wasn't so rage inducing.


ETA: Also, last night Victoria/Nicole/Christine/Hayden/Amber were bashing Donny and talking about him being weird/perverted basically. I swear this season is so frustrating. I will really enjoy these people and then 10 minutes later that boys talk will happen or this and it's like I wanna punch them all in the face.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3


I noticed that Frankie seems to be pushing the Caleb eviction idea and again, I'm not sure if I understand why. Devin keeps winning or coming close in comps and I would be worried about keeping him. And it seems like Frankie is in good with both Caleb and Devin and neither Caleb nor Devin has any real, loyal alliance backing him up. Maybe he thinks he's closer to Devin than anyone else? Or maybe pushing the Caleb eviction helps him look less like a part of the BS?


It *had* occurred to me (although I don't know if I buy into the idea myself or not) that this may be Frankie playing a reverse game, if he is truly concerned about his SQ (Sketchiness Quotient) with the other HGs - overtly pushing to (a) evict the HG he wants to stay and (b) save the one he wants gone. If Frankie is pretty sure he's high enough on the other HGs' radar for them to think going contrary to his overt position might screw up his game, he could use that to his advantage.

The reason I caveat my own belief to this scenario is - with the _possible_ exception of Donny - I don't think I've seen significant evidence to indicate *any* HG has his/her head THAT deep in the game to be thinking along these lines. But I can dream, can't i? :)


Caleb was definitely bitching about Frankie the other night to Derrick, saying it pissed him off how Frankie ran straight to Devin and told him the vote flipped.  So I'm not exactly sure about the status of that relationship or if that got back to Frankie.  Likewise Frankie and Zach.  I think everyone is wary of Frankie now.  Regardless, I think Frankie probably knows that either option of Devin or Caleb isn't really viable for him to hang on to now.


I think Team America has already screwed the mission up.  Nicole realized something was fishy instantly and she certainly didn't seem in a rush to follow through. (If they just need her to talk, I'm not sure why Frankie didn't press her for details on what happened.)And Victoria is out to lunch.  I saw Frankie press her to talk, giving her the opening "there are so many rumors in this house."  Blank stare.


Did anybody else see the shot of Cody in the high heels?


It also occurred to me that last night that I think he's the guy all of the women seem to like, with the possible exception of Donny.    I really think if he put forth the effort he could have a whole team of Cody's Angels doing his bidding.  Frankie possibly included.  I've heard Frankie say he's the hottest guy ever on BB.  I don't know if Cody is smart enough to see it or wants to work that hard to finesse it.

Edited by vb68

Let me say this about the Donny bash...Amber got a couple comments in, but from what I could see, it looked like she felt bad and decided to leave the donny bash fest. 


With how catty and bitchy Victoria/Nicole/Christine are, I pray Amber/Donny win HOH this upcoming week and fuck their plans up. I want them to be the comp king and  queen of the season. 


It's so hard to know with this group to figure out who is playing who and which allegiances will be honored over others. Makes for good but frustrating watching. The only true thing I see so far is Donny won that veto for Jacosta and voted for Pao because she was his friend. Derrick is making too many alliances with people and Hayden is onto him. Not sure why people think Hayden is some pawn and not dangerous at all. I think Frankie knows he's walking a tight rope because everyone thinks he was in a final 4 with Caleb/Devin/Amber and he's a flip-flopper. I don't know what is going on with Zach and Frankie because I keep waiting for them to slit each others throats. Christine is somewhat in the middle with Nicole onto her but seems like she's stringing her along as her real alliance is with Hayden. The girls all say they know Cody is a huge flirt and not to take him serious (though I can see Britt showmancing him).

Edited by kellog010

On BBAD last night the camera focused on a pair of male feet in black footie socks and silver strappy high heels. I assumed it was Frankie but when the camera panned up it was Cody!  It was so random and no one even appeared to notice.  I'm wondering if there was a story behind that - a scene I clearly missed earlier?  I mean there had to be right?  It was so out of the blue - but then on BBAD I'm limited to one camera. 


These people continue to confound me with their refusal to stay in a lane, be that lane nice or nasty, good gamer or terrible, straight or gay, etc.  I'm kind of enjoying it. 

First off, Cody's tattoo cross is crocked. At least, from what I can tell. LOL!! I think Zach & Cody seem kind of tight. I wish Zach & Frankie would just get it on and get it over with. Granted, they aren't as hot as last week but 3 months is a long time. LOL!! Now, if Zach would stop moving his his hands when talking and looking like a rapper I'd be really happy. Once again, the house is filled with filth and ants. Totally discussing!!! I know Devin is good tv but he's too annoying and I want him gone. I'm sure he'll spin in that he really wanted to leave the house. Whatevs!

I don't understand the desire to get Caleb out now. Both he and Devin are strong players. Both should be taken out when the possibility arises. But given the choice, which they do have this week, I'd rather keep Caleb in the game. Caleb can be manipulated much easier and willing to work with someone/the boys/Amber. Devin just needs to go.

I love the cast this season. I've been watching BB since season 2. The is one of the better group of hamsters so far. It's still week 3, though....

  • Love 2

The ants are the 17th houseguest. They always are, but I'm always amazed at how quickly they set up shop in the house and then stay to the end. I understand that with 16 people in the house to start there's a lot of dishes and a lot of mess, but come on, people. Common sense. Wash your dishes, don't leave food out, clean up after yourself and your crumbs. The kitchen always looks like a disaster zone in the beginning, and then a few days later, they're all "Gee, look at all these ants!". How can you live in that? Do they just leave stuff out at home? Drives me nuts every year. I'm in no way the neatest or cleanest person, I default to laziness most of the time, but that's ridiculous.

Caleb and Amber had some quality time last night. Considering before the Veto comp he was complaining that she *gasp* put her feet under a blanket on the same bed he was in and touched him with her foot and that she couldn't keep trying to get close and use him, there he is, offering to throw one of the final HOH comps for her if she'll be his date at the finale/go out on a date with him. He's giving it all he's got, that's all he has to give, just say yes already, you've basically already said yes. But he wore her down, oh yes he did. She agreed to a meal with him at Chick-fil-A. This is a love story for the ages, people.

Jocasta seems to be up and moving and looking better than yesterday. 

  • Love 2

I definitely like the cleaning idea. The filth alone would deter me from applying. I got germ stuck one of the very first nights televised; I waswatching Christine at the stove, holding a bag of shredded cheese to sprinkle on something in the pan. She began to sneeze or cough, I don't remember which, and to avoid sneezing into the hand that was going into the cheese, quickly switched hands and cough/sneezed directly into her hand. Then she used that hand to grab the pan handle, then the bag of cheese. Just rubbing it everywhere. I can't do germs like that. I can do messy. I cannot do filthy.

Last season would have been the death of me with the blood stained sheets and wart chewing and bodies gone unwashed for days. That was a miserable house.



Ewww, I just can't.  I get upset when people cough without covering their mouths. And you describing last year, is physically making my stomach churn.  Wart chewing...oh man, oh man.  As far as not showering for days, I don't get it, I just don't get it.


The ants are the 17th houseguest. They always are, but I'm always amazed at how quickly they set up shop in the house and then stay to the end. I understand that with 16 people in the house to start there's a lot of dishes and a lot of mess, but come on, people. Common sense. Wash your dishes, don't leave food out, clean up after yourself and your crumbs. The kitchen always looks like a disaster zone in the beginning, and then a few days later, they're all "Gee, look at all these ants!". How can you live in that? Do they just leave stuff out at home? Drives me nuts every year. I'm in no way the neatest or cleanest person, I default to laziness most of the time, but that's ridiculous.

Caleb and Amber had some quality time last night. Considering before the Veto comp he was complaining that she *gasp* put her feet under a blanket on the same bed he was in and touched him with her foot and that she couldn't keep trying to get close and use him, there he is, offering to throw one of the final HOH comps for her if she'll be his date at the finale/go out on a date with him. He's giving it all he's got, that's all he has to give, just say yes already, you've basically already said yes. But he wore her down, oh yes he did. She agreed to a meal with him at Chick-fil-A. This is a love story for the ages, people.

Jocasta seems to be up and moving and looking better than yesterday. 


I can't do bugs.  I too am lazy, and I can be messy, but I think there is a line between messy (leaving clothes on the floor, shoes don't make it back into the closet) and gross.  I don't veer into what I consider gross because I can't handle bugs.  Thats why I really didn't mind when Devin called people out on leaving the kitchen filthy.  Brittany got her panties in a bunch, but to me, if you don't want to be addressed like a recalcitrant child, don't behave like one, and part of being an adult is cleaning up your mess.  Should you really expect for everyone else to do it?  Because they should enjoy and appreciate the chance to clean up your crap?  The only situation in which that would make sense is if there was someone cooking for the entire house and then they didn't want to do the dishes.  


I wonder if he is going to bring his entire family to the Chick-Fil-A to meet Amber.  Now that would be interesting.


Cosmo, Hayden washed dishes in heels, Cody put them on and walked around, and Zach even put them on and twerked. They were having a good time.

Thanks kellog - I assumed it was something like that.   When Cody said his toes were hurting, Victoria replied, "Now you know what women go through.  It takes a lot of effort to be a girl."  To which Nicole simply (and hilariously to me) said, "I don't think it takes any effort." 


Also, I agree that Brittany is ripe for a showmance.  She was talking about how much she hates being single.   Not that a showmance is a real relationship but put that together with all her  "I don't like to work with girls/women" remarks and I think I've got her number. 


One more random but funny takeaway from BBAD last night.  The conversation was attraction and someone noted that Nicole's Christine's husband was very tall.  She confirmed it and said it was kind of remarkable because before she met her husband (I forget his name) she like her guys short, the shorter the better, and chubby.  She said she used to be a total chubby chaser.  Just the matter of factness of the whole conversation (with Cody at the sink waring heels) cracked me up. 


Edited to change Nicole to Christine.  I am always getting those two names mixed up. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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