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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Kinda late responding to this, but I would LOVE to watch this.  Seeing how alike or differently these total show virgins would play the game would be intriguing.  I'm all for it!




If Caleb was in the WC, why did it say "VACANT"?  Wouldn't it be "OCCUPIED"?


Just a few comments and observations and maybe a question or two:


What was Zingbot's "zing" regarding Cody and Christine?


Speaking of Christine, may I just say that I DETEST HER!!  She looks dirty (although her hair appears to always be clean) and her cackling drives me nuts.  I think her relationship with Cody has been pretty much covered, but if I were Tim, I'd be so hurt and furious with her showing total disrespect for me on national television that I don't think I could recover from it.  Probably more hurt than angry.


And who taught her to peel a potato?  I was enthralled watching her butcher that poor spud last night.  Thank goodness Cody stepped in to save it.  She wasn't much on cutting them up either.  


How did Frankie leave a message on the dining room table?  They don't have access to pen and paper.  Did he carve it with a butter knife?


And speaking of Frankie, I can't believe I sat there and watched him take a bath last night.  An entire bath.  Oh, when he said that DR had hinted to him to keep Donny, they got the loud speaker, "Houseguests, please don't talk about your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests."  So they got that instead of fish.


Watching Victoria and Derrick together is truly sickening.  I'm not a prude by any means, but I feel so bad for Derrick's wife.  If I was sitting at home with our baby watching this, I would be mortified, horrified and fit to be tied.  He'd better take home that half-a-mil.


Last night he was laying on the bed fiddling with that stick thingy and he was using it to play with her hair.  It seemed very intimate to me ... definitely something between a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife (all that includes same gender relationships, BTW).  She said "That feels good." Watching her watching him is awkward.  Victoria is SO in love with Derrick, it's ridiculous.  And he's just eating it all up.  She's going to be devastated when this game is over and she goes back to her parents and he returns (maybe, maybe not) to his wife.  I think it's going to be very difficult for her. Her stroking his leg was just ... poor Jana.


I've been thinking about the early seasons.  I may be wrong, but didn't they actually have to wash their clothes in a bucket then hang them out to dry?  Didn't they have a garden and have to raise their own vegetables?  Didn't they also raise chickens for eggs, thus Chicken George?  I recall they had nothing to do for entertainment until America voted on some luxury items they could get, such as a treadmill or maybe a grill.  I just remember they had NOTHING to do.  Also, when they were evicted, it seems their family was there waiting for them.  I also seem to remember production putting a bunch of clothes and accessories in the house and the houseguests were let loose to put on and keep as many as they could put on.


I could have invented that entire last paragraph, but I don't think so.  And the first winner had a leg missing, right?


Ok, this is long enough.  I doubt anybody actually read it all, but I haven't been able to catch up for a few days.


Team Donny!!!


I read it all!  Yes you are correct about season one.


I agree about BB virgins OR I would like super fans.  Either would be good.  I like All Stars, as well.


The occupied/vacant sign has to be turned over by the HG who uses it, they often forget. 


Yeah, the intimacy show by those married is sad for their spouses. 


I almost think production wanted viewers to hear that they had been advocating for Donny to stay (instead of fish).  Their twitter has probably been blown up with pleas to help Donny.  And as I said earlier in this thread, too little way too late. 

I read it all, thanks for the memories.  I miss the clothes shopping, that often came with Pandora's Box.  They used to have to earn the treadmill, weights, jacuzzi, swimming pool, grill, luxury dinners, etc.  Now they get some of those without doing a damn thing.  The ants in the house are working harder than any of the HGs.


My favourite part of that first season was the pug named Chiquita (didn't they nickname her Pugita?) that they took care of for a bit. She came with the warning that she farted, a lot, and I think one of her favourite foods was burritos. Gee, you think there might be some connection between those two things?


I was going to say that I would have loved it if they continued to give them a pet for a short time, but with this season's crop of HGs, I wouldn't trust a live animal with half of them. 


I think I'm just gonna root for the ants in future seasons now. They'll disappoint me the least.

  • Love 6


Watching Victoria and Derrick together is truly sickening.  I'm not a prude by any means, but I feel so bad for Derrick's wife.  If I was sitting at home with our baby watching this, I would be mortified, horrified and fit to be tied.  He'd better take home that half-a-mil.


Last night he was laying on the bed fiddling with that stick thingy and he was using it to play with her hair.  It seemed very intimate to me ... definitely something between a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife (all that includes same gender relationships, BTW).  She said "That feels good." Watching her watching him is awkward.  Victoria is SO in love with Derrick, it's ridiculous.  And he's just eating it all up.  She's going to be devastated when this game is over and she goes back to her parents and he returns (maybe, maybe not) to his wife.  I think it's going to be very difficult for her. Her stroking his leg was just ... poor Jana.



I think she really likes Derrick, and hasn't been told "no" many times in life, and I think it could spell disaster if she decides she really wants to spend more time with him.  I mean don't they do interviews and stuff as a group?  so would it be possible for Derrick and Victoria to meet up again?

  • Love 2

Another thing they haven't done much of this year are the home visits.  Nicole's is the only one I can remember.  Maybe CBS got mail after the pre-teen cousin said that Hayden wanted to "sex up" Nicole.  :-/   Plus it isn't like they can really talk to Derrick's wife, Christine's husband or the families of their paramours.   And Amber probably already has a restraining order on Cody and anyone who shares his DNA.  


But I would have loved to see Donny's hometown and an interview of his Kristine.  

My favourite part of that first season was the pug named Chiquita (didn't they nickname her Pugita?) that they took care of for a bit. She came with the warning that she farted, a lot, and I think one of her favourite foods was burritos. Gee, you think there might be some connection between those two things?


I was going to say that I would have loved it if they continued to give them a pet for a short time, but with this season's crop of HGs, I wouldn't trust a live animal with half of them. 



I was thinking about the Pug just the other day and how excited they all were when she entered the house.   I thought that would be a good twist for this season, but yeah, with this group, maybe not.  They'd probably forget to give her food and water.

Edited by Gemma Violet

Feeds back, they all did the ice bucket challenge. I am so sick of that. No money is being made for ALS, everyone is just doing it for fun.

That's not true they have raised about 70 million dollars since it started. That's a good chunk of change.

But I have my own beef with it. I think it's foolish to waste water like that esp with me living in a place that is in a drought.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 8

That's not true they have raised about 70 million dollars since it started. That's a good chunk of change.

But I have my own beef with it. I think it's foolish to waste water like that esp with me living in a place that is in a drought.


I know that.  I am saying they are not making money on people dumping ice water on their heads.  They are making it from donations.  And good for them, clever way to bring attention to ALS.  The HGs doing this brings them zero $$.  

Things like this always seem silly because they have no idea what it is.  They only person who might know is Zach, and that's just because it started hitting the golf world in late June.  My husband did his July 1 (through work which is also golf) and when he told me about it, it was not new to me.  I don't think that most people knew about it before the HG were put in the house though.


Thanks chocolatechip45.  That's the only episode I've missed.  I had to catch a 5:30 AM flight the next day, which meant I went to bed before the show started that night.  I'll see if I can find that interview on line.

No problem they sent Jeff to his hometown and interviewed his girlfriend and his whole family.

For the record, and under oath, I think Julie will ask about Christine's cuddling with Cody, and Julie's personal life has absolutely nothing to do with the show. What else is there to talk to Christine about? I'd rather be seen as a ghost like Victoria than a complete bitch and disgusting creature like Christine.

  • Love 2

I'm pretty surprised they didn't do a Zankie hometown visit.  The parents live fairly close to each other I think?  I am just guessing that Frankie's mom lives in south Florida, I don't actually know.  Maybe they blew that budget having Ariana and her mom in the live audience.


I can't remember if it was commented on here, but Hayden told Nicole he saw Ariana in the audience when he was evicted and that she gave him the stink eye. There are a bunch of missing pieces to that story (did he recognize her? or just asked who that was with all the attention?), but it's kinda funny because I'm just guessing that she was just making a normal face. Or *her* normal face I should say.  She has a bit of a resting bitch face, but I'm sure she's a lovely girl. 


ETA: Just me, or bitch face?  http://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/01/ariana-grande-for-cosmopolitan-magazine/ (yes, I googled Ariana bitchface to find this evidence, but as it is the cover of Cosmo, I rest my case)

Edited by AndreaK1041

I'm pretty surprised they didn't do a Zankie hometown visit. The parents live fairly close to each other I think? I am just guessing that Frankie's mom lives in south Florida, I don't actually know. Maybe they blew that budget having Ariana and her mom in the live audience.

I can't remember if it was commented on here, but Hayden told Nicole he saw Ariana in the audience when he was evicted and that she gave him the stink eye. There are a bunch of missing pieces to that story (did he recognize her? or just asked who that was with all the attention?), but it's kinda funny because I'm just guessing that she was just making a normal face. Or *her* normal face I should say. She has a bit of a resting bitch face, but I'm sure she's a lovely girl.

ETA: Just me, or bitch face? http://tomandlorenzo.com/2014/01/ariana-grande-for-cosmopolitan-magazine/ (yes, I googled Ariana bitchface to find this evidence, but as it is the cover of Cosmo, I rest my case)

I was surprised they at least didn't do a Zach one with the amount of hype he had. Especially do one after the week he was almost outed over Jocasta and was saved.

Onto Ariana and Hayden maybe she was backstage at some point with him

or in passing and he asked who she was and they told her. He also had said something negative about Frankie during his interview didn't he? His reaction when Nicole told them that Frankie was her brother was a look of OMG! And I'm assuming he proceeded to tell them that he saw her that night. And the dirty look makes sense now.

Edited by SiobhanJW

Oh, but Julie Chen challenged the current BB houseguests (House and Jury), and all BB houseguests from prior seasons to the ice bucket challenge on last week's show.  They had to do it before the next broadcast show.  I actually hope they didn't tell 'em why.  Just lined 'em up like it was a quiz comp, then dumped on 'em, then said "Thanks!  Inside lockdown now...."

  • Love 3
WINGS707, ON 26 AUG 2014 - 5:56 PM, SAID:

I don't think Victoria will make it to F2.  She and Derrick are being more open and it will come to the attention of the others when Donny and Nichole are gone.  They will be seen as an alliance.  Frankie will pick up on this.  She is the easiest vote out when they have to turn on each other.  The no blood on hands always prevails.


I think anyone would take Victoria to F2 if they had the option. The threat of course, is that IF Vic won she would take DERRICK to the F2 with her. But I don't think any of them consider that she will even win anything at all. 


Some of the scenes from the Derrick & Victoria montage were misleading though. Seeing them like that does make it appear that there is something going on. But I remember seeing some of those actions and in real life they were NOT sexual or how it was presented. Yes there was touching which can be seen as sexual. But I mean some of the other scenes with the "looks" and "glances" that they supposedly gave one another. Some of those were out of place and context. Without hearing what they are saying and the context around those clips, I wouldn't look too deeply into it. Anyone can take images and clips and make the same montage about almost any two houseguests. 


That being said, I am not saying there isn't inappropriate touching/flirting going on. (I don't see it as more inappropriate than Christine's behavior. And I don't really see it as sexual myself..even though I know others do). I am just saying I think that particular video is misleading. 

  • Love 8

Frankie is one special guy. Me must make Ariana and mama Grande so proud.

Well from a couple of tweets I saw in the Frankie thread made by his mother and sister I think the Grandes are nasty pieces of work. Also, how come Frankie can let that hideous go dark but Donny can't shave his beard? Is it bc Frankie is a "Grande"?

I think in part Derrick recognizes that Victoria has a major crush, in part he's attracted to her on some level, in part he's encouraging her feelings to help his game, and in part these folks must get really lonely and bored, and start craving human contact. They have spent two months with only a few people, no books, no TV, no internet (!!), no music, nothing. They just have each other, and they have to fill 24 hours a day. I can understand how, even with the constant cameras, relationships get a little weird.

Like WiCkedWitCh above, my impression was that the video was not all that inflamitory for either Derrick or Victoria. Derrick seems like the kind of "safe" guy that feels protective and brotherly toward Victoria, and Victoria is being that little sister that is needy. I could see a few of my friends behaving in either role with no shenanigans intended.

What I found particularly intimate was Derrick moving his leg over to touch hers when they were lying on a bed. It was subtle but struck me as more intimate than some of the other clips.



After I posted that video, I re-watched it.  A couple of times.  Not proud of it, but there it is.  And this is the thing that stuck out to me the most too.  Most often, the borderline touching was instigated by Victoria, and Derrick was more passive in it, but that scene, of him moving his leg like he just needed to be touching her, seemed really..questionable.  


And to be clear - I wasn't saying that I think they're just friends.  I actually *do* think they are at least pushing up against inappropriate, and *not* just friends - but I can understand how it happens in that environment.  Obviously, though, opinions can and do vary!


Soooo curious to see what they're building.  And it better not be some stupid set-up for the ice bucket challenge.  It better be something to save Donny!

Edited by Turtle

Say what you will about Derrick and Victoria, that is not appropriate behavior for a married man.  There are other people in the house to spend time with.  They don't need to get so close and intimate. She is horny and hot to get married and have children but this man is taken, move on.  Being in the BB house does not excuse any behavior that you want to express. She needs to grow up and he needs to remember his commitment to his wife and child.

  • Love 2

I think she really likes Derrick, and hasn't been told "no" many times in life, and I think it could spell disaster if she decides she really wants to spend more time with him.  I mean don't they do interviews and stuff as a group?  so would it be possible for Derrick and Victoria to meet up again?


Victoria is in the beginning stages of "Fatal Attraction" with Derrick.  She's extremely jealous of Christine, what's going to happen once she leaves the BB house and meets Derrick's wife??


From Jokers, 08/26/14 01:45 PM:


Vic "I literally feel like a third wheel when it's him and Christine. They're so weird together. I woke up after he got his camera. I heard Christine saying 'omg Derrick is still sleeping? I don't think he's been awake for any pictures since he was HOH' Why is she saying your name every two seconds? She's thinking about you all the damn time"

Derr "oh well, it is what it is right?"

Vic "if it's not Cody, it's you... not Caleb etc. Even when she's with Cody she says that"

Derr "I don't know, I'm just a popular guy. Can't have me all to yourself, Victoria. Wait til we get out of this house and it's a group text and I text you AND Christine"

Vic "don't you dare. That would ruin my day."

Derrick smiles and tells Victoria "I love it when you get jealous."

Derrick telling Victoria how her Amber impression was very provocative. "It was definitely PG-13" Vic thinks her dad is going to be very angry, but still believes Amber was actually like that.

Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbusaupdates&Number=22707258#ixzz3BYa3VUUS

Derrick and Victoria are exhibiting very inappropriate behavior.  Being a Navy wife I can tell you it is difficult to have a husband go on a tour of duty unaccompanied on a ship for six to eight months and land in various ports around the world with women more than willing to keep them comfortable. If you love your husband/wife it is doable.  Quit making excuses for them and expect maturity and commitment.

  • Love 2

Victoria is in the beginning stages of "Fatal Attraction" with Derrick.  She's extremely jealous of Christine, what's going to happen once she leaves the BB house and meets Derrick's wife??


From Jokers, 08/26/14 01:45 PM:


Vic "I literally feel like a third wheel when it's him and Christine. They're so weird together. I woke up after he got his camera. I heard Christine saying 'omg Derrick is still sleeping? I don't think he's been awake for any pictures since he was HOH' Why is she saying your name every two seconds? She's thinking about you all the damn time"

Derr "oh well, it is what it is right?"

Vic "if it's not Cody, it's you... not Caleb etc. Even when she's with Cody she says that"

Derr "I don't know, I'm just a popular guy. Can't have me all to yourself, Victoria. Wait til we get out of this house and it's a group text and I text you AND Christine"

Vic "don't you dare. That would ruin my day."

Derrick smiles and tells Victoria "I love it when you get jealous."

Derrick telling Victoria how her Amber impression was very provocative. "It was definitely PG-13" Vic thinks her dad is going to be very angry, but still believes Amber was actually like that.

Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbusaupdates&Number=22707258#ixzz3BYa3VUUS


Its those comments right there - and any other ones like them - that don't sit well with me.


I'm honestly kinda thinking that Derrick is so "lost in the game" that he doesn't quite see or realize what he's doing with Victoria, ie how it looks to his wife or the viewers.  His mentality is to win and do whatever it takes, at this point, so self-awareness might either not be all there or very skewed to ignore the worst parts of the happenings going on.


(I am not making excuses for Derrick's behavior.  Just offering a possibility for his actions with/towards Victoria)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

Does anyone think Nicole is buying what Derrick is selling?  I think she is. I hope she realizes she is in a loose-loose situation. She has a slightly better chance if she can get Derrick out because its clear he is holding the minions together without Derrick I think they will start going after each other.

Does anyone think Nicole is buying what Derrick is selling? I think she is. I hope she realizes she is in a loose-loose situation. She has a slightly better chance if she can get Derrick out because its clear he is holding the minions together without Derrick I think they will start going after each other.

I don't think she is. I think she knows he is full of crap.

  • Love 2
Derrick and Victoria are exhibiting very inappropriate behavior.  Being a Navy wife I can tell you it is difficult to have a husband go on a tour of duty unaccompanied on a ship for six to eight months and land in various ports around the world with women more than willing to keep them comfortable. If you love your husband/wife it is doable.  Quit making excuses for them and expect maturity and commitment.



Maturity? Victoria is only 22 years old and seems fairly sheltered in many respects. She may flirt a little but it is innocent.  And especially in a game like this, of course she will get jealous if he is close with others especially girls. If he gets close with Christine, who will Victoria have? No one. I know a few people who get jealous over their brother's/cousin's/close friend's new girlfriends or really anyone that takes attention away from the relationship that they have already formed. 


I said this before with Cody and Christine, and I will say it again with Victoria and Derrick. Cody is not married. Victoria is not married. It is neither of their responsibilities to be "loyal" to someone else's spouse. It is not like they are trying to have sex with these people and forcing themselves on them. Maybe in their lives at home they are touchy feel with all their friends and family and that is how they show affection. It is Christine and Derrick's responsibility to set the boundaries for physical contact since they are the ones in relationships. I also think Victoria is this way with Derrick because she feels safe with him. That he will not try to touch her or act inappropriate with her because he is married.  If Derrick were single I don't think she would be into him. At all. 



ETA: I forgot to add that in that tribute video, it was basically just a few conversations they had just spliced up into different parts and sprinkled throughout the video. And one scene wasn't even Derrick, it was Zach. 

Edited by WiCkedWitCh
  • Love 3

I don't feel  that sorry for her before she shut down her twitter she was retweeting people who said how their daughters want to marry a guy a like Derrick and How Derrick is a perfect husband and father. Clearly she does not really care about his behavior.

Edited by choclatechip45
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