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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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What I got from Caleb's conversation with Frankie today is that Caleb's worst fear is to be beaten by a woman. He thinks it's honorable to be beaten by a man whom he deems a worthy competitor (not Donny), but being beaten by a woman is humiliating. … He's fine with Derrick's plan to go to the end with the four amigos and let whoever wins the comps advance because he's assuming that he'll win all the comps. His only concern is that the jury may not vote on the basis of who won the most comps (which, obviously, they should).


I listened to Rob C.'s podcast with Rachel and Brendon, and Brendon said about Caleb that he's a great competitor, but not a good gamer. I thought that was a pretty good summary. He's like the guys on Survivor who think it's all about Outplay, and forget about Outwit and Outlast. 


For me, the way Derrick has handled Caleb all season should get him the win, and is a big key to his success. Caleb truly thinks that he has made all of the decisions for the alliance, and Derrick is the reason he still believes that. I think Derrick recognized Caleb's ability to twist events in his mind to make himself the star and hero of any situation and has used it all along. 

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I guess I am the only one who thinks Derrick is attractive.  If I was in the house, I would be more interested in Derrick than I would be in the supposed "model" types in the house.  I like his look, I like his personality and I actually find it attractive that he is a family man.


I kind've do too shelley1005. I like a man-in-charge...to a certain extent. lol



plus Ariana's fame hasn't helped her own brother get his foot in any doors


parisprincess, her skyrocketing fame this summer isn't going to help either. Frankie blew up every chance he MAY have had using his sister's fame. She hasn't mentioned him in ages. lol



These feeds are going to be completely boring until Thursday, aren't they?

 Yes, Turtle. :/

Edited by housecat
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I also hate that Derrick has never been put on the block before. For the sole reason that he will "go down in BB history" for that. 


I don't think Danielle Reyes ever went on the block in BB3, did she? Lisa did win the FInal HOH, which means the two remaining houseguests automatically go on the block, but that's the gray area.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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I don't think Danielle Reyes ever went on the block in BB3, did she? Lisa did win the FInal HOH, which means the two remaining houseguests automatically go on the block, but that's the gray area.

Danielle and Jason were never nominated until the final 3. Danielle never won HOH until the final 4 which is why I personally find it more impressive.

  • Love 5
Therefore, if Caleb had the ability to think logically, he'd realize that meeting Ariana at the finale is probably all he's going to get for his loyalty to Frankie.



Remember how half the summer Caleb was up in arms over Amber's disrespect of a relationship that never even existed?  I'm sure in his mind he has joined Frankie on the road with Ariana, been assigned the position of personal bodyguard, she has fallen for him hard because he's the only one who can make her feel safe,, he has convinced her to do a country album, she says ""I won't do it unless we do a couple of duets on it" and Nashville is so blown away by his talent he gets signed to his own contract.    

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My 11 year old grandson told me that Arianna Grande' s show, Sam&Cat (I think that's what it's called) got cancelled because there were problems on the show with Arianna needing all the attention and basically acting like Frankie. THIS coming from my 11 year old which I find funny.


*ears perked up*


I heard that Ariana's costar, (who played Cat) tried to get her own singing career to take off and that it totally didn't. Wonder if 'sam' and 'cat' are friendly now?


You'd think Frankie could have found some work being around tv industry people when his sister was on Nick jr. I wonder how bad his reputation really is amongst those people. Must be bad...

  • Love 4

My 11 year old grandson told me that Arianna Grande' s show, Sam&Cat (I think that's what it's called) got cancelled because there were problems on the show with Arianna needing all the attention and basically acting like Frankie. THIS coming from my 11 year old which I find funny.


Not to defend Ariana, but I heard the opposite....that it was the other girl Jennette or whatever her name is that was the drama and problems behind the scene.  That she was jealous of all the fame and time off and what not they were giving Ariana for her album and what have you.  But I really have no idea since I had no idea who Ariana Grande was before this summer.  

I heard that Jeanette (or whatever her name is) was being paid much less than Ariana and wanted to be paid more equitably, especially since the show was doing pretty well. Nickelodeon tried to use the leaked photos of Jeanette as a reason not to pay her more (even though they weren't really all that risqué and there was basically no fan backlash over them whatsoever), and eventually contract negotiations broke down. The network was being unreasonable and manipulative with a young star, and Ariana wasn't particularly supportive of a friend and long-time costar but also not a big drama queen about it.

On another note, I like Derrick too, and they said on Jokers that one reason he and Cody were was against back dooring Frankie was that it was a big move and he didn't want Caleb getting the credit for it, which I think makes perfect sense.

Finally, Frankie just gave a shout out to all the people in labor on Labor Day. While I hate him, I actually appreciated it seeing as I am in the hospital with my newborn typing this:)

  • Love 16


Finally, Frankie just gave a shout out to all the people in labor on Labor Day. While I hate him, I actually appreciated it seeing as I am in the hospital with my newborn typing this:)



OMG! Are you my neighbour who had a baby girl?? lol MhL2016 <-- the initials are where I live!!!



It bothers me that the "Bomb Squad" is so proud of their alliance and how they lasted this long. Maybe its because I watch the feeds this year, but to me they are not really an alliance especially the way the Brigade was or even the Friendship or others. To me an alliance actually sticks together. They don't have a million sub alliances and they don't seriously contemplate voting each other out so early in the game. Oh and they also don't vote a member out the first week or two after they formed (Devon). 


Maybe I just feel this way because I can't stand them? Either way, it pisses me off. And in the future, I will not look to them as a "solid alliance."

The best part is that the "Bomb Squad" was tossed aside (along with Caleb and Amber) for "The Detonators" over a month ago but to this day, Caleb has no idea about any of that.  I guess when The Detonators evicted one of their own (Zach) then they went back to Caleb and his Bomb Squad.  Sheesh.   If there is any money left in the lame Team America budget they should spend it refunding everyone for their feeds. 


peachmangosteen, I love Expect the Expected as the theme for this season.  It applies to both the viewers, the feedwatchers, and even the houseguests who have successfully called at least one comp and two DE long before they actually happened. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I'm sure in his mind he has joined Frankie on the road with Ariana, been assigned the position of personal bodyguard, she has fallen for him hard because he's the only one who can make her feel safe,


And he scoops Ariana up in his arms, while she sings "And I Will Always Love You".  And Amber crys her little heart out because she could have had him.

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While watching the feeds earlier, I almost (almost) felt like Derrick deserved the win for all the time he's spent coddling Victoria. Sitting next to her and trying to cheer her up while she sat there sighing and pouting and not saying anything. But then later he was in the HOH room with Caleb and Cody and dissed her to them. Derrick thought Victoria wanted to talk game to him, but she wanted his opinion on a personal matter. Derrick told C/C, no way, f*ck that. He didn't want to hear that. Cody said something about next Victoria would ask Derrick what she should wear. Derrick said, she did, that very day. And they all laughed at poor Victoria.


So at this point, if some miraculous chain of events led to Derrick being evicted before Victoria, I would laugh myself sick. And I don't really even care for Victoria.

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I heard that Jeanette (or whatever her name is) was being paid much less than Ariana and wanted to be paid more equitably, especially since the show was doing pretty well. Nickelodeon tried to use the leaked photos of Jeanette as a reason not to pay her more (even though they weren't really all that risqué and there was basically no fan backlash over them whatsoever), and eventually contract negotiations broke down. The network was being unreasonable and manipulative with a young star, and Ariana wasn't particularly supportive of a friend and long-time costar but also not a big drama queen about it.



I wouldn't say they were long-time co-stars.  Grandes's "Cat" was from the series Victorious and McCurdy's "Sam" was from the show iCarly.  The characters were brought together for the new show which lasted one season.  Both shows were from producer Dan Schneider who some may remember as one of the students on the show Head of the Class.

Edited by networker
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So "social media mogul" Perez Hilton has called out Frankie 


Perez Hilton calling someone out?  That's rich.  This just after his apology for basically being a shady fuck.


OMG! Are you my neighbour who had a baby girl?? lol MhL2016 <-- the initials are where I live!!!




That's freaky.



From Joker's


Frankie tells Caleb & Derrick he is way straighter than Cody.  - Favortie


You wish, Frankie.

  • Love 1

Apropos of nothing that I saw, Frankie decided to enlighten the other HGs about glory holes. Probably this is what he thinks is exciting and edgy. I only found out about them oh -- something like 40 years ago.

ETA I want him out because he is so gratuitously gross

Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 6

The difference between Frankie and Caleb is that Caleb actually has potential marketability as a mainstream entertainer and Frankie doesn't. With the proper intros that Frankie could provide (via his sister, who no doubt has a lot of important connections) Caleb could actually get somewhere. And he kept this in mind when he considered backdooring Frankie.

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I wonder who would be more shocked and upset about the revelation on Finale Night that Derek is a cop: Cody or Caleb. I think Caleb would be. Remember what he said to Frankie after finding out he had a famous sister?

Drunken Dinosaur Cody and Frankie are grabbing each other's asses. I suspect this isn't the first time Frankie has taken advantage of an inebriated young lad.


No, what did he say after finding out Frankie had a famous sister?



The bottom of Christine's feet are filthy.  Yuck.  She's nasty.


Victoria is soooooo in love with Derrick, it's pathetic.

It looks like Cody cut off the sleeves and legs of his dinosaur costume. It now looks like a Bam-Bam Rubble camo outfit.  With a dinosaur head.  I wonder if production got pissed when that happened?  


I was off the feeds for a while - but it seems Cody is shithoused again  Not judging, mind you - been known to go there myself.  So did they have the party they were begging for, or did they just get booze?  And is Cody the only one who got drunk?

He also said if they were outside of the house he would have punched Frankie in the face or something, right?  Like, Caleb was so scandalized by Frankie withholding this information that his initial reaction was to want to hit him.  It was only after he was able to marinate in the idea that Frankie's sister being a famous singer might in some way help his own singing career that he wasn't mad anymore.

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It looks like Cody cut off the sleeves and legs of his dinosaur costume. It now looks like a Bam-Bam Rubble camo outfit.  With a dinosaur head.  I wonder if production got pissed when that happened?  

They gave him a new costume that was cut up I guess since he was really hot.

Derrick Is a saint when it comes to dealing with Victoria I would of snapped on Victoria weeks ago. Seriously he deserves to win just for this alone. Lol.

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BBAD comes on here at midnight, but it's really taped the hours of 9-12 , so what's going on now is what I will be watching. Is there anything going on worth waiting to watch? First year for me In YEARS I did not get the live feeds. BTW, I came over here from telivision without pity and I am getting to really like it here. I'm also a frequent visitor of Survivor Sucks Forums, but only during BB. Their pretty brutal over there, but damn funny and pretty much right on target about everything strategy wise.

I would absolutely watch another show with Caleb on it.  Funny how things change, because in the beginning I could not stand him, and wanted him to fail spectacularly at everything he did just to kick some holes in his crazy ego.  Now, I actually find him endearing in some ways, and while I know he lies about most of his accomplishments, seeing that when Derrick called him out about going to West Point and he just laughed and admitted he didn't, went really far in redeeming him to me.  I will never be okay with his insane opinions about how Amber should have reacted to his interest, but because she has been safely away from him for so long that has turned into a hazy memory and I have ever since been incredibly amused by him.  Also, some of the stuff he brags about he actually can back up, like he said he was good at juggling, and damn if he isn't.  It's weird, but by now, out of everyone left in the house, Caleb is my favorite, and I did not see that coming at all.


On the other hand, during week one, I actually not only thought I was going to like Frankie, I thought he was a good looking man (from just a standpoint of chiseled, symmetrical features and fitness, someone that I could understand it if other men found him attractive).  Now, I can't look at him without suppressing a heave, I think he is hideous, and his personality, well....we all know how I feel about that.  I now sit polar opposite of where I was in the beginning of the season with him.


These animal outfits aren't amusing to me.  I remember what Jen did with the unitard, and that was pretty much the pinnacle of the wardrobe punishments, because she abided by the rules but still managed to take something that looked silly, to something that looked fabulous.  Nicole carrying her beer props were funnier to me than the outfits, and if they changed these punishments from wearing something for 7 days to having to carry around some ridiculous prop all the time, I might enjoy that more.


I'm really burned out.  These people are killing me with the predictability and the fact that they never talk about anything interesting.  Caleb is the only one left who says things that I care to hear the end of, because you never know when he's going to bust out with some non-sequitur, like gangrene.

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You guys will never guess who is all grabby and touchy with an almost-passed-out Cody.  No, seriously, try to guess.  You'll never get it right.  (Hint: it's not Christine)


All of a sudden I feel bad for Derrick - Vic it sobbing, and it was so bad that Nicole left her and went to get Derrick to deal with her. Vic is freaking out that Derrick might leave before her, and it is breaking her heart.  And Derrick is trying to talk her down, but it is.. unfortunate.  He's doing a good job of reminding her that it's all just game, and telling her to stop taking it so personally, but I think he is starting to regret being her go-to guy.    And she just keeps on crying.  Yikes. 



Edited by Turtle


All of a sudden I feel bad for Derrick - Vic it sobbing, and it was so bad that Nicole left her and went to get Derrick to deal with her


Why does that make you feel sad for Derrick? Wasn't part of his game to make her emotionally dependent on him?  Playing someone emotionally/then living with an emotional person seems fair.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 10

I would absolutely watch another show with Caleb on it.  Funny how things change, because in the beginning I could not stand him, and wanted him to fail spectacularly at everything he did just to kick some holes in his crazy ego.  Now, I actually find him endearing in some ways, and while I know he lies about most of his accomplishments, seeing that when Derrick called him out about going to West Point and he just laughed and admitted he didn't, went really far in redeeming him to me.  I will never be okay with his insane opinions about how Amber should have reacted to his interest, but because she has been safely away from him for so long that has turned into a hazy memory and I have ever since been incredibly amused by him.  Also, some of the stuff he brags about he actually can back up, like he said he was good at juggling, and damn if he isn't.  It's weird, but by now, out of everyone left in the house, Caleb is my favorite, and I did not see that coming at all.


On the other hand, during week one, I actually not only thought I was going to like Frankie, I thought he was a good looking man (from just a standpoint of chiseled, symmetrical features and fitness, someone that I could understand it if other men found him attractive).  Now, I can't look at him without suppressing a heave, I think he is hideous, and his personality, well....we all know how I feel about that.  I now sit polar opposite of where I was in the beginning of the season with him.


Caleb is the only one left who says things that I care to hear the end of, because you never know when he's going to bust out with some non-sequitur, like gangrene.

You summed up my EXACT sentiments.

All of a sudden I feel bad for Derrick - Vic it sobbing, and it was so bad that Nicole left her and went to get Derrick to deal with her

Why does that make you feel sad for Derrick? Wasn't part of his game to make her emotionally dependent on him?  Playing someone emotionally/then living with an emotional person seems fair.


Good point, Pennben.  He has definitely encouraged her to depend on him exclusively, and some of this is reaping what he sowed.  But I still sympathize with how annoying it must be for him to have to expend so much energy taking care of her.  I see it as - he created the situation, but the situation is worse than he expected.  And really, I only felt bad for him for the moment, when he walked in to the FR to her sobbing and knew he had to, once again, deal with this hot mess. 


Edited by Turtle
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Finally, Frankie just gave a shout out to all the people in labor on Labor Day. While I hate him, I actually appreciated it seeing as I am in the hospital with my newborn typing this:)

Congratulations.  I hope you have a happy, healthy baby!!!!  

Hee!!  You just reminded me that he claimed he has already sold numerous reality shows prior to this.  For some reason or another (as in they never existed), they've never aired!

Did a shift at Lowe's get in the way again?

  • Love 3

Apropos of nothing that I saw, Frankie decided to enlighten the other HGs about glory holes. Probably this is what he thinks is exciting and edgy. I only found out about them oh -- something like 40 years ago.

ETA I want him out because he is so gratuitously gross


Heh.  I'd never heard of them until a friend of one of my kids went to work in a porn shop.  Yep, one of his jobs was to check and clean them hourly.

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I am 44 years old and didn't know what a glory hole was until now.  Thanks a lot, Frankie.  How many different ways can you disgust me?  Apparently, there is no limit.


I would much rather watch what's happening in the Jury House right now than the BB House.  And that's saying a lot, because, Jocasta.


edited to correct my age from 46 to 44.  I got confused, because this season feels like it has aged me by at least two years.

Edited by Irritable
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