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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Maybe they should listen to the fans. Pandora box. DPOV. Anything to save Donny and Nichole. Then ratings would be up.


Agreed. I mean, if they wanna hide behind the show's classification as entertainment drama, or whatever, instead of as a gameshow, why not straight-up rig shit to tell a more entertaining story?


Maybe this is them doing their best. :/

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Right before the feeds cut to Zach's interview, Frankie and Caleb were discussing keeping Donny tonight.  Their plan involves getting Christine and Victoria to vote against Donny, but Donny has to promise to put the two women up if he stays and wins HOH.   


How are they supposed to pull that off without conferring with Derrick?  Victoria will go right to Derr and tell him.

Thanks.  I lost track.  I am fine with this . I think she has a better shot at staying longer and winning a comp when she needs to.  Although last night's veto comp has me perplexed.  She didn't understand the rules nor did she pick up on what was going on.


According to her monologue last night, she knew that everyone was folding and just stayed in the game until Donny lost. She knew that Cody would keep noms the same, so then Donny would leave.


From Jokers:

For the POV I knew they were all folding and I couldn't risk Donny winning because I knew I wasn't the target. I had to let Donny stay and get eliminated. If I had stayed and knocked Cody out, Donny could have won and took himself off the block and I would go home. You gotta be smart, sometimes you gotta make yourself look weak. I'm not weak. Well, I am because I'm a have not but geez I can't stand anyone in this freakin house except Victoria.


With this logic, I don't know why she just didn't win then. I guess she still wants to appear weak? With Donny leaving, Nicole is all I have to root for now. I really hope this strategy pays off for her.

I think the clue from Julie Chen tonight is designed to help Donny too.  It will happen right before the vote.  Frankie already said if America didn't like their mission, he will know that they should have done the "Save Donny" mission, and may take it as a cue to go ahead and save Donny right now.  The vote could switch right there and then. 

  • Love 6

It breaks my heart that Donny was crying.  He is sad at the way he is being treated, not because he is going tonight.   I don't think he has ever experienced anything similar to this.   He mentioned when at home he has young friends and they love him, they don't treat him as old. 


I sure hope he gets fan favorite.  He said that he wanted to buy a house and this would give him a good downpayment paired with his stipend.

  • Love 4

But how? They'd have to be able to tell a third person to change their vote at literally the very last second, and be sure that person would do it, and all of that would send up red flags (though, this bunch is really stupid, so maybe not.) The only way it would work is if Julie gave them the code word right at the top of the broadcast, and then they somehow get to mingle or something during the commercial break.

I think the clue from Julie Chen tonight is designed to help Donny too.  It will happen right before the vote.  Frankie already said if America didn't like their mission, he will know that they should have done the "Save Donny" mission, and may take it as a cue to go ahead and save Donny right now.  The vote could switch right there and then. 



What clue from Julie right before the vote?  They would never change their votes without being about to discuss it with their alliance. 

But how? They'd have to be able to tell a third person to change their vote at literally™ the very last second, and be sure that person would do it, and all of that would send up red flags (though, this bunch is really stupid, so maybe not.) The only way it would work is if Julie gave them the code word right at the top of the broadcast, and then they somehow get to mingle or something during the commercial break.



If this were to happen, (changing the vote right at voting time) I can see it happening if they have been told their voting order already. A quick "Save Donny" to Vic from Derrick, and Caleb or Christine from Frankie and its a done deal. Like in the hallway before voting. 


I don't personally think they will change their vote based on whether they win the task or not though. But if they wanted to they could do it that way. 

  • Love 1

What clue from Julie right before the vote? They would never change their votes without being about to discuss it with their alliance.

1. Presumably in the pre-Vote chatter, Julie asks one of the TA members a specific question: "if you had to spend a week as a Have-Not, what's the one thing you would want most at the end of the week?"

2. The TA member is supposed to respond with some variant of "a slice of apple pie."

3. Julie's followup response will indicate the success/failure of the mission: something positive if a success ("Sounds good to me, Donny!"), negative if a failure ("Afraid I can't help you out on that one, Frankie.").

ETA: I'm sure if the mission success/failure is a factor in their voting, Derrick and Frankie will have previously discussed how they would vote given either response.

Edited by Nashville

Knowing the voter order would help. And if I thought it would work, I'd even watch the show. But the only reason I'd planned be watching at all just for the eviction bit, and only to hear the cheers when Donny left, and see the expression on that sparkly turd Frankie's face when he hears it. Otherwise, I didn't watch Sunday, didn't watch last night, and am probably out for the rest of the season.

1. Presumably in the pre-Vote chatter, Julie asks one of the TA members a specific question: "if you had to spend a week as a Have-Not, what's the one thing you would want most at the end of the week?"

2. The TA member is supposed to respond with some variant of "a slice of apple pie."

3. Julie's followup response will indicate the success/failure of the mission: something positive if a success ("Sounds good to me, Donny!"), negative if a failure ("Afraid I can't help you out on that one, Frankie.").

ETA: I'm sure if the mission success/failure is a factor in their voting, Derrick and Frankie will have previously discussed how they would vote given either response.


How did I miss this?  Must have been on the feeds, I guess.  So Julie will specifically say Donny or Frankie or was that just your example?

Poor sweet Donny, he could be the love child of Gomer Pyle and Forrest Gump, only much smarter.  I think he will go tonight, and I hope the audience is not just cheering loudly but yelling Donny's name over and over.  I haven't watched any of the televised episodes lately. I cannot abide Fakey Frankie at all, and I agree with other posters who've noted that his every word and move is very calculated, he has ruined this season for me. 

  • Love 2

How did I miss this?  Must have been on the feeds, I guess.  So Julie will specifically say Donny or Frankie or was that just your example?

I caught it on Joker's:

Wed 6:05 PM BBT At about 5:50 or so, Frankie went to the FR to talk to Derrick. Fr came from the DR where they told him they would find out tomorrow on the live show if they won the challenge or not. Julie will ask a certain question to one of them, and the secret answer is "Apple Pie" Julie's response YES means they passed and NO means they failed. Frankie wants to win very badly, will be crushed if they don't. He says "I want my money!!!"

Wed 5:56 PM BBT Frankie comes out of DR and says that on the live show Julie will ask either him, Derrick or Donny if you were a have not for week what would you like to eat. They are to answer a nice slice of apple pie. If she says your wish is granted then they succeeded in their mission, if it is denied then they failed.

I just used Donny and Frankie as examples.

  • Love 2

From what I see on Jokers, it sounds like it's coming down to the wire as to who they chose to vote out tonight. Frankie and Caleb are going hardcore to keep Donny, while Cody and Christine aren't having it. It sounds like Derrick isn't going for it (keeping Donny), so unless they can convince him, I don't see it happening.

Edited by TexasChic

So lots of last minute chit chat going about who is going, need a road map to follow.


So Caleb says he makes a deal with Donny to go after the girls if he stays, but what if Donny doesn't win HOH, then what was the point?  


Is anybody talking to Nicole about any such deals to make with her?


I'm confused.




Thu 2:03 PM BBT Frankie says again that Nicole, Christine, Victoria are a threesome, while Donny is alone. NT - Alpha16

Thu 1:59 PM BBT Caleb keeps repeating that they are at a crossroads because Frankie is scared of Nicole putting him up and Cody is scared of Don. NT - eureca

Thu 1:59 PM BBT Frankie tells Cody it's bullsh** that they have to suck on Nicole's tits so she doesn't go after them if she wins HOH. NT - Alpha16

Thu 1:58 PM BBT Frankie says the Brigade made it through the game because they got rid of people who were a threat to the "group stability". He - Alpha16

says they have to stick together.

Thu 1:56 PM BBT Caleb to Cody: Nicole is conniving and will lie straight to your face. Donny will tell you the truth to your face. NT - Alpha16

Frankie just gets more and more disgusting, like literally!

Edited by njbarmaid
  • Love 1

On Joker's there's a flashback time for a conversation between Caleb, Christine, and Frankie from yesterday I think. Caleb claims he went to "state" for darts. Frankie calls him on it saying there is no "state" for darts and then he and Christine joke about being on the varsity dart team in high school. it's pretty funny.


Very short video of Frankie tripping -- good for a laugh


  • Love 2

I know that Julie is going to let TA know whether they won the money or not by code, but I would die of happiness if she announced,

"By a vote of a cajillion to thirty-two, Team America's idea has been rejected, and you don't win the money."


Well, if it’s over (with Donnie’s eviction) – there’s no rule saying that Julie can’t expose it.  Expect the Unexpected!  A simple “Hello houseguests.  Sorry, Team America... America voted against you this week.”  Then see the feathers fly as everybody who knows they’re not part of something called “Team America” starts looking around the room. 


As for Frankie’s choices in representing himself on national television, I see three options stretching out before him in the years to come:


1) He’s a Pip to Ariana’s Gladys Knight, still wearing his clown costume and twirling around in the background when she plays the Flamingo

2) He’s the sister character in The Bodyguard, cutting letters out of magazines and sending Ari threatening letters

3) She disappears into obscurity and he can’t even get a day pass to obscurity to visit her.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 3

Well, if it’s over (with Donnie’s eviction) – there’s no rule saying that Julie can’t expose it.  Expect the Unexpected!  A simple “Hello houseguests.  Sorry, Team America... America voted against you this week.”  Then see the feathers fly as everybody who knows they’re not part of something called “Team America” starts looking around the room. 


As for Frankie’s choices in representing himself on national television, I see three options stretching out before him in the years to come:


1) He’s a Pip to Ariana’s Gladys Knight, still wearing his clown costume and twirling around in the background when she plays the Flamingo

2) He’s the sister character in The Bodyguard, cutting letters out of magazines and sending Ari threatening letters

3) She disappears into obscurity and he can’t even get a day pass to obscurity to visit her.

Reckon she'll spend the requisite 15 seconds with him to pose for a selfie? :)

  • Love 1

Frankie the charmer:


Jokers: 1:59 PM Frankie tells Cody it's bullsh** that they have to suck on Nicole's tits so she doesn't go after them if she wins HOH. NT

He would have no trouble w that if she was a man.

Frankie would dearly love to have only men left in the house. Too bad he got rid of the guy willing to suck on his tits.

  • Love 1

I'm still trying to understand why Donny is pushing so hard for Nicole to go.  Does he really believe he would be her target? Does he think she finally got to Derrick and Derrick is working with her now, too?  I just don't comprehend where this came from. 


Donny's only pushing for her to go because if she doesn't, he does.

  • Love 8



1) He’s a Pip to Ariana’s Gladys Knight, still wearing his clown costume and twirling around in the background when she plays the Flamingo

2) He’s the sister character in The Bodyguard, cutting letters out of magazines and sending Ari threatening letters

3) She disappears into obscurity and he can’t even get a day pass to obscurity to visit her.

I hear this season on Dancing with the Stars, they are going to include some internet celebs, so I think Frankie is a candidate for that show.

I hear this season on Dancing with the Stars, they are going to include some internet celebs, so I think Frankie is a candidate for that show.

ABC/Disney wouldn't want him. They do have some standards.

Surprised Frankie isn't one of Ariana's back up dancer. You'd think he'd jump at the chance of traveling with her.

I hope Frankie takes it to heart that he really, really wanted something to happen and Derrick smoothly and calmly just said No. Frankie has no real power. His only strength is competitions, so he damn well better win or he is out. He's in a bad position now bc Nicole, Derrick, Cody & Christine (and therefore also Victoria) now see him as the other side. And they see him as a bigger target than his new BFF Caleb.

Can we have only 7 more days of Frankie? Please?

There is so much flip flopping going on right now it's kind of crazy. It seems like Derrick is trying to shut it down, and it may be working. Guess Donny's going home after all. Unless they change their mind again, which I'm sure they will about 57 more times.

After this last ditch effort from Frankie to boot Nicole, I'm pretty sure he's going to be the top of the list for everyone to nominate. I think everyone wants Frankie out now that they realize that Frankie is only looking out for himself.

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Jokers:Thu 2:03 PM BBT Frankie says again that Nicole, Christine, Victoria are a threesome, while Donny is alone.

How does Frankie figure that Victoria is going to do anything but vote with Derrick? Who knows who Christine would ally with in a week or two, but I think that the only way Victoria would not vote with Derrick is if one of them were on the jury. I think that shows how Derrick has begun to cut Frankie loose.

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