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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Good bye messages I would like to see:


Sorry buddy, I love you but you are Ariana Grande's brother so I had to let you go. 


Hey Frankie, I love you man, but since you are already famous I know you will be fine.


Go sign those contracts now, you are going to knock em dead! . 


How about, "Sorry buddy, donating your money to African schools is just too selfless.  I had to send you home".


It must be hard to keep a secret of who you truly are. And being asked about your job constantly making up lies. I would start to go crazy! Hang in there Derrick you have one more week!!


I think cops are very much like nurses and EMS/Fire dept.  It's not what you do it's who you are, and it bleeds over into everything.  I'm sure Derrick is censoring almost everything he says.  He can't even mention he works night shift and sleeps days because that's not how it goes in park & recs - although these dummies probably don't know that.  Every time I accompany my mother to a doctor appointment or surgery, I'm determined to keep secret that I'm a nurse.  The doctors are clueless, but a nurse always figures it out.  Kind of like on Survivor, where Tony was pegged immediately by a fellow cop.  If I had to spend 24/7 with people, without mentioning my work/sleep schedule, who my friends are and what they do, what I went to college for, what my goals are, what my true career is, etc. - I would have to do what Derrick does.  I would have to play a role.


Derrick totally knows that it's gonna be an eviction today. He just isn't saying anything because he doesn't want to give Frankie a heads up. He shaved last night!! And we know he only does that for live show!!


It's amazing to me that these people have nothing to do but study each other's behaviors, yet they can't pick up on clues like this.  Frankie is just as smart as Derrick, he's just so self-involved that, like Victoria, he gets distracted by a mirror.


Well, fellow house guests, I will be on my way to Scotland for the referendum vote and hopefully celebrating with my family. Gonna celebrate my birthday while I am there too.


Not sure which way you want the vote to go, but good luck!

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Don't make me come over there.  You may be ready to breathe into a paper bag.  It will be really embarrassing if 911 has to be called.  The ambulance can either take you to the hospital or psychiatric facility.   You better have a cover story.

...unless the EMTs are BB fans, in which case y'all can head to the nearest bar and swap theories. :)

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Everyone goes to the jury house except F3.  So yes, they will go right after but I think Jeff does an exit interview with them right there on the spot after they are evicted.

I don't think the person evicted at F5 or F4 go into the jury house. I am pretty sure everyone moves out of the jury house for the last week and stays in hotel rooms. If they do end up in the jury house it is only for a night.

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Stinamaia, I'll be watching the news to see how the referendum goes.  I hope you have reason to celebrate (besides your birthday)!   


I agree with whoever said upthread about Caleb being fine after the show.  Sure, he's expecting to be the toast of the town and have multiple opportunities for a career, but it seems that once the houseguests go back home, they're pleased with the little attention they get from the locals.  He'll have people recognizing him here and there and it'll be enough to make him happy.


Since Frankie's mom probably won't be showing up at the finale with an agent for him, I'm sure he'll go back to his stupid youtube videos and the limited success he's had with them.  Big Brother definitely isn't going to be his stepping stone to fame.

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Yes, but do the HGs know the feeds are off? That's the only reason I could see how mentioning a BBAD broadcast tonight would be an eviction giveaway, and I haven't seen anything on Joker's indicating the HGs had any knowledge of the feeds being out. At least, not as of 9:02am BBT this morning - Caleb was still talking directly to feeders.

Last I heard, the HGs had been told (1) an "activity" had been planned for Tuesday, (2) they shouldn't dress like slobs, and (3) there's a BBAD broadcast tonight*. Oh, and (4) they got kits for tie-dying shirts. If I were them, I'd be half-expecting Rupert from Survivor to walk through the door for a visit.

* Since there's a BBAD live broadcast every night, I just don't see the significance of this - unless the time slot change (an hour earlier than usual on live show nights) is a clue. And I have my doubts the HGs are even aware BBAD comes on an hour earlier than usual on those nights. Several times on Thursdays past, the HG conversations in the first hour of BBAD have directly suggested they didn't know the BBAD broadcast was already in progress.

ETA: think I get what you're thinking - the HGs pre-taping a BBAD episode during the day today, so they would know tonight's BBAD wouldn't be live, which Production would only do to hide an eviction until the broadcast reveal. In which case, my question changes to this: do the HGs know a BBAD episode is being pre-taped?



They don't know their tie dying is being taped for BBAD.  They just think it is a project they were given.


Where did you read they told the there was a BBAD broadcast?  I agree, that doesn't sound right.  They expect there will be one every night.  They would have no idea if the feeds were off, none.  They are taping the now for footage so the camera's are behaving normally. 


They are shut out of the BY and must hear them building the HOH comp for tonight.  Maybe they have put things together by now. 


ETA: I saw that this morning, too (link).  I think he must have been talking to Vic and since she is the artistic one it was more designed for her pleasure than the boys. . 

Edited by wings707
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I think cops are very much like nurses and EMS/Fire dept. It's not what you do it's who you are, and it bleeds over into everything. I'm sure Derrick is censoring almost everything he says. He can't even mention he works night shift and sleeps days because that's not how it goes in park & recs - although these dummies probably don't know that. Every time I accompany my mother to a doctor appointment or surgery, I'm determined to keep secret that I'm a nurse. The doctors are clueless, but a nurse always figures it out. Kind of like on Survivor, where Tony was pegged immediately by a fellow cop. If I had to spend 24/7 with people, without mentioning my work/sleep schedule, who my friends are and what they do, what I went to college for, what my goals are, what my true career is, etc. - I would have to do what Derrick does. I would have to play a role.

It's amazing to me that these people have nothing to do but study each other's behaviors, yet they can't pick up on clues like this. Frankie is just as smart as Derrick, he's just so self-involved that, like Victoria, he gets distracted by a mirror.


Your totally right. Being a cop is in their blood. I have several friends who are NYPD cops and they bleed blue. I can't even imagine not being able to be 100% yourself. He's almost there. Come on Derrick you can do it!!!!

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I don't think the person evicted at F5 or F4 go into the jury house. I am pretty sure everyone moves out of the jury house for the last week and stays in hotel rooms. If they do end up in the jury house it is only for a night.


That happened the one year the BB house was in Mexico.  It was too far away to get them back and forth.  Now everyone goes to the jury except F3.  We see footage every year of them sitting around discussing the vote and sometimes with a visitor. 

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He was pushing the fact that it has to be a double eviction on Wednesday pretty hard. He is a big BB fan and a feedster. He knows that they turn the feeds off for a day or 2 and pretape an eviction. Maybe he doesn't know. But I think out of anyone he would catch on since he's the only one in the house left who knows what the hell is ever going on. I know it's silly to say he shaved and that is why. But he has only cleaned up on eviction days. So that is also why it leads me to believe he thinks that. He might not of been 100 percent sure last night. But I think he has an inkling now. And he won't say anything cuz he doesn't want them to give Frankie a headsup.


Thanks Siobhan!  I wouldn't be surprised if he knew but I was curious how you could tell.   The fact that he only cleans up on eviction days is very telling and something I didn't know.  Thinking back to his pillow talk with Cody last night it did seem like he was trying to cover any possibility including a 'surprise' eviction so he at least suspected it.  And now that I think about it, that could by why when he and Caleb and Cody were talking about when to tell Frankie, Derrick supported the 15 minute before option.  I did laugh though when Derrick told those two that after telling Frankie, none of the three can be left alone with Frankie.  Derrick, maybe more than anyone, knows how easily the brain trust of Cody and Caleb can be manipulated.  

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Seems so.  It would be nice if this clip show is fun. Although Frankie going today is about as much fun as I can imagine. :-)


Nah, it's a clip show. Clip shows, by their very nature, suck balls. I've yet to see one that's halfway entertaining. I may watch the clip show... if there is absolutely nothing on at that time and I need some background noise. And honestly, with this crop of HGs, it'll probably just be as boring as normal. 

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Nah, it's a clip show. Clip shows, by their very nature, suck balls. I've yet to see one that's halfway entertaining. I may watch the clip show... if there is absolutely nothing on at that time and I need some background noise. And honestly, with this crop of HGs, it'll probably just be as boring as normal. 




Edited by wings707
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They don't know their tie dying is being taped for BBAD.  They just think it is a project they were given.


Where did you read they told the there was a BBAD broadcast?  I agree, that doesn't sound right.  

From this:

Well shit, I forgot that they're gonna be told they have to film a BBAD ep so they'll be tipped off that it's an eviction. This season sucks all the time GEESH!

Rereading it now - I see this was @peachmangosteen assuming they would be told, NOT stating they had been told. My mistake.

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That happened the one year the BB house was in Mexico. It was too far away to get them back and forth. Now everyone goes to the jury except F3. We see footage every year of them sitting around discussing the vote and sometimes with a visitor.

I think he might go for a day or 2. Andy said that Judd went for 2 days last year and then they were all put in sequester. I wonder when he would do the Jeff Interview? Would he do it on Wednesday morning? Or wait until Thursday which is when Jeff said he was doing the next one last week. If they are waiting til Thursday I can imagine he would stay in a hotel and he might not go to there Jury house.

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From this:

Rereading it now - I see this was @peachmangosteen assuming they would be told, NOT stating they had been told. My mistake.



I thought it must have been a misunderstanding due to wording.  Sometimes Jokers, in its brevity, can be easy to misinterpret, too.

I think he might go for a day or 2. Andy said that Judd went for 2 days last year and then they were all put in sequester. I wonder when he would do the Jeff Interview? Would he do it on Wednesday morning? Or wait until Thursday which is when Jeff said he was doing the next one last week. If they are waiting til Thursday I can imagine he would stay in a hotel and he might not go to there Jury house.


Jeff may have said Thursday not to spoil Julie's announcement about eviction today.  They like to catch them straight out of the gate rather than waiting. Better reaction.  I hope he does it sooner, of course! 

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That happened the one year the BB house was in Mexico.  It was too far away to get them back and forth.  Now everyone goes to the jury except F3.  We see footage every year of them sitting around discussing the vote and sometimes with a visitor.

Was that season 12? The only reason why I am asking is because Matt Hoffman said in his reedit chat a few years ago that Britney only spent a few hours in the jury house. Sounded like she came in late at night and spent the night  when asked if her and Rachel had any fights in the Jury house. He than said they were all put in hotel rooms.

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Was that season 12? The only reason why I am asking is because Matt Hoffman said in his reedit chat a few years ago that Britney only spent a few hours in the jury house. Sounded like she came in late at night and spent the night  when asked if her and Rachel had any fights in the Jury house. He than said they were all put in hotel rooms.



I don't remember.  Last year they were all there in the JH.  I remember that!  LOL! 


Frankie has 9 days left, why would they not put him in the JH?

Edited by wings707
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They might make it seem like he's been there but it's possible he could also only be there for a few hours. Have him come in and then a few hours later do the Jury round table then the next person evicted comes in and then they do it and then off to sequester they all go.

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The clip show should consist entirely of footage of Izzy, and a loop of Caleb & Cody Judy-chopping the button.  That scene will never not be funny.  


I appreciate y'all trying to talk me down off my "What if Frankie doesn't leave?" ledge.  Not sure it worked, though.  I remain stressed!

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Two things I hope to see in the clip show:

Nicole giving Zach a wedgie.

Frankie coming up with the ridiculous pronouncement that lesbians "start later in life" than gay men and actually change their orientation from heterosexuality.

Edited by TimWil
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Two things I hope to see in the clip show:

Nicole giving Zach a wedgie.

Frankie coming up with the ridiculous pronouncement that lesbians "start later in life" in gay men and actually change their orientation from heterosexuality.

Omg the Weggie that was the best!! They must show that!!

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I also really want them to show the Zach/Caleb fake fight, because that remains to be one of my favourite moments of the season, mostly because Zach isn't lying at all but Caleb is totally falling for it. Plus, we get to see Cody and Derrick exert energy by sprinting up the stairs to stop the fake fight.

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I am baffled at why anyone would think that Frankie will not be taken to the jury house exactly like everyone who preceded him?  Why would he be treated differently? There are 9 days left!   What would be the reason to do anything else?  Help me understand your logic.  


The are sequestered in the jury house. There would be no reason to take them elsewhere and keep them separate from each other. 

Edited by wings707
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Nah, it's a clip show. Clip shows, by their very nature, suck balls. I've yet to see one that's halfway entertaining. I may watch the clip show... if there is absolutely nothing on at that time and I need some background noise. And honestly, with this crop of HGs, it'll probably just be as boring as normal.

Every now and then they come up with something good, like an event clip from a camera which never made it onto the feeds or BBAD. Like, maybe, a close up of when Christine got knocked out of the "Luxury Comp" - showing exactly WHAT she was doing in the WC with that Sharpie she was stuffing in her pants pocket when she exited...?

<cue evil laugh here...>

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I think Frankie and evictee #13 (Wednesday night, right?) will stay in a hotel until maybe Friday to do their Jeff interviews and then go to the jury house. Just my opinion, based off nothing!

Edited because I can't count.

Edited by Txfeenix
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I am baffled at why anyone would think that Frankie will not be taken to the jury house exactly like everyone who preceded him?  Why would he be treated differently? There are 9 days left!   What would be the reason to do anything else?  Help me understand your logic.  

Because they LIKE the people in Jury. ;)

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I am baffled at why anyone would think that Frankie will not be taken to the jury house exactly like everyone who preceded him? Why would he be treated differently? There are 9 days left! What would be the reason to do anything else? Help me understand your logic.

The are sequestered in the jury house. There would be no reason to take them elsewhere and keep them separate from each other.

Because apparently the Jury gets sequestered separately in hotels a week prior to the finale. So that is why people aren't sure if Frankie will even stay in the jury house. He might be filmed showing up there and the rest of the jurors reacting but it's possible that he might not even stay. Judd was only there 2 days, someone posted above that Britney was there for a few hours prolly just filming her arrival. So he isn't getting special treatment just that it just might work out that he isn't actually staying there. Depends on when his interviews are as well.

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Because apparently the Jury gets sequestered separately in hotels a week prior to the finale. So that is why people aren't sure if Frankie will even stay in the jury house. He might be filmed showing up there and the rest of the jurors reacting but it's possible that he might not even stay. Judd was only there 2 days, someone posted above that Britney was there for a few hours prolly just filming her arrival. So he isn't getting special treatment just that it just might work out that he isn't actually staying there. Depends on when his interviews are as well.

Any chance Frankie could be sequestered in a Super 8 in Compton?

I only ask because a "Yes" answer would give my body electric voice to a gladdened shout which would shake the vaults of Heaven.

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Every now and then they come up with something good, like an event clip from a camera which never made it onto the feeds or BBAD. Like, maybe, a close up of when Christine got knocked out of the "Luxury Comp" - showing exactly WHAT she was doing in the WC with that Sharpie she was stuffing in her pants pocket when she exited...?

<cue evil laugh here...>


That's the stuff I always hope to see but they never show that stuff. That's why I've given up on clip shows. They have a narrative that they still have to follow and while Christine is one of the "villains" this season (the booing and cold jury reception got that across quite nicely), I doubt they would show that. The show is still a sanitized version of what we see on the feeds and what actually happens and I don't think the clip show will be any different. Besides, they seem to hate the viewers this year. Watch us get treated to an extended version of Frankie's "overwhelming... no" play.


(Not trying to be a party pooper, I think I've just hit my limit with this season. I feel less snarky and more "ugh, these people" as we get closer to the end. Victoria of all people is my only hope at this point.)

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Since Frankie's mom probably won't be showing up at the finale with an agent for him, I'm sure he'll go back to his stupid youtube videos and the limited success he's had with them.  Big Brother definitely isn't going to be his stepping stone to fame.


Frankie is so hungry for attention, it will never be enough - even if he did gain fame.  His family needs to find him a nice dinner theatre, name it The Frankie J. Grande Theatre, and let him be star of the show.  They can start with Kinky Boots, then a revival of Cabaret, where he will portray the Master of Ceremonies.  He will get standing ovations nightly.  They can arrange for nightly curtain calls where he will be presented with roses, and he will end each night in tears of happiness.  It would be a kindness to the rest of the world.

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If Victoria gets to F2, I hope she wins just out of spite.



It wouldn't even have to be spite, but as a message to future players.  Most of the folks in jury are genuine fans -- I'd love it if one of them said "As long as people can drag goats to the end and win, people will keep dragging goats to the end to win.  So we're doing this so future players will think twice about that strategy, knowing that it could backfire.  Congratulations, Victoria - they hand picked you for your win."

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I have faith in Miss Cleo.  He has a pulse on things. 




Interesting photo of house all dark. 




This from an expanded tweet. Miss Cleo BB ‏@MissCleoBB  16h
The HGs won't get a heads up that an eviction's about to happen. During BB14, we literally had to whisper as we entered the studio. #BB16

Edited by wings707
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I dunno.... I'm not sure Victoria really serves as a goat so much as there hasn't been a good reason to vote her out when there were bigger fish to fry. And she's in an alliance that serves Derrick. Really, it seems to me that each person voted out has been chosen because they were the biggest threat at the time, with the only exception being Jacosta. In that respect, they aren't really bringing a goat so much as eliminating threats.

Jacosta was with Donny. She was expendable when BOB was still in play, Donny and Frankie were winning veto, and the detonators had to prove something to each other.

Zach was too unpredictable and openly running back and forth.

Hayden was starting to rally an alliance.

Nicole was a threat because she put Frankie up and was on to Derrick.

Donny was on to Derrick.

Christine was plotting against everybody with everybody.

Edited by Seawolff
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Any chance Frankie could be sequestered in a Super 8 in Compton?

I only ask because a "Yes" answer would give my body electric voice to a gladdened shout which would shake the vaults of Heaven.

Yes Yes Yes!! Wouldn't that be glorious!!! Haha!! The Jury gets to hang out in a nice mansion. And he gets a hotel in Compton for a few days!! lol. Oh the dreams we have!! Haha

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Brittany Martinez @britt4skin  ·  Sep 12
Hopping on board #AnyoneButFrankie had to do it. #sorrynotsorry




Devin's being supportive of Frankie's mom, seems his main issue is with Christine:


Devin shepherd @DevinShepBB16  ·  Sep 11
In bed last night thought about what I'm going to say to the jury members at finale? Great job! All be proud! #BBChristine not u tho #BB16 

Edited by willpwr
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I am hoping we know when the feeds come on after the Tuesday show.   I would LOVE to know tonight and maybe there will be a spoiler. I am giddy at the thought but not counting on it.  



Group hug. :-)

It will leak on Twitter since there are CBS people and their guests in the audience.  I'm sure a fake twitter rumor will start at some point that Victoria went out, everyone will go in a tizzy, and then it will even out with the truth.  No one panic tonight when that happens!


Two things I hope to see in the clip show:

Nicole giving Zach a wedgie.



I also really want them to show the Zach/Caleb fake fight, because that remains to be one of my favourite moments of the season, mostly because Zach isn't lying at all but Caleb is totally falling for it. Plus, we get to see Cody and Derrick exert energy by sprinting up the stairs to stop the fake fight.

I want these two things very much and also when Caleb was giving Cody shit for cuddling Christine in the HoH room one night and demonstrated by cuddling Zach.  My bastard ass DVR erased that BBAD episode, but it was by far the funniest thing I saw all season. That night was when my opinion of Caleb changed from psycho stalker to amusing character.

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I dunno.... I'm not sure she really serves as a goat so much as there hasn't been a good reason to vote her out when there were bigger fish to fry. And she's in an alliance that serves Derrick. Really, it seems to me that each person voted out has been chosen because they were the biggest threat at the time, with the only exception being Jacosta. In that respect, they aren't really bringing a goat so much as eliminating threats.

Jacosta was with Donny. She was expendable when BOB was still in play, Donny and Frankie were winning veto, and the detonators had to prove something to each other.

Zach was too unpredictable and openly running back and forth.

Hayden was starting to rally an alliance.

Nicole was a threat because she put Frankie up and was on to Derrick.

Donny was on to Derrick.

Christine was plotting against everybody with everybody.



Good post, I agree with you.  This season has taken a logical route from Derricks position and he is doing the heavy lifting. There were opportunities others missed, no one's fault but there own.  I am looking forward to the next 9 days to see if Derrick can take this home. 

It will leak on Twitter since there are CBS people and their guests in the audience.  I'm sure a fake twitter rumor will start at some point that Victoria went out, everyone will go in a tizzy, and then it will even out with the truth.  No one panic tonight when that happens!



That is exactly what I expect.  

Edited by wings707
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It will leak on Twitter since there are CBS people and their guests in the audience.  I'm sure a fake twitter rumor will start at some point that Victoria went out, everyone will go in a tizzy, and then it will even out with the truth.  No one panic tonight when that happens!



So, I should stay far far away from twitter for a while, lest I have an actual heart attack?  

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Good post, I agree with you.  This season has taken a logical route from Derricks position and he is doing the heavy lifting. There were opportunities others missed, no one's fault but there own.  I am looking forward to the next 9 days to see if Derrick can take this home.



Oh sure, the season has been very logical for Derrick. It has been illogical for the other members of his alliance. And that, in a nut shell, is the issue I'll always have with his certain victory (I give his chances of losing at roughly 5%. The only remaining scenario where he loses is Caleb wins POV, they vote out Victoria and then Caleb wins HoH and takes Cody. 5% might be a TAD low for those two things happening, but no more than 10% at the most). 

The Brigade's season, for instance, made sense. This season has not. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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A tweet from Miss Cleo... totally spot on

"If Frankie were booed, he'd just say "see Julie? They HATE that Derrick & Cody betrayed me! The world is devastated right now!" #BB16"

Yep Frankie is THAT delusional



I am not adept at twitter.  Just went to Miss Cleo on twitter and don't see this.  What am I doing wrong? 

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It's here: https://twitter.com/MissCleoBB and right now it's the second tweet down from the top.



Funny, I have been on that thread and just looked at the top tweet to see if there was anything new  Yes I read that earlier and forgot I did!  It has been said so many times before that I did not register.  I was focused on keeping current on his tweets. 

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Would anyone ever let Frankie be around a young boy? I sure wouldn't. What he has been doing to the adult males is sexual harassment. They are even now telling him to stop and he keeps doing it.

That's a pretty big leap, and one I'm not comfortable with. I cant stand Frankie and his harrassment of the guys, but I have seen nothing that would suggest he's a pedophile. Edited by Pixel
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That's a pretty big leap, and one I'm not comfortable with. I cant stand Frankie and his harrassment of the guys, but I have seen nothing that would suggest he's a pedophile.

Thanks. I was going to say that any number of heterosexual males grope and harass women, but have zero sexual interest in children. I realize that Frankie respects few boundaries with people, but there is nothing to suggest he has a sexual interest in children.

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One of the people I follow on Twitter says he/she has an In at CBS and could find out what happened, but they aren't sure if they are going to ask because they possibly want to be surprised!! I hope they find out!! We need to know what went down!!

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I know the audience will be CBS employees and guests but I would so love for the employees to not give a crap and boo Frankie anyway. Of course Frankie would then try to pass it off as boos that the others evicted him. His head then explodes when Julie tells him "Nope. These are employees of CBS."

Hey, a girl can dream can't she?

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One of the people I follow on Twitter says he/she has an In at CBS and could find out what happened, but they aren't sure if they are going to ask because they possibly want to be surprised!! I hope they find out!! We need to know what went down!!



Oh good god.  People are shot for less. . Go tweet her and get her off that nonsense. 

I know the audience will be CBS employees and guests but I would so love for the employees to not give a crap and boo Frankie anyway. Of course Frankie would then try to pass it off as boos that the others evicted him. His head then explodes when Julie tells him "Nope. These are employees of CBS."

Hey, a girl can dream can't she?


A CBS audience booed Aaryn.  You don't need many to prove a point.  

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One of the people I follow on Twitter says he/she has an In at CBS and could find out what happened, but they aren't sure if they are going to ask because they possibly want to be surprised!! I hope they find out!! We need to know what went down!!


Who really wants to be surprised?  What a silly silly concept.  I WANT AND NEED TO KNOW NOW.  

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